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Never in my life would I have believed that a woman’s character depends on the shape of her breasts! Papaya - elongated and directed downwards. Grapefruits are round and look in different directions

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our character. For example, the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso argued that according to characteristic features faces can even determine a person’s propensity for crime!

Now it has become clear that inner world A woman can be judged by her breasts. Take a close look at the picture below and determine what shape your bust corresponds to. And then read your description!

No. 1 - intelligent woman
You are happy to accept any challenge, just to prove the strength of your intellect. Peace and comfort are extremely valuable to you. In the eyes of others, you look like a strong and determined woman. You often hide your true feelings and like to enjoy being alone.

No. 2 - a born leader
No one has ever heard you ask for help, because you are used to doing everything on your own. On the contrary, all your loved ones listen to you and can rely on you Hard time. You successful woman and a born leader. In your personal life you may appear cold and distant, but this is due to your innate delicacy.

No. 3 - Miss Originality
You are modern Strong woman who is not afraid of any problems. You are quite impulsive, so everyone new day turns into a real adventure for you. Your behavior may shock others, but in fact, when making decisions, you always focus on your own value system.

No. 4 - eternal optimist and dreamer
In any, even the most hopeless situation, you see the bright side. You are always charged with optimism, and a cheerful smile never leaves your lips. You easily make contact and easily meet new people. You have a well-developed imagination, and you are not afraid to follow your dreams. Your friends consider you the life of the party, but few people know that deep down you are quite vulnerable and shy.

No. 5 - brave Amazon
No matter how serious the obstacles to your life path, you are always determined to overcome them at all costs. You are filled with enthusiasm, and by your example you inspire many people to do outstanding things. At the same time, you hate it when people contradict you. Even if you are wrong, you cannot immediately admit your mistake.

No. 6 - a real mystery
You are very sensitive and caring. You are a great listener, and friends are not afraid to trust you even with their biggest secrets. You can be trusted one hundred percent, but for others you continue to remain a mystery. You do not like to dedicate strangers to the details of your life. It is because of this that you are considered mysterious and enigmatic.

No. 7 - serious and wise
You always strive to increase your knowledge and accumulate experience. Your house is littered with books, and your friends immensely respect your erudition and rush to you for useful advice. Some may consider you boring, but this impression is deceiving. You just don’t like to get caught up in trifles and can only open up in the company of close friends.

No. 8 - the one and only
Your soul demands originality and self-expression. You are incredible creative person and always strive to create something new. You have a lot of ideas and plans, but often you abandon them unrealized, succumbing to an attack of apathy or melancholy. Your friends dote on you and highly value your individuality.

No. 9 - the embodiment of harmony
You are a balanced person and always strive for harmony. You avoid conflicts in every possible way and smooth out sharp corners. You rarely express your point of view and prefer to support the opinion of the majority. Despite the fact that outwardly you give the impression of being shy, you clearly know what you want to achieve and confidently move towards your goal. Your mind always holds back emotions, and this allows you to do right choice in difficult times.

No. 10 - the soul of the company
Your bright charisma attracts many people. You are a bright and extraordinary person and at the same time you easily get along with people. In any company, you are the center of attention, and all your friends sincerely admire you! You bring a lot bright colors into the lives of your loved ones.

No. 11 - volcano of energy
You are always the center of attention and know perfectly well how to use it. You have a very strong charisma, that's why you have big influence on people. At the same time, you hate stereotyped thinking and prefer not to get involved with people for whom practicality comes first.

No. 12 - fulcrum
You are extremely responsible and can be relied upon in any situation. Your colleagues place their trust in you big hopes and are not afraid to entrust the most important matter. They are confident that you will devote 100% to your work and will complete everything exactly as planned. And in your personal life, you are a reliable support for the whole family!

Well, does your character match the one described? Then surprise your friends and share this article with them! If not, don't take this test too seriously. In the end, even palmistry is not an officially recognized science, let alone determining character by the shape of the breast.

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our character. For example, the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso argued that one can even determine a person’s propensity for crime based on characteristic facial features!

Now it has become clear that a woman’s inner world can be judged by her breasts. Look carefully at the picture below and determine which number your bust corresponds to. And then read your description!

No. 1 - intelligent woman
You are happy to accept any challenge, just to prove the strength of your intellect. Peace and comfort are extremely valuable to you. In the eyes of others, you look like a strong and determined woman. You often hide your true feelings and like to enjoy being alone.

No. 2 - a born leader
No one has ever heard you ask for help, because you are used to doing everything on your own. On the contrary, all your loved ones listen to you and can rely on you in difficult times. You are a successful woman and a born leader. In your personal life you may appear cold and distant, but this is due to your innate delicacy.

No. 3 - Miss originality
You are a modern strong woman who is not afraid of any problems. You are quite impulsive, so every new day turns into a real adventure for you. Your behavior may shock others, but in fact, when making decisions, you always focus on your own value system.

No. 4 - eternal optimist and dreamer
In any, even the most hopeless situation, you see the bright side. You are always charged with optimism, and a cheerful smile never leaves your lips. You easily make contact and easily meet new people. You have a well-developed imagination and you are not afraid to follow your dreams. Your friends consider you the life of the party, but few people know that deep down you are quite vulnerable and shy.

No. 5 - brave Amazon
No matter how serious the obstacles on your life path may be, you are always determined to overcome them at any cost. You are filled with enthusiasm, and by your example you inspire many people to do outstanding things. At the same time, you hate it when people contradict you. Even if you are wrong, you can never immediately admit your mistake.

No. 6 is a real mystery
You are very sensitive and caring. You are a great listener, and friends are not afraid to trust you even with their biggest secrets. You can be trusted one hundred percent, but for others you continue to remain a mystery. You do not like to dedicate strangers to the details of your life. It is because of this that you are considered mysterious and enigmatic.

No. 7 - serious and wise
You always strive to increase your knowledge and accumulate experience. Your house is littered with books, and your friends immensely respect your erudition and rush to you for useful advice. Some may consider you boring, but this impression is deceiving. You just don’t like to get caught up in trifles and can only open up in the company of close friends.

No. 8 - the one and only
Your soul demands originality and self-expression. You are an incredibly creative person and always strive to create something new. You have a lot of ideas and plans, but often you abandon them unrealized, succumbing to an attack of apathy and melancholy. Your friends dote on you and highly value your individuality.

No. 9 - the embodiment of harmony
You are a balanced person and always strive for harmony. You avoid conflicts in every possible way and smooth out rough edges. You rarely express your point of view and prefer to support the opinion of the majority. Despite the fact that outwardly you give the impression of being shy, you clearly know what you want to achieve and confidently move towards your goal. Your mind always holds back your emotions, and this allows you to make the right choice in difficult times.

No. 10 - the soul of the company
Your bright charisma attracts many people. You are a bright and extraordinary person and at the same time you easily get along with people. In any company, you are the center of attention, and all your friends sincerely admire you! You always bring more bright colors into the lives of your loved ones.

No. 11 - volcano of energy
You are always the center of attention and know perfectly well how to use it. You have a very strong charisma, so you have a great influence on people. At the same time, you hate stereotyped thinking and prefer not to get involved with people for whom practicality comes first.

No. 12 - fulcrum
You are extremely responsible and can be relied upon in any situation. Your colleagues have high hopes for you, and are not afraid to entrust you with the most important assignment. They are confident that you will devote 100% to your work and will complete everything exactly as planned. And in his personal life, he is a real support for the whole family!

Well, how does your character compare with the one described? Then surprise your friends and share this article with them!

Cherries or melons? Find out what the shape of your breasts reveals about your personality. We have already learned to read character by hand and face. But did you know that breast shape is key to a woman's core personality traits? But first, let's go back a little into history to understand where this classification comes from.

In 18th century Spain, there was a belief that a woman's fate was written on her body, and the distance from her chest to her stomach predicted what awaited her in the future.

Prediction based on breast shape was also practiced in Thailand and Japan. The specialist determined the character and fate of the woman by studying the shape and size of the breasts, and compared them with diagrams and diagrams, and then rendered his verdict.

In 2005, Italian researcher Piero Lorenzoni presented his results in the German newspaper Bild, where he compared woman's breasts with various fruits.

There is also scientific evidence that there is a connection between breast shape and a woman's temperament. The thing is that certain genes carry DNA that is responsible for the shape of the breast and the functions of the brain.

What shape do you have?

Lemons - small and symmetrical

You are elegant and intelligent, and your way of thinking is different from most. Comfort and peace of mind are of paramount importance to you. You love to read and prefer to spend time alone.

You can be described as an emotionally stable person and you can easily laugh at yourself. In life you seek balance. Others admire your professionalism.

Papaya - elongated and pointing downwards

How female character depends on breast shape

You are a superwoman with a willful and independent character. You always weigh everything carefully before taking any action.

You have tremendous self-control. You can be called a calm, purposeful and successful woman. All these qualities are characteristic of excellent leaders.

The apples are small, slightly sloping and look into different sides

How a woman's character depends on the shape of her breasts

You move through life at your own pace. You are carefree and good at taking risks. You are characterized by spontaneity and progressive views on life. Others consider you a real charmer.

The pears are triangular, pointing downward big nipples

How a woman's character depends on the shape of her breasts

You are feminine and sensual, but have strong character. You constantly strive to be better and are open to new ideas. You radiate positivity and optimism and always see the glass as half full. Spiritually developed, loving nature and very constant - that's all about you. In addition, you have wonderful feeling humor.

Cherries - standing and looking in different directions

How a woman's character depends on the shape of her breasts

Like the cherry that represents the color red, you are passionate and courageous. You are eager to take on challenges and can make quick decisions. Cheerful and perky nature, able to entertain. You are a woman who will always be the life of the party.

Melons - spherical and pointing down

How a woman's character depends on the shape of her breasts

You kind woman, which you can rely on. You are willing to go to great lengths to help others. People can trust you with their secrets, confident that they will stay with you forever.

Often you play the role of a mediator, restoring harmony between conflicting parties. You are generous and caring, and others feel at home with you.

Nectarines - small and dangling with large nipples

How a woman's character depends on the shape of her breasts

You are reasonable, wise and noble. You always strive for self-improvement and love to learn something new. You can be called a peace-loving woman who tries to stay away from scandals. Remember that nectarines are the food of the gods, so you can be called a real queen.

Grapefruits are round and look in different directions

How to determine a woman's character by the shape of her breasts. This question interests both men and women. Exists for this a whole science - sternomancy, predicting a woman's fate by breast shape. It was invented by the inventive Spaniards back in the 18th century. They were the first to draw attention to the relationship between the character and shape of the breast of its owner. As it turns out, you can learn a lot about women from the shape of their breasts. Sexologists believe that a woman’s character is determined even more by her breasts than by her zodiac signs. Having studied the shape of the breast, they identified 21 categories and determined, for each category of character traits, its relationship to love, family, and sex.

Reading a woman's character from her nipple

Women with small and inverted nipple They can’t show anything interesting in sex, they are secretive natures, but they will fulfill any man’s wishes. He can safely express his wishes to her and demand the fulfillment of his fantasies. However, we must remember that these are women who are a whirlpool, and there, they say, there are devils.
Owners of high erect nipple- mostly dominant natures. They love the cowgirl position and cunnilingus, they are power-hungry but, strangely enough, very generous.
Pale pink parapapillary circles indicate spiritual beauty, gentleness, romanticism, and kindness.
Dark pink, dark brown circles indicate passion and love of adventure.

How to determine a woman's character by the shape of her breasts

How is a woman's character related to the shape of her breasts? Breast shape changes throughout life depending on many factors. One of the main factors is heredity.

Forms No. 1 - cranberries

Since the breast is sensitive and natures are also sensitive and intuitive, they live more in their dreams than in real world. Their reason is relegated to the background. For such breasts, push-up bras are purchased to lift the breasts and give them volume. A woman loves a calm, slow, rhythm of life. They are attached to the family and seek the company of friendly people.

Form No. 2 - fox nose

The fox nose breast shape – the name speaks for itself. Feminine nature, loving to win the attention of men. Complements flutter in the air.
Such breasts are no larger than size 3, and a push-up bra will also suit her. Women with this breast shape faithful wives and creative in bed.

Forms No. 3 - bottles

Women with this breast shape are confident. Ideal housewives, they love order in everything, bring any task to the end and, of course, on time. They have their own opinions and do not follow the lead of others. For those with such breasts, it is best to wear a bra that does not have foam inserts. It perfectly supports the breasts.

Shapes No. 4 - pear

Women with such breasts are independent. These are cat women who walk on their own! These are funny laughs. They are open in friendship, in love, but very freedom-loving. You shouldn't expect loyalty from her - she loves to flirt with other men and doesn't see anything wrong with it.
This breast shape allows you to wear several types of bras. For example: a lace bodice or with a very soft cup.

Forms No. 5 - hooks

Such women can hook any man! This lady will only let a man go at will
Prudence and intelligence are what they have in abundance. They definitely get their way. For such breasts, a bra with a soft, comfortable cup is ideal.

Forms No. 6 - watermelons

Women with this breast shape strive to be the center of attention. Therefore, if you are trying to win such a woman, give her maximum attention. Women with cucumber breast shapes are very fond of worship and admiration, they strive to command, money is of no small importance to them. Such women will not take risks over trifles; they approach everything carefully and thoughtfully. Owners curvaceous- persistent, purposeful, self-confident, always achieve their goals in life.
For such a breast, several can be suitable different options bras.

Forms No. 7 - saucers

Women who have a “saucer” breast shape are extremely resilient and cannot be broken by any difficulties. It is better for them not to cross the road; such women are dangerous competitors. They do not forgive insults, are very vindictive, and most often they are tireless workaholics. Hardy, persistent, nature, despite the difficulties, goes ahead.
And she doesn’t like those who cross her path. Everyone defends their interests.

Forms No. 8 - potatoes

Having such forms, women are multi-loving women who are not afraid to have an affair with several partners at the same time. At the same time, they will hold on to each of them until the last. Women of this type require care and attention. The main thing for them is to always be loved.

Forms No. 9 - cucumbers

Women with a cucumber breast shape are optimistic, pleasant in company, love life and bring rainbow colors to it. Full of strength, desires, emotions. They are always the head of the family. For henpecked men, this is an ideal option!

Forms No. 10 - peaches

Owners of this breast shape are selfish and require a lot of attention. But these women, like no one else, are able to make an everyday day a holiday. Boring life- this is not for them. Small breasts are known to be the most sensitive. Ladies with such breasts are proactive in relationships. Sometimes they allow themselves little weaknesses and pranks.

Forms No. 11 - apples

Having such forms, women feel confident. But in a relationship, to their detriment, they will give pleasure better to the man they love.

Forms No. 12 - handbags

If you decide to please this woman, then don’t waste your time. Don't try to attract a lady with gifts, beautiful bouquets, the maximum you will get in return is a cold thank you or a dismissive look. Women choose their men themselves, but if this lady likes you, she will open up to you 100%.
Experimenter in sex life, dominant. Sometimes she is aggressive and jealous. But she can’t stand these qualities in men.

Forms No. 13 - grapefruits

These women are subtle, sweet, loving creatures who strive for perfection. The main problem is the lack of a sense of proportion. Constantly monitors and analyzes himself - wasting time and missing out excellent chances. Where personal initiative and independent decisions are needed, such a woman is irreplaceable. She will not allow any disturbances either in the house or at work.

Form No. 14 - bee stings

Almost no breasts in self-confident, successful ladies. Among them there are many avid careerists who are ready to do anything on the way to their intended goal. They are calm and balanced, but easily become angry and irritated. They rarely change partners and are relatively faithful.

Forms No. 15

The “saucer” breast shape of women is extremely resilient; no difficulties can stop them. Ladies in this category once again exaggerate and invent additional problems, but are ready to do anything to complete the task. Don’t force yourself on such a lady, as she is capricious in her choice and not criminal. She prefers to choose her own partner. Having decided on a partner, she is monogamous. When communicating with such a lady, have a lot of patience.

Forms No. 16 - teapots

Teapots are a breast shape in which the nipples are curved upward. Such ladies have sharp mind, neat and efficient.
She can easily adapt and understand any man.

Forms No. 17 - oranges

Women with orange breast shape are very temperamental and good in bed. Age is not a hindrance for them; sexual fire burns until old age. They are subtle, practical, loving in nature.

Forms No. 18 -"Spaniel Ears"

For ladies of such shapes, the light always burns. The manifestation of initiative and adventure characterizes their image and character.

Forms No. 19 - oars

This breast shape is also called “goat”. The owners are loving and virtuoso; they change men like gloves. Uninhibited and temperamental. For them, there are no taboo topics in sex. These ladies are capable of changing lovers one after another, every day. They make excellent prostitutes, as well as great actresses.

Forms No. 20 -XXL

Breasts having large forms often causes discomfort to its owners. It is very difficult to choose a bra for such breast shapes. Although women with such shapes are sweet, kind, and romantic.

How to determine a woman's character. Bust size

Now let's talk about the relationship between breast shape and size. Of course, to do this you need to choose what fruit your breasts resemble.

mandarin Zero size
apple First size
orange Second size
coconut Third size
grapefruit Fourth size
a pineapple Fifth size
melon Sixth size

How subtly noted!

It's no secret that our body can tell a lot about our character. For example, the Italian psychiatrist Cesare Lombroso argued that one can even determine a person’s propensity for crime based on characteristic facial features!

Now it has become clear that a woman’s inner world can be judged by her breasts. Take a close look at the picture below and determine what shape your bust corresponds to. And then read your description!

No. 1 - intelligent woman
You are happy to accept any challenge, just to prove the strength of your intellect. Peace and comfort are extremely valuable to you. In the eyes of others, you look like a strong and determined woman. You often hide your true feelings and like to enjoy being alone.

No. 2 - a born leader
No one has ever heard you ask for help, because you are used to doing everything on your own. On the contrary, all your loved ones listen to you and can rely on you in difficult times. You are a successful woman and a born leader. In your personal life you may appear cold and distant, but this is due to your innate delicacy.

No. 3 - Miss Originality
You are a modern strong woman who is not afraid of any problems. You are quite impulsive, so every new day turns into a real adventure for you. Your behavior may shock others, but in fact, when making decisions, you always focus on your own value system.

No. 4 - eternal optimist and dreamer
In any, even the most hopeless situation, you see the bright side. You are always charged with optimism, and a cheerful smile never leaves your lips. You easily make contact and easily meet new people. You have a well-developed imagination, and you are not afraid to follow your dreams. Your friends consider you the life of the party, but few people know that deep down you are quite vulnerable and shy.

No. 5 - brave Amazon
No matter how serious the obstacles on your life path may be, you are always determined to overcome them at any cost. You are filled with enthusiasm, and by your example you inspire many people to do outstanding things. At the same time, you hate it when people contradict you. Even if you are wrong, you cannot immediately admit your mistake.

No. 6 is a real mystery
You are very sensitive and caring. You are a great listener, and friends are not afraid to trust you even with their biggest secrets. You can be trusted one hundred percent, but for others you continue to remain a mystery. You do not like to dedicate strangers to the details of your life. It is because of this that you are considered mysterious and enigmatic.

No. 7 - serious and wise
You always strive to increase your knowledge and accumulate experience. Your house is littered with books, and your friends immensely respect your erudition and rush to you for useful advice. Some may consider you boring, but this impression is deceiving. You just don’t like to get caught up in trifles and can only open up in the company of close friends.

No. 8 - the one and only
Your soul demands originality and self-expression. You are an incredibly creative person and always strive to create something new. You have a lot of ideas and plans, but often you abandon them unrealized, succumbing to an attack of apathy or melancholy. Your friends dote on you and highly value your individuality.

No. 9 - the embodiment of harmony
You are a balanced person and always strive for harmony. You avoid conflicts in every possible way and smooth out rough edges. You rarely express your point of view and prefer to support the opinion of the majority. Despite the fact that outwardly you give the impression of being shy, you clearly know what you want to achieve and confidently move towards your goal. Your mind always holds back your emotions, and this allows you to make the right choice in difficult times.

No. 10 - the soul of the company
Your bright charisma attracts many people. You are a bright and extraordinary person and at the same time you easily get along with people. In any company, you are the center of attention, and all your friends sincerely admire you! You bring a lot of bright colors into the lives of your loved ones.

No. 11 - volcano of energy
You are always the center of attention and know perfectly well how to use it. You have a very strong charisma, so you have a great influence on people. At the same time, you hate stereotyped thinking and prefer not to get involved with people for whom practicality comes first.

No. 12 - fulcrum
You are extremely responsible and can be relied upon in any situation. Your colleagues have high hopes for you and are not afraid to entrust you with the most important task. They are confident that you will devote 100% to your work and will complete everything exactly as planned. And in your personal life, you are a reliable support for the whole family!

Well, does your character match the one described? Then surprise your friends and share this article with them! If not, don't take this test too seriously. In the end, even palmistry is not an officially recognized science, let alone determining character by the shape of the breast.

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