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Divorce due to wife's infidelity: how to survive it if she cheated. Divorce after constant cheating


Getting rid of the ring on your finger has become an obsession, from which husbands become hasty in their conclusions and often make irrevocable, not always correct decisions. One thing becomes clear in this situation: we must act. However, doubts often arise about whether to wait a little longer or file for divorce right away. According to experts, a wife’s betrayal is not only a psychological trauma for her husband, but also a severe blow to his pride, which is often completely unexpected. Since it happened that your wife preferred an outside relationship, do not under any circumstances lower your self-esteem. Realize that you are in no way inferior to her lover, do not forget about your physical and mental qualities. Discuss what happened with your wife and find out what exactly did not suit her in your family life, which led her to take this step.

The most important thing is that you need to react to everything that happened with dignity, you should not lower yourself by resorting to scandals and conflicts. Female infidelity is a treacherous act, and you should not allow your spouse to humiliate you even more. Under no circumstances should you drown your sadness in alcohol. This will only make the situation worse and will not help solve the problem. Do not try to find out who attracted and lured your missus, be above this, because whatever one may say, the wife herself is largely to blame for the upcoming divorce.

Don’t forget that adultery is partly your fault. Reconsider the image of your family life together before what happened. Perhaps you did not show enough attention to your wife, and this greatly offended her. In addition, it also happens that your wife took revenge on you for your own shortcomings or casual affairs on the side, and she knew very well that you had another girlfriend. Perhaps the wife was alone for a long time for some reason, because she could not agree to betrayal without a specific reason.

In any case, the husband is faced with a difficult question: what to do next and how to get a divorce. If you realize that you cannot forgive, then it is better to immediately file for divorce. Married couples who do not have children can divorce without too much fuss, but if you have children, you will have to go to court. In the application you must indicate the reason for the divorce. Some men voice the fact of betrayal on the part of their beloved, and some try to hide it.

In addition, in addition to filing for divorce, you need to file a claim for the division of property that was acquired jointly during marriage. Remember that you still need to decide who the children will live with after your separation. Generally, the court will give preference to the mother, but you have every right to see them several times a week. In some cases, it is possible to challenge such a decision and leave the children with their father.

by Notes of the Wild Mistress

New Year

Just before the New Year, in the midst of the pre-holiday bustle, the husband announced that he had fallen in love with another woman and was leaving for her. And I admit honestly, I didn’t tear my hair out and cry with grief. Not because I was indifferent to it - it was both painful and offensive, but I was already so tired of the kind of family life that we have lived in recent years...

Naturally, the question will arise why I endured this all these years. The answer is quite simple: out of inertia, laziness, from a reluctance to radically change something in life, because of my daughter, I decided that there would be some kind of father, and also because I probably didn’t love him anymore, so cheating somehow didn’t bother me too much.

But after such a solemn announcement of leaving for new happiness, I even sighed with some relief, since I had never been so close to simply kicking him out of the house myself. The fact is that his last affair dragged on, and there probably wasn’t a single friend of mine who didn’t tell me about it. Our town is small, not like sewing - you can’t hide a needle in a bag.

My husband, in general, is not the worst person. But he is weak-willed and so selfish that he simply does not understand what some of his actions look like from the outside. In all situations, he thinks and cares, first of all, about himself, his beloved and beloved. I knew and understood this almost from the first days of our marriage - my madly loving mother made him that way. And the rest was “polished” by his numerous fans - the husband is handsome in appearance, and also has an irresistible charm, which I once fell for. And I myself, not scandalous by nature and prone to compromise, always tried to smooth out all the rough edges. It was easier for me to close my eyes and pretend that nothing was happening than to make a fundamental decision.

So, the husband got ready to start a new life with a new wife in the New Year. “Well, give him a flag!” - I thought, throwing some things into his suitcases, and tried to figure out how to explain to my friends, with whom we had traditionally celebrated the New Year as families for many years.

Don't think, I will help you! - said the husband.

Of course of course! – I immediately agreed, handed the suitcase into his hands and congratulated him on the upcoming New Year. He didn’t leave, apparently something didn’t go as he expected.

Something else? – I asked, dialing my best friend’s number.

Natasha, you send me your husband for an hour. And let him take the tool to change the lock on the door. It’s okay - my husband is leaving for his mistress, so I want to protect the house from strangers.

Why are you doing this? – the husband asked offendedly.

How? Are you going? - Yes! Well, I'm thinking about the future. If you need to pick up something, call us! I walked into the corridor and opened the doors.

You go ahead, otherwise it’s time for Ksyusha and I to get ready.

Where is this going? – he suddenly became worried.

Celebrate the New Year. That's it, don't delay us!

The door closed behind him, and silence fell in the house. Our now grown-up fourteen-year-old daughter Ksenia stood silently and watched as I rearranged things in the closet, filling the empty spaces that had formed. And then she stated:

It's all your fault! It's because of you that he left!

Why on earth is this?! – I was amazed. – He has a new love, and what does it have to do with me?!

Despite the fact that you are dissatisfied with everything all the time! You teach everyone to live - both me and him. So he got tired of it, and he went where he was loved! But we had to fight for love! – my daughter finished pathetically.

Okay, I'm bad, and you? – I decided not to stand on ceremony, since she herself started this conversation. “He also calmly left you and didn’t even say goodbye...

The daughter suddenly burst into tears and began to frantically get dressed.

Where are you going, what's wrong with you?! – I was scared.

I will go with him, I will live with him, and you stay alone, since we are so bad.

Before I had time to realize anything, she grabbed her hat and ran out the door.

That's when I got really scared. My husband was fine, but I wasn’t ready to lose my daughter. But while I was wondering what to do, Ksyusha returned. Silently undressed and went to her room. I'm following her.

Mom, he said that he was not ready to take me with him... maybe later someday... It turns out that he left not you, but both of us for a new life? And left us in the old one?

She didn’t cry, but there was such pain in her eyes that I instantly hated my almost ex-husband.

You know, you’re already a completely grown-up girl... - I sat down next to her and hugged Ksenka. - It happens that people, having lived together for a long time, suddenly realize that they have become strangers. And is it bad that a person wants to be happy? So dad decided that it was better for him to live his life without us. It’s not scary - you’re already quite big, in a couple of years you’ll leave home, first study, then get married... Let him live as he wants, let’s not disturb him, okay? And anyway, let's get ready? Nobody canceled the New Year.


On the eve of Christmas, when Ksenka and I were discussing what to take with us to our friends’ dacha, the doorbell rang. The daughter ran to open it, and her husband appeared on the threshold with her, slightly confused, with a suitcase in his hand. I looked at him questioningly.

I'm back…

What do you mean why? We are not divorced, I am registered here.

Actually, you are registered with your mother,” I clarified.

Well... I made a mistake. She and I are complete strangers. I hope you forgive me?

I was silent. He looked pleadingly at Ksyusha...

Mom, let's forgive him? – she suddenly said.

I won’t say that the return of the “prodigal husband” was a complete surprise for me - I had studied him too well over the years of marriage. But I didn't expect it to happen so soon. And I had a plan...

Okay, stay. You will live in the office. Ksyusha, get ready, we're already late!

We spent Christmas with friends at the dacha. When we returned home two days later, my husband was at home and had even prepared dinner. My daughter was happy that everything would be as before, but I didn’t delude myself and waited...

After Christmas

A few days later, my husband was “late at work” for the first time, then again and again. When he returned from “overtime” again, I suggested we all talk together.

Did I cheat on you? – I asked my husband.

No, why do you ask? – he became wary.

Am I a bad housewife or a bad mother? Have I blossomed, lost my shape and attractiveness?

“No, you’re still a beautiful woman...” He didn’t understand anything.

That is, you have no complaints about me as a wife, mother or woman? – I clarified.

Of course not!

Then why do you allow yourself to put me and your daughter in a humiliating position, lie to us and dodge? Do we deserve this?

Where did you get the idea?! – the husband became indignant, hiding his eyes.

Where have you been? After all, there was no overtime - you deceived us.

Have you been following me? - The husband decided to go on the offensive.

Much honor! They were just looking for you from work - something happened there. So, “darling,” I forgave you, but you couldn’t last even a couple of weeks. So get ready and go back to your new life, and I've had enough. I will submit the divorce application tomorrow.

I got up from the table and began to put his things out of the closets. My daughter suddenly came up to me and started helping.

I haven't decided anything yet! – Suddenly the husband spoke up.

But we have already decided everything, and you will have to reckon with this! – I looked at Ksyusha – she nodded in agreement.

One year later

The story ends... We successfully divorced. On the day of the divorce, I told Ksyusha:

So you say that you need to fight for love... You see, in battles, prisoners or trophies are captured by the right of the strong. And I don’t want a prisoner nearby. And a person with his feelings and experiences is not a soulless trophy. Love – it either exists or it doesn’t. And the feeling of respect, responsibility for those around you, either exists or not. I am grateful to your father for you and for the love we once had. But, you must admit, living with a person who is next to you thinking about another woman is humiliating and... wrong or something.

The daughter was silent, and then said

I feel sorry for dad... But, probably, it will be better this way.

Christmas in a year

All this happened to me last year. My husband tried to improve his relationship with me a couple of times, but I refused to even discuss this topic. Nothing worked out with that woman either - they constantly quarreled, got together, separated... In the end, the husband settled firmly with his mother, who was happy that her adored child was with her again.

As for me, the three of us celebrated this Christmas: Ksyusha, me and Andrei, my best friend’s brother, who came to visit her a year ago. All this year we corresponded, called back, met occasionally, and now he has come to stay with us forever. Ksyusha liked Andrey, well, I just fell head over heels in love!

What do you want - not such miracles happen at Christmas!

“Should I divorce my husband?” - such a question will never arise in a family filled with love and understanding. At a time when the current relationship does not satisfy both partners, the decision to break off the relationship is made much easier. But if family life does not satisfy only you, how to overcome uncertainty and dare to take full responsibility? Let's discuss this.

What to do if family life is not satisfying?

Possible reasons for divorce

Psychologists believe that the breakup of a relationship, in terms of mental stress for women, is equal to the loss of a loved one. Therefore, before getting married, it is worth considering what the reasons are that make you want to get a divorce, in order to make as few mistakes as possible in family life and protect future children from worries.

You can destroy a love relationship for any reason, but let's look at the most common reasons for divorce:

  • Marriage in the heat of a passionate relationship. The basis of such relationships was only sex. If there are no common views on life, husband and wife quickly get bored of each other. Rash actions very often lead to a break in relationships.
  • The most common reason for divorce is the betrayal of one of the partners. It is quite difficult to forgive the infidelity of a loved one, and if this situation has happened more than once, then the desire to divorce comes instantly.
  • They couldn't stand each other's character. The breakdown of a relationship is inevitable when both partners, due to their pride, have no desire to give in and get used to their loved one.
  • The birth of the first child becomes a difficult test for young families. At this moment, both partners need to take all responsibility seriously, learn to sacrifice their selfish desires and treat each other with love.
  • People can get divorced over the slightest domestic disputes, but everyone knows that this is just a screen behind which lies the true reason for the breakup.

What are the consequences of rash divorces?

Having experienced an unsuccessful marriage, people make the wrong conclusions, such as “all women are hysterical” or “every man is a selfish creature,” and subsequent relationships will be built on the basis of this opinion. Children suffer the most after family breakdown. In their understanding, parents are a sacred, inextricable whole, and when it is broken, the child develops the wrong idea about family life. Another psychological stress is the division of property, which in a painful state goes from a showdown over who will get the car to a decision about who the children will stay with.

Divorce after infidelity

Women or men have their own reasons for cheating on their partner. However, not everyone takes into account that any manifestation of infidelity can lead to divorce. Regardless of the fact that human morals and religious teachings condemn treason, this problem is still relevant to this day.

Many men explain their reasons for cheating by the presence of a primitive instinct. They argue that resistance to masculine nature can cause mental disorder. However, polygamy in a man can be transformed depending on which woman is next to him. Wise wives try to change their image as often as possible and constantly surprise their men.

According to statistics, women resort to infidelity much less often than representatives of the stronger sex, and decide to do this only if they are truly unhappy in their marriage. The reason for female infidelity is the desire to receive male attention, which they lack in family life. Girls should always feel that their appearance attracts the stronger sex. At times, the husband’s same-type compliments become boring, but the courtship of strangers is perceived as proof of demand.

See also:

What to do for a child if parents get divorced

However, most often, when a man finds out about betrayal, he immediately breaks off relations with his wife, while the woman tries to maintain the relationship to the last, forgiving her beloved for many actions.

Should I divorce my husband?

Most often, the question “should I divorce my husband” arises because of his infidelity. But this type of breakup is not obligatory and, a loving woman, tries in every possible way to maintain the appearance of a happy life. However, you should not deceive yourself; forgiving your spouse does not guarantee that there will be no new betrayal. In fear of losing financial stability, it is very difficult to decide to divorce, especially if there are children in the marriage.

But it’s very rare for a woman to understand that a child has seen disrespect since childhood in a family where cheating regularly occurs. As they grow up, they notice that dad is unfaithful to mom and consider this to be the norm; later they will begin to build their family according to the same principle.

Reasons why you need to get a divorce

  • Violence in family relationships. If your husband hit you once, be sure that this situation will repeat itself and you should not deceive yourself in the hope that he will realize his mistake, because of this you need to get a divorce.
  • Constant humiliation of your personality. The psychological state of a person is very difficult to treat, and if your spouse asserts himself at the expense of your suffering, you do not need to endure such a life.
  • Partner's bad habits. Craving for alcohol and drug addiction is a common cause of family breakdown. If your chosen one does not want to get out of this state, you have no reason to hold on to such a relationship.

In what situations is it better not to rush into drastic changes?

  • You have fallen in love with a young, charming and sexy man. Should I get a divorce because of this? Psychologists are confident that you shouldn’t rush into a new relationship like a whirlpool, because very soon such love passes and there is a desire to return to the previous relationship. But will they take you back or not?
  • It seems to you that your significant other has ceased to understand you, and you have become bored with him. If you really loved your boyfriend, then understand that he is not a clown, but a person who also has personal concerns and problems. He needs your support too, so learn to compromise before you announce that you want a divorce.
  • You can forgive your loved one many things, but he must understand your actions and also strive to preserve the relationship. Otherwise, all your attempts will become another humiliation of your personality.

How do children feel when their family collapses?

If there are children in your family, think about whether it is necessary to inflict a psychological blow on the child because you quarreled with your wife? Children make it very difficult to get a divorce. From birth, the baby gets used to the fact that his parents sleep in the same bed, have dinner at the same table and spend their holidays together. Growing up in a complete family, he realizes what a strong and loving relationship should look like.

At the time of divorce, one of the parents disappears from the children's sight, leaving them completely confused and not understanding what is happening. According to statistics, most often men leave the family, and a woman in a stressful situation can rarely calmly explain to her child what happened. As a result, the mother reacts aggressively to the child’s question about dad, thereby awakening a feeling of guilt in his thoughts.

Children who have reached adolescence, having survived their parents' divorce, study poorly, become uncontrollable, begin to steal and run away from home. After the breakup of the family, the child begins to perceive adults as enemies who cannot be trusted. And a parent who has left the family, in his understanding, is a traitor who simply left.

Preschool children get many phobias from excitement and anxiety. The child begins to take on the character traits of the parent he misses so much. When leaving a family, an adult does not even understand how much pain he is doing to his children. And especially impressionable people may subconsciously return to infancy, suck their thumb before going to bed, or wet the bed. Often after parents divorce, the baby becomes depressed and gets sick. Therefore, before you decide to get a divorce, think about the people close to you.

Divorce of parents is a psychological blow for a child

Quiz: How can you end a relationship painlessly?

Sometimes going through the divorce procedure is much more difficult than forgiving all the betrayals and improving relationships. Do you want to know how to get through this moment easier? Our test will help with this:

How long ago did you realize that you wanted a divorce?

  • From the first day you felt that this relationship would not last - 1 point.
  • You’ve been planning how to break up for a year now – 2 points.
  • This decision is sudden - 3 points.
  • You have long thought that you need to break up, but you decided only now - 4 points.
  • There is no final decision yet – 5 points.

Does he annoy you or not?

  • Every little thing in it infuriates you - 1 point.
  • Very often his actions irritate him – 2 points.
  • Sometimes he is simply unbearable - 3 points.
  • You rarely get irritated – 4 points.
  • You're just bored next to him - 5 points.

What strength is your emotionality?

  • You are very reserved and calm – 1 point.
  • Going through the divorce process is not easy

    How do you think your partner will react to your leaving?

    • Anger and blaming you for wanting a divorce – 1 point.
    • Will make attempts to bring me back - 2 points.
    • Will switch his attention to work - 3 points.
    • He will not show that he is in pain - 4 points.
    • This will greatly upset him - 5 points.

Hi all! Today, this is an extremely unpleasant topic that I can’t even discuss myself(. Surely, if the reader has opened this page, the answer to the question of how to survive betrayal and divorce from your husband is relevant at the moment. Let’s try to calm down and figure it out. An already well-known website is coming to help portal author Yulia Novikova!

What to do if it happens treason in family? Go apply for divorce or give a chance to save the family?

The situation depends on many factors.

  • Why did the betrayal happen?
  • Does your spouse repent?
  • Was it a stupid accident or did the husband have a long-term mistress, or did the wife have a lover?

Decide for yourself

All people are different. Someone might forgive betrayal and continue to live in marriage, someone can forgive, but can no longer live with their spouse, can't trust him. In some circles, it is believed that divorce due to a husband’s infidelity is the selfish behavior of a wife who leaves a child without a father!

Someone cannot forgive and suffers for years, and cannot let go of their partner. And they suffer the most in unhealthy children's atmosphere. Long-standing infidelity can also serve as a reason for divorce in the future.

If you decide forgive and save the family, then don’t return to this topic again, stop reproaching your spouse, especially if he is very repents . It would be good to discuss why the betrayal occurred, preferably in consultation with a family specialist.

If you cheated on your spouse and were forgiven, then control yourself in advance and don’t cause your partner such pain again. Most second chance people do not give. There are also frequent cases when the husband filed for divorce without forgiving the betrayal.

But there are also unscrupulous people who continue to cheat. Here their partner himself must decide: continue to turn a blind eye to constant infidelity, or file for divorce and start new life. How to survive betrayal and divorce from your husband worries many women, and psychologists are ready to answer this question!

Free love? Don't deceive yourself

At one time it was “fashionable” to cover up one’s promiscuity “ free love" In fact, this has nothing to do with love, and those women who tried to convince themselves that “this is normal” then end up in a psychotherapist’s chair. The psyche cannot withstand violence and regular betrayal from a loved one.

Most common cases

If cheating has occurred accidentally, while drunk, after a scandal with your spouse, and your other half strongly repents and wants to save the family, then many give chance and the family is preserved. Just don’t rush to take your spouse back right away, he should feel the fear of loss and how bad he feels without you, so that next time he can take care of your family happiness.

Often the partners themselves push their spouse to cheat with their nagging, insults, quarrels, scandals, and claims. When devalue feelings and the desires of the partner. When they don't pay enough attention. Think, when you calm down, analyze, rarely only one is to blame.

Although in fairness, it must be said that there are also complete “males” who walk with smart beauties. To live with such a “gift” or not - everyone decides for themselves .

If your spouse for a long time leads a double life, then this is more serious. Either he must choose, or think: can you trust this person? Family relations experts say that after betrayal, marriage is like broken vase. And it can’t be glued together, in fact. But you can build something new, different. There are cases when partners, after betrayal, had a long heart-to-heart talk, analyzed their problems, and as a result created another relationship, much warmer and stronger.

So everything is in our hands... How to survive betrayal and divorce from your husband is a question for a long and full assessment of the situation of both parties, impossible to solve in a few minutes, for which the reader is here on the site).

But if you can't forget and calm down, no trust to the person, then it is better to let him go. Maybe you really aren't right for each other, or maybe your partner doesn't really want to do anything to regain your trust and strengthen the relationship. Or maybe you're just one of those people for whom cheating means the end of a relationship. Remember that divorce is not the end of life, but just the beginning of a new one.

It’s never too late to file divorce papers, and keeping a family together is an art that requires a responsible approach!

Eh, this is our lot as women, and it’s not easy for men either)! I suggest you break away from sad thoughts and tell us what you are like. Mother! There is a passage on the portal that can bring you back to life and not worry about your marital relationship, at least for a while!

See you soon! I hope you will find useful tips for yourself on how to survive infidelity and divorce from your husband.

Still have questions? Pay attention to the seminar" How to help your child cope with their parents' betrayal"

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As a rule, a woman feels if her husband is cheating on her. Such things become obvious to many. A wife can recognize cheating by her husband's behavior. Each woman independently decides what to do in this situation. First of all, she needs to get over it. Some are sure that cheating is not a reason for divorce. Others, in the heat of emotion, decide to take extreme measures.

Signs of a cheating husband

There are several main signs by which you can understand that your husband is interested in another woman:

  • pays more attention to his appearance, buys fashionable clothes, constantly wears perfume;
  • changes in behavior are noticeable (he goes to work with joy, is always in a good mood);
  • became interested in sports;
  • accuses his wife of everything, down to the smallest detail (this is how a husband seeks excuses for himself);
  • gives gifts (trying to alleviate guilt).

Reasons for my husband's cheating

Often a wife, having learned about the betrayal, does not understand her husband’s actions. After all, everything was going well in family life. It is worth noting that there are many reasons for a husband to cheat:

  • routine (does not experience new sexual sensations with his wife);
  • an attempt to assert oneself (if a man fails to move up the career ladder, he receives reproaches, but for his mistress he is strong and skillful);
  • accident (one-time infidelity with a single woman on a business trip is not uncommon);
  • revenge (if the wife cheated earlier, and the husband found out about it);
  • social status (there are families in which cheating is considered the norm);
  • cooling in relations with his wife (if there is no mutual understanding in the family, the man looks for it on the side);
  • walking friends (men are often influenced by friends who cheat on their wives);
  • temptation (perhaps he did not intend to cheat, but another woman seduced him).

Whatever the reason, it is not an excuse for cheating. If a woman finds out about such an act by her husband, she begins to look for a way out of this situation. Is infidelity a clear reason for divorce?

What can you do?

When a husband cheats, the wife makes one of three decisions:

  • files for divorce and tries to improve his life after it;
  • forgives, tries to survive the betrayal, but save the family;
  • pretends to know nothing.

Divorce, or is there another way out?

Most couples file for divorce due to infidelity. For some spouses, this is the best solution. But, as statistics show, many women tolerate their husbands’ infidelities in order to save their family. And this is not surprising. Every mother wants her child to grow up with a father. Perhaps the reason for this behavior lies in love, which persisted even after many years of marriage. In this situation, the reason that prompted the man to such an act is of no small importance. If this is a momentary weakness, you can forgive. As for constant betrayal, it’s hardly worth putting up with. There are often cases when it was a man who filed for divorce, having become seriously infatuated with another chosen one.


It is not easy to forgive such humiliation as betrayal. Not every woman is capable of this. It happens that she says that she has forgiven, but in fact in her soul she feels resentment, anger and even hatred. As a result, the relationship with my husband will still not work out. If a wife forgives after cheating, it should come from the heart. Otherwise, nothing good will come of it. The relationship will still not work out; it is possible that the situation will repeat itself or it will turn out that the man himself could not stand it and filed for divorce.

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Not every woman will be able to pretend after her husband’s betrayal that nothing is happening. But sometimes such cases occur. According to psychologists, such behavior is unacceptable. Resentment will still accumulate in the soul and one day it will spill out in the form of reproaches and, as a result, divorce is inevitable. In addition, if you constantly keep emotions to yourself, this is fraught with mental disorders. To improve the situation in this way without harming yourself, you need to have great patience and courage.

If you think about it, you can come to the conclusion that there is no betrayal in happy families. Perhaps you should think about divorce. But it is also worth remembering that a man, although he belongs to the stronger sex, is essentially weaker than a woman. If he sincerely repents, he should be given a chance and not rush to file for divorce. A wife should definitely consider this option if she wants to stay with her husband.

My husband doesn't leave

There are situations when it turns out that the husband himself filed for divorce after cheating. But the opposite cases are also common. The wife finds out that she is betrayed by her husband, but he does not leave the family. He is satisfied with this situation, especially when the wife does not create scandals, but pretends that she knows nothing. This kind of attitude will not lead to anything good. The husband continues to go outside, at home he receives care and food, and his mistress has sex.

If the husband did not file for divorce himself, in such a situation the wife must do so. She will have to go through separation, because it is not worth putting up with betrayal, especially when your significant other does not realize the seriousness of her own act.

It happens that a man leaves, but is in no hurry to get a divorce. This is not a reason to celebrate. This state of affairs will probably result in him returning and reconciling with his wife when he quarrels with his mistress. This is definitely not worth tolerating. Thus, if the husband does not leave, the woman must act on her own. Divorcing your husband is the best solution in such a situation. You need to survive it, start life from scratch, meet someone who is able to appreciate and love.

How to tell your husband about divorce?

When the decision to divorce has been made, there is no point in delaying it. First you need to talk frankly with your husband, sort things out, talk about your feelings and intentions. It is necessary to explain why there is no point in saving the family. However, you shouldn’t throw tantrums and insult your spouse, because in such a state it won’t take long to quarrel without agreeing on anything. Most likely, after a frank conversation, the man realizes his mistake, but visits to his mistress are unlikely to stop.

If the first method did not help get rid of your husband, you will have to survive him using other methods. Of course, you shouldn’t burn your shirts or indulge in other similar trifles. It is enough to experience his presence. He must understand that the old relationship will no longer exist. From now on, food is prepared only for children, cleaning is done in all rooms except the one where the man lives, and his things are not involved in the washing process. Let the betrayed man feel like a tenant and understand that since he has chosen a different life for himself, his wife also has the right to organize her personal life.

When this method doesn’t work, all that remains is to put his things out the door. However, it is worth noting that such measures are drastic. In addition, there are many nuances. For example, a spouse is the owner of an apartment, then such actions are punishable by law. And, of course, scandals with your husband cannot be avoided. Thus, it is recommended to resolve everything amicably without making life difficult for each other.

How to keep your husband?

The opposite situation cannot be ruled out. The husband cheated and wants a divorce from his wife, but she, even considering his betrayal, is unable to let go. At the same time, the woman is ready to be humiliated, she herself comes up with reasons for which she herself is to blame. Of course this is wrong. But what to do if it is impossible to survive separation from your husband after cheating?

In this case, there is only one way out - to become a better mistress. It was not for nothing that the husband became interested in this woman; something attracted him to her. Perhaps he admires her image or hairstyle. It's also worth looking at yourself in the mirror. Maybe everyday problems left their mark on your appearance? In this case, you must definitely visit a beauty salon and update your wardrobe. It is likely that, seeing his wife in a new look, the husband will be inflamed with his former passion.

How to survive your husband's betrayal?

Sometimes, after the betrayal of a beloved man, life seems complete, nothing pleases and a woman has no idea how to survive separation from her husband after a divorce. First of all, you need to calm down and put your thoughts in order. With hysteria it is impossible to adequately assess the situation. When a husband neglects his wife, it hurts. But you should also analyze your own actions; perhaps the reason lies precisely in them.

When the initiative is taken by the husband, after the divorce the wife should not blame herself for all mortal sins. Only time will help you survive it. It is likely that this will be the one that will put everything in its place. It may turn out that the relationship with your husband has already cooled down after ten or twenty years of marriage, and the family “idyll” lasted only out of habit. In this case, there was no point in continuing it anyway.

To survive a divorce, you need to unwind, not shut down and cry alone. Good options would be meeting with friends, moving to your parents, or traveling abroad. Perhaps time will pass and the spouse will decide that he made a mistake, he was better off with his wife and will ask to return to the family. Or maybe the woman herself will not want to return to previous grievances, so as not to experience betrayal again. One way or another, you need to remember that divorce is not a reason to be discouraged and stop enjoying life.

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