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We begin to introduce the first complementary foods to the baby. When to start feeding your baby regular food

By 4–6 months, the baby’s need for additional energy, vitamins and minerals increases. Since breast milk or its artificial substitute do not fully satisfy the baby’s requirements at this age, it is necessary to provide the child with additional nutrition to increase the caloric content of the diet. The first courses of complementary feeding for a child are vegetable purees and cereals. In addition, they accustom the baby to accept denser foods and develop chewing. These complementary foods are designed to replace breastfeeding. Therefore they belong to replacement feeding.

When to start complementary feeding?

Why was the interval from 4 to 6 months taken for the introduction of the first complementary foods? This is due to the fact that before this age the child’s body is not physiologically prepared to accept new dense foods. And it is undesirable to start later than six months; the child may have problems adapting to food with a denser consistency than milk. Therefore, according to most experts in the field of baby nutrition, first feeding should be administered between 4 and 6 months of life. However, it should be remembered that the timing of the introduction of complementary foods varies from person to person. When artificial feeding, you can start complementary feeding with 4 - 5 months , with breastfeeding - with 5 - 6 months .

When to start complementary feeding?

The choice, firstly, depends on the condition baby at the time of introducing new food. If child is underweight or has unstable stools, it is better to start with cereals. Conversely, if you are overweight and prone to constipation, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods with vegetable puree. If your baby is free of such troubles and is absolutely healthy, then the advice of pediatricians and nutritionists currently boils down to starting complementary feeding with vegetable puree.

Why? Many mothers may argue that introducing vegetable puree first is quite difficult. It is not easy for a child to go from the sweet taste of breast milk or substitute to a completely unsweetened vegetable. And here you should be patient. You should offer a new dish not just once, but at least 10–12 times, and only after the baby stubbornly refuses it, move on to another type of vegetable. After child parents, as a rule, switch to porridge, making a big mistake! There is a high probability that the baby will not want to eat vegetables at all after introducing sweet porridge. Another mistake mothers make is when they additionally sweeten industrially produced cereals.

It should be taken into account that child He is just getting used to new tastes, and his future eating habits depend on how correctly he is taught to eat in the family. As a result, the habit of sweet foods can lead to obesity and related diseases. So, let's introduce vegetables. It is better to start with products such as zucchini, all types of cabbage, potatoes, they are least likely to cause allergies. Later you can try carrots, beets and tomatoes. The modern baby industry offers a wide range of different types of purees. According to the degree of grinding they are divided into homogenized, which are offered to children from 4.5 months, pureed for children 6–9 months and coarsely ground(9–12 months). Canned vegetables for children are prepared with a small amount of salt, and some manufacturers leave the taste of vegetables natural without adding salt at all.

It should be remembered that when buying ready-made food, you should not add additional salt or vegetable oil. Foreign manufacturers, trying to improve the taste of their products, use legumes (beans, peas, etc.), tomatoes and tomato paste, onions, garlic, and spices (in particular, pepper) when making vegetable purees. In this case, they recommend introducing them from 5–6 months. This does not comply with the prescriptions of domestic pediatricians and nutritionists.

Such purees should not be given as complementary foods babies aged 4–6 months, since tomatoes, which are among the vegetables that especially often cause allergies in children, can be introduced into the diet no earlier than six months. Tomato paste containing salt is best administered with 6–7 months . Legumes, which contain a high level of plant fibers and special types of sugars that can cause irritation of the intestinal mucosa and increased gas formation no earlier 7–8 months . Onions and garlic containing essential oils that irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach, intestines, and kidneys - only with 8–9 months , spices - with 9 months and older .

You can prepare vegetable complementary foods yourself using both fresh and frozen vegetables. To do this, you need to boil them, then make a puree (in a blender or using a regular masher). Add a little vegetable or melted butter (no more than 3-4 grams). Oil another new product complementary foods, which children become familiar with from the moment vegetable puree or porridge is introduced. It is a source of nutrients, energy, and fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E). Vegetable oil is allowed to be administered with 4.5 months , creamy – not earlier 5–6 months .

We introduce porridge

Two weeks after the baby gets used to vegetable puree, you can begin introducing cereal complementary foods . Dry instant porridges are most convenient. To prepare them, you just need to mix the dry powder with warm boiled water and stir. The advantage of these products (as well as canned baby food) is their guaranteed chemical composition, safety and saturation with essential vitamins, calcium, iron and minerals. You can also use dry milk porridges that require cooking, flour for baby food, as well as regular cereal, pre-ground in a coffee grinder.

It is important to emphasize that as the first cereal complementary foods should be used gluten-free cereals - rice, also buckwheat and corn flour; Other cereals - rye, wheat, barley, oats - contain gluten. This is the main protein of cereals; in babies it can cause such unpleasant phenomena as pain and bloating. The principles of introducing porridges are the same as for other types complementary foods- start with one type of cereal, gradually, a week after introducing the first porridge, try another type, and even later - you can switch to porridge from a mixture of cereals.

Introducing a new product

  • You need to start with one type of least allergenic product. Interval between introducing different dishes complementary foods must be at least 5–7 days. While your baby begins to try something new, you should carefully examine the skin every day for any rashes, and also monitor your stool. If rashes appear or the nature of stool changes (frequent and liquid), you must cancel the meal. complementary foods and consult a doctor.
  • A new product cannot be introduced if child unwell or during preventive vaccinations, it is undesirable to start in hot weather.
  • It is recommended to give the “new product” before breastfeeding - then the hungry child will most likely have a positive attitude towards food. In addition, it is better to offer a new dish in the first half of the day in order to monitor the baby’s condition throughout the day.
  • They give complementary foods baby only from a spoon, not through a pacifier.

You should not strive for excessive variety in the diet of your little one. baby, for starters, 2-3 types of vegetables, introduced progressively (one per week), are enough. It is necessary to adhere to certain schemes for introducing new foods into the baby’s diet.

Example of introducing cereals and vegetable purees

1st day – 1 teaspoon (5g) 2nd day – 2 tsp. (10g) 3rd day – 3 tsp. (15 g) 4th day – 4 tsp. (20 g) 5th day – 50 ml (50g) 6th day – 100 ml (100g) 7th day – 150 ml (150g).

An example of introducing vegetable and melted butter:

1st day – 1 drop 2nd day – 2 drops 3rd day – 5 drops 4th day – ¼ tsp. 5th day – ½ tsp. (3d) 6th day and beyond – 1 tsp. (5–6g).

Diet baby 4–6 months (volume of porridge and puree up to 150 ml, feeding frequency 5–6 times a day)

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The mixture is not able to give the baby all the necessary nutrients in full. Therefore, the menu of artificial children begins to expand at an earlier age. The first complementary feeding during artificial feeding is a responsible action that requires compliance with certain rules. Otherwise, the mother’s inept attempts to diversify the baby’s diet can lead to serious problems with his health.

At what age should complementary foods be introduced during artificial feeding?

When should you start complementary feeding? Several decades ago, medicine recommended very early stages. Complementary foods for formula-fed children were introduced after 3 months. The main motivation was the insufficient content of vitamins and other substances in cow's milk that the baby needs for full development.

Modern pediatricians have a different opinion about when to introduce complementary foods to a bottle-fed baby. Today, milk formulas make it possible to postpone the introduction of additional food into the children's menu for some time. But after 4-5 months, the nutrients and vitamins contained in them may not be enough for the full development of the baby. Then it is recommended to introduce complementary foods.

Its onset is determined by the pediatrician. He chooses the scheme and composition of additional products, tells how to properly introduce complementary foods. You should focus on the baby’s age - four to five months. This is a recommended, but not required, period. If the doctor considers it necessary to postpone the transition to “adult” food for some time, there is no need to rush. It is known that without harm to health, a baby can eat an adapted formula for up to 8 months.

Basic rules for introducing complementary foods during artificial feeding

Only a qualified doctor should decide when to start complementary feeding for a formula-fed baby, taking into account the characteristics of his development and health status. If the pediatrician does not see the need to expand the diet or believes that the baby’s digestive system is not ready to absorb new foods, there is no need to get ahead of the curve. Hasty actions can negatively affect the well-being and development of the child.

The introduction of the first complementary foods during artificial feeding requires the following recommendations::

  • At first, only one simple product is offered to determine how the child reacts to it.
  • The first “adult” dish should have the consistency of liquid puree. Then the baby's food will become thicker, and after he is born, you can try the food in pieces.
  • New dishes are introduced to the menu in very small portions. The first complementary foods for bottle-fed infants start with half a teaspoon. Every day the amount of the new product is increased, and the portion of the milk formula is proportionally reduced. If the baby has no or other negative reaction to the new food, after 10 days the amount is adjusted to the age norm. In this case, by six months it replaces one feeding.
  • It is easier to introduce new foods into a child’s diet when he is hungry. Therefore, food is offered before the mixture, and not after it.
  • A new product should be offered to the child in the first half of the day. This way the mother will have time to observe the baby’s reaction.
  • It is advisable to give complementary foods to a bottle-fed baby directly from a spoon, without using a bottle.
  • After the baby’s diet is replenished with new products, it is necessary to establish a certain diet. As a rule, it includes eating five times a day.

The rules for introducing complementary foods during artificial feeding involve supplementing the child with water in between meals.

What and how to feed

The pediatrician observing the baby determines when to start formula-fed complementary foods and which products should be preferred. In most cases, vegetable purees are offered first if the child does not have problems with. If the baby weighs less than normal, the doctor will recommend introducing porridge.

The first porridges must be one-ingredient and do not contain milk. Among cereals, they are preferred as they do not contain gluten and are less likely to cause allergies. As the year approaches, you can try oatmeal, multigrain and wheat porridge. Cereals can be prepared for a child after 12 months.

Your baby's diet should include fruit purees. The best fruit to start with is an apple.

Let's look at feeding a baby month by month with artificial feeding.

At 4-5 months

The main food of artificial children of this age is mixture. The first complementary feeding during artificial feeding can begin with one-component vegetable puree or gluten-free and dairy-free porridge. It is recommended to add a little oil to the puree. Introduction to a new product is carried out during the second or third morning or afternoon feeding.

Scheme first complementary feeding during artificial feeding:

  • mixture;
  • porridge / vegetable or fruit puree + mixture;
  • then the mixture.

Complementary feeding at 5 months begins with a very small amount of food (a couple of spoons). Gradually it is brought up to the age norm.

At 5-6 months

If in the previous period it was possible to introduce one product into the children's menu without problems, then move on to the next one. Complementary feeding at 5 months using artificial feeding is based on general rules. The main thing is gradualism. A new dish is first given in very small doses.

An approximate complementary feeding menu at 5 months of artificial feeding may look like this:

  • mixture;
  • porridge / porridge + fruit puree / porridge + mixture;
  • mixture;
  • vegetable puree + mixture;
  • mixture.

At 6-9 months

At six months, the baby’s diet is enriched with cottage cheese. By the age of one year, the amount of product per feeding is increased to 50 grams. You cannot abuse it or increase portions on your own beyond the recommended ones.

At 7 months, the baby’s diet can be enriched with yolk. Quail is preferable because it is less likely to cause allergies. Start with a few grains, gradually increasing to half a yolk twice a week.

The introduction of complementary foods during artificial feeding according to the table implies familiarity with meat from 7 months. Start with lean pork, chicken, rabbit or turkey. Beef and veal can be given if the baby is not allergic to milk protein. If the baby has low hemoglobin, then complementary feeding of a bottle-fed baby with meat, on the recommendation of a doctor, can begin as early as 5 months of age.

It is better to boil the meat and grind it in a blender. It is added to soups and vegetable purees. When the baby grows a little, around 8 months, you can prepare meatballs, cutlets and steamed meat soufflé. White fish are introduced into complementary foods during artificial feeding at 8 months. Children can safely be offered a cracker, dried fruit, or an apple.

By 9 months, the first, evening and night feedings, if necessary, are carried out with an adapted formula. Throughout the day, the baby eats “adult” food.

From 9 months to a year

At this age, the nutrition of artificial babies and infants no longer has any special differences. Dishes become more complex, the consistency becomes thicker. Single-component cereals are replaced with multi-component and milk ones. It is allowed to include several dishes at lunch. For example, vegetable soup, meatballs and grated apple. The baby can be placed in a special high chair and the table can be set beautifully.

The individual schedule for introducing complementary foods during artificial feeding often differs from the recommended one. Some products may be introduced earlier, while others, on the contrary, are postponed to a later date.

By the age of one year, children's diet includes a lot of “adult” food. Some mothers at this stage of development make the mistake of transferring the baby to the common table. This is not recommended, since salt, sugar, and excess fat can harm the baby. Food for it needs to be steamed, boiled or stewed.

Table of complementary feeding of a child by month with artificial feeding

For convenience, the introduction of complementary feeding to children with artificial feeding can be carried out according to special tables. Below the quantity of products is indicated in grams.

3-4 months 4-5 months 5-6 months 7 months 8 months 9-12 months
Juice 5 30-50 50-60 70 80 80-100
Puree fruits 5 30-50 50-60 70 80 80-100
Puree vegetables 10-100 150 170 180 180-200
Porridge 50-100 160 170 180 180-200
Cottage cheese 40 40 40 40-50
Meat 5-30 50 50 60-70
Fish 5-30 30-60
Cookie 3-5 5 5 10-15
Bread 5 5 5-10
Vegetable oil, butter 1-3 3 5 6
Kefir 200 200 200-400

The complementary feeding table by month for artificial feeding is advisory in nature. The dates indicated in the schemes are very arbitrary and can be shifted in one direction or another on the recommendation of a doctor. Complementary feeding for artificial feeding begins a few weeks later.

Table of estimated weight gain by month

The criteria for the correct introduction of complementary feeding to formula-fed children are the absence of adverse reactions to the new product and weight gain per month, which can be compared in the following table:

Age, months 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Increase, gr 600 800 800 750 700 650 600 550 500 450 400 350

If the child does not eat well

What should you do when, according to the complementary feeding chart for formula-fed children, you need to add new food for a long time, but the child stubbornly eats only formula? First of all, mom should not give in to panic. After all, the start of complementary feeding during artificial feeding can be postponed without harm to your beloved child for up to six months. Perhaps the baby’s digestive system has not matured, and he is not ready to accept a new product.

When the baby refuses food other than formula, the mother needs to be patient. It can be recommended to seat the child at a common table, thereby developing food interest. You need to offer food when the baby is hungry, for example, during a walk. To feed your child, it is advisable to buy a bright soft spoon and a bright plate. If your baby refuses industrial purees or cereals, then you can try preparing them yourself. Adding a small amount of the mixture to the porridge will make its taste more familiar.

Even when your baby’s relationship with unusual food doesn’t work out right away, you shouldn’t worry. Each child is individual. If he is not lagging behind in development, then you can safely postpone this for a while. The main thing is to follow the principle of gradual introduction of the product and not rush. It is not at all necessary that your schedule should coincide with the baby’s complementary feeding table by month with artificial feeding.

Useful video about introducing complementary foods

Proper nutrition is the foundation of a child’s health, which is laid from early childhood. By 4–6 months, the baby’s need for additional energy, vitamins and minerals increases. Food should provide the baby with all the beneficial substances that are necessary for the growth and formation of his body. The child's first meals should consist of vegetables (vegetable purees), dairy products for children and cereals. The first additional nutrition promotes the development of the chewing apparatus, stimulates the enzyme systems of the gastrointestinal tract and prepares the child for weaning.

Feeding the baby

Started feeding the baby (from how many months)

Children on breastfeeding

Children on IV

The readiness of children for the first complementary feeding can be determined based on their age and taking into account the following signs:

  • the child asks for mother’s breast or formula in a bottle more often than usual (does not get enough);
  • the weight with which the baby was born;
  • the baby is able to sit with the support of an adult, while confidently holding his head and turning it in all directions;
  • when solid food gets into the child’s mouth, there is no reflex to push it out with the tongue;
  • the child has not been sick for several weeks, he has not been and will not be vaccinated in the near future;
  • The baby is interested in the parents' food, looking into the plates and mouths of those chewing.

Read more about how to determine that your baby is ready for complementary feeding. -

Rules for introducing complementary foods

  1. Offer any new product to your baby, unless he is absolutely healthy. The introduction of new complementary foods is also contraindicated in preparation for vaccinations, the period after them and recovery from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Give complementary foods before breastfeeding (juices after feeding). We start with 5 g and gradually (over two weeks - a month) increasing the volume of complementary foods to 150 g. All this time, carefully monitor the baby.
  3. When preparing juices and purees at home, take the necessary measures: thoroughly wash your hands, kitchen utensils, and fruits.
  4. Food for an infant should only be freshly prepared. Even short-term storage of the finished product in the refrigerator quickly leads to a deterioration in its quality.
  5. Complementary foods are given warm, with a spoon, with the child sitting. It is not advisable to give 2 solid or 2 liquid complementary foods at one feeding.
  6. It is not recommended to give the same type of food 2 times a day.
  7. Switch to another type of complementary feeding only after the child gets used to the first - after 10-15 days.
  8. The basic rule of complementary feeding is the gradual and consistent introduction of new foods. A new type of complementary food is introduced after complete adaptation to the previous one.
  9. When introducing complementary foods, monitor your baby's stool. If the stool remains normal, then the next day the amount of complementary foods can be increased.
  10. At each new stage of introducing complementary foods, be sure to consult with your pediatrician.

The video talks about how to balance a child’s diet and provide him with all the necessary nutrients.

Where to start the first feeding

Previously, it was believed that the first product a baby should try (can be introduced at 4-5 months). (By the way, we read on the topic:) but this is not so.

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

Porridge and vegetables are actually the main products for introducing the first complementary foods. If the child is underweight or has unstable stools, it is better to start with cereals. Conversely, if you are overweight, normal weight or prone to constipation, it is recommended to introduce complementary foods with vegetable puree.


A few words about fruit purees and vegetable purees.

Fruit puree(usually a green apple and a pear) is a traditional complementary food that has been one of the first to be introduced to a child for decades, because... it contains fiber, which has a good effect on intestinal function, and children eat it with pleasure. But some nutritionists and mothers notice that when children try sweet fruits first, they don’t want to eat vegetable purees and cereals later.

Vegetable puree quite difficult to enter. It is not easy for a child to go from the sweet taste of breast milk or substitute to a completely unsweetened vegetable. You should be patient. You need to offer a new dish not just once, but at least 10–12 times, and only after the child stubbornly refuses it, move on to another type of vegetable.

Error . After a child does not accept one or another vegetable, parents usually switch to cereal, making a big mistake! There is a high probability that the baby will not want to eat vegetables at all after introducing sweet porridge. Another mistake mothers make is when they additionally sweeten industrially produced cereals.

  • Vegetables (vegetable purees). Ideal for starting complementary feeding: zucchini, broccoli, potatoes, cauliflower. It is important to first offer 1 type of vegetable and observe the child’s reaction for 5-7 days. If no allergies or digestive disorders occur during the adaptation period, you can introduce a new type of vegetable and then make a mixed puree. There is no need to add salt to the puree until the child is accustomed to different tastes; he will like everything. (Read a detailed article about the rules for introducing vegetable complementary foods + 3 popular ones)
  • Porridge. It is important to choose one-ingredient, low-allergenic cereals that do not contain sugar, lactose, gluten (gluten-free cereals): buckwheat, corn, rice and oatmeal. It is better if it is an industrially produced product, since it is quite difficult to prepare porridge from the most crushed cereals, saturated with all the elements and vitamins necessary for the baby. Do not sweeten porridge! We repeat - it is recommended to introduce porridge as a first complementary food to children who are not gaining weight. ()
  • Dairy products. If the baby does not suffer from cow's milk protein intolerance, cottage cheese () can be introduced into his diet at 6-7 months. It is better to prepare it yourself by heating kefir in a water bath.
    • See for newborns;
    • See for newborns .
  • Meat puree. At 7 months the baby is ready to eat meat puree. It is best to offer industrially produced canned purees at the beginning, starting with turkey, rabbit, beef or chicken (For details and see the article -).
  • Juices and fruits It is better to offer the child later: at 7-8 months. The least allergenic are pears and green or yellow apples, followed by apricots, cherries, bananas, and plums. After 8 months, you can offer the baby kiwi and strawberries. If your baby eats cottage cheese, add fruits that he tolerates to it - you will get a ready-made afternoon snack.
  • Fish. Only after the child is 9 months old should he be given fish dishes. Such complementary foods should be introduced very carefully, since fish is a strong allergen. Flounder, hake, and pollock are suitable for starting fish feeding. At the same age, you can give your child kefir or bifidok at night.

(An article is being prepared with a clear menu for feeding a child by month up to a year. A link will appear here soon)

Mother's milk is a fertile source of biologically complete fats, carbohydrates, proteins, vitamins, minerals, immune bodies, digestive enzymes, and minerals.

It is what nature best suits for the baby’s immature digestive system. However, by 3-4 months, breast milk ceases to satisfy all the needs of a growing body.

Let's start with fruits and vegetables

From 1 month (optimally at 4 weeks), vegetable and fruit juices can be introduced into the baby’s diet. You need to add 2-3 drops of apple juice, offering it after breastfeeding. Over the course of a week, the amount of juice consumed increases to 2 tbsp. spoon, the juice is divided into 2 doses. It is advisable to prepare the juice yourself, from fruits and vegetables of which parents are confident, you can use factory products specially designed for baby food.

By 3 months, the baby is already ready to try apple, cherry, tomato, plum, apricot, raspberry, and carrot juices. The reaction to each type of juice is carefully analyzed to avoid allergies.

You should not offer strawberry, pineapple and strawberry juices, as well as citrus juices - they can provoke diathesis. Beetroot juice is introduced from 6 months, it is given no more than a tablespoon.

Fruit puree is introduced from one and a half months, it will be a grated apple, at first - half a teaspoon, gradually the amount of puree is increased to 2 tablespoons.

Early introduction of vegetable and fruit purees and juices into the menu is very useful in many ways:

  • The baby's appetite increases;
  • The stool is normalized;
  • The secretory and motor functions of the stomach and intestines improve.

Natural juices and purees can be replaced with canned ones adapted for baby food. If you have an allergy, individual intolerance, or reaction in the form of regurgitation or vomiting to some types of fruits and vegetables, they are not offered. If the child is unwell, the introduction of complementary foods is postponed until recovery.

Eggs, vegetables, cottage cheese, porridge - timing of introduction into the diet

From three and a half months, the yolk of a boiled chicken egg is added to the menuA– a source of high-quality fat and protein, iron, calcium, phosphorus, vitamins A, D, B1, B12. It is offered to the child in the amount of 1/8 of the yolk. By 5-6 months this volume increases to half the yolk. The crushed yolk is diluted with milk and fed before breastfeeding.

Vegetable puree begins to be given to the baby at 4-4.5 months, starting with 4-5 teaspoons; if well tolerated, this amount reaches 180-200 grams. At 5.5 months, you can add butter or vegetable oil to vegetable puree. By this age, you need to replace one of the feedings with mashed puree with yolk.

For babies with metabolic problems: rickets, diathesis, anemia, malnutrition, such complementary foods are introduced 2-4 weeks earlier.

The puree can be potato, zucchini, carrot, cabbage, or a combination of several types of vegetables. Freshly prepared cottage cheese is an irreplaceable source of calcium, introduced from 4 months. It is ground with milk, they begin to give it to children from 10 g, by six months this amount increases to 50 g, by one year - to 100 g.

Porridge, broth, meat - features of complementary feeding

Porridge appears on the menu from 6 months, mothers have an alternative - prepare porridge themselves, or use adapted milk formulas. The main thing is that the cereals for these porridges be varied, the amount of oil in the porridge does not exceed 3%, and sugar - 5% of its volume.

Cereals for porridge are carefully ground, the ratio of cereals to milk is one to ten. The most useful are oatmeal and buckwheat, they contain essential amino acids, B vitamins, a large range of minerals and trace elements.

To increase gastrointestinal secretion at 6.5 - 7 months. the best remedy would be low-fat meat broth, chicken or beef. It contains a lot of extractives. The amount of broth does not exceed 50-70 ml; complementary feeding with broth begins with 2 tablespoons. Soaked white bread or crackers are added to it.

After about a month (at 7.5 - 8 months), the baby tries pureed minced meat from boiled chicken or beef. It is at this age that a child’s enzymes quickly adapt to meat protein. Meat can be replaced with liver puree; such a replacement is especially valuable for children with rickets, malnutrition, and anemia. After another month (from 9-10 months), the pureed minced meat is replaced by steamed cutlets and meatballs.

Not enough breast milk - how to feed your baby?

With mixed feeding, at least 1/5 of the daily amount of food is replaced with supplementary feeding - special nutritional mixtures. The reasons for switching to such feeding may be: hypogalactia, lack of fat, carbohydrates, protein in breast milk, illness of the mother when feeding negatively affects her health.

Up to 3 months The baby is supplemented with nutritional formulas, which are given only after breastfeeding. By 3-4 months, you can alternate supplementary feeding with breastfeeding if there is enough milk for the whole feeding.

It is necessary to preserve breast milk for better digestion of supplementary feeding, the nutrients of which are better absorbed by the body, the baby’s development does not suffer.

If you do not want to use ready-made nutritional mixtures, you can prepare them yourself. To do this, you need to observe the following proportions:

  • 1-2 weeks – 1/3 milk + 2/3 decoction or water;
  • 2 weeks – 1 month - 1/2 milk + 1/2 decoction or water;
  • 1 month — 3-4 months. – 2/3 milk + 1/3 broth or water;
  • 3-4 months -1 year – whole milk.

5% sugar syrup is added to all mixtures. Any types of complementary foods with mixed feeding are introduced 3-4 weeks earlier than with natural feeding. The total volume of food received should correspond to the age, the frequency of feedings is 7, 6, 5 times per day.

Artificial feeding

In addition to the above formulas for feeding, fermented milk products can be introduced into the diet of a bottle-fed baby. Most often it is kefir, matsoni, acidophilus milk.

They can be introduced into the diet from 10 days of age. First, the acidic mixtures are diluted in a 1 to 1 ratio, mainly with rice water. Sugar is added right before feeding to avoid fermentation.

To successfully carry out artificial feeding, you need to follow important rules: do not feed a sleeping or crying baby, heat food to 36-37⁰C. During feeding, you should not leave the baby; it is better to hold him in your arms rather than in the crib, simulating breastfeeding.

Moderation in complementary feeding, a varied menu, and control of the child’s appetite will help raise a healthy and strong baby.

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