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Crochet booties for newborns: diagrams and description. Crochet booties for girls with a detailed description Crochet booties patterns for a one-year-old child

You can crochet a lot of beautiful things for kids. The simplest thing is booties for newborns. Ideas that can be gleaned from the article and on the Internet will help you make a model of baby booties exclusive and fashionable. Boring socks are a thing of yesterday. Today, booties are full-fledged shoes for babies (sneakers, sandals, openwork shoes, sandals).

How to choose a model and materials

The model is selected based on the season. For summer, these can be light openwork booties made of cotton yarn in the form of sandals or sandals for girls and sneakers for boys. For winter, you can make warm sneakers or classic booties using dense knitting.

The highest quality threads are selected for needlework. Ideally, it is better to buy special children's yarn, of which there is a wide variety today. Since baby booties don’t require a lot of thread, you can use what’s left over from yarn that was purchased for larger crafts. The main thing is to make sure that the thread is soft and does not prick. This is important, since, for example, summer models are worn on the baby’s bare feet.

Hooks are selected depending on the thickness of the thread. We must remember that the thicker the thread, the larger the tool number.

To decorate the booties, you can use buttons, knitted decorative elements, embroidery, beads, ribbons and lace. Of course, for boys the decor is more restrained. If booties are knitted for girls, then you can give free rein to your imagination and make the decoration more colorful.

How to knit baby booties “Sneakers”

Such fashionable and beautiful “sneakers” will be a real decoration for a little champion.

Materials and tools

  • Cotton or wool yarn - 50 g. Cotton boots will be thinner, wool boots will be warmer. Yarn should be taken in two colors - white and a contrasting shade (blue, red, green, hot pink, etc. are suitable).
  • Hook No. 3.5.


The description is very detailed with step-by-step photos, so even novice needlewomen will not have problems with knitting.

1. Outsole

The sole is knitted with white threads using regular stitches. according to the scheme:

2. Rise

After the sole is ready, you need to knit two more rows with stitches in white. and break the thread.

The workpiece looks like this

Using a thread of a contrasting shade, you need to embroider a strip between two rows of rise

3. Toe

The first row of the toe consists of 30 stitches and is performed in st. without nac. The next row is already st. with nak. and is performed in three tbsp. at a time. As a result, there will be 10 loops. The third row is the final one. All 10 columns of the previous row are knitted at once in one step.

Then, you need to move the thread to the edge of the toe and knit st. without nac. two rows - this is the shoe tongue blank. After which the thread is carefully secured and broken.

First row of toe

Second row of toe

Beginning of the tongue

4. Main part

A stripe is embroidered between the first two rows of the toe using a contrasting thread. Next, the main part of the sneakers will be knitted with the same thread. The front rows are knitted st. without nac., purl – st. with nak.

You will need to make holes in the purl rows for lacing. They are made in this way: two air lifting loops, a column with a nak. in the next loop, chain stitch, skip 1 stitch from the previous row and two sts. with nak. knit together. As a result, one loop is shortened and a hole is obtained.

Holes for lacing should be made at the beginning and at the end of each purl row.

You need to knit seven rows of the main part, break the thread and carefully fasten

The beginning of the tongue is already there, you just need to knit seven more rows with contrasting threads and three with white ones. The final row of the tongue (the 4th row is done with white thread) should be done like this - two tbsp. without nac. together, one without nak., two half-columns with nak., three tbsp. with nak., two half-columns with nak., one tbsp. without inc., two without inc. together.

There is no need to break the thread; you can immediately tie it. After tying, the thread can be cut.

The tying is done using regular stitches. without crochet

6. Finish

Now you need to make the logo of a sports company on the white upper part of the tongue so that the sneakers look like real ones. All that remains is to insert a crocheted or purchased ready-made cord into the holes for the laces.

One bootie is ready, the second one is knitted in the same way. The sneakers are ready!

How to crochet summer booties for girls

Summer booties in the form of shoes are ideal for both home and walking, and they can be made in just one evening.

This beautiful, delicate model for the summer will be an excellent solution for little princesses.

Materials for work

  • Cotton yarn – 1 skein.
  • Crochet hook 2.75.
  • Two buttons for fastening.

Note: This model of booties is designed for an eight-month-old baby.

To make the product larger or smaller, at the very beginning (a set of loops for knitting the sole) you need to change the number of loops in the chain.


1. Outsole

For the soles of booties, the following scheme is used:

The finished insole is 10-11 cm, depending on the thickness of the threads and the size of the hook. For newborns, the sole size should be about 8 cm

2. Main part

The first row of the main part of the product is performed in a circle with ordinary double crochets.

Each time the hook is inserted into the base of the column of the outermost row of the tied foot so that the side braid is visible

First row of booties base

Main part of the bootie (1 row)

3. Toe

The second row is knitted taking into account the decreases to form the toe - three air. p. on the rise, eight double crochets, 2 double crochets together (decrease), 2 double crochets, 2 double crochets together, 2 double crochets, 2 double crochets together, 1 double crochet, 2 double crochets together, 1 double crochet, 2 with a double crochet together, 2 with a double crochet, 2 with a double crochet. Next, until the end of the row, simply knit a st. double crochet

As a result, such a toe is formed

4. Heel and strap

The heel is made of 22 double crochets and ends with a row of 21 double crochets. strap loops. The strap is also made from st. double crochet At the end of the strap you need to knit a hole that will serve as a buttonhole. The loop is knitted this way: 3 tbsp. with double crochet, one air. loop, skip one loop, st. with a crochet to the end of the strap. The thread breaks.


5. Completing the toe

To finish the bootie, you need to shape the toe. The thread is attached to the place where the shoe strap begins and the toe is knitted - nine single crochets, two single crochets together, one single crochet, two single crochets together, three single crochets, two single crochets together, one single crochet, two single crochets together. Next, single crochets are knitted to the heel, and the thread breaks.

The thread must be secured by retreating 4-5 loops from the strap to the toe. Then knit 11 tbsp. with two yarn overs through one loop. Then knit them together.

The resulting workpiece must be tied with thread

The toe is ready

All that remains is to sew on the fastener buttons. The baby's shoes are ready! These crocheted booties will be a great addition to a little fashionista's outfit.

How to crochet openwork booties for a baby

For needlework you will need:

  • Cotton or acrylic yarn – 50g.
  • Two hooks (No. 1 and No. 5).
  • Thin satin ribbon – 80 cm.
  • Beads for decoration.

A universal model for babies of any gender. Depending on the color of the yarn, you can make booties for a boy or a girl.


1. Outsole

The sole is made according to the scheme:

For children aged 3 to 9 months, the initial row of air. loops should be made equal to 25 + 3 p.raising

The result is a foot like this, according to the diagram

2. Main part

The first row of the main part is knitted with purl stitches. without a crochet.

The hook must be placed under the base of the posts

When the first row is ready, you can start drawing - air loops st. double crochet, chain stitch, st. with a double crochet in the same loop of the previous row, 2 loops are skipped. So until the end of the first row. The next two rows are knitted in the same way.

The drawing looks like this (1 row)

Figure 2 and 3 rows

If the baby is older than 6 months, then you will also need a 4th row

3. Toe

In the middle of the side of the bootie you need to make one connecting post and 3 lifting loops.

This knitting continues until the middle of the side of the bootie on the other side

The knitting is turned over and the work comes from the inside of the bootie. You need to make 3 lifting loops and knit two stitches. double crochet and then knit them together. And so continue until the end of the toe row.

The knitting turns over again. Two lifting loops, yarn over. Next, you need to insert the hook under the loops of the previous row, make a yarn over, pull out a loop and make another yarn over.

Thus, you need to knit to the end of the toe row
A ribbon will be inserted into this row

Then you need to turn the work and continue knitting from the inside. The next row goes two sts. with a double crochet, and between them one air loop.

The top of the bootie should look like this

Now you can start tying the top with peaks. To do this, a st. is knitted in an arc. without a crochet, and in the next arc three stitches. single crochet, peak of three chain stitches and three tbsp. double crochet This is how the entire upper part of the booties is tied.

Tying (step 1)

Tying (step 2)

Almost finished bootie

The lower part of the bootie can be tied with peaks, or it can be left without finishing. All that remains is to insert the ribbon and sew on the beads.

Note: The beads must be sewn firmly so that the baby cannot tear off the decor and choke! If there are concerns, then it is better to limit yourself to just ribbons.

On the Internet you can find many models of baby booties, knitted or crocheted. Such handmade things not only look beautiful and fashionable, but also carry a huge charge of love and warmth.

Moms and grandmothers, aunts and sisters - the article is dedicated to you and your children, grandchildren, nephews and younger members of your family. After all, we will teach you how to crochet booties for newborns: we have collected patterns and descriptions especially for you.

We We will tell you step by step the secrets of knitting booties, we will demonstrate photos of simple and affordable models, talk about diagrams and patterns. So, let's get down to a fabulous activity that will bring you a lot of pleasant memories, and your baby - incredibly beautiful and stylish shoes created by caring and loving mothers.

We present to you booties for newborns of a slightly unusual, but very successful model.

This simple method of knitting booties-slippers is suitable for craftswomen who are beginning their acquaintance with the world of handmade crafts. No complex combinations, patterns or anything else – just 2 elements and a simple but original decor. We will knit with crochet number 3, and we will take soft, natural and thin yarn. The length of the sole of the bootie will be 9 cm, this is exactly the size of a baby’s foot from 0 to 2 months. You can also measure your baby's foot yourself.

We invite you to study a master class during which you will learn how to knit tiny and very stylish booties. Naturally, we should knit the sole of our booties. Use this diagram, and then pay attention to the photo of the finished product.

Then you can start knitting the sidewall, which we will make according to the pattern.

When the side is ready, we knit a chain along the top edge.

Here are the promised 2 parts from which we will form our bootie.

Fold the side part in the form of a miniature turban.
We sew the side to the sole and get an almost finished product.

All we have to do is make a fastening in the form of a loop and a decorative clasp. A simple button will not work here, because it will be very heavy for a tiny leg. It's better to make a flower clasp, which will significantly decorate your product. For boys, you can choose more conservative fastener colors - blue, gray, brown. But mothers of girls have an unlimited field for imagination. Create unique booties and enjoy!

How to crochet booties: training for mommies

We invite you to familiarize yourself with another way of knitting wonderful baby booties. This time we will have fishnet booties, which can be knitted for both girls and boys (you should take darker threads).

First stage - materials

  • 50 grams of “Iris” thread (cotton);
  • 15 grams of thread of a different color (for openwork);
  • 40 cm ribbons (for decoration) or knitted thread tassels;
  • hook number 3.

Since our threads are thin, we will knit in 2 threads. It’s better to make a pair of booties right away so that they come out identical.

Now we will learn in detail how to crochet booties. At the end of the section, you will be able to watch video lessons from experienced knitters and try to make your own masterpiece with them.

Second stage - sole

  1. To begin with - 13 air loops and 3 lifting loops.
  2. For the first row, starting from the fifth stitch, we make 11 double crochets. In the last loop we also make 5 double crochets, and then another 11 double crochets. After this, we knit 4 double crochets in one loop and finish with a connecting loop.
  3. For the second row we go up 3 air loops, make 11 tbsp. double crochet and knit 5 times, 2 tbsp. with a double crochet in each of the loops. We knit another 11 sts. double crochet and 4 times 2 double crochets in each stitch. At the end we knit 1 double crochet and again a connecting loop.
  4. For the third row, we again rise by 3 loops, knitting 12 tbsp. double crochet, and then go over 8 times, 2 tbsp. with a double crochet for each loop. We knit another 13 stitches and again go through 8 times, 2 stitches each. At the end we make 1 tbsp. with a double crochet and end with a connecting loop.
  5. The knitting of the sole has come to an end.
  6. At the same time as the first, as we have already said, it is better to knit the second sole so that the knitting style and all parameters are identical.
  7. The next stage is knitting the sides. First you need to strengthen the sole. Around the columns from the previous row we knit one row with single crochets and any additions.

  8. The hook is inserted from the wrong side and from right to left, and then, wrapping around the column of the previous row, pick up the thread and pull it out to the wrong side of the sole.
  9. After we have strengthened the sole, we should tie the sides. To do this, we knit 2 rows with a single crochet, ending the rows with a connecting loop. We begin each subsequent row with two lifting loops.

Third stage - toe

It's time for us to knit the toe of our bootie. To do this, we find the center by folding the product in half lengthwise. Now from this central point set aside 15 stitches to the left and to the right, marking the point with a paper clip or thread.

1 row– rise by 3 air loops, then knit 4 tbsp. double crochet and 10 times 2 tbsp. with a crochet together. After this, we make 5 more double crochets. Let's turn the knitting over

2nd row– we repeat the same thing.

3rd row– rise to 3 air, then 4 tbsp. double crochet, 1 chain stitch and 5 tbsp. double crochet

We knitted the toe of the bootie.

The fourth stage is the top of the product

Crocheting booties for beginners continues with making the upper part of the product.

We make 2-3 connecting loops to get closer to the center, then knit 1 row with double crochets.

The top of the bootie will be made according to the pattern.

To knit row 1 we use all double crochets.

We begin the next row with three lifting loops, and then repeat the alternation until the end of the row - 1 chain stitch, 1 double crochet, through the column of the previous row.

Not everyone can crochet booties. This requires patience and some basic knitting knowledge. Therefore, if you decide to please your “little miracle” with a new thing made by yourself, we will teach you how to crochet booties beautifully and correctly. Booties for beginners - this will be the first part of a large lesson, then we will move on to more complex models.

Crochet lessons for beginners (patterns with step-by-step descriptions)

This part of the article can be called “training for dummies or how to quickly and easily crochet booties.” For beginners, this is a real find, as a large number of photos, videos and step-by-step instructions will help you understand this difficult matter. So, a master class on “how to learn how to knit the simplest booties.”

The simplest booties for baby (a lesson for beginner needlewomen)

If you learn how to knit the simplest patterns, you can get creative and turn them into funny little animals (monkeys, bunnies, lambs, bears), interesting fruits (strawberries, apples). You can also just beautifully tie the edge or decorate the socks, which will go beautifully, for example, with a headband and, voila, a chic set is ready.

Lightweight models for the summer or for home can be made with felt soles.

Popular articles:

For this model (sole size 10 cm) you need soft yarn (100% acrylic, 50 g / 200 m) in 2 colors.

We dial 12 v.p. + 3 v.p. (total 15 ch), insert the hook into the 4th loop of the chain from the hook and knit 3 rows according to this pattern.

Having knitted three rows, we move on to another color.

4th row - in each column (back) we knit a single crochet loop. The result should be 56 loops.

We knit the 5th one in the same way. The result will be two rows knitted with white thread.

Again we switch to blue. We start by knitting a “bump” (2 chain stitches, after 2 unfinished stitches, then one chain stitch).

We skip one loop and make a “bump” again.

So knit a whole row and close. We knit the 7th in the same way as the 6th.

We close the row and break the thread. Having marked the middle, we begin to knit the toe with a white thread.

Insert the hook into the back wall of the loop and knit a white “bump” from two unfinished loops.

Turn it over and also knit “bumps”.

There should be 7 pieces, after which you need to connect them.

Finish the row in the same way.

2 more rows and switch to blue again.

We decorate the edge by knitting three air loops for each column.

Master class with a detailed full description (step-by-step photos)

Step by step you learn the basics, which help you move on to more interesting models. When you start from scratch, all the little useful secrets help you move forward quickly, so I suggest moving on to more complex booties with a hook for beginners with a step-by-step description.

Knitted sneakers for children

Handmade Adidas sneakers will be appreciated by true gentlemen.

For this “masterpiece” you will need thin white cotton yarn (100% cotton, 50g/150m), hook number 2 and 3 hours of free time.

We start with the sole. The sole is knitted according to this pattern.

The sock is knitted from the front 30 stitches. 1 row - single crochets, 2 - double crochets (3 loops and one top). There should be 10 loops left.

We connect all 10 columns, move the thread to the beginning of the row and knit 2 rows of single crochets.

7 rows - double crochets.

The tongue ends with three rows of white thread. Then you can tie the product around the perimeter.

We embroider the logo and thread the lace. Ready!

DIY summer sandals for a child

If you love children's knitted sandals for the summer, by learning how to knit soles, you can come up with a lot of ideas and create a large number of interesting models.

Fold the sole in half and find the middle at the toe. The middle should be 5 columns. Tie a thread with a regular knot and tie 13 air loops, then attach it to the opposite side of the spout using a half single crochet (dc). Next, knit according to pattern 2 (only what is indicated in blue and dark red). The nose should look like in Fig. 3. Do not break the thread. In the last row you attached 2 half-columns bn to the sole.

1st row: 3 vp, attach them to pst.b.n. to the strap (skip 3 dc). Work 34 treble stitches. n. and also attach pst. b. n. to the strap.
2nd row: 1 vp and the entire row of st. b.n. = 35 st.b.n.
3rd row: Again 3 v.p. and 34 tbsp. With. n., 4 v.p., 3 tbsp. S.N. in the middle of the strap, ch 4
Next is a row of arches for the ribbon. 5 v.p., st.s.n. through 1 st.s.n. previous row. Senior s.n., 1 v.p., st.s. n. repeat the entire row in a circle.
Start the next row with pst. b.n. in an arch, 4 vp, dc, 1 v. p., senior senior sciences again in the arch. And so the whole series.

Children's shoes for girls (crochet)

Christening dresses or an openwork hat will look chic when paired with crocheted shoes with beads. Make them into ballet shoes or moccasins. The most important thing is that the yarn is soft and pleasant for a child’s feet.

Crochet booties for beginners with step-by-step description (crochet).

You can take any cotton threads you like and a hook No. 2.5. We start with the sole (look at the diagram below).

If you have a hard time navigating the diagram, I suggest you go into more detail at this stage.

We cast on 17 air loops (we start knitting from the 3rd).

1st row: 7 single crochets, 7 single crochets, 7 single crochets in the last stitch (and continue to knit on the other side of our chain), 7 single crochets, 7 single crochets, 4 single crochets in the last stitch, connecting stitch .

2nd row: 3 chain stitches, double crochet in the same base. 14 double crochets, (2 double crochets from one loop) - 5 times, 16 double crochets, 3 double crochets from one loop, 4 double crochets from one loop, 3 double crochets from one loop, connecting stitch.

3rd row: 3 chain loops, 15 double crochets, (2 double crochets from one loop, double crochet) - 2 times, (3 double crochets from one loop) - 2 times, (double crochet, 2 double crochets double crochet from one loop) - 2 times, 16 double crochets, (2 double crochets from one loop, double crochet) - 2 times, (3 double crochets from one loop) - 2 times, (double crochet, 2 double crochet from one loop) - 2 times, connecting stitch.

Row 4: chain stitch, tie the entire row with single crochets, ending with a connecting stitch.

Row 5: 3 chain stitches, knit the entire row with single crochets behind the back half-loop of our sole, ending the row with a connecting stitch.

Row 6: 3 chain stitches, knit the entire row with double crochets, ending with a connecting stitch.

Let's move on to the white thread.

7th row: 3 chain stitches, 15 double crochets, (we knit 2 double crochets together with a common top) - 10 times, finish the row with double crochets, ending with a connecting stitch.

8th row: 3 chain loops, 14 double crochets, (we knit 2 double crochets together with a common top) - 6 times, finish the row with double crochets, ending with a connecting stitch.

We make 5 connecting loops. We unfold our bootie and knit from the inside.

Row 9: 3 chain stitches, 27 double crochets.

For the strap we cast on 20 air loops. Row 10: we knit a double crochet into the fourth loop from the hook, 2 chain loops, skip 2 stitches of the previous row and knit 2 double crochets, knit 2 chain loops again - skip 2 stitches of the previous row and knit with double crochets to the end of the row.

It’s almost ready, so I suggest tying the product with single crochets.

Sew on a bow, buttons and beads.

Video tutorials - knitting booties for newborns

So, the most interesting ideas for a fashionable baby.

Beautiful “Crocodiles” booties in one evening

Such patterns are knitted very quickly and easily despite the scales.

Warm boots (ugg boots)

We will create high boots or boots made of wool yarn (grass can be used) for colder times. They will look very cute on a baby who is only a couple of months old.

Princess ballet shoes

MK - Sneakers for boys

Unusual white openwork “Raphael” for mom’s doll

Cozy “Minions” slippers for kids

Stylish “Marshmallows”

New Year's ideas "Santa Claus"

Almost anyone can knit booties for a child. The article provides a detailed description and patterns for knitting and crocheting booties.

Seeing self-knitted booties on little chubby legs is a sight that will lift your spirits even in chilly weather. The realization that the product you knitted warms and protects this little treasure gives birth to peace and satisfaction in the soul. And knitting booties is not the most difficult thing, the main thing is a competent approach.

Types of baby booties

Booties are a very gentle and touching accessory that perform an important function - they warm a child's foot. Booties can be divided into groups:

  • by material: cotton yarn, knitwear, leather or felted
  • by gender: for boys and girls
  • by season: warm and cold
  • by purpose: everyday, formal
  • in shape: in the form of bags, cakes, shoes, sandals, boots, sneakers, shoes, with a sharp nose a la “little muk”

How to knit baby booties for beginners. Photo

Threads for booties need to be hypoallergenic. These can be cotton threads, acrylic, microfiber, wool. Booties are knitted from cotton for special occasions or for warm weather. You can knit absolutely any booties from microfiber, be it light holiday ones or warm everyday ones. You can knit very warm booties from acrylic bootie threads.

It must be remembered that booties are either a seamless product or have seams on the outside. Otherwise, the booties may rub the baby’s delicate skin.

Now let's determine the size of the insole:

  • 8-9 cm for children from birth to 3 months
  • 9-10 cm - up to 6 months
  • 11 cm - up to 8 months
  • 12 cm - up to 10 months
  • 13 cm - up to 12 months
  • 15 cm - up to 18 months

But this is an approximate ratio; the length of the baby’s foot may vary.

To determine the number of loops required, we knit a small piece of stitching with the main stitch to determine how many loops there are in 1 cm of fabric. On average, this is 2 loops.

In our example, five needles No. 3 are used, acrylic threads 100% 150m/50g. Booties are intended for a child 10-12 months old. If your child is smaller or has plump legs, then the number of loops must be adjusted. The booties were knitted in 2 threads.

Knitting pattern for baby booties:

If you simply don’t have five knitting needles, or if it’s inconvenient to knit with them, then you can knit booties with two knitting needles. They will be just as beautiful, neat and functional.

Video: Master class on knitting baby booties with knitting needles from Olga Bokan

Crochet pattern for baby booties

Basic principles and stages of crocheting booties:

Video. Master class on crocheting baby booties by Svetlana Erbyagina

Baby booties for newborns, description

Booties for newborns should be knitted from very soft yarn, the thread should not prick. Especially if this concerns winter booties made of wool or if you will wear them on a bare leg. To do this, take the yarn you like and knit a small sample from it to determine how pleasant the booties will be to the touch.

You can decorate booties:

  • satin braid
  • lace
  • embroidery
  • appliqués
  • beads

You should not decorate with Lurex, since the metallized thread can irritate the child’s skin.

Threads must be of high quality, hypoallergenic and not contain harmful dyes. You can look for special threads for children, they definitely meet all the requirements.

Booties for newborns should be very soft, elastic, not compress the fingers, without internal seams

Such shoes will not only warm the foot, but also prepare it for wearing shoes with stiffer soles.

Baby booties for girls

  • Little girls are already fashionistas. Therefore, even their booties should be “girly”: bright with bows, ruffles, beads, openwork elements
  • For girls, it is customary to take pink, raspberry, red, and orange yarn. Girls look especially cute in this color scheme. Booties for girls are made in the form of slippers, shoes, sandals, boots with openwork decorations
  • Stylization of booties for girls can be flowers, ladybugs, cakes, cats, foxes

Baby booties for boys

  • Boys, although small, are already men. That’s why the booties for them are knitted less brightly and decorated more subtly. Among the colors they prefer are blue, light blue, lilac, gray, black, purple
  • You can use yellow, green colors, which are considered suitable for all babies
  • Booties for boys are knitted not only in the form of classic slippers and bags, but also in the form of boots, sneakers, sandals, boots
  • Booties for a boy can be stylized as dogs, bears, cars, tanks, with a tie, a la “little mug”, chickens, bunnies

Simple baby booties

Simple baby booties mean that they should be simple in design, without any special decorations, but perform the functions of heating and protection assigned to them. Such booties are usually made in the form of shoes or boots.

Here is one option for simple booties.

We knit with two needles No. 3. Yarn can be taken in any two colors, in our case it is pink and purple.

Cast on 22 loops with pink thread (the width of the knitted product is 9 cm). Knit 62 rows of garter stitch, but if you wish, you can use stocking stitch. The length of this sample was 14 cm.

Now we close off the first 8 loops and knit the row with purple thread. We knit this way:

Row 63 - knit stitches
64th - purl
65th - facial
66th - purl

Now we introduce the pink thread again:

Row 67 - knit stitches
68th - knits again
69th - purl
70th - facial

Alternating the threads in this way, knit 8 stripes in purple and 7 stripes in pink. Now sew the first and last rows. You can use knitting needles while simultaneously closing the loops, using a needle or crocheting. It turns out this “ring”: We form the sole. We collect the lower striped part of the bootie with a thread and tighten it. Then, towards the heel, we sew the two parts together. The length of the seam is about 2 cm. We collect the remaining pink part on a thread in the same way as the striped part. Thus we form the heel.

We form the toe (sock). We also collect the striped part on top and tighten it with thread. The booties are ready. You can decorate them with a pompom or any decor. You can crochet it, and also insert braid so that it stays on the leg better.

Children's booties-sneakers. Photo. Description

Booties-sneakers are easy to crochet. The result will be like this:

The sole can be knitted according to the pattern above, or you can use this one:

The booties were crocheted from iris using hook No. 2, although any thread can be used. The foot will be approximately 9.5 cm long for children up to 6 months. If the child is older, you can lengthen the foot by adding air loops at the very beginning. Or knit another row.

The next step is to knit the side. We knit one row with a double crochet, placing the hook behind the back wall of the loops. Like this:

Now we knit 3 rows with regular double crochets, we get a “boat”:

Take a thread of a different color and knit the fourth row of double crochets. We knit the next 2 rows in exactly the same way, only with white thread. Then we cut off the white thread.

Knitting the sides of booties. Fold the product lengthwise to define the middle loop of the toe. From this middle loop, count 8 loops in both directions and mark them. The tongue will be sewn here.

In our case, we attach an orange thread to the 8th loop. We knit in a regular stitch until the 8th loop on the other side.

To get such an oblique edge, each row must be finished and started with a half-column. There are only 5 rows, but you can make them higher.

We knit the tongue. We make 17 air loops (according to the number of loops that we left on the toe). Using a single crochet we knit a rectangle of 10 rows. We add 3 rows of orange thread, where we knit the outer loops with a half-column.

And we sew the “tongue” to the toe.

Having made laces from air loops, we insert them into the sides of the sneakers. The booties are ready!

Baby hedgehog booties, diagram

Hedgehog booties are knitted. To make the “hedgehogs” as similar as possible, you need to knit with grass thread.

Here we use “grass” thread of two colors: gray (100g) and white (50g). Knitting needles No. 3.5. For the muzzle you need to take 10g white yarn and a hook number 2.5.

  1. Cuff. Using white weed thread, cast on 38 stitches and knit 22 rows in garter stitch. Then make holes for the braid using double crochets. Break the thread
  2. Toe. Draw a gray thread. Divide 38 stitches by 13/14/13. Set aside knitting needles with 13 stitches temporarily, and knit 14 stitches in garter stitch for 19 rows
  3. Side. Cast on 8 stitches on both sides of the toe. A total of 56 loops are obtained, which all together knit 12 rows
  4. Foot. We divide the loops on the knitting needles into 22/12/22 loops. 12 loops are a foot. We knit the foot in garter stitch, knitting the last loop of each row together with the loop on the side knitting needles
  5. Heel. When there are 6 loops left on the auxiliary knitting needles, decrease 2 loops on the sole itself 2 times. Fold the remaining 8 loops of the sole and 4 loops on the auxiliary needles together 8x8. Close them with a hook or a needle.
  6. Sew the cuffs
  7. Muzzle. Connect three air loops into a ring. Knit in the round with a stitch. From every 2nd loop, draw two loops, so you get a cone. Knit 7 rows. The muzzle is ready
  8. Sew the muzzle to the booties. To the muzzle - eyes and nose. Thread the tape. Ready

Baby booties-slippers, diagram

Baby booties and slippers can be quickly crocheted using this pattern. It will be very comfortable for the baby to walk in them.

Unusual baby booties. Photo

Booties are warm, comfortable shoes for little ones, but also a stylish accessory in which you can show your individuality and imagination. At the same time, booties can be used as a tool for development and knowledge of the surrounding world.

Delicate cake

Little mice

Winter motives

World of insects

Automotive equipment

Dogs and bunnies

Patterns for booties with threads, diagram

Knitting patterns for booties:

Although for booties you can use any other pattern you like.

Winter baby booties

Very high demands are placed on winter baby booties. Winter booties should be light, soft, not restrict movement, not pinch boys, and be very warm.

To keep your baby's feet warm, ugg boots and fur boots are suitable for walks. At home, you can wear booties knitted from acrylic and wool threads or sewn from fur.

Baby booties made of fur

If the floors at home are cold, these booties are a real lifesaver. They don’t wash out like knitted ones, but they protect better from the cold. In addition, these booties are very light.

The material can be taken from rabbit or lamb fur, or even from your old sheepskin coat. You can sew fur booties using the pattern:

The main thing is to take into account the direction of the fur when cutting. Booties can be made with or without lining.

First, decide on the size and make blanks. Sew the sides. Sew the back to the heel, just try to sew it so that no folds form. Now you need to sew the center of the tongue to the center of the toe of the sole. Sew them from the corner to the point where you will place the ties.

Pierce the leather in several places for the lace. Insert the lace. Now you need to sew to the cape, while gathering the edges. These booties can be worn with the fur facing out or in, as you wish. If you decide to wear it with fur inside, you can also sew on a decorative edge for beauty.

How to sew openwork baby booties, photo

Openwork booties can be knitted from acrylic and cotton threads. These booties are crocheted. We knit the foot according to any of the two previously presented patterns.

Now you need to knit a row with a “relief columns” pattern:

Let's move on to the patterns. We knit patterns according to the pattern

We get this “boat”:

We knit the toe. We find the middle of the side and draw 3 air loops from it:

From the next three stitches, make 3 double crochets, which you knit together.

So we knit to the middle of the opposite side. At the end of the row, turn the work over and knit a bootie from the inside. We also start with 3 chain stitches, but now we knit together not three double crochets, but two.

Now knit the row into which the ribbon will be inserted. We knit a double crochet, make an air loop, and skip the loop in the bottom row. Now again knit a double crochet, chain stitch, etc. And a single crochet.

So the whole series.

Tie the lower part in the same way, only instead of an arc, skip two loops.

All that remains is to sew on the beads and insert the ribbon.

Tips and reviews for knitting and crocheting booties

  • If you sew a suede sole to the booties, for example, then you can take your first steps in them even on the street
  • All beads, bows, and buttons must be sewn on very tightly so that the child cannot tear anything off. Be sure to check the strength of the threads on decorative parts after washing
  • Crocheting booties is easier, although not much easier. But there are many more options for crochet decoration
  • It is better to knit the insole with a tighter knit than the rest. After all, the child will learn to walk in booties, and a hard insole in this case is better


I knitted booties for the first time for 2(!) months. When the little one was born, it turned out that they were small. They’re so “damn lumpy,” but I keep them as a memory. But now I can even knit a suit with openwork elements.


I knit well, so when I was on maternity leave and had money problems, I knitted booties and sold them. Although not big, there was a profit.

Video. Booties are the first shoes in a child's life

Description of patterns for crocheting booties.

Today, the choice of children's things is so large that it is simply dizzying. Let's talk about the first children's shoes - booties. And this time, after reading the article, you will be able to knit delicate delicate booties for your child.

Booties size by month

Young mothers want only the best for their children - the best toys and clothes. If you are afraid that the booties will not fit your baby in size, then it is quite simple to determine it:

  • For newborns, size 16-17 is suitable. In centimeters this is approximately 9.5. This is approximately their size until they are three months old.
  • From 3 to 6 months, the length of the foot is approximately 10.5, and this is already size 17-18
  • From six months to a year, babies have a foot length of 11.5-12 centimeters - size 19

And you can measure a child’s foot very easily. A ruler or centimeter will help you.

Crochet booties for girls: diagram with description

Young mothers really like booties. There are many variations of them. They can be closed, open, with a button, Velcro or lacing. Before proceeding with the scheme itself, I would like to give a few recommendations:

  • As for threads, they should only be natural. After all, synthetic threads can cause allergies
  • The size of the booties will be larger if you use a thick hook and thick thread. And, conversely, the thinner the thread with the hook and the smaller the hook, the smaller they will be in size.

Well, now, one of the schemes of these beautiful shoe booties:

  • Tie the sole with single crochets (hereinafter referred to as single crochets), leaving 2 chain stitches at the ends.
  • After the sole, start creating the upper. Start making the first two rows with 2 air loops. Next, you need to knit half-columns s/n (hereinafter half-st. s/n). Finish rows with connecting loops
  • Third row: make an air loop, and then all the columns go next. Finish with the same connecting column
  • Fourth: as in the previous 6 rows, knit an air loop. After this there are 9 columns b/n. Next, you will need to connect 2 loops together and thus knit with regular b/n stitches. At the end there is a connecting loop
  • Fifth row: knit 1 chain stitch (hereinafter referred to as ch). The next 9 columns need to be knitted with a b/n, and then 8 s/n, but after one
  • The remaining columns will be b/n
  • The sixth row is the last. All columns of this row must be done without a crochet. And at the end knit 5 connecting loops

There is no need to cut the thread at the end; you must secure it correctly. To do this, cast on 15 to 18 chain stitches and 2 additional ones. Make 1 or 2 rows with half double crochets, and simply fix the end in the other edge of the shoe.

This is how the thread will be secured. For a brighter or more interesting look, the booties can be tied in a contrasting color.

Video: Crochet booties-shoes

Crochet booties and sneakers for boys: pattern

An excellent alternative to booties and sneakers, knitted sneakers. They are no less popular.

In order to make them, you need to separately knit the sole, tongue, emblem and laces. We will need threads of three colors. The following is the process:

  • For the sole, cast on 14 ch, start from the 4th loop and knit in s/n stitches. (hereinafter referred to as st.s/n), in the last 6 columns of the same type. Next again, treble s/n., Only in the last loop 5 treble s/n.
  • Second row - 3 vp, treble s/n. until rounded. The next 6 loops - 2 treble crochets in each, continue knitting each
  • On the rounding also treble s/n, 2 in each loop. After this, cut the thread. 1 v.p., st.b/n. behind the back wall and so on all the loops. And change the thread again
  • 1 v.p., st.b/n. and thus knit 3 rows.
    After this, fold the sole in half. Count 12 stitches and place a marker
  • Knit st.b/n. to the marker. 2 tbsp. b/n. together, 2 in different loops, 2 together, 2 regular, 2 together (total 3 decreases). Next 4 st.b/n. and repeat the decreases, after which knit all the loops in dc. When 2 loops remain, change the color
  • V.p. and st.b/n. to the marker. 2 tbsp. b/n. together, 2 regular ones. And so 5 times. Further st.b/n. to the marker
  • We knit the next row in st.b.n.
  • Next v.p., st.b/n. to the marker, 2 st.b/n. together, 1 dc, and so on 4 times, then knit 2 together and until the end of the row with stitches in each loop
  • From the 3rd decrease, count 8 loops, also on the other side
  • v.p. and st.b/n. to the marker, turn over
  • v.p., st.b/n. in each loop to the end. Change the thread
  • dc, go down and knit dc. in the bottom loop
  • V.p., skip 1, dc, v.p., dc, v.p., 2 stitches together (2 times), v.p., skip dc. ., v.p. again, skip 1
  • Next, knit dc, rise, knit dc. in every loop
  • On the sole from the additions to the 3rd column, attach a new thread
  • Knit 7 double stitches, 8 half stitches. and 7 st.b/n.
  • Turn the bootie over and make a v.p. and 1 tbsp. b/n. into each loop. Sew the blank to the sole
  • Knit the nose, counting 2 loops from the middle (5 in total). Knit vp, st.b/n. (5 times), v.p. and again 5 tbsp.
  • Turn over and skip the 1st stitch, knit the 2nd stitch, and do the next 2 stitches together
  • After this, sew the booties to the bottom
  • The tongue is knitted separately. To do this, cast on 11 vp, from the 4th loop we knit a double stitch.
  • After that, change the thread
  • Turn over and use a thread of a different color to make 3 vp, 1 dc. into each loop. And change the thread again
  • Turn over and use a new thread to make 3 vp, dc. into each loop. And so 3 rows
  • Tie the tongue in a square with st.b/n. and only along the edges there will be 2 tbsp on the loops.
  • The tongue can be sewn on.
  • Left to do laces and emblem. Laces can be made from air loops. Knit the emblem this way:
  • Cast on 13 vp, 3 connecting loops, 3 treble crochets, 3 half treble crochets, 3 treble crochet stitches. in one loop

After you have completed all the elements, the booties are ready.

Video: Crochet booties-sneakers

How to crochet booties and sneakers for a boy?

Booties are one of the most popular options for knitted slippers for both boys and girls. For them, you can select a variety of color combinations that will look very extraordinary and unusual.

The process of knitting them consists of several stages:

  • At first you must link sole. Its scheme is the most common. It is knitted in the round, adding stitches on both edges
  • Sides and front also needs to be done separately. You will have three different stages. You learned about it from the previous section
  • After you have knitted the bootie frame, consisting of all the above parts, you need to knit the tongue of the sneaker. As you can already see above, it is knitted very simply and sewn to the base with threads
  • At the end, make the laces and all that remains is to lace up the finished product

Video: How to knit booties for a boy?

Crocodile booties for boys and girls

Crocodile booties are not only beautiful, but also very original. They can be made not only in green, but also in other bright colors, and believe me, the finished product will look no worse.

Of course, if mom has to knit them for the first time, then the pattern is not so simple. After all, the sole is knitted separately. After this, the front part is knitted.

But the difficulty may be the side part that needs to be done "scale" pattern. It is thanks to him that they are called crocodiles.
The beauty of these booties is that you choose the number of scales you want to knit. There may be two, three or even four rows. In addition, they are suitable for both boys and girls.

Video: Crocodile booties

Crochet sole for booties

The sole is one of the main parts of children's knitted booties. It is knitted separately from other parts. The knitting pattern is quite simple. Even a beginner can handle it.

The sole is knitted in the round, mostly using single crochets. What can be a little difficult is making the curves correctly. But you can easily deal with them if you find a diagram that is understandable to you.

If everything is done correctly, the sole will be flawless, but it does not depend on how the work will proceed. After all, it is the basis from which they begin to knit further both the side parts and the front of the booties.

Video: Crochet bootie soles

Crochet booties for boys and girls

Your little child will be warmed up on cool autumn and cold winter evenings by warm crochet booties knitted by your own hands, which are knitted according to the patterns described above.

The product is knitted from the bottom up, first the heel is knitted, and then the desired height of the boots. It is better to choose a dense pattern; it will help keep its shape and retain heat.

The peculiarity of such boots is the density of the knitting, the thickness of the thread and the height of the finished product, which can be adjusted by pumping out the freebie.

With the help of a magic hook and imagination, you can create a unique image for your baby, and most importantly, the child will be very warm and cozy. You can use various decoration materials: beads, seed beads, buttons, satin and lace ribbons, bright pom-poms that will delight your baby.

You can also knit booties and boots in the shape of different animals, select colors, sew on eyes, embroider mouth and ears, and your child will become a little mouse, lion cub or bunny, it all depends on your desire.

Video: Crocheting boots for a baby

Crochet berry booties

If you want to give warmth and a bright summer atmosphere, knit your little fairy with delicate booties in the form of strawberries or wild strawberries. To do this, you need to choose the right color and thickness of yarn: red, green, yellow, white or beige and brown and a hook 12 - 13.5.

Knit in the same way as other types of booties, starting from the heel, casting on 12 - 15 chain stitches. Knit the green leaves separately or knit in the round.

To add tenderness and sophistication to the look, use white or beige pearls or beads that will resemble seeds.

Sew a white openwork flower with a delicate yellow center onto the finished booties. Your baby will be irresistible in them.

Berry booties in the shape of blackberries are perfect for any outfit. White or beige can be used as the main color, and brown is ideal for finishing and knitting openwork frills.

For beauty, also use beads, satin or lace ribbons or purple or soft pink buttons.

Video: Master class on crocheting berry booties

Booties sandals for girls and boys

To help your baby's feet breathe on hot days, you can knit very comfortable and light booties and sandals using delicate light-colored cotton threads. For decoration, use various small pompoms, rhinestones, beads, lace ribbons or interestingly shaped buttons, which you tie with the main color or decorate with sparkles.

After you have finished knitting the heel according to the above pattern, you need to make 3 rows of single stitches, and then knit 2 connecting stitches, 3 chain stitches. for a bootie strap that will help keep its shape.

You must knit three straps, carefully connecting them together with non-woven stitches. In order for the backdrop to fit against the leg, you need to decrease the loops in the middle of the 3rd and 5th rows by knitting 2 tbsp together. s.n..

Now knit a row with 1 double crochet and 1 chain stitch to make at least 20 stitches. Decorate this row with a lace ribbon and sew on beads.

For a delicate openwork frill, you need to knit 3 rows of 5 chain stitches, in the end you should get no more than 20 houses. For boys, you can sew interestingly shaped buttons on the sides and make straps with Velcro or an invisible hook fastener, and for a girl, knit a delicate openwork flower and decorate the middle with pebbles.

Video: Crochet booties-sandals

Openwork crochet booties for newborns for summer

Booties are a good opportunity to unleash your creative potential and create a delicate and exquisite gift that your baby will be irresistible to. It is important to choose bright colors and soft baby yarn.

There are a huge number of knitting methods and materials for decorating the finished openwork product. The main thing is to connect with love and put your whole soul into it.

Openwork knitting is considered one of the most complex, but also beautiful. Today, a huge number of patterns have appeared for knitting openwork booties.

As for the knitting process, the sole is made separately, as well as the side parts. And the front part can be knitted not just as a certain stage of knitting, but can be a separate product, in the form of a flower or butterfly, which is then sewn on with threads and a needle.

Airy patterns and decorative elements will add tenderness and beauty. Most often these are beads and ribbons. Openwork booties are rightfully considered one of the most adorable options.

Video: Master class knitting booties

Crochet marshmallow booties

If you have leftover baby yarn in different colors, you can use it to knit beautiful marshmallow booties in a delicate white-coral color. They are knitted in one piece, without additions or decreases, which is possible even for beginner needlewomen.

Cast on 20 chain stitches with coral thread, and knit 34 rows of non-woven stitches, then you need to stretch 8 connecting loops, and taking a white color, knit 1 chain stitch.

Then carefully fold the knitted fabric face to face and sew without tearing the thread, pull the booties together, making small stitches to form a kind of wave.

Decorate the bootie with pearls arranged in the shape of a flower or baby's name. Shiny studs or hooks are also ideal.

Video: Crocheting marshmallow booties

How to crochet bunny booties?

Little children like interesting things, with different designs, in the form of bunnies, bees, dogs, cats. One of the most popular models are bunny booties. They have ears and a muzzle, so children will not only wear them with interest, but also walk with them.

Knitting bunny booties is quite simple. The sole is made separately, as in many other models, and from there, knit the upper front part and the sides.

The main stitches that are used when knitting this pattern are: single crochet and single crochet. The difficulty can only be in the process of knitting the front part. But to do this, you can watch a detailed video, after which you will definitely succeed.

The beauty of bunnies is that the top is quite delicate and delicate. In addition, the ears and muzzle give them an original, cheerful look. The ears are knitted separately. And then you just need to sew them onto the finished booties.
To prevent the bunny booties from falling off a small child’s foot, you can decorate them with a satin ribbon on top. It will be both beautiful and useful.

Video: Knitting bunny booties

Crochet booties - doggy boots for a princess, ballet shoes, lambs, bears, caramels: photo

Caramel booties

For all beginners and mothers with little experience, we still recommend watching the master classes, because in the video you can see all the knitting patterns more clearly. It will be quite difficult to read and understand the course of action at the beginning.

Video: Polar bear booties

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