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A 6-year-old child pees in the bed. What to do if your child pees. When can you talk about enuresis in a child?

Despite the abundance of diapers in different price categories, the presence of washing machines in almost every family, many parents are looking forward to the moment when the baby starts going to the potty without mistakes. Adding fuel to the fire are stories from mothers of their peers who brag about their children’s successes. You can often hear stories about how a baby stopped doing this at the age of 6 months.

In fact, it is considered normal if a child pees before 18-24 months. Only after this age does he begin to master excretory processes. At the same time, mistakes can be observed for quite a long time. Having been frozen or overplayed, a baby can wet his pants at 3 years old, 4 years old, and in some cases even later.

Baby pees at night

Until a certain age, the excretory system in children is imperfect and cannot be controlled. The body develops gradually. The nervous system matures, motor skills improve, and the baby learns awareness. Usually the child is ready to potty train at the age of 1.5-2 years. All the successes that were observed earlier are explained by simply catching the parents, but not by any conscious control of urination.

At the same time, we must not forget that each organism is unique. Some children develop faster, others slower, no matter how you rush things. You need to accept the child as he is, and not compare him with his peers. In pursuit of new skills, you can do harm. Early potty training with shouting and scandals will lead to psychological trauma and will cause rejection in the baby. But this matter should not be left to chance. It is important to gently teach the child, to show him how and where to relieve himself correctly.

Causes of bedwetting in children

There are many factors that affect the process of urination, and children are especially vulnerable to them. The slightest stress or illness can lead to the loss of new skills or cause a delay in their development. Among the most common causes of incontinence are the following:

  1. Psychological. If a child suddenly starts peeing at night, then most likely it is due to stress. It can be caused by a change in the usual environment (going to kindergarten, the birth of a brother), an unfavorable psycho-emotional situation within the family (divorce of parents, conflicts).
  2. Prohibition on expressing emotions. If a child is often scolded for peeing past the potty, then he is constantly in fear. Control over your own body weakens, mistakes become more frequent, which further aggravates the situation.
  3. Physiological problems. These may be structural features of the urinary system (small bladder volume), excessive fluid intake, neurological diseases or infections.

Doctors' opinions on the causes of urinary incontinence in children

Official medicine, represented by Dr. E. O. Komarovsky, speaking about uncontrolled urination, implies systematic episodes (3 times a month or more often). One-time cases are considered the norm even for 7.8 years old.

There are 5 main causes of enuresis: physiological with insufficient development of the central nervous system, neurotic with problems of a psychological nature, situational with a full bladder, infectious with diseases of the urinary system and epileptic caused by seizures. In the first 4 cases, incontinence responds well to treatment.

What to do to stop your child from peeing in bed, how to react

The first thing parents need to understand is that the baby cannot fully understand his action. He doesn't see the problem that he peed in the bed or anywhere else. Sometimes it even arouses some interest.

A child experiences the world in different ways. The task of parents is to explain and teach how to do it and what not to do. At the same time, it is very important to maintain peace of mind. There is no child who understands everything the first time. If you scold or punish him, this will only cause stress, because the baby does not understand what is wrong with his action.

Should I wear a diaper at night?

There are no uniform recommendations on this matter. Some parents don't use diapers at all from birth. If adults do not see anything bad in these hygiene products, and they are perfect for the baby, then you can practice diapering at night until 2-3 years of age.

If for some reason you no longer want to use a diaper, you can begin to wean yourself off it. Some children over 1.5 years old stop writing at night. Others can go small 3-4 times. In any case, you will need to take care of the safety of bed linen and mattress and lay down a special medical oilcloth. From time to time, excesses happen to every baby.

Should you wake up at night to go potty or not?

At first, parents will have to get up at night. There are only a few children who can endure it until the morning. Children who drink a lot of fluids before bed can pee especially often. In this case, it is worth waking up the child an hour after falling asleep, and then again after 3-4 hours (the time of the second pee varies individually). Or you can not wake up the baby for potty, but then you will have to get up in order to change the wet bed and clothes.

How to understand that enuresis has developed

Enuresis is a disease characterized by urinary incontinence, and children are its main carriers (95%). In most cases, it appears during sleep (more than 75% of carriers), and is less common during wakefulness. The cause of incontinence is determined individually in each case.

The diagnosis of enuresis can be made no earlier than 5 years.

The development of enuresis is also indicated by the sudden onset of urinary incontinence, for example, when a child began to pee at the age of 4, although before that he had been successfully going to the toilet for a long time.

What to do if a 5-6 year old child pees at night

If a child over 5 years old has urinary incontinence, you should contact your local pediatrician. Then the pediatrician refers you to specialized specialists - a urologist, a neurologist, a psychologist. After all consultations and a comprehensive examination, the reason why the child is peeing will be identified and appropriate treatment will be prescribed. Treatment for enuresis may include medication, physical therapy, and diet. Particular attention is paid to the enuresis alarm clock, which involves urinating at certain intervals.

Nocturnal enuresis is most common among children. To cope with it, doctors advise parents to listen to the following recommendations:

At the same time, it is very important not to shame the child for mistakes, but, on the contrary, to instill confidence in his own abilities. Praise him for his “dry” nights, and gradually they will become a pattern.

Treatment with folk remedies at home

Traditional methods of treating childhood enuresis are varied, and judging by reviews, in some cases they are effective. So, you can give a child a piece of salted herring before bed, make a suggestion that he will fall asleep soundly, but exactly until the moment when he wants to go to the toilet. It is also suggested to apply ginger compresses to the lower abdomen (juice with water 1:3), and prepare various herbal decoctions.

Herbs to use if your baby is peeing

To treat childhood enuresis, hawthorn, plantain, St. John's wort, and centaury are used. We invite you to familiarize yourself with the most popular recipes:

  1. Pour a tablespoon of plantain leaves into a glass of boiling water, strain after 20 minutes. Take a tablespoon before each meal.
  2. Mix a teaspoon of centaury and St. John's wort, brew 200 ml of boiling water. Drink instead of tea.
  3. Dry lingonberry leaves in the amount of 4 tablespoons, pour 0.5 liters of water, boil over low heat for 7 minutes, leave for another 40 minutes. Strain and take 200 ml before meals three times a day.

It should be remembered that the course of herbal treatment is long, from 2 weeks to several months. At the same time, it is important to exclude all diuretic foods and drinks from the diet: green tea, rosehip decoction, watermelon, celery, asparagus, etc.

Prevention of enuresis in children

To avoid the development of enuresis in a child, parents are advised to wean their baby off diapers in a timely manner. As a rule, this time occurs around two years. Teaching basic hygiene rules should take place calmly. It is very important to protect your child from stress. If a brother and sister appear in the family, the older child must be prepared in advance. Preventive measures for enuresis also include timely treatment of diseases of the urinary system. If a child pees frequently or complains of pain when urinating, he should be shown to a doctor.

Absolutely all children, up to a certain age, pee, this is natural. It is also natural for parents to want to quickly get rid of excess laundry and unpleasant-smelling carpets. But you shouldn’t rush things at such a sensitive moment. If mom and dad freak out and scream, this will only cause stress in the child, which, by the way, is often the cause of actual enuresis in older children. Therefore, only attention, affection and gentle direction, and the child will soon learn to control his body.

Natalia, Stavropol

Nighttime urinary incontinence in children under 5 years of age is considered normal. Unfortunately, there are children who, even at the age of 7-10, sometimes wake up on wet sheets. In addition to the fact that it is uncomfortable for a child to wake up in a wet, cold bed, he is also very ashamed. You can get rid of nighttime troubles only by establishing an accurate diagnosis of the disease that caused nocturnal enuresis.

What can cause enuresis in children aged 7-10 years

The processes that contribute to nighttime urinary incontinence (enuresis) in children of primary school age are represented by a physiological and psychological component. A wet bed upon waking causes trouble not only for the child, but for all family members. Most often, bedwetting occurs in boys and disappears by the beginning of adolescence.. This does not mean that the situation that has arisen does not need to be dealt with. If a child pees at night, he feels psychological discomfort, is ashamed and withdraws into himself.

The occurrence of nocturnal enuresis is caused by several reasons

  1. Psychological reasons

By the way, the nervous stress that the baby experiences can provoke bedwetting.

  • Change of environment (change of place of residence or transfer to a new school).
  • Conflicts in the family.
  • Loss of a loved one or four-legged pet.
  • Exams or tests at school.

In most of these cases, enuresis goes away without outside intervention, but sometimes the help of medical professionals may be required.

2. Failure or immaturity of the central nervous system

The body does not receive a signal that the bladder is full and that it is time to empty it. This reason is one of the main ones contributing to the manifestation of enuresis.

3. Hereditary factors

If both mom and dad suffered from the problem of night urination, then the probability of its occurrence in the child is almost 80%, and if one of the parents, then up to 45%.

4. Cold weather

Children are more sensitive to strong drops in temperature.

5. When a child is often taken to the toilet at night

He can sometimes wake up on his own and his conditioned reflex to urinate will quickly work.

6. Malfunctions of the endocrine system

In this case, the child exhibits not only enuresis. His sweating increases noticeably, his face becomes swollen, or he tends to become overweight.

7. Hormonal imbalance

8. Pathological abnormalities in the urinary system

9. Infection in the genitourinary system or vaginal infection (in girls)

10. Weak bladder or kidney function

The problem of enuresis during night sleep at 7-10 years old can be quite prosaic in nature. It’s just that the baby has a healthy, sound sleep or the root cause lies in the large amount of liquid, fruit or cold foods that he consumed before bed. Treatment in these cases will consist of timely monitoring of children.

Which doctor will help children get rid of enuresis?

First of all, parents, faced with nocturnal enuresis, turn to a pediatrician. As a rule, the doctor advises to wait a little, claiming that the problem will disappear over time. At best, he will prescribe a general blood test and an ultrasound examination of the internal organs.

On your doctor's advice, you should not wake your child up more often at night. This can only make the situation worse. Due to frequent getting up at night, the child may later develop symptoms of childhood neurosis.

A good pediatrician should determine what kind of specialist the baby will need and give a referral to a pediatric urologist, psychologist or neurologist. Only a complete examination will help determine what caused urinary incontinence during night sleep.

Don't wait for the problem to resolve itself without medical intervention. Contact your doctor at the first signs of the disease.

Methods to combat enuresis, depending on the causes of its occurrence

After a complete examination and detection of the causes of the disease, the doctor decides which method to use to solve the problem in a particular case.

Treatment with medications

  • The drug Adiuretin-SD is recognized as one of the effective remedies for childhood enuresis., which contains the substance desmopressin. It is an analogue of vasopressin, a hormonal agent that normalizes the process of excretion or absorption of free fluid by the body. The drug is released in the form of nasal drops and is prescribed to children from the age of eight. For a child who has not reached this age, the doctor reduces the dosage.
  • For bedwetting, tranquilizers may be prescribed to improve children's sleep. having a hypnotic effect. (Radedorm or Eunoctin).
  • For neuropathic manifestations of the disease, Rudotel is prescribed, Atarax or Trioxazine (children over 6 years old).
  • Neuro-like form of bedwetting is treated with Amitriptyline, however, its use before 6 years of age is contraindicated.
  • To increase the volume of the bladder, Driptan is prescribed in tablets.
  • To improve brain function, sedatives are prescribed, such as Persen, Nootropil, Novopassit, B vitamins, vitamin A and E. Pantocalcin may be prescribed. With its help, the development of impulses responsible for the acquisition of new skills is stimulated.

These products can only be used as directed and under the supervision of a physician. To avoid harm to the child, strictly adhere to the prescribed dosage.

Non-drug therapy

When the problem of bedwetting is psychological in nature, no medications will help unless irritating factors are eliminated from the student’s life. First of all, you should not scold your child for a wet bed or tease and ridicule him. This will only make the situation worse.

Fear of punishment or ridicule will provoke the development of the disease. You cannot tell strangers about the problems of your son or daughter, especially in their presence.

Creating a favorable microclimate in the family is the first step to success in the fight against childhood enuresis.

In addition, other factors have a beneficial effect on solving the problem

  • Daily regime. It is necessary to properly organize the teenager’s rest and study time. He should avoid heavy loads that lead to fatigue and increase the duration of sleep. The last meal should be 2.5-3 hours before bedtime. In the evening, you need to limit your intake of liquids, especially juices, dairy and fermented milk products.
  • Bladder training. The procedure begins at the age of seven. The child is taught to delay the process of urination. Watch when your baby goes to the toilet, ask him to be patient a little longer. Increase the delay time little by little. This will help develop bladder control.
  • Motivational therapy. The method is highly effective, allowing to solve the problem of nocturnal enuresis in 80% of children. The best doctor in this case is the child himself. The essence of the method is very simple - rewarding children for every dry night. One child needs simple praise, another needs a new toy, bicycle or skates. Hang a calendar above your son or daughter's bed, marking all the dry nights. Agree with your child that with a certain number of dry nights per week or month, the baby will receive a long-awaited gift. If he fulfills his part of the agreement, you, without any excuses, must fulfill yours.
  • Physiotherapy. The procedures promote improved functioning of the nervous system, brain and bladder. As therapeutic procedures, to ensure that the baby has a dry bed, electrophoresis, acupuncture, magnetotherapy are used, electrosleep, circular showers and therapeutic exercises are used.
  • Psychotherapy. The specialist teaches the child self-hypnosis and relaxation techniques. During the exercises, the reflex connection between the bladder and the nervous system, weakened for various reasons, is restored. In cases of severe neurotic enuresis, therapy for depressive mood shifts - tearfulness, fear, irritability or anxiety - is used. Family psychotherapy plays a big role in this, that is, creating a favorable climate in the family and comprehensive support for the child.

Traditional methods of combating bedwetting

Traditional medicine with its recipes can also become an assistant in the fight against illness.

  1. A tablespoon of dill seeds Brew a glass of boiling water and leave for 1 hour. Children up to 10 years of age are given half a glass to drink in the morning on an empty stomach.
  2. A decoction of St. John's wort leaves is added to the lingonberry compote. and give the child something to drink several times a day. The product helps well with incontinence, which is caused by psychological factors.
  3. Pour 2 tablespoons of rose hips into one liter of boiling water. and let it brew. You need to drink the infusion several times a day, replacing tea or compote with it. Rosehip not only helps to cope with enuresis, but also has a general strengthening effect on the entire body.

Traditional medicine offers a huge number of recipes for enuresis. But before using them, do not forget to consult your doctor.

For treatment to be effective, family members must become a moral support for the child. Praise him for every dry night, don’t scold him if the bed suddenly turns out to be wet again.

You need to reassure your loved one, inspire him that you can get rid of all this and that he is able to cope with the problem that has arisen. Feeling the full support of loved ones, the baby will quickly cope with such an unpleasant phenomenon as nocturnal enuresis.

Enuresis treatment with folk remedies - Recipes.

The first part of this article lists folk remedies for the treatment of enuresis in children, and the second part lists the treatment of enuresis in adult men.

How to cure enuresis in children

  • Treatment of nocturnal enuresis in a boy by suggestion:

The boy was already 3 years old, and at night he still wet the bed. One evening grandma

ka, putting him to bed, said: “Now we will close your pussy with this key, and at night we will give the key to grandfather so that he can keep it, and in the morning, when you wake up, we will open it for you.” She showed the child the key and twisted it

They had a grandson near their tummy and gave the key to grandpa. In the morning, when the grandson woke up, the grandfather was already standing next to the key, turned it around the child’s tummy and sent him to the toilet. That night the bed was dry. They did this for 8 days, until

but the grandson did not say that now he will close and open the lock himself. This is how I managed to get rid of enuresis

  • Children's enuresis - treatment with aspen:

1 tbsp. l. bark, aspen twigs, pour 1 cup of boiling water, boil for 10 minutes. Take 1/2 cup 3 times a day.

A woman gave this remedy to her 7-year-old son. He drank a weak infusion of spring aspen bark instead of tea, but without sugar. Gradually, the boy's nocturnal enuresis went away.

  • Treatment of enuresis with bird cherry:

The recipe is similar to the previous one, but instead of aspen bark and twigs, bird cherry bark is used. The drink is not as bitter as the previous one, so children drink it more willingly.

  • How we managed to cure nocturnal enuresis in a boy:

The boy was already 6 years old, but every morning, if his parents did not wake him up in the middle of the night to go to the toilet, the bed would turn out to be wet. A relative managed to cure enuresis in a child using a simple method. Before going to bed, she dipped a cotton wool in water, squeezed it out so that it wouldn’t drip, and ran this wet cotton wool along the child’s spine from the cervical vertebrae to the tailbone, back and forth 5-7 times. At this time, she read the “Our Father” prayer. She asked the parents not to wake the boy up at night. In the morning the bed was dry. Six months after the nervous breakdown, the child had a relapse. The method with cotton wool was repeated. 6 years have passed since then, the boy is doing well. (HLS 2009 No. 18, p. 9)

The same recipe was recommended to the mother of a boy suffering from enuresis by a kindergarten teacher. The child's urinary incontinence went away very quickly and forever.

  • Treatment of childhood enuresis with viburnum roots:

It was time for the boy to go to school, but every night he wet his bed. His parents were worried and treated him with various means, but all in vain. One day a gypsy woman came to them and suggested a folk remedy for enuresis. Wash 15 pieces of viburnum roots, 8-10 cm long, and add 2 liters of cold water. Bring to a boil and simmer over low heat for 40-50 minutes, leave, strain. Drink half a glass warm, adding a little honey, 3-4 times a day. The boy managed to cure enuresis with the help of this drink (HLS 2008 No. 19, p. 30)

  • Birch buds:

1 tbsp. l. crushed birch buds, pour 1.5 cups of boiling water, cook for 5 minutes over low heat under the lid, leave for 1 hour, wrap well, strain, squeeze. Take half a glass 2-3 times a day 20 minutes before meals. The course of treatment for enuresis is 2-3 weeks.

  • Treatment of enuresis in a child with sugar, honey and sweets:

A woman managed to cure a 10-year-old boy living next door from enuresis in such an unusual way: in the morning on an empty stomach the child should eat 1 teaspoon of granulated sugar, on the second morning - 2 teaspoons, etc. On the 10th morning you need to eat 10 tsp and start reducing one spoon at a time: at 11 am – 9 spoons, etc. You can’t drink sugar. The course of treatment is 1 cycle.

There are many other examples confirming this method: children can be cured of nocturnal enuresis with the help of sugar, honey, and caramels.

  • These are the examples:

In the evening, when the child is ready for bed, give him one caramel to suck. You need to suck, not chew. In this case, the child should sit in bed and not lie down. This should be done every evening for 2-3 weeks. The effect of treatment will definitely come.

To cure nocturnal enuresis in children, you need to give them honey before bed, you can’t wash down the honey with anything, and you should immediately go to bed. Children under three years old – 1 tsp. honey, from three to five - a dessert spoon, after five - a tablespoon. (2006 No. 17, p. 33).

If you want to cure a child from bedwetting, give him half a glass of water 2-3 days before bedtime, stirring 1 tsp in it. honey

  • Enuresis in a girl and a wasp's nest:

A girl under 7 years old suffered from nocturnal enuresis. They managed to cure it this way: in the attic they found a large wasp nest, 15-20 cm in diameter. They removed the dust from it, put it in an enamel pan, poured 3 liters of water and boiled it for 1 hour. This decoction was given to the girl instead of water 4-5 times a day. When the broth was over, the nest was filled with water again, but it had already been boiled for 3 hours.

After the girl drank the second portion of the decoction, her nocturnal enuresis went away. (HLS 2007 No. 18, p. 33)

  • Treatment of cystitis and enuresis in a child with parsley:

The boy suffered from cystitis and enuresis for a long time. I took a lot of medications that didn’t help, but simple parsley helped.

Parsley roots should be washed, chopped and dried. 2 tbsp. l. roots, pour 1 liter of boiling water, boil for 2-3 minutes. Leave for 40 minutes. Give this decoction to the child instead of water. The boy drank about half a liter per day, i.e. the portion was enough for 2 days. It only took a month for the child to sleep peacefully. The cystitis also went away.

Parsley also helps - young children with urinary incontinence are given a decoction of the leaves; it is also useful to eat as much fresh parsley as possible in the summer.

  • Belarusian folk remedy for enuresis:

Take a pig's bladder (not a wild boar's), soak it in salt water for several days, changing the water. Then soak in water and baking soda. Then lightly boil the bubble, grind it through a meat grinder, add minced meat, make cutlets, and freeze. In the morning, fry 1-2 cutlets and eat on an empty stomach. Eat a piece of bread. The course of treatment is 9 days.

  • Children's enuresis - treatment with thyme:

Brewing thyme and drinking it like tea is a very effective folk remedy for enuresis. A woman took in a foster child from an orphanage. The boy was 12 years old and suffered from enuresis. She began to give the child thyme tea, and after three months the illness went away. True, the woman woke him up during treatment 3 times a night at the same time.

  • Goat milk treatment:

The boy suffered from enuresis from birth. He was treated by a neurologist and in children's sanatoriums, but nothing helped. A nurse I knew advised the child to drink fresh goat milk; by that time he was already in the 5th grade. They began to take milk from a neighbor, morning and evening. At first the boy did not want to drink, but then he got used to it and began to ask for it himself. They gave me milk for a year, and everything went away.

Enuresis in adolescent and adult men

It often happens that nocturnal enuresis in boys does not go away for a long time, and even as teenagers and adult men they continue to wake up in a wet bed 1-7 times a week. In this case, the folk remedies given above can help: aspen or bird cherry bark, dill seeds, parsley decoctions. Enuresis alarms are very effective in treating nocturnal enuresis in adolescents.

  • Clay treatment:

This recipe helps with enuresis in children and adolescents, as well as involuntary loss of urine in the elderly.

Somehow she came across a book where it was written that even cancer can be cured with clay. I started making clay compresses for my son - I put hot clay on napkins, I put one napkin with clay on the bladder area, the other on the lumbar area. When the clay cooled, I used two more napkins with fresh hot clay. I changed the napkins until the 20 minutes were up. After the fifth procedure, the teenager’s pants became drier, and he did not wet the bed. A total of 10 procedures were required to completely cure enuresis in a teenager. (HLS 2008 No. 20, pp. 9-10)

  • Enuresis in men - herbal treatment:

Traditional healers considered tea made from a mixture of St. John's wort and centaury, taken in equal proportions, to be the most reliable remedy for urinary incontinence. The man had the urge to go to the toilet every 30 minutes, after he started drinking tea from these herbs, the time increased to 1.5-2 hours.

Here is another recipe for enuresis: pour 100 g of galangal root with 500 ml of vodka, leave for 7 days. Take 1 tbsp. l. 2 times a day.

  • Enuresis in adult men:

This method can be used to treat both children and adults, and pre-conscription conscripts were treated in the same way. A young man under 17 years old had nocturnal enuresis, neither pills nor procedures helped. And this folk remedy helped cure the disease.

A few minutes after the child has gone to bed, you need to approach him with a piece of herring and feed him. After that, say with him: “I won’t pee in bed today.” Do this procedure every evening. The course of treatment is 10-15 days.

  • Enuresis in men - treatment with horsetail:

This recipe helped the author of the letter get rid of enuresis, and it was also tested on relatives and friends. You need to put 2 tbsp in a half-liter jar. l. horsetail, pour boiling water, leave for 1-2 hours. Drink warm 20 minutes before meals. Daily norm – 500 ml. The course of treatment is 7 days.

Enuresis in older men

  • Treatment of urinary incontinence with herbs:

In old age, enuresis in men has some different causes than in adolescents and young men. This is due to age-related changes in the genitourinary system, muscle atrophy, and problems with the prostate gland. In men, with age, the size of the prostate increases, the lumen of the urethra narrows, frequent urination is replaced by difficulty, the bladder does not empty completely, it stretches, and the muscle “shrinks out.” In the last stage of this process, urine drips or involuntarily oozes from a full bladder.

If enuresis is accompanied by inflammation of the mucous membrane of the bladder (this often happens with prostatitis in men), then for treatment it is necessary to choose folk remedies that, along with the treatment of enuresis, relieve this inflammation. We must remember that bacteria that cause inflammation die in an acidic environment; teas from rose hips, or a mixture of centaury and St. John's wort, or from corn silk, an infusion of marshmallow roots (6 g per glass of cold water, leave for 10 hours) will help create an acidic environment in the body ), decoctions of viburnum bark, an infusion of berries and lingonberry leaves in half with St. John's wort, an infusion of dill seeds are widely known remedies for enuresis

  • The following recipe will help with bedwetting:

Take 2 parts of parsley seeds, 2 parts of horsetail, and 1 part each of heather, hop cones, lovage root, bean leaves. 1 tbsp. l. Brew the mixture with 1 cup of boiling water and drink throughout the day.

  • Urinary incontinence in men after removal of prostate adenoma:

An elderly man had his prostate adenoma removed, after which he suffered from urinary incontinence for several years. He did not agree to a repeat operation to correct the bladder neck and turned to the newspaper “Vestnik ZOZH” for advice.

Doctor med answered him. Sciences Kartavenko V.V. who advised the patient to cope with enuresis using gymnastics aimed at strengthening the rectus abdominis and long back muscles. Strengthening these muscles helps strengthen the bladder walls.

To strengthen the rectus abdominis muscles, you need to lie on your back, fix your legs and lift your upper body. To strengthen your back, you need to do the same thing, but just lie on your stomach (HLS 2011, No. 21, p. 14)

  • Walking on the buttocks treats frequent urination and adenoma in men:

Frequent urination in old age occurs in a large number of men. There is an easy way to get rid of this problem - walking on your buttocks...

The man got up to go to the toilet every 30 minutes at night because he had an adenoma. After I included walking on my buttocks in my exercises, I only get up 1-2 times at night.

In addition to enuresis, this exercise - walking on the buttocks - eliminates constipation, treats prolapse of internal organs, hemorrhoids, and strengthens the abdominal and back muscles.

All traditional methods of treatment may have contraindications. Before using prescriptions, consult your doctor!

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Bedwetting in children from one year to 5 years or more is a common occurrence in our age of diapers. This unpleasant phenomenon (medically called enuresis) ruins the lives of both children and parents. Sad statistics indicate that recently the number of cases of this disease in children has increased. The reasons may be different. Below we will look at the main ones, and also try to answer the question: what to do if a child pees at night.

Causes of bedwetting in children

It often happens that parents begin to sound the alarm early and try to discern something unnatural in the child’s behavior. Even if a 3-4 year old baby wets himself at night, there is nothing to worry about. Childhood is the main cause of bedwetting in children. Before the age of five, children are often unable to control their urination at night. This is due to too deep sleep. It’s worse if “surprises” happen to the child during the daytime. In this case, it would be useful to consult a doctor, although most likely no abnormalities will be found.

Psychological reasons

In some cases, bedwetting in a child is a consequence of psychological trauma or other types of psychological problems. These include:

  • uncomfortable atmosphere at home;
  • frequent quarrels and scandals in the family;
  • a lot of pressure on the baby from the parents;
  • lack of parental attention;
  • too busy days;
  • constant stress;
  • jealousy of younger or older brothers and sisters.

All these problems force the child to live in constant stress all day long (constipation often occurs as a result of this, and it is difficult for the child to go to the toilet for minor needs during the day). Only at night can the body relax and do “its own business.”

Physiological problems

These include deviations in the development and health of the child:

  • kidney problems;
  • diseases of the urinary system;
  • diabetes;
  • psychical deviations;
  • neurotic disorders;
  • taking certain medications (enuresis is a side effect).

Most often, children of the second or third year of life and older pee at night.

If there is any of the above deviations, enuresis manifests itself not only at night, but also during the day. In this case, urgent treatment is necessary.

When does a baby stop peeing at night?

If bedwetting every night is caused not by illness or a psychological problem, but by age and imperfection of the urinary system, then at a certain age this “disease” should disappear by itself.

Different doctors call different data. According to some, 90% of children outgrow childhood (primary) enuresis by the age of 8-9 years.

Others believe that already at the age of 5 the child’s body can cope with the functions assigned to it and the child will stop peeing at night.

One way or another, if after 5 years you often find your baby’s crib damp, then it is better to consult a pediatrician.

Do you need a diaper?

Many doctors tend to think that the main reason for the frequent cases of childhood enuresis lies in the popularity of disposable diapers. They allow the child to always remain dry and suppress natural instincts that need to be developed.

So, already at six months the baby can quite consciously restrain the urge to urinate so as not to lie in wet diapers. A baby dressed in diapers does not know what a wet diaper is, so he pees whenever he wants.

In this case, parents can be advised to take the following measures:

  1. potty train your child early;
  2. switch to reusable diapers;
  3. often leave the baby naked (without diaper);
  4. after 1.5 years (potty training time), stop wearing diapers at night.

Treatment of childhood enuresis

The first thing parents should do to rid their child of the habit of wetting the bed is to create a comfortable and friendly environment in the house. Don’t take it out on your baby, don’t reproach him, and especially don’t shame him for the described sheets.

Yes, washing a bunch of things every day is a dubious joy, but the psychological health and comfort of the baby should be above all.

  1. First of all, do not scold your child or focus too much attention on the problem. The baby is just as worried as you are (if not more so).
  2. Place oilcloth under the sheet.
  3. Surround your baby with care, warmth and affection. Show him your love so that he does not feel psychological discomfort.
  4. Go on visits, trips, picnics. You should not limit your child’s simple joys and communication because of his problem.
  5. Follow a daily routine: it’s better to go to bed and wake up at the same time.
  6. Don't let your baby drink a lot at night. It is better to drink the main amount of liquid before 4-5 hours. BUT! Remember that such a restriction should not be torment for the baby. If he is thirsty in the evening, let him quench his thirst.
  7. In the evening, do not give your child kefir, milk and fruits, as they have diuretic properties. It is also undesirable to give your child liquid cereals, soups, salty and spicy foods in the evening.
  8. In the evening, avoid noisy, energetic games.
  9. Buy your child a hard mattress.
  10. Make sure your baby pees before going to bed.

These measures can significantly reduce the number of sheets described, but still they are not a solution to the problem.

There are four ways to deal with childhood enuresis:

  • psychotherapeutic;
  • medicinal;
  • physiotherapy;
  • folk

Drug treatment for childhood enuresis

It is easy to guess that he means the use of special means: tablets, mixtures, suppositories, etc. The doctor can prescribe antibiotics, antidepressants, drugs that increase bladder tone, and others.

You should not delve into this topic, since only an experienced doctor can prescribe the correct treatment. But it is important to note that it is preferable to treat childhood enuresis with alternative methods, such as physiotherapy or psychotherapy.

Physiotherapeutic method for treating childhood enuresis

This area of ​​treatment includes:

  • acupuncture;
  • massage;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • music therapy;
  • laser therapy.

It is better to contact a competent specialist so that he can prescribe a course of a particular procedure. Homeopathy works well against childhood urinary incontinence.

Psychotherapeutic method for treating childhood enuresis

This method is used when incontinence occurs due to psychological problems in the child. In this case, consultation with an experienced psychologist is simply necessary. Psychotherapeutic methods such as:

  • self-hypnosis;
  • auto-trainings;
  • drawing;
  • hypnosis;
  • dolphin therapy.

The last two methods, unfortunately, are not available to everyone, but the others work just as well.

You can implement several independent psychotherapeutic methods at home.

  • Let's wake up the child!

It sounds barbaric, but try waking your baby every hour throughout the night for a week. This is necessary so that the child does not have time to describe the bed and can go to the potty when needed. Next week, increase the time between awakenings.

If you notice that your child begins to toss and turn in his sleep and sleep restlessly, carefully wake him up and put him on the potty. There is a high probability that it is precisely during the period when the baby’s sleep becomes restless that he wants to go to the toilet.

  • Autotraining

With older children (6-7 years old), you can practice a kind of auto-training. Let the baby repeat after you the attitude: “When I want to go to the toilet, I will wake up and pee in the potty” (the words can be changed, the main thing is the meaning). Keep a notebook in which you will note “dry” nights and “wet” nights. Reward your baby for 5 or 10 “dry” nights.

  • Psychological games

A large number of psychological games for adjusting children’s behavior are presented on the Internet and in specialized literature. You can consult a psychotherapist, and he will also tell you what games are best to play with your child in order to wean him from the habit of peeing in the bed.

Parsley decoction can help cope with enuresis

Traditional recipes for childhood enuresis

Traditional medicine has its own quite effective recipes for the treatment of childhood enuresis. However, before applying them in life, it is worth finding out why the child pees at night.

  1. Parsley. Brew 3-5 grams of parsley roots with a glass of boiling water for 30 minutes. The day before, let your baby drink a glass of the resulting infusion.
  2. Dill. Brew 1 spoon of dill seeds with 1 glass of boiling water and leave for 2 hours. The child should drink the infusion in the afternoon.
  3. Birch. Pour 2 tablespoons of birch buds with half a liter of water. Leave for 10-15 minutes, then strain and let your child drink.
  4. Collection. Mix hawthorn fruits, peppermint and horsetail in a 2:1:1 ratio. Brew a spoonful of the mixture in a thermos in half a liter of water for 5-6 hours. Give the infusion to your child 20 minutes before meals, a quarter glass.
  5. Herbs. Herbs help very effectively against childhood enuresis: mint, birch, chamomile, St. John's wort, motherwort.

But remember that before using this or that folk remedy, you must consult a doctor (therapist or naturopath). It is better not to give herbal infusions to children in their second year of life.


When a child pees at night at 2-3 years old, this is the norm, but after five years the baby should already control natural urges. In order to avoid/get rid of childhood enuresis in children over five years of age, adhere to the following rules:

  • Don't scold your child;
  • Provide a good environment at home;
  • Follow your sleep and nutrition schedule;
  • Consult a psychologist;
  • Do not deny your baby the usual joys and games.

Only the kind, patient attitude of parents will help the child get rid of his little nighttime problem.

Urinary incontinence during sleep is an unpleasant phenomenon for children and their parents. A disease of this kind is medically called enuresis. However, here it is necessary to make a reservation: if a child pees at night, this condition can be considered a disease only when he has reached the age of six. It is believed that at this age the formation of full control of bladder functions is completed. As a rule, enuresis occurs 2 times more often in boys than in girls.

Why does a child pee at night?

The causes of urinary incontinence at night include the following:

Infections leading to inflammation of the genitourinary system,
- congenital malformations of the urinary tract,
- organic lesions of the brain and spinal cord,
- psychotraumatic situations and stress,
- neurotic conditions,
- mental disorders,
- side effects of certain drugs (tranquilizers, anticonvulsants).

Treatment of nocturnal enuresis in children

To treat urinary incontinence, a comprehensive approach is used, including a combination of several methods. Drug treatment consists of the use of pharmacological drugs (antibiotics, tranquilizers, antidepressants, metabolic drugs for the brain, hormonal drugs - depending on the reason why the child wets the bed).

Non-drug methods include psychotherapy (self-hypnosis and hypnosis) and physiotherapeutic treatment (acupuncture, laser therapy, magnetic therapy, music therapy, etc.). Regular measures and diet also have a therapeutic effect on children with enuresis.

Doctors from several specialties take part in the treatment. These are pediatricians, neurologists, endocrinologists, psychiatrists, urologists, nephrologists, homeopaths, physiotherapists, psychologists and some others.

Treatment of a child with folk remedies at home

Having examined the child and established the cause of enuresis, you need to begin to eliminate the problem.

Of great importance here is the desire and perseverance in achieving the goals of the children themselves and their parents. What should be done to prevent a child from wetting the bed?

First of all, you can use the technique of night awakenings. According to this technique, the child is woken up every hour after midnight every day for seven days. Then, after a week, he is woken up once a night at the same time, choosing an interval so that during the remaining time the child does not have time to wet the bed. This period of time is smoothly reduced by moving the time of awakening to an hour after falling asleep. If the child wets himself twice in a week, the whole procedure starts all over again.

Ten-year-old children can benefit from self-hypnosis when going to bed. The child must repeat to himself several times: “I want to wake up dry. Urine will not leave my body while I sleep. If I want to urinate, I’ll quickly get up and go to the toilet.” In addition, you can keep a diary in which you note “dry” and “wet” nights. The parents agree with the child that for 10 “dry” nights they will give him a gift. It is important that the child changes his own underwear after an episode of urinary incontinence.

The special diet of N.I. Krasnogorsky can help in combating the problem. It consists in regulating water and electrolyte balance in the body. A child can drink any amount of liquid and eat different foods until 3 p.m. After this time, the volume of liquid and liquid dishes is sharply reduced. At 18:00 the child has dinner without drinking liquid. During dinner, he should not be given liquefied cereals, salty foods, vegetables and fruits. You are allowed to eat butter, bread, eggs, meat and fresh fish. With such a diet, liquid introduced into the body before 15 hours must be eliminated before nightfall.

At about 20 o'clock, before going to bed, the child takes salty food: a little herring or a sandwich with sausage, smoked butter and cheese. After consuming these foods, fluid will be retained in the tissues, which will reduce the rate of urine formation in the kidneys, and, consequently, the amount of urine in the bladder. This diet, in combination with medications, is used for four weeks.

Among other things, parents and relatives of children suffering from enuresis need to ensure daily compliance with the daily routine and follow some general recommendations. Under no circumstances should you punish children or show rudeness or impatience when a sensitive situation arises. It is necessary to systematically instill in a sick child confidence in his own abilities and in the effectiveness of treatment.

Limit your child's fluid intake in the evening, especially after dinner. It is unlikely that you will be able to avoid drinking at all, but cutting the amount by half is quite possible. In addition to drinking, dishes and foods with a high liquid content (first courses, liquid cereals, juicy fruits and vegetables) are limited. In this case, the diet should be balanced in nutrients and energy. Make sure that during the day your child does not consume foods and drinks that have a diuretic effect (rose hips, green tea, currants, strawberries, raspberries, watermelon, melon). If this fails, try to have him consume them at least 3 hours before bedtime.

The surface of the bed on which a sick child sleeps should be covered with a hard mattress, and the child should be turned over repeatedly during deep sleep.

Try to protect him from excessive positive and negative emotional stress, as well as from overwork.

Insist that your child go to the toilet or sit on the potty before bed.

During sleep, the child should not become hypothermic.

Waking him up a few hours after falling asleep to empty his bladder is often effective. But, if at the same time, the child urinates unconsciously and is in a sleepy state, then your actions will only worsen the situation.

At night, leave dim light in the children's room so that the child is not afraid of the dark and can calmly sit on the potty or go to the toilet.

Herbs to use if your baby is peeing

If the child does not have allergies, you can use herbal recipes.

1. Hawthorn flowers and fruits - 2 parts, Peppermint leaves - 1 part, Horsetail grass - 1 part.
To 1 tbsp. l. collection, add 0.5 liters of boiling water, leave in a thermos for 4-6 hours. Drink ¼ cup on an empty stomach in the morning and 2-3 times a day before meals.

2. Oregano, Hawthorn fruits.
Take one part of each herb. Brew a tablespoon of the mixture using the same method in a thermos and drink throughout the day instead of tea, diluting it with water before drinking.

3. Motherwort, Valerian, Horsetail herb, St. John's wort herb
Brew 500 ml of boiling water, one part of each herb. Infuse in a thermos and drink in equal parts throughout the day, diluting with water.

4. 1 tbsp. spoon of dill seeds per 500 ml of boiling water. Leave in a thermos for 2-3 hours, strain. Drink 1/4 glass at a time, 1 time per day.

Treat with any prescription for 10 days. Then take a month off and repeat.

Prevention of enuresis in children

Try to promptly stop using disposable and standard reusable diapers. As a rule, this time comes when the child turns two years old. At this age, children need to be taught the basic rules of neatness.

Monitor the amount of liquid your child drinks during the day (taking into account the air temperature and time of year). Teach children hygienic body care, including care of the external genitalia.

If urinary tract infections occur, treat them promptly and thoroughly.

Protect your child from emotional overload and stressful situations. The birth of a brother or sister could become such a situation for your child, so the child must be prepared for such an important moment long in advance.

Pediatrician S.V. Sytnik

Many young parents are overwhelmed by thousands of questions related to their children. One of the popular ones is when to potty train a child? There are many people who want to give advice regarding the toilet topic. However, their comments may differ radically from each other. Then moms and dads begin to feel dizzy from the advice, and it becomes more difficult to choose a certain tactic in this matter. Let's try to systematize information about potty training and answer the popular question: how to stop a child from peeing in bed at night?

When to potty train a child?

It is this question that I would like to highlight first. Many parents begin to teach their child to control peeing almost from the diapers (from 2 months) so that by the age of one year the baby can ask to go to the potty on his own. This attitude was laid down by our mothers and grandmothers. This was the custom in their time. And this technique smoothly transitioned into modern realities.

Young mothers, systematically planting their baby from infancy, can ensure that the child will go to the potty by one year, and maybe by 7-8 months. But he will do this unconsciously. Scientists have proven that the process of emptying the bladder up to 2 years occurs automatically, i.e. the sphincter, which holds fluid in the bladder, opens when it is full. Only by 24 months will the baby be able to understand and build a cause-and-effect relationship that will allow him to ask to go to the potty at the right time. Therefore, experts recommend not starting training before one and a half to two years.

The question arises: why did older people start planting much earlier? The answer is simple - no diapers. Indeed, in the days of our mothers, “Pampers” and “Haggis” were an expensive pleasure, so everyone used diapers, which constantly had to be washed and boiled. This routine work was exhausting. In order to make their lives easier, parents tried to potty train their children much earlier. Many will say that constantly wearing diapers will adversely affect the health, especially of boys. This is a myth that has no evidence base. Today they produce diapers that are made from materials that do not create a greenhouse effect when worn. The main rule is to change diapers every 4 hours.

It is best to potty train from one and a half to two years, when the baby becomes more independent and smart. If a child does not go to the potty in a year, this is normal.

Which pot should you choose?

The range of pots in children's stores is huge. My eyes run wild: with the steering wheel, and with giraffes, and with dogs, and with flashing lights. But all these game elements, designed to make the child friends with the potty, will only distract from the necessary task. Therefore, limit your choice to your favorite children's color. It is safest to buy a pot made of plastic. Firstly, it is more pleasant to the body and does not feel too cold. Secondly, it is durable and lightweight. Pots with an O-shaped hole are suitable for girls, and more elongated ones for boys. Pay special attention to the stability of the night vase.

Each baby is individual, and there is no clear guide on how to teach a child to pee in a potty. Each parent chooses his own tactics in this matter. Here are some tips that will allow your child to learn a new skill:

  • Explain to the child what a potty is and what it is needed for. Let me get to know him and play.
  • Leave the potty within sight of children. If the learning process is moving forward, the child should always have the opportunity to independently demonstrate his new skills.
  • Reward every successful potty trip. Positive emotional reinforcement of correct actions is very important for a child.
  • Don't put pressure on him, especially don't use intimidation tactics. This can trigger the opposite process - potty refusal.
  • Try to put your child on the potty after bedtime.
  • Don’t shame your baby if he didn’t have time to get to the potty in time.

What mistakes can parents make?

To make the process of learning “toilet work” faster and more painless, try to avoid the following mistakes:

  • Early potty training. The optimal age for this is 1.5-2 years. From this time on, the child will consciously approach the process of learning a new skill.
  • The potty training process should be interrupted if the baby gets sick or doesn’t feel well.
  • Although diapers are completely safe to wear at all times, allow your baby to go without them for part of the day. This is necessary so that the baby smoothly transitions to regular panties and understands what happens when he doesn’t use the potty on time.
  • There is no need to force the child to sit on the potty until the bladder is emptied. Otherwise, the baby may boycott the potty.
  • Give your child more independence in potty-related matters. Let him take responsibility for his actions.
  • When it comes to potty training, system is important. Once you have started this process, you cannot stop or take long breaks.

Until what age is urinary incontinence normal?

You should start introducing children to the potty at the age of 2. By the age of 3-4 years, the baby can already control his trips to the potty during the daytime. Why does a child pee in bed at night? At night, many children suffer from enuresis. This is mainly due to physiology, since the nervous and urinary systems are still in the maturation stage, and the baby is not able to control discharge during sleep. Therefore, if a 5-year-old child pees in bed at night, there is no need to panic, this is within normal limits. Many pediatricians increase the age limit for children's night peeing to 7-8 years.

Causes of bedwetting in children

It is important to divide the concept of enuresis into 2 types: primary and secondary. With primary enuresis, children pee in their pants from birth, but with age this process declines. Then the baby begins to control his discharge. Secondary enuresis occurs when the child is ready to sleep without a diaper at night, but some external factor provokes the reverse process. The causes differ for different types of enuresis. For primary it is:

  • The child temporarily does not feel the desire to urinate.
  • Immaturity of the nervous and urinary systems.

Causes of secondary enuresis:

  • stress;
  • scary dreams;
  • large amounts of food or water before falling asleep;
  • cold in the room where the child sleeps.
  • medical reasons (more about them).

If a child pees in the bed at night, let’s try to figure it out what to do.

When to see a doctor?

Sometimes, in order to answer the question: how to stop a child from peeing in bed at night, you need to contact a specialist who will determine the cause of bedwetting. Sometimes enuresis is a symptom of a disease. To exclude all kinds of negative diagnoses, you need to see a doctor and get tested. Possible diseases include urinary tract infections, diabetes and epilepsy.

Urinary tract infection

It happens that a child can become infected with bacteria that cause cystitis. Therefore, you need to take a responsible approach to the hygiene of children, and especially girls. It is important to remember that you can only wash the girl under running water and from front to back. The inflammatory process occurring inside the bladder irritates its walls. This causes uncontrollable urination. A simple urine test will help determine the presence of a genitourinary infection.


Children with diabetes often experience problems with uncontrolled peeing. This is due to the fact that when the child has high blood sugar levels, he becomes thirsty. The body needs water to remove excess sugar, which poisons the body. As a result, the child suffers from involuntary urination. To initially diagnose the problem, you need to take a blood sugar test.


The cause of nocturnal enerusea can be increased excitability of the brain, which manifests itself as epilepsy-like seizures. They most often occur at night and cause uncontrolled urination. This disease can be diagnosed by undergoing an overnight examination in a clinic, where brain activity during sleep is determined using an electroencephalograph. Also, during the entire night session there is a video camera that records all the baby’s movements during sleep. After a comprehensive diagnosis, doctors make or remove a diagnosis.

How to stop a child from peeing in bed at night?

The development of each baby is individual. You shouldn’t rely on average standards, much less give in to panic. To help your child overcome difficulties with nocturnal enuresis, use some tips.

  1. If your child is ready to give up diapers at night, then initially cover the mattress with a special waterproof film or buy a special mattress cover that protects against moisture penetration. This will allow you to endure nighttime “accidents” more calmly, without fear that the furniture will be damaged.
  2. When going to bed, prepare a second set of bed linen and a clean nightgown for your child. If during sleep he involuntarily empties his bladder, then he will always have something to change into and make the bed with. Try to delegate the responsibilities of changing clothes after “accidents” to your child, but this should only be done in a gentle manner.
  3. Be a support for your baby. Let him know that you will help him cope with these temporary difficulties. You will definitely succeed. It is important for your baby to feel your participation and support.
  4. Try to limit drinking too much before bed. Many children, drinking large amounts of liquid in the evening, wet the bed during sleep.
  5. Limit your evening diet on certain foods that can cause bedwetting. For example, sour, spicy foods that irritate the mucous membranes, including the bladder.
  6. Be sure to follow the regime. This is necessary so that the baby’s brain is oriented when it is necessary to hold urine.
  7. Before going to bed, be sure to ask your child to visit the toilet.
  8. Sometimes you can wake up your baby several times during the night to encourage him to go potty. Perhaps this will develop the habit of waking up at night in order to go to the toilet.
  9. Make sure the temperature in the room where your baby sleeps is comfortable. Sometimes a cold atmosphere in the bedroom can trigger bedwetting.
  10. Never punish your child for ruining their sheets and pajamas. This is already stressful for children, don’t escalate the situation.
  11. If you have doubts about your child’s health, be sure to consult a pediatrician. He will examine the child and prescribe appropriate tests that will rule out any medical reasons for bedwetting. Perhaps children's nocturnal enuresis is associated with psychological trauma and stress. Then you need to go for a consultation with a psychotherapist.

The main advice to a parent who is tormented by the question of how to stop a child from peeing in bed at night is not to panic and be a support for your baby. Only joint work will allow you to quickly cope with minor troubles. It is very important for a child to feel the confident shoulder of a parent who will be there under any circumstances.

Children develop differently, and while some kids easily refuse to use diapers at night and wake up dry or get up on the potty at night, others continue to pee in bed until preschool age. For a certain percentage of children, the problem continues during school years.

When trying to teach a child to wake up in the middle of the night, so that if he cannot stay dry until the morning, it is important to have patience and remain calm - the time will come, and the baby will definitely begin to cope with the task.

You should not scold a child for “misfires,” compare him with other children, or shame him—a negative emotional background and psychological pressure can aggravate the problem and create conditions for the development of persistent nocturnal enuresis.

When to start

By the age of two or three, most children can manage without absorbent diapers during the day. They ask to go to the potty or use it independently, which means that the child has learned to control his body while he is awake.

However, a soundly sleeping baby is not able to recognize the urge to urinate, which leads to “accidents.” It takes some time and practice for his brain to learn to give a wake-up signal on time. A child of two or three years of age can be taught to wake up at night to be put on the potty. Over time, it will become easier for him to stay dry until the morning as his bladder capacity increases.

Getting ready to go diaper free at night

Since “misfires” are inevitable at first, put a special waterproof cover on the mattress in the crib (it must allow air to pass through so as not to harm the child’s health), or cover its central part with medical oilcloth.

Always have a spare set of bedding and pajamas for your baby at the ready. This will allow you to quickly and without hassle make the bed and change the child’s clothes at night in case of an “accident”.

The potty should always be in the same place so that the child does not look for it while asleep. It is important to use a comfortable, not cold plastic pot.

Pay attention to the microclimate in the baby's bedroom, what he covers himself with while sleeping. If the room is cool and the blanket is too warm, the child may throw it off in his sleep, then freeze and wet himself - the cold during sleep provokes urination.

Preparation for sleep

To give your baby a better chance of not peeing in the crib at night, regulate your fluid intake. Throughout the day, let him drink as much as his body requires. During dinner, the child must drink a cup of weak tea, milk or juice. But two to three hours before bedtime, fluid intake should be stopped.

In the evening, drinks with a diuretic effect are contraindicated for children - these include, in particular, drinks with caffeine. Also, do not feed your baby or melon at night - in this case, he will want to pee several times during the night.

Make sure that within an hour before bedtime the child sits on the potty to pee at intervals of 20 minutes. This is more reliable protection against a puddle in the crib at night than a single trip to the toilet before bed, since after the first emptying the bladder receives a signal from the brain to fill. After sitting on the potty three times at short intervals, the baby will remove more excess fluid.

Be sure to follow a strict daily routine - in this case, it is easier for the brain to adjust the functioning of the body correctly, including the functioning of the bladder. If a child goes to bed and gets up at the same time, his body quickly gets used to holding urine during the sleep interval.

Adjusting the menu

Pay close attention to your baby's menu: he may be forced to write at night by an allergic reaction to certain foods or their diuretic effect. Bladder irritation is caused by spicy and sour foods. And herbal teas and milk increase drowsiness and prevent the child from waking up to go to the potty. Keeping a food calendar with notes about “emergency” days will help identify unwanted foods.

According to some researchers, problems with urinary incontinence at night are aggravated by a lack of magnesium and calcium in the child's body.

The source of these elements are:

  • milk, dairy products, cheese;
  • legumes (beans, peas);
  • nuts;
  • sesame;
  • bananas;
  • broccoli.


Before you put your child to bed without diapers for the first time, talk to him, explain that he is already big, and it’s time to learn to sleep without diapers (read the article on how to wean your child off diapers). Warn him that you will wake him up at night to put him to pee on the potty.

At first, you will have to control your baby's nighttime behavior - as soon as he starts fiddling and tossing and turning, sit him down to write. Restless sleep in children is usually associated with discomfort from a full bladder.

You can set an alarm clock and put your child on the potty three times during the night, then twice, increasing the time intervals. This way the baby will gradually learn to sleep without “accidents”.

During this period of struggle for dry nights, the child needs moral support. Don’t scold him for “misfires” and be sure to rejoice with him at every “victory”. Draw a calendar for the current month on a piece of landscape paper and draw a smiling sun or a cloud with rain in the appropriate box every morning. The baby will strive to have more “sunny days”.

Additional measures

If the usual training method does not give stable results, visit a pediatrician. A child may regularly pee in bed at night due to a bladder infection. If you are prone to infections, it is important to boost your baby’s immunity.

A visit to the doctor will also be required if, after a long period of dry nights, the child suddenly begins to regularly wet the bed again. The cause may be illness or severe stress.

Teaching a two- to three-year-old child to stay dry at night can take several months, it all depends on the characteristics of the child’s body and development. Over time, everything will return to normal if you treat your baby with love and care.

What to do if a child pees in his sleep? This question occupies many mothers precisely at the time when they decide that the baby is already fully trained to go to the potty, perfectly understands its purpose, and also knows how to ask to go to the toilet.

Here is a typical complaint from such a mother: “I don’t know what to do anymore. Since the summer we have been sleeping without diapers, before my son slept all night without peeing and didn’t wake up, but now I change my bed linen 2 times a night! At the same time, he sleeps as if nothing had happened, waking up only when the “deed” has already been done. I don’t let him drink a lot at night; he always goes to the potty before bed. I was already desperate about whether I should act or let go of the situation and wait it out. Maybe it will get better on its own?”

When is it written as normal, and when is it pathological?

If the baby is not yet 4 years old, then small “accidents” will occur during sleep. The connection between the higher nervous system and the bladder is not yet so perfect that the baby feels the need to go to the potty every night. Such children may already be fully aware of their desires while awake, but may not feel them in their dreams.

The child pees in his sleep and wakes up when he already feels wet. That is, discomfort is a stronger irritant than the impulse to urinate. Gradually, the child’s nervous system will mature, and the problem will go away on its own.

If parents do not focus on her, this period will pass painlessly. Just put a change of pajamas and underwear in advance. And when the baby wakes up, put them on the potty and change them.

Should I wake my child up at night to go pee? No, you shouldn't do this. In addition to telling him “we have a problem,” it will disrupt his sleep patterns. It's okay if you go back to diapers from time to time. The baby won’t even remember them, but the night will be calm for both him and you.

If a child pees in his sleep when he is already 4 years old, then there is a possibility of neurotic enuresis.

What if this is a pathology?

As a rule, about 10% of children of preschool and early school age suffer from enuresis to one degree or another. Boys are more likely than girls.

You need to understand that there is primary enuresis. It existed initially, when the baby was constantly peeing in his pants and never had the desire to ask to go to the potty.

There is secondary or neurotic enuresis. This is the name given to the disease if the child had a gap of about a year when he successfully performed his business in the toilet. By the way, such children clearly have a family predisposition to urinary incontinence. Therefore, ask the parents of your significant other carefully: did he or she have similar problems in childhood.

How does enuresis manifest?

Typically, complaints that a child pees in his sleep appear when some traumatic situation appears or repeats in his life. This could be a divorce of parents, another scandal in the family, a move, the death of a grandmother or a beloved pet. Cases of enuresis occur in connection with physical punishment.

The child’s personality also matters. Urinary incontinence occurs more often in children who are characterized by timidity, anxiety, self-doubt, fear, and impressionability.

These properties aggravate the situation: at early school age, such children begin to feel ashamed of their disability. They experience it as a feeling of inferiority. They anxiously await new urination, and they are afraid to go to bed.

Enuresis is often combined with other neurosis-like conditions: tics, stuttering, tearfulness, irritability or moodiness.

How to treat?

If your child pees in his sleep, first of all, you need to take him to the doctor. It is necessary to find out whether this pathology is neurological or whether there are any anomalies in the structure of the genitourinary system.

Neurological enuresis is treated by a pediatric neurologist. Sometimes, to carry out complex diagnostic procedures, it is necessary to go to the department.

An important point is the organization of drinking and eating regimen. There is no need to limit liquids during the day, but the last cup of tea you drink should be 3-4 hours before bedtime. The same applies to watching TV shows, outdoor games and reading fairy tales.

The most common is the Krasnogorsky diet. It consists in the fact that until 15 o'clock in the afternoon the child is not limited in liquids and food. Next, exclude liquid food and drink. For dinner, dishes with low water content are served, including salted fish. The diet is carried out over a course of 2–3 months.

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