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The meaning of the cat's eye stone. Description of the cat's eye stone and magical properties: meaning for humans

Cat's eye is one of the types of chrysoberyl, but this cute name is assigned to an already processed stone. The mineral is processed in such a way that a bright strip of light remains in its center. With this stripe, the stone actually looks a lot like a cat's eye, hence its name. There are other stones that may have an external resemblance to a cat's pupil. These are apatite, tourmaline, aquamarine and some others. However, it is chrysoberyl that has greater hardness and a strong resemblance to a cat’s eye.

Colors and types of chrysoberyl

Chrysoberyl most often has gray-yellow-green shades, but dark brown minerals are also found. All stones, regardless of color, have a golden luster.

In the 19th century, Queen Victoria of Great Britain was given a cat's eye that weighed over three hundred carats. Currently, the stone is in the treasury among other treasures of the British Empire.

Types of chrysoberyl differ not only in color, but also in transparency, and in visual similarity to a cat's eye. The more pronounced the effect of similarity and the higher the transparency of the stone, the more valued it is.


The cat's eye has long been known as a good protective amulet. This stone was especially valued by the mystics and astrologers of India. But to this day, different schools have expressed different opinions on how the amulet should be worn. There is debate about the phases of the moon, the days of the week, and even the fingers that are suitable for wearing this mystical gem.

The gem gained popularity among jewelers later, at the end of the 19th century. This happened after Prince Arthur presented Louise of Prussia with a ring with this wonderful stone as a gift.

At the beginning of the last century, cat's eye was one of the most expensive gems

The stone created a real sensation among noble people, and instantly became fashionable. Expeditions were immediately organized to search for new deposits, and the development of old ones was increased. At the beginning of the last century, a cat's eye cut into a cabochon could cost up to $8,000.

It is interesting to note that the Russian writer Ivan Bunin had an attachment to the cat's eye, and for a long time wore a ring with this stone.

How to distinguish a fake?

Imitation cat's eye

First of all, the cost of a genuine cat's eye is very high - it is comparable to the cost of a diamond of a similar size. However, it is the high cost of the stone that causes an unhealthy interest in making fakes.

However, there is a way to distinguish a real stone from an artificial one, and it is not very complicated. Chrysoberyl has increased hardness; on the Mohs scale its index is 8.5. This means that chrysoberyl easily marks glass, and chrysoberyl itself can only be scratched by a diamond, ruby ​​or sapphire. There is an easier way. A genuine cat's eye glows in the absence of light, unlike the vast majority of fakes, and if you additionally wipe it with a cloth in the dark, the shine will only intensify, while a fake gem will either not glow at all or will not change its glow.

To date, the largest chrysoberyl found weighs over eight kilograms! It is stored in Rio de Janeiro.

It should also be noted that fake stones in normal lighting look brighter and more impressive than natural ones.

Magic properties

Cat's eye has powerful protective magical potential

The legends of many peoples speak of the strong magical potential of the cat's eye. Some legends say that the stone can even ward off death from a person.

There is historical information that many of the Russian nobles who left for the West in 1917 had with them a talisman - a decoration with this amazing stone. And it was thanks to such a talisman that they were able to survive the difficult first years of life away from their homeland.

The cat's eye protects the owner from any negative influence, brings him luck, self-confidence, and optimism. A person who has a cat's eye does not know what jealousy is.

The magical energy of the mineral is such that its owner, unnoticed by himself, acquires a constant positive outlook on life, harmony of his personality and tolerance towards others. The golden shine of the stone inevitably evokes associations with luxury and wealth. Cat's eye promotes the development of self-control in a person, assists in concentration, concentration and the desire for personal development and improvement.

If a cat's eye is presented as a gift, then the one who accepted the gift involuntarily becomes imbued with sympathy for the giver.

Medicinal properties

It is believed that cat's eye can cure serious diseases. In particular, diseases of the cardiovascular system. It strengthens blood vessels, making them stronger, and thereby helps to recover from a seemingly incurable disease.

Cat's eye will help in the treatment of eye diseases

In addition, this stone helps with vision problems, pinched nerves, and severe headaches. The beneficial effects of the stone on most internal human organs were noted.

How is cat's eye used?

Cat's eye is a hard stone and is almost resistant to mechanical damage. However, it never hurts to take care of an item that is dear to you. The mineral must be protected from sudden and severe temperature changes, as well as exposure to acids. It is better to clean dirt with a regular warm soapy solution. After washing, it is better not to wait until the stone dries itself, but to wipe it with a soft cloth - in this case, the cat's eye enhances its natural shine.

It is better to store the cat's eye separately, otherwise the hardness of the stone may scratch other jewelry.

The best type of amulet with a cat's eye is a ring

If you want to wear this gem as a talisman, then choose a ring with a cat's eye and make sure that the stone is in contact with the skin on your finger. A worthy setting for this mineral would be gold or platinum, but steel can also be used as a setting; this will not affect the magical properties of the stone.

The color of a cat's eye also matters. Yellow minerals are suitable for teachers, scientists and religious ministers. Managers and administrative workers should opt for brown-colored gemstones with a clearly visible golden sheen. When working with money, for example, bank employees need to choose a green stone, also with a pronounced golden tint. A dark green cat's eye is best suited for employees and workers.

All-seeing protector

“Cat's eye” is the name given to the iridescent effect, which is very reminiscent of the iridescent glow of the pupil of cats. With certain treatments, you can see the cat's eye effect on different stones.

If we talk about stones, yellow chrysoberyl and green quartz are traditionally called cat's eyes. The mysterious glass shine and narrow vertical stripe along the entire length of the stone are indeed very reminiscent of the iridescent eye of a cat glowing in the night. Such stones are also called “eye” stones - in their depths, after a special cut, a vertical “pupil” shines.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye has a beautiful golden honey color and is a valuable jewelry stone. Quartz cat's eye is a variety of quartz with an olive green hue. It is more affordable in cost than chrysoberyl, but is rarely found in nature. According to astrologers, “eye” quartz are the “eyes” of space, with the help of which the Universe collects information about what is happening on Earth and transmits it to the owner of the stone if he wants to use it.

Cat's eye is one of the most favorite stones of magicians and mystics. In ancient times, amulets and amulets were made from it. Archaeologists still find in the ruins of ancient cities amulets made from a cat's eye, to which dried cat paws are tied. According to scientists, these are talismans that belonged to ancient clairvoyants and seers thousands of years ago. Such amulets had mystical and inexplicable powers. “Eye” stones are, first of all, protective stones that have some kind of bewitching beauty. They “look” at others like the eyes of predators, warning that its owner is under watchful supervision. And indeed, due to the fact that the thin strip of light on the stone moves at different lighting angles, one gets the feeling that the stone sees everything and protects its owner. It is not for nothing that in ancient times a cat’s eye symbolized a long life - “after all, a cat has nine lives.”

Cabochons, cufflinks, beads, rings, earrings, cameos and intaglios are made from cat's eyes. Jewelry with a cat's eye is recommended for timid and insecure people, whom it helps to be bolder and more courageous. This is a very “lucky” stone, bringing good luck to its owner.

Cat's eye is a peacemaker stone, reconciling conflicting people, bringing peace and tranquility to the family. If you want to make peace with a person, give him jewelry with this stone, and gradually the relationship will improve.

The cat's eye helps its owner to maintain calm and prudence in the most critical situations. In eastern countries, rosary beads were and are still being made from it, the fingering of which is believed to extinguish nervous excitement and save from mental illness. The cat's eye gives good health, and also protects against the evil eye and protects against assassination by enemies.

Cat's eye stone has golden-green, gray-green tints, very reminiscent of the iris of a cat's eye. These are opaque iridescent minerals. Microscopic parallel inclusions of fibrous and needle-like minerals are reflected in rays of light and form a very beautiful optical effect.

The cat's eye effect is especially fully revealed when the mineral is processed in the form of a cabochon. If the treatment is carried out at the right angle, you can see a thin strip of light parallel to the long axis of the cabochon. It is this effect that is often called “cat’s eye,” which, with special processing, can be observed on other stones - beryl cat’s eye, opal, topaz, tourmaline, ruby, sapphire, etc. are popular.

Place of Birth
Chrysoberyl cat's eye is mined in the Russian Urals, Sri Lanka and Madagascar. Quartz cat's eye - India, Brazil, Sri Lanka, South Africa, Czech Republic. Eye quartz is also mined in Russia.

Medicinal properties
Information about the miraculous effect of the mineral is known both in Eastern and European medicine. Cat's eye has a positive effect on the Throat Chakra. In the old days, neck jewelry made from cat's eyes was worn by children suffering from asthma (to eliminate attacks), pneumonia, sore throat and other respiratory diseases. It has been noted that this mineral helps the functioning of the digestive organs and can act as a laxative.

All “eye” stones have similar healing properties - they help cope with inflammatory processes in the body, treat blood diseases, stimulate the bone and lymphatic system, help improve immunity, and regulate the functioning of the thymus and spleen.

The cat's eye is strong in the fight against colds. Beads and necklaces help cope with chronic tonsillitis and even asthma. Effectively relieves neuroses, eliminates depression, relieves eye fatigue - for this you need to briefly apply the mineral to your closed eyes.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye was ground and taken orally to treat arthritis and rheumatism. Regularly wearing jewelry with chrysoberyl stimulates the functioning of blood vessels and the circulatory system, and treats cardiovascular diseases. recommended to wear for rapid healing of bone fractures.

Magic properties
This mineral has been used in magical rituals for quite a long time and very actively. Ancient Indian magicians used chrysoberyl cat's eye to understand the language of animals. With the help of this mystical stone they learned the future and made predictions. The Indians believed that a cat's eye brought its owner good luck in financial matters and helped to win in gambling. The stone very quickly “remembers” the energy of its owner and removes negative energy from him.

According to magicians, with the help of a cat's eye you can evoke reciprocal love, cement friendship and maintain marital fidelity. “Eye” quartz has a deep cleansing effect on a person, eliminates negative energy, and provides protection from astral attacks. The stone helps its owner pay attention to signs that are not noticeable at first glance.

Jewelry with a cat's eye can be worn by all zodiac signs. The mineral especially favors Scorpios and Cancers. Representatives of these signs are not recommended to wear a cat's eye at the same time as other minerals, since in this case the energy of the stone can act to the detriment of its owner. The rest of the zodiac signs can wear the stone in any combination.

The stone helps to attract sympathy for its owner from others.
It is recommended to be worn by teenagers, as it helps them painlessly survive the psychologically difficult period of adolescence. The stone helps you quickly tune in to a responsible adult life.

Talismans made from cat's eyes have the most beneficial effect on people of creative professions - artists, writers, painters, musicians. The stone reveals the energy of charm and eloquence, therefore it also helps lecturers and diplomats in their work.

On the list of the most popular stones for jewelry, cat's eye ranks high. Its mysterious appearance makes it popular among representatives of all generations, and its universal color allows you to wear jewelry with any clothing.

Description and characteristics

By its nature, a cat's eye is not a specific stone, but a general name for gems with the presence of an optical effect in the form of a narrow strip of light, reminiscent of the narrow pupil of a cat. This effect can occur in any minerals with a fine-fiber structure.

The most common variety is chrysoberyl with a greenish-yellow color. Hollow channels or fine fibrous microscopic inclusions within the stone cause opalescence. Processing the mineral as a smooth cabochon results in the appearance of a silvery streak of light within it.

Quartz cat's eye is quartz, in the structure of which you can find sprouted needles of olive-green rutile.

Varieties and extraction of minerals

The color of the stone may vary depending on the presence of impurities in its chemical formula. If some of the aluminum atoms are replaced by iron oxide, the mineral acquires a yellow tint; if chromium is replaced, it becomes emerald. Titanium oxide gives a reddish color.

Sapphires, rubies and opals with a cat's eye effect are very rare. Such minerals have the highest value.

Brazil is considered the main supplier of chrysoberyl cat's eye. It is in this country that the majority of all deposits are located. Large deposits are located in India and Sri Lanka - the second place for stone mining after Brazil. The world's largest cat's eye, weighing 475 carats, was also discovered on this island. There are also small deposits in Madagascar.

How to distinguish a fake from a real stone

According to statistics, more than half of cat eye jewelry is made using artificial crystals. The technology for producing counterfeits is quite simple: molten glass is poured into molds with fibers painted in the desired color. In a few minutes, the glass becomes solid, and the stretched fibers burn out under the influence of high temperature, leaving in their place hollow tubular inclusions that perfectly imitate a natural mineral. The second technique is extrusion of filler into cooled molten glass.

In natural stone, the strip imitating the pupil is clearly visible and does not change its position when the crystal is rotated. The shape of the strip is a straight line.

In fakes, it can look like a broken or curved line or even a crescent. Such curves are often explained by enterprising sellers as a unique phenomenon.

You should also be wary of overly bright cabochons. Natural mineral has more muted shades, while glass has a rich palette. The natural mineral is highly hard and quite difficult to scratch. Any fake stone is afraid of mechanical influences.

Healing and magical properties

Cat's eye is a good doctor. He is able to cure diseases of the respiratory and digestive systems. In order to get rid of diseases of the throat, bronchi or lungs, you should wear it around your neck.

A bracelet or rosary will help bring the gastrointestinal tract back to normal. In case of complex fractures, the crystal promotes rapid healing of wounds and fusion of bones.

The cat's eye “watches” its owner, so it can be considered a reliable protector. The stone protects those around you from bad energy, wards off troubles and troubles, and always warns of impending changes.

The video talks about the magical and healing properties of ulexite, a stone with a cat's eye effect.

He is able to attract the attention of the opposite sex and is happy to help establish relationships with his loved one. In addition, it enhances the owner’s charm and makes his aura purer.

A cat's eye reveals creativity and makes a person more receptive and open to new knowledge, so it is recommended to be worn by students and those people whose work involves intellectual work.

Compatibility with zodiac signs

Two signs get along best with this crystal: Scorpio and Cancer. It gives them support, enhances good character traits and neutralizes negative ones. Just like sapphire, the cat's eye gives Cancers a thirst for knowledge and harmony with themselves.

Scorpio can successfully replace topaz, ruby ​​or aquamarine with this stone, receiving in him an equally weak patron. However, representatives of the sign should not wear the mineral in combination with other crystals.

All other zodiac signs can wear cat's eye along with any minerals. For them, his energy will be weaker, but always positive.

How to properly care for a cat's eye

The stone is quite hard and resistant to mechanical damage, but you should not subject it to too much stress. He is afraid of any chemicals, including household chemicals.

To clean a cat's eye from dirt, you need to use a cotton pad or soft flannel cloth and a mild soap solution. Soap is the only cleaning agent for this mineral.

Negative energy accumulated by the stone is removed under running cold water.


This stone has a calm color scheme; jewelry with it goes well with clothes of a classic or romantic style. Earrings with a cat's eye stone or pendants can also be worn with loose-fitting outfits in neutral shades. The so-called urban chic suits such jewelry.

Cat's eye is a single stone. He is jealous of any neighbors, so he prefers to be the only insert in jewelry, not combining well with other crystals.

A carat of the natural mineral chrysoberyl is very expensive, depending on the characteristics of the stone - hundreds and even thousands of dollars and is sold in jewelry stores. It belongs to the category of precious due to its rare distribution in nature.

Quartz cat's eye is much more affordable and is used in most rings, pendants and bracelets. You can buy such jewelry in specialized stores and souvenir shops. The spectacular appearance of products with such inserts can be seen in more detail in the photo.






A cat's eye, inserted into a piece of jewelry, watching over its owner, will become a wonderful talisman stone. His good-natured disposition makes him friendly with all zodiac signs. All the stone needs is the sincere love of its owner.

Stones with cat's eye color are decorative semi-precious minerals, the iridescence of which resembles a cat's eye, they have strong magical and healing properties, suitable for representatives of the zodiac signs of the water element. Jewelry made from this stone will become not only an original decoration, but also a talisman that can alleviate existing diseases of the respiratory system and prevent their manifestations in the future.

What is cat's eye

In the classical sense, cat stone is a natural mineral chrysoberyl (cymophane), processed using the cabochon technique. Today, there are other crystals that have a similar iridescence. Due to the presence of microscopic voids, a pronounced strip of light is formed during the rotation of the mineral. This optical effect, in addition to cymophane, is observed in quartz, tourmaline, scapolite, fibrolite, jade and diopside. Sapphire, ruby, beryl, chrysoberyl and tourmaline cat's eyes are considered jewelry stones.

Among craftsmen, a quartz crystal with an imitation of a cat’s pupil is highly valued. It is not difficult to distinguish a real stone from a fake. An artificial cat eye often comes in a more vibrant coloration or color that is rarely found in nature. The natural mineral is dull. In the dark, such a crystal exhibits a lighting effect, which enhances its resemblance to the eyes of representatives of the cat family. A fake does not have this property.

Chrysoberyl cat's eye

The cat stone received its original name due to natural chrysoberyl. The mineral had a yellow-green color and a characteristic running glare on the surface, due to the presence of microvoids along one of the crystallographic axes. The stone's color and effect resembled the iris of a cat's eye. If the name of the mineral is not specified, then chrysoberyl is meant.

Quartz cat eye

In nature, a variety of quartz with a cat's eye effect is relatively rare. The strip is formed due to a whole system of thin parallel voids or asbestos inclusions. These inclusions grow into the crystal during growth; they can be completely or partially destroyed, but the resulting voids create the effect of a cat's eye. Quartz mineral with this effect is the second most popular treatment; it is also called tiger eye.

Origin story

The effect of the mineral chrysoberyl was first described in 1798 by the French mineralogist, creator of scientific crystallography, René-Juste Gaüy. He compared the crystal transfusion to a cat's eye. Since then, minerals with a similar effect have been discovered, but the primacy of being called a cat stone remains with chrysoberyl. Stone deposits are located in Sri Lanka, India, and Russia. There are small deposits of cymophane in Madagascar, and quartz in Brazil, South Africa, and the Czech Republic.

Physical properties

Chrysoberyl got its name because of its golden color, because “chrysober” means “golden” in Greek. The color of this stone can be very diverse. The shade of a mineral is determined by the amount and concentration of impurities. The red color is achieved due to titanium inclusions, greenish - iron oxide, and so on. Among the many colors you can even find blue and blue stones.

The magical properties of a cat's eye

The stone attracts the attention and sympathy of surrounding people. It attracts mutual love, helps to remain faithful in marriage and friendship. The mineral is able to endow timid and insecure people with charm, courage, and attract the attention of others. This stone is considered a peacemaker, it helps to avoid conflict situations, helps strengthen relationships within the family and among colleagues at work.

Gifted jewelry with a cat's eye will help teenagers cope with adolescence, aggression, despondency, and adapt to society. If you give a product to an enemy, then soon his attitude towards the donor may change for the better. The stone gives peace of mind, physical health, and protects against conflicts. Since ancient times, such a stone was considered a talisman, a reliable protection against the evil eye.


The rich blue color of the mineral endows its owner with swiftness, but caution. The character of the owner of the gem resembles a wild forest cat. A blue crystal is recommended to be worn by timid people to achieve their goals, which they previously could not achieve due to certain fears. The stone gives confidence in yourself and your abilities.


Blue-hued crystals are intended for “dreamers.” Naturally, the gem will not be able to turn a beggar into a millionaire or realize another bold dream, but it will push the owner to take a step in the right direction. Products with blue minerals are suitable for young girls and boys who cherish their dreams with great strength. The stone is able to enhance this potential.


Green gemstones of various shades are often used for medicinal purposes. Green mineral with the cat's eye effect helps treat colds and viral diseases with throat complications. If you use the power of this gem in time, you can eliminate the cause of the disease without much effort. Jewelry with green crystal is suitable for people with chronic diseases of the respiratory system.


Hearty pink color and jewelry with minerals of this shade are suitable for people who are spiritually and emotionally vulnerable, seeking to find a soul mate. Amulets with rose quartz, which has the effect of a cat's eye, attract mutual love, give tenderness and mutual understanding in relationships. For many peoples, this stone is a symbol of love, which leads to marriage and the birth of children.


The white mineral is worn mainly by young women and men as a talisman to attract good luck. The classic white tone of the crystal goes well with other colors and different clothing styles. In moments of despair, young people turn to him for help. The mineral attracts good luck, adds optimism, self-confidence, and confidence in the future.


Dark shades, including black, are suitable for people seeking power and recognition. The black mineral highlights leadership qualities in a person, gives confidence, helps to fulfill dreams and achieve goals. Adults should choose a cat's eye mineral based on their profession. Black crystal is often worn by leaders and bosses.


The purple stone combines several magical properties. Shades of red can attract mutual love and romantic relationships. Blue colors help make dreams come true and guide you in the right direction to achieve your goals. The mineral is suitable for dreamy young people who are just embarking on their life path.


Golden colors, browns and yellows help attract wealth. It is better to wear brown minerals open, unframed, as they have a stronger effect and reveal their magical properties. Varieties of minerals in brown and golden shades are suitable for high-ranking officials, military personnel, high-ranking officials, and administrators.

Who is suitable for cat's eye stone?

A crystal with a cat's eye effect suits all zodiac signs without exception. It all depends on the energy and faith that the owner puts into the mineral. The stone has the greatest influence on water signs: Scorpio, Pisces, Cancer. Some astrologers claim that these signs simply need to have this pure crystal or jewelry with it in their collection.

Particular attention should be paid to the stone for female representatives born under the sign of Libra. They are distinguished by femininity, sophistication, and attractiveness. The crystal is able to highlight and enhance all of the listed qualities, which will attract more attention from men. Jewelry with this mineral is suitable for unmarried girls who are looking for mutual love. The stone will help Taurus and Aquarius to reveal their creative potential.

In addition to its protective properties, the crystal has healing qualities. He is credited with the ability to cure certain diseases. The stone directly affects the throat chakra, so if you wear jewelry using this crystal, you can cure diseases of the respiratory system, relieve attacks of asthma and other chronic diseases. The mineral can improve the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

The stone can treat not only diseases of the body, but also mental illnesses. The crystal helps to come into harmony with oneself and heal heart wounds. In addition, a stone with the effect of a cat’s eye develops intuition well, suppresses aggression towards others, generally stabilizes the nervous system, and improves sleep. It is believed that the mineral is capable of generating positive emotions.

Amulet cat's eye

Astrologers recommend using jewelry and protective amulets with this type of stone for diplomats, teachers, and people with creative professions: artists, musicians, performers. The cat's eye helps against the evil eye, protects against conflict situations, reveals the depth of a person's talent, and imparts special charm. All these magical properties are aimed at the formation of a person in society.

It is important to remember that you can only hope for the help of a stone if you have pure thoughts. If you intend to use the mineral with malicious intent, then be prepared for the fact that the power of the stone may turn against you. The properties of the mineral are better revealed in direct contact with human skin. The stone goes well with silver. This precious metal is capable of giving the crystal the properties of a talisman. Since ancient times, a mineral framed with silver has been considered a strong amulet, a good talisman against the evil eye.

Jewelry using a crystal with an imitation of a cat's iris can be very diverse. For men and young people, rings, rosaries or pendants are suitable; for girls - rings, earrings, pendants, bracelets; for older women - beads, brooches and more massive earrings. You can buy cameos (a type of jewelry, bas-relief) made of mineral with the effect of a cat's eye for home.


The name “cat's eye” refers to quartz of various shades: gray, golden, emerald, marsh. Moreover, they all have a characteristic glass shine and iridescence effect.

Thanks to these, they resemble the eyes of a cat. Today, about thirty varieties of this mineral are known, the main deposits of which are located in China, Sri Lanka, Mexico, and India.

Properties of the stone

It is believed that it can cure a person from respiratory diseases. It perfectly relieves bronchial asthma. Residents of the East have long learned to relieve nervous excitability with the help of rosary beads made from this unique mineral. It is believed to help with blood disorders, paralysis, arthritis, insomnia, spinal injuries, tonsillitis and anemia. It also has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive organs, the functioning of the spleen and pancreas.

Magic properties

In the old days, this stone was called the eye of the devil.

It was worn mainly by sorcerers and magicians, believing that it activated miraculous abilities. However, those times are gone. Now only overly superstitious people are wary of this mineral. Mutual love and family happiness - this is what a cat's eye promises its owner. The properties of the stone help create a positive image of its owner in the eyes of strangers, impart confidence, courage and even a little charm.

This mineral does not tolerate conflicts and aggression. It is believed to be able to smooth out friction that arises at work and at home. Many people are confident that finding a compromise and resolving some controversial issues will only help reconcile old enemies and, perhaps, even make them friends.

It is very useful for teenagers to wear jewelry made from this mineral. The cat's eye can smooth out aggressive moods, intractability and intransigence. The stone provides special protection to people born under the sign of Cancer or Aries. In order not to cause the negative impact of the mineral, you should not wear it together with other gems.

It is very useful for people whose profession is related to communication (artists, teachers, diplomats) to wear a cat's eye as a talisman. The properties of the stone can activate a person, enhance the persuasiveness of speech and impart eloquence. Ancient people believed that a cat's eye amulet would save from negative forces that influence a person's consciousness. The white mineral is a talisman for mothers and children; it strengthens spiritual connections and develops intuition. In addition, the stone improves concentration, activates, increases insight and masculine energy.


For jewelry using a mineral such as cat's eye (stone), the price is quite low. Inexpensive jewelry often includes imitation quartz - colored glass, which is visually quite difficult to distinguish from the original. Typically, the jewelry industry uses a cat's eye stone, the photo of which is presented above, transparent or slightly cloudy.

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