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You need to cut your child's hair every year. Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year? Why do children get their hair cut every year? What will pediatricians say?

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?
I saw a lot of posts about this today, read and delve into it!

If you turn to medicine, and not to family traditions, you can find out that it is not necessary to cut your child’s hair. As for babies whose scalp has not yet become stronger, it is not even recommended to cut their hair. According to trichologists, when cutting a child's hair, you can damage the scalp, and with it the hair follicles. And then, instead of the thick and lush hair that the mother hopes for, the child will grow thin hair. Therefore, experts believe that it is not worth cutting the hair of children under one year old.

If you are still wondering whether it is necessary to cut your child’s hair a year so that he has thicker hair, then do not torture your child in vain and do not get your hopes up. Even if you yourself saw that some child’s hair began to look better after a haircut, then this is just the effect of uniform hair growth. Compare thinned hair at the ends and hair at the root. Of course, they will be thicker in the second case. It’s the same with a child – when hair grows unevenly, it looks thin.

Why cut a child's hair a year?

Many mothers will have a question: “If a child’s scalp can be damaged, then why cut the child’s head a year?” In fact, there is no need. But you can cut your baby’s hair if he has thin hair of different lengths. And not because they will grow better, as parents mistakenly think, but so that the hair grows evenly.

You can cut your child’s hair if his hair is already bothering him or is very tangled. But for this it is not necessary to remove your hair completely; a short haircut will be enough. You can cut your child's head if he sweats a lot and the hair sticks to his head, which causes discomfort to the child.

Whether a child should be bald a year is up to parents to decide. The main thing is to understand that a haircut has nothing to do with the health and beauty of hair, as well as its thickness or growth.

Before cutting your child's hair, consult a hairdresser. If you are not sure that you can do everything correctly, it is better to entrust this matter to a professional. And remember that damaged hair follicles are very difficult to restore.

When to cut a newborn's hair?

The baby's first hair, or rather fluff (lanugo), appears in the mother's womb at 19-20 weeks. This fluff falls off the baby during the first month of life, and instead of it, the baby grows real hair. Although this process can occur earlier, and the child may already be born with hair. Some mothers decide to cut off the fuzz so that the child's real hair begins to grow faster. However, doing this is not necessary, and even undesirable. Firstly, as we have already said, this can damage the scalp along with the hair follicles, and secondly, cutting your baby’s hair can easily injure him.

Sometimes it happens that a child develops crusts on the scalp, which do not pose a big problem and go away over time. However, they can cause a child’s head to itch, so the crusts need to be removed. To make this easier, you can cut your baby's hair. Just do this not with a razor, but with scissors.

To summarize, it can be noted that it is not necessary to cut your child’s hair bald at all. This will not make his hair thicker. The beauty and thickness of hair depends on the natural characteristics of the child, on genetic inheritance, but not on cutting or shaving. But if the parents decide that they need to cut their child’s hair, so be it. Just don’t be surprised if your baby grows the same thin and thin hair as before the haircut. After all, hair becomes denser and thicker only with age.

For many years, there has been a tradition according to which a child’s first haircut is performed at 1 year of age. Many parents today adhere to this rule, cutting the child’s first hair at this age “to zero.” There are many superstitions and rules associated with the process; it is treated as a solemn event. Mothers are in no hurry to cut off even their baby’s heavily grown bangs, preferring to tie their hair in a small ponytail or use hair clips. But is this correct from a medical point of view? Today, experts have formed a clear opinion on this issue, based on the physiological characteristics of the development of newborns.

Optimal age for the procedure

If you forget about all superstitions and approach the process of caring for a newborn’s hair from a scientific point of view, you should consider the following factors.

  1. The quality of a child's hair is determined at the genetic level. No amount of haircuts (frequent or rare) will increase the number of hair follicles. This will not affect the density in any way; the density of the rods will not change for the better.
  2. After the first fluff comes off the head (the first month after birth), the hair begins to grow at a rate of about 1 cm per month, so by the age of one year the need for a haircut arises in any case.
  3. If a child is born with a full head of hair, then the first haircut can be done 1.5 months after birth. This will not affect the quality of the hair, but it will protect against heat rash, the appearance of ulcers and irritations, and discomfort.
  4. Experts warn that the first haircut should not be “under zero”! Such an aggressive approach will only cause irritation and increase the risk of damage to the hair follicles. For the first time, it is enough to trim the bangs and shorten the protruding curls.
  5. A child under 4-5 years old should have his hair cut regularly and fairly short. The use of hair clips and elastic bands will only cause brittleness of the hair shafts and may cause hair thinning. There are times when hair falls out and is replaced only by a light fluff.

Improving the quality of a newborn's hair and stimulating its growth is quite simple. Firstly, the baby’s diet should contain all the vitamins and minerals necessary for his age. Secondly, fragile curls need to be combed regularly and properly. To do this, it is best to use a wooden comb with rounded teeth, which are inserted into a soft rubber base. The procedure is carried out every evening, before bedtime. The hair is combed first to the left, then to the right, then against the growth of the hair, and at the very end it is styled as needed. This type of combing stimulates blood circulation, improves the flow of oxygen and nutrients to the bulbs.

Myths and truths about a newborn's first haircut

In addition to the superstitions that accompany caring for a newborn’s hair, there are also several myths that supposedly have a scientific basis.

  • Many parents are afraid that if a one-year-old child has thin, unevenly growing and inexpressive hair, this problem will remain forever. In fact, the child's hair will be the same as his parents gave him. And the problem of uneven growth is explained by prolonged stay in a lying position and prolonged friction of certain parts of the head on the pillow.
  • Some mothers are sure that if they shave their hair before or after one year, it will stimulate their growth. This is the most aggressive and dangerous method. Not only is the risk of damaging the baby’s skin very high, but using a razor can also remove hair follicles that are not embedded in the thickness of the skin and could still sprout.
  • There are mothers who refuse to wear hats outside, explaining this with oxygen therapy for the roots. This is fraught with colds and heat strokes, and the risk is not justified - hair will not grow faster from this.
  • Almost all parents are sure that after cutting the first hairs, the child will begin to grow thicker and denser hair. This is a visual deception; the plane of the cut of the hair simply changes, making the rods appear darker and denser. If the haircut was carried out in the first months of the newborn’s life, then, most likely, the first fluff was simply cut off, after which real hairs began to grow.
  • Especially “advanced” mothers recommend using special ampoule products to stimulate hair growth (they are more effective, because the skin is thin and the drugs are better absorbed). The result of this approach is the opposite of what is desired. Aggressive components in products (most often hot pepper) cause severe irritation of the epidermis and even chemical burns. Often, after such “care”, hair follicles are burned out and bald spots form.

Parents should understand that the first haircuts are not carried out with the goal of improving the quality of the baby’s hair, but with the goal of creating comfortable conditions for him. Long curls interfere with the child's view, causing vision impairment, creating an unpleasant greenhouse effect, and interfering with the baby's movements.

How to properly cut a child's hair for the first time?

It is not recommended to have the first haircut at a hairdresser unless the child has a high level of curiosity and a disposition towards strangers. In just a few minutes of whims, children can tire both their parents, the master, and themselves.

The manipulation itself is quite simple, you just need to take into account a few nuances.

  1. The child should not sit on the chair by himself; he should be held by close people who inspire trust.
  2. The process can be turned into a game, and the more characters, the better.
  3. Scissors should be safe, with rounded ends. It is recommended to act in such a way that the child does not even see the tool (after all, most likely, he already knows that this thing belongs to the group of dangerous and prohibited).
  4. The hair needs to be slightly moistened, you can spray it on everyone in the room, then it will not alert or repel the baby.
  5. Haircut starts from the most inaccessible places. If the little one begins to act up and the work is not yet done, everything can be completed during the daytime nap.
  6. You need to act quickly, carefully and relaxed. The master’s anxiety will be transmitted to the child, and then the procedure can be completed.

Immediately after the procedure, the child needs to be washed, because even his soft hairs can cause itching and irritate the skin.

What should you do with your child's hair after the first haircut?

There are entire rituals that superstitious grandmothers recommend performing with a child’s newly cut hair. This includes burying curls in anthills or in the ground at a crossroads, washing them into the river and long-term storage. In fact, the cut strands can simply be rolled up in a cloth bag or paper and thrown away. For very cautious parents, the method of burning curls is suitable. Moreover, you should not look closely at the intensity of the flame (according to mediums, you can see the future of the child in it). In fact, this indicator directly depends on the chemical composition of the rods, and it is not the fate of the child that influences it, but his diet.

When planning your first haircut, you need to think not about superstitions, but about the convenience of the baby. Sometimes parents cannot determine what is causing their child’s bad mood, but it turns out that excessive sweating due to a dense layer of hair or too tight ponytails are to blame.

Surely, you have more than once heard the question from your loved ones and acquaintances: “Are you going to get a haircut when you’re a year old?” And we involuntarily thought: is it really necessary or not? And in general, why cut a child’s hair every year? The most common answers to this question are: “So that the hair is thick”, “It’s necessary” and “But of course!”

There are many myths surrounding the ritual of cutting or shaving babies for the first time, and most of them have their roots in ancient traditions of peoples.

Why do babies get their hair cut: traditions

In many cultures around the world, it is customary to cut or shave the heads of children at a certain age, following religious rituals, folk traditions and simply superstitions. For example, in India Babies' hair was cut as a sign of farewell to their past life and movement into the future. In Mongolia The baby's first haircut is a celebration to which the whole family is invited. Each guest cuts a strand, presents a gift to the baby and says wishes. In Israel It is customary not to cut hair for boys under three years of age (many non-religious families also adhere to this).

In Slavic culture The ritual of the first haircut is also associated with religious traditions and folk culture. The main rule is not to touch your hair for up to a year. There was a belief that if you cut a baby’s hair before he is 12 months old, he will be weak and often get sick, and will not be lucky, rich, etc. Shaving a child's head symbolized the transition to a new life and served as a way to ward off evil spirits from the precious child.

In ancient times in Rus' there was a ritual, when at one year old the godparents cut off the baby’s locks in four places, in the shape of a cross. Then they were placed behind images (icons) and kept as a powerful amulet against troubles and illnesses. The baby's first haircut was performed according to the lunar calendar, and in particular - on the waxing moon. Such calendars are still compiled annually and released for free sale.

Nowadays, there are also many different signs regarding the haircut of one-year-old children. For example, some parents believe that if a lock of hair cut off at the age of one is shown to the child when he goes to first grade, he will study well. Another sign says that a cut lock of hair placed under a baby’s pillow will bring him good dreams.


Today, many parents cut their children's hair when they are one year old because they are convinced of the benefits of this action - supposedly the hair will become thicker, thicker and healthier (the same myth circulates in the army). And indeed, when the hair begins to grow back after shaving, it seems that it has become thicker. In fact, this is just an appearance, because there are no more hair follicles.

"Pros and cons"

Some two or three decades ago, we didn’t even ask ourselves whether it was necessary to cut a child’s hair bald every year, but simply cut it. Moreover, they shaved the same way for both boys and girls, and from this “original hairstyle” one could easily determine that the baby had recently had his first birthday.

Why you shouldn't cut your hair

Today, trichologists and hairdressers unanimously claim that Giving a one-year-old child a haircut makes no sense, and in some cases can be harmful. Hair begins to develop in children even in the prenatal period, so babies are born with fluff on their head and entire body. During the first months of life, natal hairs fall out and thicker, more mature hairs begin to grow, which may differ in color and texture. Don't be alarmed if the fuzz has already fallen out and new hair does not appear - this is normal.

Eat There are several reasons why you shouldn’t cut your one-year-old’s hair:

  • Doesn't make sense. Hair starts growing inside the skin in hair follicles, and what you do to it on the outside has no effect on its development inside the follicle.
  • Deceptive effect. Sometimes parents think that after cutting the hair becomes thicker - in fact, this effect creates uniform hair growth (that is, the length of all hairs is the same).
  • Can cause harm. No matter how carefully we work with tools, there is always a risk of damage to hair and follicles. Accidentally pulled with scissors or scratched with a clipper - several weak children's follicles are damaged.
  • Discomfort. After shaving the head, the stubble that soon appears can cause irritation on the delicate baby skin and, as a result, severe discomfort. In addition, without hair, the baby may simply be cold.
  • Risk of infection. The smallest scratches from a machine or pimples on irritated skin can cause inflammation due to the entry of pathogenic microorganisms (for example, streptococcus).
  • No scientific evidence that after shaving, babies' hair grows faster, becomes healthier and thicker. The beauty of hair is ensured by good nutrition, proper hygiene and heredity.

Why cut your child's hair bald every year? The answer is simple - there is no need.

When might a haircut be needed?

Although cutting children's hair will not make them look beautiful in the future, there are situations when when you really need to get rid of excess hair(we're talking about trimming, not shaving):

  • infant crusts are difficult to remove; long bangs fall over the eyes;
  • Mom thinks her hair is ugly;
  • very hot;
  • The boy's hair is too long and he is mistaken for a girl.

How to get a haircut correctly

If, after weighing all the pros and cons, you still come to the conclusion that your child should be cut, you need to take into account several important rules.

  • Cut your hair, don't shave! A shaving machine, even a very good one, can damage the hair follicles, as it sometimes tends to catch hair. In addition, it can simply scare the baby. Give preference to scissors with rounded ends. But if your family or religious traditions require a clean shave, use a trimmer (it's not as noisy). But under no circumstances should you shave your baby with a machine!
  • After swimming. Wash your baby's hair and cut slightly damp hair.
  • Times of Day. Choose an appropriate time for this procedure when the child is usually calmest. For example, after lunch, sleep and food. You should not start this procedure if the baby is not in the mood or is sick.
  • Situation. Make sure that the child is comfortable, prepare in advance interesting (preferably new) toys or healthy treats to distract him. During the procedure, talk to him all the time. If possible, invite a hairdresser who specializes in infant haircuts to your home (and not your neighbor - just because you are afraid).
  • After the haircut. At the end of the procedure, you need to bathe the baby in a warm bath to remove the cut hair from the body. Carefully inspect all the folds of the skin so as not to leave bristles, which can then prick.
  • Disinfection. If you did not cut the baby's head, but rather shaved it, it must be treated with a disinfectant (for example, Miramistin) and lubricated with moisturizer. Do not use alcohol or hydrogen peroxide to treat children's skin!

Most recently, your family has been expanded with a little miracle, whose first birthday is just around the corner. As with any life event, when a child turns one year old, it makes sense to listen to signs that have existed for centuries.

Signs for a 1 year old child

First of all, it is important to mention that at this age children, like no other, perfectly sense the aura of any object. Many have heard about conducting a certain test that will tell parents what will become a guideline for the child in life, what profession he will choose. Old Believers tirelessly repeat that it is necessary to lay out in front of the child objects that he sees for the first time and those that do not make up the list of his favorite toys. It is also important to add to this that the baby needs to be seated or placed on a special bedding, which should be made of sheepskin (an inside-out sheepskin coat will do).

Parents place in front of their child a set of objects that symbolizes life and profession:

  1. If a child is drawn to the items listed below, then know that in life he will choose the path that suits him. So, garlic, a box of vitamins or onions are health. In other words, the child was attracted to round garlic - at a conscious age, his first priority will be concern for health, both his own and those around him. Keys, whether for a car or an apartment, are the personification of wealth. Piggy bank or wallet - rich life. Glasses, a pointer - in the future the baby will show unprecedented mental abilities and will strive to learn more and more new branches of science. A ring (engagement or regular) means a successful marriage. A ball of knitting thread or just a skein of thread symbolizes a long and happy life. If a child reaches for paints, a palette or a brush, then be sure that your creativity is growing.
  2. The following set of items will tell parents in which direction the baby will develop and what profession he will choose. Briefcase, bag - leadership position. Wallet or piggy bank - entrepreneur, banker, accountant. A ball, a jump rope - for a child, sports will become more than just a hobby. Spoon, ladle or cup - a future chef is growing up, capable of changing the idea of ​​haute cuisine, or in his family, the baby will always be able to feed the household members a delicious dinner. Comb, clothes - stylist, fashion designer, hairdresser.

Who should cut a one-year-old child's hair - signs?

In Ancient Rus', it was believed that a person’s life force lies in hair, and therefore adults, and even more so young children, treated their haircut with special trepidation. So, if we talk about the haircut of a child who turns 1 year old, we have the following:

Why you can’t cut a child’s hair under one year old - signs?

Our ancestors believed that with the help of hair, a person receives strength and knowledge from the Universe, and therefore it is not worth cutting babies until they are one year old. After all, in this way you interfere with universal laws, thereby complicating the development of your child. Moreover, do not under any circumstances cut it into a “zero” or bald - this is a terrible mistake. Old Believers believe that in this way, first of all, the child’s speech development will be inhibited.

Today, to believe or not to believe in these superstitions is up to parents, whose heart will tell them what to do and what not to do in relation to their little miracle.

For every mother, the first year of her baby is the most important and joyful. And when it comes to the most important event, the baby’s first birthday, mommy begins to prepare for it. Begins to study all the rituals and customs that need to be done in a year.

And I am no exception. I began active preparations for the first celebration of my twins.
The ritual that I want to write about today is the first tonsure of the year.

This ritual goes back to ancient times. It's been a long time since children had their hair cut for the first time when they were one year old. The girls are seated on the pillow, and the boy on the casing. To ensure that the baby’s life is prosperous, grain, money, and sweets are poured under the pillow or casing. Parents were supposed to keep their cut hair as a sign of health and longevity. A child's haircut must be given to a loved one: mother, father, grandmother, grandfather or godparents, who will not cut luck, but on the contrary will add to the child's well-being!
We decided to do such a ceremony at a celebration dedicated to the celebration of one year old. The twins' godparents will cut off locks of hair and put them in beautiful envelopes.
And the rest of the hair can be cut another day. We will entrust this to Sofochka's godmother. Since she is our hairdresser and will cut everything with a clipper. We decided that we wouldn’t shave, but rather trim it under the clipper. At the same time, you need to say various jokes about a girl’s braid and curly forelock. And the hair is added to the previously cut hair and preserves it.

Another version of this ritual is also possible. When a casing is spread on the floor, and grain, sweets, and money are placed under it, an ax should be placed for the boy. The birthday boy is seated on the casing, and the father or godfather (must be a man) cuts his hair, and the grandparents hold a loaf of bread over the birthday boy's head. Then all the items are pulled out and the birthday person must choose one of them, this will show his future fate. Nowadays it is customary to deposit money, car keys, garlic, mobile phone, gold.
The same thing is done for the girl, only instead of a casing she is seated on a pillow, and instead of an ax a comb is placed. A girl's hair must be cut by her mother or godmother (must be a woman).
It is better to take tonsures before sunset and in good weather.
This ritual is of great importance; our ancestors considered it an age-related dedication, when a child after a year is no longer treated like a baby. By the end of the first year of life, the baby’s physical body is formed, and the ceremony of cutting is a symbol of the completion of this process, and the baby is already able to show all the strength of his family.

There is no need to invite insincere people to your home. All guests should be positive and wish only good things for the baby.

If you look at the ritual from a practical point of view, this is done so that in the future the child will grow thick and healthy hair.

The most global problem that arises among one-year-old parents is: when can you cut your child’s hair for the first time? There are many superstitions, fashion trends, and myths about this. In order not to harm the baby, it is better to adhere to common sense and the recommendations of specialists.

There is an opinion that the best time for a haircut, especially for a boy, is the full moon or the waxing moon, after which the hair grows thicker. From a scientific point of view, this does not affect the quality. Short-cut hair creates a visual illusion, so it seems that it has become stronger. The genetic density and number of hair follicles after the birth of a child do not change, no matter how much you cut your hair to zero. The structure and color of the hair is established already by the 3rd month of intrauterine life.

Problems in the first year of life

Haircut problems with a child under one year old

A controversial issue arises in connection with the desire of parents and relatives to cut their child’s hair before one year old and concerns the quality of the scalp. There is an interesting fact related to baby’s hair - the central core (medula) is normally responsible for the hair’s ability to retain heat, but in children under 1 year of age, the medula property is not yet developed, and the hair is not able to warm the head. But unlike adults, in whom a quarter of the blood flow goes to the circulation of the brain and heating the head, children are characterized by even more active processes in this part. It is difficult for a child's head to freeze. Against this background, most other problems arise:

  • poor growth;
  • hair loss;
  • thinness and fragility.

Hair problems can be caused by external or internal factors.

External factors

A baby from birth to six months is constantly in a lying position, occasionally turns his head, so the hair on the back of the head wears out, which is why a bald spot is formed. The quality of children's hair suffers from one of the leading factors - chronic overheating of the scalp; At the same time, their thinning and fragility are observed. Overheating is especially dangerous for a sick child: high temperature and a covered head harm not only the hairline, but also the thermoregulation of the child’s body. To improve the condition of your hair, you need to stop injuring it and make sure your head doesn’t sweat.

Internal problems

The subject of close attention of parents of the child's first year - children's hair - signals the development of certain diseases, for example, pathological baldness indicates immunoallergic, deficiency or neuropsychiatric conditions. In such cases, “zeroing” or regular haircuts, as well as ointments and lotions for the scalp will not help the beauty and health of the child. The pediatrician knows exactly which course of treatment to choose.

If the hair quality is poor, the doctor will prescribe a mineral-vitamin complex, and if pathological processes are suspected, a diagnosis will be made and a treatment regimen will be determined.

When to cut a child's hair: superstitions

The tradition of cutting a child's hair no earlier than he turns one year old, rooted in Old Slavonic rituals, has a symbolic meaning. The rite of tonsure carries the meaning of spiritual and physical harmony. The event was held on a clear day until noon, with jokes and refreshments for all relatives and invitees. In pre-Orthodox traditions, the custom of cutting the hair of a child who has reached the age of one year symbolized age-related initiation. This meant that after a year a child ceases to be a baby, his physical body changes, and a haircut completes the stage of transition from infancy to childhood. The cut locks were preserved and served as a talisman. The tradition also has another historical significance, when infant mortality from typhoid, transmitted by lice, was high. By shaving my head, the threat of death was over.

Risks of the procedure

Knowledge has increased, parents have become less superstitious, rules and habits have changed. A haircut most often speeds up the replacement of vellus hair with more mature ones. A child’s hair changes three times during the year:

  • baby is born with fluff;
  • over the course of a year, the fluff rolls off, unevenly distributed over the head;
  • By the age of one year, coarser hair—baby hair—grows in place of the baby's fuzz.

The first time is cut by 12 months for practical reasons, since regrown hair causes some discomfort when exploring the environment and irritates the baby’s skin. But dramatic changes in appearance at this age, when children consciously look at themselves in the mirror, can cause psychological trauma. The event can be dangerous if relatives are inclined to shave their heads. Since shaving carries a high risk of injuring the child, which in turn increases the likelihood of infection, doctors categorically do not recommend the procedure. Secondly, a scar may appear at the site of damage, where hair will no longer grow.

Child's first hair cut

Recommendations for cutting and caring for children's hair

To quickly acquire normal hair and solve an aesthetic problem, it is better to have a haircut, and if the verdict on the procedure has taken place, skills or a visit to a specialist are required. Unfortunately, children's salons with modern equipment and unfamiliar people frighten a child visiting the establishment for the first time. And for parents bearing the burden of child-related expenses, services are not always available. If the baby doesn’t feel well at the hairdresser, it is possible to invite a hairdresser to your home.

How to properly cut a child's hair for the first time

Knowing the subtleties of the craft, it is possible to safely handle the first haircut yourself:

  • Before the procedure begins, have your child sit on the lap of someone he or she trusts.
  • For cutting, use a safe tool - scissors with blunt, preferably rounded ends (try so that the child does not see them).
  • Before the session, wet the child's hair using a spray bottle or with your hands, stroking the head.
  • Distract your child with a cartoon, fairy tale or interesting toy.
  • Comb with a wooden comb from top to bottom, pinch the curls between your middle and index fingers; cut the ends of the strands with a neat, quick movement.
  • Start cutting from the most overgrown, problem areas - this is the main part of the procedure.
  • Do not use an adult trimmer for children's haircuts. The device has a large gap between the blades, designed for coarse, dense hair. A child can be seriously injured if strands get caught in the gap and damage the hair follicles.
  • Use a children's car with a ceramic coating, low noise and heat.
  • Do not perform the procedure when the child is not in the mood or is sick.
  • After the haircut, praise your child and give him a compliment.

It is better to carry out the first procedure in winter, when the head is in a hat for some time, and changes will not be visible in contact with other people and children. Instead of a short haircut or shaving, it is preferable to cut your bangs for the first time, and in the summer, trim the strands on your neck, preventing rashes and irritation.

The further frequency of haircuts depends on the characteristics of the cover. For slow hair growth, it is recommended to carry out the procedure once every 3 months. The opposite situation will lead to the fact that voluminous hair will make it difficult to care for and will become an ideal environment for the development of pathogenic bacteria, as it provokes overheating and increases sweating.

Only the parents decide whether or not to cut their child’s hair each year, taking into account his psychotype and physiological characteristics. It must be remembered that shaving is not worth the risks and does not in any way affect the quantity and quality of a child’s hair, and some hair quality problems depend on the parents. The health and emotional state of the child is much more important when the time comes for the first haircut.

Maintaining beautiful and healthy hair

When caring for children's hair, it is necessary to avoid traumatization and excessive processing. Proper care to maintain their quality includes:

  • UV protection.
  • Wash with warm (not hot) water without soap.
  • Moderate scratching - before bed.
  • High-quality detergents intended for children.
  • Not tight hairstyles for girls.

Newborn baby hair care

The science of trichology proves that hair, like all living things in nature, naturally adheres to cycles. At the same time, they are in different phases of development - old hair falls out under the influence of new hair. Their change occurs in a timely manner, naturally and does not depend on external manipulations. If you lift a strand of longer hair, you can see others growing at different lengths. This indicates a continuous change of cover. Hair that is in different phases of development, cut short, creates the illusion of thickness in the hairstyle.

12 rules for your first haircut

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year? There is a lot of controversy and discussion about this. Some cut their child's hair whenever and however they like, others consider it a kind of ritual that is carried out at a certain age and only bare hair, and they keep the cut hair.

Does the future fate of a child depend on how his first haircut went?

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?

There is a certain superstition that it is necessary to cut a child's hair for the first time, even girls. It is believed that after the first haircut, hair will grow thicker and healthier. The first haircut should only take place when the child is one year old.

According to some beliefs, it is believed that it is impossible to cut a child’s hair earlier; the child will be problematic and painful. And according to others, he won’t learn to talk for quite some time.

Experts have their own opinion on this matter. Most often, newborns have a fluff on their head that grows only 1 cm per month.

And that is why the need for a haircut appears only at one year of age. Those children who are immediately born with thick and long hair are cut earlier if necessary, without believing in all superstitions. Pediatricians limit the age for haircuts only for newborns who have not yet reached 1.5 months of age.

Other parents choose certain lunar days to cut their child’s hair so that the hair grows thicker and healthier. It is believed that a child’s hair must be cut on a waxing moon, and not on a new moon. The waxing moon seems to promote hair growth, and when cutting during the waning moon, hair growth slows down.

What to do with your hair?

The question of where to put your hair after the first haircut also raises a lot of controversy. What our grandparents did with them. To keep the hair beautiful and thick, the first hair cut was buried in an anthill. There were also several other options: drown it in water or hide it behind a beam on the ceiling.

Nowadays, the option of drowning hair in water (flushing it down the toilet) is very popular. It is believed that if you throw hair in the trash, the birds will build nests from it and the wind will not carry it through the streets, and the child will have a headache. Some parents prefer to burn the hair altogether, while others prefer to keep it in an envelope as a souvenir.

There are a lot of different superstitions floating around around your baby’s first haircut; whether you believe in them or not is your own business; the main thing is that what you choose matches your beliefs.

A little history: why cut a child’s hair a year ago?

In the old days, when infant mortality was quite high, it was believed that if a child lived to be one year old, then he had chosen this family for further life. Based on this, the ritual of “tonsuring into the family” was performed. After tonsure, the child was considered a full member of the family and was taken under the guardianship of all older family members.

Customs varied from region to region. In some places they cut their hair a year, and in others in 3 or 5. It happened that only boys got their hair cut, as if they were initiating them into men. The custom has survived to this day, but its meaning has changed. Now it is believed that if you don’t cut a child’s hair a year, his hair will remain a baby fluff.

What do scientists say, is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year?

From a physiological point of view, hair is a part of the human body. When they were cut and what was done with them after that does not affect the hair follicles, their quality and quantity on the head, and it is the quantity that regulates the thickness of the hair. And the number of these bulbs is laid down in the womb at the genetic level.

The time of cutting also does not affect their number in any way. The factor influencing the growth and health of a child’s hair is the care, proper nutrition and health of the child. To make your hair stronger, you need to comb it promptly and often, in different directions and daily.

It is also important to use combs made from natural materials. As for when to cut a baby's hair for the first time, scientists do not talk about specific limits, the only thing you should make sure is that the bangs do not cover the child's eyes and do not interfere with his vision. A haircut may be more harmful than necessary.

Such a haircut will only cause irritation and damage the bulbs. It is better for girls to start growing long hair only after 4 years of age, since before this age all kinds of hairpins and elastic bands damage children’s thin hair.

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year? The most important thing is to create a calm environment around the child during the first haircut, so as not to scare him the first time. So that mom, dad or grandmother are always nearby and the child is confident in his safety.

Myths about hair cutting

Myth #1: If you cut your hair, it will be thick in the future.

Rebuttal: hair thickness is an optical illusion. After birth, the child constantly lies down and the hairs on his head seem to be “wiped off.” Gaps and bald spots become noticeable. After cutting, the hair begins to grow evenly, so the appearance of hair thickness is created.

Myth #2: If you cut your hair a year, it will be strong and silky.

Rebuttal: The appearance of hair does not depend in any way on the haircut. Only proper care and nutrition affect their grooming, strength and beauty.

Myth #3: If you cut off a lock of hair when you are one year old and show it to your child when he goes to school, the child will definitely study well.

Rebuttal: cut hair cannot in any way affect a child's mental abilities.

Myth #4: If a strand of hair cut off a year is placed on the baby’s bed under the pillow, then he will definitely have good dreams. No one has verified the veracity of this myth.

Video: Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?

Belief and superstition

If you cut a girl's hair before she is one year old, she may become infertile. A haircut a year erases negative information about childbirth from the child’s head. Hair symbolizes good luck. If a child has long and luxurious hair, then success will not pass him by. His soul lives in a child's hair.

We also read: Can infants look in the mirror? Signs and myths

Traditions of cutting a one-year-old child's hair

In India, babies' heads were always shaved bald. According to religious beliefs, the haircut symbolized farewell to the past (uterine and infant existence) and movement into a bright future. Residents of Mongolia have turned the process of cutting a child's hair into a real holiday. The whole family was invited to this event. Each person who came cut off a lock of hair from the baby and made wishes. In addition, all the guests brought gifts. In Israel, boys do not have their hair cut until they are three years old. The tradition of this country has been preserved in almost many non-religious families. In the culture of the ancient Slavs, it was strictly forbidden to cut off the hair of infants before they were one year old. It was believed that hair contained strength and health. And if you cut them off before the age of one, the child will become weak and get sick often. Luck and wealth will bypass this baby. After a year, the baby's head was shaved. According to the ancestors, the procedure drove away the spirits of evil from the baby and the child moved to a new stage of life. In Rus', there was an interesting ritual: when a baby was exactly one year old, their hair was cut off in a cross-shaped manner. The ceremony was carried out on the waxing moon. Cut strands of hair were kept behind images of saints (icons). It was believed that these first hairs would serve as a talisman for the child against illnesses and misfortunes for the rest of his life. Since hair is a symbol of good luck, the mop on the head was combed with coins and chicken eggs were rolled on it. After being cut, the baby's hair was buried in an anthill. At the same time they said the words: “it came from the earth, it went to the earth.” In Old Slavic beliefs, it was believed that a child was connected with the higher powers of the cosmos. That’s why the hair on his head was called “braids.” Then they said that all positive energy comes to the child through the hair on the head. And if you cut it off, a person will lose a lot in life.

What do people who are in favor of a one-year haircut think?

Typically, parents who are proponents of a haircut per year say this:

I got my hair cut as a child, and I will cut my children’s hair! Everyone does it! I got a boy. The long hair on his head gives him away as a girl. Therefore, others often cannot determine the gender of the child. After cutting, the hair on your head grows evenly. The baby has hormonal crusts on his head, the removal of which is hindered by the hair. The child's bangs get into his eyes. It is hot outside. The child sweats from hair.

What do people who oppose it think?

Why cut your hair? The structure and characteristics of the hairline are laid down in the womb. Therefore, external factors, namely a haircut, will under no circumstances affect the condition of the “hair”. Young children do not yet know how to control their behavior. Sitting still or in the hairdresser's chair is a problem for them. Therefore, cutting your hair will cause a lot of difficulties. After a haircut, stubble will initially grow, which will cause discomfort to the baby. In cold weather, the child will freeze without hair. When cutting your hair with a clipper or scissors, you can accidentally injure your scalp. An infection will get into the skin and cause inflammation, which a one-year-old baby does not need.

As you can see, the arguments against haircuts are more significant than the pros. But if you still decide to cut your child’s hair, then please follow the rules listed below.

Choose the timing of your haircut depending on your child's behavior. If the baby is usually calm in the morning, cut his hair in the morning; if in the evening, do the procedure in the evening. Children tolerate hair cutting well on a full stomach and after sleep at lunchtime. Do not cut your baby's hair when he is sick. Don't make things worse for him. Pay attention to your baby's mood. During the haircut, he should be in high spirits. Don't shave with a clipper, just trim. The machine damages the hair follicles, which can result in less hair on the head. In addition, the sound of this device can seriously frighten your child. Moreover, you should not treat a child’s scalp with a machine. But, if you still need to shave your child’s head, use a trimmer. The device is less dangerous and, compared to a machine, quiet. Cut your hair after swimming. Wet hair is easier to cut. Create an environment that will be pleasant for your baby. You can take him to a special children's hairdresser, where the haircut area is equipped for children. Or you can cut your child’s hair at home. In this case, keep him busy with something: toys, books, delicious food. Talk to him constantly, support him. If you don’t know how to cut your own hair, invite a specially trained hairdresser to your home. At the end of the haircut, give your baby a bath (water temperature is warm). Rinse thoroughly every fold on your child's body. If hair remains there, it will prick and cause discomfort. When cutting hair at home, do not neglect disinfection. Be sure to sanitize your tools. And in the case of shaving your head, so does your scalp. Miramistin is well suited for these purposes. Place your child on your lap while cutting. Let a familiar adult hold it. The baby will be calmer and more trusting of the process. If possible, turn on cartoons for your child. To avoid hurting your baby, use scissors with rounded ends. When cutting your own hair, try to complete the entire process as quickly as possible. One-year-old children cannot sit in one place for a long time. Start cutting from the most difficult places and cut with the utmost care. Your mood is an important factor. It is passed on to your child. Don't be nervous under any circumstances. Keep calm.

Watch the video - baby's first haircut:

And finally. Be sure to show it to your child in the mirror after finishing the haircut. And also praise the baby for sitting well throughout the event. In a gentle, gentle voice, tell him that he is now well-groomed and beautiful.

READ ALSO: How to cut a child's hair without tantrums

Summarize. Whether or not to cut your child's hair each year is the choice of each parent, based on their own opinion.

Video: 12 rules for safe haircuts

Our ancestors treated hair cutting, especially children's hair, with special trepidation. Since ancient times, it was believed that hair is a connecting link between man and the Cosmos, man and the Universe, man and the Divine, man and Nature. According to beliefs, it is in the hair that the necessary life experience, intelligence, strength and energy are accumulated, so cutting hair in ancient times was considered an extremely undesirable thing, and often disastrous for a child. The first haircut of a child had to be followed strictly. Let's find out what these signs were and how to cut a child's hair according to folk traditions.

Beliefs, traditions, rituals

It was strictly forbidden to cut children's hair before they reached the age of one. Many children were born in the family, but they often died in infancy, and cutting a child’s hair could deprive him of the strength he needed so much in order to survive. It was believed that before the baby was one year old, he decided whether to stay in the family or leave it. If the child did not die, then on the first name day the first lock of hair from the top of his head was ceremoniously cut off, and all other hair was left intact. This was done as a sign that the baby had been accepted into the family and was now under family protection.

The first curl was cut from the top of the child’s head at the age of one

The first lock of hair was kept in a canvas bag behind the icons until the son went to military service and the daughter was married off. Then the curl was passed on to the owner and served as a talisman against troubles and illnesses.

Early hair cutting, according to popular belief, could lead to illness or death of the child. Belarusians believed that cutting a child’s hair in the first year of life was the same as “cutting” his tongue; a baby cut early began to speak late, or even remained mute. The Poles believed that cutting children's hair before they were one year old would lead to the fact that when they grew up, the person cut too early would live in poverty.

In different regions, the first haircut was carried out at different times, but this day was very solemn. A haircut could take place at three, five, or even seven years old. In the family of magicians, priests and sorcerers, they did not cut their hair at all until the age of 12, since up until this age it was through the hair that all the information that his ancestors possessed came to the child.

Traditionally, children's hair is cut for the first time after three, or even after seven years.

Often only boys had their hair cut, while girls grew their hair long. The day when their hair was braided for the first time was very important for girls.

It was believed that on the day of the first haircut the child grew up. Girls began to help with housework, and boys moved to live in the men's half of the house and do men's things. There was also a ritual when, immediately after cutting his hair, the boy was allowed to hold on to a plow or saber and was seated on a horse.

Infant tonsure

For the child’s first haircut, it was customary to call the midwife, who delivered the mother, and the child’s godparents. Close relatives (mother, father, grandmother or grandfather), and most often godparents, cut 4 curls in the shape of a cross on the top of the child’s head, and then the rest was cut off. During these manipulations, the child was seated on a sheepskin or sheepskin coat. The cut hair was tied with red thread and kept as a talisman. Nowadays, this tradition has been preserved, only today all manipulations with hair are usually carried out within a year, while our ancestors were in no hurry to cut their hair.

If children's hair was not stored, it was buried in an anthill or burned to ashes. Still cut hair could be thrown into the river so that running water would wash away all information about the owner. It was forbidden to throw away hair, as bad people could use it to cast the evil eye.

Today, tonsure is entrusted to godparents, and superstitious mothers and fathers try not to touch scissors, because there is a sign that parents should not cut their children’s hair. A mother cutting her daughter's hair deprives her of happiness, just as a father cutting his son's hair dooms him to an unhappy fate.

Mothers never cut their own daughters' hair. And in general, girls rarely got their hair cut

In princely, and then in boyar families, during the first haircut, the rite of infant tonsure was carried out in the church, when the ritual cutting of the cross was carried out by a priest. The godfather brought the child to church, and after the tonsure a feast was held. By the way, the church views children’s haircuts favorably and does not see anything reprehensible in cutting off a child’s hair. All beliefs about strength, energy and connection with the Cosmos through hair are considered by clergy as superstitions.

Modern signs

In modern days, the popular belief about a baby's first haircut has become distorted. It is believed that you should not touch a baby’s down until he is one year old, but at exactly one year of age it is necessary to shave the baby’s head bald. This is done so that the hair grows thick and strong, and the child is not left with thin and sparse hair forever.

Our ancestors did not shave their children's heads

Our ancestors, of course, did not do this; they believed that children receive knowledge and intelligence through their hair; it is through their hair that all moral foundations and laws of life come to the child from the divine principle. Therefore, depriving a child of the opportunity to develop and experience life by cutting his hair was reprehensible.

And if we take into account that hair, according to popular belief, is the center of vitality, then shaving a child bald was equated to infanticide. Today this is a common practice.

For many peoples of the world, children's hair is a symbol of wealth and success. If a child was born with thick hair, then the newborn’s hair was combed with coins to attract wealth.

To cut or not to cut?

If parents adhere to esoteric views, then when cutting a child’s hair, everything becomes more or less clear: it is better to cut baby hair as rarely as possible. But what should other parents do to avoid becoming victims of stupid superstitions? You can rely on the authority of modern scientists, who say that cutting a child’s hair can be done at any time if necessary, or it can be postponed indefinitely if the hair does not cause discomfort to the child, and the cutting process causes fear.

When cutting a child's hair, don't ignore his fears

From a scientific point of view, it is worth refraining from cutting a baby’s hair in the first year of life because there are fragile areas on the child’s head - fontanelles, damage to which can lead to irreversible consequences for the brain . After the fontanels are overgrown, you can cut children's hair without fear.

However, it is quite possible to have an earlier haircut if the hair has grown too large, gets into the eyes and in any way bothers the child. It’s true that you should be very careful when doing this.

Scientific research has proven that the structure of a child’s hair is formed in the womb, so no haircut, including shaving the head, can make the hair thicker and stronger. In addition, the razor blade can damage the hair follicles, so shaving your head does more harm than good.

The visual effect of the density of growing hair after shaving is explained very simply - the cut of the hair looks darker and thicker than the tip, so the hair appears darker. And the hair looks thicker because it all starts to grow at the same time. Even if you don’t cut your baby’s hair at all, gradually all the fluff will fall out on its own and be replaced by real hair, given by nature.

Baby fluff gradually falls out on its own, giving way to hair

It is better for girls to grow their hair after three years, since at an earlier age, hairpins and elastic bands can disturb the child, as well as loose hair getting into the face and eyes. The length of a child’s hair and the frequency of cutting it can also be influenced by the convenience of washing their hair. With short hair, it is much easier to perform these manipulations without tears and whims.

How to cut your baby’s hair, who should cut it, and at what age to cut your baby’s hair is up to his parents. When making this decision, it is better to proceed from considerations of the child’s convenience, and not to be led by superstitions, often based on idle speculation. And of course, we shouldn’t forget about the aesthetic side of the issue.

A question that many parents of children ask: . A child's first haircut is a responsible process, around which there are still a huge number of questions.

It would seem that just recently you saw your baby for the first time, but now a whole year has flown by, which, with all the different troubles and worries, seemed to you like an instant. It's time to learn to walk, master primary skills, and the baby's needs are becoming more and more similar to those of adults, such as cutting a haircut. Many parents believe that it is necessary to cut their child’s hair for the first time when he is one year old. The reasons for this stereotypical opinion are different: some are guided by traditions, some by the advice of family and friends, and some even rely on folk signs and superstitions.

Let's analyze this issue and try to figure out whether it is necessary to cut a child's hair every year, why it is popular among people, and how to do it correctly for the first time.

Superstitions and signs that relate to a baby's first haircut.

Since the times of ancient Rus', the first haircut of a child was not considered a simple hairdressing procedure. Special days of the week and phases of the moon were chosen for her, and the reason for cutting the baby’s hair always depended on the beliefs of the people. Many considered this event to be a kind of ritual, for which they prepared in advance and treated it with great seriousness. After all, as you know, hair has always been identified in many cultures with human health, vital energy and strength. The most reverent attitude was towards the child’s first haircut in his life. Let's take a look at main beliefs, which came to us from antiquity regarding How to cut a one year old child's hair:

If a baby is cut completely bald, leaving no hairs, then signs indicate that with age he will have beautiful and thick hair;

If parents cut their child’s hair before he turns one year old, this can lead to illness, infertility and health problems, so the child should only have his hair cut when he reaches one year of age;

When a child gets his hair cut for the first time, it is associated with his transition to a new stage of life, to the next stage of growing up. Therefore, it is customary to treat such manipulation as a holiday, to solemnly organize the process;

To the question: “Is it necessary to cut a child’s hair every year?” Many ancient beliefs say that it is with the help of the first haircut that the child erases all the negative memories of the pain and discomfort that he experienced during birth. Also, in this way, evil forces are driven away from the baby, so it is advisable to carry out this procedure as soon as possible, that is, at one year old.

Children's hair was often perceived as a symbol of prosperity, wealth, and if the baby had thick and strong hair, this was considered a sign of subsequent luck. What they didn’t do with the hair that was cut from the head of a one-year-old baby in order to comply with traditions and superstitions. Some combed them with a coin to attract wealth, others sent them to ponds or hid them in anthills. According to other beliefs, it is necessary to weave a wattle from these hairs or roll them with a chicken egg. These traditions are now preserved in few places, perhaps only among very superstitious people or in distant villages, but one sign is observed by the majority of the population of our country. There is still an opinion that a part of his soul lives in the hair of any person, therefore, after the baby's first haircut, parents often keep a handful of their baby's hair.

These are not all the signs that took place in the past, and despite the fact that many of them have already become history, some grandparents still persuade young mothers to follow the manipulations that are familiar to them. Particularly often, disagreements arise over haircuts bald. For a modern mother, it seems rather illogical to cut her baby’s hair, especially if it’s a girl who has beautiful, thick curls by the time she’s one year old.

Is it necessary to cut a child's hair every year?

After we have studied some traditions, it is worth talking about whether they are really so important and relevant for our time. Of course, no one holds rituals like they did several hundred years ago, and in a modern metropolis you won’t meet people who carry a lock of a baby’s hair to a crossroads so that the moon will give him beautiful curls in the future. But some superstitions still make young mothers think about whether they might still follow the advice of their ancestors. Whether it is worth paying attention to the above signs, we will try to figure it out later in the article.

In order for a person to have strong and healthy hair in the future, when the baby is one year old, it is necessary to cut his head. Here we should resort to scientific justification. Hair follicles are the basis that forms the structure, strength and density of curls. They are formed before a person is born, from which we can conclude that no matter how much you cut your baby’s hair to zero, if he is not designed to have a thick head of hair, then you will not be able to influence this in any way.

If you shave a baby at one year old, the hair will be thick and strong. The scientific fact above can be reiterated here. But besides this, using a razor can destroy the hair follicle, so you not only will not improve the baby’s curls, but you also risk depriving the beauty inherent in nature. It is advisable to shave a baby's head only in case of urgent need.

If you don't trim the fluff on your baby's head, the hair will remain thin and fluffy forever. The fluff that forms on a baby's head before he turns one year old begins while the baby is in the womb. This is an absolutely natural and normal process. Hair, like all other organs and parts of the human body, grows stronger and matures over time. Therefore, you should not be alarmed if your baby’s hair looks like fluff at the age of one, and another child has real curls on his head. The time will come, and your baby will become the owner of the same hairs.

It is important for young parents to know some of the features that they will have to face when they decide to cut their child’s hair:

All children, like adults, are individual, and each of them develops their hair differently. While some children's hair grows evenly, in others it may appear in tufts. This is not at all an indication that this will always be the case. Uneven hair appearance– a feature of the baby inherent in nature, since after the fluff falls off, hair growth occurs on the basis of the genetically inherent characteristics of the person;

The way you cut your one-year-old baby's hair does not in any way affect the structure and thickness of his hair in the future;

A small child’s hair follicle is immature, so even after you shave the child’s head or trim it, a thin hair will still remain;

Grooming a one-year-old child will in no way affect the number of hair follicles on the baby’s head;

Many parents notice that after a haircut, their baby's hair looks thicker and more frequent. In fact, this is explained by the fact that after the fluff is cut off from the baby’s head, real, stronger hairs begin to appear;

All pediatricians unanimously say that a one-year-old child should not have his hair cut short, much less shaved. This can damage fragile bulbs, which can lead to infectious irritations and bacteria entering the damaged areas;

If you want your child to have thick and beautiful hair, first of all, you should pay attention to a healthy diet, scalp care and adherence to the regime. To stimulate hair growth, you can regularly comb your baby with a special massage comb.

But no matter what signs or superstitions say, haircut for one year old child yet necessary and useful, according to some facts. Let's look at the nuances that determine the need for this procedure:

If the baby's bangs grow too long, this can negatively affect his vision;

The baby's appearance will be more well-groomed and neat if his hair is cut;

Haircut is one of the factors that helps distinguish boys from girls. It is unlikely that parents will like it if their son is called a doll or a princess;

A baby with short hair feels much better in hot weather conditions.

What is a child’s first haircut, what to do with the hair and how not to harm the baby.

Of course, in order to keep your baby as safe as possible during the first haircut, it is better to contact a specialist. In a children's hairdressing salon, workers know how to carry out the procedure correctly so as not to harm the child or damage the bulb. Children at this age are usually afraid of getting a haircut, and the children's salon provides special distracting and entertaining elements. These could be toys, cartoons or special children's chairs. In addition, specialists who are trained in handling children will easily find a way to approach them and will carry out the procedure carefully even with the most capricious and active visitor.

If, for some reason, you do not want to go to the salon, and decide to start cutting your hair yourself, then a number of recommendations must be taken into account, in order for the procedure to be safe for the baby:

During the haircut process, it is advisable for the baby to sit on the lap of someone close and dear to him - this way he will feel safer;

Try to carry out the procedure in a game format. For example, imagine that you are playing hairdresser: show your baby safe devices, for example, bright children's combs, let him play with these devices;

Play a cartoon for your child or give him an interesting toy to distract his attention;

Use special children's scissors that have rounded ends;

Any haircut is easier to perform on wet or damp hair, so you should lightly spray your baby’s head with a spray bottle;

Try to cut the strands quickly but carefully, holding them between your fingers;

It is necessary to start the procedure from the most difficult areas, while the baby is not yet tired and distracted by a game or cartoon;

Remember that the child is very sensitive to the moods of his parents, so take the haircut as calmly as possible. If you panic and take the hairs with trembling hands, it is likely that the baby will feel it and begin to get nervous and cry;

You should not start this procedure if the baby is sick, has not had enough sleep, or is simply in a bad mood;

A trimmer is the most optimal tool for cutting boys' hair, and it is also the safest.

After the manipulations are completed, be sure to reward your child for good behavior during the haircut. You can give him a new toy, something tasty, and also show him in the mirror what he looks like now and praise him.

We hope that we were able to answer the question of Is it necessary to cut a child's hair a year?? A child's first haircut is a pleasant and interesting process that must be made enjoyable for both parents and the baby.

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