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Sun on a paper stick. Bright and beautiful craft "Sun". We will learn how to make it with our own hands from different materials. We make paper crafts. "Sunshine" to every home

Children in the middle and older groups of kindergarten should be able to work with scissors, glue and paper. Joint crafts with their teachers help them with this. The circle is one of the simplest shapes a child can master. Therefore, the first arts and crafts lessons usually include working with round shapes, such as the image of the sun. In the master class below we will look at how you can make a sun quickly and easily with your own hands, using various techniques available to the smallest craftsmen.

How to make a sun with your own hands from your palms in a master class

One of the most popular crafts for kindergarten is making panels from palms outlined on paper and cut out. This technique not only teaches children to use paper and scissors, but also helps to establish good relationships with other kids in the group, because the sun is made from palms collectively.

Necessary materials:
  • colored paper yellow, orange and red;
  • printed image of the sun (optional);
  • scissors;
  • simple pencil;
  • double-sided tape or stapler;
  • film for lamination.
Operating procedure.

We trace children's palms on sheets of colored paper and cut out 45-50 blanks of different colors. We place the blanks in lamination film and cut along the contour, avoiding the formation of air bubbles between the film and paper. We connect our palms into long rays, folding them overlapping and fastening them with a stapler or tape, 4-5 pieces at a time. We place the rays in a circle in the shape of a sun, fixing them in several places.

When all the rays from the palms are connected, glue the printed image of the sun to the center. You can draw the face yourself on a plain paper mug using markers or colored pencils.

The craft is ready!

Let's try to assemble a simple pasta sun with your child

An unusual and very easy-to-make panel can be made using shaped pasta. This work will help your child learn to carefully lay out the elements of a picture, comparing materials of different shapes and textures.

Necessary materials:
  • curly pasta: rings, bows, etc.;
  • gouache;
  • PVA glue;
  • brush;
  • white and colored paper;
  • colored cardboard;
  • cotton pads;
  • large beads.
Operating procedure.

Cut a sheet of colored cardboard to the required size. If you don't have colored cardboard, you can use white cardboard and glue a sheet of bright paper onto it. We mark a circle in the center of the base and apply a fairly large amount of glue to this area. We fill the center of the sun with round or hexagonal shaped pasta, placing them tightly in relation to each other.

We cut yellow or orange paper into equal strips about 0.5 cm wide and twist them tightly onto a pencil, forming spirals. We glue the blanks in the form of rays of the sun, with the exception of its upper part - we will decorate it differently.

We cut the cotton pads and glue them together, as shown in the photo below. For this craft you will need to make 5 of these flowers.

We attach the flowers to the sun’s head in two rows, and glue a bead to the center of each. We cut out blanks for the eyes, nose and mouth from colored paper, glue them together and decorate the sun’s face. We glue pasta in the form of bows to the ends of the rays and paint them with multi-colored gouache. If desired, the pasta sun can be placed in a frame.

Let's make a fun craft in the shape of a sun with pigtails

The sun with pigtails is a very fun and easy craft to make. She will teach kids how to work with threads, weave simple braids and evenly distribute elements around the perimeter of the product.

Necessary materials:
  • disposable paper plate;
  • yellow and orange yarn;
  • colored paper;
  • hole puncher;
  • stapler;
  • glue;
  • scissors;
  • additional decor: eyes for toys, ribbons.
Operating procedure.

Using a hole punch, we make several holes around the perimeter of the plate, located at the same distance from each other. This operation must be carried out by the teacher. We cut the yarn into pieces of equal length and fold them into identical bundles according to the number of holes in the plate. We drag each bunch of threads into a plate (this can easily be done using a crochet hook), braid a three-part braid and tie it with a thread. We braid all the braids like this and trim them slightly with scissors. You can alternate yellow and orange braids. We make fluffy bangs from scraps of yarn. To do this, cut the orange threads into pieces 8-10 cm long, put them in a bundle and tie them tightly with a thread in the middle. Attach the bangs to the plate using a stapler or a small piece of tape.

We decorate the face: glue on the eyes, draw eyelashes, lips, cheeks and nose. You can paste a finished image printed on a color printer.

If desired, we tie multi-colored bows from ribbons onto the braids, and attach a loop at the back to hang the panel on the wall.

Video on the topic of the article

You can find other options for crafts for kindergarten in the shape of the sun in the video lessons below.

A bright and very cheerful decorative “Sun” made from... garbage bags with your own hands will decorate any flower, and with the stick on which it rests you can loosen the ground. Even a child can handle this craft from garbage bags. Naturally, under the guidance of an adult.

To create your own crafts from ribbons - “Sun” - you will need:

Multi-colored garbage bags - I have yellow and orange (you can look for bags in any shade of red);

A colored emoticon printed on photo paper, which will be the face of the Sun (diameter approximately 8 cm);

Cardboard ring of the same diameter;

A circle of thick paper (I used wallpaper) for the back, diameter 9-10 cm;

Decorative elements - ribbons, flowers, bows, butterflies;

Thin stick made of wood;


Glue (I have Titanium for tiles in a syringe), you can use hot glue in a gun or Moment;

A napkin, a box for garbage, a film for an open syringe with glue, so as not to stain the table.

First you need to prepare a large number of ribbons from bags. They are made this way: take the bag and lay it out lengthwise (without unfolding, let it remain “compressed”). Then cut it crosswise into ribbons 1.5-2 cm wide.

These short ribbons can be unrolled to form large rings - the width of the bag. Fold these rings this way and cut them - each will make 4 ribbons for work.

When the required number of ribbons is ready (in my case, there are 2 yellow ribbons for one orange, but you can use other proportions or one color), start stringing them onto the ring.

This is done this way: take 3 ribbons together (2 yellow, 1 orange), fold them in half, insert the fold into the central hole of the ring, and thread the ends of the ribbons into this fold.

Tighten slightly so that the ribbons do not tear - they are quite thin;

We continue to work, moving the ribbons tightly or more loosely - as you like.

The end result should be a ring like this.

If you wish, the “rays” of the Sun can be trimmed, but I liked this “disheveled” look. Then, using glue, glue the cut out smiley face onto the front side. Glue on the back of the smiley should only be applied along the edge. To get a better grip, you need to press the smiley face through a napkin and hold it.

Then we turn the craft over and glue the stick to the base. And on top - the back - a circle of wallpaper. We press again and wait for the stick to stick and hold the “Sun”. Then we turn the craft face up again and use glue to decorate it with flowers, ribbons and other bright elements.

After the craft has completely dried, we place it in place - stick it into the ground in a flower pot. We got such a positive and bright decoration!

What else can you come up with based on such a craft? Instead of a stick, you can glue a ribbon, then you will get a charming Sun that can be hung on the wall. And if you glue a magnet, you can attach the positive Sun to the refrigerator.

If you use white and blue ribbons and a yellow center, you will get daisies. Ribbons can be cut either wide or narrow, attached in large bunches or 1-2 at a time. In general, if you use your imagination, you can “invent” a lot of different crafts.

Be creative and good luck in everything!

Making a sun with your own hands can be both a pleasant and useful pastime, and a real challenge. Handicraft is an activity with a child that helps to develop, lifts the mood, and becomes a vivid memory.

On the other hand, it is a difficult task that takes many parents by surprise. A simple request to help make the sun drives you into a dead end with many questions.

The main problem is the lack of an idea. After all, the presentation of the final result makes it possible to decide on the materials, the progress of work and the satisfaction that the set goals have been achieved to the maximum.

What does the sun look like?

Since the central element is a circle, you can give free rein to your imagination when making rays. They can be the same or different lengths, straight or wavy, flat or voluminous, etc.

When creating the face of a handmade character, you can draw or make unusual eyes, a wide smile, freckles, and blush.

The complexity of manufacturing individual parts and attaching them to each other should primarily depend on the participants in the process and their capabilities. The younger the child is, the simpler the idea should be.

Paper beauty

Crafting a paper sun is the easiest option for creativity, regardless of age group. At the initial stage, you should make two identical circles. One will serve as the base to which the rays will be attached, and the second will become the face of the sun.

Rays can be made in the following ways:

  • Cut rectangular strips from multi-colored paper, fold each of them in half without smoothing the bend. Thus, volumetric rays will be obtained.
  • Twist multi-colored rectangles onto a wooden skewer or knitting needle.
  • Cut out wavy strips that look like flames.
  • Make blanks from white paper and paint them with plasticine, cereal, beads or glitter.
  • Fold the paper like an accordion or cut out many palms.

After making the required number of rays, they must be attached between the base circle and the previously drawn “face” circle.

Plastic masterpieces

An excellent craft - a radiant sun - will be made from unnecessary disks. They can be used as a base or as rays. When working with this material, you will need hot glue.

You can also fasten the elements together using thin wire or strong nylon thread, after making holes in the disks.

Unusual creations come out of disposable tableware. A decorated plate is used as a base, and forks, spoons or cocktail straws serve as beams. To connect the structure, a universal glue is sufficient.

Fabric and thread

How to make a sun craft from these materials without sewing? The easiest way is felt applique. The parts can be cut out and glued together.

Knitting threads can be braided or wrapped around sticks, thus creating original “streams of light.”

A knitted sun will be a decoration for any children's room or a favorite toy for a child.

Satin ribbons and organza can also be safely used to create the sun.

Tasty and tasteless creation

To create a masterpiece, you can take products. Pasta such as spaghetti or spirals will help create voluminous and unusual rays.

Wheat or rice breads are suitable as a base.

Another option is salt dough. It is easy to prepare at home, and working with it is as simple as with plasticine. You should not taste these products, despite the fact that they are made from natural ingredients.

You can make a delicious sunshine from caramel or shortcrust pastry.

Natural materials

Autumn is the time to use leaves for creativity. Beautiful leaves in rich yellow, orange or even fiery red are perfect for needlework.

Playground ideas

A craft sun made from tires will be a wonderful decoration for any yard. A bright character will bring a wonderful mood to both children and adults. This type of needlework is more suitable for the stronger sex.

To create a street masterpiece, you need an old tire, plastic bottles, and paint. Holes are made in the tire into which the ray bottles will then be attached.

Parts can be painted both before and after assembly of the structure. To ensure that the paint on plastic bottles lasts longer, paint on the inside, not the outside.

The finished craft can be placed on a tree or fence, or buried in the ground. It is best to draw the face on a circle cut out of plywood.

You can get some inspiration by looking at photos of sun crafts. The idea you like will be a wonderful start in creating your own masterpiece.

Imagination and courage in choosing materials will help every child or adult create an incredibly affectionate and bright sun. And most importantly, pleasant emotions will be brought not only by the final result, but also by the work process itself.

Photo crafts sun

For children. One of the varieties of origami is modular. It involves manufacturing using separate modules folded from paper. This is exactly what the sun is, the stages of its creation are shown in our master class.

To make it you will need square sheets of paper. You can use one color or several. We took red, yellow and orange.

Fold one of the sheets along two diagonals.

Then we bend each of its corners towards the center.

We make folds on both sides towards the center line so that the workpiece takes on the shape of a diamond.

Let's turn it over to the other side and bend the top corner.

Now all that remains is to fold the blank of the future ray in half lengthwise.

You need to make several of the same modules from paper of a different color.

Next, we begin to collect our sun. To do this, insert the lower edge of one of the blanks into the lower part of the other blank from the opposite side. You can assemble the modules in any color order you like.

We are gradually continuing to work on connecting the modules. Our sun begins to take on the appearance of a circle.

We close all the rays into a circle when we see that we have an even inner circle. As a result, our sun is ready.

It's a wonderful spring day outside, filled with playful rays of sunshine. Why don't we give ourselves a positive mood and place a paper sun in our house or apartment, making it ourselves?

For this you will need:

- yellow or orange colored paper;

- scissors;

- a simple pencil;

- disposable plate or cardboard (yellow and orange).

The process of making the sun:

- First, prepare a circle of cardboard to create the face of the sun. To do this, take colored cardboard, attach a plate for the second course to it and trace it with a simple pencil. You can do it simpler: take a disposable paper plate and paint it with yellow paints.

- Using a simple pencil, outline the child’s palm on yellow or orange sheets. These will be rays of sunshine. There is an idea to have the image of the palm of each family member in the sun, then you will get a family sun! By the way, two palm prints fit on one standard sheet of paper.

- Take scissors and cut out each palm image, making small allowances for gluing.

— Consistently glue the cut out rays to the back side of a disposable plate or cut out circle. Adjust the density of the rays and their length.

— Then we design the face of the sun. To do this, use a felt-tip pen or pencil to draw his eyes, nose and mouth. By the way, you can cut out these elements from colored paper and glue them to the circle with glue or buy the corresponding elements at a craft store.

- Wait a bit for the glue to dry! All! The wonderful sunshine is ready!

This craft will be a wonderful decoration for a child’s room, living room or hallway, giving a good mood and comfort even on the most cloudy and gloomy day.

By the way, the sun can be made not only from colored paper and cardboard! Next, I will present to you a whole collection of suns made from scrap materials.

Here, for example: a sun made from a plastic plate and ordinary yellow table napkins. This sun is made according to the principle of the previous one, only the rays will be napkins folded into a triangle.

You can also create a sun from a foam ball, colored wire and yellow paint. Simply paint the foam ball yellow. After the paint has dried on it, use an awl to make holes at the same distance from the center and place wire with a yellow, golden or orange pile in them. Hang the sun on a string anywhere indoors!

There is an idea to make a sun out of thin ribbons and a cardboard circle. Such a sun is so light that at the slightest air movement it will rotate or oscillate, developing its ribbon-rays.

Recently I saw several versions of the sun, which were made by kindergarten children. I really liked the idea, so I want to present it in my article! The point of making all three suns is to cut out both the circle and the rays from colored paper. The rays can be in the shape of triangles and rectangles. Some kids drew or glued the details of the face, and some filled the sun circle with small pieces of napkins, gluing them with glue.

For those who like to draw, we can offer an interesting way to depict the sun. Draw a circle with pencils, felt-tip pens or paints - the face of the sun, and stamp the rays with a fork, after dipping it in the paint.

You can also do the same with an image of the spring sun to lift your spirits and admire an exclusive handmade masterpiece.

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