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A DIY wedding newspaper is a real family heirloom. Ideas for a wedding newspaper Wedding newsletter newspaper for newlyweds

Wedding- an enchanting event. Having carefully prepared for six months, it flies by in an instant, leaving memories confused by stress, gorgeous photographs and video materials.

Some needlewomen-brides enjoy create real masterpieces in the form of a cushion for wedding rings, festive original ribbons for decorating a motorcade, dresses for glasses. Exclusive wedding invitations They will delight every holiday guest with their warmth and attention to their person.

DIY holiday printing wedding newspaper will introduce the participants of the celebration to the legends of the new family. After reading about the history of how the newlyweds met, about significant milestones and dates in the development of relationships, each of the invitees will feel involved in what is happening. Keeping a copy as a keepsake, the descendants of the newlyweds will learn the history of a large family.

Aesthetic image of a wedding newspaper

Are you sure that only by spending a fair amount and ordering a newspaper to be printed at a printing house, you can get a masterpiece of printing art? Any Microsoft Word user who can print will be able to handle this task. After all, the main thing is not the form, but content. This means we gather friends, create a plan-scenario and turn on our imagination. This exciting and fun activity in the company of loved ones will allow you not to miss a single significant moment from your shared history.

A newspaper in A3 format will be more readable. Color, black and white or an antique version with a sepia effect, it’s up to you, each has its own zest.

Newspaper circulation depends on the number of guests and your wishes. Think about who you want to gift with your release. The most budget option is one copy per family. But you can please every guest with your creation.

A few simple tips for filling out the content of the issue:

  • Select one of the pages for congratulations from invited guests. It will be especially nice for young people to receive heartfelt wishes from people who were unable to attend the celebration. How to put this into practice? It’s very simple, witnesses call the invitees in advance with the question: “What can you wish for the newlyweds? And will you be present at the celebration?”
  • Use fun children's photos of lovers bride and groom. Guests and parents of the newlyweds will laugh heartily at the images of the little groom smeared with brilliant green, or the bride in her father’s military boots.
  • Comic crosswords and puzzles, decorating the issue, can be used by the toastmaster during the celebration. This will amuse the audience, and the souvenirs prepared by the craftswoman will leave warm memories.
  • Place it on the pages of the newspaper confessions of the bride and groom in love for each other, vows of fidelity and words of gratitude to heaven, parents or friends for the fateful meeting.

It turned out to be an original gift for the newlyweds and great family heirloom.

But you can use another method:

The official issue of the Pravda newspaper for the wedding day. Let's watch the video.

Vladimir Milovidov and singer, musician Alexey Vengerov will conduct your wedding and organize a royal holiday for you and all your guests. We work for you!

Decree of the Presidium of the Council on Affairs of Love and the Main Committee on Marriage.

In connection with the fearlessness of marriage, following the principle “Strong family - strong state”, as well as the promise to remain faithful to each other until the end of life, the Presidium of the Council for Love Affairs decided:

1 To legally marry _______ and _______ - mutually loving parties.

2 Assign ______ the surname _________, make the appropriate changes in the papers, and also assign her the title “Young wife - keeper of the home.”

3 Assign ______ the title “Husband without probation” and present the badge “Head of the Family”, leaving the last name unchanged.

4 From _____________, all movable and immovable property will be combined and used as common property.

5 Approve the family coat of arms depicting the symbol of labor.

If, standing in front of the mirror, you stuck your tongue out at your reflection, and it shook its fist at you in response, it means you have a bad bite.

Your relatives:

Brother-in-law is the husband's brother.

Brother-in-law - wife's brother.

Sister-in-law is the husband's sister.

Sister-in-law is the wife's sister.

Brother-in-law is the husband of a sister-in-law.

The daughter-in-law is the son's wife.

Father-in-law is the husband's father.

Mother-in-law is the wife of the father-in-law, the mother of the husband.

Father-in-law is the wife's father.

Mother-in-law is the wife's mother.

Son-in-law is the husband of a daughter, sister, sister-in-law.

This is what people say:

The bird's wings are strong - the wife is red with her husband.

Wife, don’t drink to your husband, and husband, don’t cut your teeth.

A husband is a father to a wife, a wife is a crown to her husband.

A calico wedding is celebrated after a year of marriage.

Wooden wedding - in five years.

The copper wedding is celebrated after 7 years.

A pink wedding marks the first decade of life. Relatives and friends come to the house with flowers.

The Glass Wedding is celebrated fifteen years later. Gifts - only made of glass.

Porcelain wedding - in twenty years. The table is set with porcelain dishes.

The silver wedding marks a quarter of a century spent together. A silver ring is placed on the finger next to it.

The pearl wedding is celebrated thirty years later.

Linen wedding - in thirty-five years.

Ruby wedding - in forty years.

The golden wedding crowns fifty years of life. Husband and wife exchange new gold rings.

The Diamond (or Platinum) Jubilee is in sixty years.

Iron wedding - in sixty-five years.

Crown wedding - after seventy-five years of married life.

A television.

9.00 "Early in the morning!" Feature film "The camp leaves for the bright one."

11-10 "Man and the Law". Official part of the program.

12-30 Troika riding.

14-00 "Avtomig". Car riding.

17-00 Tavern "50 chairs". Continuation of the friendly meeting at the wedding table.

19-00 Cartoons for adults “Mother-in-law’s pancakes”, “Kuroshchipy”, “Superflesh”.

21-00 Dance floor "Muz-oboz".

23-00 "Before and after midnight." I wish I could get to the mat.


In _______________ it is expected:

Partly cloudy, wedding hurricane with champagne shower.

The temperature above the table is 40 degrees, the air is filled with family happiness.

At night (in the head) there is fog, the next morning it may clear up.

During the preparation for the wedding, I mastered a bunch of skills and related professions :)

So, for example, when creating a newspaper, I was simultaneously a correspondent, an editor, a proofreader, a designer, and a layout designer... And just like in the real editorial office, the issue was sent to press almost at the last moment - on Thursday, while I was having a spa day, I sent my future husband to do this (albeit after scouting out the situation in this printing house beforehand). Of course, without me they printed it slightly differently from what was in the layout... Yes, and I thought the paper would be thinner, maybe even beige or grayish, well, just like newspaper, but it turned out the way it is) As they usually say: This is not scary, because no one except me knew what it was supposed to be like :))

So where did it all start? Once I went to the website of an online women’s magazine and saw an invitation to subscribe to a wedding newsletter, which they promised to start sending out exactly 2 months before the wedding, when, in their opinion, people begin preparing for the wedding. I wondered what kind of advice they could give two months before the wedding, when for all the crazy brides most of the issues have already been resolved, all sorts of little things remain. I signed up just for fun.

By the way, they sent the first issue not exactly two months in advance, but was a day late)) And of course, they told us how to submit an application to the registry office - naive... In Moscow, you need to know everything about this six months in advance :) Well, then there were a couple of interesting letters (for example, I published excerpts from them in), although in most cases it was something I already knew.

But 3 weeks before the wedding, they sent a newsletter proposing to publish a wedding newspaper for guests. And this is a thought, I thought! I told my fiance about the idea, he said that I should calm down already, otherwise we still haven’t implemented all the previous ideas :) But can you really stop me? Moreover, you can think about the newspaper at work in your free minutes, and I was sure that we could print it in Magnitogorsk. The more I thought about it, the more I liked the idea. I once wanted to be a journalist and in general the creation of printed publications interests me. Why not try yourself in a new role!

I didn’t remember what they wrote in the newsletter about what should be in the newspaper, and I had no time to look for it, so everything came from my heart and my head. Even at the beginning of preparation, I wanted to make a slide show with the story of our love, starting from childhood - how we grew up far from each other. Then I started writing a slideshow script. But we didn’t have time to take photographs, and there weren’t enough good quality photos of us together. So I decided that the newspaper was a good chance to realize my plans in a different format! I also wanted to write about irises there, well, it must somehow be connected with the idea of ​​a wedding, and I have a bunch of all sorts of legends and stories about irises on my computer.
Well, the rest was made up along the way. For some reason I thought that a love story and a story about irises would take up little space and decided to come up with something to fill it with.

I decided to interview my parents about our childhood. It contained the following questions:

  • What kind of a child was he - quiet, calm, noisy...
  • Why was it called that? How long did it take you to think about what to call it? What other options were there?
  • What was the first word you said?
  • What funny incidents can you remember from preschool?
  • How did you study at school?
  • What did you dream of becoming as a child?
  • What degree did you receive in the end and what is your current job?
  • What's the most memorable gift you've ever been given?
  • Do you like your son/daughter's choice?
  • What do you wish for the newlyweds?
It was possible to add some more questions: What were your hobbies? What musical preferences did you have? But oddly enough, it turned out that I didn’t have enough space for everything, so I had to cut back :)

Well, again, thinking that the parents’ answers would take up little space, I decided to supplement the last page, as it should be in a newspaper, with a crossword puzzle about us :) I came up with simple but tricky questions - for example, What is the name of the hero of the special issue dated August 7, 2010? :)

As a result, when I made the first page of the newspaper (where I decided not to put any information, but to make it presentational - an overview of the topics of the newspaper and our photo), it turned out that there was not much space left. I tried for a long time and persistently to fit our love story in its entirety, since I didn’t want to shorten anything. And I succeeded :)) but the information about irises no longer fits - but that’s not scary :)

In general, it was the first page that took longer. I somehow thought it would be easy. But coming up with a design for the first page of a newspaper is no big deal) Even the girl in our logo had to be dressed in a white dress (after all, the logo this time was supposed to be black and white). I spent a long time selecting fonts and all sorts of decorations from the vector clipart I had been collecting for a long time (during preparation I saved everything that could be useful to me) :) In the end it turned out like nothing.

This is what the first and last pages of the newspaper look like (as you understand, the text is intended only for our guests, so this is only a small preview):

One of the main attributes of a wedding celebration is wedding newspaper. If you approach its creation creatively, the newspaper will turn out to be both a wonderful and original decoration for the room. Today there are many types of wedding newspapers, we offer you some of the most interesting and unusual ones. Well, which one to choose is up to you.

To do it, you need to arm yourself with a couple of glossy magazines with photographs of the bride and groom’s favorite heroes - singers, TV presenters, actors and athletes. Place a photo of the newlyweds in the center of the sheet, and around them create a parade of stars with cheerful congratulations.

Of course, you will have to think through them yourself, but the most important thing is to be sure to use phrases and words characteristic of these people in the text of the congratulations or to play up some situation related to them (receiving an award, being appointed to a position, filming in a new film, etc.). ).

Newspaper postcard

This newspaper records sincere congratulations from friends and relatives right at the celebration. At the end of the festive evening, you can even choose a winner for the best congratulations.

Newspaper interview

This wedding newspaper is very similar to the previous one, but instead of wishes, all guests must answer one question, which must be included in the heading. Eg:

What dish do you think the wife of her young husband will most often treat to on her honeymoon?

How many times will newlyweds go on their honeymoon?

Who will become the head of the young family?

What do newlyweds dream of most?

At the end of the celebration, you can hold a fun competition and select the winner for the most accurate and witty answer.

Wedding newspaper-documentary report

You could call such a wedding newspaper, for example, “Stages of a Creative Path.” In it, in a humorous form, it is necessary to show the entire life of the newlyweds until the moment of marriage. In addition, it is very important to highlight important biographical facts and personal achievements that guests do not yet know about.

Wedding newspaper - yellow press

Wedding messenger!

Newspaper for newlyweds

Founded on the day of the Fall of Adam and Eve.

Issued on wedding days.

Publisher: Agency for Secret Printing of Witnesses.

1. Hot news.

2. Weather forecast.

3. News of marriage legislation.

4. Congratulations and parting words to the newlyweds.

5. Jokes.

6. Miscellaneous.

1. Breaking news

Today at N o'clock the main event of the day took place at the Wedding Palace: the solemn wedding of our dear and beloved newlyweds.

In this connection, today is declared a non-working holiday. A solemn procession of young people visited the park of culture and recreation, as well as the squares and fountains of their native city.

The festivities are scheduled for 17.00 local time.

Event program:

17.10 - grand opening of the evening by toastmaster;

17.15 - the young people come out to the people;

17.20 - 18.00 - parting words for the young;

18.00 - 23.00 - the main part of the evening with a stormy feast, dances, songs, dances, as well as games and jokes with the participation of guests of the evening;

24.00 - ceremonial fireworks in honor of the newlyweds.

2. Weather forecast.

The weather agency "It's Rain or It's Hot" offers weather forecasts for the coming days.

Today: Today there will be a warm atmosphere at the festive table. The air temperature will be slightly lower than the liquid temperature, which will exceed 40 degrees. Possible surges in blood pressure. There may be light alcohol vapors in the air.

The weather pattern will not change in the following days. On the third day, sensitive people may experience headaches and weakness in the legs.

Folk recipes for bad weather: 0.5 cups of forty-degree or 0.5 liters of cucumber brine. It is better to stay in bed.

3 Marriage legislation news.

Today, in a solemn atmosphere, a marriage union was signed between citizen A and citizen B, according to which all movable and immovable property of both parties passes from today into joint use. From now on, both parties will be renamed and called husband and wife respectively. Both sides are obliged, if one of them is attacked, to provide mutual assistance to the other side. All property resulting from the joint activities of the parties belongs to them equally. All disputes between the parties to the agreement are resolved through peaceful negotiations or in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

4. Parting words and wishes to the young.

The main thing in life is happiness!

The most important thing in happiness is love!

Children appear in love,

And everything repeats itself again!

Every man should: first, plant a tree, preferably a money tree. Secondly, building a house is better than a mansion. Thirdly, raise a son who is better than a child prodigy!

Every woman should: competently cultivate a planted tree, fill her home with warmth and love, carefully care for her child and his father.

5. Jokes.

The groom's friend asks:

Listen, Seryoga, how did you end up in this life?

How how! You know, I was driving my Zhiguli downhill, and there was a Mercedes at the bottom. Well, I was on the brakes, but the brakes failed. Well, it rolled in! And the girl comes out of the Mercedes looking like a powerlifting champion! “Boy,” he says, “let’s resolve the matter amicably.” You take the car to the service center, and you take me to the registry office. That's how it was.

Yes!!! No wonder my dad says that a car is a vehicle of increased danger!

Two friends wake up from a big hangover. One says to the other:

Listen, I had a dream that I was getting married!

Yeah, not a good dream.

And my bride is all so white... and there are crosses all around!

What a horror! Is she a graveyard ghoul?

Fool! Nurse from the hospital!

The bride runs to her mother's house a week after the wedding:

Mother! Mother! You have become a grandmother!

How's your daughter? so soon!

Yes mommy! Our Muska brought kittens!

6. Miscellaneous.

Today we are announcing the collection of voluntary donations to the youth housing construction fund. All donations will be used to improve the living conditions of the young family. Please contact: Settlement (head) desk. Third chair. Box No. 2.

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