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At what age does the baby's first movements occur? At what time does the fetus begin to move and push?

Are you pregnant and already interested in how many weeks the baby starts moving? Good news for you, he has been moving since he was ten weeks old! Yes, yes, the child shows his first activity at such a young age. But, of course, not a single lucky woman will be able to feel the movements due to the child’s still too tiny size. But don’t be upset, very soon you will establish your very first contact with the baby!

When the baby starts his first movements and it's all about how soon you will feel them

To better understand what is happening inside you during a condition such as pregnancy, consider the main milestones in the development of the motor system of the embryo, and later the fetus.

  1. Starting from about the tenth week, the baby develops nerve endings, the same ones that are responsible for movement. Even with all your desire, it is impossible to feel these movements, due to the fact that your baby simply does not reach the walls of the uterus, and most of it is occupied by amniotic fluid. Read all about the first trimester of pregnancy >>>
  2. The period from the eleventh to the fifteenth week of pregnancy is especially fertile. Here your child already has formed cerebral hemispheres and the cerebellum, which allow him to coordinate his actions and actively carry out movements.

You can see all these cute baby pirouettes on an ultrasound, which is usually prescribed from the twelfth week.

During this period of pregnancy, some young ladies can swear that they felt the first movements. But this is extremely unlikely, and impressionable people most likely mistake their own bowel movements for those long-awaited “butterflies in the stomach.” Yes, you yourself will remember how many times before pregnancy you felt certain movements, as if something was happening inside you, especially after eating.

The next trimester of pregnancy brings good news. More precisely, its second half. Important information about the second trimester of pregnancy >>>

  1. From the sixteenth to the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy, the vast majority of expectant mothers begin to feel the long-awaited touches and movements of the child. And here it’s worth mentioning that there is no specific generally accepted deadline; everything is very individual and depends on a variety of factors.

What influences the timing of the first movements?

  • That is, if you are an active woman who, despite such a special condition as pregnancy, continues to work a lot, then, most likely, you may simply not notice this movement of the child;

In this case, you just need to be distracted from everything more often, remember about your pregnancy and listen at least a little to yourself and your baby, in case he already wants to tell you something.

  • Also, for the period at which the baby begins to move, the mother’s weight, or more precisely, the fat layer on the tummy, is also important. It acts as a kind of buffer and simply dampens such weak movements. You will definitely feel everything, just a little later, when the baby gets a little stronger;
  • There is also a way to secure the placenta during pregnancy. If it is located on the anterior wall of the uterus, this may cause long-term insensitivity to when the baby begins to move;
  • And, of course, the number of babies you carry matters. When a baby begins to move during the first pregnancy is more or less clear. Experienced mothers, knowing exactly what to expect, will most likely feel their baby's movements a little earlier than the first time. Relevant: Little difference between children >>>

It's not just that though. The uterus, which has undergone pregnancy, is already a little stretched and, of course, not as elastic as the first time, so it is much easier to notice when the baby begins to move.

So, when does the baby start to move during the 2nd and subsequent pregnancies? Not everything is so clear here

Remember the employment factor? When this is not the first pregnancy, a woman already has a lot of worries. Against the backdrop of all these factors, the mother may be somewhat absent-minded and not notice the baby’s movements in the stomach.

Moreover, when this is not the first pregnancy, women take it more calmly and do not constantly monitor their baby, who is just getting ready to join the team of little ugly people.

Important! Despite all possible care and appropriate timing, have you still not felt anything? No baby moving? Don’t worry if your belly is growing, and during regular examinations the gynecologist records the fetal heartbeat, there is no reason to panic at this stage of pregnancy.

Everyone’s sensations are different, as are the epithets used to describe this phenomenon. But the most popular reviews are:

  1. Butterfly fluttering;
  2. Gentle stroking of the tummy from the inside;
  3. Movement of the fish;
  4. Tickling with a small feather;
  5. And finally, a simple and objectively light nudge.

As you may have noticed, they are all similar in one thing - tenderness. The child is still so tiny that he simply cannot disturb you much with his movements, although he is already moving with all his might.

And if you put aside poetry and romanticism, then, most likely, you will characterize this as simply a slightly more pronounced peristalsis of your own intestines. And they are really similar, but it’s worth observing a little and you will understand that a child, a small inhabitant of the tummy, is sending greetings to you. And only weeks later you will begin to feel, in addition to movements, arms and legs, and you will also wonder what exactly the baby pushed you with this time.

Important! Be sure to remember or write down the day of your pregnancy when you first felt your baby move.

This will be useful in consultation to calculate the preliminary due date. If you are a first-time mother, twenty weeks will be added to this day, and mothers expecting their second and third children will have more until the meeting - about twenty-two weeks.

Of course, the child’s movements alone are not the determining factor for calculating the maximum allowance. However, in combination with ultrasound, they can orient very accurately.

Further activity of the child

Having felt the first tremors and movements, get used to the fact that in this way the baby will constantly communicate with you. And from the twenty-fourth week of pregnancy to the thirty-second, the child will grow and become so strong that its movements will be very, very noticeable.

He still has enough space, a lot of energy, and the development of his brain allows him to tell you with the help of movements that, for example, something does not suit him. Perhaps you are lying uncomfortably for the child, or he doesn’t like some loud sounds, or maybe someone’s voice.

These weeks will be the most active during the entire pregnancy period. And starting from thirty-two, all the child’s movements sharply decline. But this should not concern you. The fact is that now he simply does not have enough space and therefore it becomes more and more difficult to move. Important information about this in the article: 32 weeks of pregnancy: movements >>>

By this stage of pregnancy, women, having become accustomed to the baby’s movements, begin to slowly get tired of them. There is less and less space in the uterus and every movement of the baby is clearly felt. Many mothers at this stage of pregnancy complain that it even interferes with their sleep. But, most likely, the whole point is that during the day there are a lot of things to do and activities that distract from these sensations, and when night comes and you want to rest, the child’s movements are more noticeable.

In addition, the baby himself can express his dissatisfaction in this way. For example, by moving he can signal that he did not like the fact that you stopped rocking him, as happens when walking or lying on his back, and pinched the large vessels that are responsible for the delivery of oxygen to the inhabitant of your tummy. Usually, as pregnancy progresses, your rhythms will begin to coincide, and you will no longer bother each other unnecessarily.

Child's routine

Surely you, as an observant expectant mother, have already noticed that your baby does not move all the time. Even during your pregnancy, the baby has its own periods of rest and wakefulness. The first ones usually last about an hour, but the second ones are half as long.

By the way, the periods of sleep and wakefulness of your baby during pregnancy will need to be taken into account when undergoing such an important procedure during pregnancy as CTG. It must occur during movements, otherwise the study will be long and the results questionable.

  • Therefore, before starting it, be sure to listen to your tummy and if you understand that the baby is sleeping, then it is better to wait a little;
  • Or eat something sweet, the influx of glucose will wake up the baby and gently spur him to action;

How else can you get your baby to move in your stomach?

  • You can talk to him kindly, call him, this often also works, because even then, during pregnancy, the baby understands more than we think.

Be prepared that a CTG session lasts about thirty to forty minutes, which you will have to spend lying in one position with the sensors attached. You can ask your baby to move more actively, making a large number of movements, then this “execution” during pregnancy will end a little faster.

And now about the most important thing

There are two types of hypoxia:

  1. Acute, it is very serious for the course of pregnancy and requires urgent intervention;
  2. Chronic, it is less dangerous, but in this case you should not hesitate either.

Keep in mind that the presence of hypoxia during pregnancy can be indicated either by a lack of physical activity or, conversely, by excessively sharp, pounding jolts and movements of the baby.

Pregnancy is the happiest time for every woman. But full awareness of the miracle comes with the first timid, barely noticeable movement of the tiny creature.

This moment is especially significant for those who are preparing to become mothers for the first time. The baby's first movements occur at seven to eight weeks. But you can feel them closer to the second half of pregnancy.

Slender, thin women feel the tremors a little earlier and more clearly. Full later, due to their physiology. But the difference is insignificant - no more than ten days.

First movements during pregnancy

The first movements during the first pregnancy

  • During the first pregnancy, a woman clearly hears the baby's kicks, starting from the twentieth week. For some, this happens a week earlier or later.
  • This is no longer a chaotic movement, but a completely conscious one, no matter how surprising it may be.
  • It is during this period that the vestibular apparatus begins to form in the fetus. The baby bends his arms and legs, tumbles, and looks for a comfortable position for sleeping.
  • There is enough space around it to float freely in the amniotic fluid, because the baby’s size is still small, from 20 to 25 centimeters.

This is what a baby looks like at 20 weeks pregnant

First movements during second pregnancy

  • During the second pregnancy, the walls of the uterus are more stretched and sensitive, so the woman feels the movement of the baby at 18-19 weeks, or even earlier.
  • In addition, the expectant mother is already experienced and knows well how to evaluate the floating “fish” in her stomach. This is exactly how almost all pregnant women describe the first movement.
  • The intestines will no longer be able to mislead the woman; she will not confuse the baby’s first kicks with anything.

Second pregnancy
  • During the second pregnancy, the belly begins to grow earlier, because the abdominal muscles are not so elastic and elastic. It is located slightly lower and can put pressure on the bladder.
  • The positive thing is that the position of the fetus does not impede breathing, and this allows you to fully rest. But fatigue may be worse.
  • Due to pressure on the pelvis, aching pain appears in the lower back, which means you need gymnastics and walks.

Gymnastics for pregnant women

Third pregnancy: fetal movements

Even earlier, the first movements of the baby during the third pregnancy are noticeable. Already at 15-16 weeks, a woman is sure that the “fluttering of butterflies” in her body is nothing more than the first greeting from her baby.

The back muscles take on the main load, try to organize for yourself the most gentle regime:

  • Try to rest in the afternoon
  • Don't lift heavy objects
  • Do not stand for more than 15 minutes, change your body position often, lean on something stable
  • Sleep on your side with your knees slightly bent

Adequate rest during pregnancy
  • Each organism is individual, so you should not rely too much on specific dates. These are average statistical data, and errors are quite acceptable.
  • It is possible that your third baby is calmer or lazy, so his movements will begin to be felt a couple of weeks later. The location of the placenta may also affect it.
  • Previously, movement is observed by those women whose placenta is closer to the anterior wall of the uterus.

At what week of pregnancy should women begin to move?

Whatever the pregnancy, movement should be heard no later than 22-23 weeks. During this period, the child not only swims, he can stretch and even hiccup.

There is no need to be scared; experts consider this phenomenon to be quite normal. This manifests itself as fetal shuddering at regular intervals.

Baby at 20 weeks of pregnancy

It is also necessary to take into account that even in the womb, children are different in activity. After all, their nervous system is already forming, and at this time it is at a fairly high level.

But this does not mean that the mother should not react to weak movements or too long breaks in the pushes. A day for this period is not a reason to worry, but if it is more, you need to conduct an examination. The child may not be getting enough oxygen.

Excessive fetal movement during pregnancy: reasons

  • Oddly enough, doctors also associate excessive fetal movement with oxygen starvation. This is partly true, it wouldn’t hurt to get checked again, but many consider excessive activity to be the norm.
  • The baby is strong, gets all the nutrients in abundance, that’s why he plays pranks. In any case, all experts agree that active movement is better than weak movement.
  • The expectant mother also needs to pay attention to her diet. Coffee, chocolate, strong tea can have a stimulating effect on a child.
  • You do not need to give up these products, but you need to consume them in very limited quantities.
Drinking coffee during pregnancy

If excessive activity is caused by stimulants due to poor nutrition, this can cause future problems with the baby’s nervous system.

Alcohol should generally become taboo for a pregnant woman if she wants to give birth to a healthy child.

Movements during pregnancy: sensations

The main thing that a pregnant woman feels when her baby moves for the first time is incomparable delight. Probably at this moment the maternal instinct is born.

Baby's first movements
  • The onset of movement is so weak that it can only be experienced at complete rest. The feeling is as if something is fluttering or shimmering inside.
  • A month later, the tremors become more pronounced. The baby is developing, growing and getting stronger. At the moment of repulsion from the walls of the uterus, its movement can be felt even with the palm of your hand. The fruit is still small and floats in a large space for itself, so its movement appears in different places.
  • When a woman walks or does something, the child most often sleeps, lulled by the measured movement of his “cradle.” But as soon as the mother lies down, the baby wakes up and begins to push.
  • In the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby reacts to the mother’s voice and mood. He hears music and can behave more actively if the sounds are not pleasant to him, or vice versa - the tiny esthete gets pleasure.

Baby listening to music
  • The baby develops a certain routine. Mom knows when he sleeps and what position is most comfortable for the child. If something is wrong, he will let you know with a push.
  • The movements take on the character of communication, the woman understands how the little child is feeling, whether he has enough oxygen, whether the baby is comfortable.
  • And it’s difficult to call the baby’s activity at this stage a movement, it’s more like kicking, but so pleasant.
  • When turning over, the stomach changes shape and can roll over to the left or right. And it happens that the butt or leg protrudes.
  • Closer to birth, the baby takes a certain position and no longer tumbles as actively as before. It’s good if the baby is positioned head down, this will make childbirth easier.
  • If there is pelvic diligence, a caesarean section may be recommended, since natural delivery will be difficult for both mother and baby.
  • An ultrasound will determine the exact position, but the woman herself can do this. When head-down, the legs will be on top, and with them he pushes most actively. Mom will definitely feel it.
Correct positioning of the fetus before birth

Movement during pregnancy is normal:
When does a baby start to beat?

  • Week 20 - this is the period you need to focus on. But if another week or two has passed and no movements are felt, you need to sound the alarm. Even a plump woman during her first pregnancy should hear the baby’s slight movements.
  • Up to 26 weeks, the nature of the tremors is so unstable that the break between them can be from several hours to a day. If more, then you need to do CHT in the clinic.
  • Starting from week 28, the baby is active up to 10 times in 3 hours.

To control the number of movements, you can make a graph like the one in the picture below:

In the proposed version, the countdown starts from 31 weeks, but you can do this from an earlier period. Enter the number of pushes into the cells and compare your indicators with those that should be at a certain time.

This will allow you to observe your activity graph at home. If movements occur less frequently than normal, then the child is suffering from a lack of oxygen.

17 - 18 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • At this stage, the baby begins to give the first signals to his mother. They are weak, barely noticeable. The baby is tiny, up to 13 centimeters, and this allows him to move freely in his mother’s tummy.
  • The eyes are still closed, but they are already responding to light. And on the fingers appeared those lines that make each person unique.
  • The most active children can make themselves felt from several times an hour to complete rest during the day. Both at 17-18 weeks are considered normal.

19 – 21 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • The child has grown significantly - up to 26 centimeters. His brain is actively developing, his movements become more conscious.
  • The internal organs are almost developed, but they cannot yet function outside the mother’s body. The movements have a certain frequency, because the baby sleeps a lot - up to 18 hours a day, which means at this time he is almost inaudible.
  • The norm of movements is up to 4 times per hour. The nature of the tremors is still weak.

22 – 24 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

By this time, the child weighs up to 500 grams with a height of 30 centimeters. He becomes a little cramped, which means mom hears stronger tremors.

The face acquires the features it will have at birth. In a successful ultrasound picture, you can see the appearance of your son or daughter.

Ultrasound images

The tummy is noticeably increasing, a woman needs to think about looser clothes. By evening your legs get tired, your shoes should be comfortable and have low heels.

This is the most active period of movement, the child sleeps less and moves more - up to 15 times within an hour. Each baby's sleep time is different - from 3 to 5 hours.

27 - 29 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • The child weighs almost one and a half kilograms, and his height is 40 centimeters. The eyes are open, but in bright light the baby closes them.
  • The skin becomes smoother, and the first fat accumulates under it. Body weight is growing rapidly, and will at least double before birth. With normal development, he pushes strongly and often, even when sleeping.
  • The frequency is the same, but the character is more intense. At this stage, the baby is most often in pelvic position, but soon he will turn head down.

38 - 39 weeks of pregnancy - movements: sensations, normal

  • At this stage, the baby is completely ready for the long-awaited birth. All its organs are developed, the necessary enzymes for processing food are formed in the ventricle.
  • The child distinguishes the movements that occur around him. Movements are only in the form of pushing by various parts of the small body. Although not so small - height up to 52 centimeters, and weight more than 3 kilograms.
  • She will no longer be able to turn over; the size of her uterus does not allow it. Mom needs to monitor her feelings - warning signs of contractions may appear.

9 months - giving birth soon

Such an important stage of life is behind us, but so short! Pregnancy brings so many emotions and joyful moments. The movement of a baby is the most significant and unforgettable feeling for every woman.

And it doesn’t matter what the birth is - the first, second or fifth, the first tremors cannot be compared with anything, much less described. It is nature itself, so wise and generous, that has given us the opportunity to feel the development of a new life.

Video: Baby moves in the stomach


Many people compare the baby's first movements to the flapping of a butterfly's wings or the splashing of a small fish. However, gentle touches can easily be confused with the movement of gases inside the intestines, and only when child begins to kick noticeably, there is no doubt left.

At first, the baby's movements will be unnoticeable, but soon his activity increases. The most active and noticeable fetal movements are observed between 24 and 32 weeks of pregnancy. During this period, the expectant mother feels the baby’s movements almost constantly, and their frequency indicates the physical and mental state of the baby.

After 32 weeks, movements become less active. The baby increases in size, it becomes cramped in the uterus, active movements become impossible. At the end of the third trimester of pregnancy, the baby's motor activity noticeably decreases, but does not disappear. If a woman does not feel the baby’s movements for a long time, it is necessary to visit a doctor.

Tip 9: At what month of pregnancy does the baby begin to move?

Some women during pregnancy are very worried because the baby in the stomach is not yet moving. However, such actions of the child do not begin from the very beginning of pregnancy, but only several months later.

Baby's first movements

The baby's very first movements in the uterus occur quite early. But the mother does not feel them, since the size of the baby is very small, and the child moves freely in the amniotic fluid, practically without touching the walls of the uterus. The baby's first movements appear from the tenth week, when the fetus begins to be in sufficient contact with the sensitive walls of the uterus.

The expectant mother remembers the first tangible movements of the baby for a long time. After all, based on this particular date, the gynecologist calculates the most accurate date of birth.

In the case of a woman giving birth for the first time, the doctor adds 20 weeks to this date, and for those who have given birth not for the first time, 19 weeks.

Typically, a woman begins to feel movement at 20 weeks with and at approximately 18 weeks with repeat. There are cases when women begin to feel fetal movements much earlier, but this is either a deceptive sensation or the timing of pregnancy is incorrect.

The woman’s first movements are described as the floundering of a fish or the flapping of the wings of a butterfly.

The longer the period, the more clear the sensations become and are easily recognized. Towards the end of the second trimester, kicks become more noticeable to the mother through the abdominal wall. Closer to childbirth, the movements subside. The decrease in fetal activity is associated with its close location in the uterus.

Correct activity

The child's activity helps to awaken the first maternal feelings; from a psychological point of view, this is very pleasant, especially when the child. According to doctors, the frequency and nature of the fetus should be carefully monitored. Normally, a child should move at least 10 times a day (a series of pushes). The rest of the time the baby sleeps peacefully.

If the fetus kicks very often, this may be hypoxia (lack of oxygen). If the baby moves frequently and actively, it is better for the mother to go out into the fresh air or ventilate the room. The most dangerous time is when the movements become less than 10 per day, or they are not felt at all. In this case, you need to immediately call an ambulance, or go to the doctor yourself. Always remember when it starts in the morning and count, focusing on this time, so as not to overlook a possible pathology. Just without fanaticism.

There are other reasons for active fetal movements when the mother’s body is in an uncomfortable position. By the way, this can be very dangerous, since in this position the vena cava is compressed, and the child experiences oxygen starvation.

Childbirth, is - calculation based on the beginning (first day) of the last. To determine this, you need to add a week (7 days) to the date of your last period and subtract exactly three months from the month of your last period. Let’s say if your last menstruation was on January 31, then if it occurs in February, then your long-awaited baby will be born on November 6 of this year. However, this is an approximate birthday, and this method is not always accurate.

Another method that can help determine this is to add 40 weeks or 280 days to the first day of the last menstruation - you will get the period when the baby is fully formed and full-term. In other words, you are ready for childbirth. However, here, too, our own laws of nature apply, and a direct line can be traced to the duration of your menstrual period. Then you will have to either add or subtract the difference in days if your cycle is not 28 days. And we need to get exactly to 28 days if your cycle is shorter, or remove it if it is longer.

In cases where the day - date of the start of the last menstruation is forgotten, it is possible to determine the date of birth of the child at an appointment with your doctor, who will examine you in a chair and determine the date of your birth based on the height of the bottom, its size and other signs. An experienced gynecologist will easily tell you how the child is developing and when you can expect him to be born.

Another approximate guideline for determining the baby's age is the time when the expectant mother first realizes that her baby is pushing and moving. This usually occurs at 20 weeks during the first pregnancy and at 18 during the second and subsequent ones. But this method is not so accurate, since the sensitivity of the expectant mother is influenced by many factors, and she may feel the baby moving a little later or earlier than 20 weeks.

But the most accurate method for determining the date of birth of a child has recently been and remains ultrasound. The first ultrasound, if there are no medical contraindications, is prescribed at the 12th week of pregnancy and the size of the ovum will confirm the duration of your pregnancy

The main thing is not to forget that you do not calculate and what day you choose for the birth of the baby, he will appear when the time comes for him to be born. Even if it's 38 weeks or 42.

Baby movements: normal

It is recommended to track the baby's frequency from 28-30 weeks of pregnancy. Fetal movements include not only kicking, but also rolling and light pushes. The baby may be active for a long time, or may calm down for several hours, but at least ten episodes of movements per day are considered the norm.

The child moves little: reasons

A woman may notice that the baby has become smaller in her stomach. This is especially true for mid-pregnancy, when movements are not always felt equally strongly. The baby may move less when the mother is active. When walking, its smooth movements produce a rocking effect and lull the child to sleep. The baby usually calms down two to three weeks before giving birth, this is due to the fact that there is practically no room left for him to move, he is storing strength.

What to do if the child doesn’t move much?

Scientists believe that the fetus begins to move more often when it lacks oxygen. However, a sign of severe hypoxia is lack of movement for a long time. If after 28 weeks the baby moves little or does not make itself felt for 12 hours, you should immediately consult a doctor.
The specialist should not just listen to the heart with a stethoscope, but conduct cardiotocography (CTG). During this procedure, the fetal heartbeat is recorded for half an hour. The heart rate should vary on average from 120 to a minute depending on the baby's activity level, increasing during movement. Monotonous heartbeats and a less frequent heartbeat may be a sign of severe hypoxia and require immediate delivery.


  • pregnancy baby doesn't move much

Pregnancy time is one of the brightest and happiest times for every representative of the fair sex. But every expectant mother at the beginning of pregnancy is faced with many questions, for answers to which she turns to specialists. One of these important questions is: at what week does the baby move in the stomach? When should you expect your baby to notice noticeable movements?

Starting from 8-9 weeks, the fetus is already moving in the amniotic fluid. But so far the woman does not feel these movements. Why is this happening? The answer is simple. The baby's movements are not felt by the mother, since the size of the fetus is still too small. An ultrasound examination can show how the baby touches the walls of the uterus with its limbs. At what week does the baby move so that a woman can feel it? As a rule, a woman can detect the first movements at 20 weeks of pregnancy. But it happens that this happens earlier or later by 3-4 weeks. The norm for feeling the baby’s movements is the time period from 16 to 24 weeks.

The time at which a woman begins to feel the baby’s movements may depend on several factors.:

  • The baby's weight and position in the womb. The movements of a large child are felt by the mother earlier than if the child had a small body weight.
  • The subcutaneous fat layer of a pregnant woman, and in particular its thickness. Overweight mothers feel fetal movements later than slender ones.
  • Sensitivity of nerve endings. The sensitivity threshold is different for every woman. It happens that some women feel those same tremors at 8-9 weeks. But such high sensitivity is rare.
  • Active bowel function, which may be confused with the baby's movements.
  • During the first pregnancy, movements are noticed 2-3 weeks later than when the baby began to move earlier in the second and subsequent pregnancies.

How should a baby move during pregnancy?

So, we found out when the baby starts to move. Typically, this occurs at 8-9 weeks of pregnancy. At this time, muscle bundles are formed and the development of nerve endings begins. The nervous system is not yet fully functioning, so the baby may move convulsively, frequently and chaotically. The embryo is so small that its movements are not noticeable to the woman. In addition, it is surrounded by amniotic fluid, in which it moves without reaching the walls of the uterus itself.

Closer to 11-15 weeks, the cerebellum and cerebral hemispheres are formed, so the baby’s movements become stronger and more coordinated, the child can purposefully move his limbs and even put a finger in his mouth. But the mother still cannot notice the fact that the baby has begun to move, since she does not feel it. It happens that women, when answering the question - at what week does the baby move, answer that they feel tremors at 13-14 weeks. Doctors are skeptical about such statements. In the first trimester of pregnancy, expectant mothers may claim that the baby is moving in the lower abdomen, however, they confuse the movements of their intestines with the movements of the embryo.

At what week does the baby move?

As a rule, the baby begins to move between 16 and 24 weeks of pregnancy. Knowing the period at which week the baby began to move, you can find out the PDA (approximate date of birth). When counting women giving birth for the first time, 20 weeks are added to the date of the first movements of the child, and 22 weeks are added to those giving birth again. Taking into account the ultrasound result and the date of the last menstruation, it is possible to almost accurately calculate the duration of pregnancy.

After the first sensations, when you feel the baby moving, his activity will increase every day. During which week the baby moves most actively is in the period from 24 to 32 weeks. By the 24th week, the baby in the womb already has its own rest and wakefulness routine. As a rule, about 20 hours a day are allotted for sleep, the rest of the time he is active.

It has been noticed that the period of wakefulness of mother and baby does not coincide; the most active movements occur at the time when the expectant mother is about to rest. Perhaps this happens because when the expectant mother actively performs any activities while she is awake, it rocks the baby inside her. And at night, when the woman goes to bed, the child is at the peak of its activity. In addition, the woman’s emotional state directly influences the baby’s movement activity. For example, if a woman is upset about something, the baby may freeze, rarely move, or, conversely, begin to move too actively and painfully.

By the 32nd week of pregnancy, there is not so much space in the uterus, so the baby, being in close quarters, begins to push the woman more painfully from the inside. The baby may begin to move less often and less, but much more painfully. During this period, a woman should stop sleeping lying on her back and try to spend as much time as possible in the fresh air. You just need to endure this period.

It becomes clear that motor activity changes based on such factors:

  • Change of time of day– the child is more active in the evening and at night.
  • Psychological state of a pregnant woman. During a stressful situation, the activity of the baby’s movements decreases or, conversely, increases.
  • Nutrition for the expectant mother– when a woman is hungry, the baby is also hungry, so activity increases with the onset of hunger.
  • Physical exercise– the child’s wakefulness occurs during the woman’s rest period.
  • Ambient sounds. A child may respond to loud sounds by increasing motor activity, but in some cases the baby temporarily stops moving.
  • Finding a pregnant woman in an uncomfortable position for a long time entails active painful tremors from the child.

Is it important to feel fetal kicks during pregnancy? For every woman, the day and week on which the baby moves for the first time becomes a very memorable date. This day is also important for the doctor managing the pregnancy. The date of the first tremors is entered into the pregnant woman’s medical record. If the baby stops moving for some time, the doctor prescribes additional examinations.

If the baby stops moving in the second half of pregnancy, then there is a risk that the baby may be suffering from hypoxia (he lacks oxygen) or his development has stopped altogether. If there are no movements for 6 hours or more, you should immediately consult a doctor. If the appointment at the antenatal clinic is already over at this time, then you need to call an ambulance. It happens that the reason for the cessation of movements is the fading of pregnancy.

What sensations does a woman experience at the first movements of the baby?

How can an expectant mother feel when the baby moves for the first time? How do you understand that these are the first, long-awaited tremors? How not to confuse them with intestinal activity? It is difficult to answer all these questions unambiguously, because the characteristics of sensations depend on the individual structure of each organism. Therefore, the question of what the very first tremors are like can be answered in different ways.

Some women compare these sensations to light stroking from the inside, others note the presence of weak tremors, reminiscent of a fish swimming in an aquarium and the flapping of the wings of a butterfly trying to break through the glass.

Some people define movements as tickling, trembling, gurgling, tapping from the inside or light clicks. Some women notice painful sensations when the baby moves.

Many women are interested in what week the baby moves and in what area of ​​the abdomen the sensation of movement may first appear. Since the baby has not yet taken a certain position inside the uterus, kicks may be noted in different parts of the abdomen. The baby takes a permanent position by the 30th week and, therefore, he will only move in a certain place. More often, the baby takes a position in the uterus upside down (cephalic presentation). But it happens that the baby is placed in the mother’s stomach with its legs down (breech presentation). With a pelvic position, the expectant mother feels that the baby is moving in the lower abdomen; with a cephalic position, on the contrary, it is pushing in the upper sections.

Movements during first pregnancy

At what week does the baby move during the first pregnancy? As a rule, this happens at 20 weeks. If a woman has a slim figure, then she can feel the tremors 1-2 weeks earlier.

Movements during second pregnancy

Women who find themselves pregnant for the second time know what kind of sensations to expect, but they do not know at what week the baby moves during the second pregnancy. The muscles of the uterus in multiparous women are stretched, so it is possible to feel the movements of the baby a little earlier than it was during the first pregnancy. The second baby can make itself felt as early as 18 weeks of pregnancy.

Baby movements during third pregnancy

How does the process of detecting baby movements differ during the third and subsequent pregnancies? The developmental characteristics of children do not depend on the number of pregnancies. They are distinguished only by the stretched tissue of the uterus with each birth, and its sensitivity also changes. Women who have given birth more than twice feel more confident and monitor changes in their condition more closely.

Fetal hypoxia. Symptoms and methods for determining hypoxia

Increased activity of the child or excessive lethargy indicate a possible lack of oxygen, which leads to oxygen starvation of the fetus.

The causes of hypoxia may be:

  • the mother has a disease such as diabetes;
  • embryonic developmental defects;
  • cardiovascular diseases.

Cardiotocography or ultrasound is used to diagnose hypoxia. Cardiotocography examines the fetal heartbeat by measuring the baby's heart rhythms over an hour. Normally, the rhythm should be from 120 to 160 beats per minute. If the number of heart beats is close to 90, then this indicates a severe form of hypoxia. If hypoxia develops at 30 weeks or more, delivery by cesarean section is prescribed.

A pregnant woman can notice such developmental disorders herself using a special “count to 10” technique. Starting from the 28th week of pregnancy, from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m., it is necessary to count how many times the baby moves during this time. Every tenth movement is recorded on the card. If the child moves little, then help and consultation with a doctor is necessary.

If the baby is quiet, then this is not a reason to panic; perhaps this is a temporary lull.

Methods. how to make it move:

  • Lie on your back and don't move. Usually, within 5 minutes the baby begins to move.
  • Spend lying on your side for 15 minutes. This position is not comfortable for the child, so he will want to change his position.
  • Lying on your back, talk to your baby, tell him something or sing a song. This method will not only help activate kicks, but will also help establish contact between mother and baby.
  • Walk up and down the stairs.
  • Take a shower, preferably a contrast shower.

If there are no movements for more than 12 hours, you should contact your doctor.

For every expectant mother, the day when she felt the first hesitant tremors of her baby is a big, significant event. It is the movements that make it possible to fully feel that a living person is developing inside her body. Now you know at what week the baby moves and how this happens during the first, second and subsequent pregnancies. With the help of pushes, the baby communicates with his mother. Very soon the baby will respond to your voice with its movements. If you have the slightest doubt about rare or too active movements, it is better to consult a doctor. Remember that every pregnancy is individual; even for one woman, the two gestation processes will be significantly different.

Have an easy pregnancy and successful birth!

The question of when you can feel the first fetal movement during your second pregnancy is actively discussed on forums and asked to obstetricians-gynecologists during routine examinations. . There are so many different opinions and speculations on this matter that even the most sober-minded pregnant woman begins to get confused, doubt and worry. And this does not benefit either her or her baby.

So, many are sure that when the onset must necessarily be recorded much earlier than when. And if this does not happen, it means that something is going wrong: the child is not moving because he is lagging behind in development, etc. Of course, it’s time to panic from such thoughts... In this article we will try to dot all the i’s.

The answer to the question about , at how many weeks the second baby begins to move will surprise many. Exactly the same time as the first one. This happens approximately 8 or 9 weeks from the moment of conception.

The time at which the first movements begin does not depend on the type of pregnancy. But the baby’s early movements are not felt by the mother. The baby is still too small and does not even touch the walls of the uterus. Therefore, there cannot be shocks, and movements can only really be recorded at .

But during the second pregnancy, fetal movements begin to be felt when the baby is already large enough: he periodically squeezes his fingers and pulls the umbilical cord. And women who have already given birth once actually often detect tremors several weeks earlier. If during the first pregnancy the baby’s movement begins to be felt approximately in the middle of the term, then with the second the mother can feel the baby by the end of the fourth month. In any case, the norm, no matter what kind of child we are talking about, is considered to be the beginning of movement in the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Reasons for earlier sensations during the second pregnancy

Thus, the length of time between when fetal movements begin during the second pregnancy and when the mother feels them may be less than when carrying the first child. Sometimes the difference is a week, and sometimes a month. The explanation is simple: experience!

When a child begins to move, it is very similar to the sensations during intestinal peristalsis. Primiparous women simply take the baby's timid kicks as signals from the digestive system. Only towards the middle of the term the baby’s movements become so active that the expectant mother understands: this is it.

When the baby begins to move during the second pregnancy, it is easier for a woman who has already experienced all this once to understand where the peristalsis is and where the tremors are. That’s why she often records the baby’s first movements earlier. But this is not at all necessary. Sometimes sensations appear at the same time, and sometimes later. Indeed, in addition to the order of pregnancy, there are other factors that influence the ability to feel the kicks.

Why does it feel different?

The timing of recording the first fetal movements during the second pregnancy (as, indeed, during any pregnancy) depends on many factors. Not all expectant mothers, even those with experience, know about this.

The period of occurrence of noticeable movements is influenced by:

  1. Mother's weight. The larger it is, the later the woman can feel the tremors. The fat layer on the abdomen does not allow the pregnant woman to feel the still rather weak activity of the baby.
  2. Fetal weight and height. The larger the child, the sooner he will begin to make himself known.
  3. A woman's sensitivity threshold. If it is too high, then the mother will feel the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy earlier, and if it is too low, then this event will happen closer to the middle of the term.
  4. Amount of water The more there are, the later the baby will make itself known.

In addition to these four main reasons, the baby’s temperament and the lifestyle of his mother and her also play a role. In any case, it should be remembered that the timing of the baby’s movements during the second pregnancy does not necessarily have to occur earlier than during the first.

Yes, this happens often, but not always. If the baby does not make itself known even halfway through the term, there is no reason to worry. After all, the norm for the first movements of the fetus during the second pregnancy is considered to be the period from 16 to 24 weeks.

Motor activity of the child and sensations of the mother

It is important for expectant mothers to know how and at what weeks the second child should move. It has already been said that its first movements begin at 2 months, but the pregnant woman does not feel them. Closer to the middle of the term, weak signals are already being recorded. They are barely noticeable and look like fermentation in the intestines.

From the 7th month, the baby learns to breathe and swallows amniotic fluid, which causes hiccups. Mom feels it as fairly strong, rhythmic tremors. During this period, the baby’s activity peaks. Further movements will not be as frequent, but more noticeable.

Ways to count movements

In order not to miss possible complications, the expectant mother must constantly monitor the baby’s movements: during the second pregnancy, the first or the third, it doesn’t matter. There are several ways to count your baby's movements.

Here are the main methods:

  1. Pearson technology. From 9 am to 9 pm, movements are counted daily and every 10th is recorded on paper. Abrupt schedule disruptions should cause concern.
  2. Cardiff method. For 12 hours, at any convenient time, the pregnant woman records movements, indicating the interval between every tenth in a special table.
  3. Sadowski's method. You need to start counting at 7 pm, lying on your left side. There should be 10 or more movements within an hour. If there are fewer of them and they do not become more frequent, you should contact your doctor.

All of the above methods can be used starting from about 28 weeks, when movements during the second pregnancy are already clearly felt. At earlier stages, these methods are ineffective. The child's movements are still too timid and chaotic.

Child's behavior before birth

Many pregnant women begin to panic when they notice that at the very end of the term the baby has practically stopped moving. In fact, this is normal and suggests that it will begin any day now. The baby is preparing for birth and, freezing, saves energy. In addition, he is already very cramped in the uterus. But we are not talking about complete silence. The movements, although rare, should be felt.

But sometimes, on the contrary, just before contractions the baby begins unprecedented motor activity. This is also a normal option . When the baby during the second pregnancy began to move very much the day before, perhaps he is trying to take the most convenient position for birth.

The movements suddenly disappeared: causes and actions

Sometimes movements suddenly disappear even at earlier stages. The duration of silence is very important here. Normally, each series of active movements is replaced by rest. At this time the child is sleeping. If he hasn’t moved after three hours of calm, you need to be wary. If movements are not felt for more than 12 hours, it’s time to sound the alarm.

A long absence of movement can be explained by various reasons. And in most cases everything ends well. But it’s better to be safe once again. After all, the reason for the disappearance of tremors can be

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