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Let's find out under what conditions pregnant women can sunbathe? Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium?

Can pregnant women sunbathe? This question is asked by absolutely all expectant mothers whose interesting situation occurs during the summer months. You can understand these women, because a new life is born in them. And the health of her unborn baby depends only on how responsibly the expectant mother approaches her pregnancy. Therefore, let's figure out whether pregnant women can sunbathe and swim in bodies of water, and if so, how to do it correctly.

The benefits of tanning for the health of the expectant mother and fetus

Agree that a sunny warm day always gives you a good mood. And this is a direct benefit for the expectant mother, because her positive emotions have a beneficial effect not only on her health, but also on the development of the baby.

In addition, under the influence of ultraviolet rays, the mother’s body begins to produce vitamin D, which is necessary for better absorption of calcium, and this in turn is the prevention of congenital rickets in a child and osteoporosis in a pregnant woman. Therefore, sunbathing is a must, especially for residents of the northern regions!

Also, under the influence of sunlight, the functioning of all endocrine glands improves and the level of hemoglobin in the blood increases. Thus, metabolism is normalized and the immunity of the expectant mother and her baby is strengthened. However, all this will happen only if you know your phototype and follow the rules of tanning during pregnancy.

How to determine your phototype?

Phototype- this is the tendency for the formation and distribution of a substance such as melanin in human skin. It is responsible for skin pigmentation and tendency to tan. To determine your phototype and get an answer to the question whether a particular woman can sunbathe during pregnancy, you need to look at your appearance.

In total, there are six phototypes in nature:

  • The first phototype includes people with very fair skin, a scattering of freckles, light eyes and red hair, that is, representatives of the Celtic type of appearance.
  • The second phototype includes natural blondes with light skin, that is, representatives of the Aryan (Nordic) type of appearance.
  • The third phototype includes people with light brown hair and fair skin, that is, representatives of the dark European type of appearance
  • The fourth phototype is people with brown and chestnut hair and slightly dark skin, that is, representatives of the Mediterranean type of appearance.
  • The fifth phototype is people with very dark hair and pronounced dark skin, that is, representatives of the Indonesian type of appearance.
  • The sixth phototype is the dark-skinned inhabitants of our planet, or in other words, representatives of the African type of appearance.

The smaller the number of a woman’s photo, the more she needs to beware of exposure to sunlight. This is especially true for the first two phototypes. And all because the tan “doesn’t stick” to them, since melanin is practically not produced. That’s why representatives of the Celtic and Nordic type of appearance get sunburns faster than everyone else, but this is undesirable during pregnancy!

Rules for tanning during pregnancy

Sunbathing is contraindicated for representatives of the first and second phototypes during pregnancy. They need to enjoy the warmth of the sun's rays only in the shade, without taking off loose clothing made from natural fabrics and a wide-brimmed hat.

The rest of the expectant mothers need to adhere to the following rules for tanning during pregnancy:

  • Go for sunbathing only when the sun's rays are least active, that is, before 10 a.m. or after 5 p.m.
  • When going to the beach, wear loose, light-colored clothes made from natural fabrics. Be sure to cover your head with a Panama hat or hat and wear sunglasses over your eyes. When going to the beach, use a one-piece swimsuit, since you do not want a tan in the abdominal area.
  • Be sure to apply a special protective cream to exposed areas of the body. Of course, there is no sunblock for pregnant women. Therefore, purchase baby cream with the highest degree of protection.
  • Go to the beach only an hour after eating.
  • Sunbathe only under an umbrella or under the shade of trees. At the same time, try to be in motion. This will help you avoid excessive overheating, and the ultraviolet rays will find you there too.
  • Don't forget to bring water and some washed fruit with you to the beach for a snack. Remember that the lack of water to quench your thirst and cool your face if necessary can lead to heat stroke!
  • Do not go sunbathing if the air temperature is above 29 degrees in the shade, as the heat can cause not only heat stroke, but also the threat of miscarriage.
  • Refrain from visiting the beach if you feel the slightest discomfort. Better see your doctor instead.

By strictly following these rules, every pregnant woman can count on improved health and good mood. If you treat it negligently, the consequences can be very disastrous.

What are the consequences of not following the rules of tanning during pregnancy?

Unfortunately, there are also women who do not ask themselves whether pregnant women can sunbathe and go to the beach at the most inopportune hours, wearing synthetic clothing. This is fraught, first of all, with heat or sunstroke, which can lead to the threat of miscarriage or even spontaneous abortion.

In addition, prolonged exposure to the sun can cause pregnancy complications such as:

  • uterine bleeding;
  • increased blood pressure;
  • fainting;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • increased uneven skin pigmentation.

By the way, it is because of the latter that many doctors answer the question of whether it is possible to sunbathe in the early stages of pregnancy in the negative, but the thing is that in the first months of pregnancy a woman’s hormonal levels change greatly. In particular, the hormone responsible for skin pigmentation is activated. Therefore, prolonged exposure to the sun can provoke the appearance of chloasma (measma), or in other words, the manifestation of the “mask of pregnancy.”

The most susceptible areas of the skin for such uneven pigmentation are the face, ears, neck and décolleté. Therefore, at the initial stage of an interesting situation, a woman must definitely use protective creams and protect herself from direct sunlight. In the future, the threat of increased pigmentation is reduced, and you can allow yourself to bathe in the sun's rays, following the tanning rules described above.

As for swimming in reservoirs, it is better to refrain from it, despite the fact that swimming is beneficial for the expectant mother. Why? Yes, because most domestic water bodies are teeming with a wide variety of microbes and bacteria, and the immunity of a pregnant woman is known to be weakened. Therefore, sunbathe in the shade and go take water treatments in the pool, where the water meets sanitary standards! Enjoy your holiday!

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Ps. This applies to boys too! There are just more girls here ;-)

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In this article we tell you whether pregnant women can sunbathe. We will discuss the benefits and harms of sunbathing while expecting a baby. You will learn why you should not sunbathe during pregnancy, and what rules for staying in the sun must be followed.

You can sunbathe during pregnancy, following certain rules

Many expectant mothers, while expecting a baby, ask themselves: is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun? According to doctors, if pregnancy proceeds without complications, moderate exposure to the sun will only benefit mother and child.

While waiting for a baby, women often experience increased tooth sensitivity and increased brittleness of nails and hair. All these signs indicate a lack of calcium in the body of the expectant mother. Sunbathing helps maintain healthy teeth, hair and nails.

Sunlight promotes vitamin D production. It improves the absorption of calcium in both the body of the expectant mother and the baby.

If a pregnant woman takes multivitamin complexes with calcium in the composition, she also needs to periodically be in the sun. The tablet form of vitamins and minerals is not completely absorbed in the body.

Sunbathing is beneficial not only for the mother, but also for the baby. Vitamin D improves the absorption of calcium, which helps strengthen the skeleton and form tooth buds. This is especially important in the early stages. Therefore, when asked whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the early stages, doctors answer in the affirmative. In this case, you should follow certain rules, which we will discuss below, so as not to harm the baby.

What are the dangers of tanning during pregnancy?

Tanning during pregnancy can have a negative effect on your skin. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, age spots appear. Prolonged and frequent exposure to the sun can trigger the development of skin cancer, so it is extremely important to use protective equipment and choose the right time to tan.

Expectant mothers are also interested in the question: is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe and swim? During this period, prolonged exposure to the sun can lead to a decrease in the level of folic acid in the body, so sunbathing should be strictly limited in time, especially in the first 2-3 months.

During late pregnancy, excessive sun exposure can lead to overheating and dehydration.. At the same time, the negative effect is reflected in the baby. In the prenatal period, sweat glands have not yet formed and he is not able to regulate body temperature in the same way as adults. Overheating of the fetus can lead to disruption of the nervous system and brain.

Some expectant mothers are interested in whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the sun with an open belly? Doctors definitely recommend refraining from such procedures. This practice will most quickly lead to overheating of the fetus, which we wrote about above.

If the expectant mother has a metabolic disorder, or has diseases of the respiratory and circulatory systems, then sunbathing should be avoided. Prolonged exposure to the sun can aggravate pathologies.

If you don't know whether you can sunbathe during pregnancy, contact your gynecologist. He will advise you on how to properly take sunbathing in the absence of contraindications to it.

Rules for staying in the sun

Be sure to apply sunscreen before tanning

With summer approaching, many expectant mothers are wondering: is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe in the sun and swim in the sea? In order for exposure to the sun to benefit the expectant mother and baby, it is necessary to follow the following rules:

  1. You should sunbathe in the morning or in the evening. From 10 to 17 o'clock it is better for the expectant mother not to go out into the sun, since at this time ultraviolet rays are most active.
  2. It is best for expectant mothers to sunbathe in the shade. In this case, you are unlikely to get a bronze tan, but you will protect your skin from sunburn.
  3. The optimal air temperature at which it is safe for a pregnant woman to stay is up to 30 degrees. The hotter it is outside, the higher the likelihood of getting heatstroke.
  4. During sun exposure, you should periodically drink clean water to replenish your water balance and prevent dehydration.
  5. A pregnant woman must wear a hat when going out in the sun. When sunbathing on the beach, you should wear a wide-brimmed hat to protect your face from direct sunlight.

Rules for staying in the solarium

Experts' opinions on the question of whether pregnant women can sunbathe in a solarium are divided. Some doctors argue that this is extremely dangerous for the child, since aggressive exposure to ultraviolet radiation reduces the level of folic acid, which plays an important role in the early development of the fetus.

Others are of the opinion that solarium in moderation is harmless for expectant mothers. This is especially true for women who often visited him before pregnancy. In order for the procedure to bring maximum benefit, you must adhere to simple rules:

  1. You must visit the solarium without cosmetics or contact lenses. Before the procedure, make sure that you wash off all cosmetics, otherwise they may have an adverse effect on the skin.
  2. Expectant mothers are recommended to sunbathe in a swimsuit. A cap and goggles are used as additional means of protection.
  3. Before the procedure, you should drink a glass of water to prevent dehydration.
  4. It is not recommended to use any tanning products.
  5. The duration of the first procedure should not exceed 3 minutes. Gradually, the time can be increased, but if you feel unwell, you should avoid visiting the solarium.

How to choose sunscreen during pregnancy

If you plan to be in the sun for a short time or are going to the beach and want to spend the entire time in the shade, you should still use a maternity sunscreen. Before purchasing, carefully study the composition. It’s good if it contains panthenol, aloe vera, salicylic acid or vitamin E. They will nourish and protect the epidermis.

Try to avoid products that contain alcohol, dyes and fragrances. Hypoallergenic baby products are ideal for sun protection during pregnancy.

Sunblock for pregnant women should contain filters that will protect the skin from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays. For example, zinc oxide or starch.

This cream forms a protective invisible film on the skin that reflects the sun's rays. At the same time, it is easily washed off with water. In this regard, the question arises: is it possible to swim in the pool during pregnancy after applying the cream? It is possible, but after water procedures the product will have to be reapplied.

Sunscreen should be selected according to your skin phototype:

  1. The first is red-haired and fair-haired representatives of the fair sex, with light sensitive skin. Under the sun, the skin quickly turns red.
  2. The second is women with fair skin that is prone to burning and does not take well to tanning.
  3. The third is dark skin, dark hair and eyes. The skin of representatives of this phototype easily tans.
  4. The fourth is women with darker skin, dark eyes and hair. They practically do not burn.

Representatives of the first and second phototypes should choose protective creams with an SPF factor of 30 or higher. The third phototype is suitable for a product with protection from 10 to 20, the fourth - up to 10.

When pregnant women should not sunbathe

Contraindications to sun exposure during pregnancy:

  • hypertension;
  • disorders of the reproductive system;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • increased body temperature;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • thyroid diseases;
  • taking antibiotics;
  • 1 skin phototype.

For more information on how to choose sunscreen, watch the video:

What to remember

  1. Sunlight promotes the production of vitamin D, which enhances the absorption of calcium in the bodies of the expectant mother and baby.
  2. Prolonged and frequent exposure to the sun can trigger the development of skin cancer, so it is extremely important to use protective equipment and choose the right time to tan.
  3. When visiting a solarium and the beach, you must follow safety rules: use protective equipment, wear a hat and drink enough liquid.

The summer season is always accompanied by relaxation. Therefore, the question regarding whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the sun becomes extremely relevant. In the early stages, experts allow expectant mothers to bask on the beach, but only in the absence of contraindications and in compliance with the rules of tanning. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, let's look at the main aspects in order.

Contraindications to tanning for pregnant women in the early stages

Tanning during pregnancy can cause significant harm in some cases. To find out whether you can sunbathe your stomach and other parts of your body, first rule out any contraindications.

These include:

  • mastopathy;
  • diabetes;
  • metabolic disorder;
  • ischemia;
  • hypertension;
  • other ailments of the heart and blood vessels;
  • dermatological problems;
  • difficulties in the functioning of the endocrine system.


For all of the above diseases, tanning is strictly contraindicated. The rest of the expectant mothers with a normal pregnancy are allowed to bask in the sun after consultation with the doctor. A specialist may prohibit staying on the beach if there is a threat of losing a child.

The benefits of tanning during pregnancy

We have sorted out the question of whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the sun. Find out what benefits sunbathing will bring in the early stages.

1. The body of the expectant mother in the first trimester is rebuilt in a new way. Therefore, there may be a hormonal imbalance and, as a result, mood changes, apathy, depression and other psycho-emotional difficulties. The sun's rays act as an antidepressant, improve mood and make a woman happy.

2. The sun triggers absolutely all metabolic processes, the girl’s body works better and more harmoniously. The fruit is formed in accordance with the term without the risk of deviations.

3. Experts have found that sunbathing strengthens the immune system. In the future, it is much easier for a woman to endure climate change, temperature changes, and virus attacks. Together with the mother, the fetus is also protected.

4. If you stay in the sun at the “right” hours, hemoglobin levels in the blood increase. This has a positive effect on the brain, heart and endocrine system.

5. Solar procedures promote the production of vitamin D. It is necessary to strengthen and form the baby’s skeleton, as well as prevent rickets in the future.

6. There is another positive feature of the accumulation of vitamin D in the body specifically for the mother. If hair, nails, or skin are suffering, this substance will improve the absorption of calcium and make a woman even more beautiful.

After studying the benefits, there is no doubt whether pregnant girls can sunbathe in the sun. Staying on the beach in the early stages will improve your condition and allow the fetus to form correctly.

Harmful tanning for pregnant women

Tanning during pregnancy has been studied quite extensively. It is harmful or beneficial depending on the individual characteristics of the woman.

1. If you do not spend enough time in the sun, pigment spots may appear. They cover different parts of the body, and the tan looks unsightly. Not all ladies have pigmentation; only girls with a genetic predisposition are prone to it. To protect yourself, use a cream with UV protection.

2. Danger lurks in case of overheating. Against this background, the temperature rises and the formation of the fetal central nervous system may worsen. Heat stroke and loss of consciousness, as well as impaired uterine tone and bleeding should not be ruled out.

3. When you spend a long time on the beach, water metabolism is disrupted. This leads to dehydration and worsening pregnancy.

4. If the expectant mother boasts fair skin, it is possible that she will burn in the very first minutes of sunbathing. Therefore, the cream is selected very carefully.

Rules for tanning during pregnancy

Is it possible for pregnant women to visit a solarium or sunbathe in the sun? We have already figured it out. Now let's study the rules of tanning in the early stages.

1. You can bask in the sun only if the air temperature does not exceed 30 degrees.

2. You should not go to the beach between 11:00 and 17:00. At this time, the sun is aggressive, so it will cause damage to you and the fetus.

3. Do not stay in the open sun. Choose a place under trees or canopies. You will still get a decent portion of ultraviolet radiation, but there will be no harm.

4. Protect your stomach and chest from the sun. For this purpose, wear a light sundress or cover yourself with a pareo. Don't forget a wide-brimmed hat and glasses.

5. Choose a cream with UV protection taking into account your phototype. Especially carefully lubricate the areas that are most often burned.

6. Make sure you have plenty of clean water on the beach. Drink it without allowing fluid loss. As a supplement, you can take chilled green tea.

7. In order not to once again wonder whether pregnant women can sunbathe, you need to regularly cool your body heated in the sun. In the early stages, you can regularly take a cool shower or cool off in a pond without any problems.

8. It is prohibited to fall asleep on the beach. You may get sunstroke or experience overheating of your body and entire body. It is also worth limiting travel to hot countries and exposure to direct sunlight during peak UV ray activity.

Which cream is best to use for pregnant women?

Tanning during pregnancy will not cause harm if you choose a high-quality protective cream. It must have an optimal SPF filter. Such products prevent redness of the skin. Whether pregnant women can sunbathe in the sun will directly depend on the phototype of the skin. If you use the special cream correctly, no problems should arise either in the early stages or later.

Main skin phototypes

First. This includes light-skinned people who are very easy to recognize. The skin is thin, light and sensitive. In addition, the hair can be blond or red. Eyes blue, gray. There are also freckles. You need to take a cream marked SPF-15, no lower.

Second. Light skin tone, practically no freckles. The hair is often light, as are the eyes. Such people quickly burn in the sun; the product should be used with SPF-12 or higher.

Third. People belong to the Central European type. They can be recognized by their skin color (ivory). Hair can be either dark or light brown. Eye color – light brown/hazel. The tan goes on evenly and turns out beautiful. The cream needs to have an SPF-10 filter.

Fourth. The skin color is somewhat reminiscent of olive. Hair is black or dark. Eyes of a similar shade. With this type of skin, people practically do not get sunburned, and the tan goes away quickly. The protective composition can be selected with SPF-6 or higher.


If you have a third or fourth skin type, experts recommend choosing creams marked SPF-20 at least during pregnancy. If the skin is lighter (first, second), then you will need a product with an SPF-30 filter. In this case, it is worth taking into account the individual characteristics of your body.

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe? The answer is obvious. Only in this case you need to observe some subtleties. To avoid getting sunburned, go to bodies of water during safe hours and use protective equipment. In the early stages, it is not recommended to purchase flavored formulations; they often provoke toxicosis.

On the eve of warmer days, many are thinking about summer vacation. One of the favorite pastimes in the summer months is relaxing by the pond or sea. But is such a vacation possible for a pregnant woman? Can she sunbathe and swim without fear, like everyone else, or should she postpone such a vacation?

Is it possible for pregnant women to sunbathe and swim in the sea?

It was once believed that a woman carrying a child should behave in a special way: take care, show less of her interesting position, and many types of activities and recreation were also prohibited for her. Now everything has changed: women are not ashamed of their changed bodies, many expectant mothers do what they love right up to giving birth, lead an active life, and travel. And the main rule is this: if a woman is healthy and happy, then her unborn child will be happy too. The same rule applies to summer holidays. The sun and sea are not prohibited, the main thing is not to overdo it.

Sunlight is good for pregnant women. Under its influence, the female body produces vitamin D, accelerates metabolism, and therefore improves mood. Therefore, you should not sit on the sofa with the curtains drawn in the summer. But you shouldn’t sit in the hot sun either. It is better to choose the optimal time for sunbathing and sea treatments. And before you go on vacation, be sure to discuss all the details with your gynecologist, ask him whether sunbathing and swimming during pregnancy are dangerous in your particular case.

As a rule, in the first trimester, doctors do not recommend changing the climate or environment. Still, this is stress for the body, and in the first weeks and months after conception it is extremely undesirable for women, even if they are super healthy. After all, at this time the embryo is formed, all its organs and systems are formed. Excess ultraviolet radiation during this period can provoke undesirable changes in fetal development.

But already in the second and early third trimester, if a woman feels well, she can afford sunbathing and sea swimming. However, it is better to avoid direct sunlight. And sunbathe either in the morning before 10-11 o’clock, when the sun is not yet hot, or after 17 o’clock, when the sun’s rays are no longer so active. And don’t just lie on the beach, but, for example, take a walk along it, not forgetting to take a hat or other headdress. Or swim in the sea, lie on a sun lounger under an umbrella with an interesting book or magazine.

The hottest time of the day is best spent in the shade or under a canopy. Too much sun can play a negative role. There are studies showing that prolonged exposure to the sun can reduce immunity. In addition, this can lead to heat and sunstroke, skin burns, poor health, and even premature birth.

Those who like to show off their tanned skin do not have to worry that they will remain pale. Hormonal changes during pregnancy increase the skin's tendency to change color when exposed to the sun. That is, pregnant women tan faster. But there is a downside to this issue: for the same reason, pigment spots often appear in pregnant women. The more time a woman spends in the sun, the higher the risk of spots appearing on exposed skin. Special creams will help protect you.

Regarding bathing, this procedure is useful for pregnant women if there are no medical contraindications. After all, swimming is a kind of light massage, the load is distributed throughout the body, it is soft and pleasant. And sea water also has healing properties for the skin and the whole body as a whole. It is useful not only to swim in it, but also to simply be near the sea, breathing in the sea air. If you still decide to swim, then remember that pregnant women sometimes experience cramps in their legs, so it’s better not to go into the water alone and not to swim far from the shore. In addition, the water should be at a comfortable temperature. Sometimes the seabed is too rocky: to avoid injury, buy special shoes.

It is important not to forget that for swimming it is better to choose hours when the sun is not the most active. After all, even through water you can get a skin burn.

Should I cover my belly when tanning?

On pregnancy forums, women often advise each other to cover their bellies while tanning. Like, this way you can protect your child from excessive exposure to sunlight. It is unlikely that such advice is really useful. If a pregnant woman follows all the safety recommendations and does not sunbathe under the scorching sun all day long, then there is no need to cover any part of the body. Except, of course, the head, which should always have a hat on.

When going to the beach, you need to choose loose clothing made from natural fabrics and a comfortable swimsuit. And by covering your stomach with something while sunbathing, you can cause your body to overheat, which is really extremely undesirable.

Tanning during pregnancy in a solarium

Sometimes, as an alternative to beach tanning, artificial tanning during pregnancy in a solarium is offered. True, pregnant women are the last ones to whom such a replacement can be offered. Most gynecologists agree on this. There are studies showing that frequent use of tanning beds can cause cancer. After all, the radiation in a solarium is too intense and harsh. Therefore, pregnancy and solarium are incompatible things.

Also, doctors do not advise pregnant women to use self-tanning products, because they may contain harmful chemical compounds that can be dangerous to the fetus.

How to sunbathe during pregnancy: rules

So, the main conclusion from all of the above: pregnant women can and should sunbathe if their state of health and the attending physician allow it. It is important to adhere to simple rules - then a summer holiday at sea or near a pond will benefit both the mother and the unborn baby:

  • Sunbathe only at safe times (before 10-11 a.m. and after 5 p.m.) and not in direct sunlight. On the beach, it is better to use a sun lounger so as not to overheat on the hot sand. It is also advisable to swim in the sea during safe hours, because the skin can get burned even while swimming. During periods when sunlight is most active, it is worth staying in the shade.
  • When going on a summer vacation, take loose clothing made from natural fabrics and comfortable shoes. This way you can move freely, your skin will breathe, and the risk of overheating will be minimal. Don't forget a hat and sunglasses.
  • Use a cream with a sun protection factor that is optimal for your skin type (for pregnant women - at least 20). Use it when going to the beach and after swimming. Such creams will also help prevent the appearance of too dark pigment spots. After returning from the beach, be sure to use a moisturizer on your skin to protect it from drying out. Be sure to check the label to see if these products are suitable for pregnant women.
  • If the air temperature is too high (more than thirty degrees Celsius), then refuse a beach holiday on this day. Relax in a cool, shaded place: garden, park, etc.

Don't forget that pregnancy is not a disease, but a very special period of your life. Enjoy it, don't give up what brings you joy, and be healthy!

Especially for - Ksenia Boyko

Pregnancy is a wonderful time filled with awe and delight. But many questions concern expectant mothers, especially those expecting their first child. One of these questions is: is it possible to sunbathe in the sun and in a solarium?

Sun tanning and pregnancy

Pregnancy is not a disease, but a physiological state of women. There is absolutely no need to deny yourself the pleasure of soaking up the sun, even if you are expecting a baby. With a reasonable approach, pregnant women can sunbathe both at a very early stage and on the eve of childbirth. What are the pros and cons of sun exposure for a pregnant woman? Let's start with the pros:

  • Ultraviolet rays force special cells in our skin - melanocytes - to produce natural vitamin D. This vitamin is directly involved in calcium metabolism, causing it to strengthen the bone tissue of both mother and child. Thus, while sunbathing in the sun, a pregnant woman begins intrauterine prevention of rickets for her baby.
  • Vitamin D is also called the good mood vitamin. With sufficient levels in the blood, mood improves and drowsiness decreases. And a happy mother means a happy baby.
  • Dosed ultraviolet radiation will not only help the skin develop an even, beautiful tan, but will also improve the course of some skin diseases such as psoriasis, neurodermatitis, and acne.

But in every barrel of honey there is a fly in the ointment, so it’s worth reminding about the negative sides of tanning.

  • In addition to the ultraviolet spectrum, sunlight, especially at the peak of the heat, also carries infrared radiation that is harmful to the skin. An overdose of both types of radiation can cause sunburn.
  • Spending a long time in the sun without a hat is fraught with sunstroke and fainting.
  • During pregnancy, hormonal levels change greatly. A huge amount of estrogen increases the photosensitivity of the skin. Pregnant women burn more easily and may also notice the appearance of pigment spots on their face and chest. Most often, pigmentation goes away within a few months after childbirth, but it’s still not worth the risk.

To avoid the unpleasant consequences of sunbathing, it is important to follow simple rules:

  • you need to sunbathe under the diffused sun, for example, under special canopies on the beaches or under the canopy of trees;
  • Avoid exposure to the sun in extreme heat. The optimal time for an even, and most importantly, safe tan is from 8 to 11 am and from 16 to 19 pm;
  • Be sure to use sunscreen. It is not necessary to strive for very high degrees of protection. SPF 15-30 is more than enough for safe sun exposure;
  • A pregnant woman's wardrobe must include sunglasses and a hat. You cannot go out in the sun without a hat;
  • It is important to remember that enough vitamin D is produced naturally in the skin. Therefore, it is necessary to stop taking vitamin D for the summer period or choose complex ones without it. About when you need an additional one.

If you follow these tips, tanning in the sun, even in the early stages of pregnancy, is absolutely safe and even healthy.

Visiting a solarium during pregnancy

Strictly speaking, there are no absolute contraindications for tanning in a solarium for pregnant women. Under the influence of ultraviolet lamps, absolutely the same processes occur in the skin as in the sun. Artificial ultraviolet radiation is widely used in clinics for the complex treatment of diseases such as:

  • psoriasis and other skin diseases;
  • depression and neuroses;
  • osteoporosis and other calcium metabolism disorders;
  • cramps of the calf muscles in pregnant women;
  • the phenomenon of symphysitis, that is, pain in the pubic joint of the pelvis in pregnant women.

So modern medicine does not deny the beneficial aspects of artificial tanning in a solarium. The key question here, as in the case of sun tanning, is a reasonable approach:

  • the solarium must be verified, preferably in a state clinic or sanatorium. Do not hesitate to ask for a certificate for lamps - there are strict regulations for replacing them;
  • tanning time in a solarium starts from one minute. Then, after assessing the skin reaction, the time can gradually be extended to five minutes;
  • You can visit the solarium in short courses, for example 1-2 times a week for a month, then take a month-long break;
  • Pregnant women are strictly prohibited from using various bronzers and other means to enhance tanning;
  • During the period of tanning in a solarium, remember about vitamin D in the composition of vitamins for pregnant women. He shouldn't be there!

If you follow these basic principles, tanning in a solarium for a pregnant woman, even in the early stages, is a good alternative to the sun in winter and late autumn.

Alexandra Pechkovskaya, obstetrician-gynecologist, especially for website

Useful video about tanning during pregnancy

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