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His hair is dark brown. Makeup preferences for fair-haired people. Who suits dark brown color?

No matter how much time passes, many girls still choose colors that are more natural and familiar to those around them. Naturally, this affects a certain choice. Light brown shades of hair dye are now very popular, photos of which can be found on the Internet. Of course, photographs of movie stars and show business are more common. Using their examples, it is very easy to understand which options are fashionable and relevant, and what it is advisable to avoid.

If we consider light brown hair color, this kind of dye is offered by almost every company. These will be both companies and companies that began their existence relatively recently. Of course, it would be logical to consider the most popular coloring options. Only on this basis can you understand which colors are now at the peak of popularity, and which ones are still better to abandon.

How to dye your hair light brown?

Of course, everything will start with choosing a color, but remember that:

  1. "dark blond" is considered one of the most popular, and many girls choose it for themselves.
  2. If naturalness is most important to you, then you need to choose colors very close to the one you have now. Typically, products of this kind are not very intense, so it will be quite difficult to paint over dark or light colors with them.
  3. If you want to change color suddenly If you want to change your hair color from blonde to brown-haired, it is advisable to refuse to carry out this procedure yourself. It's better to contact specialists. This is especially true for girls who want to switch from a dark color to a light one.
  4. Remember that dyeing it light brown will take away from you maximum strength. Typically, the more natural the hair shade is, the more time and effort you will have to spend on acquiring it.

How to choose the right shade colors?

In fact, this is a whole science that you can’t just figure out. Even if the most popular dark brown hair color, this kind may not suit every girl. The fact is that this color will have cold notes at its core. So girls and women who have dark or warm skin tones should avoid this choice. In any other case, the paint will suit its owner. However, this color cannot be called invisible if you approach the overall creation of the image correctly - choose clothes, makeup. Then this color will not only look attractive, but will also become your “highlight”. This is exactly the shade of hair that can be found on Jessica Alba and Eva Longoria. They look as natural as possible, but at the same time they are not lacking in effectiveness.

The latest innovations and the most fashionable trends in hairdressing color clearly demonstrate a complete shift in emphasis towards the exceptional naturalness of hair color and harmonious combinations of shades found in nature. Spectacular and bright transformations into blondes and burning brunettes gradually faded away against the backdrop of this current trend and completely went out of fashion.

In the line of the most natural colors of women's curls, the focus is on light brown hair color. The impeccable and sophisticated palette of light-haired tint solutions for hair coloring has become a magnet for many modern women; moreover, any hair color can become the starting point for changing the image towards a light-haired seductress. The only thing that should not be overlooked is the harmony and completeness of the combination with the female color type and appearance features.

Shades of light brown hair: a magical extravaganza of various natural tones

Light brown is a hair color that falls within the color range between brown and blonde. It is where these two colors intersect that the most naturally beautiful shades are born, which are mainly divided into seven basic subspecies. If we give light brown hair color a more precise description, then it will be hair of light shades of brown, where red, golden and even gray shades or undertones can clearly appear.

If the amount of pheomelanin produced is sufficiently large, then warmer and softer reddish tints will predominate on light brown strands; if, on the contrary, the hair will have a cool tint of gray.

Light brown hair color is one of the anthropological characteristics of a group of Slavic peoples. This hair color is most widespread in Eastern Europe.

Modern hairdressing fashion has brought light brown hair shades into the spotlight. Now no one will say that light brown hair looks dull, inexpressive and too ordinary - natural light brown hair color can be easily decorated or enlivened with a wide variety of shades and tints that are harmonious for a specific appearance.

Light brown - this hair color has a very beautiful name - “flax-colored hair.” Light brown curls will be an excellent and win-win addition to the appearance of all girls with light skin tones and light eyes (especially blue, gray and green). There is some kind of magical attractiveness in light brown hair; this color is also especially interesting because, being as close as possible to the blond palette, the color itself has its own individuality and charm.

Light brown hair shades are quite versatile and go well with many types of appearance. Both in nature and in the line of special hair dyes, light brown color is represented by a mass of lively, attractive and interesting shade variations.

In the process of dyeing red or chestnut hair light brown, it is necessary to carry out a mandatory lightening procedure, which will ultimately allow you to get exactly the light brown color that you were immediately focused on.

Typically, light brown hair shades are very self-sufficient, but if you are overcome by the desire to complement your image with fresh and original notes, then you can try using the highlighting technique, choosing ash, copper or dark brown undertones. The most suitable hairstyles for this category of hair will be lush styles, a wide variety of braids with soft and smooth outlines.

The basic rules in makeup for light brown women will be a complete shift in priorities towards naturalness and natural beauty. Even a minimal amount of makeup on your face can present your appearance to others as a completely harmonious, sophisticated and attractive image. As the main concept in makeup, you can choose the well-known Nude style, with soft and delicate shades of blush, discreet and light lip gloss (berry shades) and eyelash-lengthening mascara.

Radiant shades of precious metal on hair today have a special place among fashionable hairdressing trends, even though it is quite difficult to obtain such a shade of hair. If we talk about the natural origin of this angelic radiance in the hair, then it will be a few shimmers among the strands of hair. Only those who have undergone a color transformation using special hair coloring compounds can boast of a rich and rich golden-brown hue.

Golden shades of light brown will greatly enhance the appearance of people with blue or brown eyes, as well as the “spring” or “autumn” color type.

This color will require its owner to provide constant and proper care to the hair; otherwise, the hair will quickly lose its richness and beauty, fade in the sun and become brittle. That is why the amount and intensity of sunbathing should be as moderate as possible, and the strands themselves should be constantly nourished with the help of special masks, balms and a line of professional care products for this particular category of strands.

The golden-brown color is currently presented in several interpretations, each of which amazes with the beauty of the play of shades of amber, caramel, walnut, bronze and gold:

Golden threads in light brown hair are especially popular among women of Balzac's age, as they not only refresh the face, but also make them look somewhat younger. And girls with light brown hair will look quite impressive, natural and stylish.

Dark brown color. Interest in this color is fully justified, because it is on dark brown hair that you can observe unusual combinations of both cold and warm shades and undertones. The main reason why it is better to refuse to dye your hair this color will be that your skin is too dark, but otherwise the dark brown color is quite universal, perfectly emphasizes the oval shape of a girl’s face and beautifully highlights the eyes. But stylists also cannot confidently recommend this beautiful shade to those who have very short hair or a bob haircut, since the most suitable hair length that can fully demonstrate the beauty and depth of dark blond will be shoulder length and below. An additional condition that must be taken into account before dyeing your curls dark brown is the ideal health of your hair. Weak and damaged hair with split ends will not be able to fully cope with such color transformations and, therefore, will need a preliminary treatment course to promote complete recovery.

Dark brown hair can be found in two shades:

  1. silver-ashy is a cold shade that requires constant maintenance of the original beauty and shine of the resulting color. To do this, you should think in advance about purchasing special tint balms or shampoos;
  2. The golden hue is a warm hue that shines flawlessly in every ray of sunshine. Suitable for girls with slightly dark skin, eyes of brown, green and amber shades.

Dark brown hair makes the appearance of almost any woman very expressive, and can also add a certain individuality to the image through additional shades of almost all color variations. You can complete the creation of a new image of a dark-blond beauty by using shades of wheat, walnut, honey, caramel and copper as complementary colors. And if the hair is not lush and thick enough, then the situation can be improved by using the technique of creating visual volume by lightly highlighting the strands using the technique of zonal placement of color accents.

What kind of makeup can be used for dark brown hair shades? This is usually the use of light-colored cosmetics to create everyday looks in a casual style, complemented by lipsticks ranging in color from pale pink to dramatic and bright coral. In evening looks, an emphasis on the eyes is quite acceptable, which can be demonstrated to others using the smoky eyes technique.

Ash-blond hair color is undoubtedly very unusual and especially charming, but you should choose it with great care. Unfortunately, only a few women get this color from nature; basically, to achieve this very capricious and complex color, you need the hand of an experienced craftsman and a lot of time spent coloring in the salon. This color masterpiece is created exclusively for girls with cool skin tones and flawless features. The ash-blond palette contains the real secret of expressiveness, aristocracy and sophistication that each of us strives for.

Ash-blond hair color cannot become a worthy adornment of your appearance if your skin tone naturally has even light or barely noticeable shades of yellow and red - that is, for girls with dark skin this shade of brown hair is completely contraindicated.

There are also a number of reasons that should also make you change your mind about dyeing your curls an ash-blond shade:

  • presence of multiple pigmentation on the face;
  • facial skin defects manifesting themselves in the form of pimples, redness or scars;
  • age wrinkles;
  • too enlarged pores;
  • the base hair color is red, golden, chestnut or other shades with yellowish or red undertones.

Modern manufacturers of a line of special hair dyes undoubtedly took into account the rarity of the natural origin of strands of ash-blond shades and completely took upon themselves the task of helping women dye their hair in such colors artificially. In this regard, almost any manufacturer of hair coloring products has its own line of ash-blond shades. Most often, these are solutions that are quite diverse and quite close to natural shades, capable of satisfying the needs of any women and girls.

Today there are three main groups of ash-blond hair color:

  1. Ash-blond LIGHT category is the lightest representative of this line. Often such shades are called ash blonde, and women who dye their hair light ash blonde are called blondes;
  2. Ash blond of the MEDIUM category is an intermediate version of a darker shade;
  3. Ash-blond of the DARK category is a representative of the ash-blond palette with the most expressive and deep dark shades, in which ash or silver colors shimmer beautifully.

Despite the uniqueness and richness of ash-blond hair color, it is necessary to note certain difficulties that you may encounter later:

  • ash-blond very quickly loses the original depth and attractiveness of the chosen color tone;
  • such hair can quickly fade;
  • ash-blond hair requires enormous efforts to maintain the color and health of curls that have gone through chemical dyeing procedures;
  • If the wrong shade of ash-blond is chosen, a woman risks adding several extra years to her actual age.

  1. the use of special cosmetic lines for hair in hair care - balms, shampoos, masks, conditioners, which are specifically produced for this category of hair and allow the resulting pigment, beautiful shine and healthy appearance to be fixed in the hair for as long as possible;
  2. the use of certain tinting agents so that the hair shows spectacular brightness and richness of ash-blond color;
  3. two weeks after the procedure of dyeing ash-blond, you can fix the resulting color effect by laminating your hair;
  4. take a special restorative or maintenance course for colored hair in specialized beauty salons and your hair will be very grateful to you for it;
  5. Avoid prolonged exposure to sunlight or strong winds, and do not go without hats in very cold weather.

In the makeup of owners of ash-blond hair shades, it is desirable to have fresh shades of exclusively natural origin. The main rule is the correct distribution of accent zones - if you used eye shadow and emphasized the beauty of the eyes, then the amount of blush applied to the cheekbones should be minimal, and the shade of the chosen lipstick should be very calm and soft. If, on the contrary, you decide to apply bright and rich shades of lipstick or gloss on your lips, then it will be enough to line your eyes a little with arrows.

Medium brown hair color - a certain charm of this color lies in its versatility and versatility of the images it represents. The range of transformations within this category of light brown hair lies between beautiful and natural wheat shades and rich, expressive bronze. In this color range, the most unimaginable and attractive light tints on the hair are possible. It is the medium brown colors that are very popular and trusted by many girls.

Here, several options are possible at the same time, answering the question of what color you can dye your brown hair:

  • Dyeing brown hair using the coloring technique involves very interesting experiments with your appearance by mixing different shades of special dyes applied to individual strands in a gentle way. Coloring for light brown hair can help you make some changes to your own image, refresh your hair, add visual volume and even look much younger than your actual age. Among the favorite shades of light brown hair, warm and soft shades of honey can be noted; cold colors are also quite acceptable - ashy, silver. For dramatic transformations, you can dare to choose dark tones that form certain contrasts in the hair. In any case, colored hair on light brown hair will look very original, interesting and unusual;
  • Dyeing light brown hair using the balayage technique. The peculiarity of this coloring procedure, which has been trending for several years now, is that the change in the original hair color begins from the middle of the strands and smoothly moves to the very ends. Sometimes balayage can be compared to the improvisation of a master who, with light, “sweeping” hand movements, transfers the coloring composition onto the hair in the shape of a Latin letter V using a special brush;
  • Dyeing light brown hair using the ombre technique - light brown hair is the most optimal base for implementing this technique. The master creates the smoothest color transitions in the horizontal plane of the hair. With the help of these gradual color transitions, the natural light brown shade of the hair beautifully flows into the shade chosen by the client. The ombre technique is also classified as gentle and is incredibly popular among ladies of all age groups;
  • California highlighting for light brown hair is highlighting performed using the technology of open exposure of hair dye to oxygen - no foil or special thermal paper is needed here. Hair of light brown shades perfectly conveys all the versatility and beauty of the effect of natural hair burning under the rays of the sun;
  • French highlighting of light brown hair is an option for making minor changes to the image by delicately, softly lightening selected strands with an ammonia-free coloring composition. The main coloring component is a special wax that does not cause any particular harm to the hair;
  • Classic highlighting of light brown hair - applying dye of lighter shades to the strands along the entire length. This is a time-tested, traditional method of applying three to four shades close to each other to the hair.

The times when bright blondes or brunettes with jet-black curls were at the peak of popularity are gone. Modern women of different ages prefer natural shades for coloring. When choosing, take into account the tone of the eyes and skin, and the shape of the face. Today, the trend is a wide variety of noble shades of light brown, which, when chosen correctly, effectively emphasize facial features. Often women with such a “mousy” color by nature prefer to literally change it a couple of tones. It would seem that minor changes in the image make the appearance more expressive and harmonious.

Light brown can be quite dark, with an ashen tint, even have a mousy tint, or maybe a golden undertone.

Features and benefits

Modern stylists and hairdressers unanimously insist that light brown will harmoniously combine with the appearance of almost every woman - the only condition is the correct choice of shade, taking into account the woman’s skin tone, her style and image as a whole.

Below we will consider in detail the features of the main tone variations and their combination with different color types.

warm shades

Dark brown hair color

A dark undertone, with the right choice of shade, suits almost every girl - only those with very dark skin should be careful when experimenting with this color. If you choose the wrong dye, your skin tone will “merge” with your hair, so the girl will have to constantly resort to makeup tricks. Dark blond can be confidently classified as a “soft summer” color type. This color type includes representatives of the fair sex with fair skin and cool shades of curls.

Light brown hair color

Light brown girls often turn into blondes. At the same time, naturally light curls look incredibly feminine and attractive. They are in harmony with the skin and also look great in combination with eyes of dark and light shades. Experts advise those who like to experiment to dye their curls in a tone one or two shades lighter or darker than natural. Also, fair-haired girls should become more familiar with pearlescent shades, which will make their appearance more expressive without a significant change in color.

Blonde girls look especially attractive if they have fair skin and light eyes. This shade harmoniously complements girls and women of Slavic appearance. Light-blond representatives of the fair half usually belong to the “spring” color type.

Medium brown hair color

Medium brown hair color looks impressive and attractive. That is why this shade is actively used by hairdressers, given the fashion for natural shades and maximum naturalness. This original tone can be seen quite often on girls who do not dye their hair and prefer naturalness. Lovers of this shade often choose bronzing - this technique allows you to get a deep and attractive medium-blond hue.

This hair color looks especially impressive with light eyes and tanned skin. Typically, medium brown hair can be seen in representatives of the “summer” color type.

Fashionable ash-blond hair color

A cold, but incredibly attractive and spectacular ash-blond color is chosen by women of different ages. It allows young girls to emphasize facial features and make their appearance brighter, and women prefer it to unobtrusively hide the first gray hairs. It’s worth looking at domestic and foreign show business stars - many celebrities have repeatedly chosen the ash-blond color for dyeing their hair.

For people with fair skin and a natural peach or pink blush, this shade is best suited. Girls with freckles should choose light brown with an ashy tint to highlight their natural beauty. At the same time, representatives of the fair sex with dark and dark skin should give preference to other shades of hair. Hair of different tones with an ashy tint is typical for girls with the appearance of the “summer” color type.

Ash Ombre for brown hair

Ash is becoming very popular. Silver-gray hair is the dream of many women, both blondes and brunettes. But to get such an interesting effect, you need to try. Master hairdressers talk about the ash tone as the most capricious. It is not easy to obtain and even more difficult to maintain. Even if the dye indicates an ashy undertone, for example 7.1 or 8.1, after 1-2 washes it is washed out of the hair. If you decide to wear an ash ombre on brown hair, be prepared for careful care.

Palette of ash shades Estel Professional DE LUXE

Try not to use tongs or curling irons. High temperature destroys the cold pigment and a natural, yellow pigment appears on the strands.

Once a month, do toning with a 1.5 activator. Trim the ends every 1-1.5 months, this will keep your hair looking beautiful and healthy after bleaching.

How to get beautiful ashes? Lighting is needed. For the pigment to lay evenly, you need a clean, white base. After lightening, the hair is tinted. To do this, use the selected dye and activator, usually not higher than 1.5%.

The effect of burnt hair on light brown hair

This coloring technique is suitable for those who want to blend their natural color with delicate, slightly lightened strands. There is no need to go to the salon often, because the strands are lightened 5-10 cm from the roots and as they grow they do not look untidy. To maintain the effect of naturally sun-bleached curls, it is enough to visit a hairdresser every six months.

  • If your natural color is light brown and your skin is light, ash and silver tones are suitable.
  • For blondes with golden hair and warm skin tones, honey and golden highlights are recommended.

Whether you did the coloring at home or in the salon, bleached strands require intense hydration. Do moisturizing masks for 40 minutes every 15 days.

Who should choose golden brown hair color?

This shade is worth highlighting among others - it looks noble, and also attracts attention with its caramel and honey-colored tints in the sun. Like the ash-blond shade, it is popular and is actively used by modern hairdressers to create fashionable hairstyles with natural beauty. This color stands on the same level as others, for example strawberry, wheat.

Golden-brown hair will harmoniously combine with various types of appearance. Almost any eye and skin color can be matched with a contrasting, but at the same time natural and attractive golden-brown hair shade. Girls with round and square-shaped faces should pay attention to it - this shade makes the hairstyle visually lighter and more voluminous, which allows you to focus on the advantages of your appearance. Golden-brown hair can most often be seen in women with the “spring” color type.

Cool shades of light brown

The trend of this season can easily be called cool hair colors. Cool shades of light brown with silver tints are especially popular. They look impressive and make the hairstyle visually more voluminous and voluminous. This muted shade looks noble and is also suitable for girls and women of different ages. If your hair is naturally light brown in color, you can add cool notes to it by highlighting or coloring by dyeing the strands in a platinum shade.

If the skin is light and has a pinkish tint, prone to redness, then cool shades will harmonize well with it. The color of the eyes does not matter - a cool light brown color suits any eyes. If you look at the color type, then these shades of light brown should be chosen by women with the “soft summer” color type.

Who should choose a light brown color with copper tints for hair coloring?

A warm shade of copper and a strict cold light brown are harmoniously combined in a copper-blond color, which is actively used for hair coloring. The original shade looks noble, but at the same time contrasts. It is difficult to find on girls without dyed hair, because... it is rarely found in nature. Copper blond is great for those who prefer original shades that are not aggressive and natural.

Blonde with copper undertones looks best with fair skin and soft blue or bright green eyes. It looks noble and also allows you to effectively emphasize the advantages of your appearance. It is worth considering that copper shades can be more saturated, reddish, as well as deep and muted. Representatives of the fair sex with copper-brown hair color can easily be classified as the classic “autumn” appearance color type.

Who shouldn't dye their hair brown?

Modern girls with light brown hair often prefer dyeing - some turn into bright blondes, others choose a mischievous red color, and still others join the ranks of brunettes. At the same time, hairdressers and stylists unanimously insist that light brown color is in trend today. To make your appearance more vibrant and expressive, it is enough to dye your hair a color a couple of shades darker or lighter. Usually this is enough to emphasize the shape of the face and eye color without resorting to drastic changes.

Considering the fashion for natural shades of light brown hair, representatives of the fair sex are wondering who should not experiment with this color. As we discussed above, there is a wide variety of light brown color variations. This allows you to choose the right option for girls and women with different types of appearance. For the experiment to be successful, you should contact professional stylists or hairdressers to choose the appropriate shade of light brown.

Naturalness in the choice of colors is now in great demand, as natural shades are becoming more and more popular from year to year. The Internet is full of photographs of celebrities and artists who strive to look natural, and the older they are, the lighter their curls.

Along with this type of coloring, of course, the technique of balayage and ombre remains popular, which this season very actively use blue, light blue, green and lilac in tandem with light brown, dark brown, ash and pearlescent.

Creating a completely new image in the 21st century will not be difficult if you have enough information at hand (reviews, photos and expert advice).

The naturalness with which girls look when they dye their hair light brown always attracts attention than bright red or green strands. But there is no arguing about tastes, therefore, taking into account all the features and shortcomings of your appearance, with the help of a photo you can choose the most suitable option.

How to choose a beautiful light brown hair color photo

The golden rule when choosing the right tone remains the same - take into account the color of the skin, eyes, face shape and the presence or absence of freckles. You can resort to painting with household paints such as L'Oreal, Garnier and Palet. If you have skills in this matter, then you can carry out the transformation yourself, without going to a specialist in a beauty salon, where you will have to pay a lot of money.

The transition from dark to light is much more difficult than from light to more saturated. If you look at the unsuccessful photos of stars before and after dyeing from dark blond to lighter, you will see how the hair casts a greenish light. To avoid such embarrassment, you should correctly determine your color type and choose a paint of medium light brown color.

Natural light brown hair color photo

Natural light brown can be classified as a spring or even summer-spring palette. And all because the palette of these colors is limited and smacks of dullness. Therefore, it is better to make this choice for girls of Slavic appearance with a light iris. Brown-eyed brunettes with dark skin from birth are unlikely to look natural with this color.

A photo of Kim Kardashian, who periodically experiments with her hair, clearly demonstrates both successful and unsuccessful celebrity looks. The eyes play a big role in choosing the tone. Don't be surprised by photos of African-American women with ashen hair. Such a contrast has long become something commonplace. Of course, ash will look perfect on fair girls. Therefore, it is better for blondes not to overdo it with tanning.

Pearlescent shade

Light brown is often called grayish ash and pearlescent colors, which rarely suit anyone. Blue, green eyes plus matte skin - and you can safely dye your hair pearly or ashy. Initially, to bring your curls to a state where any light shade will fall on them, you should use a lightener dye in order to ultimately achieve the desired result. Beautiful light pearlescent hair color gives off a special shine and is characterized by transparency, even if it is not light brown, but chestnut and even red. You shouldn’t limit yourself to light colors, because the palette is huge and photos with examples of colors on a particular girl will help you make the right choice. Scientists also call it a spectrum of colors in harmony with each other, giving off a diamond shine.

Photos of successful examples:

Light light brown hair color photo

The name light blond contains a single meaning - medium, ash, cold, copper and dark blond. A grey, green or blue iris will blend perfectly with any of these colors. Natural blush and freckles will look beautiful with ashen. But it’s not easy to get it at home, so it’s better to contact a professional so that he can not only help with dyeing, but also suggest what shade might suit you and how to care for your hair after this procedure.

Copper or auburn will look great on a girl with darker skin. There are a lot of photos, pictures and comments from women on how to achieve a natural tone and maintain the desired color without subsequently going to a beauty salon. For fair ones, a decoction of chamomile is suitable, and for dark ones, a decoction of onion skins. And you also need to make masks for colored curls to preserve the color, because over time the tone washes off and fades.

Examples of photos for whom light brown hair color would suit:

Beige blond

Beige light brown hair color is an indispensable assistant in the fight against age-related changes. There is no better color for women who are already over 40. After all, the blacker, the older, and the lighter, the younger and more tender. And it suits absolutely any eye and skin color. In spring or even summer, you can try highlighting with pastel brown hair. Lighter strands will visually add volume and even more naturalness to your hair. Be sure to lighten the colors before chipping, especially in the roots, which are constantly growing and are always darker than the tips. The sun also does its job, if you are not afraid of its rays, then the curls will lighten over time without the intervention of chemicals. Be sure to study and carefully examine the photos with girls of similar colors, pay attention to the haircut and styling, which also play an important role.

Nature gave the majority of girls of Slavic appearance brown hair. With the advent of a wide palette of dyes, this color was undeservedly forgotten and replaced by brighter shades, but after the return of fashion for natural beauty, interest in it was renewed. Owners of light brown hair have a legitimate reason to rejoice, but fair-haired girls and brown-haired women should not be upset either. If desired, a light brown color can be created from almost any starting tone, the main thing is that its combination with the appearance is harmonious.

Who suits light brown hair color?

Ash brown hair

The ash-blond color has a pronounced gray tint. It is not suitable for everyone, since it highlights any skin defects (acne, uneven tone, etc.). Its creation is also difficult. It is not always possible to achieve a lasting result and the same shade when tinting the roots, especially if you do it at home.

But these difficulties do not deter stylish beauties. Girls with light peach skin and a slight blush can easily afford to wear an ashy shade.

Advice! In order not to make a mistake in choosing a tone, it is better to do the first ash coloring in a salon.

Golden brown curls

A distinctive feature of the color is honey or caramel highlights and tints. With their help, dark hair will sparkle with new colors, and light hair will become more saturated. The golden brown shade is universal and suits any skin type and eye color. If the difference in comparison with the natural hair tone is not too large, tint balms and shampoos can successfully cope with coloring. Thanks to this, you can give a golden brown color even to weakened curls.

Honey shimmer on gorgeous curls

Copper-blond shade

Copper blonde is a unique hair color that practically never occurs in nature. It looks great with blue and brown eyes, but gives a special charm to green-eyed girls.

The copper-golden tone successfully sets off pale, freckled skin. And a darker, richer shade of copper suits dark-skinned people. The desired color is achieved by using henna, permanent dyes and tinting shampoos.

Color determines character

Despite the fact that most modern ladies change their hair color several times throughout their lives, certain stereotypes have developed among men associated with blondes or brunettes. Fair-haired women were also not ignored:

  1. Light brown hair of warm shades - kind, gentle, slightly fearful and in need of support.
  2. Light brown hair of cool shades - the owner of a Nordic character, strong, sometimes stubborn, but faithful and reasonable. Sometimes it is perceived as a coldish object, but all the more attractive in terms of conquest.
  3. Brown hair is a woman who is as close to real life as possible, generous, smart, caring. Subconsciously evokes associations with excellent health, which will allow you to have strong and beautiful children. However, the line from fair-haired to “nothing” is very thin, as is the perception from “a good wife and mother” to “a gray mouse.”
  4. Dark brown hair with an ash tint - smart, cunning, can give the impression of being “on your own.”
  5. Dark brown with a greenish tint - a creative nature, often endowed with some supernatural abilities, for example, the gift of foresight.


An interesting effect can be achieved by adding bleached strands to light brown hair. Depending on the existing color, highlighting is performed using one of the following techniques:

  • Classic. It involves lightening individual strands near the face or distributing them throughout the entire mass of hair. The method is used on dark and medium shades of light brown.

  • Californian. This is a gentle coloring method in which curls are lightened without wrapping in foil. As a result, the color is less intense. The application of paint begins a little back from the roots, so as they grow, the hairstyle does not need frequent correction.

  • French. Lightening in this technique is made non-contrasting to create the illusion of sun-bleached curls. The method is suitable for light hair shades.

  • Brazilian. As in the French version, instead of playing on contrast, they create smooth tints of color. For coloring, not one, but several similar shades are used. The technique is fully revealed on medium-blond curls and is absolutely not suitable for hair previously treated with henna or basma.

  • The opposite. With its help, you can gradually return from heavily bleached curls to a natural tone. To do this, individual strands are painted with a darker color, close to natural.


Another technique that adds variety to light brown shades is ombre dyeing. It appeared relatively recently, but has already been appreciated by Hollywood divas, celebrities and many ordinary girls who follow fashion. The essence of this coloring is to create a smooth fusion of natural color with any other color along a horizontal border.

Using this method on light brown hair has a number of advantages:

  • keeps hair roots healthy;
  • visually increases the volume of the hairstyle;
  • allows you to try out new shades without radically changing your image.

It is light brown hair that opens up the most opportunities for experimentation. The classic two-tone ombre, triple and even bright coloring with non-standard shades looks good on them. You just need to choose the option that suits you.

Hair dye: create a light brown shade yourself

Dyeing light brown differs from working with bright shades. At home, you can easily change the color by 1-2 tones in any direction. But if you are determined to change your color, for example, from black to light brown, it is better to go to a salon. In this case, preliminary lightening under the supervision of a specialist increases the chances of success, but still greatly weakens the hair.

When dyeing your curls light brown on your own, you must:

  1. Carefully study the palette and make sure that your original shade allows the use of the desired paint.
  2. Take a break from washing your hair for 2-3 days before using the coloring composition.
  3. When coloring for the first time, start applying from the ends, as they take on color more slowly. With regrown roots the situation is the opposite.
  4. Keep the mixture on your hair exactly as long as recommended in the instructions. Extending the life of the dye will not make the color more saturated and will most likely ruin the hair.
  5. Give your curls a few days to rest if you previously lightened with a remover.

Otherwise, the technology is no different from painting any other color. The final stage is the application of balm and further restorative hair care.


To ensure that brown hair remains healthy and its shade does not fade, you must not forget about care after dyeing. It is better to use products made from natural ingredients on a regular basis. For example, it is recommended to rinse wheat and golden hair with chamomile decoction.

A one-component nourishing mask made from yogurt is also useful. Her recipe is simple - apply homemade yogurt over the entire length of the hair and leave for an hour. It is not necessary to wrap your head, just pin up your curls so that they do not interfere. After an hour, the hair should be washed with shampoo. Another product gifted by nature is colorless henna. It activates growth and restores the structure of light brown hair

Another product gifted by nature is colorless henna. It activates growth and restores the structure of light brown hair. Henna is used in the form of masks made from powder diluted with water, herbal decoction or tea. It is possible to add other ingredients - essential oils, egg powder, cosmetic clay, avocado, some dairy products.

You should always remember that frequent blow-drying and curling dry out your hair, so you need to use thermal protection and nourishing masks

A mask made from colorless henna received good reviews and kefir To do this, take one glass of low-fat kefir, preferably homemade, and mix it with 1 tbsp. l. henna until smooth and distributed over the entire length of the hair. The curls are wrapped in a towel, left for 20 minutes, and then washed off with your usual shampoo. To saturate your hair with nutrients, 2-3 applications per month are enough.

Important! If you overuse the henna treatment, there is a risk of getting unwanted yellow hair.

Haircuts and hairstyles for fair-haired girls

Beautiful hair needs proper styling. Classic hairstyles for brown hair - long bob and cascade. Cascading haircuts look especially interesting on curls colored in ombre style.

Long bob on light brown hair

Although light brown color is most often chosen for long hair, it can also be presented attractively on short haircuts. To do this, you should take care of the volume. If your hair is thin, highlighting individual strands can make it visually thicker. Of course, short hair takes more time to style, but the beauty is worth it.

Reverse braid hairstyle for brown hair. Step 1-4 Women with regular facial features and not too wide cheekbones can try out hairstyles with curls. In combination with California highlighting,

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