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Fasting days. Fasting days during pregnancy. Fasting days for pregnant women - menu for the day. What kind of unloading can be done for pregnant women?

Many women completely ignore fasting during pregnancy, believing that dietary restrictions during this period are completely unacceptable. Is it possible to carry out fasting days during pregnancy, why are they needed, what products can be used?

Helpful information

Fasting days during pregnancy are quite acceptable, but they should be carried out only after coordinating your actions with your doctor. As a rule, unloading is recommended for indications such as excess body weight and swelling, as well as for signs of gestosis and digestive problems. The first fasting day is allowed only after the 28th week of pregnancy. It is believed that by this time the baby’s organs have already been formed, and therefore short-term nutritional deficiency is quite acceptable.

Pregnant women are recommended to unload once a week. The optimal energy value of the diet is 1000-1500 kcal. Meals should be fractional - the recommended amount of food should be divided into equal portions. The intervals between meals should be the same. It is highly advisable to do fasting on the same day of the week - in this case, the body gets used to this eating pattern, which will avoid stress. It is important to chew solid food thoroughly so that it is completely absorbed by the body. The norm of free fluid for 1 day is 1.5-2 l. Doctors recommend not to exhaust yourself - if the feeling of hunger is difficult to withstand, they advise drinking an additional glass of kefir or yogurt (fermented milk drink satisfies hunger well). It is advisable to reduce physical activity on the day of unloading (but you should not lie on the couch).


Fasting days for pregnant women with edema are prescribed by the doctor. A good result is provided by compote unloading. To prepare the drink, you need to use 1 kg of fresh fruit or 100 g of dried fruit and 1.5 liters of water. The drink can be sweetened with sugar (minimal amount). The liquid should be drunk throughout the day in equal portions. Boiled dried fruits (fruits) can be eaten.

Meat, vegetables

Cook a piece of lean meat (the weight of the finished product is 400 g). Salt should not be used. You can supplement your diet only with fresh or steamed vegetables. Their daily norm is 800 g. It is better to alternate vegetables and meat, but they can also be combined in one meal.

Fish, vegetables, rosehip decoction

Steam or boil fish fillets (the finished product should weigh 400 g). Supplement your diet with stewed or boiled vegetables (600-800 g), rosehip decoction (500-600 ml) and water. Salt and sugar are excluded during unloading.

Buckwheat porridge, kefir

Cook without salt 1 tbsp. buckwheat (do not fry the grains). Do not add oil to the porridge. Supplement your diet with kefir with a fat content of 2.5% (1 liter is enough). Drink water. You can alternate or combine kefir and porridge in one meal.

Kefir, cottage cheese

You can supplement a fermented milk drink with a fat content of 2.5% (1.5 l) with cottage cheese (fat content of the product - 4%, weight - 500 g).

Kefir, potatoes

Boil or bake 1 kg of potatoes, supplement the diet with kefir (1 l) and water.


During the day you can eat 2 kg of different fruits. They can be either fresh or baked. It is perfectly acceptable to prepare fruit salads with a spoonful of yogurt.


Distribute 1.5 kg of vegetables throughout the day - you can prepare fresh salads with herbs, or you can bake vegetables, boil them, stew them with water, or prepare vegetable soup.


Eat 2 kg of apples throughout the day without peeling them. The fruits can be baked, sprinkled with cinnamon, eaten fresh, or prepared in salads with lemon juice or low-fat sour cream.


Throughout the day, eat watermelon and dried bread (3 pieces). Calculate the norm of sweet pulp by dividing your prenatal weight by 10.

Rice, apple, carrot

Cook porridge from 1 tbsp. rice soaked for 8 hours (do not use salt or fat). Supplement your diet with apples and carrots (2 pieces of each). You can drink water and unsweetened green tea.

Cottage cheese

Throughout the day, eat 600-800 g of cottage cheese, adding 60-80 g of sour cream. It is also acceptable to use a handful of dried fruits.

Doctors often recommend that pregnant women spend fasting days. Such advice is usually given in the later stages of pregnancy to those expectant mothers who are overweight, severe swelling or other manifestations of gestosis (late toxicosis). Unloading helps improve the health of the entire body, so it is necessary for all women who feel heaviness in the stomach, headaches and general weakness.

Naturally, fasting days for pregnant women are very useful, but before limiting your diet, you need to consult a doctor; for some expectant mothers, such food experiments are contraindicated.

Fasting days during pregnancy

The optimal weight gain during pregnancy is in the range of 8-12 kg and depends on the woman’s physique before conception. Basically, a noticeable increase in body weight begins to occur after the 20th week; before this time, the expectant mother gains only 30% of her “pregnant” weight.

The health of both mother and baby depends on proper weight gain. Fasting days during pregnancy are simply necessary for a woman if she is overweight. As practice shows, after a food fast you feel lightness throughout the body, the pregnant woman’s appearance, general health and even mood improve.

It is especially useful to carry out fasting days for women with such obvious manifestations of late toxicosis as swelling. Fluid retention in the body and, as a consequence, the appearance of edema is inherent to a greater or lesser extent in all pregnant women. This complication affects all organs and systems of the expectant mother, not having the best effect on her health. In addition to edema, late toxicosis is manifested by increased blood pressure and protein in the urine. The result of fasting days for pregnant women will be the removal of excess fluid from the body and, accordingly, a decrease in the severity of edema.

Rules for food unloading:

  • Fasting days can be arranged only after the 28th week of pregnancy, when the baby has already formed all the systems and organs;
  • It is recommended to give the stomach rest once every 7-10 days;
  • Before unloading, you should consult a doctor. A specialist will help you choose the most suitable menu and schedule;
  • It is important to combine different options for fasting days for pregnant women in order to avoid a deficiency of certain nutrients and vitamins;
  • Food fasting should be done on the same day of the week so that the body can get used to and adapt to this process;
  • The permitted daily portion of food must be divided into several doses (at least 5-6). Eating should be done at regular intervals, which will help avoid feelings of hunger without overloading the digestive system. Don't forget that chewing your food slowly and thoroughly promotes satiety;
  • You should drink at least two liters of fluid per day. Then cleansing the body will be more effective.

Before you start unloading, you need to refrain from eating a lot of food; dinner should be light, no later than 7 pm. The next day you shouldn’t do hard things; it’s better to choose something interesting to do so that you don’t have the temptation to “refuel yourself from boredom.”

Menu for pregnant women on fasting days

Today, nutritionists offer expectant mothers a wide selection of different options for one-day diets. The most useful during pregnancy are fastings based on eating only fruits, vegetables or freshly squeezed juices during the day. There are also meat, kefir, dairy and other fasting days for pregnant women.

  • Apple day. You can only eat one and a half kilograms of apples throughout the day. They are allowed to be consumed both unchanged and in the form of a salad with the addition of parsley, celery and vegetable oil;
  • Watermelon day. Watermelon mono-loading involves eating one and a half kilograms of watermelon pulp throughout the day;
  • Vegetable day. For a vegetable one-day mono-diet, zucchini, cucumbers, pumpkin with the addition of olive oil or sour cream are recommended;
  • Juice day. Unloading is carried out using freshly squeezed juices from vegetables, fruits or berries, of which it is recommended to drink at least one liter per day. If fasting days fall during the cold season, you can replace juices with dried fruit compotes;
  • Fermented milk day. During the day, it is allowed to consume one and a half liters of any fermented milk drink and approximately 500 g of cottage cheese.

There are also “well-fed” options for fasting days for pregnant women:

  • Meat day. Eat 400 g of lean, unsalted meat per day. Each serving is washed down with green tea without sugar. You can eat up to 800 g of raw vegetables without salt and spices;
  • Fish day. Instead of meat, use low-fat fish; if desired, you can add stewed vegetables, drink rosehip decoction;
  • Potato day. They eat one kilogram of boiled potatoes a day, you can drink two glasses of kefir;
  • Rice day. According to the one-day rice diet, 150 g of rice is divided into three servings and consumed boiled.

Sample menu for pregnant women on fasting days: 4.6 out of 5 (5 votes)

For pregnant women, a fasting day is a load for the body, so it is not always possible to follow such a diet. It is important to first consult with the doctor leading the pregnancy. This diet is effective in the presence of rapid weight gain and severe swelling. Unloading during pregnancy with the help of certain foods can fully become a replacement for some medications. But it is important to remember the need to take multivitamin complexes in order to harm your own body and the unborn child.

During pregnancy, you can only unload after a doctor’s recommendation. This diet helps remove harmful substances and toxins from the body and helps correct weight gain. During a period of short-term restriction in the diet, metabolism and the immune system are activated. The expenditure of accumulated fat structures in the body increases, this reduces weight and prevents its rapid gain. The doctor can prescribe options for fasting days for pregnant women in the presence of rapid weight gain, edema, and manifestations of gestosis. General recommendations for maintaining such a diet include:

  • It can be carried out during pregnancy no earlier than the third trimester, since when the organs of a growing child are formed, the lack of useful elements can negatively affect the development of the unborn baby;
  • The frequency of unloading is no more than once every seven days;
  • If toxicosis is present, do not unload;
  • Limit your diet to no more than one day;
  • When repeating such a menu periodically, it is recommended to alternate the diet in order to diversify the supply of nutrients;
  • It is recommended to divide all ingredients into equal portions. Consume foods at regular intervals;
  • For good digestion of food, it is recommended to chew food thoroughly and slowly, without being distracted by talking, reading, or watching TV;
  • It is important to drink at least two liters of clean water throughout the day. By observing the correct drinking regime, you can replenish the mineral-salt balance in the body;
  • Do not take diuretics or laxatives;
  • After preliminary consultation with a specialist, you can take natural choleretic preparations, which will help get rid of congestion in the liver and gall bladder;
  • After a fasting day, the next day eat in small portions, in moderation.

Indications and contraindications

  • Rapid weight gain in the third trimester of pregnancy;
  • Severe swelling;
  • Late gestosis.

In such conditions, any restrictions on the daily menu can be implemented only after preliminary consultation and permission of the doctor leading the pregnancy. You should not unload yourself during pregnancy. The main contraindications include:

  • before pregnancy, too slow weight gain during pregnancy;
  • The presence of chronic diseases for which any kind of unloading is not allowed;
  • The presence of chronic pathologies of the cardiac apparatus, vascular system, and digestive tract.

In the listed conditions, only a qualified specialist can decide on the need for restrictions in the diet after preliminary diagnostic measures have been carried out.

Menu options

Ideal products for regulating body weight during pregnancy and restoring the functioning of the vascular system are fermented milk products - cottage cheese, yogurt, sourdough, yogurt. If there is a tendency to surges in blood pressure, dysfunction in the functioning of the urinary system, it is recommended to eat cucumbers. If you have chronic diseases of the digestive system or cardiac apparatus, it is not recommended to eat meat. With the help of and you can remain full for a long period of time, since such cereals contain a lot of slowly digestible carbohydrates. Recommended Product Options:

  • Boiled meat. It is better to choose chicken, beef, rabbit, turkey. In addition to boiled meat, the diet should include raw vegetables and tea without sugar. There is no need to salt the dishes;
  • Boil the fish or cook in a double boiler. Choose lean varieties of fish, diversify the menu with raw vegetables, steam them, and drink tea without adding sweetener. Pour freshly squeezed lemon juice over chopped vegetables;
  • Do not add salt to boiled potatoes; you can drink them with kefir or tea without sugar;
  • Boil buckwheat, do not add salt. You can add pieces of chopped fruit;
  • Boil the rice, do not add salt. You can add pieces of fruit to the finished dish. It is better to choose brown, wild rice.

On such fasting days it is possible to restore the digestive system and saturate the body with vitamin compounds.

Various menu combinations

The basis of the diet is 2 kilograms of green apples. Eat whole, make a salad, bake in the oven without sweetening. You can drink tea without sugar - green or herbal. This menu helps prevent iron deficiency. Cannot be used for gastritis.

Watermelon fasting day. You can eat one and a half kilograms of ripe pulp. In between meals, it is recommended to drink at least two liters of clean water. Since watermelon is a diuretic, it is very important to drink plenty of water. Fruit. You can combine different fruits, except bananas and grapes. Consume on your own, prepare fruit salads,... Season salads with lemon juice.

Vegetable. One and a half kilograms of vegetables can be eaten raw, boiled, or steamed. Season salads with a small amount of sunflower, olive, corn or, low-fat sour cream or natural yogurt. You can drink freshly squeezed juice. Extend the cocktail throughout the day. The total volume of the drink is 1 liter.

Divide one and a half liters of kefir into several doses. Choose only non-greasy product. You can replace it with sour milk, plain yogurt, or sourdough. Such fasting days help saturate the gastrointestinal tract with beneficial bacteria and prevent difficulties with bowel movements.

Take half a kilo of low-fat product. Divide the total mass into several servings. During breaks, drink clean water, low-fat kefir or milk. Typically, such a diet is easily tolerated; cottage cheese saturates the body for a long time. With the right approach, fasting days will only bring benefits to the pregnant woman’s body.

Your feedback on the article:

In the third trimester of pregnancy, the child is already formed and viable, all he can do is gain weight, and the woman’s body is already beginning to prepare for childbirth and breastfeeding. Nutrition during the third trimester should not overload the body, be light and at the same time balanced.

The daily set of products, calorie content and the need for basic substances is approximately the same.


Preference should be given to lean meats, and a few weeks before giving birth you can avoid it altogether.

You should choose lean meats such as beef, chicken, duck, rabbit, and turkey. It is good to boil or stew the meat, bake it, after cutting out the fat from it. You can eat meat and fish not every day, but 4 times a week. Do not use meat broths as food; they impair liver function. Two weeks before giving birth, the portion of meat can be reduced by two to three times or abandoned altogether: the baby is already formed, mature, and this will not harm him, and the woman’s body will relax, the muscles of the perineum will prepare for childbirth, without meat they will be more elastic and the baby It will be easier to pass through the birth canal.

Vegetables and fruits

It is better to eat potatoes young and with their skins, carrots and beets fresh and boiled, any cabbage can be used, but broccoli is healthier, greens must be consumed daily. You should not get carried away with tomatoes, because they can cause allergies, but cucumbers can be eaten; they also have a mild diuretic effect. When choosing fruits and vegetables, it is better to take domestic ones, all for the same reason: so as not to put the unborn child at risk of allergies. They should be eaten according to the season: in summer and autumn, eat fresh, and in winter and spring, eat fresh only what is well stored (carrots, beets, potatoes), the rest is either taken out of the freezer (pumpkin, green peas, berries), or in dried form. The berries can be frozen for the winter, dried, rubbed with sugar, or made into five-minute jam. Nature provides everything, and in winter it is more difficult for the body to cope with allergens from fresh vegetables and fruits. You should not buy eggplants, cucumbers and tomatoes in stores in winter, because they contain more nitrates and other chemical compounds than nutrients.

Interesting to know! Among the pregnant women examined in Russia, deficiency of B vitamins was detected in 20–90% of women, and vitamin C deficiency in 45%.


Drink about a mug of milk per day, up to 1/2 liter of fermented milk products. It’s better to make homemade yoghurt or buy plain low-fat yoghurt without additives, and at home add berries, dried fruits or top it with muesli, and you can also cook cottage cheese from fresh milk (add a couple of spoons of sour cream or kefir and bring to a boil), cottage cheese, like meat, before birth, it can be limited or eliminated so that the baby’s bones do not harden excessively. When choosing dairy products, it is better to choose simple ones, without additives, with a short shelf life. It is better to eat hard cheeses; it is advisable to place restrictions on soft cheeses and blue cheeses.


It is better to buy whole grain cereals: flakes have fewer beneficial properties. Semolina and white rice are undesirable from cereals; they remove beneficial substances from the body. To prepare porridge, the cereal should be soaked in water in advance and then boiled well. You can add vegetable oil and dried fruits to porridge.
It is better to take coarse bread, rye, and even better with bran and seeds.
Use not the highest grade flour.


Boil eggs hard; if possible, it is better to use quail eggs.


There is controversy regarding fluid limitation in the third trimester: those who adhere to the old Soviet rules recommend limiting it to 1–1.2 liters. Representatives of modern European views recommend drinking as much as you want, without restrictions, in order to remove toxins from the body. As a result, if 75% of the liquid you drink is excreted in urine per day, there is no excess weight gain - everything is fine and you should not limit yourself.
It is important to avoid eating mushrooms.

Interesting to know! American scientists believe that the nutritional pattern and diet of a pregnant woman can affect the brain of the unborn child. It is known that a pregnant woman’s diet and lifestyle affect the health of the unborn child. American scientists (Yale School) believe that with an emphasis on fatty foods, especially in the third trimester, changes occur in the child's hypothalamus, which leads to metabolic diseases (obesity, diabetes). And scientists from the Karolinska Institute (Stockholm), in turn, have already proven that children whose mothers smoked during pregnancy increased the risk of bronchial asthma by 65%.

Menu for a pregnant woman in the 3rd trimester

When creating a menu, pay attention to:

  • The daily menu should contain at least three servings of foods that are rich in calcium (milk, cottage cheese, cheese, fresh herbs) and iron (meat, spinach, berries, cabbage, buckwheat).
  • At least once a day you should eat a food rich in folic acid (greens, beans, lentils).
  • Eat foods containing vitamin C every day.
  • In the first half of the day, focus on protein foods; in the second half of the day, eat only light foods that are well and quickly absorbed: fermented milk products, salads, cereals.
  • Do not combine solid and liquid foods - you can eat soup, and after a couple of hours the second.

Sample menu diagram


  • Porridge with butter – 100 g/cottage cheese – 100 g/omelet or scrambled eggs,
  • Fruit/toast with jam,
  • Warm drink.


  • Yogurt – 100 g,
  • Berries or fruit – 150 g.


  • Soup with a piece of bread
  • A glass of compote or juice,
  • Dried fruits – 70 g.

Second lunch:

  • Meat or fish – 200–300 g,
  • Vegetable salad/legume side dish,
  • Dessert.

Afternoon snack:

  • Nuts, seeds, dried fruits – 100 g.


  • Vegetable stew with a piece of bread/puree soup,
  • Fruit/fruit-milk smoothie.
  • Before bed, kefir, apple, glass of milk.

Weight gain

Weight gain per week should not exceed 300–550 g. During the second half of pregnancy, a woman should normally gain 60% of the total weight gain, for a total of no more than 16 kg for the entire pregnancy. In multiple pregnancies, the values ​​will be higher.

Difficulty with stool

Foods rich in fiber will help prevent constipation in a pregnant woman.

To prevent constipation, it is advisable to eat foods rich in fiber, namely: wholemeal bread, bran flakes, muesli with added fiber, oatmeal, legumes, lentils, eat raw vegetables and fruits throughout the day, prunes, fresh blueberries, apples , eat beets (both raw and boiled) daily, season salads and cereals with vegetable oil. Drink mineral water with a high content of magnesium. Before going to bed, drink yogurt and one-day kefir.
Avoid rice and eat less flour.


Heartburn occurs due to the fact that the child is large and presses the internal organs upward. Heartburn continues to worsen towards childbirth. To prevent heartburn, follow these tips:

  1. Do not eat large amounts of food, especially after 16.00–17.00;
  2. Eliminate all fried, smoked, fatty foods;
  3. Do not eat acidic foods such as apples, lemons in the evening;
  4. After eating, you can walk for about 30 minutes, sit, but do not lie down;
  5. Many people with heartburn are helped by drinking a glass of cool milk, freshly squeezed potato juice, tea from fennel or dill seeds, nuts, oatmeal or semolina porridge in milk with butter, pumpkin seeds;
  6. In the afternoon, avoid foods that cause heartburn in you;
  7. If you cannot cope with heartburn using the methods listed above, then during pregnancy you are allowed to use the antacid drug Rennie.

Prevention of hypogalactia

Even during pregnancy, a woman should prepare for breastfeeding and exclude the occurrence of hypogalactia (lack of milk). To do this, you need to eat nutritiously, following the rules for the third trimester of pregnancy and massage the mammary glands. In the last two months of pregnancy, massage should be given 2 minutes a day. It consists of the following: take the nipple on both sides with your index finger and thumb and make rhythmic squeezing movements. Contraindication to this exercise: threat of premature birth.

Food poisoning

To avoid infection with dangerous pathogens of intestinal infections, it is advisable not to eat:

  • Pates;
  • Raw eggs, soft-boiled eggs;
  • Unboiled goat milk;
  • Soft cheeses;
  • Sweets with butter cream;
  • Wild game meat, raw meat dishes, meat cooked over a fire;

And also important:

  • Cereals must be washed in cold water before cooking;
  • Fruits and vegetables purchased at the market or in a store should be washed under running water and soap;
  • Drink boiled water;
  • Eat only fresh dairy products, pay special attention to their expiration date.

Prevention of gestosis

Preeclampsia is a complication of the third trimester of pregnancy, also called late toxicosis. In severe cases of gestosis, hospital treatment is mandatory. However, it can be avoided: it has been noted that if you follow a diet throughout pregnancy, an adequate supply of vitamins, potassium and iodine, the risk of developing preeclampsia is minimized.
The presence of proteins of both plant and animal origin in the diet is important, because it is protein that returns excess fluid from the tissues back into the blood, and subsequently it is excreted through the kidneys in the urine. Avoid salty foods: salt retains water in the body. It is important to maintain a balance of vitamin B6 in the body. When toxicosis begins, it is good to drink a soothing mixture, valerian, motherwort, aromatherapy with soothing essential oils is effective.

Fasting day

A fasting day is an opportunity for the body to rest and get rid of unnecessary substances. In the third trimester, fasting days can and should be done, especially for those who have excess weight gain. It should be done once a week (not more often). It is advisable to do it on the same day. In terms of energy reserves, it is approximately 1000 kcal. Includes the same type of low-calorie food, distributed into 5-6 servings.

Examples of a fasting day:

  1. 1 kg of apples, can be eaten raw, make a salad with vegetable oil from grated apples, can be baked in the oven with a spoonful of honey.
  2. 500 g of fresh cottage cheese, cottage cheese can also be browned in the oven.
  3. 500 g apples plus 250 g cottage cheese.
  4. 800–1000 g baked potatoes.
  5. 400 g of baked or boiled potatoes plus 250 g of boiled lean meat.
  6. 1 kg of any fresh vegetables.
  7. 400 g of vegetables plus 250 g of boiled meat.

Edema. What to do

Edema is usually a manifestation of gestosis and indicates fluid retention in a woman’s body.
Tips to help reduce swelling:

  • We exclude salt completely, there is a complete limit on sausage, crackers and chips, fried, smoked.
  • Limit the liquid you drink to 1.5 l/day, this volume includes soups, cereals, vegetables and fruits (one piece is considered approximately 50 ml of liquid).
  • Protein foods must be present in the diet; at least 200 g of meat and 200 g of cottage cheese should be eaten per day.
  • Instead of water and tea, drink a decoction of lingonberry leaves, strawberry leaves, drinks with the addition of chicory, an infusion of dried fruits, eat lingonberry jam instead of sweets, include in your diet more foods that have a diuretic effect (cucumbers, melon, watermelon, parsley, celery, carrots and carrot juice).
  • Eliminate all fatty foods, marinated foods, replace mayonnaise and ketchup with horseradish or mustard.
  • Be sure to give yourself a fasting day once a week.
  • After a walk, you can lie down with your legs up.
  • Self-prescribing diuretic medications is prohibited; this can lead to dehydration!

Proper nutrition in the last months of pregnancy is a good preparation for both childbirth and pregnancy.

Should they be carried out? What are the contraindications?

Let's try to figure it out!

Firstly, before making any changes in your diet, you need to consult a specialist in order to avoid many unpleasant consequences.

  1. In case of excess and excessively increasing body volume, the doctor prescribes a weight loss system, especially the popular one.
  2. For edema and other manifestations of gestosis, fasting days are simply necessary
  3. A few days before delivery, you can eat oatmeal, it will be very useful, especially when extra pounds can cause harm to both the mother and the newborn baby.
  4. You can spend such days during pregnancy only after 28 weeks
  5. No more than once every 7-10 days
  6. It is recommended to alternate the diet of foods during preventive periods in order to provide the body with the necessary nutrients
  7. You need to eat more often, in small portions, without overeating
  8. Drink plenty of fluids, up to 2 liters. in a day
  9. If you feel an irresistible feeling of hunger, you can drink a glass of low-fat yogurt or kefir
  10. It is better to carry out such preventive days at the same period of the week, so that the body gets used to and more easily accepts food restrictions.

  1. Apple: we eat green apples all day, up to 1.5 kg. You can make juices with the addition of carrots, bake with cinnamon without sugar, prepare salads with olive oil and lemon juice.
  2. Watermelon: 1.5 kg of watermelon pulp per day, drink clean water and watermelon juice.
  3. Fruit: We eat fresh fruit throughout the day, but not bananas and grapes.
  4. : one and a half kilograms of fresh vegetables per day, you can have zucchini, pumpkin, cucumbers. When making salads, you can add olive oil or sour cream, with a low fat content, and lemon juice instead of salt.
  5. Juice (): we drink various juices and plain clean water throughout the day.
  6. Compote: suitable for the winter, boil dried fruits with the addition of a few tablespoons of sugar. We drink throughout the day.
  7. Fermented milk day: 1.5 liters of fermented baked milk or low-fat kefir, you can eat 600 g of cottage cheese. Calcium is especially important for the body of the mother and child, so such fasting days will be especially useful in the last months of pregnancy.

If it is difficult to endure such dietary days during pregnancy, then you can introduce lean meats, fish, potatoes, and cereals into the diet. The main thing is to do this in moderation, not to oversaturate the diet, after eating you should feel light and not forget the digestive system to its fullest.

Be sure to drink fluids, do not overindulge in sweet and salty foods, eat less bread and confectionery items. Take care of yourself and your baby!

Maria, at 29 weeks of pregnancy, was faced with the problem of rapid weight gain and terrible swelling. The doctor advised me to do fasting days on fruits and vegetables. This was a real salvation for her, her weight stabilized, even a few kilograms disappeared. Now the girl feels great, and her month-old baby helps her forget about all the problematic periods during pregnancy. Thanks to the nutritionist’s timely prescription of the correct nutritional system, Marya did not gain extra pounds before giving birth, and therefore gave birth quickly and painlessly. The little son weighed 3,400 kg, height 48 cm. Wonderful parameters for a child, and after a month mommy lost another 7 kg. Now her weight is normal, Maria is breastfeeding and enjoying life!

Video about fasting days during pregnancy

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