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What to wear to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster? Which style to choose

Now I know what outfit I should wear for the New Year! Looks like it's time to launch a shopping raid...

Now I know what outfit I should wear for the New Year! Looks like it's time to launch a shopping raid..

New Year is my favorite holiday. This is a day of real magic, when all your cherished wishes can come true.

We are all preparing for this holiday in advance and now is the time to start.

It's no secret that on this day the food on the table, the company, and even what you wear are of great importance, because the right clothes for celebrating the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who don’t particularly believe in horoscopes are interested in what to celebrate and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. In New Year’s outfits and decorations, it is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the ruler of the year will like the right colors, and in return he will send success in his personal life, financial well-being and health.

So, let's see what designers and astrologers advise on how to celebrate the New Year 2017 for each zodiac sign.

How to celebrate the Year of the Rooster for fire signs

Active and energetic Leo, Sagittarius and Aries belong to fire signs. They are united by swiftness, cheerfulness, luck, enterprise, and tirelessness. And for their kind attitude towards people they are valued and sought after. Negative qualities include incontinence, hot temper, and belligerence.

Outwardly, Fire people are beautiful and expressive. The clothes of the Red Fire Rooster are perfect for Leos, Sagittarius and Aries.

Fire Aries- hot, scalding, unfading. Therefore, on New Year's Eve, Aries girls will wear red or all its shades. And it doesn’t matter what it will be - a chic evening dress or a spacious jumpsuit with trousers and a skirt. For some reason, astrologers warn Aries against deep necklines, which, in their opinion, cause personal problems. But Aries, even without a neckline, are open and beautiful with their enthusiasm, sociability and love of life.

Leo Fire- calm, not swaying, constant. On the night of the meeting of the Rooster, Lionesses do not need to impress others; remain yourself. Lioness girls have a natural flair and tact when it comes to clothing. On New Year's Eve, dress the way you want, as your spiritual tact dictates. The only note: take care of balance in creating the image so that there is no overkill or distortion in your toilet. And you will be regal at the New Year's Eve.

Sagittarius Fire- unstable flame, inconsistent flashes. On New Year's Eve, astrology recommends that the Sagittarius girl try on the image of a vamp. Unlike Aries, Sagittarius is shown a neckline, a mini length, and bright makeup. They say that the Fire Rooster guarantees such a woman good luck and financial well-being. But if you don’t have time to prepare your figure and make it slimmer for the holiday, consider the option of a narrow straight floor-length skirt, and an erotic neckline will decorate you as always.

Practical, thrifty, homely Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn belong to the signs of the Earth.

Taurus. It is unlikely that they will choose scarlet mini-dresses with sexy necklines. They have different views and different priorities. But for the 2017 New Year's party, they can afford something unusual, extraordinary, even reckless. Astrology advises Taurus girls to simply shock others with their toilet. But it’s better to make the 2017 New Year’s manicure and accessories a little brighter than usual. The restive Rooster will like this bow.

Virgo On New Year's Eve, let them remain sweet, feminine, soft and gentle. To do this, it is better for Virgos to abandon bright, flashy, neon colors of clothing and choose something from halftones without a pattern. Makeup, manicure, and accessories will also be dim, matching the color of the New Year's dress. Hide the deep neckline and high mini in the closet - the Rooster likes your modesty and cleanliness.

Capricorns often have artistic taste, so they can freely experiment and invent. On New Year's Eve, Capricorn girls can show their individuality. Pay special attention to your hands. Decorate your hands with rings, bracelets, makeup. Let your toilet shine with stones this night, and your eyes with charm. Only in this case will the Rooster pay attention to them.

How to dress for New Year's Eve for air signs

Air signs are signs of intelligence. The group of air signs includes Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. They are observant and receptive, capable of interaction.

Twins On New Year's Eve you should be fully prepared, because on the night from December 31, 2016 to January 1, 2017, the Moon will enter the sign of Gemini. Although the Year of the Rooster will come much later in China, we will be celebrating the New Year in the constellation Gemini. This circumstance gives Gemini girls a head start compared to others. Therefore, you must make every effort to be noticeable, bright, and cheerful. The rooster will pay favorable attention to the red accessory in his hair and make you his favorite bird.

Scales At their core, they usually balance opposites, so contrasts in the image are familiar to them. Considering the Rooster's favorite color is red, take it as one of the colors and create a contrasting look. For example, an image of mysterious sexuality in red and black, or a royal look in red and gold, or natural red with greenery, etc. This approach to deciding on a festive outfit will help the Rooster fulfill your wishes all year long.

Aquarius They know how to discard the bad and find the positive sides in everything. Astrologers advise them to take care of their knees and energy, and wear a long dress or even trousers. Let the dress, skirt, blouse with trousers or suit be bright, elegant, shiny. And feel free to add details that highlight your beauty and sophistication. Do everything to please the bright Rooster.

Outfits for water signs on New Year's Eve 2017

Sensual and emotional Cancers, Scorpios, Pisces. They do not know how to hide their feelings, but they carefully notice every little thing, every detail. This always affects their appearance.

Cancers They miss the costume balls of past centuries. Domino, cowgirl, and royal costume suit them perfectly. And the bright-feathered Rooster pushes the Cancer girls to the New Year's masquerade. And not in vain: in a carnival costume, Cancers feel like they are in a house. And you can choose shoes for your carnival costume that are comfortable and stable, so you can have fun and dance all night long without getting tired.

Scorpios They will put on such an interesting outfit that the Rooster will immediately pay attention to them. Some details that make you stand out from the crowd of guests should simply catch your eye. This could be a feather in a hairstyle, or feathers in accessories, or skirt tails in the shape of feathers, or some other interesting moments in the image. Turn on your imagination and prepare in advance for a bright holiday.

To the fish It’s worth dressing up for a meeting with the fashionable Rooster in something new, something they haven’t worn before. In order not to compete with the owner of the year in brilliance and beauty, let your outfit be dim, in pastel colors. New clothes should be convenient, comfortable, and evoke pleasant, positive emotions. Sometimes Pisces girls are overly shy and indecisive, and new things will give you confidence and relaxedness. Such girls will attract the attention of the bully Rooster.

When we think about what to wear to celebrate the New Year 2017 according to our zodiac sign, first of all, we do everything to look elegant and festive. In addition, we dream of pleasing the symbol of the New Year and celebrating it in such a way that it becomes our patron for the whole year. For many years now, we have been celebrating each year in accordance with its zodiac symbol, learning its character and preferences. We follow the requirements of the sign, so we turn to the advice of astrologers.

But the most important thing when celebrating the New Year is not so much our appearance as our mood. Joyful anticipation of the holiday, happy laughter, friendly toasts, wishes, delight and jubilation make a girl attractive and pleasant to talk to. Any zodiac sign will love this attitude, and the Rooster will reward you for meeting you in the right outfit all year long.

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The whole bright palette of colors is available to you: red, scarlet, gold, shades of yellow, green and blue. And by combining the colors together in some breathtaking evening dress or an incredible hairstyle (based on the “multi-colored feathers” principle) and multi-colored manicure, you will make your entrance into the New Year’s Eve space unusually bright, dizzying and memorable for many years.

A festive outfit should be bright and expressive. Gold-colored accessories will look great with red. Any feather jewelry would be appropriate - these could be earrings, brooches, hair ornaments.

It is recommended to think through the New Year's image in advance, taking into account all the details and nuances.
The symbol of the year will like a neat, stylish outfit. Since the rooster is a poultry considered the head of the family, the New Year must be celebrated only at home; the holiday must be a family one. You need to save money for an outfit long before the holiday, since it must be expensive and fashionable - this is also a basic requirement for good luck. Even if you don't have a great love for jewelry and shiny stones, it's still worth purchasing them to please your bird. And if you have jewelry made of precious metals and stones, then you definitely need to wear them, and the more, the better.

What outfits should you avoid so as not to upset the “rooster owner”?
In no case should the outfit remind the bird of predators, so that it doesn’t immediately get scared on the threshold and run away. No leopard prints or designs reminiscent of cats are welcome on New Year's Eve.

Since this is the New Year of the fiery rooster, the choice of color is already known. It’s just hard to imagine women who will all be in red. How not to merge with the main red mass? Preference can be given to a romantic cut of a dress made of flowing fabric. Satin and silk are perfect.

It is important that the chosen fabric is made from natural material. It is easier to choose jewelry for these dresses, since almost everything harmonizes with the fabric. The dress should be long to emphasize the gracefulness of the figure.

But there are circumstances in which it is not possible to buy a new red or orange dress. But that’s not a problem either. You can choose an existing dress of a similar shade from your wardrobe, but decorate it with new bright ribbons and add a couple of golden accessories.

Fashion designers will delight fashionistas with beautiful bright bows, the sizes of which can be any. You can decorate a dress with them, use them as an accessory on your hair, and even attach them to your handbag. And don’t forget about feathers as a symbol that attracts good luck. In no case should you forget about the color of your underwear; a set of fiery red color is a must-buy.

Since the cockerel loves everything expensive and refined, you need to buy a fur cape for a festive evening. It will harmonize with a red outfit and look fashionable and stylish.

But you need to not only listen to the advice of experts next year. The Rooster loves creative and interesting people. Experiments will be appropriate!

Well, if someone says to you that they “dressed up like a rooster,” you can consider this the most flattering compliment, because you hit the bull’s eye with your outfit!

“Mohawk” hairstyle, reminiscent of a rooster’s comb, “rooster gypsy” scarves and skirts, large gold earrings, bracelets, rings... All this carnival splendor is very appropriate to celebrate 2017, the year of the fiery Rooster

Choosing a hairstyle for New Year's Eve

Just like your outfit, you need to pay special attention to your hair. The hairstyle will complement a well-chosen outfit. Beautifully braided hair in a ponytail will look great - this will remind the cockerel of the housewife’s neatness. Beautifully curled and styled hair is also a good fit for this celebration. A variety of hair weavings are also welcome. It is better to give up sloppy hairstyles and styling; it should be perfectly neat.

How to choose an image for a child?

Not only adults, but also small family members should enjoy the coming year of the rooster. The family should be harmonious, which means the children can be decorated for New Year’s Eve, and good luck in their studies and all new endeavors will accompany them all year. There are many options for costumes for children, the main thing is to consult with the child so that he likes it.
The child should be very comfortable in the outfit; it should not hinder movement or suppress the emotional state. The child should rejoice at the outfit, play the role of a cheerful cockerel, and receive pleasure and gifts from the holiday. Then the memories of the New Year holidays will be full of the best memories.

First of all, you need to know that the fire rooster is a clean bird in every sense.
1. It is imperative that you carefully clean up your apartment and your thoughts. No frustration or negativity. Think only about good things.

2. Unmarried girls must ask the rooster for help in getting married, since he is the family bird.

3. There should be symbols of the rooster on the festive table - toys, figurines, candles in the shape of a rooster.

4. It is better to refuse dishes made from chicken meat and eggs so as not to frighten off the winged patron. He probably won't like it. But he will like cereals in any cooking recipe, and there should also be a lot of salads with vegetables and herbs on the table.

5. The holiday should take place only with family, at home. It is better to avoid restaurants and noisy establishments.

6. The outfit should be in red colors using various accessories.

7. It is better to choose perfumes with a fruity-floral aroma, which symbolizes warmth and summer.

8. Pay special attention to your hands; a manicure to match your dress will do. The hairstyle should be neat and beautiful.

When celebrating the New Year 2017, you definitely need to attract attention with your irresistible image. If you follow the advice, the fiery rooster will definitely become a good patron throughout the year.

We all love the New Year very much, and we prepare for it in advance. The New Year holiday always brings a feeling of magic, miracle, fairy tale. We make wishes and believe that they will come true. The right clothes for celebrating the New Year will enhance the magic of this magical time and bring good luck.

Even those who don’t particularly believe in horoscopes are interested in what to celebrate and what to wear for the New Year of the Rooster in 2017. In New Year’s outfits and decorations, it is recommended to use the colors and symbols of the patron saint of the coming year - the Red Fire Rooster. It is believed that the ruler of the year will like the right colors, and in return he will send success in his personal life, financial well-being and health.

What to wear for New Year 2017

Since the upcoming 2017, according to the Chinese horoscope, is considered the year of the Red Fire Rooster, the main colors will be all shades of flame: red, yellow, orange. You can also include their derivatives: burgundy, coral, cherry, purple. The appearance of the Rooster allows you to expand the color range, complementing it with bright shades of rooster feathers: gold, bronze, white.

A red dress or suit is the most suitable option for an evening outfit for the New Year's Eve in 2017. However, this color is not suitable for everyone. It is very noticeable, and a woman dressed in red always attracts special attention. Therefore, she must be one hundred percent confident in herself. Red is for very confident representatives of the fair sex.

Moreover, this color does not suit everyone and not everyone likes it. Many people prefer more elegant and modest tones. In addition to classic red, other shades of flame are suitable: orange, burgundy, cherry, yellow, gold and even brown or black. You can celebrate the New Year in clothes of these colors, and choose accessories and jewelry to match the main color. This could be a red bracelet on the hand, a bag, a belt, shoes, etc. Jewelry with natural stones in shades of fire will harmoniously combine with such outfits: garnet, ruby, pink and red tourmaline, coral, red jasper, amber, etc. A man’s suit will be decorated a bright red scarf with a corner sticking out of your pocket or an orange tie.

A gold-colored dress would be an excellent choice, because it is one of the fiery colors. This is also a good sign for attracting wealth and financial well-being. An outfit in red and gold tones will be complemented by neutral-colored shoes, such as cream or beige. Shoes in these shades visually increase the length of your legs and make them more elegant.

Clothing style for the New Year's holiday

The Rooster, the symbol of 2017, loves bright things. A fashionable dress made of satin, silk, brocade, or organza is perfect. At the peak of popularity is noble velvet. The style of clothing should be distinguished by grace and beauty; romantic airy dresses are most preferable for girls and women. Don’t be shy to wear a revealing outfit, because the New Year’s holiday is the best reason to show off your charms. You can choose a dress with a seductive neckline or an open back, or a skirt with a high slit in the front or side. The Rooster will also appreciate bright jewelry and shiny accessories. A brooch with a cockerel or jewelry with feathers will be a great addition to your look.

If there is one thing that needs to be excluded, it is leopard and brindle prints. Any hints of predators are undesirable, because the leopard and the tiger are the enemies of the Rooster. Shoes and accessories made of snakeskin and its imitation are also not suitable.

As for men, they can step away from their usual formal suits and relax a little. A good choice for the stronger sex would be bright shirts or an unusual tie. If an extravagant style seems too bold for a man, then you can choose a shirt that matches the color tone of the lady.

How to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017

Rooster, the owner of 2017, is a lover of order, he is neat and meticulous in everything. Therefore, before you start decorating your home for the holiday, you need to do a thorough cleaning. The Rooster is particularly picky about details, so try to create coziness throughout the home.

For home decoration, give preference to red, yellow, orange, cherry, and purple colors. The main condition is brightness and naturalness. The rooster will love fluffy multi-colored garlands and glowing lanterns. Let variety reign in New Year's decorations: snowflakes of different shapes and sizes, shiny tinsel, large balls. The New Year tree, the main attribute of the holiday, is well decorated in red colors. The coming 2017 will be a real holiday of handicrafts. You can make Christmas tree toys and wall decorations, crafts from paper, wood, thread, felt, etc. with your own hands.

Treats and table setting on New Year's Eve

If we talk about holiday table treats, we must remember that the Rooster is a prudent and thrifty bird. Therefore, inexpensive but satisfying dishes will be appropriate on the festive table on New Year's Eve. It’s good if the housewife prepares a large cake or pie with her own hands. Treats made from fish and seafood, beef, and pork would be appropriate; however, in order not to offend the Cockerel, avoid poultry dishes. In addition to the main meal, put salads from fresh vegetables and fruits on the table.

Table setting is exactly the case when a combination of classic style and country style is welcomed: wooden and ceramic dishes, linen tablecloths and napkins, compositions made from natural materials. You can set the table with a red or burgundy tablecloth and place candles in elegant gold candlesticks.

The rooster is a home-loving bird, so it is best to celebrate the New Year holiday with your family, with relatives and friends. May you remember the New Year 2017 with coziness and comfort.

Read about how to celebrate the New Year of the Dog in 2018 in this article.

You will find interesting ideas for New Year's gifts in the article:

Next year 2017 is the year of the Fire Rooster. This is a proud bird, vocal, cheerful, with bright, beautiful plumage. It symbolizes the beginning of a new, unknown. The rooster is the first to notify everyone that a new day has arrived. In the east it is associated with sunrise and awakening.

The Rooster is majestic, attentive, and fair. He is constantly in the forefront in all areas: at home, at work, and among friends. A good family man is caring, kind, and ready to do anything for the happiness and peace of mind of his loved ones.

The Rooster's appearance is far from in last place. He is attentive to himself, loves to look good, to be admired and complimented. The bird is very clean and does not tolerate carelessness and negligence. Reacts negatively to criticism.

Next year, it will be fashionable to be extravagant, unusual and original in clothes in order to always be noticeable and not blend in with the crowd. The Rooster tends to dress well and impress others upon first meeting. In 2017, many people have a chance to climb the career ladder.

The New Year 2017 begins on January 28, and ends on the night of February 16. This year will be restless, like the bird itself, filled with bright, unforgettable, significant events. The color is red, symbolizing energy, beauty, greatness, power and rapid movement towards victory.

In China, the rooster is the embodiment of five important qualities - courage, loyalty, kindness, benevolence, and self-confidence. This year, humanity must develop these virtues. Consequently, the basis of behavior in the coming year should be sincerity, openness, and straightforwardness.

However, openness is not always beneficial. After all, roosters are characterized by recklessness, recklessness in their actions, and ordinary straightforwardness may seem rude and simply do harm. It is necessary to select information before presenting it to human judgment.

What to wear to celebrate New Year 2017

The owner of 2017 is the Fire Rooster, has multi-colored plumage, looks variegated, the color scheme is dominated by red and its shades, as well as orange, green, and black.

The Year of the Rooster 2017, which is characterized by such cheerful and extravagant colors, should be celebrated in a catchy, eye-catching outfit. The sleeves and neckline can be decorated with sequins, beads, and rhinestones. An unusual solution would be embroidery on the bodice or sleeves. A brooch with a cockerel will help complete the look. If a bright outfit is not to your liking, you can only use a colorful scarf to match the symbolism. As for jewelry, it is better to pay attention to pearls, gold, and products made from natural stones.

You also need to think about the color of the outfit in order to meet the 2017 Year of the Rooster according to all the rules, what color should the dress be.

  • Red– the color itself looks rich, is popular and loved by many women. Brooches, pendants and other accessories must be chosen carefully so that they do not look too tacky.
  • Coral– rich and very noticeable, catchy color. However, when choosing an outfit of this color, you need to be very careful, consider whether it matches your eyes, skin, and hair.
  • Bright yellow– if the outfit is yellow, then the color must be rich, and in no case faded or pale.
  • Orange– the color of joy, fire of vital energy, sun. Perfect for New Year's Eve.
  • Burgundy– for those who do not like flashy, extravagant colors. This is the color of elegance and solidity. Massive accessories are perfect here - a brooch, a belt with gold elements.

For the 2017 meeting, it would be appropriate to use feathers. You can use a few feathers to complete the look, or you can adorn yourself with a majestic boa. Fur is also relevant in this case, as always it looks rich and beautiful. There may be a little fur, for example, a pompom on the arm.

How to decorate a table

Since next year assumes brightness, catchiness and expressiveness in everything, the festive table should also be in this style. The dishes can be very ordinary, but they need to be decorated accordingly. Beets, green peas, red beans, cucumbers, carrots, as well as green onions and regular greens are suitable for this.

Regarding the table itself, different color solutions are possible here. The tablecloth can be red-white or orange. However, do not forget that a table covered with a dark-colored tablecloth should be served with light plates, and if the tablecloth is light, dark dishes are needed.

Since the rooster is a poultry that usually lives in rural areas, the table should be set in a “rural” style. Wicker bread bins, linen napkins, and the tablecloth itself made of the same fabric are perfect for this occasion. Chicken dishes should not be present on the table. Be sure to put baked goods on the table.

Choosing a hairstyle

There are no clear recommendations for this part of the preparation. Everything that is beautiful is suitable. Large curls, a ponytail of straightened strands, steep curls, or simply straightened hair are also suitable. You can weave bright bows, hairpins, and elastic bands into your hairstyle. Since the rooster is a clean bird, the hair should look well-groomed and clean.

The Year of the Fire Rooster is a time to think about what the people around you want, think and strive for. When the 2017 Year of the Rooster arrives, the time will come to think about the most important values ​​in life: family relationships, tolerance, reconciliation and, of course, health. In the coming year there is an opportunity to implement everything that was conceived and planned earlier. You just need to not go too far and take care of your health and the health of your loved ones.

There is an opinion that in 2017, “cockfights” are possible between different states eager to take over new territories. However, we should hope that people have enough dignity and strength to cope with themselves and the “fiery” characteristic will remain just a beautiful particle of the name of this sign in.

Fashionistas are starting to figure out what to wear to celebrate the 2017 Year of the Rooster according to their zodiac signs now. And they do the right thing, because preparing for the celebration will take a lot of time and effort. It is important to have time to choose traditional shades of outfits and fashionable styles, buy shoes and accessories in order to be in trend.

It is accepted that the New Year's meeting can appease its patron and bring good luck to the house. To do this, people dress in appropriate clothes and set the table, according to the recommendations of astrologers. The 2017 Year of the Rooster must be celebrated in bright outfits that evoke associations with the fire element. It is advisable to celebrate the New Year in the following shades:

  • Ginger;
  • Brown;
  • Golden;
  • Yellow;
  • Orange;
  • Red;
  • Scarlet;
  • Burgundy.

Flame-colored clothes will surely draw the Rooster's attention to bright people and bring happiness in 2017. The favor of fortune depends on how the celebration goes. In addition to traditional colors, the Rooster can be pleased with green, turquoise or blue shades. You should choose a range depending on what hopes you have for the new year 2017:

  1. For the birth of offspring and financial well-being, all zodiac signs are recommended to wear red clothes.
  2. If your dreams are aimed at family, marriage and love, you should choose the color blue. It will also be useful for careerists, since it promises success in the service of the Rooster in 2017.
  3. True wealth will be attracted by yellow and all shades of gold. And the tandem of blue and yellow will increase the chances of making a profit several times in 2017.
A win-win option - to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster 2017 in a red dress

It is advisable to celebrate the New Year in shiny outfits, but not to overdo it, since the Rooster's envy will cause subsequent anger.

Models and fabrics

Boring business dresses are best left for visiting the office, as are regular blouses with straight skirts. New Year 2017 takes place under the auspices of the Rooster, who loves light dresses with a fluffy hem. Loose-fitting trousers, which are distinguished by their comfort, will also suit the court. Tight clothes will restrict movement and quickly cause fatigue, and it is important for all zodiac signs to celebrate the New Year 2017 in a fun and unforgettable atmosphere.

Choose only natural material for the outfit:

  • Velvet;
  • Atlas;
  • Silk;

Men may have a dilemma, since not everyone wants to add rhinestones to a belt or decorate a suit for the New Year 2017 with multi-colored feathers. Representatives of the stronger sex should not worry, because a traditional dark-colored suit is quite suitable for them. Brave ladies can experiment with golden and burgundy shades. The outfit should be neat, clean and ironed - for the 2017 patron saint of the Rooster, order is of great importance.

Astrologers do not recommend “fashionably” raising the collar of your shirt as a sign of independence and self-confidence. The owner of the coming year will not tolerate competition, leaving the leading role for himself. If the patron is favorable to women, then he will not provide any concessions to men.

Liquid metallic fabrics are at the peak of popularity

Shoes and accessories

Jewelry, high-quality costume jewelry and miniature handbags will help complete the look. Celebrating the New Year doesn't always take place at home, but a clutch will certainly come in handy in a cafe. The Rooster likes small bags made of natural materials; it is important that they match his outfit.

Handbags decorated with sparkles, stones of different sizes and rhinestones are appropriate. In order not to anger the Rooster, in this case the clothes should be more than modest and subdued tones. The brighter the outfit, the less jewelry you need to wear, otherwise there is a high risk of celebrating the New Year in the form of a parrot. Stones must be selected to match the main outfit. Among the stones in jewelry, ruby ​​or garnet should predominate. A combination of gold with warm amber, citrine or sapphire will be successful.

As for shoes, the ideal option in the year of the Rooster would be shoes with stable heels. The stiletto heel is a classic and will never go out of style, but in such shoes it is impossible to comfortably celebrate the holiday. Ballet flats decorated with rhinestones and small stones, platform sandals or shoes with a glass heel are suitable.

Moschino 2016-2017

Choosing an outfit according to the zodiac sign for the New Year of the Rooster

Astrologers say that if you choose correctly what to wear to celebrate 2017 according to various zodiac signs, fate will be favorable throughout the next 12 months:

  • Aries can safely adhere to absolutely all of the above tips, giving preference to the color yellow. Female representatives of this fiery zodiac sign are better off avoiding having a deep neckline in their outfits. Otherwise, the new year will bring love tragedy and heartbreak.

    Moschino winter 2017

  • Taurus is not afraid of any experiments, so colors and their combinations can be the most daring. However, this zodiac is not characterized by flashy antics and a bright individuality, and therefore the earthly sign will certainly withstand moderation in everything. In jewelry, pay attention to large hoop earrings.
  • If you look at the signs of the zodiac, Geminis are considered the most eccentric, who always have time and everywhere. A feature of the image should be its careful thought and correctly placed accents. Women will have to figure out not only what to wear for 2017 according to their air sign of the zodiac, but also what accessories to use. To attract good luck, you need to decorate your hair with a hairpin or satin ribbon in red shades.
  • Cancers will also have complete freedom of choice, but the Rooster will be especially pleased with the original costume outfit. For this reason, the New Year's Eve for the Cancer sign should be held in the style of an unforgettable masquerade. When will you ever get a chance to have so much fun? If there are no supporters of the idea, it is enough to complement the outfit with a mysterious mask with rhinestones.
  • It is difficult to please pedantic and self-confident Leos, who sincerely consider such preparation by zodiac signs to be superstition and nonsense. Royalty can relax and choose the outfit they like. The impeccable royal taste will be appreciated by the patron of the year. The main condition remains restraint in jewelry and accessories, so as not to overshadow the beauty of the Rooster.
  • Virgos according to the zodiac should choose bright clothes, but stick to soft makeup in soothing colors. Jewelry should be laconic to highlight the natural beauty of the earth sign.
  • Scales, even in life, are two opposite bowls that tip in one direction or the other. And a positive thing can be taken from this by playing on natural contrasts. Libras are allowed to shine as they celebrate the New Year, even all night long. It is advisable to remember what outfit you have been dreaming about in recent months - and choose it.
  • Scorpios are simply obliged to celebrate the New Year according to the zodiac, creating a personal highlight in their image. And the fair sex could use a little pepper to stand out from the crowd of celebrants. There is more than enough room for imagination, the main thing is to attract the attention of others.
  • It is recommended for Sagittarius to celebrate the New Year of the Rooster in a relaxed atmosphere, so women can safely dress up in short skirts and show off an attractive cleavage. For those with a luxurious figure, the image of a femme fatale is ideal.
  • It is advisable for Capricorns to listen to their own intuition and completely trust their inner voice. The emphasis should be on well-groomed hands and a beautiful manicure. It is better to choose discreet accessories, avoiding excessive pretentiousness, which the Rooster will not like.
  • Aquarians can try on floor-length skirts, trouser suits and long dresses with bare shoulders. Fashionable asymmetry will look interesting in the image; at least a small heel is desirable in shoes. Modest clothing is in harmony with bright decorations, which should not be forgotten in the New Year.
  • Any style is suitable for Pisces, but the outfit must be new. You can look for a suitable option now, and go shopping no earlier than the second half of December. This clever trick will help you attract success and money into your home in the coming year.

To win over the patron of the coming year, you should not skimp on your image and be modest. Whatever you wear to celebrate the New Year 2017 according to your zodiac sign, the basis should be bright colors, large jewelry and elegant accessories. The Rooster will not like quiet people, so they may not count on luck.

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