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The waters broke before labor without. How water breaks during pregnancy

Doctors consider this development of events, when a pregnant woman’s amniotic fluid breaks, but there are no contractions yet, as a pathological beginning of labor. But despite the “formidable” medical term, this condition in itself is not threatening for the mother and child, but still requires more careful monitoring.

Therefore, all articles on the Internet and magazines for expectant mothers unanimously advise pregnant women to immediately go to the maternity hospital if their waters have already broken and there are no contractions yet. True, you really need to rush only in cases where the gestational age is less than 34 weeks, this is not the first pregnancy, or the expectant mother has already experienced rapid labor. In all other cases, there is no reason to panic and urgently call an ambulance - the woman in labor has time to calmly collect the necessary things and go to the maternity hospital without haste.

Expectant mothers do not always understand why they need to go to a medical facility as soon as their water breaks. Why can't you stay home and mind your own business while waiting for contractions? In addition, many pregnant women are afraid that in such a situation doctors will immediately begin to stimulate contractions with oxytocin drips and interfere with the natural course of events. In general, a trip to the maternity hospital seems unnecessary and even unsafe - it’s still good, why rush to the hospital?

In fact, rupture of the membranes in the absence of contractions is not a “normal” onset of labor, although it occurs in 10-12% of women in labor. The baby needs amniotic fluid not only during pregnancy, but also during birth - an intact amniotic sac protects the fetus from infection, softens the pressure of the uterine walls during contractions, and promotes soft opening of the cervix. And it is much easier for the woman herself to endure contractions when the amniotic sac is still intact, since when it ruptures, labor pain becomes much more intense.

Doctors also note that with early rupture of amniotic fluid, the risk of labor weakness, oxygen starvation of the fetus (hypoxia), postpartum hemorrhage and disruption of the placenta increases. It’s not a fact that you will definitely encounter such pathological conditions, but statistics are a stubborn thing, and decades of obstetric observations should not be written off.

Wait and watch

You should not think that as soon as she gets to the maternity hospital, a woman in labor will almost find herself under a stimulating drip in the emergency room. This makes no sense, because in the first hours after the rupture of amniotic fluid, the risk of infection for the child is minimal. In Russia, doctors offer the expectant mother induction of labor only in cases where more than 12 hours have passed since the rupture of the amniotic sac and contractions have not begun (or have begun, but are irregular and ineffective - dilatation is slow or absent at all).

First, the doctor will definitely examine the expectant mother, determine the readiness of the cervix for childbirth and conduct examinations of the fetus to make sure that everything is fine with it. Usually, in the first 6-8 hours of the anhydrous period, doctors prefer not to interfere with the natural course of events, since this does not yet make any sense. At this time, the expectant mother can rest, sleep, or vice versa - walk around to stimulate contractions naturally.

And only in cases where the uterus shows no signs of activity at all or when studies show signs of the child’s suffering, doctors begin to use drug methods to induce labor. And here it all depends on the current situation - for some, one injection with an antispasmodic is enough for the cervix to finally begin to dilate, another mother will need an IV, and a third will need a cesarean section. Not very pleasant procedures that frighten many pregnant women, but it is worth remembering that sometimes the life and health of the unborn baby really depends on such interventions.

Cervical dilatation, contractions, rupture of membranes, leakage of amniotic fluid, three stages of labor, early breastfeeding. Almost every woman carrying a child knows about all this. Few expectant mothers do not attend special courses, read literature or are not interested in information that is freely available. But not everyone is able to recognize that their water has broken during pregnancy and then adhere to a certain algorithm of actions. The discharge of amniotic fluid does not always occur in the ideal order described in medical journals. Often a woman is simply not prepared for something not to happen as planned.

There is an opinion among women that if the water begins to break, this means labor. The outpouring of fluid triggers physiological changes in the body, ultimately leading to the birth of a child. For this reason, artificial opening of the membranes is used to stimulate labor. But normally, the secretion of the amnion is poured out during contractions.

Can labor begin without my water breaking? Yes, the beginning of labor is considered the appearance of regular contractions. Their increasing intensity leads to dilatation of the cervix and preparation for expulsion of the fetus. At the end of the first stage of labor, the amniotic sac opens and fluid is released. Then attempts begin, ending with the birth of the child, and then the process of separation of the placenta.

This is the optimal scenario, in medicine called timely discharge of amniotic fluid. Premature and early rupture also occurs, that is, before the onset of contractions and simultaneously with them, until the cervix is ​​fully dilated. In full-term pregnancy, both options do not always mean pathology, but require more careful monitoring.

If rupture of the membranes occurs in the clinic after a woman’s contractions begin, then it is difficult not to notice it. But often, the discharge of amniotic fluid takes a woman by surprise, when there is no talk of any contractions of the uterus. That is, in fact, the only symptom of the onset of labor is the sudden breaking of water.


A massive leak of amniotic fluid is difficult to miss. The beginning is always unexpected and abrupt. Unlike urination, a woman is unable to hold back the flow of flow with her sphincter. The amount of water during childbirth can reach up to 1 liter, on average it is 400-800 ml. But pregnant women feel that much more fluid has been removed.

The baby's head divides the amniotic waters into anterior and posterior, so they recede again, in a volume of up to 200 ml, after the expulsion of the fetus. The woman does not feel this because she is busy delivering the placenta.

The effusion is accompanied by a squeezing feeling in the lower abdomen. The membranes do not have nerve endings, so they cannot hurt when they rupture. Discomfort is associated with simultaneous contraction of the uterus, that is, contraction.

What types of waters are there during childbirth?

  • colorless, slightly cloudy;
  • yellowish tint;
  • Normally, inclusion of mucous or small blood streaks is allowed.

With massive effusion, women often hear a characteristic crack or pop, indicating rupture of the membranes. Sometimes the plug, a thick lump of mucus, is released along with the amniotic fluid.

Can the water recede gradually? Yes, the condition occurs when the membranes rupture high up. In such cases, the amniotic fluid flows out in small portions, sometimes just drops, but contractions always begin after this.

It can be difficult to determine the breaking of amniotic fluid. Differential diagnosis is also difficult. Small portions of liquid can be confused with new urinary incontinence or vaginal discharge, which intensifies immediately before childbirth.

Deviations from the norm

If amniotic fluid leaks out little by little, this is a dangerous condition even during a full-term pregnancy. When labor does not begin, there is a risk that the fetus will be left without fluid and become infected as a result of loss of sterility. The shorter the pregnancy period, the higher the risk of complications, including fetal death.

There are quick tests, special strips that allow you to determine amniotic fluid in vaginal discharge. You can use a clean, dry cotton cloth as a liner. After the water dries, it leaves a stain with a yellow or light brown border. Sometimes a woman, if she pushes, will be able to break her water more than before.

But these methods do not guarantee reliable results. If you suspect a leak, you need to go to the maternity hospital. Doctors will conduct an examination for cervical dilatation, assess the condition of the fetus using an ECG and the amount of water during ultrasound, determine the composition of the discharge in the laboratory and, if necessary, hospitalize it.

With massive simultaneous rupture of amniotic fluid, the severity of undesirable consequences is directly proportional to the gestational age. Without water, the fetus in the early stages often simply does not survive. In a full-term pregnancy, the release of fluid triggers the onset of labor.

A bad sign is the waters are bright scarlet in color. They signal bleeding in the mother or child, placental abruption. Green, brown, or dirty amniotic fluid indicates premature passage of meconium or oligohydramnios, and often leads to fetal hypoxia.

When to go to the maternity hospital if your water breaks? As soon as possible. On average, without risk to the child, it is permissible for the child to stay in the womb for up to 12, sometimes up to 24 hours. If the liquid had an uncharacteristic color or smell, then the time is much less. The only thing that is strictly prohibited in this case is ignoring the situation.

Algorithm of actions

The first thing to do after your water breaks is to find out the exact time, write it down or remember it, don’t panic, pull yourself together and focus on the upcoming birth. The exciting moment of meeting your child comes. But it is not recommended to stay and wait for the contractions to start. The longer the period the fetus is in the womb without fluid, the higher the risk of complications.

If your water breaks at home, you need to change clothes, take the things you have already collected during the last stage of pregnancy and go to the maternity hospital. If this happened on the street, in a public place, an ambulance is called.

If the waters are bad and you feel unwell, it is better to go to the nearest clinic so as not to waste additional time on the road. If the effusion occurs in a small volume, you need to arrive at the maternity hospital after 1.5-2 hours.

What to do after your water breaks:

  1. remember the exact time, nature and approximate volume of liquid;
  2. Next, you need to stand in a knee-elbow position for 15 minutes to prevent prolapse and pinching of the umbilical cord;
  3. If contractions appear at the same time or are already occurring, you need to start performing special breathing exercises.

It is impossible to predict when labor will begin after your water breaks. In ten minutes, in an hour or 10 - it all depends on the characteristics of the woman’s body and the readiness of the fetus. It often happens that premature discharge of amniotic fluid, on the contrary, indicates weak labor. Therefore, at the end of the allotted “water-free” period, doctors begin stimulation.

How long does labor last after your water breaks? Depends on several factors. It is important whether the contractions started spontaneously or were caused, what kind of birth, and gestational age. When stimulated by oxytocin, the duration of labor after the water breaks is reduced to 5-6 hours. If wait-and-see tactics are used, the process is delayed for a whole day.


To determine the further plan of action for doctors in each specific situation, the gestational age plays a fundamental role. The well-being of the mother, the suffering of the fetus and the amount of fluid lost are taken into account.

In case of premature pregnancy, 34-37 weeks, it is necessary to determine the degree of maturity of the baby’s lungs and the readiness of the cervix. During this period, antibacterial and supportive therapy is carried out. At earlier stages the prognosis is unfavorable.

Starting from the 38th week, one of two patient management tactics is used. Active - involves inducing labor 2-4 hours after the water breaks. Expectant – allows the woman’s body to prepare and start the process itself.

It is not recommended to wait more than 12-24 hours for labor to begin due to the high risk of fetal infection and umbilical cord compression. At this time, it is imperative to sanitize and prepare the pathways, and constantly monitor the condition of the fetus and the well-being of the mother. But the number of speculum examinations and other vaginal examinations should be kept to a minimum to avoid infection.

What happens after your water breaks:

  1. if there were minor contractions before effusion, now they will intensify, the cervix will begin to open faster;
  2. when the waters recede in a stream at the peak of labor, then, most likely, pushing will soon begin;
  3. if no uterine contractions were observed, then on average, in 90% of women, contractions begin on their own within 24 hours.

There are also contraindications to watchful waiting. These include: complications of pregnancy, increased blood pressure of a woman, the onset of an inflammatory process, bleeding and other indications for emergency delivery by cesarean section. Surgery is also resorted to when stimulation of labor does not produce a response.

The discharge of amniotic fluid, one way or another, indicates an upcoming birth. Whether contractions begin on their own or are stimulated in the hospital does not matter. The only important thing is that the baby will be born soon. The woman’s task is not to risk the baby’s health and to come to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible.

When the period of gestation comes to an end, the mother experiences natural excitement before the upcoming process of childbirth. In particular, the woman is considering the issue of the release of amniotic fluid and the onset of contractions. As you know, water can come out at any time during pregnancy. It’s good that if the water breaks out at 38 weeks, the baby at this stage is considered full-term and ready to be born. It also happens: the water breaks, but there are no contractions; every woman should have an idea about this situation. Let's discuss the trending topics in this article.

Rush of amniotic fluid before childbirth

Options for discharge of amniotic fluid

The process of rupture of amniotic fluid can be:

  • premature;
  • early;
  • timely;
  • belated.

The rupture of amniotic fluid should be considered, taking into account the condition of the cervix and the nature of labor. There are different variations in the development of events. An extremely undesirable, but sometimes occurring situation with the leakage of water without contractions can be designated as premature rupture, since labor has not yet been observed. Every tenth birth begins this way. The rupture of water is called early if at the time of its release there is already obvious labor activity, provided that the uterus is dilated to 4 centimeters.

With a favorable course of pregnancy, timely rupture of amniotic fluid often occurs. This occurs against the background of regular labor, in the initial labor period, provided that the cervix is ​​dilated to a width of 4 centimeters. Unfortunately, things don't always go so smoothly. Doctors talk about delayed rupture of amniotic fluid when the cervix is ​​fully dilated and after a certain time the amniotic sac spontaneously bursts.

Both premature and early release of amniotic fluid are equated to pathology, since without the protection of a bladder, the child is vulnerable to infections. A long anhydrous period threatens infection not only of the maternal genital organs, but also of the child; this risk increases with a history of inflammatory diseases during gestation. To prevent infection, women with ruptured membranes are given a safe antibacterial drug after a few hours.

Features of discharge of amniotic fluid

Please note the following characteristic features:

  • most often, the volume of fluid flowing from the genital tract is 150-250 milliliters;
  • water may leak little by little;
  • normal amniotic water has an almost transparent color, a slight pink tint is possible, and a pleasant sweet smell;
  • green, black or brown color of amniotic fluid, as well as the presence of blood, indicates pathology.

If you find that half a glass or a glass of liquid has leaked out, this indicates a complete rupture of the membranes. Often this happens at night. If your water breaks during the day, you may feel a popping sensation inside your abdomen. If there is a small tear, the fluid is released in small portions, so it can be confused with urinary incontinence or other discharge. If you have any suspicions, you should be examined by a doctor.

The appearance of the amniotic fluid is of great importance. It is believed that normally there is no unpleasant odor, the color is transparent or slightly pink. If the color of the liquid is different, for example, green, brown or black, we can conclude that meconium is present in the composition, and this indicates fetal hypoxia. This is how nature works that due to oxygen starvation the fetus secretes meconium. Blood may come out along with the water; this phenomenon indicates placental abruption; the woman should be carefully and quickly transferred to the hospital.

The water has broken, but there are no contractions: What to do in this situation is clear to everyone, immediately go to the hospital by calling an ambulance

Behavior of a woman when amniotic fluid breaks

Every pregnant mother should remember the following:

  • discharge of amniotic fluid is a clear reason for the woman’s immediate hospitalization;
  • after leakage of any amount of amniotic fluid, an examination is required;
  • usually 3 hours after the water breaks, contractions begin naturally;

If your water breaks at home and there are no contractions, then you don’t need to wait for them. A woman must get to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible. You should know that anhydrous existence implies a danger for the child; to reduce the likelihood of negative consequences, stimulation of labor with drugs may be prescribed.

If the water breaks, the woman is sent to a chair to assess the condition of the birth canal. The specialist checks whether the umbilical cord has prolapsed, otherwise fetal asphyxia may occur. Occasionally, it happens that the limbs of the fetus get into the cervix, which complicates labor.

When doctors note that 3 hours have passed since the water broke, but there are no contractions, they have to perform stimulation. European doctors suggest resorting to artificial stimulation of labor when 24 hours have passed since the water leaked out. Russian specialists adhere to a 12-hour period of time; in most cases, measures to induce labor begin to be used much earlier. This approach reduces the risk of infection.

It’s good to give birth naturally, without the use of potent drugs, but not every woman in labor has such happiness. A woman must be aware of her responsibility for the child and not allow the water-free period to drag on. If a specialist insists on accelerating labor and warns about the possible negative consequences of a long wait, then you definitely need to agree to all the proposed measures.

Can contractions begin without the plug and water draining? This is a question that pregnant women ask, especially those who are expecting their first child. Usually, the precursors of labor begin to make themselves felt about two weeks or a month before the start of the labor process. This occurs due to pronounced hormonal changes in the female body.

The main precursors of childbirth include the fact that the pregnant woman’s belly begins to gradually drop within a month at most in primiparous women and within a day in multiparous women, while some discomfort is felt in the lower back. However, there are situations when it does not go down, which is quite rare.

Before giving birth, a pregnant woman’s weight may decrease slightly, by about two kilograms. On the eve of childbirth, nausea and loose stools may appear, this is explained by hormonal changes. The first contractions are felt as pain in the abdomen, and intestinal motility may increase.

In addition, changes in the movement of the fetus are observed; it may begin to actively move or, on the contrary, it will begin to subside a little. But to a greater extent, the activity of the fetus slows down, since it is simply difficult for him to move, because his weight is already more than three kilograms.

Can contractions begin without the mucus plug coming out? This formation is cervical mucus that is secreted from the vagina. The plug may be streaked with blood, or colorless or yellowish. Thanks to her, the channel remains closed. Its loss is a definite sign of the onset of labor.

The mucus plug, due to intrauterine pressure, can come out with a pop, and can also flow out in small portions, gradually. If it appears, this indicates the beginning of cervical dilatation. There are situations when the plug may not come out or comes out completely unnoticed by the woman, which is not a pathology.

The main harbinger of labor is contractions. They represent a contraction of the uterine muscles, they are accompanied by the opening of the cervix, respectively, and the mucous plug and water will drain.

Can contractions begin if the water and the plug have not yet broken? Yes, but these are false contractions; they often occur before the onset of real contractions, which lead to the onset of labor. If a pregnant woman has experienced several false contractions the day before, then it is quite difficult for her to determine the sensations and distinguish between real labor contractions.

Contractions, again false, can begin without the discharge of amniotic fluid, but labor will always occur with their discharge. It is worth noting that the amniotic sac can rupture suddenly, with water literally gushing out like a torrent; the woman must be prepared for this. After which rhythmic contractions usually begin.

If your water breaks quickly and in large quantities, you should immediately call an ambulance and go to the maternity hospital. But if they leak slowly, then the expectant mother has several hours left. Normally, waters have no odor and are transparent. If they are greenish in color, this indicates an unfavorable condition on the part of the fetus.

When the pregnancy has come to an end, this is the time for the amniotic fluid to break; it can come out in a stream or stream. Both of these options are considered normal. It is important to pay attention to their color; if they are pink, this will indicate blood penetration and indicate that the baby has not received enough oxygen. Usually, after this, contractions will begin quite quickly and it is important to deliver the woman in labor to the maternity hospital in a timely manner. It may happen that in such a situation a caesarean section will be required.

An important point for women: if amniotic fluid begins to leak at home, then you should remember their quantity in detail, pay attention to the color, as well as possible impurities. Many women wonder how long it takes for their waters to break and whether they can miss it.

The amniotic sac sometimes bursts with a bang and quite intense effusion, or it can leak little by little for weeks, and you should urgently consult a doctor. The more time the fetus is left without amniotic fluid, the higher the chance of infection, which is fraught with complications.

Many women, on the eve of childbirth, begin to worry greatly about the breaking of their waters, and they begin to be afraid to take a bath or shower, because they think that they will provoke their breaking. But it is worth saying that quite often the bubble does not burst at all, so it has to be pierced directly during contractions already in a medical facility.

To be ready for the birth of a baby at any moment, you need to put aside prejudices and it is important to pack the bag in advance that you will have to go to the maternity hospital with. It is necessary to tell the whole family and husband, including all the necessary information, and warn that the water may break at home, but there is no need to panic.

In this case, the woman should be taken to the maternity hospital as quickly as possible; it is important for the husband and all family members to maintain prudence and moral calm, which will help the pregnant woman feel calmer.


So, if a woman’s water and mucus plug have not broken, but she feels pain in the abdomen, this may indicate false contractions, however, in this situation, you should definitely call a doctor, especially if the pain is severe.

The holiday is approaching... Every day before the beginning of the most mysterious moment in every woman's life - the birth of a baby, the expectant mother constantly listens to her feelings, waits impatiently and with a little fear for the time to come. One of the signs of its onset may be the breaking of water.

In this situation, the main principle to be followed is calm and calm again! Armed with it, your strength will not be wasted, which, believe me, will be very necessary in order to do the most important thing - give life to a new little person.

Non-standard start: water broke, but no contractions

Let's start with the fact that this beginning of the birth process is not entirely standard. Ideally, first of all, contractions appear, after which, after intensifying, at a certain stage of labor, the amniotic sac bursts, the water breaks and childbirth occurs directly. But failure to meet the ideal is not a reason for concern, because this process is unique for each woman in labor. According to statistics, labor begins with the breaking of water in every tenth woman in labor.

A little about physiology

During pregnancy, the uterine cavity is filled with amniotic fluid - a specific amniotic fluid that provides sterile conditions for the existence of the fetus. In our situation, the amniotic sac ruptures before the first uterine contractions begin.

The cause of rupture can be a sudden change in body position, including during sleep, muscle tension, as well as inflammatory diseases of the cervix and vagina. After this, an uncontrolled outflow of fluid occurs, which can manifest itself in the form of a strong stream or as an almost imperceptible leak of amniotic fluid before childbirth.

Diagnosis of leakage

In the latter case, the baby’s head descends into the birth canal, becomes a kind of plug and delays the normal outflow of amniotic fluid, which can ultimately be released in drops for a long time. These mild symptoms of leakage, usually of anterior amniotic fluid, may not cause any suspicion.

Therefore, if suddenly a pregnant woman has any doubts about the increase in the volume of discharge, she should seek advice from a gynecologist managing the pregnancy. He will examine you and order a non-invasive amniotic fluid test that can distinguish amniotic fluid from urine or vaginal discharge. Such rapid tests are sold in pharmacies and can be either in the form of special diagnostic pads or in the form of test strips, similar to pregnancy tests.

The procedure for determining the leakage of amniotic fluid is very important, since the choice of delivery tactics depends on it. If the amniotest result is positive, in the case of a full-term pregnancy without signs of the onset of labor, induction of labor will be necessary, and in the case of a premature pregnancy, a set of measures will be required to prevent infection of the fetus and maintain the pregnancy. The opinions of doctors regarding whether amniotic fluid leakage is dangerous without a timely response to this phenomenon are clear: it is very dangerous, it can result in sepsis and death.

Don't panic: pay attention to details

So, as soon as the water breaks, without panic, we pay attention to such important details as the time it breaks, quantity, color, viscosity, the presence of impurities, smell, the baby’s behavior and the number of his movements over a certain time. This information is very important for the doctor who will deliver the baby.

A variant of the norm is clear water with an admixture of white flakes (vernix) that have a sweetish odor. Cloudy discharge of other colors may indicate hypoxia or other danger for the baby, and in some cases for the woman in labor, for example, with amniotic fluid embolism.

It should also be noted that there is a direct relationship: the longer the “water-free” period lasts, the higher the likelihood of labor complications, because in such a situation the risk of infection of the fetus becomes higher. It is for all these reasons that the next stage of our actions is to take all the things prepared in advance for the maternity hospital and immediately go there on your own or call an ambulance.

We weigh the risks

In most cases, contractions should begin within 12 hours after your water breaks; in some situations, within the next 12 hours. According to world statistics, in 95% of women, after the water breaks, an independent process of labor begins within 48 hours, since the rupture of the membranes “starts” the mechanism of maturation of the lungs in the fetus and causes labor.

But our domestic doctors, in a situation where the water has broken and there are no contractions, consider it unacceptable to wait so long, because the risk of underdevelopment of the baby’s lungs, which can be “developed” artificially, is not commensurate with the high risk of infection of the child, and sometimes of blood poisoning in the mother . The danger also lies in the fact that the lack of amniotic fluid, reducing the size of the uterus, can lead to displacement of its walls relative to the placenta, and there is a risk of detachment. From a medical point of view, the optimal period for obstetrics is no more than 4 hours after the water has broken and contractions have not begun.

Stimulation will help you give birth

Depending on the readiness of the mother’s body for childbirth, the degree of dilatation of the cervix, the doctor makes a decision on artificial induction of labor or stimulation, and selects its method individually. In this situation, the following methods of inducing labor can be used:

Stimulation is not carried out if the fetus is positioned incorrectly; the heart monitor shows the child’s poor health; the woman in labor has a narrow pelvis or health problems, etc. In a situation where it is impossible to use methods of stimulation, obstetric care will be carried out using a caesarean section.

Therefore, please trust the medical guru completely. Just a little more time and you will meet your long-awaited baby...

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