Sport. Health. Nutrition. Gym. For style

Approximate list of work assignments. Education for labor activity in the first junior group of preschool children; Long-term plan for labor activity


3.1 First junior group

The labor activity of a child of the 3rd year of life is still very limited due to the age-related capabilities of the child’s body. At this stage, the tasks of developing the prerequisites for work activity, the formation of hygienic skills and self-care skills are solved.

From the age of 2, children begin to develop an interest in the work of adults and a desire to help them. For example, introducing the work of a nanny, the teacher says: “Look, children, how Anna Ivanovna washes the floor, how she tries to keep the group clean!” Or: “Who scattered the paper on the floor? It will be difficult for Anna Ivanovna to collect it alone. We will now pick up the rubbish together with Olya, Ira and Seryozha... The children did a good job! They love Anna Ivanovna, they help her work.”

The main thing in the labor education of children of this age is to introduce them to self-service, the formation of simple skills in this type of work. The goal for the child should be set specific, feasible, understandable, taking into account the fact that the child will see the result of the work and feel its necessity for himself:; I fastened the buttons on the sleeves with the help of an adult - it became convenient to play, the sleeves do not fall down on the hands and do not interfere; With the help of the teacher, I laced my shoes - it became comfortable to walk, the laces do not get tangled under my feet; I washed my hands myself - I felt a pleasant feeling of satisfaction, etc.

The work activities of young children should take place in a playful way. Playful techniques help create a joyful, emotional mood in children, and consequently, more successful learning of work skills. So, the teacher invites the kids to teach Piggy and turns to the pig: “Learn, Piggy, to take off our guys’ tights! Now look how Sasha can wipe his nose with a handkerchief.” And so on.

The formation of certain self-service skills always begins with a direct demonstration of the action, accompanied by an explanation, and then performing the action together with the children. For example, when teaching students to wash their hands, the teacher rolls up the sleeves of his robe, soaps his hands, rubs them, rinses them, wipes them, then encourages the kids to repeat these operations in the same sequence. At the same time, he tries to evoke a joyful mood in children, using poems, nursery rhymes, and songs. For example:

Clean water

Washing Vova's face

Tanya - clap your hands,

And the fingers are for Antosha.

While reciting the song, the teacher washes Antosha’s doll’s hands, wipes them and invites the kids to dry their hands with a towel as he shows.

While teaching children to take off their clothes, the teacher undresses the doll Masha, who was walking with them. She accompanies her actions with the words: “The doll Masha took off her hat and put it in the closet on the top shelf. Look, Masha, now all the guys will take off their hats and put them in their closets on the top shelves.” Etc. In the learning process, children need benevolent, emotional encouragement, timely help, and support. This stimulates the baby’s activity, causing him joy and satisfaction.

From 2 to 3 years old, children learn, with the help of adults, to take off clothes and shoes (unbutton the front buttons, untie the laces), undress in a certain sequence, and neatly fold things.

In this age group, it is recommended to involve children in carrying out simple individual tasks (bringing a toy, putting a ball in its place, etc.). If a child refuses to complete an order, you should not insist. It is better to use a gaming technique. For example, a teacher can say: “What a big car Vova has! With such a car, he will now quickly transport all the cubes that are on the floor and put them neatly on the shelf.” Or: “Our good housewife Olya, she will now pick up all the rags from the floor, fold them and hide them in the closet, and her house will be clean and tidy.”

In household work, familiarization of children with a new labor operation should begin with the joint activity of the child with an adult. First, the teacher turns to the child with a request, for example, to help wipe the table. Then he tells and shows what needs to be done, calmly and kindly encouraging the child to work with him. For example: “Today Tanya will help me wipe the tables with damp cloths. These are what beautiful cloths we have! This is how you need to fold the cloth and wipe the table with it: both the middle and all the corners. Tanya worked well, how clean she wiped her table, I would like to be alone Without her it would have been difficult, I would have had to work for a long time!” Such joint activities especially help in establishing contact between a child and an adult.

During work, special attention should be paid to instilling humane feelings and positive relationships in children, encouraging the child to be responsive and compassionate (“Kolya, let’s help Olya collect the cubes... That’s how friendly we are! We cleaned everything up quickly!”). The teacher should give children examples of affectionate, friendly treatment. For example, having picked up a doll from the floor, the teacher asks it: “Who lost you, who is your mother? Tanya is your mother? Take, Tanya, your daughter, have pity, put her in the stroller.”

The creation of a friendly, emotional atmosphere in the group is facilitated by the playful technique of the episodic appearance of toys and the teacher’s conversation with the children on behalf of one or another character. For example, grandmother Varvarushka, bear Toptyzhka or other fairy-tale characters may come to the kids and praise them, encourage them with kind words or make comments in a gentle form (“Our bear Toptyzhka noticed that Sasha is not putting away toys well”; “Zhenya, you can’t knock the toy on a toy, this could cause them to break").

The teacher constantly instills in children a caring attitude towards all living things, teaches them to take care of the inhabitants of a corner of nature. The personal example of an adult is especially effective. So, while caring for the bird, the teacher says: “Good, beautiful bird, you are so small, we all love you, now we will pour some water, give you some grains, so that you will always sing your songs to us.” Etc.

It is necessary to create in children the prerequisites for joint activities, encouraging children to briefly interact with each other, teach them to work together without interfering with each other, and show sympathy for their peers (“Look, Andryusha, how difficult it is for Verochka to lift the cubes alone and put them on the shelf!” tell her: let’s work together!” Or: “Guys, don’t you know why our little bunny is smiling? Let’s ask him... He told me in my ear that he is very glad how Andryusha and Irochka work together.” ).

Didactic games such as “Let’s put the bunny to bed,” “Dress the doll Nastya,” “Treat the dolls,” etc. also help children master labor skills.

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“Labour education of children of the 1st junior group” Reference 1st junior group of MADO DS “16 “Rodnichok”, Yanaul, is attended by 27 pupils.

1. Develop the work activity of children by teaching the procedure for dressing and using a sequence algorithm for undressing, accompanied by an explanation from the teacher. 2. Instill the ability to put on pants and fasten buttons. 3. Use teaching aids to teach how to fasten buttons. Direct teaching of how to fasten buttons, accompanied by an explanation using a teaching aid (Boy and girl dolls, sets of doll clothes for boys and girls). 4. Develop the ability to fasten a zipper on a blouse, develop the strength of the leading hand, and teach how to neatly fold clothes. 5. Direct training in the ability to fasten a zipper (using a didactic manual). One, 2,3, 4. 5 we're going for a walk The doll is lying in the corner, It's not looking at mom and me The blouse is undressed, Let's button it up quickly, And let's go for a walk as soon as possible..... 6. Activate the vocabulary using nouns denoting items of clothing ( boy and girl). “dress, shirt, shorts, skirt, etc.,” present tense verbs: “buttoning, unbuttoning, taking off, putting, putting on,” etc.

V. To consolidate, we play the role-playing game “Hospital”. (The role of a doctor or nurse is an educator). Game activity: “The doll is sick” Oh, help quickly!

Treat my neck. Mom, I didn’t listen. I ate ice cream. Didactic game: “Who needs what for work” (use teaching aids). Involve children in basic household work through separate assignments. The teacher not only asks the child to do something, but immediately, if necessary, gives advice on the best way to complete the assignment.

Also in the younger group, children can provide all possible assistance to an adult. It is necessary to cultivate a desire to assist the teacher in preparing for classes: nannies set the table for lunch, clear the table after finishing the meal.

Thus, an important task of labor education is: the formation in children of a caring attitude towards things, the ability to notice disorder and, on their own initiative, eliminate it, instilling hard work and perseverance in achieving goals; friendly attitude towards others.

Children who have received proper labor education respect the work of other people. Educator: I.T. Galyauva

Household work in the first junior group

Method of work. Pedagogical guidance of household work is carried out taking into account the age characteristics of children in this group.

The teacher, forming basic work skills, relies on the children’s great desire for activity, independent activity, and their desire to imitate adults. The teacher’s task is to support and encourage the persistent “I do it myself!”, as well as to teach children purposeful action. The most acceptable form of labor organization here is the individual one. The child, in contact with the teacher, learns to perform certain actions, then a series of operations.

The teacher pays special attention to showing and explaining how to perform this or that action. “Take the plate like this, with two palms. Look how I hold it. That’s right, hold it well, don’t lean it against you,” says the teacher. “And I’ll take the plate.” Let's put it on the table. Place the plate here, Olechka. Both you and all the kids will eat soup with bread.” The teacher is happy that the child has successfully completed the task, and the girl is happy too. She received her first lesson in participating in household work.

When introducing a child to work, it is important that he sees both the purpose of the action and the result of the work. This is facilitated by the demonstration and explanation of an adult. He says: “Hold the plate with both hands. Don't lean against yourself. Put a plate on the table, the guys will eat soup with bread.” All this is clear to the baby. He experiences pleasure not only from carrying the plate to the table, but also from the fact that he achieves the desired result - placing it on the table.

However, it is not enough to just show and explain how the action should be performed. The baby needs immediate help. The teacher and the child can carry a bear or a car to the site; give the child a stand with pencils, showing how to hold it (grip it firmly with the child’s hands) so that it does not slip out of his hands, and put it in the closet. Gradually, children master the skills, and an adult may limit himself to providing assistance only if the child performs a difficult action. As you master the actions, the teacher uses another technique - a reminder: “You, Kostya, always raise the chair a little when you put it on the table. Then it won't be so noisy. Show me how you will do it. That's good. Put another chair in the same way.”

It is very important to create a calm and business-like atmosphere, not to rush the child to complete a task, and not to do for him what he can do himself. And of course, you need to remember the constancy of the requirements regarding what and how the child should do. So, the teacher draws the child’s attention only to the following sequence in the work: “First you need to collect all the pencils from the table, fold them so that the sharpened ends are on one side, put them in a stand (glass, glass) with the unsharpened part down, and then take them to shelf stand." If the adult continues to be constant in the content of the requirements, the child will learn the necessary actions and master their sequence. The baby will develop the habit of acting in a certain way.

An example is the game-activity “How the toys ran away from Kolya.” The content of the game is that the boy Kolya loved to play with toys, but was too lazy to put them away. One day a car, a ball, a bear, and blocks ran away from the boy. He became bored and cried: “Why didn’t you take care of the toys and put them back in their place? Now, if they came back to me, I would always clean them up.” The toys heard the words and returned to Kolya. He was delighted with the bear, the blocks, the ball, the car, and he put everything neatly together.

The guys can help Kolya put his toys in order as the plot develops. You can ask kids why the toys ran away from the boy, what needs to be done to prevent them from leaving the children. All this instills in children the correct attitude towards household work, interest in it, and ensures mastery of the necessary actions.

Children's success should be celebrated. Encouragement creates a joyful mood in the child, a desire to repeat the action, to achieve the desired result.

To form children’s ideas about the household work of adults, the teacher organizes special observations, draws the children’s attention to what the nanny does (clean dishes, windows, floors, puts things in order in the group, washroom, locker room), how to do laundry doll linen, ironing it, putting things in order in the toy household. It is important to invite children to talk about what they saw. At the same time, conduct the conversation not in the form of a conversation, but give the child the opportunity to freely express what he remembers and liked.

When organizing such observations, the teacher uses situations that allow children to take a basic part in the work of an adult: put away spoons in the cupboard, provide a rag, bring water, hang doll clothes washed by the teacher on a low-hanging rope.

Carrying out basic work assignments for children is quite accessible for children of two or three years old and at the same time valuable, as it prepares them for work, the formation of which occurs in older preschool age.


Educational tasks:

1. To form and strengthen in children an interest in work and a desire to get involved in it.

2. Teach children to work side by side without interfering with each other.

3. Maintain and develop interest in the work of peers and adults, the desire to communicate and collaborate with them.

4. Instill in children diligence, obedience, and the desire to fulfill the adult’s demands.

5. Instill in children the skills to carry out work assignments, and encourage them to develop a desire to master these skills.

Self-service, household work (2-3 children).

Place the building material neatly on the shelf.

Arrange the toys, plant the dolls beautifully.

Arrange chairs for class and remove them when finished.

Take the toys out to the area and help collect them after the walk.

Place spoons on the table and place napkin holders.

Take cups and napkin holders to the serving table.

Undress, get dressed, help a friend untie a scarf.

Clear the path of snow.

Collect litter and leaves in a certain place.

Sweep the snow off the benches.

Labor in nature:

Water indoor plants.

Water the garden bed, the flower garden on the property.

Feed the birds.

Sow large seeds (peas, beans, nasturtium).

Plant onions.

Wipe dust from the leaves of large-leaved plants.

Middle group

Educational tasks:

1. To educate and encourage children’s desire to help each other, to teach them the ability to accept the help of their comrades.

2. To teach children to comply with work culture skills: to know and find something, to develop the ability to jointly achieve a goal, without switching to a more interesting activity, a game.

3. Develop in children a sense of joy from jointly completed work, from joint efforts aimed at achieving a common result. What is needed for work, carefully use objects of labor, take them to their place at the end of work and at the request of the teacher.

4. Strengthen children’s desire to engage in work on their own initiative, following the example of their peers.

Household work (3-4 children).

Wipe tables and chairs with a wet cloth. Wash doll clothes.

Wipe off dust from window sills with a damp cloth.

Wipe up spilled water after watering flowers.

Wash and wipe building materials.

Wash toys in the group and on the site.

Clean up the locker closets.

Sweep part of the site, veranda, path.

Sweep snow from benches and play equipment.

Collect sand in a hill in the sand yard.

Collect garbage and take it in buckets to a specific place.

Labor in nature:

Collect vegetables and fruits from the garden.

Cut the onion with special scissors.

Loosen the soil in flower pots.

Collect natural materials for crafts.

Collect sorrel and large seeds.

Take care of birds and turtles (change their water, feed them, take waste to a certain place).

Bring food from the kitchen (cabbage, carrots, greens).

Senior group

Educational tasks:

1. To foster in children a stable positive attitude towards work, to strengthen interest in collective activities with peers and adults.

2. Instill in children the skills of jointly setting goals and achieving their results.

3. Develop the ability to communicate with peers: discuss and plan work, evaluate the achieved result.

4. In joint work, instill in children a sense of justice; correctly distribute interesting and uninteresting work, work with children until the end.

5. Accustom children to perform some tasks of the “joint work” type.

Household work.

Organize the closet with toys and aids.

Wipe window sills with a damp cloth in the group room and bedroom.

Help the nanny lay out clean linen and put on pillowcases.

Water the area in dry weather, and sand in the sandy yard.

Wipe down the benches in your area and around the kids.

Maintain order in the sandy yard.

Wash, dry and lay building materials.

Tidy up the garden (clear away debris and stones).

Clean up toys (wash, dry, wipe).

Sweep the area and paths (from snow, sand, debris).

Wash napkins and rags used in art classes.

Cut flowers, make bouquets, decorate the room.

Wipe down the cabinets in the dressing room (together with the nanny).

Labor in nature:

Replant indoor plants.

Sow seeds of flowers, vegetables, grow seedlings.

Plant seedlings and care for them.

Collect food for the winter for animals and birds in kindergarten.

Weed the beds on your site and the kids’ site.

Pick berries and fruits in the garden.

Digging up the beds (secondary digging).

Manual labor:

Together with the teacher, change the water in the aquarium.

Repair books.

Prepare manuals and materials for the upcoming lesson.

Make garlands, beads, Christmas tree decorations.

Repair manuals, toys for role-playing games.

Participate in the design of the group and site for the holidays.

Make souvenirs, toys, jewelry from natural materials.

Make garlands of colored flags to decorate a veranda or sandy yard.

Long-term work plan

1 week – self-care

Week 2 – household work

Week 3 – work in nature

1 Week

Game “We came to wash ourselves” »

We know, we know, yes, yes, yes

Where is the water hiding here?

Come out, vodka,

We came to wash ourselves

Teach children to wash themselves properly; cultivate cultural and hygienic skills; Be careful (do not wet clothes, do not splash water).


Goal: To teach children to turn things inside out. Cultivate neatness

2 week

Household labor

Conversation “There is a place for everything”

Consolidate knowledgechildrenabout the order in which toys are stored. Learn how to neatly and compactly put building parts into boxes.

Cultivate neatness, independence, careful attitude towards toys and objects, desire to work

3 week

Labor in nature

Involve children in watering the flower bed

( water the plants under the guidance of the teacher).

Introduce children to the rules of caring for plants. Give children the idea that plants need water and light, that they need to be looked after, watered, and sprayed. Learn to perform labor actions; cultivate a desire to care for plants, take care of them, and show respect for them. Develop curiosity and initiative.

Watering cans

4 week

Household labor

Acting out the game situation “Help the doll Tanya set the table.”

Develop basic labor skills; help the nanny set the tables (arrange napkin holders, bread bins, spoons). Fix the names of utensils, the rules for handling utensils (dishes cannot be dropped, they break). Develop a desire to work together with adults, experiencing satisfaction from joint work


1 Week

Self-service during the washing process

Exercise “Roll up our sleeves”

Hands must be washed clean

Sleeves should not be wet

Teach children to roll up their sleeves before washing; cultivate neatness,behave calmly, be careful (do not wet clothes, do not splash water).

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Acting out the game situation “Let’s help the bear get ready for a walk.”

Teach children to turn things inside out. Develop neatness, the ability to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it with a little help from an adult; independence

2 week

Household labor

Game "Put the trash in the trash can"

Explain to children that there is a special basket for garbage; cultivate the habit of maintaining cleanliness and order

Trash can

3 week

Labor in nature

Watering indoor plants

Teach children to properly water plants (under the leaves); cultivate a desire to care for plants

watering cans

4 week

Household labor

Involving children in helping the teacher

(preparation for GCD )

Develop the ability to correctly arrange equipment on tables; foster responsibility

Modeling boards


1 Week

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Exercise “Turn your tights inside out”

Teach children to turn tights inside out correctly;cultivate neatness and careful attitude towards things.

Acting out a game situation

“Tell the bear why you need to roll up your sleeves ».

Teach children to roll up their sleeves. Learn to behave calmly and be careful (do not get clothes wet, do not splash water).

2 week

Household labor

Exercise “Arrange the chairs”

Teach children to act in accordance with the task; develop a positive attitude towards work

3 week

Labor in nature

Spraying plants with water

Continue to introduce proper plant care; cultivate a caring attitude towards nature


4 week

Familiarization with the work of adults.

Observing the work of a janitor (watering the area, raking leaves, garbage, taking away in a wheelbarrow).

Develop interest in the work activities of adults.

Cultivate respect for the work of adults and the results of their work. Develop observation and curiosity; desire to imitate adults


1 Week

Self-care during the washing process.

Didactic game “Wash the doll Tanya”

Teach children how to wash; behave calmly, be careful (do not wet clothes, do not splash water).

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Teach children to turn things inside out. Develop the ability to notice disorder in clothes and eliminate it with a little help from an adult

2 week

Labor in nature

Planting onions

Teach children to stick bulbs into the ground; develop a positive attitude towards work


boxes with earth

3 week

Observation of the nanny's work (washes dishes, floors).

Develop interest in the work activities of adults. Cultivate respect for the work of adults and the results of their work. Develop observation and curiosity; desire to imitate adults.

4 week

Instructions related to household chores

(Arrange books)

Consolidate knowledgechildrenabout where the books are.

Cultivate accuracy, independence, and the desire to work. Develop willpower, a desire to help adults, be active, diligent, and complete the assigned task.


1 Week

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Exercise “We do everything in order”

Teach children to take off and put on clothes in a certain order

Self-service during the washing process

foam, rinse thoroughly). Learn to behave calmly and be careful (do not get clothes wet, do not splash water).

2 week

Household labor

Help the nanny set the tables (arrange napkin holders, bread bins, spoons )

Fix the names of utensils, the rules for handling utensils (dishes cannot be dropped, they break). Develop the desire to work together with adults, experiencing satisfaction from joint work.

3 week

Labor in nature

Wash ficus leaves

Continue to teach children how to properly care for plants; develop a caring attitude towards plants


4 week

Arranging toys .

Consolidate knowledgechildrenabout the order in which toys are stored. Learn how to neatly and compactly put building parts into boxes. Cultivate neatness, independence, careful attitude towards toys and objects, desire to work


1 Week

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Game "Odezhkin's House"

Teach children how to properly fold clothes in a locker; cultivate a love of order

Self-service in progress


Acting out the game situation “Wash your hands with the doll Katya”

Learn to use soap (wash your hands untilfoam, rinse thoroughly).Learn to behave calmly and be careful (do not get clothes wet, do not splash water).


Katya doll

2 week

Labor in nature

Feeding the birds

Learn how to prepare bird food: crush the pieces of bread left over from lunch with your hands.

Develop an interest in nature; friendly relationships; desire to work for the common good, observation.


Bird feeders

3 week

Household labor

Clear the path of snow (small section).

Learn to perform tasks of a teacher or nanny. Develop skills in working with shovels.

Learn to finish what you start. Cultivate an interest in everyday work and a desire to take part in it; desire to work actively independently; love of cleanliness and order.

4 week

Introduction to adult labor

Observing the work of a nurse in a medical office (bandaging, applying ointment, weighing, measuring height, putting drops in the nose ).

Develop interest in the work activities of adults. Give specific ideas about the work of adults and the social significance of work.

To consolidate ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results of their work, about the equipment, tools and materials necessary for work. Cultivate respect for the work of adults and the results of their work. Develop observation and curiosity; desire to imitate adults; the desire to reflect received impressions and ideas about the work activities of adults in role-playing games.


1 Week

Self-service during the washing process

"Let's wipe our face"

Self-care during dressing and undressing

Didactic game "Lacing".

Learn to use different fasteners. Cultivate neatness, the ability to notice disorder in clothing and eliminate it with a little help from an adult

2 week

Household labor

Arrange chairs (in group room, in the hall.

Learn to carry out an assigned task to the end, work together, work side by side, communicate during activities, act in accordance with the task. Form friendly relationships.

Develop perseverance, patience, accuracy. Cultivate a desire to help

3 week

Labor in nature

Under the guidance of the teacher, plant bulbs of tulips, daffodils, gladioli .

Learn to plant plants (what part of the bulbs should be planted in the ground).

Reinforce ideas about caring for plants.

Develop an interest in nature; friendly relationships; the desire to work for the common benefit, to show diligence and accuracy in work.

4 week

Introduction to adult labor

Excursion to the laundry

monitoring the ironing process. Acting out the game situation “Let’s iron the clothes for Katya’s doll”

Develop interest in the work activities of adults. Give specific ideas about the work of adults and the social significance of work.

To consolidate ideas about labor actions performed by adults, about the results of their work, about the equipment, tools and materials necessary for work. Cultivate respect for the work of adults and the results of their work. Develop observation and curiosity; the desire to imitate adults; desire to reflect received impressions


1 Week

Self-care during the washing process.

Reading the nursery rhyme “Water, water...”

Teach: wash your face, dry yourself with your removed and unfolded towel, carefully hang it in place. Learn to use personal hygiene items (towels) with care.

Self-service while getting dressed

Exercise “Our things go to bed”

Teach children to neatly put things on a high chair; cultivate a caring attitude towards things

2 week

Assignments related to household work

Collect toys before leaving for a walk

Learn to perform tasks of a teacher or nanny. Learn to finish what you start. To cultivate a caring attitude towards toys, an interest in everyday work, a desire to take part in it; desire to work

3 week

Labor in nature

Watering indoor plants

Continue to teach how to water plants correctly; develop a caring attitude towards plants

watering cans

4 week


1 Week

Self-service during the washing process

Learn to use a handkerchief in a timely manner .

Learn to behave calmly and show politeness; treat personal hygiene items (handkerchief) with care;

2 week

Assignments related to household work.

Collect garbage .

Learn to perform tasks of a teacher or nanny. Foster a desire to work independently actively; love of cleanliness and order, desire to work diligently for the common good; the desire to achieve results in work that matters to others.

3 week

Labor in nature

Help the teacher water the flower garden, vegetable garden .

Learn to carry water in watering cans and water plants correctly (pour water evenly under the leaves). Foster independence, accuracy, and the desire to work for the common good.

4 week

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