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18 weeks pregnant feeling in the stomach. th week of pregnancy - changes in the body of a woman. Pain and discomfort

Mom at 18 weeks pregnant

Around this time, for many expectant mothers, the attitude to what is happening is changing. The realization comes that in just four and a half months (or maybe a little earlier) you will see your Baby, you will be able to take him in your arms, hug him to you, kiss him. Soon you will have an interest in the necessary attributes of life with the Baby: clothes, care products, toys, dishes, etc. Such a “coup” is largely helped by the first movements of the child, his photograph or video taken on ultrasound, and the relatively calm inner life of the mother. Sometimes in the middle of pregnancy it is already possible to determine the sex, and it becomes possible to choose a name for a daughter or son.

If the pregnancy has exceeded half, and you continue to be tormented by fear, disturbing dreams, obsessive thoughts, if your condition can be defined as depressive, then you need to seek help from a psychologist or psychotherapist. In a state of anxiety, stress, blood circulation is disturbed, and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the child worsens. When you experience anxiety, your heart rate speeds up, speech becomes expressive, which leads to additional release of stress hormones in your Baby. If tachycardia (rapid heartbeat) occurs in you, in a few seconds the child will also have it, and in another minute the Kid will begin to “suffocate”. As a result, the child develops worse, becomes weakened, is born physiologically immature, and with constant and severe stress or a long-term depressed state of the mother at the end of pregnancy, it can be born earlier than the due time. In addition, stress reduces the immune system, and the mother and the Baby are defenseless against infections and other harmful influences.

Therefore, if you are in a state of emotionally negative and unstable for a long time, you need to seek help and support. If you do not have the opportunity to contact a specialist, seek support from loved ones, discuss your condition with someone you trust. Crying, sobbing, and even sorrowful sobs will relieve negative emotions for several minutes, and this is many times more useful than protracted irritation or longing.

18 weeks pregnant: Video "Let's go on vacation"

The 18th week of pregnancy is a time of relative calm. Painful attacks of toxicosis receded, the feeling of heaviness has not yet appeared. The mood of the future mother is excellent. It is during this period that she can get a referral for an ultrasound scan. What diagnostics will show at such a time and what to prepare for, we will tell in this article.

Enter the first day of your last menstrual period

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Survey objectives

The concept of "screening" is already familiar to the expectant mother, because in the first trimester she already underwent an ultrasound scan and donated blood for a laboratory biochemical study. At 18 weeks, she is waiting for another screening, the second in a row. The Ministry of Health recommends that it be carried out between 18 and 21 weeks., so now is the right time to re-look at the long-awaited baby.

The screening ultrasound is backed up by data from the laboratory. Based on the results of both studies, one can judge possible pathological conditions, some malformations of the fetus.

Ultrasound at 18 weeks has an important goal - identify problems in the development of the baby. But this is not the only reason why scanning is done. At this time, ultrasound helps to navigate the terms of pregnancy, if they are not fully clarified, and also to set the expected date of birth.

During this period already you can try to see the sex of the baby, because the external genitalia are fully formed.

If the baby is not modest and shows the doctor his gender, the woman will be able to find out who she is expecting - a son or a daughter.

The issues that are resolved during screening do not imply gender determination, therefore this service is paid, while all other diagnostic measures within the framework of prenatal diagnosis are completely free for all women in an “interesting position”.

An unscheduled ultrasound at week 18 can be done according to indications - these are sudden pain sensations, discharge that cannot be considered normal for pregnant women, a discrepancy between the height of the bottom of the uterus and the obstetric period.

Preparation for the procedure and features of the conduct

Ultrasound at week 18 can be performed in two ways - internal or external. The internal one, called transvaginal, gives a good view through the vaginal wall if it is difficult through the peritoneum. It can be difficult for a doctor to examine a child if the expectant mother is the owner of extra pounds and fat folds on her stomach.

The vaginal sensor is also indispensable in the event of a threatened miscarriage, since it allows you to more clearly see the cervix and cervical canal at 18 weeks.

If a woman has a normal or thin physique, this week of pregnancy, you can conduct a study in a transabdominal way - through the stomach. Preparation for ultrasound is not required, no matter how it is carried out. No need to drink water or tea to fill your bladder, there is no need to follow a diet that reduces gas formation in the intestines.

What can be seen on an ultrasound?

At week 18, the baby looks like a small person, but his head is still disproportionately large. The growth of the crumbs from the heels to the top of the head is almost 20 centimeters, and its weight is approaching 200-240 grams. Such dimensions allow him to freely tumble, swim, push off from the walls of the uterus, make a variety of movements with his arms and legs. It is at this time that some pregnant women begin to feel the first movements. Basically, these are women who are expecting twins or triplets, as well as multiparous.

Even if the woman does not yet feel the movements, you can enjoy the movements of the baby during the ultrasound procedure. The baby's skin is still very thin, blood vessels are visible through it. The brain is developing rapidly, this week the endocrine system begins to work. This ultrasound scan, of course, will not show.

But the mother will be able to see a small heart, listen to how it knocks, if the level of equipment allows, then you can see how the baby squeezes and unclenches his fists, spreads his fingers.

The baby already distinguishes sounds. He is already used to the beating of his mother's heart, the noise of blood in her vessels, but everything new, what comes from the outside, interests him and frightens him at the same time. Therefore, the baby may perk up at the unfamiliar voice of the health worker who is conducting the study, or, on the contrary, may get scared and calm down.

The genitals are clearly visible at this time, if the baby is located conveniently for inspection. It is possible that the umbilical cord will be clamped between the legs. And then the girl can be confused with the boy. Shy little boys can hide their “dignity” between their legs and they can easily be mistaken for a girl. The percentage of error, however, at this time is small - no more than 2-4%.

Norms and decoding

The description is compiled in three main areas - the size of the fetus (fetometric indicators), the anatomy of the fetus (the presence and correct formation of internal organs), as well as a description of the auxiliary organs and environments - the placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid surrounding the baby. In addition, the doctor assesses the state of health of the woman herself - is everything in order with her reproductive organs, is there a threat of termination of pregnancy.

Fetometry of the fetus

It is possible to draw conclusions about how the child’s head is developed according to two parameters, their diagnosticians measure them first. This is a longitudinal (LZR) and transverse dimension (BPR). The head circumference completes the picture. The size is also important baby's belly circumference. At this time, measurements of paired bones are also carried out - the femur, the bones of the lower leg, shoulder and forearm. At week 18, the bones of the nose are also subject to measurement.

Baby head size:

Sizes of paired bones and bones of the nose:

Anatomical features

The baby in the womb is already big enough for the doctor to examine its internal organs. During the study, the heart is examined, excluding possible defects of this organ and large vessels. The doctor is also interested in the kidneys, the child's bladder, intestines, stomach, lungs, gallbladder, brain structures and cerebellum.

In the absence of defects and visible problems, the doctor indicates that the internal organs of the little one do not have any features.

Placenta, umbilical cord, amniotic fluid

Norms and deviations are compared with this table:

The diagnostician must note where the placenta is located. In most pregnant women, this temporary organ, which is responsible for supplying the child with everything necessary for 9 months, is located on the posterior uterine wall, however, the anterior location should not be surprising. This is a variant of the norm, only requiring more careful management of pregnancy by the attending physician.

Possible problems

During the ultrasound scan at week 18, some pathological conditions may become apparent. Let's talk about the most common ones in more detail:

The size of the child is behind or ahead of the norm

Any discrepancies with the standards that are characteristic of fruits at a certain period require careful study by doctors. Small lags or advances - can be caused by completely harmless reasons - heredity, features of the constitution of the baby's body. Thin parents usually give birth to the same children.

An additional examination deserves situations when the sizes deviate in one direction or another for 2 weeks or more.

In this case, you should pay attention to exactly which sizes exceed the norm, whether the process is symmetrical (when all sizes are increased), or there is asymmetry (only one part of the body or one size is increased).

Enlargement and reduction of the baby's head can be a sign of genetic malformations, hydrocephalus or microcephaly. If the dimensions are increased symmetrically, then there is a possibility that a woman is carrying a fetus with a tendency to large weight (more than 4 kilograms) or to a gigantic weight (more than 5 kilograms).

A symmetrical decrease may indicate trouble, which the baby experiences, up to intrauterine growth retardation.

However, there is no need to rush to conclusions - children grow in the womb in “jumps”, and it is possible that at the control ultrasound in a couple of weeks the baby will “even out” in the parameters.

The bones of the nose lag behind the norm

The length of the nose bones is a marker of chromosomal abnormalities. In children with Down syndrome, Patau, Turner and other incurable diseases, the profile of the face is flattened, the nose is much smaller than in healthy peers. This fact is taken as a basis for measuring this parameter. A slight lag in the length of the nasal bones should also not be of much concern.

Rather, this is the reason to carefully look in the mirror to the mother herself and study the appearance of her relatives. Maybe in the family, small noses are a hereditary feature.

From the same point of view, moderate increases in the size of the baby's nose should not cause panic.

When measuring this parameter, errors and errors very often occur, which are the result of the fact that the equipment used for diagnostics is outdated and has a low resolution.

If the diagnostician is still inclined to consider the deviation significant, and blood tests confirm the imbalance of hormones and proteins in the body, then this is - reason to visit a geneticist and possibly undergo invasive procedures such as amniocentesis or chorionic biopsy to know with more than 99% accuracy whether the child is healthy.

Perhaps the most important and main sensations at the 18th obstetric week of pregnancy are the first, so far weak, but already noticeable movements of the baby, which the mother clearly notices. These light kicks can no longer be confused with the work of the intestines. You can clearly feel the tremors while in a calm state, in a pose lying on your side.

The tummy at this time has already grown noticeably, and it has become heavier. Therefore, now the pregnant woman’s gait is changing to a “duck”, the lower back seems to arch forward behind the stomach. Frequent back pain. This is due to increased weight and a shift in the center of gravity in a pregnant woman. After all, the baby has already grown significantly, and there is not enough space for him in the tummy.

In almost all pregnant women, during this period, there is an improvement in general well-being: toxicosis is almost forgotten, dizziness has disappeared, blood pressure, appetite, and mood are returning to normal.

Many say that they want to eat more and more. They say about this time: eats for two. So it is in fact. After all, the fetus grows and requires more nutrients for normal development. However, many expectant mothers now complain of severe heartburn, constipation and flatulence. However, at week 18, you can already use some medications (as prescribed by a doctor), which will help to significantly reduce discomfort.

Sleep is also a significant inconvenience. Or rather, not the process itself, but a pose that is difficult for a woman to choose for herself because of a grown belly. Most often, it is more comfortable to sleep on your side. Many have adapted to use special pillows for pregnant women, rollers and mattresses, of which there are enough in stores now.

Fetal development at 18 weeks gestation

If you look at the ultrasound images of the fetus, you can see that the baby has grown significantly. And his body seemed to be rounded. This happens due to the formation of adipose tissue.

  • The embryo is able to distinguish between darkness and light - the retina is already forming in front of the eyes, and very actively.
  • The weight of the embryo at this time is approximately 200 grams, and the height is about 20 cm.
  • The future baby is already able not only to distinguish noises, but also to respond to his mother's voice, music.
  • On the handles, the phalanges of the fingers are almost completely formed.
  • The embryo can already push off with its arms and legs from the walls of the uterus and, as it were, swim inside. Fetal movements are already more coordinated. This means that the child's brain is actively developing.
  • The bone skeleton continues to form and strengthen.
  • The formation of the genital organs is almost over. In the near future, the ultrasound doctor will even be able to tell you the gender of your baby.
  • Baby teeth and rudiments of molars have already formed in the baby's gums.

What factors affect the development of the fetus

At the eighteenth week of pregnancy, the protective barrier of the fetus (placenta) is already formed. However, this does not mean that the baby is not in danger. At this time, the embryo becomes very sensitive to external influences: loud sounds, bright lights, harmful substances. Therefore, you should beware of the following factors:

  • Alcohol. Alcohol can cause destruction of fetal cells and disrupt the normal course of development of the body of the unborn baby.
  • Nicotine causes oxygen starvation in the embryo, causes addiction and is fraught with diseases after childbirth. In smoking mothers, children are born with a lack of weight, act up, suffer from pain in the tummy.
  • Tetracycline antibiotics are also dangerous: they negatively affect cell division, the formation of teeth in a child, and can cause hearing loss.
  • Ionizing radiation is harmful to both the mother and the unborn baby.
  • Aggressive chemicals - for example, detergents and cleaning products should not be used during pregnancy and contact with them should be avoided altogether.

Can you dye your hair during pregnancy? Modern hair dyes are gentle and do not contain hazardous chemical components. Therefore, they are unlikely to be able to affect the fetus. However, during pregnancy, the structure of the hair changes, so coloring may not give the desired result.

What complications can occur at the 18th week of pregnancy

At a period of 18 weeks, the fetus is already viable, even if there are any genetic anomalies and developmental pathologies. Therefore, miscarriages at this time are very rare. However, pregnancy can be interrupted artificially with intrauterine infection.

It is still important to replenish the body's stores of calcium and vitamin D.

Changes in the body of a woman at the 18th week of pregnancy

It is hardly possible now to talk about any significant changes in the body of a pregnant woman. Everything, as they say, is stable: the tummy grows with the baby, the weight increases, the shapes are rounded.

It is worth saying that very many women at the 18th week of pregnancy actively appear pigment spots on the skin. This is due to the fact that at this time the pineal gland begins to function in the embryo, which produces the hormone melatonin. It is because of him that the expectant mother may have ugly dark spots all over her body. However, do not worry - they will disappear soon after childbirth. Some disappear in the last stages of pregnancy. This process is different for every woman.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, a woman can gain plus 4-6 kg. For many, the size of the legs may increase or vision will deteriorate. In some cases, these processes are absolutely natural, but with any changes that alert you, you should consult a doctor.

Analyzes and medical examinations

For any deviations or suspicions, the doctor may prescribe additional tests and examinations. At week 18, genetic screening or amniocetosis is performed. The specialist should warn the woman about the possible risks during the study of amniotic fluid. However, this method will allow almost 100% certainty to determine all genetic abnormalities in the fetus.

Also, now the woman will need to take a urine test to detect anemia.

At each visit to the gynecologist of a pregnant woman, blood pressure is measured, an examination is carried out for the presence of edema, weight gain and an increase in the circumference of the abdomen are assessed.

Also, the medical specialist determines at what height the bottom of the uterus is. For this period, the norm is 17-19 cm (or about 2 cm below the umbilical cavity).

Ultrasound at 18 weeks pregnant

At this time, a planned ultrasound can be prescribed from the 18th to the 22nd week. This is a mandatory examination. Others are prescribed depending on the course of pregnancy and the development of the embryo. If more careful monitoring is needed at the risk of developing pathologies, then it is better to heed the advice of specialists. Moreover, no negative impact of ultrasonic waves on a woman and a fetus has been identified.

Ultrasound will allow you to accurately see whether the placenta is correctly formed and its location. Sometimes placenta previa is diagnosed. This is fraught with the fact that the pregnant woman will have to move less, limit intimate relationships, and will have to give birth by caesarean section.

Now you can already determine the sex of the unborn child. But not everyone succeeds, since the baby is already quite active and can turn away from the device.

Healthy eating, avoiding stress, moderate physical activity are the most common recommendations during pregnancy and not only at this time.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, doctors advise limiting salt intake, as salty foods can cause swelling of the limbs in a pregnant woman.

We continue to monitor the calorie content of food and the amount of food consumed. It is better to eat often, but little by little.

Now you should not lean on bananas and grapes, as these fruits can cause digestive problems.

Prohibitions and contraindications during pregnancy

Should I wear a bandage at 18 weeks pregnant? Supportive means should not be carried away, many doctors believe. The muscles of the female body must themselves adapt to carrying a pregnancy. In cases where the pregnancy is multiple, and the weight of the abdomen does not allow normal movement, doctors may allow you to wear a bandage, but only for a limited time.

Be wary of anti-stretch mark cosmetics. They can cause severe allergies. Use safe olive oil or any other refined vegetable oil.

Sex at 18 weeks pregnant

At this time, there are several factors in which sexual intercourse should be limited:

  • placenta previa
  • Multiple pregnancy
  • Leakage of amniotic fluid (amniotic fluid)
  • Previous miscarriages or miscarriages.

In the normal course of pregnancy, you should be careful about choosing a position and avoid deep penetration.

Sports and physical education

Currently, among pregnant women, water aerobics, yoga and fitness for pregnant women are very popular (and recommended by doctors).

Definitely not worth getting involved in professional sports. It is also very useful daily walks in the fresh air.

Vitamins and medicines at 18 weeks pregnant

Medicines are still banned. Although some of the drugs can be taken, but only after consulting a doctor. You should beware of traditional methods of treatment, since the properties of many herbs have not yet been fully studied.

Taking vitamins should also be started after talking with a specialist. Indeed, with food, the body of a pregnant woman does not always receive the amount of nutrients and minerals that is necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

At the 18th week of pregnancy, your unborn baby begins to distinguish between day and night, thanks to the active functioning of the pineal gland (a part of the brain).

The pineal gland is often referred to as the "third eye". During daylight hours, it produces serotonin and enkephalins, which cause pleasant sensations from intangible processes, for example, from looking at beautiful pictures. In addition, serotonin has the ability to turn into melatonin. And this substance relieves stress, slows down all processes in the body and lowers tone.

Maria Sokolova

Reading time: 20 minutes


Many expectant mothers by this time it becomes much easier. Hair and skin return to normal, and appetite increases. However, back pain may already appear, especially after prolonged sitting or lying down. And this pain arises from the fact that the center of gravity has shifted. But there are several ways to help get rid of pain.

Be sure to do gymnastics, unless, of course, the gynecologist forbids you. Swimming is especially effective. Also, a special bandage that will support the stomach will not interfere. Rest more often lying on your side, hiding in a warm blanket.

What does 18 weeks mean?

Recall that a period of 18 weeks means an obstetric calculation. And this means that you have - from conception and from delayed menstruation.

Feelings in the expectant mother at the 18th week

  • Your tummy is most likely already visible and your leg size may have increased;
  • Visual impairment is also possible, but this should not be feared, this is almost the norm. After childbirth, vision will return to normal;
  • Be sure to watch your diet, it should be of high quality, varied and complete.

Now the period of active growth of the baby has come, i.e. you need not to eat for two, but to eat large portions.

This week, like the previous ones, you may be worried about discomfort in the abdomen. This is the accumulation of gases, heartburn, constipation. These problems can be easily dealt with by adjusting the diet.

  • From the start of pregnancy until 18 weeks weight should increase by 4.5-5.8 kg;
  • By the appearance of your abdomen, it may be noticeable how your baby is located, in the left or in the right half;
  • this week sleep and rest begins to cause some inconvenience. The uterus continues to grow and takes up more space in the abdominal cavity. You need to find the optimal position in which you will be comfortable. There are special pillows for pregnant women, but you can get by with three small pillows. Put one under the side, the second under the back, and the third under the legs;
  • Some women feel their first baby as early as 16 weeks. If you haven’t felt it yet, but at 18-22 weeks you will definitely feel your baby. If this child is not your first, then you already notice how he moves!
  • Perhaps you have the midline of the abdomen, nipples and the skin around them will darken. These phenomena will pass soon after childbirth.

Reviews on the forums:


Around the 16th week, I felt the first tremors of the child, but did not understand that they were, I thought - gases. But these "gases" appeared unexpectedly and had no connection with meals. And at the 18th week I went for the second ultrasound and during the examination the baby was pushing, I saw it on the monitor and realized that it was not gases at all.


From the 18th week I put on a bandage, my back ached terribly. My friend went to the pool with me for company, I hope this will soften the situation.


Oh, how constipation tortured me, I used to suffer from them, but now all the time. I have already eaten all sorts of cereals and dried fruits, I drink liters of water, but still nothing.


And we showed our “household” and I found out that I had a boy. I'm glad I always wanted a boy. I do not experience any inconvenience, except that the pressure is low. I try to walk in the park more often.


This is my third child, but this pregnancy is no less desirable. I am already 42 years old, and the children are teenagers, but it so happened that there will be a third. Until he showed his gender, but according to popular belief, I will have a boy. I'm waiting for the third ultrasound, I really want to know the sex of the baby.

Fetal development at 18 weeks

The baby is growing and getting better. Its length is already 20-22 cm, and its weight is about 160-215 g.

  • The strengthening of the skeletal system of the fetus continues;
  • Formed phalanges of fingers and toes, and a pattern has already appeared on them, which is distinctive for each person, these are future fingerprints;
  • Baby at 18 weeks adipose tissue is actively formed in the body;
  • The baby's retina becomes more sensitive. He can sense the difference between darkness and bright light;
  • At week 18, the brain continues to actively develop. The well-being of women during this period improves greatly, this is due to the stabilization of the hormonal background;
  • Wrinkles begin to form on the baby's skin;
  • The lungs are not functioning at the moment, there is no need for this, because the child lives in an aquatic environment;
  • By the 18th week of pregnancy, the external and internal genital organs of the baby are finished forming and occupy the final position. If you have a girl, then by this moment her uterus and fallopian tubes have fully formed and correctly taken their position. In boys, his genitals are fully formed and correctly located;
  • The baby begins to distinguish sounds. Seize the moment and introduce him to music. The child is not afraid of neither the noise of blood flow through the umbilical cord, nor the beat of your heart. However, loud noises frighten him;
  • Perhaps this week you will see your baby on the monitor. Be sure to take a photo and hang it in a prominent place to visualize your child;
  • Expectant child becomes more active. From time to time, he pushes off one wall of the uterus and swims to the other.
  • From this week, start talking with the child, singing songs to him - he listens to you attentively;
  • At the 18th week, visit the dentist;
  • You need to undergo an important examination - Doppler ultrasound trio. With its help, doctors will check whether the baby receives enough oxygen and nutrients from the mother along with the blood;
  • Eat right and watch your weight. An increased appetite is not an excuse for eating junk food;
  • Do tilts and rotation of the pelvis before taking a horizontal position;
  • Visit the toilet more often, because. an overfilled bladder creates additional inconvenience;
  • If you have not yet begun to carry out procedures in the fight against stretch marks, then it's time to start them. Even if now they are not there yet, then prevention will contribute to the fact that they will not appear;
  • The most favorite and enjoyable activity for a woman is shopping. Your belly grows and your clothes become too small for you. And how nice it is to pick up a new wardrobe and please yourself with new clothes. In doing so, observe the following rules:

1. Buy clothes one size larger to wear them longer, even in the final months.
2. Choose clothes made from stretchy and natural fabrics. It must stretch, and the skin needs access to air.
3. At home, the husband’s clothes, his shirts and jumpers, which he no longer wears, will come in handy.
4. Buy quality supportive underwear.
5. Get also a few pairs of shoes with flat soles and a small stable heel.

  • Do not forget about your husband, he also needs attention, and tenderness, and affection. Remember that paternal feelings wake up later than maternal ones, so do not force your husband to show them if they are not there yet;
  • Devote your time to pleasant activities: reading, visiting theaters, museums and cinema. Decorate your room to be warm and cozy. Look at something beautiful more often. Beauty, like sound, has certain physical properties and, having a positive effect on the endocrine and vascular systems of mother and child, leads to the healing of the whole organism.
  • In the II trimester (4-6 months), the longing for a carefree life gradually disappears, fear for the child appears. At this stage, expectant mothers are usually worried about infectious diseases, disgusting ecology, insensitive doctors, as well as any ailments; upset stories about accidents, articles and TV spots about pathologies, there is confusion due to the fact that authoritative sources of information about pregnancy often contradict each other.

Photo of the tummy, ultrasound and video of the development of the fetus at the 18th week

Ultrasound 18 weeks

Woman's belly at 18 weeks

The development of the baby at the 18th week of pregnancy - video

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