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About handwriting. Human character based on handwriting: methods for determining

The ancient author Suetonius, describing the life of the “divine Augustus,” did not ignore his handwriting: “... he does not separate words and does not hyphenate, and signs letters that do not fit in a line immediately below, circling them with a line.”

Attention to handwriting has survived centuries. Here is what the historian P. Shchegolev wrote almost two thousand years later about the diaries of another emperor, Nicholas 11: “The very appearance of the diaries, written in handwriting, surprisingly even, clear, unchanged from the first day to the last, testifies to the amazing spiritual equanimity of the writer. The monotonous background of the entries corresponds to a monotonous attitude towards absolutely all the events recorded in the diary. The plainness of the diary at times becomes even scary.”

Despite such a long-standing and sustained interest in handwriting, researchers have taken it up relatively recently. The father of graphology - the study of handwriting - is considered to be Abbot Michon, who lived in the last century. He wrote several essays on this topic; on his initiative, graphological societies were formed, and special magazines arose.

There was also a Russian Scientific Graphological Society, the chairman of whose scientific commission in the 1920s was D. M. Zuev-Insaroz, the author of the popular book “Handwriting and Personality.” Old Muscovites probably remember how he sat on his chair in the Hermitage garden and determined by handwriting the character of those who wanted to test the capabilities of this unusual science. Among his clients there were also famous people. A. M. Gorky, for example, wrote to him in 1927 from Sorrento: “I have no opinion about the significance of graphology as a science, because I know neither the laws nor the methods of this science. Does it have laws and a method?.. But I cannot doubt that some subjects have an amazing ability to determine from the handwriting the “spiritual structure” of people unfamiliar to them and have never seen them.”

The first People's Commissar of Health of the RSFSR, N.A. Semashko, spoke more decisively: “If you really recognized my character only from my handwriting, then this proves that graphology actually has the right to claim to be a science and that you are an excellent graphologist.”

However, in 1940, Professor S.V. Poznyshev conducted a special study, as a result of which he did not see scientific foundations in graphology. Despite the friendly attitude of many prominent people, it was given up. However, in those years the same sad fate befell some other sciences, the usefulness of which no one doubts today.
The attitude towards graphology today, as we see, is quite serious. The fact is that it has some useful results that are difficult to deny. You don’t have to be a graphologist to in most cases accurately distinguish a man’s handwriting from a woman’s, a child’s from an adult’s. It is also known that handwriting is a cast of a person’s personality. To prove this, scientists used hypnosis. They suggested to the subject that he was a child, a teenager, an adult; They also instilled character traits that were unusual for him. And what? The handwriting changed in each case.

According to the observations of Zuev-Insarov, handwriting depends not only on age, but also on the position occupied by a person in society. “I knew one postal worker,” he writes, “quite undemanding in his personal habits, capable of being satisfied with very little. His handwriting was also distinguished by its simplicity and naturalness. But gradually this man began to advance in his career, right up to the manager of one of the provincial post offices. From then on, his ambition began to grow: he began to take care of his appearance, turns of speech, and began to often organize drinking parties, in which he loved to play the role of the owner. This desire for such a “broad” lifestyle also affected the handwriting, which began to be distinguished by its overall decoration, the intricate designs of individual letters, etc.”

But, as you know, a person has several handwritings: with one he makes notes in his notebook, with another he writes a job application, with the third he writes a friendly congratulation. However, to a graphologist these handwritings are the same. Only the inclination, size of the letters, and the quality of their finishing change, but the internal structure of the letter remains unchanged. What is the relationship between character and, say, the squiggle of a signature?
Researchers have developed a whole system of handwriting traits, each of which reflects a specific internal personality trait. Some dependencies are obvious (omission of letters, words - inattention), others - not so much (rounded handwriting - weak will). And still others have nothing to do with our everyday experience. Well, why, tell me, does an increase in the size of letters towards the end of a word indicate gullibility, and if on the contrary, then it indicates cunning and prudence... There is no answer to this question, and we can only console ourselves with the fact that the famous formula E = mc2 also has nothing to do with to everyday observations and belongs to the field of pure science. But science, unfortunately, has not yet made final conclusions, and therefore there are still many dark places in handwriting science. That, however, does not prevent enthusiasts from using it for practical purposes.

The general principles on which they base their conclusions are something like this:

1. The geometric pattern of writing (lines of lines and margins, intervals, pressure) determines a person’s will, his energy.
2. Any exaggerations in individual elements of the letter (very large or, conversely, small handwriting, elaborate capital letters, etc.) indicate a desire to attract attention.
3. Wavy styles are typical for people with a flexible, inventive mind.
4. The abundance of angular lines indicates firmness and perseverance, while rounded lines indicate gentleness and peacefulness.

From here handwriting experts derive many particular dependencies:

Large handwriting, in their opinion, is associated with a tendency to express one’s personality. Such people usually do not put up well with everyday life. Large letter certificate

It also speaks about self-esteem, a tendency to grandeur, and sometimes to impracticality. At the same time, it is an indicator of arrogance, ease of communication, energy, and ambition.
Small letter speaks of restraint and prudence of its owner.
Condensed handwriting indicates thrift and prudence. In this case, there are usually no margins, and the spaces between words are small.
In fluent and sweeping handwriting enterprising spirit, activity, and the ability to easily navigate in an unfamiliar environment are manifested.
Uneven writing- by the size of the letters, the slope, the direction of the lines - indicates uneven behavior and increased excitability.
If the handwriting is legible and clear - neat, but without excessive diligence, there are no strong pressures, long strokes, even intervals, letters of the same height - this indicates balance, constancy of views and affections, respect for others.
Clear, complete letters, carefully placed punctuation marks, small or angular writing - all this, according to graphologists, means efficiency.
If the letters in words are located separately from each other- weak will; together - good stress resistance.
Strong pressure- criticality, tendency to show strength.
Small distances between adjacent words- interest in others, insufficient sense of distance.
Spaces at the ends of lines due to reluctance to wrap words- caution, reaching the point of cowardice.
The lines are directed upwards- initiative, energy, self-reliance; down- depressed state; in different directions- impressionability...

Profession, according to experts, also leaves a certain imprint on handwriting. Just like a disease, and therefore an experienced professional, analyzing the handwriting of a mentally ill person, can make a diagnosis no less accurately than a doctor.
So that you can visually imagine the modern level of graphology - or, as it is now called, graphometry, - let's give some examples from one technique that is actively used by criminologists to analyze signatures.
Is it possible to change your handwriting at will? Of course you can. But he will still be a stranger to you. Just like an actor, playing different roles, remains essentially the same. However, handwriting changes even against our will, and therefore we sometimes fail to accurately reproduce our own signature - the same one that appears on our passport. Age changes, mood changes, and naturally, handwriting does not remain the same. And the skill of a graphologist lies in the ability to highlight the characteristic, deep features of writing. If you deliberately change some element - say, write the letter “t” not as taught in school, but in a printed manner, or change the size of the letters, slant, etc., then the handwriting will lose its harmony and fluency. In short, the result will be the same as if you tried to pass off a set of invented, incomprehensible words as a “foreign” language. It will lack the main thing - naturalness and internal logic.
They will object to us: after all, there are many people who are excellent at calligraphic handwriting - refined and impersonal. Such handwriting is good for inscriptions on gifts, anniversary addresses, school copybooks, but where is the personality in it? However, there is no contradiction here.
It does not surprise us that in addition to his native language, a person can also learn a foreign language - which, however, will remain non-native for him. So experts say about calligraphers that in addition to professional handwriting, they also have another, more free one, which they prefer during non-working hours.

In conclusion, a small test.
In many Western countries, they will not fail to show the handwriting of a candidate for a more or less responsible post to a graphologist. If you are wondering what they would say about you in such a case, then take a sheet of unlined paper and write a few lines of your favorite poem.
Now describe your handwriting.
1. Letter sizes: very small (no more than 2-3 mm) - 3 points, small - 7, medium - 17, large (over 7 mm) - 20.
2. Tilt of the beech: left - 2 points, slight tilt to the left - 5, straight writing - 10, slight tilt to the right - 6, right - 14.
3. Letter shape: round - 9 points, shapeless - 10, angular - 19.
4. Direction of the lines: creeping up - 16 points, straight - 1 2, creeping down - 1.
5. Pressure force: light - 8 points, medium - 15, strong - 21.
6. The nature of the combination of letters: tendency to write together - 11 points, to write separately - 18.
7. Overall score: diligent handwriting—13 points; uneven, some words are easy to read, others are difficult to read - 9; illegible, letters are difficult to recognize - 4.

Add up your points.
35—51 : This handwriting distinguishes people with poor health and frayed nerves.
52—63 : the hand of a phlegmatic person is clearly visible here. In most life situations he is timid and passive. By mentality he is a romantic and a philosopher.
64—75 : The owner of this handwriting is decisive, although he often gives in to danger. Despite his easy character, he is not without self-esteem.
76—87 : handwriting indicates good nature and frankness, excessive impressionability. Such a person, as a rule, is a good conversationalist and can defend his point of view. His fighting character sometimes pushes him to self-sacrifice for the sake of high ideals.
88—98 : the most common group. Characteristic features are honesty and integrity, a stable psyche, responsibility and initiative, an abundance of new ideas (which often remain “unrealized”), ingenuity, and a pronounced sense of humor.
99—109 : Individualist with a sharp mind. It is not easy with him, because he is quick-tempered, touchy and somewhat grumpy. Independent in judgment and actions. Among such people there are often gifted individuals prone to creativity and invention.
110—121 : This is most likely a rude and arrogant person. There is almost no sense of responsibility.

№1 And №2 . Typical handwriting of teenage girls. Left-leaning tendency combined with roundness, connectedness and stylization. Small variation in height, concentration on the center of the forms. The predominance of “inward” movements. Form control at the expense of speed loss.

Handwriting authors- individuals focused on themselves and their subjective feelings. They tend to make decisions and behave in accordance with feelings rather than rationality. There is also a feeling of protest, including against parental influence. From the outside, such girls seem stubborn or selfish, while in fact this is only their attempt to achieve autonomy, independence, adulthood and to dissociate themselves from the guardianship and influence of parents who still perceive their daughter as a child. Also characteristic is concern about one’s image, appearance, and status among one’s peers. Despite the demonstration of protest and independence, girls are in fact very dependent and sensitive to the opinions of others about them, their condemnation, they urgently need the approval of adults.

In handwriting No. 2, the described temporary teenage phenomena are already beginning to pass and the personality looks more “mature”, although the chronological age of the author of this handwriting is several years lower than the author of handwriting No. 1.

№3. Handwriting reveals almost total control over one's attention. Unproductive stylization - the speed and spontaneity of writing suffers. Separateness. Clear organization of text on the sheet. Uneven lines. “Forced” right tilt. Narrow “loops”, break at “b”.

Handwriting author- hides behind a “mask”. This is an extremely careful and calculating person. This “mask” is that he tries to create the impression of naivety and openness - although in fact he is watching intently and may unexpectedly begin to manipulate the person or use the information collected about him (using his trust first). This person is formal, official in essence, bureaucratic if given the opportunity to show this. Stubborn, at the mercy of stereotypes and does not change his mind. Thorough, picky about details.

№4. The handwriting is narrow - tight, right-angled, the shape of the letters is angular. Connected but short word endings. Falling lines. The progress of the lines, however, is also uneven. Pressure - medium to strong. There are no right “margins”, the text appears in a “solid mass”.

Handwriting author- a young woman who is trying with all her might to “stay afloat”, but it seems that she is not very successful. She lives not for pleasure, not for herself - but for the sake of one moral duty, the concepts of “must”, “obligation”, “must”. This is a person who is extremely critical of himself, ready for self-sacrifice. You can be sure that in her life there was more than one person (man) who simply took advantage of her sacrifice. Until she relaxes, learns not only to give, but also to receive, to value herself and not feel guilty where she is not, until she sets the same high bar of demands for the people around her that she sets only for herself, the described scenario will repeat itself. and further.

№5. Total motor control. Absolute adherence to the standard of recipes. Extremely stylized and extremely slow handwriting speed. The narrowness of the “loops” (see the letter “e” in the words “I wish”, “you”, etc.). The brokenness of the bottom of “p” in “March”, artificially overcome distances from “y” in “study”, “th” in “thy” and other signs.

Handwriting author- of course, he’s not a “Vova” schoolboy. This is an adult woman, specially trained to write in “cursive” handwriting. Despite this, some properties of the writer’s personality were still evident here. This is how a person writes that is not spontaneous, tense (as evidenced by some failures - the hand cannot withstand great muscle tension and concentration and it seems that it is about to “shake”). Only a person who is internally afraid or does not dare to express his individuality, to be “not like everyone else,” and resigned to a routine and monotonous existence, is capable of so suppressing everything personal and so “immaculately” portraying the standard. Content is sacrificed to empty form. Moreover, on a deeper look, this self-suppression is clearly visible in the tightness of some letters and lines.

№6 . High degree of control in handwriting. Angularity. Narrowness of form. Acceptable spacing between lines and words. Partial connectivity. Particular sharpness in capitals and small “b”. The letters "n" creeping up. "Rise" of the second paragraph.

Handwriting author- an emotional person who tries to control any manifestations of his emotions, as well as all his words and actions. Restrained. High self-criticism, high moral and ethical level. Despite the fact that he does not show it, he is still very proud and loves respect and recognition. Often stubborn. He is convinced of the correctness of his positions and his objectivity (which indicates subjectivity). Deliberately demonstrates his affection for people.

№7 . Maximum fullness of the sheet (no margins on all 4 sides). Type of "total mass". Separate writing. The shape is rather printed, very angular. Poor orientation and placement on the sheet. Lack of space between lines, and sometimes between words. Instability. Unevenness of lines. Inconstancy of sizes, spaces, shapes, fluctuations in tilt.

Handwriting author- male, dominant personality. He has a rough sensuality. Likes to feel like a winner. He does not like to stand on ceremony, he gets down to business straight away. High pain barrier. Extroverted. Talks loudly and a lot, interrupting the interlocutor. Poorly oriented in everyday life situations, misses little things. Lives “here and now”, impatient and impetuous. Has excellent hands - can tinker, build, is inclined towards technology or physical effort.

Experiencing mood swings, subjective. It is difficult to choose the right distance in interpersonal communication.

№8. Unusual handwriting. Left tilt. Lack of nuances of color and pressure. Poor readability. Strong pressure. Uneven lines. The middle zone of the letters stretches and takes place in the top - contrary to the standard (see “n”, “r”, “b”). At the same time, there are shortened processes “p” and triangular loops “u” and “d”. Separateness. The fracture of the upper zone is “b”, “t”.

Handwriting author- an individualist and emphasizes this in every possible way. Has great self-esteem and a sense of superiority. Extremely sensitive to issues of his status, authority and wealth. Thick-skinned and insensitive to others. He tries to look smarter than he is and give the impression of a highly intelligent person, but this is only an appearance. Problems in intimate relationships. Detached, sincere relationships are unfamiliar to him. He is cunning, manipulative, and uses his intuition to do this. Unreliable.

№9. The handwriting is defiantly non-standard. Right-leaning, narrow, simplified, low readability. “Intrusion” of the lower zone onto someone else’s territory - adjacent lines. Fluctuations in shape, inclination, size, distance. Intensity of impulses, sharp angularity. “Climbing out” of the middle zone in place of the upper zone (“z”, “e”), almost complete absence of fields. A sharp break in the upper zone - “b”.

Handwriting author- a man whose main personality motives are internal protest, anger, chronic resentment and a gloomy perception of life. Obstinate rejection of authority, impulsiveness. There is always someone or something as a reason for dissatisfaction. Emotional constriction, caused in part by the suppressive upbringing of the writer's father. A person is possessed and accompanied through life by the feeling of being a “victim,” of being offended and insulted. It is characterized by rigidity and lack of emotional intimacy in relationships.

№10. The handwriting is divided, skater, stylized. Oscillating straight slope. Inward twisting movements (loop and tail “b” returning to the center, letter “c”, “o”, etc.). Elements and excesses that are unproductive from the point of view of writing (see “d”, “y”, “z”, “y”, etc.). At the same time, the lines are losing their straightness and the distances between them are uneven. The lower elements of the letters “climb” into the territory of the following lines. The spaces between words are also uneven, with a tendency to decrease. Fully filled space.

Handwriting author - representative of the classic “mask”, which has become “second nature”. This woman has the conviction that form, impression, image are more important than the true essence. She is focused on herself and her experiences, like a “snail” curled up in its shell, pessimistic.

“Bending” in the face of difficulties, fear for the future. Criticality, spontaneity, emotional perception, subjectivity of judgment.

Writing is characterized by demonstrative, artificial sacrifice, calculation, and materiality. This is a kind of compensation, a replacement for the need for spiritual closeness and warmth, not received in the family in childhood and absent in adulthood, but still so keenly desired. For all this, such a “mask” is needed.

№11 . Autograph. Maximum speed combined with complete disregard for form. Lightning-fast impulse of movement. Maximum deviation from the standard. Inharmonious location. Angularity with sharpness. Very large sizes.

Author of the autograph- “genius and devil” at the same time. He combines rare sharpness of mind and rare impulsiveness. Instant perception and imbalance. Authoritarianism to the point of megalomania and manipulativeness. Interests come before principles. Aggression is probably not only verbal. The lack of any skills in mutually respectful communication with people around you, if such an appearance occurs, then it is solely motivated by personal interests and benefits.

Rudeness, vulgarity, lack of warmth or sincerity.

The likelihood of harsh, if not cruel, treatment, humiliation in childhood, from members of one’s own family or close circle.

№12. The autograph is uneven and unstable. Far “acceleration”, sweepingness. “Arcades” closed at the top, partial illegibility, coherence. “Cone” gradual decrease from beginning to end. Strongly right-leaning in combination with the narrowness of the letters. Small space between words. The underlining lines on which the letters seem to rest have an arched and sharply chopped shape.

Author of the autograph- a woman trying to give the impression of lightness, emotionality and capricious femininity, in fact, is a very suffering and unbalanced person, broken and unsure of herself, with carefully hidden low self-esteem, mood swings, enormous fears and nervous tension. There is an acute need for close, mutual relationships and even a painful dependence on someone. Painfully sacrificial, ready to be humiliated for the sake of acceptance. The writer can hardly control herself; she constantly looks back at her past, her roots, her home. Something forces her to be very secretive, she keeps some secret within herself. And he is afraid, very afraid of the future.

№13. Autograph rising sharply. Lots of exaggerated and demonstrative elements. If you “remove” them, you are left with a rather small, rounded, winding, inconspicuous handwriting.

He estimates himself somewhat underestimated. Difficulty sharing intimate and personal things. Vulnerability, secrecy and some internal tightness. Perhaps a critical and demanding upbringing.

Personal acceptance and understanding are extremely important, discomfort in close communication with a large number of people, she truly becomes close only to the most faithful and trusted people, who, in her opinion, “cannot” offend her. Using an “image mask” that protects personal vulnerability.

© I. Goldberg, 2006
© Published with the kind permission of the author.

Everyone comes up with their own signature; no one is limited by any rules or laws. But still, in graphic improvisations, their author is subject to certain patterns that reflect the properties of his nature, which makes it possible to draw up a fairly accurate portrait of him.

Pay attention to where the end of the signature is directed: up, straight or down. If up, this indicates that optimism prevails in a person’s character, he is full of energy and strives to achieve his goal. If such a person experiences disappointments or depression in life, he successfully overcomes them and is reborn with new strength, desires, and ideas. Often this is a personality type with a creative bent.

If the end of the signature is directed directly- this indicates a balance of manifestations optimism and pessimism. The influence of the environment plays an important role.

If the end of the signature is directed down- then in this case a person is more susceptible to a state of pessimism, which quite significantly suppresses his creative activity. Such people either have no faith, or it is very weak; in addition, they may experience decreased willpower, poor resistance to alcohol, and susceptibility to diseases of the cardiovascular, nervous systems, liver and gastrointestinal tract.


If the signature long- then this characterizes a person as thorough, not loving haste, haste, capable of delving deeply into the essence of the matter, persistent, quite stubborn, assiduous, but at the same time somewhat picky, boring. Such a person should pay attention to the function of the nervous system and kidneys.

If the signature short, then this is a sign of a person’s haste, a desire to quickly grasp the essence, a superficial attitude to the matter, since there is not enough patience for a deeper and more detailed analysis; such a person is less capable of monotonous, long-term work that requires constant attention, and he does not really like slow people.
As for health, the nervous and cardiovascular systems may be labile.

Note. In the latter case, you should definitely find out whether the person also has another signature, since often bank employees, doctors, cashiers, as well as people in professions for which they often have to sign, often have two signatures; one, as it were, official, and the other - for affixing on various documents, usually shorter - in order to save space and time. Consequently, certain professions also affect the signature, often contributing to its shortening.


Before analyzing the signature according to this criterion, you should mentally divide the signature in half.
The first half of the signature is associated with the beginning of any activity - mental or physical and by it one can judge how a person starts a business. At the same time, the first half of the signature characterizes the intellectual or mental sphere of a person, while the second half of the signature shows the attitude towards practical (physical) activity and indicates how the person completes the task.
Who a person is - a theorist or a practitioner - can be determined based on the load of the first and second half of the signature.
If there are signatures at the beginning two, or even three capital letters, in the absence of large formations in the second half, then we can confidently assume that the person gives preference to mental work. Such signatures usually have managers of various ranks.

U measured load of the first part ( minimum capital letters, their low amplitude) indicates a propensity for applied activities. Often people whose signatures contain these characteristics are employees and public figures by profession.

On the contrary, if there is large formations in the second part of the signature, it can be argued that practical activities are attractive to such a person.


If capital letter in the signature differs significantly in amplitude from lowercase, then man, im Those who have such a signature are capricious and have increased demands on others.

If its amplitude slightly different from lowercase letters, then the owner of the signature is modest, without any special complaints about people.

Small letters characterize a rational, economical and concrete person, speak of the ability to concentrate the mind, but very small letters indicate that their owner is prone to selfishness and stinginess.

Large letters(as in children) characterize a dreamy, somewhat naive, impractical, trusting, and often overly kind person. But large letters can also mean a desire for independence and freedom of activity. People with this characteristic should pay attention to the spleen and liver.


Kind, gentle, calm people write rounded letters,

and hot-tempered, harsh, intolerant, irritable angular. Angular letters speak of a desire for independence, a critical mind, stubbornness, aggressiveness, a tendency to self-assertion, leadership, and ambition.

Based on this feature, you can determine how a relationship with such a person might develop. IN depending on whether there are more rounded shapes at the beginning or end of the signature, we can say in which case the person behaves more gently. At the beginning of a relationship or later.

For example, the signature in the figure on the right indicates that the owner of this signature is more likely to be correct at the beginning of a relationship.


If all letters in the signature interconnected, then we can talk about the consistent, logical character of this person, his mental activity, as well as some conservatism in his views, a rather complex perception of everything new.

Thinking is more flexible and adaptive if the signature reveals moderate number of breaks between the letters, which also indicates the ability to harmonize the desired and the actual.

An excessive number of gaps indicates figurative and concrete thinking, unpredictability of actions, daydreaming, a desire to attract attention and impress others.


You can judge a person's self-confidence in confidence and firmness, with which he signs.
An insecure person can also be easily identified by his signature.


If a person is boastful and tries to embellish his virtues, then this is easily revealed in his signature, since it also embellished: various curls, ribbons and friend and similar formations. And the more there are, the more superficial and insincere there is in a person.

A common man has a signature simple, modest.
But various decorations can be quite often found among people with a rich imagination - artists, painters, musicians.

People with a logical mindset - mathematicians and physicists - often have a signature like “ naked”, that is, the letters they use in their signature seem to have lost some parts. This also speaks to concrete thinking. If such letters have little connection with each other, then this indicates illogicality, vanity, and short-sightedness of thinking.


Signature compact, compressed usually have "tactics", that is, those whose minds are occupied with specific activities.

Against, sweeping the signature is often given to “strategists” - those who think globally, combinatorially, systematically. As a rule, these are major leaders and public figures.


Based on this feature, you can determine the degree of a person’s generosity: if the distance between the letters significant- then this is a generous person, and in the extreme degree of manifestation of the sign - a spender.

If letters in the signature climb on top of each other, then this indicates economy and even stinginess.

By the distance between letters, you can even find out in what period a person is more generous, as well as in what area his generosity is predominantly manifested - intellectual or material - it depends on which part of the signature the distance between the letters is greater - at its beginning or at the end.


People talk about physical strength bold lines of letters, blots(this is especially noticeable when using an ink pen), large pressure on the paper, strong pressure when writing is evidence that the owner of this signature is an extrovert.

Thinning in the form of a hair, a line of letters and even, as it were, line loss on nek
In some areas, it is characteristic of introverts, that is, people whose mind is directed inward. If such people engage in social activities, it comes to them very easily, but through a struggle with their inner self.
If the force of pressure is even, moderate, then this indicates balance, thoughtfulness of actions, and self-control.

Uneven, impulsive pressure indicates impetuosity, emotionality, impressionability, and inability to work systematically.

Thick, greasy pressure characterizes people with developed sensual drives and a desire for material well-being.

If the thickness of the pressure changes, it is clearly visible transition from thin lines to bold, then this speaks of sexual inclinations, rich imagination, emotionality, lability of the nervous and vascular systems, and inconsistency.

And finally very weak, uneven pressure in places found in people who are unsure of themselves, hesitant, inclined to torment themselves, doubters, in people with an unbalanced psyche, neurasthenia.


Those who emphasizes your signature from below- proud, interested in the opinions of others about themselves, touchy.

People with a signature that covered by a line from above, are vain, proud and strive for great achievements.

But by the length of the “tails” at the end of the signature one can judge the degree of a person’s reaction to attempts by others to interfere in his affairs. The longer the tails, T
We are more intolerant than its “owner” towards various kinds of orders, decrees and comments addressed to him. Such a ponytail also indicates caution and prudence.

If a person crosses out his signature, then this indicates his dissatisfaction with himself, self-criticism, a doubting, hesitant nature. Such people may be susceptible to neuroses, vegetative-vascular dystonia, peptic ulcers, and also more easily succumb to various vices (smoking, alcohol, etc.).


If the signature contains formations that resemble vertical lines, then this means, as it were, a barrier, a slowdown, a brake on mental or physical activity. In this case, you should pay attention to which part of the signature these verticals are located.

Presence of vertical formations at the beginning signatures indicate poverty of imagination, insufficient intellectual and creative activity.

If the "vertical" occurs approximately in the middle signatures - then this indicates a delay, slowness in the transition from an idea to its implementation, and if at the end signatures - about difficulties in completing things (such a person needs external control and appropriate incentives).

If present in signature clearly expressed vertical formations, medical diagnosis should be aimed at identifying genitourinary problems.


Unevenness, " galloping“The letters in the signature are evidence of emotionality, lack of restraint, and in extreme degrees of manifestation of the trait - uncontrollability and imbalance. Such people are often susceptible to vegetative-vascular dystonia, neuroses, and thyroid diseases.

If the signature smooth, written as if along a ruler, then in this case we can talk about restraint, self-control, rationality. In this case, you should pay attention to the condition of the nervous system, kidneys and spleen.


If a person is secretive and independent in character, then he often signs his signature circles. A lesser degree of expression of such qualities is characterized by the presence in the signature smaller loops.
People with similar elements in their signature try to find a job in which they would be free, independent, and not subordinate to anyone. It is about such people that they say: “A cat that walks around on its own.” be" and "On my own mind." Eyelets They are also an indicator of stubbornness, willfulness, caution, and “obsession” with any ideas or problems.

It should be taken into account: there are loops at the beginning, in the middle or at the end of the signature and, in accordance with this, draw final conclusions. The signature, in which the letters turn almost into a straight line, also speaks about the secretive nature of a person.


The dot is a positive sign. Its presence in the signature indicates discipline and a tendency to complete what was planned.

If the period is at the end of the signature, then this speaks of a person’s desire to be sure to complete the work he has started. The presence of a point is also one of the indicators of performance.

A person’s desire to obtain comprehensive information before he begins to implement his plan is characterized by dot at the beginning of the signature.


The more complex, " loaded”signature, the more clearly one can see a person’s ability to create problems for himself, which is called “making a molehill out of a molehill.” This signature is often found among psychosthenics.

Vice versa, the simpler signature - the fewer problems a person lives with - he strives to simplify his life.


Identical, repeating elements
in the signature, characterize the individual’s tendency to a greater or lesser degree of obsession in thoughts and actions, a habit that is difficult to eradicate. At the same time, this sign also speaks of perseverance and the ability to endure monotonous work more easily.

As for health, you should pay attention to the state of the nervous system: neuroses are possible, in particular obsessive-compulsive neurosis. There may also be a tendency to increase blood pressure.


If the signature clear And you can read the letters that make it up, then we can safely say that the owner of such a signature is not selfish, since he subconsciously strives to be understood by others. Teachers often have clear signatures, teaching
tel. From a medical point of view, people with such a signature may be susceptible to diseases such as psychosthenia, diabetes mellitus, and hypertension.

If the signature illegible, then this characterizes a person as selfish, caring little about whether others understand him or not, and also not very careful.
Such people may suffer from diseases of the eyes, nerves, liver and gallbladder, as well as stomach ulcers.


If a person uses in his signature foreign font(meaning that instead of Cyrillic the signature is made in Latin, Arabic, hieroglyphs, etc.), this may mean that either he is a fan of everything foreign (this is more often typical of young people), or he wants to stand out, or he is characterized by independence in his views and judgments.


This means that individuals whose handwriting or signature close to the template- have little initiative, their thoughts and judgments are stereotypical. People with a similar signature should pay attention to the function of the liver, gall bladder and spleen.

The brighter and more convex differences appear in writing, especially the creative person before us, striving to bring variety to life. We can confidently talk about the romanticism of the owner of such a signature. In health, you should pay attention to the state of the psycho-emotional sphere.


The simpler the signature, the simpler a person lives and thinks. Often, simple, ingenuous people write an abbreviated or even full last name instead of a signature; they do not have enough imagination to somehow modify their signature or embellish it. Such people are less emotional.

Hence, the more ornate the signature- the more complex a person’s nature is, but also the greater the susceptibility to cardiovascular and neuropsychic diseases.


In order to correctly draw conclusions on this basis, it is necessary to directly observe the moment of writing the signature. If a man signs quickly without thinking, then this may indicate a professional habit (for example, among cashiers); be an indicator of increased excitability of dysfunctional choleric temperament, the state of the nervous and cardiovascular systems.
According to the drawing, such a signature is similar to a signature characterized by confidence in writing (see criterion 7).


Straight tilt characterizes a person who is direct, restrained, consistent, has self-control, and sometimes stubborn. This indicator is also evidence of the dominant influence of the mind.

Right inclined the signature speaks of the balance of a person’s character traits, his ability to understand other people, to compromise. (In this case, of course, other factors should be taken into account.) Letters that are too tilted, almost lying down, are a pathological phenomenon.

If the signature is overturned left 125° against the direction of movement, this is most often due to a discrepancy between personal natural inclinations and inclinations of a person with living conditions, and also indicates waywardness, stubbornness, demandingness, distrust, and sometimes secrecy and insincerity.

If the inclination of the letters in the signature is of different types, then this is due to contrast, capriciousness, instability of feelings, impetuosity, affectivity, lack of restraint, scattered aspirations. You should be careful in dealings and relationships with such people.


Characterizes the degree of giftedness of an individual, development of intelligence and culture. Individual letters in such a signature may sometimes seem ugly, there may be irregularities and kinks in them, but they form one harmonious whole.


It often happens that the same person has a signature sometimes neat, sometimes careless. This characterizes a person with a pronounced selective attitude towards others. If someone is of interest to such a person, then he will try to show this in his signature, try to show himself from the best side, and if not, then he will treat his signature carelessly. In terms of health, you should pay attention to the state of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, as well as the thyroid gland, liver, and gall bladder.


A signature is one of the factors that reflects a person’s inner world; it is natural, therefore, that with a change in the internal state, the growth of spiritual consciousness and other changes in a person’s life, his signature also changes. If a man degrades, then the signature also degrades if a person is being improved, then the signature changes accordingly.

The signature may also change and in connection with a woman's marriage, which reflects real changes that have occurred in her emotional, social, personal and other spheres.


If an individual, having written some part of the signature, returns back by some line, or something else adds, then this suggests that the owner of such a signature, having done some work, is inclined to return to its beginning, analyze what has been achieved, which means he has a desire to introduce something new, modify, supplement what has been done, that is, there is a state of dissatisfaction, a constant desire improvement.

The wavy lines in the signature characterize a person who is flexible, diplomatic, capable of making compromises, and easily adapts to different living conditions. More often these are sanguine people, less often - phlegmatic people. Such people are less likely to complain of illness.


Evenness of line lines,
uniform spacing between letters, uniform pressure and amplitude of the inscription are signs of geometric consistency of the signature.

Such a signature characterizes the degree of volitional development of a person, his mental consistency, efficiency, thoughtfulness of actions, stability of feelings, certainty and immutability of relationships both to individual phenomena and to everything in the surrounding life. Opposite characteristics of the signature will indicate otherwise.

If the amplitude increases, then this suggests that a person gradually develops activity from the beginning to the end of the activity.

If Signature amplitude is even- this characterizes a person whose performance remains at a stable level from the beginning to the end of the activity, the attention is stable, the interest in what is happening, both in work and in personal life, is constant.

If the beginning of the signature large, and then gradually decreases or turns into a wavy line, then this speaks of some secrecy of a person, but also of his sophistication and diplomacy.

Symmetrical elements in the signature, for example, two horizontal or vertical strokes (=, //) are an indicator of a person’s stable character, harmony, balance of a person’s qualities, and the ability to make compromises. People who have the above elements in their signatures love reliability in everything and strive to insure themselves in their activities. In terms of health, such people should pay attention to the condition of the genitourinary system, respiratory and nervous systems, as well as the function of the spleen.


The presence of such an element as a digital addition speaks of a suspicious, distrustful nature, characterized by a critical mind and caution. It may also indicate a tendency to neuropsychiatric diseases.


With the advent of e-mail, we write paper letters to each other less and less and “knock” on the keyboard more and more often. It's a pity - after all looking at a sheet of paper with writing on it, you can learn something interesting about its author.

If you come across a text written “by hand” by a person you are interested in, if this text is longer than 3-4 lines (so that you have something to analyze), and it is not a greeting card (they usually try to sign them beautifully), congratulations! You have a completely suitable sample for independent “examination”. There are several elements of the letter that you should pay special attention to.


  • Narrow fields, located on the left, may indicate that the author of the lines is distinguished by frugality or even some pettiness. The narrower the field on the left, the greater the chance that frugality can lead to stinginess.
  • Wide brim Usually they are left by active people with a broad soul. The wider the margins, the greater the chances that generosity will be supplemented not only by the desire for luxury, pathos and sybaritism, but also by the desire to show off.

Line direction

  • Straight stitches indicate that they were written by a calm, reasonable person who realistically assessed his own capabilities, a person with adequate self-esteem.
  • Lines running up typical of optimists, as well as those who tend to inflate their self-esteem.
  • Lines running down characteristic of pessimists and those who have low self-esteem.
  • "Wave" lines they speak of a certain inclination towards adventurism, resourcefulness and the ability to deceive. Uneven lines are a sign of a person subject to constant mood swings.


Pressure is not as significant for owners of regular ballpoint pens. If the text is written with a fountain pen, then some conclusions can be drawn:

  • Strong pressure typical for people who are sociable, purposeful and energetic, prone to workaholism, more likely to be extroverts than introverts. If a person is important and interested in the topic, if he writes under the influence of emotions, the pressure will be strong.
  • Light pressure typical of romantics, people who are keen, more introverts than extroverts.

Connectedness of letters

  • All letters are connected - Owners of this style are usually straightforward, enterprising, able to criticize, and logical thinking prevails.
  • Each letter separately - Most likely, such a person has predominant imaginative thinking, well-developed intuition, and a rich inner world.
  • Uniform strings of 2-3 letters - typical of balanced people.

Slant letters

  • Slight to the left characteristic of those who put their own interests above public interests, for those who like to criticize.
  • Strong left typical of people who live by the principle “There are two points of view - the wrong one and mine.”
  • Slight to the right occurs quite often and says practically nothing - except that this person was a diligent student in elementary school.
  • Strong to the right speaks of determination and perseverance. If your man writes this way - be careful! Most likely, he is very amorous and jealous.
  • Vertical handwriting (no slanting) characteristic of stubborn people, prudent people who first thoughtfully analyze the situation and only then make decisions.

Letter size

  • Large letters (more than 3 mm) they say that the owner of such a handwriting is open, emotional, easily meets new people, and in a team, as a rule, is a leader.
  • Medium size letters (about 3mm) They occur most often and do not carry any hidden information.
  • Small letters (from 2 mm and less) indicate restraint, secrecy, isolation and determination.

It is important to remember that handwriting can become larger when tired, and simply with age. The information will be most reliable if the author of the letter is between 25 and 45 years old.

Letter shape

  • Rounded letters are typical for soft and compliant people. It is easy to communicate with them, they are always ready to compromise, but it is much more difficult for such people to achieve their goals.
  • Angular the letters speak of selfishness. A person who writes in this manner considers the motto of his life to be “Don’t tell me what to do, and I won’t tell you where to go.”


In principle, a lot of information is contained even in a signature; they haven’t yet come up with a worthy replacement for it (an electronic signature doesn’t count).

  • Standard signature (no elements described below) indicates self-confidence and courage.
  • Signature “with loops” indicates cunning and observation.
  • Crossed out signature speaks of impulsiveness and energy.
  • Underlined signature indicates entrepreneurship.
  • Signature circled(all, or several letters) speaks of isolation and timidity.
  • Capital letter in signature deserves special attention. The larger and more unusual it is, the more a person craves to be noticed. A small capital letter (less than 2 lowercase in size) indicates some tightness.


Your handwriting can tell more than 500 character traits.

According to a study conducted by the company National Pen Company in the USA, the size of letters, the distance between letters, the shape of letters and other signs can indicate various features of your character.

Handwriting analysis or graphology It is even used as a lie detector and to identify possible health problems.

Graphology is considered a pseudoscience because there is not enough evidence to show how accurately it determines the psychological and physical characteristics of an individual. However, some companies use graphology in the hiring process, and these methods are also used in court cases.

Character of a person by handwriting

According to research, the size of your handwriting can tell you what type of personality you are.

1. Handwriting size:

- Small handwriting - speaks of a shy or reserved, diligent and scrupulous character.

- Medium handwriting – speaks of balance and the ability to easily adapt to new situations and people.

-Large handwriting – indicates people who are sociable, straightforward, and who love attention to themselves. This also suggests that a person tends to put a good face on a bad game and pretends to be more confident than he really is.

2. Spacing between words

- Long distance between the words it says that a person values ​​his freedom and does not like crowds.

- Small distance between words indicates that the person does not like to be alone and can be intrusive.

3. Tilt

- Handwriting slanted to the right - a person is open to new experiences and likes to meet new people.

- No tilt – a person does not allow emotions to dominate the mind, he is logical and practical.

- Handwriting slanted to the left – a person keeps to himself and likes to work unnoticed. If you are right-handed and write with a slant to the left, it can mean rebellion.

4. Letter shape

- Rounded letters – a person of a creative and artistic bent

- pointed letters - indicate a person who is aggressive, deep, intelligent and inquisitive.

- Related letters – you are logical and methodical, making decisions carefully.

5. Page margins

- Left side margins – you tend to live in the past, and it is difficult for you to free yourself from it

- No fields – you cannot sit in one place and relax, your mind constantly wanders.

- Margins on the right side - you are afraid of the unknown and constantly worry about the future

6. Pressure

- Strong pressure – you have a strong sense of duty and take things seriously. Too much pressure indicates stiffness and a negative reaction to criticism.

- Light pressure – you are sensitive and empathize with people, but you lack vital energy.

7. Writing speed

- You write quickly – you are impatient, do not like to waste time or wait

- You write slowly - you are collected, methodical and rely on your own strength.

8. Signature

- Illegible signature - you are secretive and can be difficult to understand

- Easy to read signature – you are confident and do not pretend to be someone you are not

What else can you tell from handwriting?

- High blood pressure – Writing with varying degrees of pressure can be one of the signs of high blood pressure, especially if you start writing lightly and end up writing with a lot of pressure.

- Schizophrenia – when the slope changes frequently within a sentence or word, this may indicate a lack of constant contact with reality and indicate schizophrenia.

- Parkinson's disease – very small, condensed handwriting known as microphagia. Sometimes the handwriting can be so small that even the author himself cannot read it.

- Alzheimer's disease – handwriting deteriorates as mental abilities deteriorate. Handwriting may become uneven, with altered letters and trembling when writing. The writing begins to slow down.

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