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Pregnancy 42 weeks what to do. Folk methods of stimulating labor. Natural birth

42 weeks pregnant, but labor has not started and there are no signs

Any pregnant woman anxiously awaits the moment when she can look at her son or daughter. It can be especially difficult towards the end of pregnancy. The wait becomes even more impatient because the expectant mother is having a hard time physically: swelling is tormenting her, it’s getting in her way. big belly, at times fatigue sets in. It is difficult to sleep because you have to spend a long time looking for a comfortable position.

Sometimes you have to face a situation: 9 months have passed, but labor has not begun. It’s 41, 42, or even 43 weeks, and there are no signs of the imminent birth of an heir. Is this normal and what should I do?

  • Why does pregnancy continue at 42 weeks, but labor does not begin?
  • How many months is it now?
  • Is it normal or not to give birth at 42 weeks?
  • Why the uterus is not ready to begin labor activity
  • What happens to the fetus at 42 weeks of pregnancy
  • Ultrasound at the forty-second week
  • What to do to induce labor
  • Drug stimulation
  • What happens to the mother, what does it feel like during this period?
  • Discharge

42 weeks of pregnancy - but no birth

No signs of labor at 42 weeks are not always a sign of danger. Nature is wise, she herself “knows” when the time will come for a new inhabitant of planet Earth to see our world.

Week 42 is obstetric week. From what day do gynecologists count? They do this: the first day of the start of a new menstrual cycle is taken as the starting point. And if we talk about the moment of conception and the beginning of the development of a new life in the mother’s body, then 2 weeks need to be subtracted from this figure. Thus, if you are diagnosed at 42 weeks, the baby is actually “turning” at that moment a maximum of 40 weeks. If in your last cycle before conception you had late ovulation, then this deadline is still moving forward. As a result, the baby may well be only 39 weeks. So no signs of labor at this time are not a reason to panic.

At this stage, the baby already significantly changes the mother’s lifestyle, since he is quite large and heavy. The child's height is approximately half a meter. Its weight can be 3.5 kg or a little more or less.

All vital organs are already formed, functioning and ready for full-time work immediately after the baby is born.

If the mother feels normal, she needs to wait a little longer: apparently, her body is not yet ready to “release” the baby into independent life. Or everything is much simpler: there was simply an error in the calculations, so you will have to be patient and spend a little more time “as one” with your baby, who is gathering strength before the decisive event.

42 weeks of pregnancy - how many months?

Since one obstetric month is exactly 4 weeks, a period of 42 weeks means that the pregnancy is already 10.5 months old. If we take into account real age fetus, approximately counted from the moment of ovulation, then this is about 9 months 24 days.

Those who have already given birth to their first child may note that the second pregnancy sometimes lasts somewhat less and labor begins earlier. But this does not always happen; each case is individual.

42 weeks pregnant and labor has not started

It is believed that giving birth at 42 weeks of pregnancy is normal. By this time, the child is usually ready for birth, and the mother’s body “wants” to force him out: the placenta ages and ceases to supply the baby with the nutrients it needs.

If the mother feels fine, she has passed necessary examinations, then there is no concern for alarm.

In order to determine signs of postmaturity, doctors use ultrasound and Doppler ultrasound. An ultrasound will show an “aged”, thickened placenta. Using Doppler ultrasound, the condition of the uterine arteries is assessed.

In addition, they can take amniotic fluid for analysis, that is, perform an aminoscopy.

If the test results do not reveal anything suspicious, the expectant mother is sent to “finish her walk” last days pregnancy, warning her that labor can begin any day, you need to carefully monitor yourself.

42 weeks of pregnancy: the uterus is not ready. Causes

Sometimes doctors see that the fetus can already function independently outside the mother’s body, but the woman does not feel any signs of the onset of labor. What happens to the baby and mother? The baby is ready to be born, but the uterus is not “tuned” to childbirth.

Why labor does not begin - the reasons may be different. There may be a lack of the hormone oxytocin, which triggers contractions. Or the cervical muscles are too tense, which means there is a lack of prostaglandins. Shortening and softening of the cervix is ​​a sign of approaching labor.

It is possible that the reason for the “delay” may be:

  • chronic maternal diseases, especially systemic ones, such as diabetes, also diseases of the stomach and intestines;
  • age of the pregnant woman: difficulties are observed more often in two groups - those who are not yet 20 years old, and those who are over 40;
  • obesity;
  • panic fear of childbirth.

The last reason is worth fighting with the help of psychologists: a woman may be so afraid of pain and stress that her body blocks the production of necessary hormones. A thorough study of the causes of fear and implementation of the psychologist’s recommendations are required.

What to do if the 42nd week has begun, but there are no contractions and the baby does not seem to be going to leave the nest?

It is best to consult a doctor. He will examine the woman and then make a decision: to wait longer or to help the body and induce labor with medication.

Baby at 42 weeks of pregnancy

The fetus at 42 weeks of pregnancy usually becomes less active, as if freezing. His movements are no longer so sharp. This is explained by the lack of space in the mother’s belly: the baby is already so big that it is difficult for him to move freely and roll over. The position he occupied will remain until labor begins.

Often a woman’s stomach turns to stone, and training contractions periodically occur: the body “tests its strength”, adjusts to a difficult long work- birth process.

The baby has already dialed required weight, he has fingernails and toenails, and many have hair on his head.

An ultrasound at this time is prescribed to make sure that everything is in order and to take necessary measures, if something goes wrong. In addition, based on the condition of the placenta, the doctor will tell you when approximately you can expect labor to begin.

The doctor will evaluate the quantity and quality amniotic fluid. If there is little water, then labor will need to be induced, because oligohydramnios is fraught with problems with the baby’s health and a lack of oxygen supply to the tissues.

Important: if the baby is post-term, there is a risk of hardening of the skull, and this is fraught with injuries during childbirth for both the baby and the mother, and can serve as an indication for cesarean section.

At 42 weeks there are no such signs yet, but from this period doctors begin to monitor the pregnant woman more closely in order to induce labor in time and prevent the occurrence of consequences.

How to induce labor at 42 weeks pregnant

The doctor may advise the woman to take the following actions to speed up the process:

  • walk more;
  • take the stairs more often, using them instead of the elevator;
  • do what you can physical exercise, in particular, using a fitball.

It is also good to do a light, very gentle massage of the nipples - this increases the production of oxytocin, which is necessary for the onset of labor.

If there are no unpleasant sensations and medical contraindications, you can practice having sex. This stimulates the uterus, preparing it to open. Sperm contains prostaglandin hormones, which enable the cervix to soften.

Stimulation is needed if there is a threat to the health and life of the mother or child, for example, if the condition of preeclampsia is diagnosed, and the woman does not have contractions or other signs of imminent labor.

What to do in this case? The woman is admitted to the hospital and given oxytocin drips to stimulate the uterus to contract.

Prostaglandin preparations may also be used to dilate the cervix.

The most commonly used procedure is piercing amniotic sac. The water leaks out, which causes the uterus to contract faster and begin the process of “pushing” the baby out.

Usually piercing is completely painless. The doctor performs it if the plug comes off.

Mom’s feelings: what’s happening to her

The expectant mother, if this is her second pregnancy, has a rough idea of ​​how the whole process will go. She should be prepared for a quick or even rapid birth: this is quite likely the second and subsequent times.

If a woman gives birth to her first child, she can predict the onset of labor based on the following signs:

  • the mucus plug comes off;
  • colostrum is released;
  • clear, pinkish or brown discharge is possible;
  • The stomach begins to hurt, and this pain does not go away warm shower, neither by massage, nor after taking no-spa;
  • contractions become regular, occurring at clearly defined intervals.

If there are no signs of labor, and the time is already suitable for the start of labor, the woman and discomfort, such as headaches, nausea, she needs to go to the hospital urgently. It is possible to develop preeclampsia, the signs of which are:

  • increased blood pressure;

If the disease occurs in mild degree, the best “treatment” (over 36 weeks) is to induce labor. Moderate and severe degrees require immediate hospitalization, because the condition can be complicated by eclampsia, and it is fraught with a huge number of complications, including the death of mother and child.


At 42 weeks the norm is transparent light discharge, and they can be quite abundant. But discharge mixed with blood and brown is dangerous, since it is possible that they indicate placental abruption. It is necessary to take timely measures that the gynecologist deems necessary.

If you are already 42 weeks pregnant and the birth is not yet “planned”, do not worry. Everything will come on time. But you definitely need to see a doctor - in order to calm down or in order to take action to eliminate pathological condition– if it is diagnosed. Do not worry - modern medicine has reached such a level that many things can now be cured. They will definitely provide you with the help you need, and your baby will be born strong and healthy!

Even at 42 weeks of pregnancy, there is still nothing to worry about. Doctors talk about post-term pregnancy, starting at 43 weeks. It is likely that your deadline was set incorrectly. But, of course, the baby could just sit in the tummy. And although it is already completely ready for release, the baby does not stop growing: at the 42nd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus averages 3685 g, and its height reaches 51.5 cm. And this is a certain difficulty: what bigger baby, the more difficult it is for him to move through the birth canal.

Even at 42 weeks of pregnancy, there is still nothing to worry about. Doctors talk about post-term pregnancy, starting with. It is likely that your deadline was set incorrectly. But, of course, the baby could just sit in the tummy. And although he is already completely ready to go out into the world, the baby does not stop growing: at the 42nd week of pregnancy, the weight of the fetus is on average 3685 g, and its height reaches 51.5 cm. And this is a certain difficulty: the larger the child, the more difficult it is him to move through the birth canal.

Baby at 42 weeks of pregnancy

Only 10% of expectant mothers reach 42 weeks of pregnancy. And even in such cases, doctors behave very calmly. A baby born this week will most likely feel great. But if this does not happen, then next week you will be sent for additional examinations that will help establish the condition of the fetus, amniotic fluid, and the cervix itself.

Appropriate measures will help determine how the baby feels there and whether you should resort to. Although usually, if the pregnancy is going well, even at 42 weeks this is not required, and future mommy She can quite easily carry the baby to term for now.

After all, the skull bones are tiny, the placenta is aging and worn out, and a critical decrease in amniotic fluid is usually characteristic already at 43-44 weeks. Such phenomena are indeed risky for the baby: a decrease in amniotic fluid leads to drying out of the baby’s skin and its peeling, hardening of the skull bones in the future can complicate passage through the birth canal, aging of the placenta impairs the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the fetus...

Future mom

However, this development of events, as mentioned above, usually occurs after 42 weeks of pregnancy. In the meantime, you live your life calmly, listening to your baby, carrying your already habitual huge belly behind you and mentally “maturizing” for the upcoming birth.

The bags for the maternity hospital are packed, you have chosen a name for the baby and you and dad are in constant readiness. So why isn’t the baby in a hurry to meet you? Is everything okay there? A woman can get answers to these questions by going for an examination to a doctor, including to ensure that there is no risk of post-term pregnancy.

Childbirth at 42 weeks of pregnancy: what to do if labor does not occur

There are a number of indicators by which one can judge whether a pregnancy is truly postterm:

  • there are no “front waters” (which cover the baby’s head);
  • the amount of amniotic fluid in general has sharply decreased;
  • amniotic fluid is cloudy from meconium stool;
  • there are no flakes of cheese-like lubricant in the amniotic fluid;
  • the baby's skull bones are too hard;
  • the cervix is ​​immature;
  • signs of aging of the placenta are observed.

If these symptoms are confirmed in you, the doctor will suggest induction of labor or even, possibly, a cesarean section. Drug stimulation of labor is possible only if there is cervical maturity; if this is not the case, specialists can artificially stimulate its “maturation” immediately before stimulating labor.

However, if there are no indications for urgent and inevitable induction of labor, the woman can carry the pregnancy to term without worry. And, while you still have a few days left, try to stimulate the uterus to contract on your own at home. Active walking, sex, and massage are suitable for this.

Among folk recipes natural stimulation childbirth - and advice on acupuncture, and recommendations for drinking raspberry leaf tea, and eating pineapple. It has also long been known that you can speed up childbirth by consuming castor oil: cleansing the intestines provokes contractions of the uterus and, accordingly, the onset of labor. But experts advise handling castor oil very carefully: castor oil is a fairly strong laxative that can cause nausea and diarrhea.

Sometimes childbirth does not occur due to the psychological attitude of the pregnant woman: for example, if she decided to please her husband with an heir for his birthday or give birth to a daughter on New Year’s Eve.

But if the fact of postmaturity, as they say, is obvious, and there are grounds for intrusion into this process, then you should listen to the doctor’s advice. Remember that the cranial bones harden and the risk of birth injuries increases, the placenta ages and cannot fully provide the fetus with everything necessary, there is a high risk of meconium eruption into the amniotic fluid, which is fraught with its consequences, and the amniotic fluid itself significantly decreases in volume, what causes dryness skin baby. In general, if a reliable verdict about postmaturity is made, it is better not to delay it.

However, if the doctor assures you that everything is in order, the examination showed that the fetus feels quite comfortable and you still have time to wait, do not rush things. Remember that only 4% of babies are born on their expected due date.

As before, listen to the baby and your feelings, don’t stop communicating with him, ask him to hurry up - it’s time to get to know each other face to face.

Let your acquaintance be the easiest and in a pleasant way! Health to your baby and you!

Especially for- Elena Kichak

The most important thing in similar situation- keep calm. This period, according to doctors, is not critical.

Each expectant mother has her own individual characteristics: One may give birth at 38 weeks, while another may give birth at 42.

What to do

Week 41-42 has arrived, but labor is not starting? Do not panic! That happens.

A pregnancy is considered post-term when delivery is delayed for more than two weeks.

If labor has not yet occurred and there are no signs, doctors must determine whether there really is a post-term pregnancy.

Happens, happened medical error in determining the duration of pregnancy.

Or the woman indicated the time incorrectly last menstrual period, and this was the reason for the incorrect determination of the due date.

This means that mommy may not expect that she is at 42 weeks.

And if a real delay in labor is confirmed, the expectant mother will be examined in a hospital.

And there, based on the testimony, a decision will be made:

  • wait for natural birth,
  • artificially induce labor,
  • do C-section.

Pregnancy, to some extent, is always a risk, and it doesn’t matter whether it’s only 41 weeks or so.

There is a risk for a pregnant woman and an equally obvious risk for her attending physician.

The doctor also needs to have the courage not to send for a consultation, not to prescribe, not to prohibit, not to admit to a hospital, not to start inducing labor.

You must understand what the doctor knows: pregnancy - normal process, it doesn’t matter whether it’s week 38 or 41, and the less interference there is in it, the better it will be for everyone.

But sometimes one thought haunts me: But what if he’s still not completely normal?

Then it’s worth thinking about, are we so wise as to interfere with Mother Nature and the natural course of childbirth, if she has her own plans?

Home methods for inducing labor

Some women, wanting to speed up childbirth on their own, resort to folk methods.

There is no exact information about the correctness and effectiveness of such methods. And, although the result of most of them has not been proven, as they say, you can try, only carefully.

Among the methods it ranks first. The hormone oxytocin, produced by the partner during and after, helps stimulate uterine contractions. sexual relations, it can quickly induce labor.

  • swinging on a swing

Some people believe that a swing that can cause the fetus to drop down will help bring birth closer.

IN in this case should be provided safe use swing.

  • squatting

It will help induce labor for those whose labor is delayed due to the high position of the fetus.

In this position, the pelvis opens, more space is created, and the baby’s ability to pass through the birth canal with ease increases.

  • going up and down the stairs

Quite safe folk method stimulation of labor. Helps in dilating the cervix, opening the pelvis, so the baby can take a better position during labor as it moves through the birth canal.

But walking on stairs should be moderate and not cause excessive fatigue.

  • breast massage

The success of such stimulation of labor can be explained by the same production of oxytocin, but the effect will occur only when the cervix is ​​ripe and ready for childbirth.

Important to note: nipple stimulation can cause quick birth. It will happen, and you are not yet in the maternity hospital! Therefore, it can only be done in a hospital setting, so that medical assistance arrived on time.

  • swimming

Not a homemade, but a folk method of additional stimulation of labor. Must be done but with correct technique preventing curvature of the spine.

It should be remembered: women who experience childbirth with complications or too fast have an increased risk of uterine prolapse. This also applies to childbirth with rough stimulation of labor, sometimes with rupture of the genital tract.

Drug intervention

And yet, 42 weeks of pregnancy is a long time.

If own efforts not allowed desired result, the plug has not come out, there are no contractions and labor is not starting, be prepared: we are talking about an emergency birth that will have to be induced artificially.

Doctors will discuss the issue of hospitalization and planned delivery, because Post-term pregnancy can be fraught with complications during childbirth, and this, among other things:

  • bleeding,
  • birth injuries,
  • aspiration of amniotic fluid.

In addition, doctors in a hospital setting can begin to induce labor and also prescribe a cesarean section.

The most physiological method to induce labor is detachment around membranes which your doctor may do during a vaginal examination.

The doctor will gently detach the membranes with his own finger.

In the hospital, drugs containing oxytocin (for example, mifepristone) are used to speed up labor.

Intravenous administration leads to contraction of the uterus, which begins to “push out” the fetus.

Mifepristone blocks progesterone receptors and improves meometrial contractility. The fetus leaves the uterine cavity faster.

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