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Status wise. Statuses about relationships

Aphorisms, statuses, quotes about girls and about girls.

Is it related to the fact that in Russia the most beautiful girls with the fact that in Russia the most a large number of alcohol per capita?

The talent to flirt is given to a woman by God from birth, but the ability to filter men comes with experience...

The weaker sex is stronger than the stronger sex due to the weakness of the stronger sex towards the weaker

There must be a mystery in a girl, said Masha and ate a collection of puzzles...

Depression is when watching a porn film ends with thoughts about the fate of the main character

You didn't even notice that I painted it!
- Yes, I noticed.

How did I choose my wife?

- He shouted: smart ones to the left, beautiful ones to the right. One hesitated, and that’s when I caught her!

A properly abandoned man returns like a boomerang...

Blonde is more than just hair color. It's also an alibi

A girl should be able to roll three things: her eyes, her cheeks, and her hysteria.

I would hug you so you wouldn't be sad. But I'm just text.

Don't lose the worthy...For the sake of the available.

Let's get married, and I'll let you kiss me where no one has kissed me before!
- Where is it?
- To Miami, honey!

Princesses don't poop. All their goes into their character.

Call me tomorrow, at any time convenient for you from 7.15 to 7.20 in the morning.

If ten girls dress up like sluts for Halloween, seven of them will have their friends ask why she didn't come in a costume.

If a man in bed calls you by a different name, say that he didn’t guess right and that another participant is making it to the finals.

You say such beautiful things. You probably really want to fuck?

Anyone can have dinner with a girl. But you have to earn breakfast!

- I am for high relations!
— Sex on a chandelier?

One day Seryozha and Olya
Trapped in a magnetic field.
Frightened parents
They were barely demagnetized. /Oleg Grigoriev/

It's simply impossible to get me to shut up. Even if I go numb, I will write notes with all sorts of obscenities and shove them under the noses of those around me.

A jealous girl conducts a search better than the FSB

Guys, remember: if your girlfriend is constantly forced to take the “first steps,” then one day she will walk past.

Don't touch my strengths with your shortcomings.

Where can I get to you? It will take a very long time to go down...

I’m not a green banknote for everyone to like...I’m either loved or one is indifferent!

It would be better if I followed my girlfriend, and not the history of my statuses...

I'm not a cassette to play whatever you want!

The older I get, the more I want to go back to my childhood. The little girl who still lives somewhere inside me, looks at the world with her oh-so-holy eyes and says: “Where the f...d have you brought me?!”

You need to forgive your enemies so that they cry...

A fairy tale for children and adults.

She turned out to be white...
“I knew it,” said the mother, “it had to happen sooner or later.” The father was thoughtfully silent, looking at his newborn child, whom he loved long before he was born. Now, when she appeared in this huge world, he tried to come to terms with the idea that she life path It won't be the easiest.
Their family has always been distinguished by a special position among the numerous crow tribe. The matte blackness of the feathers did not seem to suggest the possibility of offspring not corresponding to the generally accepted color. But...
For the time being, the parents hid the baby in the nest, but even among her brothers and sisters she stood out for her strange dissimilarity: she never snatched food from someone else’s beak, did not take part in fights, and pitied the weak, although she herself could hardly be considered strong. And at the same time, she had enviable resilience in matters of experience - both her own and those of others. She behaved like a queen who grew up in complete ignorance of the secret of her birth, but received all the dignity due to her by birth.
The time has come to release the children into adult life. The parents had a conversation with each of their offspring with instructions on how not to lose the honor of the family and not to stain their own. Finally, they called Belaya to their place.
“We must tell you about the secret of our family. The time has come,” - this is how the father and mother began their conversation, and Belaya, as befits Belaya, prepared to listen to them from beginning to end. “A long time ago, when neither we nor our parents were in the world, an amazing event happened in one black-raven family - they gave birth to a completely white bird. She was not like everyone else. Not like that at all! And it cannot be said that she was worse. No. I just didn’t want to be like everyone else, and it turned out to be very inconvenient. She was ridiculed, but she did not change. They teased her, but she didn’t even bow her head. And she waited. All the time she was waiting for a raven to come to her, who would not be afraid to go against the displeasure of the crowd, who would accept her as she is - White. It was not easy at all, but her resilience could be the envy of the most strong-willed creature in the world. And there was a raven who loved her with all his heart. And he took her as his wife. But the strange white crow simply ran away the next morning, leaving the crow unhappy for the rest of his life. He could never love anyone else.

This was your great-great-great-grandmother. She went to distant lands, where her children appeared. These were the children of the black raven, but he never knew about it. Luckily they were all black. But before her death, your great-great-great-grandmother gathered all the children around her and told the story of her life, warning that any of them could have a black crow in their offspring. And so that they would certainly convey the secret word to her.
Child, you were born white. And the secret word is very simple: You will always be white if you want. But the main thing is that your soul remains white and pure, otherwise you will neither remain white nor become black.”
That's what my parents said parting words daughter, and released her from the nest.
It’s not worth describing how difficult her life was. After all, other parents also told their children that ancient story, only each one described it as best he could and as he wanted.
Belaya never did harm to anyone, and even moreover, when help was needed, they most often turned to her, and she did not refuse anyone, despite the fact that ingratitude was a more frequent payment for her responsiveness than kind word. “Well, I’m White. And if my soul cannot otherwise feel white, then it means that I am doing the right thing, as a white crow should,” - this is how she explained the events of life to herself... And she waited.
In the flock, the most enviable groom was considered a proud raven named Black. His feathers shone blue, and his strong beak gave no one any reason to doubt his fearlessness. And he always behaved with dignity, never got involved in fights, but did not give in, even in small attempts to offend himself. As soon as he saw White, he was captivated by her softness and proud posture, her unusualness, beauty, self-control and complete dissimilarity from all the other crows of the numerous crow tribe. One day, when, out of his habit of bullying for no reason, one of the townsfolk began to laugh at our poor thing, Black simply silently came up and stood next to her, letting everyone know that she was not alone now. Thus was born a love that closed many evil beaks, and naturally ended with a wedding.
“Well, thank God,” Belaya thought to herself, “I’ll be happy, like all the crows.”
Sitting next to her beloved, clinging to him, under the protection of a mighty black wing, she did not immediately understand what he was telling her about. The voice itself was caressing and lulling. And the trees swayed under the wind of the night sky, bringing languor and tranquility.

“Darling, now you and I are not afraid of anything. I'm no longer lonely. You are with me, I am with you, my WHITE CROW. I'm also white. Only I learned to be black to everyone. I will teach you too, and we will be in absolute safety, white for each other, and for everyone as they are comfortable...”
It seemed as if the world had collapsed.
White barely restrained herself from screaming.
“You are not black - you are dirty! – that’s all she found to say. “I’ll leave in the morning.”
Now Black was struck to the very heart.
It was a long, long night. And early in the morning the young were not found in the nest. They disappeared. Idle gossips made guesses, and, of course, accused Belaya of witchcraft.
Only the horizon knew that the two dark bird silhouettes flapping their wings over the distant forest were actually white birds.

Category " wise statuses" will help you find the answer to many questions, and it may happen that after reading your wise status, someone will see in it hidden meaning and he will be the light at the end of the tunnel. Fill your page with beautiful content and meaning, and even if you are very young, know that wisdom, like love, is submissive to all ages. This category represents the best smart sayings, aphorisms and quotes!

The modern rhythm of life and its crazy pace, as well as the endless whirlpool of everyday problems, do not leave us time to be left alone with ourselves, to reflect on eternal philosophical topics: what is the meaning of our existence, what is fate, what is truth and what we can we achieve in this world? All these questions remain “for later”, and with the beginning of a new day we are again in a hurry to get everything done... This category of wise statuses will give you the opportunity to stop this rapid course of action for a while and think about yourself! The category will help answer many questions and make your page on a social network more life-affirming!

Our life is not only joy and happiness; behind the ease and simplicity there are many problems and unpleasant moments hidden; it is precisely such situations that must be approached judiciously and wisely. In order to make the resolution of troubles that arise easier, there is the experience of generations! Clever man relies on it, and the stupid, avoiding it, repeats the mistakes! If you belong to the first one, then quickly go on a journey through the page of wisdom, and, having found your status, among the many literate statements, set it on your page, because sharing own knowledge with friends, we invest a piece of ourselves in them and thereby make the world wiser and more beautiful!

One of the eternal questions of life is the question of human friendship, relationships between people connected with each other by spiritual kinship. Statuses on this topic can be found in the category: . Choose the statements you like and put them as a status on any social network page.

We have collected for you the most wise thoughts Great people who will help you understand current problems being. And selected aphorisms and phrases will be a good help in resolving many life issues. They say that wisdom means mastering the art of thinking perfectly, and if you are interested in these categories, it means that very soon your status will change to a smart, life-affirming quote that will certainly interest, and maybe make you think, about important issues existence, all visitors to your page.

is a real treasury of rare, original and very interesting statuses. You will find the best thoughts, arguments and quotes from great people only on our portal.

A real man always achieves his goal... the goal set by his woman.

The only thing that a man has no right to lose, no matter what the circumstances, is his own dignity.

Come with your friends! Real men are welcome in any company!

Every man, deep down in his soul, wants his woman to adorn him daily life, however, whether she can do this depends, first of all, on himself!

Best status:
A real man never forgets his family!

Once upon a time, little princes grow up and become responsible for those they ring and conceive.

Every woman believes that it is without her that her other half has no right to be happy!

No matter how formidable a predator a man may be, for a woman who loves him there is still no one closer and dearer, she will be there no matter what.

Almost anyone can win a girl; the real achievement for a guy is to keep her.

A real man is recognized not in flowers and sweets, but in bed.

Remaining invisible while being known to everyone is a real talent.

A man must get carried away, go crazy, make mistakes, suffer! A woman will forgive you for your insolence and impudence, but she will never forgive your prudence. (A.P. Chekhov)

A man remembers three women: the first, the last and one

Every man has some virtues, you just need to point them out to him

If a man feels bad, he is looking for a woman... if he feels good, he is looking for another one.

A guy will become a real man only when he wakes up in the morning only with the girl he loves!

A real man must make sacrifices. Even if the shoes are white.

I loved her, I loved her as a man, as a lover, as an artist, but in order to take possession of her, it was necessary not to love her

By cheating, a woman is looking for the best, and a man is looking for something new.

A real man shaved, got dressed, polished his shoes and made concessions...

A man capable of action is doomed to be loved

A man who talks intelligently about love is not very in love...

A man should be the kind with whom you want to spend your life, not a night.

A real man considers socks not clothes, but shoes...

A man falls in love with his eyes, but is disappointed with his ears.

There are no hard-bodied women, but there are soft-bodied men.

Nothing conquers or softens like this man's heart like the consciousness that he is loved.

A man who has overcome a woman’s long-term resistance values ​​most of all not her virtue, but his own perseverance.

All men are like children... but don't worry, almost all women love children

When it seems that the whole world is against you, remember that a plane takes off against the wind.

When a man gets married, he hopes that his wife will remain the same, but a woman expects her chosen one to become different.

A real man can be seen even when he is naked.

Not a real man the one who either does not fulfill what he promised or promises the impossible!

A real man is like a wolf: either alone or with one wolf forever! And running after sheep is the lot of rams!

The upbringing of a man or woman is tested by how they behave during a quarrel.

Men who speak ill of women usually only mean one thing.

From the life of Torantino: Women rarely forgive men for jealousy, but they never forgive its absence.

Both a woman and a man will probably have moments in life that he will not want to part with memories of.

Not loving women is a crime. Loving is a punishment

- Honey, do you love me? -...Yes - How? - Surprisingly!!!

Men don't talk in vain. It is not our words that must convince, but our actions and hands. A man should be able to remain silent about everything that matters only to him alone.

Weak men have mistresses, and strong men have strong families.

A real man will not say: Choose, either I or he. A real man takes you by the hand and leads you away.

It's not balls that make a man a man!

Every man ultimately chooses the girl who believes in him more than he does.

In love, a man strives not for war, but for peace. Blessed are the gentle and meek women, they will be loved more.

The first rule of a man: don’t be lazy to wash your text messages and socks.

A man should radiate strength and self-confidence, not material need and sexual preoccupation.

Men cheat more often, but girls are of better quality!

Men love games and danger most of all. That's why they like women so much - the most dangerous toys in the world.

A real boy grew three-day stubble, put on glamorous clothes and went to pick up women.

A real man must give way to a woman and not give way to anyone next to her.

Men lie, they cheat, but there are still a handful on the planet worthy men, for which it is worth painting.

If you are a Russian man, if you are over forty, and you are alive, healthy and practically sober…. Know, remember and be proud: you are a deficit!

You are too good guy, if the number of women who want to marry you is greater than the number who want to sleep with you..

Dima, why are you angry, I love you! -Yes, because I am Seryozha!

Real men have the right to cry, but not in front of a girl

Weak men impose themselves, but strong men insist.

-...Women treat us men the same way as humanity treats its gods: they worship us and bother us, constantly demanding something.

A woman must refuse a man at least once, otherwise there is no feeling of the volume of life.

Every man deserves his woman. And vice versa

A real man is one who carries condoms with him, and does not use the phrase: “I’ll make it.”

The most best feeling for a man, this is when the proudest woman wants to hide behind his shoulders, despite her size..

Women look in the mirror to see themselves through a man's eyes.

A woman begins to notice real men only after pain from not real ones...

Real men don’t say: ‘Choose! Either me or him!’ They take you by the hand and lead you away

This is a man's world! But he means nothing without women...

A real man doesn't swear! His words are an oath! There's no point in swearing twice...

A real man must build a wife, grow a belly and plant a liver

If men were able to penetrate the thoughts of women, they would act much more decisively...

Dominance by a woman scares a man more than impotence.

A strong man, in response to a woman’s NO, will say: “I will do everything so that your NO turns into YES.” The weak one will shrug his shoulders: “Well NO, that’s not it…”

A real man is not the one who doesn’t talk about his ex, it’s the one who talks without hurting his current one...

As a child, Bruce Willis was never allowed to play hide-and-seek with him, because he could sit in the ventilation of some house for days.

The difference between a man and a boy is the cost of their toys.

Nothing ages a man more than living with the same woman

The men who treat women with the most respect are rarely the most successful with them.

The point is not what words a man says, but what he does.

A real man will easily set his eyes on one woman without even taking his eyes off another

There's only room for one woman in a man's arms

He who becomes a man at sixteen will be a child at sixty.

Every woman's mistake is a man's fault.

A man's home is his fortress, but only from the outside. Inside, this is most often a children's room.

The most unbearable people are men who think they are geniuses and women who think they are irresistible.

Men are like lawyers: no matter what they are accused of, they will always find an excuse.

A real man opens the door with his foot - because his hands are busy with flowers and raphaels

A bad man will cheat! Good man- will not be! And only a real man will not allow you to cheat on you!

A real man remembers exactly a woman's birthday and never knows how old she is.

Real men don’t say choose: “Either him or me!” They take you by the hand and lead you away...

A man drinks in three cases: when it’s bad – out of grief, when it’s good – out of joy, and when everything is fine – out of boredom.

If a guy doesn’t call, he doesn’t want to call; if a man likes a woman, he will do everything to be with her; and if he doesn’t try, he simply doesn’t need you.

In a real Macho, there must be some kind of negligence. Or the fly is unbuttoned... Or the sleeve is covered in shit... (Coco Chanel)

Even if men want to fuck all the women, this does not mean that they cannot fall in love, and thank God, because this is the most beautiful thing that exists in our broken-down society...

A man who showed up for a date with unclean shoes might not show up at all.

The heart of a man is a strange thing: it’s hard to even believe, but it is capable of loving several women at once, and in different ways. (A. Dumas)

In my opinion, they only demand what the first give us,” Dorian said quietly and seriously. - They awaken love in us and have the right to expect it from us. (O. Wilde)

I can force myself to tolerate what I don’t agree with, but I just can’t tolerate what I’m forced to agree with.

In general, a man with a good woman is the happiest of God’s creatures, and without her he is the most unhappy. And only one thing saves them: they do not know what they are deprived of.

A man first sleeps, then gets used to it. But a woman is quite the opposite...

All men are the same in front of the woman they admire.

A real man considers socks not clothes, but shoes.

Modesty adorns a man, but a real man does not wear jewelry.

What is the difference between a man and a boy?

You love and are loved. It's a pity that these are two different men.

The calling card of a real man is happy girl next to him!

Action is the most important thing a man can do for a woman.

It is good that love has touched your heart so much, for a man who is not hurt by love for a woman is only half a man. (Jack London)

Yes, it doesn’t happen that a man cheats just once. That's what happened once, that's what happens.

It is not difficult to make a woman happy, but it is difficult to remain happy yourself.

Men are not the solution to all problems, but for some reason all conversations come down to this.

The best wise quotes on! How often do we try to hide our feelings behind a funny joke? Today we are taught to hide our true feelings. Why bother your loved ones with your problems? But is this right? After all, who else can help us in Hard time, as not the closest people. They will support you in word and deed, your loved ones will be by your side, and everything that has been bothering you so much will be resolved. Wise statuses are also a kind of advice about the most important things in every person’s life. Go to and choose the most interesting statements of great people. The wisdom of humanity is collected in great books such as the Bible, Koran, Bhagavad Gita and many others. His thoughts and feelings, his understanding of the universe and us in it, his attitude towards every living creature - all this worried people both in ancient times and in our age of technical developments. Wise statuses with meaning are a kind of summary those great sayings that even today make us think about the eternal.

The wisest sayings of famous personalities!

How often do you look at the stars? IN modern megacities It’s hard to catch when day turns to night, the light of thousands of lanterns and neon signs interferes. And sometimes you just want to watch starry sky and think about the universe. Remember the most happy moments your life, dream about the future or simply count the stars. But we are always in a hurry, forgetting about simple joys. After all, thirty years ago it was possible to watch the moon from the roof of the very tall house in the city. And in the summer, falling in the tall grass, look at the clouds, listening to the trills of birds and the chirping of grasshoppers. Everything changes in this world, wise sayings allow us to see ourselves from the outside, stop and look at the starry sky.

Wise quotes for those who care!

Most statuses in in social networks either cool and humorous, or dedicated to the theme of love and the experiences associated with it. Sometimes you want to find a decent status without jokes. Interesting sayings and quotes about the meaning of life, wise phrases about human nature, philosophical discussions about the future of modern civilization. It’s not for nothing that they say that a person cannot be satisfied with bread alone. If you want to stand out from the huge number of “loving pranksters” and find worthy “food for thought,” then the wise statuses collected here will help you with this. Truly significant and wise phrases remain in our memory, while others fade away without leaving a trace. Wise sayings great people make us think, stick into our consciousness and can help solve a particular problem. We have collected the most various statuses with meaning and are ready to share them with you.

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