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Attract the right man. How to attract a man into your life? The law of attraction and how it works. How and how to attract a man's love

How to attract a man into your life: the theory of female magnetism

God, the Higher Powers or the Universal Mind - as you prefer - created people in pairs: a man for each woman. The halves coincided and the result was a full-fledged creature. If they don’t coincide, half-humans wander around the world in search of happiness. If, up to the age of thirty, searches are calmly combined with study, work and entertainment, then after thirty, a woman is driven by only one question - how to attract the man of her dreams into her life?

Of course, you can catch the first cute one who ended up in a girl’s bed by chance, quickly give birth to a child from him, and even if he doesn’t get married, he will send alimony, he will be required by law. It’s like how there is a man in a woman’s life. But it seems like he doesn’t exist. This is the worst of the options. Let's consider it as a sad joke and dismiss it right away.

Love begins with a facial expression

So, the task is clear - you need to attract a worthy man into your life. Start with yourself. What need to do? I'll explain point by point:

  • Wash off cosmetics from your face
  • We approach the mirror
  • We look carefully

Do you like the reflection? Forget about the wrinkles that have appeared around the eyes or the not quite fresh skin color, evaluate the overall facial expression! Most will see in the mirror a woman tormented by work, worries and loneliness, at best sad, at worst gloomy and ready for aggression.

It is not surprising that men do not besiege this “dark fortress” with marriage proposals. Why, they even forget to say hello. Have you seen enough? Are you upset? Now we begin to live differently and not from tomorrow morning or Monday, but right now.

First, smile at yourself. Secondly, smile at yourself. And thirdly, smile at yourself again! Start every morning like this, because you are full of advantages: amazing eye color, lush hair, straight teeth, and most importantly, a dazzling smile. She is the brightest decoration of any woman.

Here's the first way to attract the man you like into your life - learn to love yourself. Value yourself. Be happy with yourself. Having learned this, you will remember that life, despite the troubles and minor troubles, is generally beautiful. A happy facial expression is the strongest magnetism. Men will soon turn around and shower you with compliments.

Makeup as an element of magnetism

Your smile is a jewel. But, I will call jewelers all over the world to witness, every stone needs an appropriate cut. Makeup is a must when attracting a man into your life. It is important to choose the right tone and not to overdo it with war paint. If your mouth looks like a bloody wound, a man is unlikely to risk kissing you.

So, let's define: apply a thin layer of foundation to even out skin unevenness and ensure an even tone. You can do without powder. Barely noticeable blush. The lipstick is discreet, moisturizing and has a slight plumping effect. Delicate shine, slight swelling, natural color - what man can resist?

Next are the eyes. No need for tons of mascara! It is necessary to emphasize the color of the eyes and indicate the presence of eyelashes. Think about what to focus on – lips or eyes? And apply makeup based on your choice. Ideally, one thing should attract attention. Don't be lazy, train yourself to pay attention to your face every day. Good makeup, plus a dazzling smile, and attracting a man into your life will not be difficult for you.

Hypnosis under the rustle of silk

Emancipation is a great thing, giving women freedom of choice in all respects, including the right to wear trousers. Oh yes, the right trousers will help emphasize the slenderness of your legs, but men are more attracted to women in skirts. Are you surprised? But psychologists say that this is exactly so: in order to attract a real man into your life, you need to wear skirts.

Are you surprised: how can a skirt help you attract the right man into your life? It's very simple. Dresses, sundresses, skirts have some truly feminine charm, as if they put everything in its place: she is a woman, I am a man. She is defenseless and vulnerable, I am strong and brave. She is the keeper of the hearth, and there she is wearing a dress. I am a breadwinner and I’m wearing trousers to make it easier to catch up with the beast.

The longer the more attractive

Now the hairstyle. A clean head is good. A stylish haircut is great. But even better - long hair. I have been trying to cut my hair throughout the fifteen years of my marriage, and every time I hear the same phrase from my husband, “I didn’t marry a man!” My husband’s short hair confuses me much more than my thin braids. Let there be three hairs, but they are long!

And guess what? The majority of men agree with him, I asked! It’s not for nothing that the information that long women’s hair has magical powers has been passed on from mother to daughter for hundreds of years. Long hair is an important part of the magnetism that attracts a man to a woman's life.

All strength is in weakness

You are used to deciding everything on your own, which is good. But maybe it's time to be weak a little? A woman's strength lies in her fragility. Men are more willing to pay attention to the fragile and tender, a little confused and not adapted to everyday life (this does not apply to cooking and cleaning, but to fixing all sorts of things - miscellaneous things and nailing!).

Don’t think too much about how to attract a worthy man into your life, the man of your dreams, but act immediately if you have one in mind. Go and ask for his help! At work, the photocopier is broken, and you urgently need copies of important documents. On the street - the lock on your bag has broken, and you are afraid of being left without your wallet; during rush hour the transport is filled with thieves and pickpockets. If he lives next door, let him fix the faucet, nail a shelf, drill holes around the entire perimeter of the apartment. In general, the choice is yours. Oh, and don't forget to smile before starting a conversation.

Lovely, how smart

And in the finale - show off your intelligence. He must understand that you are interesting. That you are not only beautiful, fragile, but also amazingly smart. That you are a multifaceted person, you read a lot, are interested in various topics, and you will not be bored in a month, in two, and in a few years.

The question “how to attract a good man into your life?” an excellent incentive for self-development. The man you choose will inspire you to explore new topics and aspects of life that you never thought about. Football. Policy. Business. Physics. Technique.

The rules are not complicated, but very effective in their combination. Follow them and soon a man, perhaps not alone, will solve a difficult problem - “how to attract you into his life?”

Finding the man of your dreams is not so easy. The search can drag on for years, and no one wants to live alone. Knowing how to attract a man into your life, spells at home can make the task easier. Men, like bees to honey, will begin to hover around in swarms, showing signs of attention. All that remains is to choose the most suitable one, the one to whom your heart will reach.

You can meet your love with the help of magical rituals

Love magic is in greatest demand. Girls and women, and sometimes men in search of brides, turn to witches and fortune tellers in an attempt to change their personal lives for the better, but not always successfully. It is much easier and cheaper to read a plot to attract the attention of the opposite sex at home.

Using white and black magic, you can meet your betrothed anywhere. He may turn out to be a work colleague, a tenant from the next door, a wealthy businessman with great opportunities, an employee of a large company, or just a random passerby. A conspiracy to attract the attention of men helps to attract the right groom - rich, smart or handsome.

For rituals to be effective, they must be performed according to the following rules:

  • use women's or men's days of the week;
  • carry out love rituals on the days of the waxing moon;
  • perform rituals (white and black) at appropriate times;
  • read the plot the required number of times;
  • if necessary, change clothes for the ceremony;
  • keep your magical actions secret, etc.

Many girls become disillusioned with magic, having forgotten that they secretly whispered about the ritual to their close friend, which is absolutely forbidden to do.

A conspiracy to attract men is an effective way, the main thing is to carry it out exactly. If something unexpected happens during the ritual - a candle falls, the phone rings, a neighbor comes for salt, etc. - then this is a sign that the ritual should be postponed to another, more suitable day.

Conspiracy to get married soon

Rituals to attract a rich groom with substantial capital have been used since ancient times. Any girl wanted to marry a wealthy guy. Naturally, each of them dreamed not only of wealth, but also of true love.

This ritual is performed in the evening, before bed, during the new moon. For the conspiracy you need:

  • church candle;
  • salt;
  • Holy water;
  • mug;
  • round bread;
  • salt shaker;
  • red tablecloth or fabric.

To attract a betrothed and quickly marry a wealthy guy, a red tablecloth is laid out on the table, a candle is lit and bread is placed. When performing the ritual, the hair should be loose, the nightgown should be worn inside out and backwards, and the feet should be bare.

Round bread is placed on the tablecloth and a candle is lit

A small hole is made in the center of the loaf where the salt shaker is placed. A little holy water is poured into a mug.

Pouring a little water into your palm, sprinkle the bread with salt. After this, you need to read the plot three times:

“A rich groom is coming to my hut, ringing with gold and silver, and remains faithful to me. I greet him with bread and salt. He eats, drinks, and walks me down the aisle. Language. Stone. Key".

The candle must be extinguished with the fingers of your left hand and removed away. Break off a piece of bread, dip it in salt (so it is very salty), eat it and drink it with holy water. Go to bed without talking to anyone. In the morning, take the bread and leave it on the porch of the church, pour the salt into a bag and store it in a secluded place until marriage. This is a powerful and proven ritual using white magic.

Attracting male love

This powerful ritual requires simple preparation. First you need to recharge with male energy. This must be done on the eve of the ritual. If there are men at work, then the task is to sit for a while on the chair where he was sitting. Another option is to take a minibus or bus, wait for the man sitting there to stand up, and sit in his seat.

The ritual is performed on the waxing moon. To complete it you need:

  • a lighter stolen from a man;
  • new mirror;
  • water from a spring or river;
  • new comb or comb;
  • bright red lipstick;
  • two candles (red)
  • paper.

You can steal a lighter in different ways - ask and not give it back, or take it from the table of a smoking man at work.

In the evening, close the windows with curtains, lock the door, change into a nightgown (according to the rules) and light the candles with a stolen lighter. Pour spring water over your hair and, looking in the mirror, begin to comb your hair, pronouncing the words of the spell. Read by heart, chant, aloud:

“Mother water, intercessor moon, help me find my love. Bring a handsome, noble guy. In everyday life he is thrifty, in family life he is not grumpy. Not crooked, not askew, handsome and daring. We will live with him forever, without knowing grief.”

On a piece of paper (without interrupting your combing), use lipstick to write any male name that comes to mind.

A man's name needs to be written in lipstick on a piece of paper.

“Hair to hair, dear to the court. I already know your name, just as I stole this little thing (take the lighter in your hands), I took your heart. Come quickly, spare your legs.”

Having finished the ritual to attract love, put the mirror and lighter in your purse - these are talismans. Put out the candles, hide the comb under the pillow and go to bed. In the morning you need to try to remember the dream, there should be a hint or an image of your betrothed. There is no coercion or name of a specific person in the ritual; white magic is used.

Ritual with red thread

A red thread and white magic will help you attract a guy’s love. The thread should be made of natural, preferably wool, yarn. For a man to pay attention to you, you will need:

  • church candle;
  • new men's slippers;
  • Red thread;
  • sugar.

The conspiracy will be strong if you ask for sugar from a young married couple living without quarrels and scandals. For the ritual you need 1 glass.

On a new moon, you need to open the window at night, scatter sugar on the windowsill, light a candle and, taking a red thread in your hands, read the spell:

“The men are beautiful, kind, skillful and strong, quick to work, like wasps flying towards me for sugar. And I sit, choose a groom. I bought him slippers so that his cute little feet wouldn’t freeze. I will tie my betrothed with a red thread and wear it on my wrist. This is a sign to my dear one not to miss me, not to wander around the world for a long time. I want to find love, but I don’t need more, let my dear one always be there.”

Tie the thread on the wrist of your left hand, making 7 knots. Wear it as a talisman to attract love. Leave the sugar until the morning, extinguish the candle with your fingers. In the morning, collect the sugar in a bag and store it in a secluded place.

For a rich groom

A strong and handsome man is good, but I want him to be rich as well. A ritual performed in the summer, when the wheat forms an ear, will help attract a rich groom. You need to prepare:

  • a piece of white material;
  • two candles - green and red;
  • wheat ear;
  • holy water.

The ceremony is performed on the waxing moon or on the new moon. Near the window (on the floor) you need to lay white material. Place candles on it and light them with a match. Place a cup of holy water nearby and put an ear of wheat. Looking at the candle flame, read three times:

“A merchant’s wife went out to the market to look at some goods. The goods are not simple, and the groom is single, strong, rich, not a miser, not hunchbacked. She beckoned with her finger and bought her husband for herself. He has a lot of inheritance, he built a house for her, but he always stayed with her, kept away from others.”

A spike of wheat needs to be dipped in charmed water.

Dip an ear of wheat in holy water, sprinkle yourself and the room with the words:

“The water spilled, the wheat began to spike, my wish came true.”

Leave the water and wash your face with it in the morning. Tear off a few grains from the spikelet and store them in your wallet. Hide the remaining ear in the kitchen. Wrap the candles in material and bury them deeply in a deserted place, under a tall tree, then read the rest of the plot:

“I buried my happiness under a tree, hiding it from prying eyes. If I water it, my room will flourish. There will never be quarrels or squabbles in it.”

This powerful plot will attract a rich and beloved person into your life with whom you will be happy.

Ritual with rose petals

You can attract the attention of men with a ritual that makes a woman desirable. To complete it you need rose petals and a glass of milk. In the evening, on the waxing moon, the bath is filled with water at a pleasant temperature, a glass of milk and rose petals are added. It is enough to “pluck” 5-10 flowers.

When taking a bath, you need to relax and feel beautiful, desired and happy. When the desired state is achieved, read the plot:

“As I, a beautiful maiden with a young body, bathed in roses and watered myself with milk, then I tried for you, my Falcon. Turn to me, appear as my husband. I will be loved by you, protected by fate. Let it be so".

After the procedure, the water is drained, and the petals are dried and scattered under the bed.

The ritual can be repeated as many times as you want. Very soon, the men around you will begin to notice the changes that have happened to you and show attention.

On a ripe pear

This ritual attracts a specific man; it is carried out in several stages. To perform the ritual, you need to buy a ripe, large and juicy pear from the market. Don't take change. In addition to the pear you will need:

  • three church candles;
  • matches or toothpicks;
  • red fabric;
  • Holy water;
  • cosmetics that are used daily.

When you get home, cut the fruit in half (lengthwise) and read the first part of the spell:

“The whole is divided, the connection is broken. I sit alone and feel sad. I want to find strong love.”

The pear needs to be cut lengthwise into 2 parts

Place the pear halves together and secure them with three toothpicks or matches, sticking them into the fruit. Read the second part of the plot:

“Once again the halves of the pear connected, tightly locked together. I too will find (name) my soul mate and get rid of loneliness. That’s what will happen.”

Spread the cloth on the table, collect and place cosmetics on the table: shampoos, scrubs, creams, lipsticks, etc. Place candles around and light.

Cosmetic items should be sprinkled with holy water and the final part should be read:

“I ask the Creator of the human race to bless these objects and help me realize my plans. The Lord Himself helps me and illuminates these things with a sign. As soon as I wash myself with soap, the melancholy will disappear. As soon as I open the shampoo, my loved one will remember me. As soon as I dry myself with a towel, God’s servant (name) will run to my house. The power of heavenly intercessors is with me. Amen".

Put out the candles with your fingers and go to bed. In the morning, charmed cosmetics can be used for their intended purpose. The texts of the conspiracy should be memorized in advance and read from memory.

Call for love

This romantic ritual is simple to perform, but requires a certain attitude. It is performed at sunset, alone.

In the evening, you need to lay a white tablecloth on the table and place two chairs and two glasses opposite each other. Pour red wine or juice. Wash off your makeup or take a shower. Wear loose, clean clothes and let your hair down.

Light a candle and, looking at the flame, read the spell:

“I’m waiting for my beloved falcon, I don’t sit down to a meal without it. As my beloved goes around the world, he will turn to me. He will leave his affairs and find me, it’s not in vain that he scours the world. I call myself your betrothed, I wait, I look out the window, without looking up.”

Take a sip of wine or juice from your glass and throw the rest out the window. Leave the second glass on the table until the morning. Put out the candle.

In the morning, carefully look at the remaining wine. If cloudiness appears in the glass or its quantity has decreased, you will meet your love very soon. If everything is unchanged, then the ritual can be repeated.

When choosing a conspiracy or ritual, preference should be given to white magic - it is not only effective, but also safe. If any ritual is in doubt, then you should not use it, just choose another one.

Let me first ask a question: what kind of man is he - the man of your dreams? Try to give a one word answer. Maybe he's reliable? Or caring? Or maybe the right one?

Agree, it’s difficult to choose just one characteristic. And all because you started thinking about the question. Believe it or not, some women spent more than 5 minutes trying to find the answer! All you had to do was trust your feeling and name the first word that came to mind.

This is the main problem of women. Sometimes we think too much, although our task is to trust our feelings. After all, any dream, including one about a man, lives not in the mind, but in the heart.

Therefore, the first step towards attracting a man into your life is to learn to live with feelings, learn to hear them, recognize them. That is, in essence, look deep into yourself, reveal yourself, become yourself.

What do I need to do?

Let's reveal the secret right away.

True knowledge is always simple, understandable and accessible.

And in order to attract the man of your dreams, the main thing is to follow simple steps that have been proven in practice by many women over thousands of years. Therefore, everything that will be discussed below, you can easily apply in your life. And changes will begin to happen in your life immediately.

Knowing how to invite the man of your dreams into your life is actually very structured. It can be revealed in 7 words or 7 steps.

By following these steps, developing the necessary qualities in herself, a woman literally becomes a magnet for attracting everything she desires, including the one and only.

What qualities should a woman develop?

Knowledge is revealed through the 7 words of our main question:


Step 1. HOW. We become aware of our basic life force.

What qualities should a woman have and develop at this stage?

Stable life position.


No fears.

Men are drawn to confident women, those who do not pretend, who are not afraid to be themselves. No, you don’t need to be that kind of businesswoman who constantly makes plans and tries to control everything. A man just needs to feel that you have goals and look to the future with confidence. The only fear that is permissible is the fear of losing a loved one.

Step 2. ATTRACT or ATTRACT. We develop our sensuality.

What qualities does a woman attract and attract men?



Sexual energy.

The desire to start a family.


Clear thinking.

Inner well-being

Also, a man should know that you are ready to start a family. The main thing is not to overdo it. An excessive desire to get married and have children can scare away even a supportive man. Patience helps a woman not to get hung up on expectations, but to continue to develop. This is a wonderful time to change yourself. And the man will come himself at a certain time.

Step 3. MAN. We attract successful and courageous people.

A woman should have a clear idea of ​​what her man should be like. You should “draw” an image from those qualities that are truly masculine:


Strength of will,

Social adaptation,



The joy of life,

Life force (physical plane),



Respect for time.

If you accidentally meet the “wrong” person, you continue to attract the image of a successful man. And then either your current chosen one will change, or you will meet someone else.

Step 4. DREAMS. Let's learn to dream.

As we have already said, our women's dreams do not come from the mind, but from the heart. How do a woman's dreams manifest themselves? How do they attract a man?

Images. You should always have images of bright, pure love, the very one for which we live.

Spirituality. It is a woman who cultivates spirituality in a man and inspires him to rise to higher levels of development. Kindness, humility, compassion - a man begins to show these qualities thanks to a woman.

Accepting a man for who he is.

Tenderness, selflessness, humility. Dream of a man, next to whom wonderful feelings and qualities will unfold in you.

Step 5. B, or INTRODUCTION. We develop and realize our creative talents.

How to introduce a man into your life?

Through the creative process and sociability. A woman’s ability to create, to create something new, to transform the space around her allows a man to fill you with energy and literally “attach” to you. And sociability, in contrast to isolation, opens up your inner energy, to which a man is attracted.

Step 6. YOURS. Developing awareness.

How to attract that unique person that you and I dream about, specifically in your life, and not in the life of a friend, sister or even a stranger?

If in step 3 we created the image of a successful man, then at this stage we need to work out our own image, our life - the one into which you invite a man. He must understand where he is coming and what he should expect.

What is important for a man is your ability to feel everything, understand him perfectly, guess his mood even from a distance and behave accordingly. For him, you are all-knowing and clairvoyant, capable of grasping his condition with your feminine instincts and supporting the man, no matter what happens.

Step 7. LIFE. We feel our divinity.

Peace, inner purity, chastity, fidelity, faith in the Divine principle - these are perhaps the most important aspects of female nature. If you do not develop these qualities, an ignorant man may come to you. But this is not what you dream of, right?

It is a woman’s awareness of her divine nature that inspires a man to heroic deeds. He wants to give you happiness, because you are his goddess! For such a woman it is worth living.

Perhaps it seems to you that these 7 steps are a lot of work, that while you develop yourself, your whole life will pass, that in your own transformations you will miss the very man for whom all this is being done.

Stop! You started thinking again. Do you remember where we started our conversation? Since women need to think with their hearts and feelings. You don't have to strive for perfection, we are not perfect. Just start taking these steps, allow yourself to truly dream, discover real feminine feelings within yourself. You won’t even notice how this road will lead you to the one whose image you so carefully cherished in your heart - the man of your dreams. To your love.

Love occupies an important place in the life of any girl or woman. Not all of them can be considered lucky who have found their soul mate. Loneliness, which is especially typical for residents of large cities, takes on unimaginable proportions.

Beautiful and smart women are left alone for various reasons. Some did not have a happy marriage, some never found their prince. Regardless of age, you should not give up.

There are many ways to attract a real man into your life and find what you have been waiting for, driving away the loneliness of gray everyday life and dark nights. How to attract a real man into your life according to Feng Shui, or using spells, we will consider in the article.

Stupid people are attracted to everything bright - that's why women dress up so brightly when they want to attract men.
Konstantin Melikhan

How to attract a worthy man into your life?

Each woman has her own criteria for assessing a man: some want to find a respectable man as their soul mate, other ladies think about how easy it is to attract love.

Some girls cannot specifically describe the young man they would like to see as a partner.

How to attract a rich man into your life, and also find love and happiness?

Feng Shui will help answer this question. In order to attract the love of a man into your life, we carefully examine the bedroom. The love zone is located in the southwestern side of the room: there should be no garbage there.

It is advisable that this area remain free. There should be no sharp objects in the room. You should purchase only those that, according to Feng Shui, will help attract the right man into your life.

The items that are responsible for love are the following:

  • paintings and postcards, posters and photos, but in pairs;
  • plum branch: in Feng Shui it also means good luck in love relationships;
  • mandarin ducks, which are a symbol responsible for and strengthening marriage;
  • a statement about love written in your own hand on red or pink paper, etc.
When arranging the interior in order to attract the right man into your life with these items, you should not overload the room.

Otherwise, a girl, having found a gentleman, risks being branded a slob in his thoughts if he sees a pile of figurines and other items in her apartment.

If a girl has found happiness and love, then the altar of love can become the consolidation of a romantic relationship. It is used as a small table, stool, bedside table or other pieces of furniture. The table is covered with a material made of high-quality silk of pink or red color. These colors symbolize good luck in marriage and love.

No hearts, everything is strict. Two candles are placed on the furniture. The best option for creating an altar of romance and happiness is the constant presence of fresh flowers in it. Oddly enough, these are not roses. According to the teachings of Feng Shui, red peonies symbolize happiness and joy and direct a person’s thoughts in a positive direction.

Maybe it's just psychology, but it works!

Psychology and esotericism will help you attract a man into your life

Probably every woman thinks to herself or tells her best friend - I want a good man. But how long is the path for each of the girls to realize this desire? How can a single woman attract the man of her dreams?

So what do the experts say?

It is interesting that esotericists in life distinguish three types of relationships between opposite sexes:

  1. Family relationships.
    Once upon a time a woman found a man and happiness with him, but the passion subsided and the relationship resembled a family one. This means that the couple was related by blood in past lives. This family in real life exists smoothly, without scandals or quarrels. But there will be no more emotions and passions, fireworks in the relationship.
  2. Karmic relationships- the most common option.
    The girl thinks that she has found a man according to her requirements. Time passes, and the man changes beyond recognition, omissions and misunderstandings begin. Quarrels and grievances are piling up. The couple breaks up. Esotericists say that this relationship should teach both in a couple, giving the man and woman wisdom and understanding of life. Otherwise, they will not see further happiness.
  3. The third type of relationship is called stellar, but few people experienced this gift of fate.
    How to attract the man you love into your life? A woman finds a specific man. She is able to tell everyone how to attract love, because she is ready to shout about it to the whole world! After all, she found the other half of her soul, lost in past lives!

Magic can also help

How to attract a Leo man, they ask magicians who practice love spells? But you shouldn’t do them; it’s better to read a love spell that can be found on the Internet. Then you will be able to attract Leo or Cancer, as well as men of other zodiac signs.

One of the simplest magical rituals to attract a man using an ordinary but tasty fruit - a pear:
  1. We cut the pear with the words that “The whole is falling apart. So is my loneliness.”
  2. The parts of the fruit cut into two halves are collected using matches.
  3. Three matches are stuck into the pear: into the upper, middle and lower parts.
  4. The pear is wrapped in a cotton napkin and placed under any fruit crop.
  5. The ritual is performed on the waxing moon, but before sunrise.

Let's use our wits

If a woman already has a suitor in sight and she is wondering how to attract this man into her life, then what should she do?

First, you should find out who he is according to the horoscope and read how to attract, for example, a Leo man. Also in the horoscope you can find a paragraph with the compatibility of partners with different zodiac signs and read all the information about whether a family can work out for Cancer and Leo, Aries and Sagittarius, Pisces and Taurus, etc. There are many options.

Astrology will indicate the partner who is most suitable for the girl. How to attract a Cancer man? This question will be relevant for her if cancer is the best partner for her. If this is a Leo, then you can lure a Leo into a love network, but using not spells, but women’s charm, unsurpassed charm, slender figure and sharp mind.

Men love self-sufficient women. But there is no need to be zealous in feminism: by nature, a man is a protector. For example, to attract Cancer into a love relationship, patience and diligence are needed, since men of this zodiac do not immediately make decisions.


How to attract a man into your life? Or maybe just: be yourself?

There are many conspiracies and love spells, prayers and special talismans that supposedly affect the object of your desire, change its priorities and force it to pay attention to you. Is it so?

Or maybe it's the other way around? All these witchcraft, magical attributes, your thoughts, desires and actions change something in you.

It is not for nothing that all the rules of a happy life turn a person inward: “The rich person is not the one who has everything, but the one who has enough of what he has.”

“Happiness is a state of mind,” etc. Let's try to attract the right man into our life by working a little on ourselves.

How to attract a man into your life

Changing the setting

The natural attitude of consciousness is the mental position of a person in everyday life.

There are several settings:

  1. Social. A certain attunement of consciousness to the perception of existence.
  2. Motor. A certain setting for actions.
  3. Mental. Stereotype of thinking.
  4. Diffuse. Adjustment of perception during a single intersection with an object.

Why change it? The attitude that has taken root in your mind prevents you from becoming the ideal man you have chosen for yourself. If you are absolutely sure of this, try changing the settings.

Another thing is, is it possible to do this on your own without a good psychologist?! He will be able to somehow reconfigure the motor setting (a month of control over his muscles), and can easily cope with diffuse, but only time changes the mental and social settings.

Breaking yourself at the level of consciousness and subconscious is a thankless and dangerous task. Maybe it's better to change the object of dreams?

Drawing a clear image

You know exactly what height, weight and eye color a prince worthy of you should have. His shoulders are broad, his body is slender, flexible and muscular, and his hair is wavy, the color of ripe wheat. Everything is clear with the external data of an ideal man. There's even a photo of the prototype hanging on the wall. What to do with your inner world?

Let's try to get a clear, clear picture of his character. We rewrite, separated by commas, all the positive traits of a person: brave, smart, honest, etc. That's it, the image is ready. We mentally make a stencil out of everything we have come up with and from today we walk around the world with it, applying the resulting template to every guy we meet.

Want to know where your search will end? In a couple of years, you will sit down at the table and slightly correct your ideal, adding universal human traits to it.

Just a little bit of weakness. The hero can do this. Well, for example, sometimes he lies for the sake of saying something. And again in a fruitless search.

Another year will pass and you will trim your angel’s wings a little more. And the search will simply end. You will fall in love with an ordinary brown-eyed brunette and begin to consider him your ideal.

It's good to have time to search. In addition, any high level provides an incentive for one’s growth, while a low level provides an incentive for laziness and degradation.

Falling in love with ourselves

How disgusting looks like an arrogant FIFA who considers herself the most beautiful, smartest, stylish and charming in the world! Pay attention to how the heroes of Russia, the president, world champions, and miss beauty behave. With dignity, but without arrogance.

You need to know moderation in everything, even in pride and self-flagellation. Excessive modesty is also harmful.

This part of the article is for girls who don’t like to look at themselves in the mirror, who are embarrassed about their voice and awkward figure. Let's start with that, with clumsiness.

Remember the parable where the man was told not to think about the yellow monkey? As a result, all his thoughts were only about her.

Yes, you will never acquire a light, flying gait as long as you think about it, about your legs and arms.

Understand three axioms:

  1. There are no ideals in the world.
  2. Beauty is a relative concept. Some people like candy, and some like herring. Some people like skinny ones, while others like them plump.
  3. People treat you the way you present yourself to them. By your attitude towards yourself, you allow others to judge you as well.

Video: How to make a man fall in love with you

Based on these well-known postulates, we decide to ourselves:

  1. I'm not ideal, but I'm no worse than others. This means that everyone around is no better than me.
  2. For some I am a beauty.
  3. I like myself, I love myself as I am!
  4. Learn by heart the poem by Larisa Rubalskaya:

What a luxury it is to be out of fashion.
And live without looking at anyone,
And dress according to the weather,
Not for the sake of the glances of oncoming men.

Don't be afraid to be branded a fool,
Do not add growth platform,
Don't adjust your figure
Under "sixty" and "ninety".

Be cheerful and tyrant,
Yawn if it gets too boring.
What a luxury it is to not be fashionable,
And being yourself is a piece of cake.


Philosophers and psychologists have long established that sexual energy, called Libido by S. Freud, is the driving force behind everything that happens in the human world. Suffice it to remember how many wars in ancient centuries began because of women.

It is only for the sake of the attention and favor of the opposite sex that feats are accomplished, unattainable peaks are conquered and great discoveries are made. Only in order to win her heart, and then support his family, will he study and then earn money.

Just to make him like you, you are ready to read “War and Peace” and learn to roller skate. Read, learn, ride!

Even if you never touch the heart of your beloved man with your increased intelligence, your level will increase so much that:

  1. You will begin to respect and love yourself. Self-esteem will increase, and therefore the assessment of others.
  2. Another man will appreciate and love you, maybe more than one.
  3. Looking at the object of your affection from the top step, you will see him from a new perspective and... fall out of love. Sometimes it happens.

Changing the atmosphere in the house

It has long been known: the simplest way to at least somehow change your life is simply to rearrange your apartment or change the decor in your house.

For something to change, start with your home. A new environment will attract new love to you or simply stir up new emotions in you.

Let's keep calm

We are lucky, we were born women. This means that with all other equal rights, we can always bat our eyelashes and cry.

Not sobbing with hysterics and screaming, but quietly and miserably, so that a man would want to press him to his chest, pat him on the head and, feeling like Rimbaud and the Black Cloak at the same time, promise his protection for the rest of his life.

Men are afraid of hysterics! Calm down. Passion and love fill your heart. You want to throw yourself on your neck, hug, kiss and confess your love, shedding tears. Even if he had some kind of nascent feeling for you, now at this moment it disappeared, died from fear.

He is not a coward in the usual sense of the word, but, like any man, he is afraid of change and violent feelings.

Stay calm and wait until he is ready to find out. Take a step towards him that is the same length as him.

Ways to attract the guy of your dreams

According to feng shui

The first thing you have to do to bewitch a good man is to free yourself from previous relationships and experiences. And to do this, you need to thoroughly clean your home.

Remove dirt, dust, everything negative and superficial. Get rid of dry leaves and branches, wilted flowers - symbols of rejected love, photographs, gifts and letters from your ex-boyfriend.

You can keep the gold ring. Just keep it under running water for about an hour, and then put it away. Remove pictures and posters of lonely women from the wall, remove photographs of you alone.

Do this kind of cleaning as often as possible, and everything in your life will change. Place two pillows on your bed, and place two candles and a vase of peonies on your bedside table.

Through ritual

To bewitch an unmarried man, there are hundreds of love spells, conspiracies and rituals. One of them is the most harmless, but perhaps the most effective is the “love spell on the tongue.”

To perform it, it is enough to read this plot seven times a day before sunset, lightly biting the tip of your tongue:

Just as I bite my own tongue, I call upon my betrothed (name) and attach it.
Let him, without knowing rest, always dream about me (name).
On a starry night, a moonlit night, a clear day and early in the morning
Let him dream of me day and night under the moon.
Amen (three times)

Rich man

A love spell on a rich man can be done in the same way. Just one small addition. Give alms to the beggar for three days in a row, saying: “Let the hand of the giver never fail”. It’s good to have a wooden or ceramic frog at home that needs to be stroked every day.

Mutual love and happiness

Mutual love and happiness will certainly come to you. This may not happen right away. You shouldn't consider every guy you meet as a potential lover. Wait a little, your heart will tell you when he is near.

A specific man

A love spell on a specific man is done by having some thing that he has held or worn for a long time (for example, a scarf, a calendar, a business card, or even hair).

You should put this thing and your hair in one paper bag, crumple the bag into a ball as much as possible and set it on fire, reciting the spell: “We are together now, we are together later, I love you, you love me. Let the fire seal our love."

Place the ashes in a bag and hide them under the mattress. The love spell will work within a year.

Using affirmations

This beautiful word means auto-training using one succinct phrase. It should not contain particles of “not”, past or future tense. Affirmation should consist of 5-7 words, contain program code and evoke only positive emotions and associations.

For example: “(name) loves me, we are happy together.” Repeat this several times a day, write it on paper and put it under your pillow.

Makarevich has a song with beautiful words: “There is no need to bend to the changing world. It’s better to let the world bend under us.” So psychologists advise bending over! If you cannot change the situation (well, it doesn’t give in, it doesn’t change in any way, no matter what you do), force yourself to change your attitude towards it.

Sometimes, to be happy, you just need to convince yourself that you are happy. Well, you won’t be able to become the Queen of Great Britain, no matter what love spells are cast on the Prince of Wales.

But you have long been the queen of your neighbor’s heart from the fifth floor. Do you want to be happy?! Be!

Video: Expert opinion

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