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Early development - we form an individual approach. Statistics from the VK community "early child development - making childhood brighter -" Early development and child upbringing VKontakte

There is probably no mother now who has not heard the term “early development.” However, opinions regarding its usefulness among parents differ significantly. Some mothers enthusiastically teach their baby to read from the age of 6 months, others are convinced that classes at such an early age have a negative impact on the child’s psyche and deprive him of his childhood. So who is right? It seems to me that most of the disagreements are due to the fact that everyone understands the expression “early child development” differently. Let's try to figure out what it is and how it can affect your baby.

Some time ago, scientists discovered one important fact - by the end of the third year of life, brain cells complete their formation by 70%, and by six to seven years - by 90% . It turns out that starting to teach a child only at 7 years old means wasting very valuable time and not using the child’s innate potential. And vice versa, if you engage in the development of the child during this “productive” period, then there will be a good “launching pad” for further learning.

A child is born with great interest in the world around him, his body is tuned to vigorous activity, he greedily absorbs any information, memorizing it at a speed that we, adults, have never dreamed of. The child’s brain works all the time, learning to compare and draw conclusions. If we actively work with a baby in the first years of his life, we simply expand the child’s information space and give him the opportunity to at least slightly satisfy his need for knowledge about the world around him.

So, early development involves intensive development of the child’s abilities from birth to 3 (maximum 6) years . But everyone’s understanding of the meaning of the word “intense” is different. Many people, speaking about early development, imagine kids cramming letters and numbers and not having a single free minute for free play and communication with peers. Unfortunately, we must admit that there are indeed followers of this approach to early development. Such parents persistently develop their children until they completely discourage them from any kind of learning. This approach to early development can hardly be called correct, because it leads to nowhere and can hardly make a child happy.

What is early development?

First of all, this is an interesting game that is designed to make a child’s life exciting. As Masaru Ibuka said

“The main goal of early development is to prevent the appearance of unhappy children. A child is given to listen to good music and taught to play the violin not in order to raise him to be an outstanding musician. He is taught a foreign language not in order to raise a brilliant linguist and not even in order to prepare him for a “good” kindergarten and primary school. The main thing is to develop in a child his limitless potential, so that there is more joy in his life and in the world.”

So, early development in the correct, in my opinion, understanding is:

  • Specially created, filled with interesting objects and toys that provide many different tactile, visual and sound sensations that contribute to the child’s sensory development.
  • The mother’s active participation in the child’s life, the desire to make the baby’s life interesting, colorful, a lot of joint games, a creative approach to activities. It’s not enough to buy educational toys; you need to “play” them with your baby.
  • Constant conversations and discussions of everything that happens around.
  • Getting to know the world around you through cards, books and other aids (for example, studying animals, vegetables, fruits, professions, etc.) How not to overdo it with learning with cards, read.

A reasonable approach to early development or how not to go too far

When Taisiya was just born, I, like many mothers, was wary of intensive early development. What if it harms my daughter’s emotional health? After all, this is exactly what psychologists are afraid of. But when I began to delve into the essence of various methods and activities in more detail, I realized that early development, if you approach it without fanaticism, is not cramming and coaching, but interesting games that are designed to make a child’s childhood brighter and more interesting. It’s just very, very important not to overdo it with these very games. There is no need to take the words “early development” as “raising a genius!”, and constantly pester your child with activities, without leaving him a single minute of rest and free play.

Often parents try to realize their own ambitions and unfulfilled dreams at the expense of their child, or they want their child to be better developed than their neighbor’s. In pursuit of results, you can overload the child and discourage him from any desire to study at all.

    Give your child as much freedom as possible in choosing an activity . Do not impose activities that are not interesting to him. Perhaps you have been in a situation where you think your child needs to draw, because he hasn’t picked up a pencil for a long time, but for some reason he flatly refuses. Don't insist! I have noticed more than once that such activities “through force” only discourage Taisiya from any desire. And, even if you manage to persuade her, she still sits dissatisfied and reluctantly moves her pencil over the paper. I don’t want to draw now - this is a child’s right, everyone has their own interests. It is quite possible that tomorrow or even in a week the child will have a desire.

    Stop the activity before the child gets bored. For example, more than once I had to deal with a situation when, it would seem, just having started gluing some craft or building a building out of cubes, Taisiya lost interest in it and refused to continue the activity. But I’m not used to giving up what I started, I need to finish it! Here the temptation immediately arises to persuade your daughter to finish what she started. However, as experience shows, such persuasion does not lead to anything good. Even if the child agrees, he will do everything without desire, and next time he will not even want to look at such an activity. Of course, you need to offer to continue, but without any pressure! In general, it is better to deliberately offer your child crafts and activities that are not too complex, so that the child has enough patience until the end.

    Try to turn any activity into a game . Let it not be “Okay, now we are assembling a pyramid,” but a funny scene, a bear will come to you and invite you to play together, of course, nothing will work out for him, the rings will fall out, and the baby will definitely want to help the clumsy bear.

    Do not set standards for time and number of classes per day . Anything can happen: your baby may be unwell, he may be in a bad mood, he may be interested in a new toy, or you have urgent matters. There is no need to try at all costs to fulfill the daily quota for classes, and then reproach yourself for the unattained result.

    Do not burden your child with knowledge “in reserve” . Try to ensure that the information you study corresponds to the interests and age of the baby, so that he can use it in the near future. For example, study geometric shapes when the baby is already interested in playing with geometric frames and sorters, colors - when the child is already able to distinguish them (after a year), etc.

  1. Never compare your baby with other children (although this is very difficult, I know from myself :)), all children are different, they all have their own inclinations! Always evaluate the baby’s development not in relation to the neighbor’s boy Petya, but only in relation to the child himself. Thanks to your activities, the child develops earlier, more fully, than he could if you did not pay any attention to his development at all.

So, when developing your baby, remember that your first priority is make the child happy ! Intellectual development is not the most important thing in life. It is important to maintain a good relationship with the baby, to preserve and support his creative inclinations, the ability to feel and empathize.

Don't listen to those who are against

If you are thinking about the need for early development or are already a supporter of it, you have probably encountered opponents of early childhood development. One of the main arguments of such advisers is “A child should have a childhood.” As a rule, it is used by those people who do not fully understand the essence of development at an early age. Probably, in their opinion, a happy childhood means carefree games with dolls for girls and with cars for boys (what else?), aimless hanging out on the street or around the apartment from corner to corner, and no mental stress (“it’s too early for you” ).

Most likely, opponents of preschool development of children have never seen how a one or two year old child’s eyes light up when he puts together a puzzle or cuts with scissors, when he asks “Mom, let’s talk in English some more,” or when he enthusiastically retells his favorite poems and sings songs .

It is also worth noting that children who were constantly taught in early childhood have a much easier time at school and in adulthood, they are more diligent and receptive to knowledge. For children brought up on the principle of “a happy childhood without unnecessary stress,” it will indeed be difficult to come to terms with the need to study that suddenly falls on their heads.

So, if you decide that early development is for you, then be sure to get started. Soon I will definitely try to write an article in which I will consider the advantages and disadvantages of the most popular developmental techniques. Perhaps it will help someone decide on a “development strategy”. On the site you will also find many useful materials that will help you in preparing activities with your baby. For example,

Term "early development" has firmly entered our lives. There is hardly a person who has not at least briefly heard about him. When they talk about "early development" They mean the intensive development of a child’s abilities from birth to 3 years. Recently, so many different early development methods, book aids, educational games and toys have appeared that parents’ heads are spinning.

What method should you use to work with your child, what to do if there are no expected results?

A reasonable solution is to enroll in the “Together with Mom” group, where developmental classes are conducted using elements of the M. Montessori system.

At what age can you start classes?

The earlier the better. After birth, the child’s body begins vigorous activity: vision, hearing, smell, taste, touch develop - the child needs to adapt to new conditions. Obtaining information for a child is a necessity. His brain works all the time, learning to compare and draw conclusions. It can withstand loads that cannot be compared with those that adults allow themselves.

The Montessori method is the best option to help your child cope with this difficult task.

We teach mothers to work closely with their babies, show them various play techniques and explain how these techniques affect their children's personality development.

After scientists found out that the development of brain cells is 70 percent complete by the age of 3, and 90 percent by the age of six, it became clear how many opportunities we are missing by not using the innate potential of the baby. The desire of every loving parent is to raise, as Maria Montessori said: "strong, independent and free people." Smart, kind, talented, creative people. Which means happy. And for this, together with you, we are ready to tirelessly create and work!

The key to your child's success– this is early development in the “KROKHA” classes at our “I am a genius” center.


In a unique system of self-education and self-development of young children The main focus is on nurturing independence, developing feelings(vision, hearing, smell, taste, etc.) and fine, gross motor skills.

There are no uniform requirements and training programs in this system. Each child works at their own pace and does only what interests them. By “competing” only with himself, the child gains confidence in his own abilities and fully assimilates what he has learned.

The main principle of the Montessori system is “Help me do it myself!” This means that an adult must understand what interests the child at the moment, create an optimal environment for him to study and unobtrusively teach him how to use this environment. Thus, an adult helps each child find his own individual path of development and reveal his natural abilities.

Children studying according to the M. Montessori system, grow up inquisitive and open to receiving deep and varied knowledge. They manifest themselves as free, independent individuals who know how to find their place in society.


  • Active child. The role of the adult directly in the learning event is secondary. He is a helper, not a mentor.
  • The child is his own teacher. He has complete freedom of choice and action.
  • Children teach children. Since children of different ages study in groups, older children become teachers, while they learn to care for others, and younger children follow the elders.
  • Children make independent decisions.
  • Classes take place in a specially prepared environment.
  • The child needs to be interested, and he will develop himself.
  • Full self-development is a consequence of freedom in actions, thinking, and feelings.
  • A child becomes himself when we follow the instructions of nature, and do not go against them.
  • Respect for children - absence of prohibitions, criticism and instructions.
  • A child has the right to make mistakes and figure everything out on his own..

Thus, we will stimulate the child to self-education, self-education, self-development of the potential inherent in him.

The teacher's task - child development, assistance in organizing their activities to realize their potential.

The adult offers just enough help to get the child interested.


Maria Montessori (08/31/1870 - 05/06/1952) - the first female doctor in Italy, scientist, teacher and psychologist.

In 1896, while working as a pediatrician in a clinic, Maria drew attention to mentally retarded children who wandered aimlessly through the corridors of the institution and nothing could occupy them. Observing the unfortunate ones, Maria came to the conclusion that these children at one time did not have incentives to develop and that every child, first of all, needs a special developmental environment in which he could find something interesting for himself.

Montessori took up the study of pedagogy and psychology and tried to create her own methods of developing and raising children.

The system created by Montessori was first used in the Children's Home, which she opened on January 6, 1907 in Rome. Observing children, Maria, through trial and error, gradually developed sensory materials that arouse and stimulate children's interest in knowledge.


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The birth of my son became the starting point for mastering the methods of early childhood development. Elena was interested in all-round communication with the child: they read a lot, did gymnastics from infancy, and together got used to curiosity.

The second child gave an incentive to correct shortcomings in the educational methodology and discovered new talents. Lena Danilova analyzed what her daughter lacked and tried to make up for it on her own. For example, to develop fine motor skills, she sewed special toys, and for intellectual and creative growth, she taught children bright pictures and posters from an early age.

Lena Danilova accompanied the children's further development with extensive reading, learning English and mastering musical literacy. At the same time, she constantly turned to advanced techniques and studied new trends in education. Having gained experience, Lena began publishing articles about children, conducting trainings for parents and developing books, toys and manuals for the full development of children.

Today Lena Danilova is a specialist in raising children and proper development from the first days of life. She shares her experience on her website, blog, and also on the parent forum. Here you can find advice from professional pediatricians, child psychologists and experienced parents.

Lena Danilova helps young mothers and fathers learn the rules of caring for their baby, and then give him the opportunity to be a creative person with a desire to create. As the author of educational games, she carefully researches the needs of children and generates ideas for the right toys and sports complexes.

Comprehensive developmental author’s program “On the Road to Miracles”
from 6 months to 3 years

Emotional contact with mother is the most important thing for a child.

The baby does not need early, but harmonious and careful development, so “Wonderland” helps create a favorable environment for this. Early child development is very important. How to develop a child? This question is asked by many mothers, especially if the child is their first.

During classes, parents are immersed in the world of their baby, looking at the world through the eyes of a child, again marveling at what is happening.

This early development program includes the methods of scientific pedagogy of M. Montessori, the work of Waldorf teachers, the programs of E. Larechina, E. Poplyanskaya, T. Ermolina, the Orff approach to music education, etc.

We are waiting for you and your kids at our Wonderland child development centers.
Earlier development Moskovsky district and earlier development Chernaya Rechka

Classes in the “Mom and Baby” program are structured taking into account the age characteristics and capabilities of children and are comprehensive in nature. During the lesson, there is a dynamic change of various types of activities, which allows the small child not to get tired and remain in contact with the teacher and parent.

Each developmental lesson has its own rhythm and sequence of changing tasks and games. The transition from one type of activity to another is carried out through special connections - songs, rhymes. Through repeated repetition of games, songs, movements, and fairy tales, the prerequisites are created for the child to develop volitional qualities, memory, and speech.

Principles of program implementation:

Careful attitude towards early age. We help the baby meet his basic needs at an early age - the need for play and emotional contact with his parents (primarily with his mother).

Parental involvement throughout the session. The parent plays and studies with his child, watches him, builds effective communication with the baby. Joint developmental activities with the child are the basis of the “Mom and Baby” program.

Helping parents with child development issues. The teacher assists parents in resolving their pressing issues, talking about the characteristics of a child’s development at an early age, and ways to cope with emerging problems.

Example and imitation. During classes, the teacher and parents, together with the kids, complete all tasks, play all games and participate in all types of activities.

Elements of the author's methodology:

· finger games;

· play massages;

elements of baby yoga;

· nursery rhymes and songs;

· lap games;

· dancing with mom to the music of different peoples of the world;

· listening and basic music playing to classical, folk and modern music.

During the classes, children give their parents a second childhood: they teach them to enjoy soap bubbles, crawl and laugh. Educational activities for children have a very positive impact on the careful development of the child. Experienced psychologists advise parents, and teachers help choose activities for home, choose toys and teach how to make “smart” toys with your own hands from simple things.

Integrated development for children “Academy of Childhood” from 2 to 3 years old and from 3 to 4 years old

For the development of children of this age, “Wonderland” has developed its own program “Childhood Academy”.

As part of the program, children move to music, sing songs, count, draw, sculpt, artistically recite poems, and participate in performances. How to develop a child? This question is very important at different ages. Early childhood development is a very complex and delicate issue.

As a result, children remain cheerful and curious, become more attentive, learn the basics of cultural behavior, learn to get along with peers, and play independently at home not with a tablet, but with brothers, sisters, neighbors and toys.

Classes are conducted in a playful way and include four blocks that are included in each lesson:


· visual activities: drawing, modeling, appliqué, etc.;

· rhythmoplasty with elements of exercise therapy;

· fairytale therapy - is perceived by children as a fairytale journey to the land of games.

By playing, we learn!


Each lesson develops proper breathing, shapes posture, prevents flat feet, develops muscles and strengthens the musculoskeletal system.


Knowledge about the world around us expands, visual, auditory and motor memory develops, the ability to analyze information and answer questions, and speak correctly and clearly is trained.


An idea of ​​moral guidelines is formed: “what is good and what is bad,” and the will and ability to negotiate are trained. Passion and perseverance, the desire to complete the work started increases the performance of children.

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Repetition is the mother of learning - everyone has heard it. But teachers forget that repetition is the mother of boredom if the child does not understand what is required of him the first time.

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Early development in preschool educational institutions as a model of fooling children

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When and how to teach a child to read?

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