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New Year's crafts from DVDs. How to use old discs: master classes on crafts from CDs and DVDs. Crafts from disks for children

If you have already tried all the previous options, then it’s time to make an unusual craft from old CDs. You probably have a dozen unnecessary disks lying around that you would hate to throw away and no longer need to use. Their finest hour has come! Use your imagination, take note of our master classes and go ahead to create new masterpieces!

Let's start with, perhaps, the simplest thing - decorating an old disk with ordinary stained glass paint. In terms of production, this craft is quite simple, but you can’t tell from the outside. You will need stained glass paints and imagination. You can draw both abstract ornaments or mandalas, and real plot paintings. By the way, if you don’t have stained glass paints, a regular marker will do just fine. You can download templates for drawing mandalas from the link below.

A little more complicated will be a New Year's craft made from disks, decorated with appliqués. The simplest option is an applique made of colored paper.

If your children love the animated film “Smeshariki,” then it’s time to use their old CDs to make their favorite characters. All you need is to find out from your child which character he likes best, cut out Smesharik templates from paper and glue them onto the disk. Smeshariki's New Year's craft is ready! You can draw templates for the application yourself, or you can download them from us for all the cartoon characters.

#4 Christmas tree decoration from old CDs: DIY Christmas crafts from CDs

From an ordinary disk you can make a rather unusual Christmas tree toy that looks like a ball, only this ball is flat. To make such a craft you will need: an old disk, dark acrylic paint (if not, gouache will do), a pencil and a fountain pen or a flat-head screwdriver.

If there are a lot of disks, then you may well think about creating a New Year's garland. With the right lighting, the garland will shimmer with all the colors of the rainbow, reminiscent of snow glistening in the sun. By the way, such a garland makes the house warm and sunny!

There aren't enough disks for the New Year's garland, but do you like the idea? See more ideas:

New Year is the most favorite holiday, associated with miracles and magic. Celebrating the new year is characterized by folk festivals and joyful meetings. It is impossible not to love this time of year, when everything around is transformed, and every house or storefront becomes like the scenery of a fairy tale. Everyone wants to participate in this transformation, and therefore they try to decorate their homes […]

The perfectly round shape is perfect for snowmen. The technique for making snowmen from disks may be different, but you should be satisfied with the result. By the way, such a craft is quite suitable for a competition for school or kindergarten.

Want to make your own disco ball for decoration? Then you will need a blank for the ball (plastic, glass, foam), an old disk, scissors and glue.

Want more Christmas ball ideas? Then look:

Today you can find a huge number of different Christmas tree decorations on store shelves, so turning an ordinary Christmas tree into a real holiday beauty is not difficult. However, New Year is a special day! The day when the old year is left behind, and new adventures, new events, new victories await ahead. But the old year did not pass without a trace, […]

You will need: an old CD, pine cones, glue, an aluminum candle stand, beads, glitter or varnish for decoration.

On a regular disk you can recreate New Year's landscapes using the decoupage technique. The disc decoupage process is standard, the result is amazing!

If, in addition to old disks, there are pieces of felt lying around the house, then you can make these cool snowmen. Well, will any of the guests guess that it is based on an ordinary unnecessary disk?

See more felt Christmas decoration ideas:

The New Year holidays are approaching, which means that very soon a forest guest will appear in almost every home in our country. Some people prefer to put up an artificial Christmas tree, some prefer to put up a real forest spruce from a Christmas market, and some even confine themselves to pine branches. However, this is not so important, because the most important feature of the New Year tree is the toys. Since ancient times, people in [...]

A great idea for a New Year's craft from old CDs would be to decorate an ordinary mirror or photo frame. The disk needs to be cut into pieces, and then the surface should be decorated with these pieces. You can keep it for yourself, or you can make an original gift to someone close to you.

If you were once a big fan of CDs, and everyone was, now is the time to give them a second life. What good are discs that just sit on a shelf collecting dust? You can now find the song or movie you need on the Internet. But you can make an unusual Christmas tree only once a year!

Still thinking about what to give your friend for New Year? The best gift is the one made with your own hands. Give your loved one a handmade bracelet that she will definitely appreciate! Well, if you have already chosen a gift for your friend, you can keep this decoration for yourself!

If you want to shine the most dazzlingly at a New Year's party, then it's time to think about a New Year's outfit. You can decorate a regular collar with pieces of an unnecessary disk. Looks very cool!

An owl would be a great idea for a New Year's craft made from old CDs. To create a night guard, you can use pieces of felt, colored paper, several disks and other improvised materials. Turn on your imagination and start creating.

Master Class (MK) - this is the transfer of his professional experience by a master (teacher), his consistent, verified actions leading to a predetermined result.

To publish a master class, the work must be original (invented and made by you). If you used someone else's idea, you must indicate the author. (The link to the source should not lead to a site containing sales of goods or services, since links to commercial sites are prohibited according to clause 2.4 of the PS).


Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

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Computer disks

CD (English) Compact Disc) - optical storage medium in the form of a plastic disk with a hole in the center, the process of recording and reading information is carried out using a laser.

Initially, a CD was created for storing audio recordings in digital form, but later it became widely used as a medium for storing any file data in binary form, not only with the ability to read the information recorded on them once, but also with the ability to write and rewrite it.

For our craftswomen, this object of scientific and technological progress has become an excellent material for the embodiment of various ideas and fantasies. You can see for yourself!

Have fun watching and get inspired for new looks!

Master Class

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The process should be photographed step by step (see Tips for photographing crafts) or filmed (see how to upload a video).

The order of registration: the first photo is the finished work that is proposed to be completed, the second photo is the materials and tools necessary for the work (or their detailed description), then the stages of MK from the first to the last. The final photo (the result of the work) can repeat the very first one. Photos must be accompanied by clear and competent comments about the process.

If you have already published your MK on another site and you want to also publish it with us, then you need to follow all the rules for designing a MK described above. In other words: in an entry with the MK type, you cannot simply put a photo of the finished product and a link to a master class on another site.

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The invention of the compact disc was a breakthrough in the music industry. They made it possible to preserve sound in a revolutionary new quality. Therefore, every music lover considered it his duty to collect an impressive collection of records. But technology does not stand still, and today we have access to more convenient media. However, don't throw the discs into the scrap yard - they can be used in unexpected ways.

Make coasters for glasses

To prevent a glass of juice or water from leaving wet spots on the table, you can place it on a napkin. It’s better to make decorative stands using your favorite discs. To do this, you need to paint the top of the disk with acrylic paint or make an applique. Use textile glue and any fabric with a non-fraying edge.

Lay out a mirror mosaic

Cut the disks into small pieces. The most convenient way to do this is with garden shears. If there are none, you can try to break them. Choose any surface you want to decorate and cover it with glue. Ceramic tile adhesive works well. After the mosaic has dried, fill the gaps between the shards with tile grout. Mosaic is perfect for decorating tables, cabinets or creating panels.

Use the mirror surface of the disc as a frame

Place children's photos and drawings in a mirror frame. Decorate your child’s workplace with this decor. Now the room will become brighter and more interesting, and the child’s creative experiments will not be lost in a pile of garbage.

Option for advanced

If you are confident in your skills, have time resources and a large supply of disks, feel free to start creating animals in 3D technology. Use drywall and foam as a base. Such animals will be an excellent decoration for the garden and will scare away uninvited birds.

Glue the pincushion onto the disk

Needles and pins are very easy to lose. And they are sometimes found by accident, and not always in a safe way. Due to its small size, an ordinary pincushion can get lost. Increase its area by gluing a bright, noticeable detail. You can use a simple pompom as a pillow. Now everything sharp and dangerous will be in its place.

Build a clock of incredible size

Most inexpensive watches can operate without their original dial. Remove everything unnecessary, leaving only the mechanism, hands and batteries. And make the dial from a large number of old disks attached to a sheet of plywood or thick cardboard. The numbers can be painted with acrylic paint or glued on ready-made ones (use children's counting material). Add any decor, such as glass hemispheres from a craft store. This clock will become a highlight of your home.

Make a jewelry box

It doesn’t matter what exactly you consider to be your treasure - jewelry or a collection of homemade jewelry, the most precious thing needs a decent frame. Make a shiny box by gluing pieces of disks over an ordinary cardboard box.

Replace tiles with discs

Using the same principle that you can use to decorate a table or cabinet, you can cover an entire wall. An excellent option for the kitchen, bathroom or balcony. You will only have to spend money on tile adhesive and fugue. And you can ask all your friends for free CDs for the project.

Make decorations for the Christmas tree

Sleighs are prepared in the summer, and new Christmas tree decorations can be made at any time of the year. Cover foam and glass balls, or toys with peeling paint with disc fragments. Now the tree will shine without compromising your budget.

Decorate your clothes

Large necklaces and collars have been popular for several seasons now. Supplement the finished inexpensive product with fragments of CDs, and it will sparkle with new colors. You can do without a necklace and decorate the collar or cuffs with mirror pieces. In this case, cut the disk into smaller pieces.

Build a big lamp

The mirror surface of the disk perfectly reflects light. For this project, choose discs that don't have a lot of pattern and have a clear center section. This lamp will create beautiful shadows on the walls. An excellent option for decorating a room for a music lover or teenager.

Make curtain ties

Classic curtains can be secured using a disc decorated with textiles or satin ribbon. Decorate the tie with artificial flowers or interesting brooches. The curtains are easily secured using wooden hair sticks. Choose contrasting shades if you want to add color, or solid colors for an understated interior.

Build a candlestick from glass hemispheres

Glass half spheres from a craft store look great in any room. If you love these little beautiful things, but don't know how to use them in your creativity, you will love this idea. Use the disk as a base for a candlestick, gluing hemispheres to it in the shape of a well. When you place a candle in such a candle holder, the flame will reflect off different surfaces, creating a stunning decorative effect.

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Don't know how to decorate your garden? Do you have a lot of unnecessary computer disks lying around at home? Make your own decor out of them. Since discs are no longer in demand, feel free to use them to decorate your garden. You can use them to make interesting objects, art objects, or use them for more practical solutions. In addition, it is quite fun and easy to create various crafts with your own hands. Below we will present you some creative ideas for decorating your garden using CDs. Crafts from disks for the garden 70 photo ideas, see below:

Volumetric figures from disks

Using discs you can create beautiful shapes, for example, animals. Using discs and mesh, you can make a colorful and original tail for a peacock. This craft will fit perfectly into the garden space.
A great option is to create birds. Small pieces of discs become feathers, which are attached to a dense base.

The discs, shimmering in the sun, create a unique effect thanks to the rich variety of colors. Such bright birds can be placed on tree branches so that they are in harmony with nature and look quite organic.

Of course, creating such figures is not easy; it requires skill. Use your imagination; You can create any animals and birds. This is also an excellent and educational activity for children.

Making furniture from disks

Don’t be surprised, the discs are also suitable for creating fairly durable furniture. Of course, such an idea would require a large number of disks. You can use them to create chairs, armchairs and tables. If you don’t have many disks, you can create some piece of furniture, for example, a table top, chair legs.

Garden figurines made from disks

Flowers, plants, animals, cartoon characters - all this can be created using disks, using colored cardboard, yarn, buttons, beads, ribbons and other additions as additional materials. The figurines will make your site more original and add bright notes to it.

The watch face can be attached to the center of the disk. The result will be a bright and light watch. You can even use discs to create curtains. You just need to fasten them and decorate them with beads, ribbons or other accessories.

Garden paths made from computer disks

Decorating the paths with discs is a creative solution. Just be sure to glue the discs onto a flat surface. Of course, this is an interesting option, but it is better to use it mainly for decorative paths, so as not to stain the surface of the discs.

Mosaic of disks

It can be used to decorate many surfaces. It looks especially impressive on countertops. In addition, mosaic may well protect the material from moisture, giving practicality to various things. This solution is perfect for decorating flowerpots and flower pots.

So, they look more interesting and shimmer in the sun in different colors. You can paint the discs in a variety of colors to create a more colorful mosaic. Whole paintings are made from it. Mosaic tiles are suitable for decorating a birdbath.


Borders for paths or flower beds are a necessary element for a garden plot. Try making them from regular disks, it's very simple. The advantage of discs is that they are a very practical material, but special coatings can also be used.

Take simple round discs and change their shape to add variety. Disks also help to separate different areas, for example, a vegetable garden from a garden or a recreation area.


Lamps play an important role in the design of the site. They create a warm and cozy atmosphere. And if you decorate them with disks, you will get very beautiful color shifts. Thanks to the sunlight, they will shine all day long.

Art objects

From the disks you can design an even circle, which can serve as a stand for potted plants or garden figures. In addition, such a shiny circle can be an independent art object.

You just need to correctly place it on the site, for example, place it in the center of the flower bed. You can interestingly paint the discs with paints, create your own pattern, and decorate the same pots, lanterns, and more with them.


Instead of regular stones, try using discs to decorate fountains. Water and sunlight will create a stunning effect. This option looks fresh and unusual. Silver and golden colors are created.

You can cut the discs with ordinary scissors. The main thing is not to damage the holographic film, which provides flickering. It is better to use less scratched discs to make the crafts look neater. Before work, apply glue to the side of the disc with the pattern to avoid damage.

Discs are a fairly simple and practical material from which you can create many different objects. In addition, it is very exciting to create crafts for the garden or vegetable garden with your own hands.

In order to make a simple napkin holder from unnecessary disks you will need:

  • Three CDs.
  • Glue.
  • Scissors.
  • Decorative elements - beads, rhinestones, etc.


  1. Cut off approximately 1⁄4 of the two disks in a straight line.
  2. Let's take the whole disk as the main part.
  3. Using glue, we connect the cut disks with the whole one so that the last two act as holders for napkins.
  4. Decorate with prepared decorative elements.

Photo frame made from CDs

To work you will need:

  • One whole disk.
  • Photo.
  • Thread or ribbon.
  • Glue.
  • Decorative elements.


  1. Prepare a decorative strip of thread or ribbon by folding it several times or weaving it.
  2. Attach the decor around the perimeter of the disk using glue.
  3. Cut the photo according to the size and shape of the disc.
  4. Glue the finished photo to the blank.
  5. Decorate with decorative elements of your choice.


To make a candlestick, in addition to the disk, you will need large decorative non-flammable parts - pebbles, shells, large beads, etc.

Making such an accessory is quite simple: using the disk as a base stand, cover its perimeter with decorative elements, leaving a place in the middle for a candle.

Crafts from disks for children

CDs are a safe material for creativity; moreover, no special tools are required to work with them, so they are perfect for children's crafts.

Cartoon characters

Smeshariki are characters from the popular animated series that are familiar to all children. Pictures from this cartoon are used in books and on the covers of notebooks and notebooks, and also decorate children's clothing and accessories.

Why not create crafts in the form of such heroes to decorate a children's room? Moreover, they fit perfectly in shape.

To work you will need:

  • Disks.
  • Sheets of cardboard in different colors.
  • Glue.
  • Pencil.
  • Scissors.
  • Marker.


  1. On colored cardboard, draw the eyes, ears, mouth, teeth, and paws of the characters. You can use ready-made templates downloaded from the Internet.
  2. Using glue, attach the parts to the disk in the appropriate places and your heroes are ready!

Crafts in the form of smeshariki can be made from cotton pads and other round objects. This will make your work much easier.


You'll need:

  • Disk.
  • Colored paper.
  • Scissors.
  • Pencil.
  • Black felt-tip pen.


  1. On colored paper, draw the fins, tail and eye of the fish. Let's cut it out.
  2. On the disk, use a black felt-tip pen to draw scales.
  3. Glue the eyes, fins and tail to the body of the fish and enjoy the result.

Using CDs as a material for crafts, you can make many useful things for children, for the home or garden.

Crafts made from disks for the garden can be lighting fixtures, panels for decorating garden houses, various figurines of animals and birds for decorating a garden plot, and much more.

If you fasten several disks with thread and hang them around the perimeter of a wire circle, you will get an excellent bird repeller. The discs will rattle under gusts of wind and bird raids will not harm your harvest.

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