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Psycho-gymnastics for older children. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten card index on the topic. "Me and my mood"

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Psycho-gymnastics for children is not just a fashionable innovation, but also one of the important components of the program of many preschool institutions. Simply put, this technique in the form of special exercises using non-verbal communication (movements, facial expressions) is intended for the general development of the child and the resolution of some of his psychological problems.

What is psychogymnastics?

In the early 60s, the described term was introduced into practice. It was most clearly voiced by the Czech specialist Ganya Unova, who developed an entire system based on special elements of psychodrama. Her developments were initially used when working with children who needed correction of consciousness. However, then the older generation became interested in this technique, transforming it into training for solving emotional problems in adults.

Psycho-gymnastics is a practical correction of a child’s consciousness when communicating without words, aimed at developing his communication skills and the ability to find his place in society. It is carried out in four stages in order to ultimately achieve maximum results from the classes.

The first of them should be aimed at developing the art of pantomime, facial expressions, as well as memory and attention. The second stage involves the development of individual human qualities. The third part of the lesson includes working with images, as well as transformation into them. The final stage of psycho-gymnastics for preschoolers is blocking emotional stress in children.

Such classes do not take much time: from half an hour to 60 minutes. However, if the wards wish, they can be extended somewhat. Ideally, there should be no more than 6 children in the group, and the psychogymnastics course should be limited to 20 sessions. It is recommended to organize them twice a week so that the child does not lose interest in the proposed exercises and games.

If we consider the proposed methodology in more detail, we can highlight the following positive aspects:

First of all, you should remember that you should look for a completely different approach to a child of 3-4 years old than to a pupil of the senior and preparatory group. The proposed recommendations will be useful both for kindergarten workers and for parents (for individual therapy with their child). It should be remembered that such an activity must be accompanied by appropriate music. The repertoire should be selected depending on the exercise being performed, still giving preference to the classics.

Psycho-gymnastics in early preschool age

To achieve the best results when working with children, you should adhere to the following tactics for conducting classes:
  1. Greetings. Children are encouraged to show their special smile when they see friends. Even if the child makes faces at first, you should not stop him. Initiative, within reason, is welcome in such classes.
  2. Warm-up. At this stage of children's psycho-gymnastics, it is recommended to attract the attention of children with some spectacular toy and ask them to describe it using gestures and facial expressions. In the first lessons, it is necessary to help children with words like “How does a bunny gallop?” and “What are his ears, paws and tail like?” The one who best depicted the movements of the animal does not need to be designated, because pupils at this age are quite jealous of competition.
Exercises to practice basic movements:
  • Game "Do as I do". This pretty simple task evokes a lot of emotions in children. They will be happy to portray foxes, bears, monkeys and other animals.
  • Game "Harvest". Several small gardeners must prepare the ground for planting seeds and seedlings: loosen the soil and water it constantly. The task of the other children is to choose a vegetable or fruit and then depict how it begins to grow.
  • Scene "Turnip". Having previously familiarized the children with the content of this fairy tale, it is necessary to assign roles and fully reproduce the plot of the action with the help of the teacher’s recitation. To make the game even more exciting, you can prepare masks in advance with images of the Turnip characters. It is quite possible to replace this fairy tale with “The Mitten” or any other work that will be accessible to children.
  • Virtual ball. Psychogymnastics games for kids can be diversified with this fun. Children are asked to imagine a ball, and then with the help of their hands they must “throw” it to each other, accompanying their movements with a smile.
Exercises for emotional communication:
  1. Game "Show Me". Pupils at this age love to copy everything they see. However, they should develop a broader perception of the world around them. You can invite them to depict without words how their mother, the good fairy and the beautiful princess smile (clouds, stern doctors and waves on the sea frown; naughty or offended children get angry; cowardly hares and cats get scared at the sight of dogs).
  2. Game "Pretend the heroes". To express his feelings, a child must learn to demonstrate them correctly. You should invite your students to depict the situations presented to them without words. As an example, we can cite the following episode from a well-known fairy tale. Little Red Riding Hood runs through the forest to her grandmother (joy), along the way she meets many forest inhabitants (curiosity and smile). Suddenly the girl saw a wolf (fright), etc. When emotionally perceiving a fairy tale, children should use not only facial expressions, but also movement.
Exercises for observing human behavior and actions:
  • Ball game. During this entertainment, it is necessary for the group members to offer the following options for evaluating the hero: Baba Yaga - kind, Kolobok - stupid, Fox - cunning, etc. It should be remembered that children must clearly know who they are talking about. If you agree with the statement, the child needs to catch the ball, showing his reaction to the voiced character using facial expressions and gestures.
  • Work on poetry. During this exercise, children are invited to clap their hands and spin around themselves if the main character behaves well. If a character behaves badly, then emotions are allowed to be expressed in any way convenient for the child. It is best to take as a basis quatrains that are easy for children to understand, such as “The mistress abandoned the bunny,” “I love my horse,” or “They dropped the bear on the floor.”
  • Parting. Children at this age are rarely completely emotionally closed. With cheerful music, you can invite them to clap their hands, smile at each other and even hug their friends. At the final stage, it is recommended to diversify non-verbal communication by reading poems or singing a collective song.
Psychogymnastics exercises with children should not turn into a banal physical education lesson. The teacher should make every effort to interest his students.

Psycho-gymnastics in older preschool age

At the very beginning of the event, it is important to create a comfortable environment for children and set them up for the positive. The child should be offered options for greetings from an adult, and then given the task of coming up with his own improvisations. All versions voiced by children should be praised, but especially the most unexpected ones should be highlighted. Children can say hello using their favorite toys, noses, and even jokingly butt heads, pretending to be goats.

Sketches for the development of the emotional sphere (using the example of scenes from famous fairy tales):

  • "The Snow Queen". Kai mocks the mistress of the snowy plains, for which she is very angry with him (the boy’s contempt is the Queen’s anger).
  • "Thumbelina". A toad, a cockchafer, and then a mole are forced onto the miniature beauty as husbands (Thumbelina's disgust is the rage and bewilderment of the rejected gentlemen).
  • "Zaikin's hut". A gray forest dweller is driven out of his own home by a cunning fox (Long-Ears’s sadness is the aggression of a predator).
  • "Three piglets". The wolf destroys the brothers' houses one after another (the anger of the gray bandit is the fear of three friends).
  • "Seven-flowered flower". The girl gives the last petal to the sick boy so that he can recover (Zhenya’s joy is the gratitude of her new friend).
Exercises for psychomuscular training:
  1. "Why?". During this warm-up, children are asked to pretend to be a curious child who doesn’t know anything. They should express their bewilderment by raising their shoulders and eyebrows in a “house” manner.
  2. "Help". Children are given the task of imagining that their mother returned from the store with a heavy bag. It is necessary to take the virtual luggage to the kitchen, while depicting all the efforts made during the voiced assistance.
  3. "Sleeping cat". Pupils need to lie down on the mat, curl up and imitate in their own way the habits of their tailed friend while sleeping. You should show him breathing, yawning and stretching.
  4. "Petrushka's movements". The task of this exercise is to copy the jumps of this hero, who moves on two bent legs, with his arms hanging along his body and his head tilted to the side/forward.
  5. "Heron in the Swamp". Children are asked to depict a bird standing on one leg or the other. From time to time she must catch a frog jumping by the paw and then let it go.
Exercises for observing a person’s character traits:
  • Game "Who's Who". When performing it, the children are divided into pairs. A character is voiced into one child's ear or a picture of him is shown. The fairy-tale character must be familiar to the children of this group. Then, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, the student who has received the task needs to show the habits and character traits of this fairy tale hero. It is best to choose images such as Pinocchio, Kolobok or Puss in Boots, so as not to make the task difficult for the player who is solving the pantomime puzzle. Children should be immediately warned that they must, with the help of facial expressions and gestures, not only demonstrate the external characteristics of the hero, but also his character traits.
  • Game "Who will show better". First, the participants in the training group are asked to copy the behavior of the evil character in turn (the image is chosen by the teacher). At the same time, they can move their eyebrows, growl, stomp their feet, etc. Then they will need to describe a good person, wizard or fairy in the same way. In this case, nothing will stop children from smiling widely, dancing and putting their hands to their hearts. The best performer must be chosen by the little actors themselves.
  • Game "Kaleidoscope of Characters". Children really like this exercise because many of them recognize themselves in the characters. Each participant in the game is given an image by drawing lots, which he must demonstrate to his peers. The basis is taken from the so-called crybabies, unwilling people, angry people, merry fellows, sneakers, shy people, etc. Each child, with the help of gestures and facial expressions, must reveal the image offered to him as much as possible.
  • Parting. At this stage of the lesson, children need to calm down after experiencing a large number of emotions in a short time of communication with the teacher. In this case, you can sit on the mat and listen to relaxing music. Then the students should be given time to independently and at their own request repeat what they liked most in the lesson.
Psychogymnastics methods for children of senior preschool age are quite suitable for primary school students. Some of their exercises can be done instead of physical education.

Watch a video about psycho-gymnastics for children:

Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten is correctional work with pupils of this institution, which can be organized by any teacher, regardless of qualifications and experience. Moms and dads should also listen to the advice in this article so that their child does not grow up to be a squeezed and complex person who is unable to control her feelings. Mastery of “body language” is very important for the younger generation, which educators and parents should remember.

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Alyabyeva E.A. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten: Methodological materials to help psychologists and teachers. - M.: TC Sfera, 2003. - 88 p.


There is no need to prove to anyone that preschool children need psychological help. It is important that not only educational psychologists, but also educators master the methods of psychoprophylaxis and psychocorrection and use them in their daily work with children, taking into account their individual characteristics and problems.

Currently, various types of psychotraining are widely used in preschool institutions, but psychogymnastics as a method of practical psychocorrection is quite rare. Although it is the one that is most accessible for use by educators and psychologists, since it is based on play, which is the main activity of a preschooler.

The developments will help psychologists and teachers master the methods of conducting psycho-gymnastics, the subtleties of interaction with children during classes, choose one of two directions for organizing and planning classes, or come to a combination of them.

In the textbook A.A. Osipova “General psychocorrection” (FOOTNOTE: Osipova A.A. General psychocorrection. M., 2002) psychogymnastics is a method in which participants express themselves and communicate without the help of words. This is an effective means of optimizing the social-perceptual sphere of the individual, as it allows you to pay attention to “body language” and the spatio-temporal characteristics of communication. This is a method of reconstructive psychocorrection, the goal of which is to understand and change the client’s personality.

In the book by M.I. Chistyakova “Psycho-gymnastics” gives the following definition of psycho-gymnastics: this is a course of special classes (sketches, games, exercises) aimed at the development and correction of various aspects of the child’s psyche (both his cognitive and emotional-personal spheres) (FOOTNOTE: From the book: Chistyakova M .I. Psychogymnastics. M., 1990).

First of all, such classes are indicated for children with excessive fatigue, exhaustion, restlessness, hot-tempered, withdrawn, with neuroses, character disorders, mild mental retardations and other neuropsychic disorders that are on the border of health and illness.

It is equally important to use psychogymnastics in psychoprophylactic work with practically healthy children for the purpose of psychophysical relaxation.

Psycho-gymnastics according to the method of M.I. Chistyakova is primarily aimed at teaching the elements of the technique of expressive movements, the use of expressive movements in the education of emotions and higher feelings, and the acquisition of skills in self-relaxation.

Children study various emotions and learn to manage them, master the ABC of expressing emotions. Psycho-gymnastics helps children overcome barriers in communication, better understand themselves and others, relieve mental stress, and provides the opportunity for self-expression.

Violations of expressive motor skills deserve close attention because the inability to correctly express one’s feelings, stiffness, awkwardness or inadequacy of facial and gestural speech make it difficult for children to communicate with peers and adults. Especially in this case, children with neuroses, organic brain diseases and other neuropsychiatric diseases suffer. Such children are often part of speech therapy groups and groups of children in correctional classes at primary schools. Children with poor expression may themselves not fully grasp what is being communicated to them wordlessly by other people, and they incorrectly evaluate their attitude towards themselves, which, in turn, may be the reason for the deepening of their asthenic character traits and the appearance of secondary neurotic layers.

No less important is the verbal language of feelings, which denotes phenomena of emotional life. Naming emotions in psycho-gymnastics leads to the child’s emotional awareness of himself. A child who speaks a good, rich language thinks better, he has more nuances for verbally indicating feelings, he understands himself more subtly, his experiences, his emotions become more differentiated. Psychologists believe that the reserves for increasing the effectiveness of a child’s moral ideas lie in the emotional richness of the content of adults’ value judgments, in their use of assessments of personal properties, state assessments, anticipation assessments and other forms of emotional relationships corresponding to the level of moral development of a preschooler.


The psychogymnastics course consists of 20 lessons in which children must learn approximately eight concepts related to the experience of basic emotions, and ten concepts that evaluate a person’s personal qualities. psychogymnastics preschooler lesson emotion

Classes are held twice a week, lasting from 25 minutes to 1 hour 30 minutes.

Classes are structured according to a specific scheme and consist of
four phases.

1st phase. Mimic and pantomimic sketches.

Goal: expressive depiction of individual emotional states associated with the experience of bodily and mental contentment and dissatisfaction. Models of expression of basic emotions (joy, surprise, interest, anger, disgust, contempt, fear, etc.) and some emotionally charged feelings (pride, shyness, confidence, etc.). Children become familiar with the elements of expressive movements: facial expressions, gestures, posture, gait.

Phase 2. Sketches and games to express individual qualities of character and emotions.

Goal: expressive depiction of traits generated by the social environment (greed, kindness, honesty, etc.), their moral assessment. Models of behavior of characters with certain character traits. Consolidation and expansion of previously obtained information related to their social competence. Harmonization of the child's personality.

When depicting emotions, children's attention is drawn to all components of expressive movements simultaneously. The phase is psychoprophylactic in nature.

Phase 3. Sketches and games that have a psychotherapeutic focus on a specific child or group as a whole.

The mimic and pantomimic abilities of children are used for an extremely natural embodiment in a given image.

Goal: correction of the child’s mood and individual character traits, training in modeling standard situations.

Phase 4. Psychomuscular training.

Goal: relieving psycho-emotional stress, instilling a desired mood, behavior, character traits.

Between the second and third phases, a break of several minutes is taken, during which the children are left to their own devices - a “minute of pranks.” The presenter does not interfere in the children’s communication. It is advisable to agree with the children on a collection signal, which should be constant.

Between the third and fourth phases, you can insert a game for attention, memory, resistance to motor automatism, or an outdoor game.

Preschoolers should not have more than six in a group, and younger schoolchildren should not have more than eight. In psychoprophylactic work - 10-12 children.

In psycho-gymnastics, each etude is repeated several times so that all children can take part in it.

There should not be more than one hyperactive, autistic or hysterical child in the group.

It makes no sense to form a group according to any one characteristic: only those who are amicable, or only those with unstable attention, etc.

Children with normal development, mental retardation and children with intellectual underdevelopment cannot be included in the same group.

It is advisable to include in the group one or two children who do not need psycho-gymnastics, but who can be useful to the group with their artistry (such a child in the example recording is marked with the word background). With their help, it is easier to “infect” other children with the desired emotion.

A psychologist or teacher keeps a journal in which the reason for sending the child to psycho-gymnastics is indicated, and the main educational and psychotherapeutic goals for this group as a whole are determined.

Example entry

Group No. 1.

1. Katya M. - amymia, isolation.

2. Dima P. - timidity, fears.

3. Seryozha B. - unstable attention, disinhibition.

4. Sasha M. - low mood.

5. Yura G. - stubbornness, greed.

6. Lena K. - background.

The purpose of the psycho-gymnastics course for group No. 1.

1. Teaching children expressive movements.

2. Training in recognizing emotions from external signals.

3. Formation of moral ideas in children.

4. Behavior correction using role-playing games.

5. Relieving emotional stress.

6. Self-relaxation training.

When portraying undesirable character traits, positive and negative roles are played by children in pairs with roles changing. Sometimes a child who needs to correct one or another deviation in behavior first looks at the assessment and then chooses any role for himself. But since the assessment is repeated several times, the child receives information about how other children cope with this situation.

Sketches and games on the emotions of joy must be included in every lesson.

The lesson ends with calming the children and teaching them self-regulation. In psycho-gymnastics, to relieve psycho-emotional stress, a children's version of psycho-muscular training, developed by A.V., is used. Alekseev for young athletes, in turn adapted for preschoolers. Muscles tense and relax in a certain sequence: muscles of the arms, legs, torso, neck, face. You cannot move on to the next muscle group until the previous one becomes “obedient”.

When conducting psychomuscular training, especially in its final part, it is necessary to maintain a sense of proportion, not to delay rest and dose suggestion. In the manual M.I. Chistyakova presented two complexes: “Bear cubs in a den”, “On the seashore”.

Almost every sketch by M.I. Chistyakova is accompanied by music, which can precede it, helping the child enter the desired emotional state or be a background that enhances emotions, imaginative ideas of children, and relieves psycho-emotional stress.

In the book by M.I. Chistyakova presents 201 systematic sketches and games aimed both at developing various mental functions in children (attention, memory, automated and expressive motor skills), and at teaching elements of self-relaxation and the ability to express various emotional states.

However, there are no lesson notes in the manual, except for a few diagrams.

Not all sketches and games from M.I.’s manual are presented in the notes of this manual. Chistyakova, therefore it is advisable to have her book for a detailed study of the theory and practical part.

In some sketches and games, the name and characters have been changed in accordance with the theme of the lesson.

This manual presents 20 lessons as a complete cycle. The numbering of the sequence is conditional.

In addition to sketches and games, M.I. Chistyakova suggests using a technique such as writing stories based on children’s current problems. How to write such stories and their specific content can be found in the book “Once Upon a Time There Was a Girl Like You... Psychotherapy Stories for Children” by Doris Brett (1996).

The adult begins the story, and the children continue it. The adult helps them with connections: “once upon a time,” “far, far away,” “a long time ago,” “and then what happened,” “how it ended,” he introduces into the narrative more “healthy” ways of adaptation and conflict resolution than those that were suggested by the children. Humor and theatricality increase the child's interest and enjoyment. At the end of each story, children come up with a title for it, which helps the psychologist or teacher highlight the most important aspect of the story.

In classes using the method of M.I. Chistyakova widely uses elements of isotherapy. Children can paint the face of the person being depicted or the background around him in the color with which they associate a particular emotional state. Thematic drawing goes well with facial and pantomimic sketches, which leads to a mutually reinforcing influence on the child of both activities, which, in turn, leads to improved communication with peers.

Visual aids in the form of pictograms, cut-out pictogram templates, conventional skeletal figures depicting various poses, photographs depicting various emotional states and states of tension and relaxation in the muscles are used to train the ability to recognize the emotional state by facial expressions and pannomimicry.

Candidate of psychological sciences, psychotechnician G. Bardier, diagnostic psychologist I. Romazan, practical psychologist, psychotherapist T. Cherednikova from St. Petersburg developed another direction of psycho-gymnastics. In his book “I want!” “Psychological support for the natural development of young children” they presented a methodology for organizing psycho-gymnastics classes, three complete notes (“Dwarf Games”, “Toy Store”, “Meeting with Baba Yaga”) and three lesson plans (“Circus”, “Zoo”, “Rain worms"), which can be used in working with children starting from the age of three. In this manual, the development of the methodology by the authors is supplemented with seventeen lesson notes and grouped into a set.

A set of these lessons can be used independently or in combination with notes according to M.I. Chistyakova, depending on the composition of the group of children, in whole or in part (20-15-10 lessons).

According to the methods of St. Petersburg psychologists, the goals of psychological work with children are as follows:

2. Create programs for working with children so that, while maintaining the goal of a particular lesson, it is possible to vary all other material, tasks, instructions, time, and location of the lessons.

3. Accompany and awaken the child’s sprouts of independence, trying not to control him, not to oblige him, not to limit his imagination, not to suppress.

Specifics of organizing classes.

1. Each exercise includes the child’s fantasy (thoughts, images), feelings (emotions), and movements so that, through the mechanism of their functional unity, the child learns to voluntarily influence each of the elements of this triad.

2. The entire lesson is based on plot-role content.

3. All objects and events must be imaginary. This makes it easier for children to train their internal attention.

4. Classes can be conducted for children starting from the age of three, changing the topic and complexity of the tasks.

5. The structure of the lesson includes: warm-up, gymnastics, emotions, communication, behavior, conclusion.

Warm up.

Objectives: relieve the intensity of physical and mental stress, normalize muscle tone, attract the child’s attention and interest in joint activities, set children up for active work and contact with each other.

Exercises and games for attention should be varied in form and character. For example; “What has changed in this room?”, “What sounds do you hear on the street, in the next room?”, “Guess who called?”, “Who touched you?”, “Who shook your hand harder?”, “What object the biggest, warmest, roughest?”, “Which of the children has white socks?”, “Who is the funniest, saddest?” etc. Outdoor play should be aimed at common activity, joint movements, contact.

Warm-up time is approximately 5-6 minutes.


Objectives: to give the child the opportunity to experience a variety of muscle loads by imitatively repeating the movements and actions of the teacher; train the child in directing and maintaining attention to his sensations, teach him to distinguish and compare them; train the child in determining the nature of physical movements accompanied by various muscle sensations; train the child to change the nature of his movements, relying on the control of muscle sensations and the work of imagination and feelings.

Any physical movement in psycho-gymnastics expresses some kind of fantasy image, saturated with emotional content, thereby uniting the activity of mental functions - thinking, emotions, movement, and with the help of the teacher’s comments, the children’s internal attention to these processes is also connected.

Thus, psychogymnastic exercises use the mechanism of psychophysical functional unity.

For example, the teacher says: “How hard your bunnies beat on the drum! Do you feel how tense their paws are? You feel how hard the paws are and don’t bend like sticks! Do you feel how the muscles in your fists, arms, even your shoulders tense? But there is no face! The face is smiling, free, relaxed. And the stomach is relaxed. Breathing... What else is relaxed? Let’s try knocking again, but more slowly, to catch our sensations.”

The teacher’s expression when demonstrating exercises is necessary; it facilitates imitation and emotionally charges children.

The teacher helps to grasp the accuracy of the area of ​​sensation by touching the child: taking the hand, shaking it - “is it relaxed?”, stroking the back - “where is the tension?”, pushing, checking stability, etc.

Fantasy images are first set by the teacher, and then freely developed by the imagination of each child.

The dosage of exercises is from five to six times to one to two minutes, depending on the exercise and the age of the children.

In the sequence of psycho-gymnastic exercises, it is especially important to observe alternation and compare movements that are opposite in nature:

Tense - relaxed;

Sharp - smooth;

Frequent - slow;

Fractional - whole;

Barely noticeable movements and complete freezing;

Body rotations and jumps;

Free movement in space and collision with objects.

All exercises are accompanied alternately by muscle tension and relaxation.

This alternation of movements reflexively affects the harmonization of the mental activity of the brain: the child’s mental and motor activity is streamlined, his mood improves, and inertia disappears.

This is the fundamental difference between physical exercises in psychogymnastics and physical education.

A teacher or psychologist must be able to flexibly change his position: either becoming a participant in a drama game, actively getting carried away, seducing, showing, or simply observing or directing, but in no case forcing, evaluating, or punishing.

In psychogymnastics classes, all children are successful: everything they do is correct, doing everything in their own way, as best they can.

Complete differentiation and awareness of all their sensations is impossible for children, but focusing on at least one in each lesson is necessary.

The plot of each lesson necessarily includes two or three exercises on emotions and emotional contact.

Goal: mastering the skills of managing one’s emotional sphere: developing in children the ability to understand, be aware of their own and others’ emotions, express them correctly and fully experience them.

Methodological tasks: to fix the child’s attention on other people’s manifestations of emotions; imitative reproduction of other people's emotions, fixing attention on one's muscle sensations as manifestations of these emotions; analysis and verbal description of muscle manifestations of emotions; repeated reproduction of these emotions in given exercises,
controlling the sensation. Forms of exercises: pantomime riddles, games, performances, tasks.

List of emotions, shades, states used in the exercises: interest - attentiveness; joy is pleasure; surprise - admiration - amazement; grief - despair - suffering - compassion; anger - anger - envy; resentment - annoyance; contempt - disgust - disgust; fear - fright; shame-guilt; anxiety - worry; sympathy - pity - tenderness; sadness is sadness. .

The etudes are repeated two or three times.

Goal: training the general abilities of children’s non-verbal influence on each other.

The exercises include exchanging the roles of communication partners, assessing your emotions and the emotions of your partner.

In such exercises, the child trains to accurately express and experience his feelings, as well as understand the feelings, emotions, actions, relationships of other children, and learns to empathize.

Exercises help children overcome their own internal communication barriers in real life.

All children must participate in the training.


Goal: training children’s ability to regulate their behavioral reactions.

Methodological tasks: showing and playing out typical situations with psychological difficulties; identification and recognition of typical forms of adaptive and maladaptive behavior; acquisition and consolidation of behavioral stereotypes and methods of conflict resolution acceptable to the child; developing the skills of independent choice and construction by children of appropriate forms of reactions and actions in different situations.

Varying exercises:

Playing out situations with typical incidents;

Responding to internal negative experiences that previously occurred in kindergarten, school or at home;

Riddles for solving various conflict situations;

Independent fantasy games with the projection of new emotional problems and current experiences;

Homework to activate positive emotional manifestations, consolidate new forms of emotional response.

During the playback, a change of roles is ensured.

Sources of plots: psychological situations, children's books, cartoons, TV shows.


Goal: consolidating the positive effect that stimulates and regulates the mental and physical activity of children, balancing their emotional state, improving well-being and mood.

It is advisable for teachers and psychologists to perform all exercises and games on themselves.

It is very difficult to master all phases and parts of psycho-gymnastics at once, so you can start, for example, with gymnastics, including it as part of a physical education class, or instead of morning exercises. Individual stages can be mastered in different types of classes, during breaks, and in children’s daily activities.

The difficulty for the teacher is the transition during the lesson from one image to another, since the adult must be both in the image and direct the children’s actions. This requires skill. We recommend using a mirror for training.

I would especially like to focus on the musical arrangement of the classes. It is necessary not only to have cassettes with recordings of works, but also for a specific lesson it is better to record the musical accompaniment in advance in the sequence in which it will be used, otherwise the tape recorder will only get in the way.

In the list of musical works, which is presented in the manual, the playing time is indicated, which will help calculate the number of repetitions or the duration of the etude.

You can record a cassette in any music department of city libraries.

For psychomuscular training in the relaxation part, you can use specially recorded cassettes “Sounds of the Forest”, “Sound of the Sea”, etc.

One should not abandon classical musical works in order to simultaneously solve the problems of aesthetic development of children.

Once again, we draw attention to the fact that all psycho-gymnastics classes are based only on imaginary material, therefore the use of real hats for gnomes, for example, is extremely inappropriate, since it distracts children’s attention to the paraphernalia and turns psycho-gymnastics into a game, which should only be its basis.

When you, touching a child’s head, give him an imaginary cap of a certain color, ask him to “ring a bell” with a song, try to see if the “cap” is falling off, “pull” it deeper, depict a “choir” of bells, the activated imagination will create an image, will color it with emotions and movements, which is what we need.

It is more convenient to conduct the lesson together, if possible.


When using these classes in primary and secondary preschool age, they are carried out in two stages: the first day - warm-up, gymnastics and communication, the second day - a new warm-up, behavior training and completion. Select available lesson topics and reduce time to 20-25 minutes.


1. Warm up

Teacher. Guys, have you ever been to a puppet theater? What performance did you watch? What did you see there? Have you ever been behind the scenes, behind the curtain behind which the artists go? Do you want to go there? Then hold hands and I will lead you into the fabulous world of the puppet theater. Sing a familiar song with me (walking like a snake around the hall to the song “Little Country”).

Finally we have arrived. Do you remember what Buratino used to open the secret door? I also have a golden key. Here he is, so beautiful, all sparkling (the teacher shows an imaginary key). I insert the key into the keyhole, and the door is open (simulates, accompanied by a sound signal (music), a bell, etc.).

Guys, we opened the door, and behind it it was dark, dark, nothing was visible. I will give each of you a candle. Hold tightly (touches the palms of each child). And now it needs to be lit, and you cover it with your palm from the wind so that it doesn’t go out (simulates ignition). Look around. Has it become light?

There is a staircase ahead, it goes down. Well, aren't you afraid to walk along it? Then we'll go down. Just carry the candles carefully, take your time, so as not to fall or push anyone (imitation of a downward movement - walking with a gradual squat to a squat).

And now the stairs go up (walking while squatting to full height). Higher and higher.

2. Gymnastics


Bom-bom-bom! This is a magical watch. When they hit 1.2, all the dolls will come to life. It's quite light here. Blow out your candles and put them on the table, we'll pick them up on the way back. Stand in a circle away from each other so as not to interfere with each other’s viewing of the fairy tale. Show how the hands on the magic clock move. Bend your elbows in front of you. The arrow hands move first in one direction, then in the other. Tick ​​tock, tick tock. The arms are tense, the hands are made of metal. “Bom-bom” - the clock struck. Let's all count to 12 together.


The first to come to life were the bibabo dolls, which are placed on the hand. Let me put a cheerful Parsley (imaginary) on everyone’s hand. Play with your fingers to make Parsley's arms and head move. What a funny Petrushka. And now you yourself have become bibabo dolls (the teacher imitates).

(Tense, rhythmic.


Bow your head and say hello, as Parsley does. Imagine how your finger bends and extends when the doll's head is placed on it. Spread your arms out to the sides. Arms straight, tense. Clap your hands. Parsley is dancing.

Bow to the audience. Parsley bows low. The body is like a rag. Bend over, arms and head hanging, relaxed.

There are also puppets in the puppet theater. All parts of their body are tied to strings, and the strings are attached to sticks. The strings are pulled and the doll comes to life. You and I have turned into puppets. While the ropes are loosened, our whole body is relaxed. The legs are bent at the knees, the whole body is limp, the head hangs, the arms dangle like strings.

(Sharply, intensely)

But then they pulled one string, and the head rose, then one arm, then the other, the back straightened, one leg, the other. They started pulling all the strings, and everything started moving right away. Everything is tense: neck, arms, legs, torso. Imagine how they pull the strings that are tied to your arms, legs, and head.

(Spin, freeze)

Either we are like a ballerina, or we are like Pierrot. Now let's play the violin.

(Smoothly, relaxed)

The puppet theater cannot do without Pinocchio. Let's show off this little rascal. It is all made of wood, solid.


Papa Carlo just made it. He stands with his legs spread, hard as wood, and his hands just as hard. The back and neck are wooden. And there is a cheerful smile on his face.

Pinocchio stretched, bent over once, bent over twice. He spread his arms to the sides - apparently he couldn’t find the key.

And now I will turn you into a rag doll Pierrot. Pinocchio is cheerful, and Pierrot is sad. The rag doll is all soft. Pierrot lies on the grass near Malvina’s house and dreams about her. His whole body is relaxed. He raises his hand, and it falls, he raises his leg, and it also falls. It is made of soft fabric. Pierrot sat down, and his body, like a rag, fell again onto the grass. All movements are slow. What does he call Malvina?

Malvina, my bride, has disappeared. She ran away to foreign lands.

But what is this happy music? (recording from the film “Pinocchio”). Hurry up, get up, let's dance, whoever wants. You can dance like a cheerful Pinocchio, or like a gentle Malvina, or like a slow Pierrot, or like a playful Artemon.

3. Communication. Emotions of anger, manifestations of kindness, cunning, wisdom

Teacher. Sit down. Let's relax and talk a little. In the fairy tale "Pinocchio" there is also a fox named Alice. What is she like? (Cunning, deceiver, insidious.) Show how cunning the fox is. She narrowed her eyes, pursed her lips, and folded her paws in front of her. Says Pinocchio: “Dear, kind Pinocchio, if you want, I’ll teach you how to get rich.” Show the sly fox one by one. How she sneaks behind Pinocchio in the field of fools; to steal money from him. As she says; “What a blue sky...” Now let's portray the evil, merciless Karabas Barabas. His eyebrows are furrowed, his lips are compressed, his teeth are clicking in anger, his fists are clenched, he is stomping on his feet, waving his whip, shaking his beard:

I’ll catch them all, take away the key, and burn all the dolls in the fire!

Do we look like the evil Karabas? Are you afraid of him? Let's say together:

Evil, terrible Karabas,

We are no longer afraid of you

4. Behavior

Teacher. Guys, whose song is this?

Drowned with brown mud

The surface of an ancient pond.

Ah, she was like Pinocchio,

I was once young.

Was careless and naive

Turtles young look.

Everything around seemed wonderful

Three hundred years ago.

Yes, of course, this is the song of Tortila the turtle. What is she like? (Old, wise, kind.) Why are old people wise? (They live a long time, they have seen a lot, they know a lot, they can do a lot.)

How did Tortila help Pinocchio? (Revealed the secret of the golden key.) How did Pinocchio talk to the wise Tortila? (Insolent, disrespectful.) Did he thank her for the golden key? How should you contact your elders? How does your respect show itself? What help can be provided to old people? What do your grandparents advise you? Let's act out a scene from a fairy tale in which Pinocchio meets Tortila the turtle (depicting wisdom and bad manners, patience and politeness).

5. Completion

Teacher. It's time to go back to kindergarten. Let's dance to the cheerful music from the cartoon "Pinocchio."

The teacher dances with the children, depicting actions according to the words of the song.


I. Warm-up

Teacher. Children, would you like to get into a fairy tale? But first, try to guess what kind of fairy tale it is. It talks about a very little girl. Right. The fairy tale is called “Thumbelina,” and that’s where we’ll go.

And here is the flower on which Thumbelina was sitting (shows an imaginary flower in her palms). Draw this flower with your fingers. Close your palms, and now spread them apart, it looks like a bud. Move your fingers. These are some beautiful flowers!

Smell the flowers, show them how fragrant the aroma is!

I know that Thumbelina was very small. Show with your fingers how small it is.

Before I go with you to the wonderful garden near Thumbelina’s house, I want to check how attentive you are. Stand in a circle behind each other. Listen carefully to the commands. As soon as I say “giant,” everyone stretches their arms up, stands on their toes and walks in a circle; on the command “Thumbelina” - they squat down and walk in single file; on the command “path” - they put their hands on the shoulders of the person in front and continue to walk together.

While I was checking your attention, we quietly reached a wonderful garden.

II. Gymnastics


Children, listen, do you hear footsteps? They are heading here. Let's hide behind the flower bushes (behind the chairs). Look out and look to the right: is there anyone there? And now to the left, up onto the tree branches, down into the grass. Did something rustle again? Hide, retract your neck. The neck is tense. Let's take a look and see who's there? Interesting!


Come out, don't be afraid, there's no one here. This is the wind playing with leaves. What a naughty guy. Relax your neck and roll your head over your shoulders. The neck, like a thread, dangles lightly and lightly. Tired of straining and peeking out from behind a bush.

Kva-kva-kva. Who is this? Yes, this is a toad jumping. She’s so big, fat, clumsy, her cheeks look like they’re balls, she’s so puffed up with importance. He wants to drag our Thumbelina into his swamp! Jump after me like a toad! Bre-ke-ke, bre-ke-ke. We jump like springs.

(Quickly, often, with a change of direction)

While we were jumping, the toad galloped away. There, there she is. They ran after her. And now there (in the other direction). She ran away!


And here is the windowsill on which Thumbelina sleeps in her walnut shell. Imagine that you have become as small as Thumbelina and are sleeping in a walnut shell. Lie down on the mats. It’s so cramped in the shell - bend your legs, fold your arms, place your palms under your cheeks. Shrunk to fit in the shell. The whole body tensed like a compressed spring.


You won’t sleep for long, your legs and arms will become numb. Stretch well, again, again. Straighten stiff legs and arms and back. Get up, stop sleeping.

And here is the toad that ran away from us. She jumped onto the windowsill, and Thumbelina’s shell and our shells swayed.

In pairs, hold hands as if you were a cradle and rock. Legs apart, tense. The cradle sometimes rocks quietly, sometimes violently. This is a toad tossing and turning.


The cradle rocked so much that it even began to spin in one place. Arms and legs are tense. It spins one way, then the other.


Following the toad, a cockchafer flew onto the windowsill behind Thumbelina. F-f-f. He hit himself hard and rolled over onto his back. He lies and moves his paws, but cannot turn over.

(Quickly, often)

Quickly, quickly, moves often, often.

(Free movement)

But the beetle managed to turn over, and it flew away, buzzing. The beetle flies easily and freely, buzzing loudly. Flying all over the site:

Look, the beetle on its back carried Thumbelina away from the toad. It’s good that now the toad won’t drag her into the swamp, to his ugly son, who only eats and sleeps.

III. Communication Emotion of disgust, contempt

Teacher. Children, let's show how vile and disgusting the toad is. Look at each other, who has the ugliest toad? How disgusting she is! (As an option - a scene from the cockchafers in relation to Thumbelina.)

Let's drive the toad away: let's shout loudly, stomp on it, make a face at it so that it gets scared and runs away. The toad got scared of us and ran away.

Children, doesn’t this toad remind you of guys who are stubborn, grimace, capricious, and behave ugly? At this time they look so much like a disgusting toad! But we are not like that! Let's smile at each other and become beautiful.

IV. Behavior. Acceptance and rejection of another person's personality

Teacher. When the beetle took Thumbelina to a large birch tree and introduced it to his beetle friends, they began to laugh at Thumbelina and say disparagingly about her: “How small! What thin legs and only two of them. There are no antennae at all, like ours, and no wings! Ugh, how ugly! Ugh, how disgusting! Let’s not be friends with her.”

Show how the cockchafers said offensive words to Thumbelina.

Thumbelina cried. After all, she was actually very pretty. But the beetles didn’t like her, because she wasn’t like them.

Tell Thumbelina something good, calm her down, invite her to dance in a circle with you.

Children, has it ever happened to you that you didn’t accept someone into the game, didn’t communicate with someone? (Discussion of the problem of rejection of children for various reasons of social isolation.)

V. Completion

Teacher. You are all good friends. Let's lead a round dance and sing the song “Good Beetle” from the fairy tale “Cinderella”:

Stand up, children, stand in a circle,

Stand in a circle, stand in a circle.

You are my friend and I am your friend, we are both friends.

We are not afraid of the beetle -

Old man, old man,

We'll jump a little and spin the old man around.

It's time to return from the fairy tale. Until next time.


1. Warm up

Teacher. Children, who has kittens or a cat at home? What is his/her name? How do you show your love for him/her? I see that you love your little friends very much. Do you want to turn into kittens yourself? I'm a sorceress and I can do this. Now I will touch everyone, cast a magic spell, and you will turn into little kittens (the teacher touches with his hand or a “magic wand” and says: “Meow-meow-meowkas, become a Kitten now”).

Oh, what cute kittens are visiting me! Tell us, kittens, about yourself: what color your fur is, your eyes, what your name is (every child tells).

It’s not yet dawn, all the kittens are curled up and sleeping. But then the sun rose, and the kittens woke up and stretched. We stretch well to warm up after sleep. Still stretched. Washing with your tongue to be clean. And they walked silently, softly on their paws (in a circle, one after another).

The kittens stopped and began to call their mother all together. What will you call her? (Plainfully: “meow-meow.”) Mom came, gave the kittens milk, and they began to purr. How did the kittens purr? (Enough: “mur~mur.”) The kittens seem to be singing a song.

2. Gymnastics

(Easy, on toes, jump 6 times)

Now I see that you are ready to travel. But there is a fence ahead, and we need to jump over it. Just quietly so that the mother cat wouldn’t hear and leave us at home.

(Voltage 1 minute)

And behind the fence there is a stream. Kittens don't like water. Let's cross it over the stones. Follow me. Watch carefully. Only step on pebbles. The legs are tense, the back is straight, the whole body is tense. What if we fall into the water? Everyone, let's move!

(Relax 30 seconds)

The kittens were happy that they crossed the stream. Relaxed your tired legs and back. The paws hang like strings, the back is relaxed, the shoulders are lowered. Okay, nice!

(Voltage 1 minute)

Have you rested? And again on the road. And there is a big mountain on the way! How can we get through? I see a narrow passage. We sucked in our tummies, stood up straight and squeezed sideways into the narrow passage. I will go first, and you will follow me. Everyone strained like a string to get through, otherwise you might get stuck and we won’t get you out.

(Relaxation 1 minute)

How well done you all are, kittens, everyone has crossed to the other side of the mountain! But what awaits us here? We must be careful! Let's stand on all fours and sneak up. Walk softly. The paws are soft, the backs are bent. Look around, what is there? Curious kittens, everything is interesting to them!

(Fade 5 times)

Some rustle! Who's there in the bushes? Listen, freeze, stretch your necks, prick up your ears. Shhhhhhhh. No one seems to be there. Let's listen again.

(Voltage 5 times)

Kwa-kwa-kwa! Yes, this is a scary, big toad! The kittens got scared and hid under a bush. They curl up in a ball, hide their nose in their paws, and barely breathe.


Let's relax and see if the toad has galloped away or not? (Tension-relaxation is repeated.) Phew, finally she galloped away and you can calmly look around.

3. Communication

Emotions of grief and sadness

Teacher. You and I traveled, but there was only one mother cat left at home. We didn’t warn her and ran away without asking. She worries about us, cries, calls: “Where are my baby kittens?!” Maybe something happened to them? Oh oh oh!" (Teacher shows.)

Show how the mother cat grieves, how she cries and calls her babies. (Children pretend.)

Emotions of happiness, joy

Teacher. Let's imagine that the kittens have returned: “Here we are! Alive and healthy! How happy the mother cat was! I started hugging and kissing kittens. Joyful, cheerful, smiling. Let's show how happy the mother cat was (in pairs, depicting a cat and a kitten with a change of roles).

4. Behavior Stubbornness, compassion

Teacher. But we haven't returned yet, and the mother cat is still grieving. Let's take pity on her, pet her, hug her, calm her down. (The teacher portrays a cat, and the children depict kittens.)

One kitten became stubborn. He doesn't want to return home. He fell to the floor, kicked his paws and shouted: “I don’t want to, I won’t! I’m not going home!”

Show how stubborn the kitten is (imitate).

Children, was the kitten beautiful when it became stubborn? Was it pleasant to look at him? Why didn't he want to go home?

Let's tell the kitten: “How ugly you are when you are stubborn! We don’t want to be friends with you” (in pairs with changing roles).

Look, the kitten realized that being stubborn is bad, and went home with us. His mother cat is also waiting for him.

Come to me, my kittens, I will hug you, warm you, and sing you a song. (Gathers children around him, sings the song “Little Gray Kitty” or “Song of Friends.”)

5. Completion

Singing with demonstration of actions based on the text of the song “Kitten and Puppy”.

Teacher. We are all friendly little kittens. It's time to go home to kindergarten. Now I will turn you into children again: “Being a kitten is good, but being a child is better” (touches each child).

Did you enjoy the trip? Next time we will have the most interesting meetings and stories.


1. Warm up

Teacher. Today we will go to the summer forest. Do you want it, children?

Tall trees grow in the forest. Show me which ones? And bushes grow under them. They're not that tall. Which ones? Show. And grass and moss grow under the bushes. Show how low the grass is, and how low the moss is.

There are also many different animals in the forest, they make different sounds, this is how they talk to each other. Show each one your animal, but only with the sounds it makes. And we'll try to guess.

You have to be very careful in the forest. Now I'll see how attentive you are. Stand at the very beginning of the forest clearing, and you will move towards me in the opposite direction. When I crow like a cuckoo - “cuckoo”, you will jump on one leg and move forward. When I knock like a woodpecker - “knock-knock-knock”, you will jump on the other leg moving forward, and when I sing like a titmouse - “ding-ding-ding”, you will jump on two legs moving forward. Do you remember? Get ready!

Well done! You are all attentive. Now you have reached the forest. (The sound recording of “Voices of the Forest” is turned on.)

2. Gymnastics

(Quickly, jumping)

We are little bunnies who ran away from our mother bunny. We jump quickly, quickly, like balls, easily. The jumps are small, because bunnies still have small legs. We're glad we escaped.

(Slow, jumping)

And here is the mother bunny. She jumps around the clearing, looking for her little hares. MM; like a mother bunny, we jump slowly, with big leaps. Her legs are big. She pushes off strongly, her legs are tense. We squat easily, her legs are like springs. She looks around carefully, where are the bunnies? She saw them and was happy.


Kar-kar-kar! And here comes a curious crow. She sat on a tree branch and looked around, suddenly she saw something interesting! Sit down and clasp a branch with your paws. Stretch your neck first in one direction, then in the other4. Look up, and now look down. The neck is tense, look with curiosity: what is so interesting there?


The crow turned her head, so tired that she fell asleep on the branch. She dropped her head onto her chest, her head dangling on her neck as if on a string. The neck is relaxed, the head is heavy, there is no way to lift it.

We approached a forest swamp, and there were visible and invisible mosquitoes. Oh, how they bite painfully! Swing them off quickly. They fly from all sides.

(Slowly, relaxed)

While we were swatting away mosquitoes, we didn’t notice how all our trousers were covered with Velcro thorns. Let's peel them off carefully so as not to prick ourselves.

(Slow, easy)

A fox is sneaking between the trees. Show how she gently steps on the moss with her paws. Not a single branch will crunch under her paws.


But suddenly the fox saw a little gray mouse ahead! She immediately hid, froze, bowed her head, arched her back, and looked carefully at the mouse.


Slowly, several steps at a time, then freezing, then moving again, the fox crawls up to the mouse.

And suddenly she curled up into a ball and suddenly rushed at the mouse.

But the mouse turned out to be nimble, he managed to sneak into the hole.

3. Communication. Boasting

Teacher. The mouse ran away from the fox and immediately became proud and boasted. He jumped up on a stump and sang:

What a wonderful day.

What a wonderful stump

How wonderful I am

And my song!

That's how brave I am, that's how cunning I am! I'm not afraid of anyone! And you are all cowards. Only I am the bravest!

Show, children, how the mouse showed off (all children individually).

4. Behavior

Teacher. The rest of the mice were offended by the braggart: “We won’t play with you. You call us cowards, but we are careful, we don’t want the fox to eat us. Get away from us!

Children, how can you help the mouse? What advice can you give him? (Bragging is ugly, no one wants to play with a braggart, boasting often leads to trouble (“bun”, “stupid mouse”), a boastful person is perceived as not very smart, arrogant. Comparison with modesty.)

Children, the mouse realized that there is no need to brag, it is better to be modest. He wants to tell us something: “Thank you, friends, for telling me about my ugly behavior, I myself would not have guessed that I was offending you. I'll try not to brag anymore. And you, friends, tell me if I’m still bragging.”

Let's show, guys, how the friends turned away from the mouse and how he asked for forgiveness. (Training with role reversal.)

5. Completion

Teacher. Let's remember the last song of the cartoon mouse and sing it all together:

What a wonderful day

I'm not too lazy to work.

My friends are with me

And my song!

It's time to go back to kindergarten. Did you enjoy your walk in the summer forest? What did you like best? Would you like to travel more? See you.


1. Warm up

Musical accompaniment “Sounds of the forest”.

Teacher. We have already been in the forest in the summer, and today we are going for a walk in the autumn forest. The wind whirled us in the air, lifted us high into the sky along with the foliage, and we fly, slowly landing on yellowed grass (imitation with children). Do you feel how fresh and clean the air is? Let's take a deep breath and straighten our shoulders.

Do you hear the woodpecker knocking? Turn your head to the right. And on the left there is a stream babbling, look. Raise your head up. Right above us, on a tall pine tree, a squirrel is jumping from branch to branch. A mouse darted into a hole underfoot, look.

What else did you see around you? (Listen to the children’s options.)

But we are not children, but colorful autumn leaves from a variety of trees. Tell me, Sasha, which tree are you from? And what color? (All children.) Autumn has decorated us with different colors and shades.

We were leaves, and now we will collect them ourselves into a bouquet (collecting imaginary leaves into bouquets). Leaves are scattered throughout the forest. Show off your bouquets. Tell us what leaves it is made from. Oh, what beautiful bouquets!

Now let’s combine all the bouquets into one beautiful big bouquet. Stand in a circle and extend your hand with the bouquet to the middle. That's how big the bouquet turned out!

But what is it? A strong wind blew! You have become children of the wind, blow everything. Our bouquet scattered, the leaves swirled in the air (waltz music). You are leaves, you will spin and fly away in all directions. How beautiful it became in the forest. The naughty wind collected all the leaves into a large pile. Get ready, leaves.

Choose the most beautiful leaf and give it to anyone you want. There is only one rule. You can only give to someone who has not yet been given a gift. Don't forget to give thanks.

Smell the leaves. What do they smell like?

2. Gymnastics


Children, you and I found ourselves in a clearing where funny bunnies are playing. The bunnies stood in a circle and beat the drums. How hard do bunnies knock! The paws are tense, hard, and do not bend like sticks. The muscles in the fists are tense. And the face is relaxed, free, smiling. The stomach is also relaxed and breathing.

And now the bunnies relaxed their fists and fingers, put away their drums and loudly stomped their feet along the forest road.


Why did the branches crackle? Yes, these are little bear cubs playing around. They lay on their backs, clasped their knees with their paws, pressed them to their tummy, pulled their head to their knees and swayed, like on a swing, back and forth. The back is tense, the tummy is hard, the neck is tense. They were so naughty, they were having fun!


They got pumped up, tired, turned over on their stomachs, put their heads in their hands and started dangling their legs. The neck is relaxed, the legs are light and move freely.

(Sharply, quickly)

Well, little bears, get up. Stop lying around. F-f-f. What is this? Yes, it was the bear cubs who woke up the bees, who had fallen asleep for the winter. Oh, how evil they are! Quickly brush them off and run away. Swing away more energetically, otherwise the bees will bite you.

(Smooth, slow)

Finally escaped from the bees. We are in the autumn forest, but we haven’t picked mushrooms yet. Let's collect it. Sit down and take a good look so as not to cut off the poisonous mushroom. Spread the moss, carefully cut off the stem of the mushroom and place it in the basket. Collect a lot of mushrooms. Squat lightly, look carefully.

3. Communication

Emotions of joy of communication

Teacher. It became cold in the forest. Let's light a fire. Collect brushwood and dry leaves. But this is not enough! For the fire to flare up, we need to convey to each other the kindness and warmth of our hearts, warm smiles. Stand in a circle. I convey the warmth of my heart, a smile lights up on my face, and with this smile I light up the next smile and give a good mood. I shake my neighbor's hand firmly. When the warmth again touches my heart, my hand, the fire will flare up with a bright flame. Let's raise our hands up and come closer to each other in a tight circle. Do you feel how hot the flame is? Are you warm?

Emotions of sadness, joy

Teacher. Did you like it in the forest? Me too. It's sad to go back. Show how sad you are. But we will definitely come back here again. Rather, smile.

4. Behavior Greed, generosity

Teacher. Let's sit by the fire. Do you hear? Someone is crying. Very close. This bunny is crying because he was offended by the greedy dog ​​with whom he lives. Listen to this poem about him:

The greedy dog ​​brought firewood,

I applied water, kneaded the dough,

I baked some pies and hid them in a corner.

And he ate it himself: gum-gum-gum!

(V. Kvitko)

Let's show this greedy dog, children. (The teacher reads a poem, and the children imitate the actions.)

Children, is it good to be so greedy? Why?

Let's bake pies and treat the bunny (imitation of kneading dough and baking pies; the teacher or child portrays the bunny).

How will you treat the bunny? What do you think? (Playing with changing roles.)

How polite, kind, and generous my children are! Well done! Now the bunny doesn't cry.

5. Completion

It's time for us to leave the forest. It is necessary to blow out the fire to prevent a fire. Stand in a circle, hold hands, and blow very, very hard on the flame. Look, the flames are only getting hotter! After all, this is the fire of our hearts and smiles, and it will never go out. Let's take it with us. Stretch your hands to the fire and place a piece of warmth in your heart. We will treasure it and lead a round dance together (any children's song about friendship). Always remain so friendly.

Lesson 6. “CIRCUS”

1. Warm up

Teacher. Guys, today we are going to the circus. Want to? How many of you went to a circus performance? What did you like most?

Let's get ready. What will we wear to the circus? (Asks each child.)

While I was interviewing everyone, I completely forgot which clothes to get for whom. Remind me, starting with the first one I asked (attention, memory).

We spent a long time choosing clothes so as not to be late for the circus. Get on the bus (chairs have been prepared in advance), and I will drive it. Let's go! You can look out the window. But the seats are not very close to the window. When I clap my hands, you will have to stand up silently and look out the window, have we arrived at the circus? And when I wave my hand, I need to sit down again. Be careful, you need to get up and sit down very quietly (2-3 times).

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    Psychological aspects of the study of children's fears and the causes of their occurrence. The concept and essence of fairy tale therapy, its possibilities in correctional work with children. Forms, methods of conducting and organizing classes with children using fairy tale therapy.

    course work, added 10/13/2014

    Definition of emotions and feelings. Basic functions and qualities of feelings and emotions. Facial expression of emotions. Pantomime, expression of emotions with voice. Emotional states. Affective state and affect. Stress. The meaning of emotions and feelings.

    abstract, added 03/14/2004

    What are emotions? The development of emotions as an integral part of evolution. Emotions and feelings as personal formations. Feelings as a significant factor in the formation of the motivational part of the personality. Psychological theories of emotions. The connection between health and emotions.


  • creating opportunities for self-expression,
  • formation of skills and abilities of practical mastery of expressive movements - means of human communication (facial expressions, gestures, pantomimes),
  • developing positive character traits in children that contribute to better mutual understanding when communicating,
  • improving memory, attention, thinking, imagination, perception, creativity, speech, fine and gross motor skills,
  • teaching self-relaxation techniques,
  • relieving psychomuscular tension,
  • Helping your child improve self-esteem
  • development of potential capabilities.

Materials and equipment:

  • Music Center;
  • Recording with the song “Dance Teacher”;
  • Pictures depicting gnomes;
  • Sticks for physical education for the number of children.

- Hello children! What's your mood today? Today we have guests. Let's say hello to them.

“Children, let’s find our heart, press both hands to our chests, and listen to how it knocks: “knock, knock, knock.” Now imagine that in your chest instead of a heart there is a piece of gentle sunshine. Its bright and warm light spreads over the body, arms, legs. There is so much of it that it no longer fits into us. Let's send each other and our guests a little light and warmth from our hearts (bring your arms forward, hands vertically).

Today we will go on another journey, as always. Do you like to travel? Then we get on the train and go.

(Children cling to each other like carriages and move in a circle, imitating a train whistle).

  1. Stop “Theater Country”
  2. - Guys, were you in the theater?

    – What performance did you watch?

    – Did you like the way the actors performed on stage?

    – Tell me, would you like to become artists yourself?

    Today you are artists and a real photographer has come to photograph you. You will portray the facial expressions of various characters. For example, show me what the evil Baba Yaga looks like.”

    (Children use facial expressions and simple gestures to portray Baba Yaga.)

    "Fine! Now freeze. You are being photographed. Well done! Some even found it funny. You can laugh, but only after the shot has been shot.

    We will complete the task with 2 people at a time.

    – Show the cheerful Pinocchio when he found the golden key.

    "Attention! Freeze! They're filming! Thank you! Well done!

    “And you show how scared the grandmother from the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood” was when she realized that she was talking not to her granddaughter, but to the Gray Wolf.”

    – sleeping princess (calm, relaxed face);

    – the bunny from the fairy tale “Zayushkina’s Hut”, when the fox kicked him out of the house;

    – the dire wolf from “The Three Little Pigs”;

    - a cheerful bun when he left the bear;

    – sad Pierrot when Malvina ran away from the Karabas-Barabas theater;

    – Princess – Nesmeyan;

    - Grandfather, when they pulled out the turnip.

    – Now let’s stand in a circle and show the audience a performance about the Dwarf.

    (The psychologist reads poetry with the children and imitates the movements).

    All the guys are in the yard
    They play happily.
    Only the gnome is sick at home
    And he's bored in the morning.


    The gnome caught a snowflake in winter,
    I picked up a piece of ice on the hill.
    I ran home and...ah!
    Only water was in his hands.

    The night has come and in the dark
    Shadows are moving everywhere.
    The gnome crawled under the bed,
    He hid and began to tremble.

    He frowns all day long
    And he threatens everyone with his fist.
    Yes, today the gnome is not in a good mood -
    We'll visit him later.


    Evening. It's quiet in the house,
    The clock is just ticking.
    The gnome is sitting on a chair, dozing,
    And dreams are floating around.

    It's his birthday today
    And there are countless gifts from friends:
    Books, sweets, toys,
    There's even a hot air balloon!

    Well done boys! They performed very well. Now let's get on the train and move on.

  3. Stop “Dance”
  4. -What are they doing at this stop? That's right, they dance. And now we will dance with you.

    (Dynamic pause for the song “Dance Teacher”).

    - Well done! I see that you love to dance and know how to dance. We board our train and move on.

  5. Stop “Art Gallery”

– Who knows what is at this stop? That's right, paintings. Let's see what paintings are in the gallery. The entire family of gnomes is represented here. You see, they are very similar, but at the same time very different. Let's look at this picture. What can you say about this gnome? What kind of gnome is this?

(Children describe the emotion of each gnome.)

And now you and I ourselves will turn into heroes of the paintings. I will show pictures, and you try to become like them. Well done! You did very well.

4. Stop “Sportivnaya”

Why do you think the stop is called that? That's right, they play sports here. But there is not even a room where you can study. Let's build

beautiful modern Sports Palace.

Now everyone will take a log and find a place for themselves on the site. Here we will build a sports palace. Stretch the logs forward, check if you are not interfering with the other guys’ construction. Ready? Then we started.

1. Let's check the logs

1 – right hand up, left hand down

3 – left hand up, right hand down.

4 – i.p. 4 times.

2. Building the front wall

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, stick in hands below.

1 – hands up

2 – rise on your toes

3-4 – i.p. 4 times.

3. Build the side walls

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, stick in hands in front.

1 – turn the body to the right

3-4 – the same to the left 4 times.

4. Build a roof

I.p. – feet shoulder-width apart, stick in hands in front.

1 – body tilt forward

2 – i.p. 4 times.

5. Building a porch

I.p. – legs together, stick in hands below.

1 – squat, touch the floor with a stick

2 – i.p. 4 times.

6. Let's look through the window

I.p. legs together, stick in hands at chest level.

Jumping on two legs – 6 times, 2 approaches alternating with walking around a stick placed on the floor – “Let’s go around the mansion and look into another window”

What a tall and beautiful Sports Palace we have. Let's remove the extra logs to the side so that we have a nice and clean place. (Collecting sticks).

- Let's get on the train. It's time for us to go back to kindergarten.

– We are very tired of traveling and it’s time for us to fall asleep in a magical sleep.

7. Relaxation “Magic Dream”

(Children lie down on the carpet. The psychologist turns on quiet, calm music and says):

Eyelashes droop...
Eyes are closing...
We rest peacefully
We fall asleep in a magical sleep.

Our hands are resting.
The legs also rest.
Resting…. They fall asleep... (2 times)
The neck is not tense and relaxed.
Lips part slightly...
Everything is wonderfully relaxing...
Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...
The tension has flown away...
And the whole body is relaxed...
The sun is shining now,
Our hands are warm...
The sun is hotter now
Our feet are warm...
Breathe easily... evenly... deeply...
Lips are warm and limp,
But not at all tired...
Lips part slightly...
Everything is wonderfully relaxing...
We understand what it is
State of rest...

Long pause until the end of the music. After the music ends, the psychologist continues:

We rested peacefully
We fell asleep in a magical sleep...
It's good for us to rest!
But it's time to get up!
We clench our fists tightly,
We raise them higher.
Stretch! Smile!
Everyone open their eyes and stand up!

– Our lesson is coming to an end, what’s your mood now? Show it emotionally.

Well done today!
We played from the heart.
All the artists are top class!
And now a surprise for you.

(The psychologist gives gifts to the children.)

- Goodbye, guys! See you soon!


  1. Alyabyeva E.A. Psycho-gymnastics in kindergarten. M., 2003.
  2. Chistyakova M.I. Psycho-gymnastics. M., 1990.
  3. Yakovleva N.G. Psychological assistance to preschoolers. St. Petersburg, 2002.

Lately there has been more and more talk about psycho-gymnastics; it is even included in the compulsory program of preschool institutions. What is it, and how to do it?

Just as gymnastics is useful for the harmonious development of a child’s body, psycho-gymnastics is useful for the psyche. This is a set of special exercises aimed at developing the emotional-volitional sphere, communication skills, as well as combating various psychological problems.

Psycho-gymnastics helps children:

  • understand yourself, your feelings and the feelings of others;
  • learn to demonstrate and understand emotions;
  • get rid of shyness, disgust, fears and other troubles;
  • learn to control your movements.

It is worth doing psycho-gymnastics with children who already understand the instructions and can perform the exercises - from about 2.5-3 years old. Such classes are practiced in kindergartens, developmental and psychological centers, but they can also be organized at home. To do this, you need to have a so-called card index of psychogymnastics exercises for a certain age.

The main feature of psycho-gymnastic exercises is that they are carried out in the form of a game, so all children, without exception, like them. Each exercise is called an etude and resembles a skit that kids act out. Often appropriate music plays in the background (recommendations for choosing musical accompaniment are indicated in the description of the classes).

Before the start of the lesson, a short warm-up is carried out, which is designed to relax, liberate the child and prepare him for the game. Objects of attention during warm-up can be sounds, voices, objects, invisible surroundings, people, their clothes, emotions, contacts, and the like. “What has changed in this room?”, “What sounds can you hear on the street, in the next room?”, “With your eyes closed, guess who spoke?”, “Who touched you?”, “Who shook your hand the strongest? “,” “Which object is the largest, warmest, roughest?”, “Which of the children has white socks?”, “Who is the funniest (saddest)?”, “What animals are there in this room?”

Although among the psychogymnastics exercises there are some that a child can perform alone, most of them are aimed at establishing contact with others and joint activities. Therefore, it is difficult to fully engage in psycho-gymnastics at home, and it is necessary, if possible, to involve several children or, in extreme cases, adults in the games.

Here are some useful exercises aimed at the comprehensive development of the baby.

1. “Sunny Bunny”

Target: relieving facial muscle tension.

The adult says: “Do you want to play with the sun bunny?

A sunbeam looked into your eyes. Close them. He ran further over the face, gently stroke it with your palms on the forehead, on the nose, on the mouth, on the cheeks, on the chin, gently stroke the head, neck, arms, legs. He climbed onto his stomach - stroke his belly. The sunny bunny is not a mischievous person, he loves you, make friends with him. Great! We made friends with the sunbeam, take a deep breath and smile at each other.”

Moms on Detstrana discuss:

2. "Talking Objects"

Target: develop in a child the ability to identify himself with someone or something, teach children to empathize.

During the game, children take on different roles and describe their state, the reasons for their actions, and their system of relationships with reality.

The first child begins: “I’m not Sasha, I’m a ball. I would love it if I were not just one color, but decorated with a fun pattern. I would like not to be held on a string, but to be allowed to fly freely wherever I want.” The next child continues: “I’m not Borya, I’m a ball. I'm made of rubber and well inflated. The children are happy when they pass me to each other!”

An adult offers the names of the following items: coat, bus, soap, etc. Children also offer their own options.

3. “The cat was inflating the ball”

Target: relieving emotional and muscle tension.

The children are in a relaxed position; they pretend to be deflated balloons. The adult says the text:

The cat inflated the balloon(children straighten their torsos, puff out their cheeks),

And the kitten bothered her:

He came up and pawed - top!

And the cat has a ball - pop!(“The balls” deflate with sound and return to their original position).

4. “Hug and caress the toy”

Target: satisfy children's need for emotional warmth and intimacy.

An adult brings one or more soft toys into the room, for example, a doll, dog, bear, hare, cat, etc. Children are walking around the room. At a signal, they split into groups and go to the toy they would like to pet. The first child takes the toy, hugs it and says something gentle and pleasant to it. Then he passes the toy to his neighbor. He, in turn, must also hug the toy animal and say kind words. The game can be repeated several times.

5. “Me and my mood”

Target: teach children to recognize and accept their feelings and experiences. This exercise uses the incomplete sentence method. Ask your child to continue the phrase:

I'm happy when...

I am proud that...

I get sad when...

I get scared when...

I get angry when...

I was surprised when...

When I'm offended...

I get angry if...

One day I got scared...

6. "Guide"

Target: teach children to sympathize and help.

The adult explains that all people are different and some of them need the help of kind people. One child pretends to be blind, puts his hand on the shoulder of a friend - the “guide” - and closes his eyes. The “guide” makes various movements at a slow pace, moves around the room, overcoming obstacles. The child with his eyes closed should follow next to him. Then the children change roles.



Game "Magic Flower".

Target:Learn to express your individuality. Introduce yourself to other children in the group.

Children are asked to imagine themselves as small flower sprouts. If desired, they choose who will be which flower. Then, to the music, they show how the flower blooms (children slowly rise to their full height, open their hands folded like a “bud”). Then each child talks about himself: where and with whom he grows up, how he feels, what he dreams of, what he loves, who he wants to be friends with, and so on.

A game "Transmission of feelings."

Target:Teach children to convey various emotional states non-verbally.

The child is given the task: to convey a certain feeling along a “chain” using facial expressions, gestures, and touches. The teacher names the feeling in the ear of the first child; children are not allowed to utter words. Then the children discuss what feeling they conveyed, what they felt about it.

A game " Call me kindly."

Target:Cultivate a friendly attitude among children towards each other.

Children stand in a circle. The teacher invites the child to pass the ball (or toy) to the child standing next to him, affectionately calling him by name. The child takes the ball and passes it to the next child with the same task. After this, the children share their impressions and feelings.

A game " Warm rain."

Target:Development of the child’s emotional sphere, relieving psycho-emotional stress.

The teacher tells the children: the rain moistened the ground, refreshed the grass and leaves. Let's play with raindrops. At first, the children hide their hands behind their backs, then we bring forward the straight right hand with the palm up, the left one remains behind the back. Then we change hands. Children try to imagine how they feel. Repeat 6 – 8 times.

Game "My Favorite Toy".

Target:Develop the ability to listen to each other: describe your favorite toy, noting its expression, mood, your feelings for this toy.

The child chooses the toy that he likes best and which he will describe, but does not name it to other children. The child begins to describe it, and the other children guess.

A game " Shell".

Target:To develop the emotional and personal sphere of the child’s psyche, memory, attention, imagination.

The teacher asks the children to imagine that they are on the bank of a river (sea). Children move freely along the “shore”, find shells and, holding them to their ears, listen to the sound of the sea, and also invite their comrades and teacher to listen to the “voice” of the found shell.

A game " Multi-colored bouquet."

Target:Teach children to interact with each other, getting joy and pleasure from it .

Each child declares himself to be the flower of his choice and finds another flower for his bouquet. He must explain his choice. Then all the “bouquets” are combined into one large “bouquet” and a round dance of flowers is arranged.

A game " Share your warmth."

Target:Development of the emotional-volitional sphere of the child’s personality, goodwill, mutual assistance.

A game " Magic chair."

Target:To cultivate the ability to be affectionate, to activate gentle, kind words in children’s speech .

One child sits in the center of the circle on a “magic chair”. The teacher warns the children that only good words can be said about the person sitting on the chair. Children say kind, affectionate words and compliments. You can stroke the person sitting on the chair, hug, kiss. Then the children say which they liked more: sitting and listening or talking.

A game " Identify yourself."

Target:Teach children to introduce themselves to the team.

The child is asked to introduce himself. Say your name as he prefers, tell what they call him at home, what he would like to be called in the group and why.

A game " Sculptor".

Target:Teach children to interact in a peer group and take their opinions into account.

One child is a sculptor, the others (from 4 to 8) are clay. The sculptor “sculpts” a composition from “clay”, arranging the figures according to the intended design. The other children help him. Then together they look at the composition and come up with a name for it.

A game " Reincarnation".

Target:Teach children the ability to transform into objects and animals, depicting them using plastic expression, facial expressions, and gestures.

Children take turns thinking of a certain “image”, depicting it without naming it. The rest try to guess by giving a verbal portrait.

A game " Magical dream".

Target:Muscle relaxation, mastering a resting pose, correction of the emotional sphere.

Children lie on the floor with their eyes closed. The teacher says the words: our legs are resting, our hands are resting. Our eyes rest, relax, fall asleep. The tension has flown away and the whole body is relaxed. And our obedient tongue is accustomed to being relaxed. We breathe easily, evenly and deeply. The children lie like this for several minutes.

A game " Fire - ice."

Target:Correction of the child’s psycho-emotional sphere.

At the command “fire,” children standing in a circle begin to move all parts of their bodies. On the command “ice” - the children freeze in the position that the team found.

A game " Fists."

Target:Relaxing the muscles and mastering the resting pose.

Clench your fingers into a fist, hands on your knees, bones white from tension. The teacher tells the children: “It’s uncomfortable for us to sit like this, relax your arms, they are tired, let’s rest. It became easy and pleasant.” Repeat this exercise several times with the words:

Hands on knees, fists clenched,

The fingers are pressed tightly with tension.

We squeeze our fingers tighter,

Letting go and relaxing.

Know girls and boys

Our fingers are resting.

A game " Candles".

Target:Develop the ability to manage your emotional state, relax, talk about your feelings and experiences.

Children sit in comfortable positions around a candle at a safe distance. Look at the flame for 5-8 seconds, then close your eyes for a few seconds. At this time, the teacher extinguishes the candle. Children open their eyes and talk about the images they saw in the candle flame.

Game "Jug".


Children imagine themselves as a beautiful painted jug from which dirty water can be poured out to be filled with clean water. Children lean forward and “pour out” what shouldn’t be there: pain, resentment, anger.

A game " Crystal water."

Target:Development and correction of the cognitive and emotional sphere of the child’s psyche.

Sit down, pick up a handful of “water” in your hands, raise your hands with “water” up and pour it on yourself, jumping in place and uttering a loud and joyfully long sound “and - and - and.”

A game " Flower".

Target:Development and correction of the emotional and personal sphere of the child’s psyche

The teacher pronounces the following words, accompanying them with actions:

A warm ray fell to the ground and warmed the seed. A sprout emerged from the seed. A beautiful flower grew from the sprout. Basking in the sun, exposing each petal to warmth and light.

Children convey the movements of the flower with their movements.

A game " Wizards."

Target:Continue to cultivate children’s friendly attitude towards each other, the ability to show attention and care.

Children are encouraged to imagine that they are magicians and can make their own wishes and the wishes of others come true. Each is given the opportunity to add to the other what (in his opinion) he lacks. For example: “I will add courage to Volodya, agility to Alyosha, kindness to Masha, etc.”

Game "Pyramid of Love".

Target:Cultivate a respectful attitude towards the world and people, develop communication skills.

Children sit in a circle. The teacher tells the children: “Each of you loves something or someone. Tell us who and what you love. Let's build a pyramid of love from our hands."

Children stand up and, placing their hand on the hand of the previous child, say: “I love the sea”, “I love mom”, “I love flowers”, etc. The teacher emphasizes that the pyramid turned out to be high because we love and are loved.

A game " Sunny bunny."

Target:Develop the ability to manage your emotions, cultivate a friendly attitude among children towards each other. Develop an atmosphere of warmth, love and affection.

The teacher shows a “sunny bunny” with a mirror. He invites the children to catch it and pass it around so that everyone can caress it and warm it with their warmth. The teacher draws attention to the fact that the “bunny” has grown from warmth and love. The bunny is released.

A game " Read the letter."

Target:Develop the ability to determine the emotional state from schematic images and combine different images into a single plot.

The following situation is played out: the postman brings letters, but not ordinary ones, encrypted ones. Each letter mimics 2-3 emotional states and they must be deciphered. A subgroup of children is given a letter, the children discuss and tell what they “read” in their letter.

A game " Bubble".


The teacher imitates blowing soap bubbles, and the other children imitate the flight of these bubbles. Children move freely throughout the free space. After the command “Burst”, the children lie down on the floor.

A game " Would you like to be my friend?"

Target:Developing a sense of community, relieving emotional stress .

Children stand in a circle. Everyone chooses a friend, touching the hands of the chosen one, saying the words: “Do you want to be my friend?” By mutual choice, children are divided into pairs. After that, they tell their feelings and emotions.

A game " Snowman".

Target:Development of expressiveness of movements, imagination, relieving emotional stress.

All children pretend to be snowmen. At the teacher’s command “Spring has come,” the “snowmen” begin to melt. The children relax, the body goes limp and the children gradually sink to the floor.

A game " Guide the blind."

Target:Developing a sense of community, relieving emotional stress.

The child must, using verbal commands, lead the blindfolded player from one end of the room to the other so that he never bumps into any object. For each touch, the team receives a penalty point.

A game " Round dance."

Target:Developing a sense of community, expressiveness of movements, relieving emotional stress.

Children stand in a circle and, on command, show, moving one after another, a sad bunny, an angry wolf, an angry bear, a thoughtful owl, a guilty fox, a happy swallow.

A game " Clouds".

Target:Development of imagination, expressiveness of movements, relieving emotional stress.

The teacher shows the children clouds cut out of cardboard with facial images, reads a poem and invites the children to convey the same emotions.

A game " Dr. Aibolit".

Target:Development of imagination, expressiveness of movements and speech, group cohesion, relieving emotional stress.

The teacher or child plays the role of Doctor Aibolit, the rest of the children play the role of sick monkeys. The doctor approaches each monkey, takes pity on it, strokes it, after which the monkeys recover. They are happy that nothing hurts them anymore. Children share their emotions, what they like best: when they feel sorry for them or when they feel sorry for themselves.

A game " Cactus flower."

Target:Muscle relaxation, emotional balance, mastering a resting pose.

Sitting cross-legged, head and arms bowed. Slowly raise your head, straighten your body, spread your arms to the sides.

Throw your head back and slowly turn behind the “sun”.

At the same time, facial expressions - the eyes are closed, the facial muscles are relaxed.

Target " Kittens."

Target:Correction of the child’s psycho-emotional sphere, muscle relaxation, mastering the resting pose

Children lie on the carpet, curled up in a ball with their eyes closed. The teacher says the words:

Kittens sleep on the carpet. Purr purr.

They don't want to wake up. Purr purr.

Quietly sleeping back to back

And they purr in their sleep.

Everyone lay down on their backs. Purr purr. (Children perform)

Paws stretched out. Purr purr.

We stretched and woke up.

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