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What to give for a speedy conception. Actionable tips on how to get pregnant fast. Useful tips for conceiving a child

The birth of a new life in itself is a miracle and depends on a large number of factors. In many ways, the responsibility for the likelihood of conception lies with the woman. Weight, diet, level of physical activity, the presence of bad habits - all this matters when planning a pregnancy. To increase the likelihood of conception and give birth to a healthy baby, the expectant mother should reconsider her lifestyle. Sometimes this is not enough. Then a woman can resort to the help of folk signs, rituals and rituals.

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      Pregnancy planning

      When medicine turns out to be powerless, the experience of our ancestors helps out, who believed in the miracles of folk signs that are passed down from generation to generation and help even the most desperate women.

      Folk omens

      Someone is skeptical about beliefs, while others follow them unconditionally. Without a doubt, 90% of success in the intended business is faith in yourself. Then any miracle will be possible. Therefore, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the following folk signs in order to get pregnant soon:

      • Why does a girl dream - interpretation of dream books

        Help of stones and minerals

        Properly selected stones have a beneficial effect on their owners. They bring good luck, soothe, protect, and also help when trying to get pregnant.

        You can choose agate to help. It doesn't matter what kind of jewelry it will be in: a pendant, a ring, a bracelet. A woman should choose jewelry based on her inner feelings. It should be comfortable to wear.

        Pearls also come to the aid of those who dream of getting pregnant. A woman who has received a pleasant surprise in the form of a pearl product can prepare for motherhood. It will come in the near future.

        It is worth taking a closer look at the stone that suits a woman according to her zodiac sign. Undoubtedly, it will have a beneficial effect on its owner. A suitable stone should always be carried with you.

        The right plants

        The choice of indoor representatives of the flora can affect the success in trying to conceive. There are flowers that fill the house with good luck and prosperity, attracting new life, and there are those that interfere with this. Therefore, it is worth taking seriously the choice of home flowers, having learned more information about their action.

        The most popular assistant is ficus. This plant absorbs negative energy around it. There are many stories about the early conception of the mistress of the house after the appearance of ficus in it. It is advisable to put a pot with this useful plant in the bedroom near the bed.

        There are also very interesting flowers - “female happiness” and “male happiness”. The names speak for themselves. It is said that they quickly attract new life to the house where they are. Another property of these plants is that they improve family relationships. The main thing is to regularly care for the flowers, showing love and care.

        If several indoor plants suddenly and simultaneously began to bloom in the house, this is a favorable sign. He says that soon the family will be visited by the joyful news of the addition.

        miraculous places

        Many couples turn to very expensive treatment, spend a lot of time on it, but there is no result. Often the best way to get pregnant is a simple change of scenery. In a new place and breathe in a new way.

        No wonder many psychologists advise to leave your comfort zone more often. Fresh impressions open up previously hidden opportunities for people.


        A trip to the warm coast sometimes replaces years of unsuccessful treatment. Therefore, many couples who go south to relax and recharge, return from there already three. Positive emotions during the trip will also affect the ability to conceive as soon as possible.

        If there is no way to get out to the sea, the method proven by many “lucky ones” will help - visualization. It is enough to devote 10-15 minutes to this method. Turn on the recording of the sound of the waves, get comfortable and imagine how the sea shakes on its waves, and warm water takes away all the negativity. Systematic visualization exercises help to achieve excellent results in achieving your desires.

        Visiting "places of power"

        Holy places, or "places of power" are points where energy flows intertwine. They also include the so-called prayer places. Having been there, a person can recharge, cleanse his energy and pray for the fulfillment of his most cherished desire. If it is for the benefit of the one who asks, then it will certainly be fulfilled.

        Such "places of power" can be found on all continents. They are connected both with natural phenomena and with the events that once took place there. There are ten popular places where couples who dream of finding the happiness of becoming parents constantly make pilgrimages.

    1. 1. Alanya, Gate of Desires (Türkiye). This place is located on the coast of Alanya and is a large natural hole in the rocks. A woman must pass through this gate, making a wish to have a child.
    2. 2. Mount Ullu-Tau in Kabardino-Balkaria. This place is one of the most energetically strong in the Caucasus. It is also called Mother Mountain (from the Karachay-Balkarian language "Ullu" is translated as "mother", and "Tau" - "mountain"). From ancient times to this day, many people flock to it for meditation and prayer. Ullu-Tau is famous for miraculous cases of healing and fulfillment of desires. And in most cases, it helps women get pregnant.
    3. 3. Lake of the Pregnant Woman on the island of Langkawi in Malaysia. Langkawi is a place of untouched nature and purity. This island is covered with greenery and jungle, incredibly beautiful gardens. There you can see two majestic waterfalls. On the small island of Pulau Dayang Bunting is this famous and legendary lake. It is said that a beautiful goddess married a simple man, but their first child died, and the heartbroken mother buried her son in the waters of a beautiful lake. Thus she consecrated him. Then she returned to heaven. Since then, having bathed in this wonderful lake, barren women gain the opportunity to give birth.
    4. 4. Sculpture of a boy Frantik in the Czech Republic. The healing springs of this country are known to many people. There is a legend associated with a small statue of the boy Frantik holding a fish in his hands. You need to touch the fish and say your desire to yourself several times.
    5. 5. Convent in Murom (Russia). There come couples who dream of having a baby. According to legend, Saints Fevronia and Peter lived in Murom, loved each other and died on the same day. Since that time, they believe that those who fall to their relics with prayer will receive healing from childlessness and find the joy of a family hearth. The best date for such prayers on July 8 is the Orthodox Valentine's Day. It was then that Saints Peter and Fevronia were canonized. It is also recommended to bring consecrated icons of these saints with you from Murom.
    6. 6. Kykkos Monastery in Cyprus. The miraculous icon of the Mother of God is kept in this monastery. It belongs to the brush of St. Luke. It is believed that he wrote it directly from the Mother of God herself. Despite multiple fires in the monastery, the relic was saved. Now it is located near the royal gates. Part of the icon is covered with a cloth; a belt with stones hangs on it (from infertility). It is worn by women who wish to be healed.
    7. 7. The sacred river Ganges (India). Hindus believe that it brings fertility. Girls who fail to conceive a child must take a bath in the waters of the Ganges. This can be done in the following places: Gomukh, Gangotri, Allahabad, Benares, Kolkata. It is not for nothing that legends are made up of the fertility of the Hindus.
    8. 8. Scarab beetle in Karnak (Luxor, Egypt). The temple complex of Karnak is famous not only for its incredible architecture. The walls of this temple are decorated with a huge number of images of Min - the ancient Egyptian god of fertility. There it is worth getting a talisman for the future father and mother - the Scarab Beetle. In order for this amulet to fulfill the desire to conceive a child, you need to go around it seven times.
    9. 9. The pool of the monastery in Gondar (Ethiopia). Near the capital of Ethiopia, Addis Ababa, is the city of Gondar. It houses a complex of ancient monasteries, which preserved the shrines of the Ethiopian Orthodox Church. There is also a swimming pool, in which a woman will be healed of infertility. At Christmas, childless girls are helped to descend into this pool by tying them with ropes.
    10. 10. Church in Tsalebiko (Greece). It is known to many and is located in a place called Tsalebiko. It is located on the top of the mountain. There is a legend that a woman suffering from infertility must crawl over bare stones from the foot of the mountain to the altar of the church. Then in the near future she will definitely become a mother.

    Make the most of your holiday

    Many folk omens are associated with the celebration of the New Year and Christmas. The night from December 31 to January 1 is always the beginning of a new period in the life of every person, when they make plans, set goals and leave everything bad in the old year. Christmas is a great sacred holiday, in which prayers acquire incredible power.

    If the dream of having a baby already in the New Year is very big, a well-known method will help: write your desire on a piece of paper, burn it to the chimes, and drink the ashes with champagne.

    At Christmas there is a special rite to help desperate women. It is necessary on the eve of this Holy Feast, standing on the threshold with your right knee, to drink water. Before doing this, it is necessary to read a short conspiracy:

    Mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary!

    Fly to me yourself, but no,

    So, send messengers,

    Son or daughter

    I beg you to help me.

    In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit,

    Now, forever, forever and ever.

    Red thread and pregnancy

    The red thread on the wrist is a well-known and widespread amulet in our time. And, of course, he helps women who want to get pregnant. Many remember that it was after they were tied with a red thread that the good news came to them.

    There is no wisdom in using this amulet. The most important thing is to be tied by a loved one who wants only good. Then the fulfillment of the dream will come very soon.

    Gender of the child

    The gender of the unborn child is something that depends little on the parents. Whoever is born - a boy or a girl - is a great happiness. But if there are already five daughters in the family, and everyone is expecting an heir, the father and mother begin to think about how to influence the sex of the next child. There are also many popular beliefs about this.

    The ancient Hellenes believed that it is better to conceive a son on the right side (daughters - on the left). The Chinese lie with their heads to the north during intercourse if they want a boy. To have a girl, they turn towards the south.

    To conceive a son, folk beliefs advise putting a gun or an ax under the marital bed. In the conditions of our time, a toy car is also suitable.

    It is believed that the mood of the parents at the moment of intimacy affects the sex of the child. If a man wants a son, he should make sure that the woman gets more pleasure during intimacy than he does.

    There are countless signs. Each nation has its own, based on the characteristics of the place of residence, religion, legends. It is important to choose something that is close in spirit, sensations. A woman will intuitively feel that she will be helped.

    It must be remembered that signs gain strength only if you believe in them with all your heart. Happiness comes when there is a willingness to accept it.

I found an interesting article, decided to post it:
[b] Quickly get pregnant according to folk signs. Fulfillment of the desire for pregnancy. Folk signs relieve infertility. How to beg the fate of the baby?

[b] Sign 1. In advance, before the desired pregnancy, buy a small baby item, for example, a hat, socks. This will help you "visualize desire", the brighter you feel the presence of the baby, the faster he will appear.

[b] Sign 2. Visit places of power that promote conception, where the energy flows of the earth connect, where there were many good people with good thoughts.

[b] Sign 3. Try "grandmother's signs":
grow ficus in the house;
put in the house or hang a few branches of willow.

[b] Sign 4. Watch your words:
1. do not use swear words;
2. don't say "I'll never have a baby", "I'm barren". Remember - the word is material.

[b] Sign 5. Use folk recipes, herbs for the treatment of infertility. Be sure to consult your doctor. Official medicine has long known about the benefits of herbal medicine. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and time of admission. Don't use the tabloid press to self-medicate. Some of the recipes there are just poisonous! You can read more about herbal medicine here.

[b] Sign 6. The desire for a baby can sometimes be fulfilled by itself at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

[b] Sign 7. To receive a string of pearls as a gift is a good sign of a future pregnancy.

[b] Sign 8. Rest with your husband in the south. A lot of couples "bring babies" from the southern regions. For us, the inhabitants of a country where climatic conditions leave much to be desired, a visit to the warm seashore can replace years of ineffective treatment for infertility.

[b] Sign 9. One of the most famous harbingers of a future pregnancy is the adoption of a baby. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and your own will appear.

[b] Sign 10. Widespread among beliefs that promote conception, signs associated with various manipulations of things pregnant, for example:

Try on things for a pregnant woman;
drink from a glass of a pregnant woman;
sit in the place of a pregnant woman;
pat the pregnant belly.

[b] Sign 11. Start attracting "gratitude" - good, good wishes addressed to you. To do this, try to do good sincerely free of charge, and then soon an aura of gratitude will arise around you, which will help conception;

[b] Sign 12. For a quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create a "wish map", where the main role will be assigned to conception and your unborn baby. To do this, glue your photo (photo of your family) with the baby in the center of a large sheet of paper. Along the edges, you can depict, for example, yourself pregnant, guests meeting a happy mother from the hospital, the first steps of the baby, and other attributes symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires". To do this, get a small notebook (preferably for the new moon), where you write down your desire for a baby. A few rules for maintaining a scroll:

A) let this notebook be your secret - do not let anyone touch it;

B) your desire should be formulated positively, for example, "I am not barren" - the wrong wording, correctly - "with deep gratitude I accept my pregnancy from the Universe and the universe";

C) formulate a desire with gratitude to the Universe and then you will be heard. Do not forget to thank the Universe after the fulfillment of the desire.

[b] Sign 13. A sure sign of the upcoming conception and a signal that the time for action has come is the unexpectedly rapid growth of indoor plants in your home.

[b] Sign 14. A very famous sign about a kitten. In order to get pregnant soon - shelter a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten should "catch" to you by itself - do not look for it on purpose.

[b] Sign 15. Invest energy in your desire for an early conception. This may simply be the use of the power of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and turning to saints who help from infertility (for example, Joachim and Anna, Perth and Fevronya, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not be inflamed with several desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

[b] Sign 16. Relax and for a while force yourself not to think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if a desire turns into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, but you must let it go for realization. As often happens, couples who have been fighting for a baby for a long time give up and begin to just live, and at that very moment pregnancy occurs.

[b] Sign 17. Do not think about the bad. Not only will constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, all its work is based on brain signals), but you will also create a negative program around you. Real, correct doctors treat, first of all, with a word - by creating a positive attitude in the patient for treatment, such doctors have various life-affirming slogans in their office.

[b] Sign 18. Eat foods containing the germs of new life - eggs, caviar, unrefined cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life appears). There are also tips for eating the sexual organs of various animals. If, for eastern countries, this can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warned against such an extreme.

[b] Sign 19. Try to make your conception horoscope with a professional astrologer. Let him determine the optimal date for conception for you.

[b] Sign 20. Drink a cup of koumiss a day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try it?

[b] Sign 21. Dreams for pregnancy. Pregnancy dreams of: fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewelry as a gift, milk, children's clothes, etc. If we interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all associated either with some pleasant acquisitions, or with objects-symbols of a new life (eggs, grains), or already directly with the kids themselves.

[b] Sign 22. For a successful conception, mentally turn to your most prolific relatives for help, even if they are no longer in this world (for example, to a grandmother with many children). Everyone knows that before, almost every family had 4-7 children, so anyone can easily find such a relative. This belief about the help of "Rod" comes from pagan times.

[b] Sign 23. For an early conception, do not forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. As a bride on your wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on your lap. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

[b] Sign 24. You can perform a magic ritual with a healer. Just remember that the ritual must be positive (weed, sentences). Find a healer, according to the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother who works not for money, but for an idea First of all, it will help you gain self-confidence and a positive attitude.

[b] Sign 25. Begin to confess "extremely optimistic" views on life. Do not communicate with people who currently have more problems than you. We do not call you to spiritual callousness, just for some time before conception, you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on forums where it is customary to cry and hysteria about infertility, this will attract negativity.

[b] Sign 26. Engage in self-hypnosis and meditation. Set up your body to work properly. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place, for example, at the sea, feel the warm summer breeze, fresh, saturated air... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive organs, ask them to work smoothly, well. Fill yourself with vital energy... All this is rather called the psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can buy books on this topic written by professional doctors. Yes, yes, you can use professional "medical" conspiracies to treat infertility

[b] Omen 27. Another very good "omen" for conception. Try to work less mentally during the preparation for pregnancy. They have been writing and talking about this for a long time, for example, women who are fully occupied with business, as well as students during sessions, often experience malfunctions in the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the "head" of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for it to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

[b] Sign 28. Put a few branches of willow (willow) at home. It is known to be a very prolific tree that reproduces easily even with branches. The willow has a special vitality and is one of the first to open its leaves in spring. It has long been believed that this tree has protective properties. And willow branches consecrated on Palm Sunday can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three buds from fruit trees that bloom for the first time, or the first fruits of an apple tree, plum, grape. For more information on how products containing natural hormones can help cope with infertility, see in the "Diet for Conception" section.

[b] Sign 29. Here are a few amulets and charms from infertility. Amulets: variegated carnation, wood of an apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz (for more information about healing infertility with precious stones, see here). From symbolism - you can use figurines of the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. If such a figurine is presented, then its owner will find a lover within a year, if there is a lover, then she will become pregnant within a year.

[b] Sign 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests, meeting babies is a sure sign of pregnancy.

[b] Sign 31. You can get pregnant with the help of the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, such as looking at the full moon, to compiling an "almost scientific" lunar conception calendar. There are also rituals performed on the growing moon. The fact that the moon helps to get pregnant was known in ancient Greece and Rome, where women who wanted to get pregnant slept under the rays of moonlight.

[b] Sign 32. You can go to a mud resort. It is known that mud contains hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize hormonal levels and get pregnant.

[b] Sign 33. Have sex in order to conceive at two in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of the hormonal peak.

[b] Sign 34. Drink consecrated water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before sexual intercourse.

[b] Sign 35. The acupuncture technique allows you to increase blood flow

To the uterus, regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take root in our country. We cannot talk about any guarantees of curing infertility, so we write about the use of this technique in an article devoted to non-traditional methods of treating infertility.

[b] Sign 36. Girls planning a pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wear extravagant, provocative clothes. All this includes the life program of "search for a new partner", and not the program of "motherhood".

[b] Sign 37. Those planning to conceive should not tell anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician

[b] Sign 38. A couple experiencing problems with conception should also enter into a spiritual marriage. For example, get married in a church, go through other ceremonies that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

[b] Sign 39. According to ancient Slavic tradition, on the wedding night, a baby or a newborn doll was the first to be laid on the bed of the newlyweds.

[b] Sign 40. Also, in the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms.

And I am more than sure that if you follow all these 40 signs, then pregnancy will not be long in coming !!!
All speedy //!!!

Dreams come true, you just have to sincerely want and believe in your star. Women planning pregnancy are capable of a lot for their wonderful goal. In addition to the mandatory series of analyzes, measurements and procedures, they are ready to follow time-tested signs and numerous advice from familiar young mothers. Modern beliefs are also popular. All known today folk signs for conception can be divided into several groups.

Good deeds and bright faith

  • Look around, perhaps there is an orphanage nearby or a lonely old woman lives in your entrance. Give a piece of your attention to those in need.
  • If you have already thought about the possibility of adoption - make up your mind! Many of the couples, after adopting a baby, gave birth to him himself more brothers and sisters.
  • Give shelter to a homeless kitten.
  • Go on a pilgrimage, visit a temple, pray.
  • Ask the priest for blessings for embroidering an icon to the saint whom you are asking for the healing of infertility. Work on embroidery with prayer and faith.
  • Prayer and a sip of holy water before the alleged conception is also considered a good omen.
  • Put willow branches in the house, consecrated on the bright holiday of Palm Sunday.

Hobby and leisure

  • Embroider three angels, and place the result of your efforts in a frame in a place of honor.
  • Create a wish card.
  • Take up the epistolary genre: write a letter to your future baby, as well as a letter to the stork.
  • Start a hundred days where you enjoy life and don't think about planning.
  • Folk signs for conception A number of houseplants are called "family" flowers, they decontribute to the appearance of a new family member in the house. The most famous are ficus and geranium (the name of the latter even means “stork” in translation). It is better if these flowers are presented to you.
  • Take a trip to a mud sanatorium, the healing power of the gifts of the earth has long been known.
  • An equally effective way is climate change. Go with your husband to the southern countries, the farther the better.

Shopping and gifts

  • Visualize your magical dream - buy adorable baby items and keep them in plain sight.
  • As an option, ask for a gift, from familiar young mothers, something from the baby's wardrobe - a tiny bodysuit, touching socks. It will turn out to be a kind of relay race, giving hope for a miracle.
  • Buying a strategic stock of pads also sometimes contributes to an interesting situation in which such hygiene items are not needed.
  • Tell your husband about the symbolic origin of pearls (a precious pearl grows from a foreign body), let him give you a pearl jewelry. It is believed to treat infertility and protect pregnancy.

With the world on a string

  • Make a list of important things that don't go well with pregnancy: renovations, a new job, refresher courses, fitness, a couple of loans. The chance of getting pregnant will increase dramatically.
  • Follow the advice of Feng Shui, for example, hide a couple of painted fish under the mattress.
  • Immediately after intercourse, stand for 15 minutes with a “birch tree”, dreaming of a baby.
  • It is considered a sure sign to use household items of a familiar pregnant woman: be it a glass, a chair or a blouse.
  • Thoughts become reality - it is worth throwing out the words "infertility" and the phrase "I will not be able to have children" from the lexicon.
  • Take advantage of folk remedies - baths and douching, herbs and infusions sometimes work wonders.

Let these folk signs for conception become for you not so much a panacea as a means of creating a good mood and a pleasant atmosphere of waiting for a miracle.

Here are collected 40 folk signs about conception. How to quickly get pregnant according to folk signs. Folk signs relieve infertility.

Sign 1. In advance, before the desired pregnancy, buy a small baby item, for example, a hat, socks. This will help you "visualize desire", the brighter you feel the presence of the baby, the faster he will appear.

Sign 2. Visit places of power that promote conception, where the energy flows of the earth connect, where there were many good people with good thoughts.

Sign 3. Try "grandmother's signs": grow ficus in the house; put in the house or hang a few branches of willow.

Sign 4. Watch your words:
1. do not use swear words;
2. don't say "I'll never have a baby", "I'm barren". Remember - the word is material.

Sign 5. Use for the treatment of infertility folk recipes, herbs. Be sure to consult your doctor. Official medicine has long known about the benefits of herbal medicine. The doctor will help you choose the right dosage and time of admission. Don't use the tabloid press to self-medicate. Some of the recipes there are just poisonous!

Sign 6. The desire for a baby can sometimes be fulfilled by itself at the most inopportune moment when you "let him go."

Sign 7. To receive a string of pearls as a gift is a good sign of a future pregnancy.

Sign 8. Relax with your husband in the south. A lot of couples "bring babies" from the southern regions. For us, the inhabitants of a country where climatic conditions leave much to be desired, a visit to the warm seashore can replace years of ineffective treatment for infertility.

Sign 9. One of the most famous harbingers of a future pregnancy is the adoption of a baby. The sign says - adopt someone else's child and your own will appear.

Sign 10. Widespread among the beliefs that promote conception are signs associated with various manipulations of things by a pregnant woman, for example:

  • try on things for a pregnant woman;
  • drink from a glass of a pregnant woman;
  • sit in the place of a pregnant woman;
  • pat the pregnant belly.
Sign 11. Start attracting "gratitude" - good, good wishes addressed to you. To do this, try to do good sincerely free of charge, and then soon an aura of gratitude will arise around you, which will help conception;

Sign 12. For quick conception, you can use the practice of Feng Shui and create a “wish map”, where the main role will be assigned to conception and your unborn baby. To do this, glue your photo (photo of your family) with the baby in the center of a large sheet of paper. Along the edges, you can depict, for example, yourself pregnant, guests meeting a happy mother from the hospital, the first steps of the baby, and other attributes symbolizing family well-being.

You can also make a "scroll of desires". To do this, get a small notebook (preferably for the new moon), where you write down your desire for a baby. A few rules for maintaining a scroll:

A) let this notebook be your secret - do not let anyone touch it;

B) your desire should be formulated positively, for example, “I am not barren” - the wrong wording, correctly - “with deep gratitude I accept my pregnancy from the Universe and the universe”;

C) formulate a desire with gratitude to the Universe and then you will be heard. Do not forget to thank the Universe after the fulfillment of the desire.

Sign 13. A sure sign of the upcoming conception and a signal that the time for action has come is the unexpectedly rapid growth of indoor plants in your home.

Sign 14. A very famous sign about a kitten. In order to get pregnant soon - shelter a homeless kitten. At the same time, the kitten should “attach” itself to you - do not look for it on purpose.

Sign 15. Invest energy in your desire for an early conception. This may simply be the use of the power of one's own desire, the energy of prayers and turning to saints who help from infertility (for example, Joachim and Anna, Perth and Fevronya, etc.). But remember that at this particular moment you should not be inflamed with several desires, otherwise you will not get anything.

Sign 16. Relax and for a while force yourself not to think about the desired pregnancy. Remember, if a desire turns into an obsessive state, then it will remain with you, but you must let it go for realization. As often happens, couples who have been fighting for a baby for a long time give up and begin to just live, and at that very moment pregnancy occurs.

Sign 17. Do not think about the bad things. Not only will constant negative thoughts simply slow down the work of your reproductive system (after all, all its work is based on brain signals), but you will also create a negative program around you. Real, correct doctors treat, first of all, with a word - by creating a positive attitude in the patient for treatment, such doctors have various life-affirming slogans in their office.

Sign 18. Eat foods that contain the germs of new life - eggs, caviar, unrefined cereals, nuts, seeds (all of which new life comes from). There are also tips for eating the sexual organs of various animals. If, for eastern countries, this can be acceptable, then the average Russian can only be warned against such an extreme.

Sign 19. Try to make your conception horoscope with a professional astrologer. Let him determine the optimal date for conception for you.

Sign 20. Drink a cup of koumiss a day. In our latitudes it is very difficult to find this rare product, but if there is such an opportunity, then why not try it?

Sign 21. Dreams for pregnancy. Pregnancy dreams of: fish (fishing), babies, eggs, jewelry as a gift, milk, children's clothes, etc. If we interpret these dreams, it becomes clear that they are all associated either with some pleasant acquisitions, or with objects-symbols of a new life (eggs, grains), or already directly with the kids themselves.

Sign 22. For a successful conception, mentally turn to your most prolific relatives for help, even if they are no longer in this world (for example, to a grandmother with many children). Everyone knows that before, almost every family had 4-7 children, so anyone can easily find such a relative. This belief about the help of "Rod" comes from pagan times.

Sign 23. For a quick conception, do not forget to invite a pregnant girl to your wedding. As a bride on your wedding day, be sure to hold the baby on your lap. To avoid infertility, do not forget to tie a wedding ribbon on a fruit tree.

Sign 24. You can perform a magic ritual with a healer. Just remember that the ritual must be positive (weed, sentences). Find a healer, according to the recommendation. It is better if it is a real village grandmother who works not for money, but for an idea. First of all, it will help you gain self-confidence and a positive attitude.

Sign 25. Start professing an "extremely optimistic" outlook on life. Do not communicate with people who currently have more problems than you. We do not call you to spiritual callousness, just for some time before conception, you should be focused only on yourself. Do not sit on forums where it is customary to cry and hysteria about infertility, this will attract negativity.

Sign 26. Engage in self-hypnosis and meditation. Set up your body to work properly. Imagine yourself in a very pleasant place for you, for example, at the sea, feel the warm summer breeze, fresh, saturated air... Talk to your body. Imagine your reproductive organs, ask them to work smoothly, well. Fill yourself with vital energy… All this is rather called the psychotherapeutic technique of self-hypnosis. You can buy books on this topic written by professional doctors. Yes, yes, you can use professional “medical” conspiracies to treat infertility).

Sign 27. Another very good "sign" for conception. Try to work less mentally during the preparation for pregnancy. They have been writing and talking about this for a long time, for example, women who are fully occupied with business, as well as students during sessions, often experience malfunctions in the reproductive system (menstrual irregularities). If you are forced to load yourself with work, then your brain, which is the “head” of the entire reproductive system, will not understand that it is time for it to give signals about readiness for fertilization.

Sign 28. Put a few sprigs of willow (willow) at home. It is known to be a very prolific tree that reproduces easily even with branches. The willow has a special vitality and is one of the first to open its leaves in spring. It has long been believed that this tree has protective properties. And willow branches consecrated on Palm Sunday can be stored for a whole year.

To get rid of infertility, you can eat three buds from fruit trees that bloom for the first time, or the first fruits of an apple tree, plum, grape.

Sign 29. Here are some amulets and amulets against infertility. Amulets: variegated carnation, wood of an apple tree and other fruit trees. From stones: diamond, amethyst, emerald, malachite, topaz. From symbolism - you can use figurines of the goddesses Venus and Aphrodite. If such a figurine is presented, then its owner will find a lover within a year, if there is a lover, then she will become pregnant within a year.

Sign 30. On the day of conception or waiting for the results of pregnancy tests, meeting babies is a sure sign of pregnancy.

Sign 31. You can get pregnant with the help of the moon. There are several ways, ranging from rituals, such as looking at the full moon, to compiling an "almost scientific" lunar conception calendar. There are also rituals performed on the growing moon. The fact that the moon helps to get pregnant was known in ancient Greece and Rome, where women who wanted to get pregnant slept under the rays of moonlight.

Sign 32. You can go to a mud spa. It is known that mud contains hormone-like substances of natural origin, which often helps to normalize hormonal levels and get pregnant.

Sign 33. Have sex to conceive at two in the morning. The sign is justified by the fact that this is the time of the hormonal peak.

Sign 34. Drink holy water before conception. Pray for a safe conception before sexual intercourse.

Sign 35. Acupuncture improves blood flow
to the uterus, regulates and normalizes the level of hormones in the body. Chinese traditional medicine is just beginning to take root in our country.

Sign 36. Girls planning pregnancy are not recommended to use cosmetics, wear extravagant, provocative clothes. All this includes the life program of "search for a new partner", and not the program of "motherhood".

Sign 37. Those planning to conceive should not tell anyone about their intentions. Except, of course, the attending physician.

Sign 38. A couple experiencing fertility problems should also enter into a spiritual marriage. For example, get married in a church, go through other ceremonies that correspond to the religion of the spouses.

Sign 39. According to the ancient Slavic tradition, on the wedding night, a baby or a newborn doll was laid first on the bed of the newlyweds.

Sign 40. Also, in the ancient Slavic practice for healing from infertility, a woman experiencing problems with conception was the first to take a newborn baby in her arms.

A woman who dreams of an early pregnancy resorts to several sources of information at once: these can be doctor's recommendations, general lifestyle tips while planning a child, and it can also be the observance of folk signs to get pregnant.

15 signs to get pregnant

1. Get a homemade ficus plant in your bedroom and take care of it like a living creature. It is desirable that the ficus in the house appear as a gift.

2. Speaking of plants, it is worth noting that the rapid growth and color of your home plants signals an imminent conception, according to signs.

3. Watch your speech: a woman who dreams of a child should not use swearing and rude words, the sign says.

5. In advance of pregnancy, buy one item of baby clothes and imagine your baby in it - in this case, the well-known practice of visualizing desires should work.

6. If you were presented with a gift in the form of a string of pearls - this is a folk sign, according to which you will soon become a mother!

7. Widespread signs to get pregnant regarding things and surrounding objects of a pregnant woman:

  • sit on a "pregnant" chair
  • try on maternity clothes
  • pat a pregnant woman on the tummy

8. Attract kind and grateful words from people. To achieve this, do sincere, kind deeds towards the people around you. According to the sign, an aura favorable for conception is formed around you.

9. Adopt a homeless puppy or kitten from the street, it is believed that the animal should itself follow you on the street. Thus, you demonstrate to the higher forces your readiness to take responsibility for the child, to take care of him.

10. "Let go" thoughts about the desired pregnancy and keep yourself busy with a lot of things. Based on the sign, the more things and interesting activities you plan, the sooner the conception will frown.

11. A sign to get pregnant is the embroidery of the well-known scheme "Almost perfect" ("Almost perfect") with the image of three angels. It is believed that the embroidery of this image leads to pregnancy. On the Internet, you can find embroidery patterns, as well as a large number of testimonies from women who became pregnant shortly after embroidery.

12. Plan a vacation with your loved one in a warmer climate. Here, climate change, sex without taking into account the days of the cycle, and the abstraction and relaxation of a woman will do their job. Very often, two weeks of rest lead to a long-awaited result and replace years of unsuccessful treatment.

13. Create a "wish card", for this, take a sheet of A4 paper or more, and paste clippings from magazines depicting children and pregnant women on it. You can also add pictures from those countries that you dream of visiting, desired purchases and acquisitions. You will get a collage, which must be placed in a conspicuous place in the apartment. Thus, you program and set yourself up for a successful result.

14. If you believe the signs, then in order to get pregnant, you need to see a fish in a dream.

Speedy pregnancy!

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