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Gratitude to teachers from graduates. Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher from parents in poetry and prose - Words of gratitude from children to the teacher at graduation in the kindergarten

Words of gratitude from parents at kindergarten graduation are a traditional component of this holiday. Sincere and warm wishes are sometimes difficult to formulate out of excitement. An active mother offers as a hint several examples of grateful parental words in poetry and prose.

Words of gratitude at kindergarten graduation in verse

Five years passed unnoticed by everyone -
We want to confess to you only now,
How worried and worried we were,
Bringing children here for the first time.
Educator is a profession given by God,
You can't force children to love.
Only the kindness of the soul that is given by nature,
Helps raise babies with dignity.
The work of a teacher is worth a lot:
Support and affection, useful advice,
Reading books, fun games...
You will find an answer to every question.
Low bow to you, thank you very much!
For your worries and worries,
A tender look that warms the soul,
Invaluable work, kindness and attention...
We cannot count all your merits.
We wish you health, strength and success,
Let your contribution to these children's souls
It will echo in them with kindness!

* * * * * * * * *

On this warm May evening
It's the kids' graduation.
And today, kindergarten,
We say goodbye to you.
We say thank you
Here's to good days
For friends and for care,
Educators' work.
You taught us skillfully
Talk, read, write.
And now we will go boldly
Go to school to seek knowledge.
We will never forget you -
Is it possible to forget you?
We will be your kindness
Keep it deep in your soul.
We will also live honestly
The way you taught you.
We want to give bouquets
And hug you all now!

Gratitude from parents at kindergarten graduation in prose

Sweet May has arrived again. But now we are not moving to the next group, but saying goodbye to the kindergarten and teachers forever. Kindergarten age is over, and the kids are going to school...

Everyone knows that a person cannot achieve anything in life alone. Everyone has mentors. You were the first teachers of our children. Your work is obvious: we all remember how we brought children here by the hand who were crying and did not want to part with their mother, and now we see affectionate, smart, talented children who know how to make friends, respect and love their parents. And all this is only thanks to your painstaking daily work and patience.

A low bow and great gratitude to teachers, nannies, music directors for your ability to love children and instill in them a craving for beauty, the ability to love the world and the people around them. You have put your whole soul into making sure that the future generation meets our expectations! May your efforts pay off handsomely! I wish you good health and real human happiness!

* * * * * * * * *

The work of a teacher is reminiscent of the work of a bee in a hive: the working day begins very early, the whole day is spent in bustle and tireless care for little people. Calm down, feed breakfast, lunch and dinner, protect from troubles and quarrels, caress, give good advice... And so on until the evening.

Today the carefree time has ended for our children... But the memory of their preschool years will forever remain in their hearts. They will always remember the warmth of your hands, your gentle, understanding look, your sincere care. The first teachers lay the foundation for the child's future life, and this is very important. We are parents and have no doubt about its reliability and durability!

For this, today we bow to your waist and sincerely thank you, with all our hearts we wish you success, health and strength in your hard work. Your contribution to the soul of every little child is a benefit for the entire society and our country! Thank you for helping us raise a worthy generation!

* * * * * * * * *

On this warm May evening we say goodbye to kindergarten. Now he will forever remain in the past. We will never bring these kids here again, we will not hear the sad “I want to go to my mother,” we will not watch kindergarten matinees... There is school ahead, many new acquaintances and meeting with our first responsibilities.

Many of you, dear nannies and educators, are secretly shedding tears at this moment. After all, you are also used to the guys, just as they are to you, so it’s very sad to leave. Thank you for helping to make their childhood happy and joyful, instilling respect for elders, love for the world around them, and helping to discover their first talents. Every day you live in kindergarten is a small part of your enormous contribution to the development of your child’s personality.

We wish you that your work will always be appreciated not only by your parents, but also by the state, with monthly salary increases and bonuses. There is no work more valuable than yours, and we greatly value what you have done for us!

For a child graduating from kindergarten, graduation becomes the most exciting day. He sees and understands how his parents worry, how his teachers worry, literally not finding a place for themselves. The kid knows: soon a completely different, new life awaits him - school. He parted with his friends who had played with him all these years, with his kind nannies, with his music director, who always taught him such kind, cheerful songs. Parents of future first-graders are also overwhelmed with emotions - they are preparing words of gratitude to the teacher . What is the best way to say “thank you” to a person who has been raising their child with such love and care for several years? You will learn about this from our examples of poems and prose for graduation in kindergarten.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation in beautiful verses

As a rule, children and parents say words of gratitude to the teacher at graduation either before the matinee or after it. Today on the Internet you can easily find wonderful poems dedicated to the hard work and patience of kindergarten employees. Perhaps one of the parents himself will want to be active and write a poem about nannies, a music worker, and teachers?

Examples of poems for graduation in kindergarten - Words of gratitude to teachers

Graduation in kindergarten is always the most exciting and anticipated event for children and parents. It’s hard to call boys and girls kids anymore; they’ve grown up and become almost schoolchildren. Of course, not a single such holiday is complete without words of gratitude to the teachers - people who have become almost family to the children. You can congratulate them with kind poems or even sing funny ditties about life in kindergarten groups.

How quickly the years have flown by.
We didn't have time to look back,
It's time for the kids to go to first grade.
Today is the last time
We brought the children to kindergarten.
They brought flowers, sweets...
May, the long-awaited graduation!
Well, dear teacher,
The hour of parting is already near,
And your parents have for you,
Until the bell rang
There are a couple of warm lines.

You rush to work every morning,
To take care of children, to give them warmth of soul,
And they only answer the same to you,
It's joyful and pleasant! We will thank you!

Educators from God, thank you for your love,
What do you give to children so openly and easily?
Let the little ones listen to you, and sometimes without further ado
They will tell you all the secrets - what is sad and funny!

They waste their nerves and strength,
They look at both sides tirelessly,
They teach you how to live correctly,
The kids will be taught the basics.

The teacher will always endure everything,
After all, the heart will be filled with love,
When he only looks into your eyes,
He worries again and again.

Thank you darlings,
For your warmth, friends,
For your patience and tenderness,
You bring kindness to the world.

Words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation in beautiful prose

Over the several years the children spent in kindergarten, they became friends with teachers who became not only real mentors to them, but also almost family members. It was to educators that parents entrusted the most precious thing - their sons and daughters. Yes, the work of a kindergarten employee is difficult - it means every minute attention to your students, sincere interest in their development and preparation for school. Mothers and fathers of children talk about all this in their words of gratitude to the wonderful teachers at graduation. Simple, sincere words spoken in prose are only a small opportunity to thank these people for their daily work.

Words of gratitude to the teacher at kindergarten graduation - Examples in prose

Teachers teach children not only reading, drawing, modeling, and music. They help them understand what true friendship is, how to live in a team, how to show respect and attention to comrades. Children grow up before their eyes. At kindergarten graduation, parents and grandparents say words of gratitude to these people with kind hearts. Often this is prose coming from the depths of the soul.

Today is an exciting day for us - our children have grown up and are leaving the hospitable walls of the kindergarten. At this solemn and slightly sad hour, we want to say our most heartfelt words to the teachers who tirelessly cared for our children. Thanks to you, we were able to work calmly every day, and the confidence that our sons and daughters were in good hands gave us strength. Thank you for helping to fulfill your parental duty: giving children warmth and affection, playing with them, instructing them, teaching them discipline. In kindergarten, our children acquired very important qualities - they learned to obey their elders, protect the younger ones, and be friends. We know that you, the educators, spared no effort and nerves to preserve and protect each child as if it were your own. Low bow to you for your good and creative work!
We would also like to thank the assistant teachers - nannies - for the fact that, like the sun, they warmed the flowers of life - our girls and boys - with attention and care.
Everyone knows that a child’s nutrition is the key to his health, so we sincerely thank the kindergarten cooks who prepared delicious and healthy food for our children.
We express our deep gratitude to the music director. Thank you for developing the creativity in every child, helping children to liberate themselves, and making their childhood world even brighter.

Dear kindergarten workers! Today, on behalf of all parents, we want to thank you for the peace with which we left our children here, for the joy with which our children went to kindergarten, for all the good things they learned here. Today we are a little sad because it is time to part. Today we and our children say goodbye to those who have cared for them for five years.

You raised, taught, fed, put to bed and wiped away the tears of our little ones. You were all of them when we, the parents, were at work, minding our own business.

We appreciate your work, we will never forget you. Thank you for our grown-up children! Thank you for everything you have done for us!

Dear Anna Ivanovna!

We express our sincere gratitude to you for your professional approach to work and sensitive attitude towards children. Thank you for your attention, care, kindness and warmth. The educational process in the group is well organized, children are happy to go to kindergarten, study with pleasure and learn a lot of new things.

We sincerely thank you for creating a friendly and warm atmosphere in the group, thanks to which children consider kindergarten their second home.

Thank you for teaching our children to be kind, open, honest and caring. Children grow up to be full-fledged individuals, they know how to make friends, respect each other and adults.

We wish you to remain the same professional at work, success, happiness and health!


Parents of children of group No. 2 of kindergarten No. 124

Words of gratitude to the teacher from the children - Poems in kindergarten for graduation

Each of the kindergarten teachers became a mentor, a teacher, and a friend to the child. These people played with them, taught children to read, write, and drew with crayons on the asphalt. Of course, children are a little sad to part with people who are already so dear to them. Some of the guys, future first-graders, cannot hold back their tears at graduation. After the matinee, boys and girls express their gratitude to all the kindergarten workers - they read beautiful poems to them.

Examples of poems for a kindergarten teacher - Words of gratitude for graduation

A few weeks before the matinee and graduation in kindergarten, children begin to learn beautiful poems and words of gratitude to their teachers. They always do this sincerely and with soul - almost first-graders are grateful to the kindergarten for new friends, fun games, meeting interesting people who were invited to visit the kindergarten for the holidays.

Once upon a time, many years ago
We came to kindergarten for the first time.
Oh, so many dolls, hares, bears...
And how many little children!
They run around the group, screaming,
They spit, they knock with spoons...

And they all need to be taught:
Eating without mom, drinking without mom,
Find a pot for each...
I personally experienced shock

But the teacher is not afraid.
Alas, not everyone will agree
Go to work in a kindergarten,
With children... For a small salary...

The manager is another matter,
Career, money, prestige...
Bought and sold and you can safely
Whether to the Maldives, or to Paris...

And teacher, what kind of work?!
All day among crazy children!
One spilled something on the floor
Another shouts: “I am a barmaley!”
There in the bedroom they jump on the beds,
There they call you to wipe your ass,
They had a fight there, now they're going to cry...
They won't let you wash the plates.

Well, our dear teacher,
Tireless teacher,
Romantic, storyteller, dreamer...
There is a wonderful excuse.

We sincerely congratulate you
And on this glorious day and hour
We will read so many poems to you,
That you won't forget about us.

Thank you very much, teachers,
During this golden time,
What they spent with us.
It's a pity, the days of preschool are gone

Educator - what a word!
It contains light, goodness, warmth.
Who will make the children happy with the game?
Who will scold them not at all evil?

Thanks to them, children grow up,
Knowing how to behave and live.
Educators! There is no kinder person in the world!
We wish you to be happy!

Words of gratitude to the best kindergarten teacher at graduation from parents

If you want to thank the kindergarten teacher where your child was raised beautifully, prepare your speech. You may want to write it down on a piece of paper designed in the form of a letter, or even draw a large poster or wall newspaper. Very often, parents congratulate kindergarten workers with a concert, the program of which includes ditties, dances, funny skits and cool numbers. After the speech, the mothers and fathers of the graduates say words of gratitude to the teachers.

Examples of words of gratitude from parents to a kindergarten teacher at graduation

When preparing a surprise for kindergarten teachers for graduation, parents can unite and organize a concert. Let each of the numbers in this speech become a kind of gratitude. Some mothers will read heartfelt poems, fathers and children may show acrobatic sketches, grandparents may want to perform a dance number.

Thanks to the teachers
For care and work,
Children love and appreciate them
They are called very affectionately,
We express our gratitude
And we say thank you
We respect you very much,
We will repeat it to you a hundred times!

Our children are growing up quickly
Sometimes you can’t keep up with them,
But you are always responsible for them,
Give them good advice.

We hand over chickens in the mornings,
Which give you trouble.
And in the evening we take the preschool children away,
Who both write and count.

And how do you still manage to
Raise our children?
All that remains is to say thank you,
And convey my gratitude!

Thank you for everything today,
Teachers are expensive.
During this time you have become for us,
The closest people, relatives.

We wish you a long life,
May fate cover you with goodness.
Enjoy, live well,
Life will give you beauty and warmth!

Sincere gratitude to the kindergarten graduation teacher

Of course, every parent knows that his child did not always behave quietly and exemplarily in kindergarten. Some of the boys did not want to sleep at all during quiet hours, breaking the silence with loud songs, others refused to eat porridge for breakfast, deliciously prepared by the cooks. The work of a teacher is hard work, constant attention given to students, restraint, and goodwill. Educators are responsible for the lives of boys and girls, for their health and peace. In kindergarten, children often cry - then only the teacher can find words of reassurance and caress the child. For this difficult, noble work, the parents sincerely thank all the teachers at the graduation.

Examples of poems and prose for graduation in kindergarten - Words of sincere gratitude to the teacher

Many years later, after graduating from kindergarten, school, or college, the children will always remember their teachers with warmth. They always showed tenderness and care for children. Their work is not a job, but a calling. Only a person with a pure, generous, kind heart can become a good teacher. It is to these people that the parents who came to the kindergarten graduation dedicate their words of sincere gratitude.

Thank you for your understanding,
Patience, care and attention.
You help the development of children,
May they become kinder and smarter!

We wish you health, long life,
We also wish you personal victories!
Our children will grow up, then
We will definitely bring our grandchildren to you!

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,
For raising our children,
For giving them love,
What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and goodness,
May you live in abundance and love.
So that you always smile joyfully,
May you never be sad at all!

Thank you to our dear and respected teachers for your patience and incredible work, for your sincere love for our children and kind attitude, for exciting leisure time and fun walks, for interesting hobbies and excellent education. Be happy, dear ones, respected and successful.

When preparing words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher for graduation, parents will definitely remember all the good things that these sincere, caring people taught their children. They can speak after the matinee, thanking the kindergarten staff with prose, poetry or concert numbers. Albums with photographs of pupils and flowers will be a wonderful gift for teachers.

We measure the vital stages in the formation and maturation of our children by graduation celebrations. The child climbs the steps of life, striving for the cherished adult peak. A very important step is graduation from kindergarten. First graduation party in kindergarten. Preparing and holding this event is a responsible and troublesome task that falls on the shoulders of the teachers, music director, methodologist and all other employees of the children's institution.

For parents, the graduation party in kindergarten also brings a lot of excitement, worries and joy. Often with tears in their eyes, mothers and grandmothers admire the successes and achievements of their children, are proud of their good preparation for school, and rejoice at the child’s independence and upbringing. But this result was achieved through the hard work of the entire kindergarten staff. Therefore, you should not skimp on words of gratitude and appreciation from your parents at the farewell celebration. Let your response be a wonderful gift to all garden employees.

Appeal to educators

Today we rejoice at the successes of children and are proud of their achievements in kindergarten. They have come such a difficult path from helpless kids to tomorrow's first graders. And we address our first words of gratitude for our children to our dear teachers. It is so important for parents to be confident in the reliability of the hands in which they place their child. And all these years, we calmly and confidently entrusted the most precious thing we have to wonderful teachers. Thank you for your warm and kind words of greeting every morning, for your care and attention, for your wise advice and high professionalism. Thanks to the teachers, a homely atmosphere of comfort and kindness always reigned in our group. Gradually, the children learned about the world, learned a lot, and developed. The teachers managed to shape the little personalities of future schoolchildren. Please accept the sincere words of gratitude from your parents for the fact that we also learned pedagogical wisdom from you.

To the head

The kindergarten has become a wonderful home for our children. Peace, friendship and joy reign in this house. We are eternally grateful and appreciative to the director of the kindergarten for the professional selection of employees and for his wise assistance to parents in raising our children. You care about food, health, equipment, and interesting guests. Adults and children here are a single team, creatively enthusiastic, responsible, moderately strict and very kind. Your students feel good and cozy here. Children happily rush here in the morning. This means you are an excellent leader. We wish you creative and pedagogical victories and healthy, happy students.

Technical staff

The kindest words of gratitude to our nanny. Her attentive gaze and hardworking hands always created home cleanliness, coziness and comfort for the children. The nanny needs to be on time everywhere, to keep track of everything: to air it on time, to make sure that the beds are clean, that the washbasins are shiny, that there is not a speck on the floor. She will feed and clean, she will help and calm. Thank you for her work and for caring about our children.

Music worker

On behalf of all the parents, I convey my gratitude to the music worker. Our children were introduced to wonderful music, learned to listen to it, sing, and hold on during a performance. At every holiday we rejoiced at the musical successes of the children. And today a real prom has been prepared. Thank you for your professionalism, for your creativity, for your attention and love for our children.

Psychologist and speech therapist

In these first years of life, our children have overcome such a difficult path of growing up, mastering important speech and social skills. Not everything came easy. But there were wonderful professionals nearby, whose teaching skills helped, calmed, gave hope and gave victories. A psychologist and speech therapist have to perform work that is not always visible, but so important and necessary for children and parents. Words of gratitude and appreciation to our psychologist and speech therapist. In a relaxed, friendly atmosphere, you managed to teach children to be friends, to be attentive to each other, to help, to be able to rejoice in the successes of friends, to make peace and forgive. Thanks to your classes, the children’s speech became clearer and more beautiful, they succumbed to the most naughty sounds, and their memory developed.

To the nurse

Today, children, kindergarten workers and parents gathered for the graduation celebration. Our guys have learned a lot, but most importantly, they are healthy. The parents' response would be incomplete if we did not remember the nurse. We thank the medical worker for his attention and care and for strict monitoring of the children’s health. We are grateful to the nurse for her help and professional advice to parents. Your work is very necessary and very important. Be healthy and take care of the health of your children and employees.


Kindergarten is a complex structure. Every employee there is irreplaceable. On behalf of all the parents, I convey my gratitude to the kindergarten methodologist. Your competent professionalism, your care for children, your love for them ensured the excellent work of the entire teaching staff. Thank you for the holidays and events that revealed our children and captivated them. Thank you for today’s graduation celebration, which we will remember for the rest of our lives.

Physical education teacher

We express our gratitude for the dedication and love for children to the physical teacher of the kindergarten. Children always happily ran to fun morning exercises, looked forward to fun starts, and sports games during walks. You managed to instill in them an interest in physical education, developed coordination, and cultivated a healthy mind in a healthy body. Cheerful, fit, athletic guys came to the graduation party today. Thank you very much for this.

To the caretaker

I remember the first impression that the kindergarten made on me: warm, cozy, beautiful. The kind hand of a real hostess was felt in everything. Our graduation celebration would have been incomplete without words of gratitude to the caretaker. Thank you for caring for the children, attention and concern. Thank you for the wonderful playgrounds, for the shady gazebos, for the friendly, clean paths along which we happily walked here and returned from the garden every morning. Thank you for the feeling of a welcoming, generous home for our children.

The response from parents at graduation celebrations has long become a mandatory element of the script. Words of gratitude to the teachers, the nurse, the manager and all the staff are sincere gratitude from families for raising children, for caring for them, for good advice to young parents, for bright holidays and for the readiness of children for school. The main thing in such speeches is sincerity and attention to the kindergarten staff, because these speeches teach children to be grateful to their mentors. Have a nice holiday!

Below are sample texts of a letter of gratitude to a kindergarten teacher from parents and the kindergarten administration. Other examples of thank you letter texts: 1.Text of a thank you letter to the kindergarten teacher from parents The parents of the kindergarten group express their sincere gratitude to the teacher from the bottom of their hearts! Thank you very much for your hard work in raising our kids, your tender care and great endurance! By placing our children in your safe hands every day, we are absolutely sure that in kindergarten they feel the same as at home. Thank you for the wisdom and colossal love that you constantly bestow on our children! You are teaching them the first lessons of their lives.

Texts of letters of gratitude to the teacher

And sometimes the future fate of a little person depends on what these lessons are. On this day, we say to you, dear educators, words of sincere gratitude for your hard work, for the fact that every day you give yourself and your warmth to our children without reserve.

Thank you for your energy, selfless love and touching care that you bestow on our children! Many thanks to the head of the kindergarten (full name), through whose efforts we felt cozy and comfortable in the garden. I would like to note the impeccable work of our beloved speech therapist (full name).


She is a God-gifted teacher and the kindest person. Communicating with her was a pleasure for both us parents and our children.


There is also a good and smart honey in our kindergarten. sister, our respected full name. Wonderful, diligent and creative psychologist Full name.

We, parents and our children are very lucky to have teachers!!! Sincere words of gratitude...IO... ,...IO....

Texts of a thank you letter to the teacher

Children come home filled with a wide range of positive emotions. They are happy to share their impressions of each passing day and what they learned for the first time.


We wish you unlimited happiness, good health and prosperity in all your endeavors on your journey! And also great success in educating the younger generation! 3. Another text of a letter of gratitude to the teacher from grateful parents.

Dear Irina Olegovna! Thank you very much for your difficult work, which requires a lot of patience. Every day you give children care and affection. In the children's team, children are given the opportunity to express their individuality.

The group has a homely atmosphere. All your classes are exciting, they show the hand of a professional and a creative component. Every morning you greet your children with a smile and a good mood, and we hand over the children with a calm heart into your good hands.

Gratitude to kindergarten teachers from parents

Letters Letters of gratitude to the teacher can be drawn up from the parents of children who were raised in a preschool institution, as well as on behalf of the management of the kindergarten. In the first case, parents can thank the teacher for the warm attitude towards their children, attention, care, and care.

In the second case, the kindergarten management can thank its employee for his responsible approach to work and professionalism. The thank you letter can be issued on a postcard, special printed letterhead or kindergarten letterhead (if the letter is drawn up from the management). Below we offer some examples of formatting a thank you letter to preschool teachers. How to write a thank you letter in general, read here.

Examples of thank you letter texts to a teacher

In a letter of gratitude, I would like to express all my love and gratitude to the people who were with your children throughout their entire stay in kindergarten. For your convenience, we have collected a selection of thank you letters for kindergarten graduation.

Letter of gratitude from the head of the kindergarten We, the parents of group No., kindergarten No., wholeheartedly express our gratitude to the head of the kindergarten, and of course, to our beloved and valued music teachers (full name). Kindergarten is the first social school for children, and you treated our children with special trepidation and warmth during these important days of growing up for them.
Thanks to professionalism, sensitive attitude towards children, care and attention from (full name), our children are gradually becoming active participants in the children's team.

Letters of gratitude to kindergarten workers

We thank you for the school team, whose work ignites a love of knowledge and creativity in the hearts of our children. We wish you further development of the spiritual and intellectual level of the younger generation. Sincerely, full name (parents of class No....) Words of gratitude for your help: text Charitable assistance

  • Dear full name! A team of staff and students is writing to you with words of sincere gratitude for your active participation in solving some of the many problems of our boarding school. Thanks to your sponsorship, the quality of life of our children, not spoiled by fate, often deprived of parental attention and simply orphans, has significantly improved Thank you for your attention, compassion, mercy - for the contribution you made to transforming a standard government institution into a cozy, warm home for its students.

Your professionalism and ability to find an individual approach to each child are worthy of respect. Demandingness and kindness, perseverance and gentleness, deep intelligence and childlike spontaneity helped to accomplish a real miracle: to create a strong, friendly team! The kids learned to communicate with peers, apologize and ask for forgiveness. They learned to listen and understand each other. They made friends. We are proud that our kids have such a talented mentor! Be healthy and successful. Live long - children need your work, your humanity, your knowledge. Fathers and mothers of the nursery group "Bees". Kindergarten No. 2. 3. A sample letter of gratitude to a kindergarten teacher from the parents of the students. Dear Svetlana Valerievna! Thank you very much for your work.

How to write a letter of gratitude to a teacher - texts

Thank you for this and a low bow. Thank you for organizing the work in the kindergarten, the high-quality selection of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory. With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No.... of kindergarten No.... Letter of gratitude to the teacher, school director Teacher Words of gratitude and appreciation for the teacher are probably the most expensive gift. because they were spoken with all my heart. Letter of thanks to the teacher

  • Dear full name! Please accept my words of sincere gratitude for your worthy contribution to the education of the younger generation, the training of qualified personnel for the city and the country. Your many years of fruitful work have brought you well-deserved authority among the teaching staff.

Special thanks to the head of preschool educational institution No. Full name, for organizing work in the kindergarten, high-quality staffing of teaching staff and, of course, for our special pride - the spacious, clean and well-maintained territory. With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of early development group No. kindergarten No. Letter - Gratitude The team of parents expresses their sincere gratitude to the teaching staff of Preschool Educational Institution No. All employees of our kindergarten are a single creative organism, imbued with love for children.

This is felt immediately as soon as you cross the threshold of the garden building. Which, by the way, is not at all striking in its modernity and prosperity.

Sample gratitude to the nursery teacher from parents

In our garden, special attention is paid to education issues and there is no formality. Educators conduct conversations with children on a variety of topics: these include questions of history, personal safety skills, reading literary works (chosen with great taste), and simply conversations on general topics.

Of course, we cannot ignore additional classes - this includes serious preparation for school, drawing, and rhythm and music classes are simply beyond praise. The music director, (full name), selects unique material for each holiday.

Children are introduced to the origins of our culture in the best possible way.
You taught our kids to be friends and respect each other, step by step, our children learn about the world around them, the joy of friendship, creativity, independent activity, they learn about their first personal capabilities. Thank you very much for this, we wish you boundless happiness and good health on your path and prosperity in all your endeavors! And also great success in educating the younger generation! With respect and gratitude, the parent committee and parents of group No.... of kindergarten No....

  • Dear full name! Head of kindergarten No....Thank you for the educational process, which is structured in such a way that the individual psychological characteristics of each child are taken into account. This allowed our children to adapt more smoothly and begin to actively participate in the educational process. Our group has a comfortable, warm environment, and this is a great value.

Every year, with the arrival of spring warmth, graduation time begins in kindergartens and schools. It’s especially exciting to watch the kids, for whom this is the first “adult” celebration of graduating from kindergarten - the girls are in fluffy elegant dresses, and the boys are so funny and serious in their strict suits. After all, just recently, these guys were touching toddlers who crossed the threshold of the kindergarten for the first time, timidly holding their mother’s hand. Only a few months will pass and many of the little graduates will become first-graders at school, where a new interesting life awaits them. According to tradition, at the graduation party, parents of pupils say touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher - for affection and tenderness, warmth and care, sincere love and sincerity. In our selection you will find the most beautiful texts in poetry and prose that you can prepare for graduation to express immense gratitude to teachers from children and their parents. Undoubtedly, such sincere and kind words will touch the most delicate heart strings and will be remembered for a long time by everyone present.

Beautiful words of gratitude to a kindergarten teacher for graduation in verse

For most children, kindergarten is the first “step” of socialization in society and the first experience of life in a team. Of course, sometimes such important changes are not made “painlessly” - even a sociable child can become confused when away from mom and dad and the usual home environment. The task of a kindergarten teacher is to help the child adapt to new unfamiliar conditions, as well as transfer skills for further harmonious personal development. Therefore, for the next few years, the teacher becomes a real “second” mother for the children - loving, caring, patient. So, at graduation in kindergarten, it has become a good tradition on behalf of children and parents to say words of gratitude to the teacher, nanny and other employees of the preschool institution. We bring to your attention the most beautiful poems that can be prepared for a kindergarten graduation party and dedicated to teachers - people who have become truly family and friends for the child.

Examples of beautiful words of gratitude for teachers - poems for graduation in kindergarten:

Thank you for your warmth and kindness,

For raising our children,

For giving them love,

What knowledge did you give them!

We wish you health and goodness,

So that you live in prosperity and love,

So that you always smile,

May you never be sad!

For the help they gave us,

Because you raised our children,

For skillfully dealing with them,

For being nearby!

For gentle hands, for your warmth,

Thank you teachers, family, for everything!

Thank you, teachers,

For affection and love,

For work and charm,

For many kind words.

For wiped noses,

Wiped away tears

For fairy tales and walks,

Exercises and warm-ups.

Happy graduation today

Let's congratulate and be sad,

And in the fall with a briefcase

Let's go to first grade.

We wish you inspiration

And strength to create.

We wish new children

Give your warmth.

Heartfelt words of gratitude in prose to a kindergarten teacher at the graduation party

The work of a kindergarten teacher is not easy, but at the same time extremely important and necessary in society. After all, to work with children, it is not enough to simply graduate from a pedagogical university or college and receive an appropriate diploma. A teacher is more of a calling and a state of mind than just a profession. So, a good teacher will be able to calm a crying baby so that the mother can calmly go to work, as well as conduct an interesting lesson or captivate little fidgets with a fun game. How to thank teachers at graduation? When composing a thank you speech for the graduation party, it would be appropriate to note the best qualities of the teacher - kindness, sensitivity, responsiveness, patience and great love for his little students. There are many heartfelt words of gratitude from the parents and for the nannies, the music director and the rest of the kindergarten workers, who cared for the child from the bottom of their hearts and participated in his daily life. Our selection presents the most heartfelt words of gratitude to kindergarten teachers in prose - the texts can be learned by heart or printed on a bright, beautiful postcard.

Gratitude for a teacher at a kindergarten graduation - prose in your own words:

Today is a wonderful day - today is the day our children graduate from kindergarten. And we thank our beloved teachers for this, who have been there all this time. It was the educators who helped our children grow, gain life experience and become real people. Thank you for everything you have done and taught our children. We will never forget your efforts and your help.

Our dear teachers! At this solemn moment I would like to say a lot and thank many. But we all get so nervous and worried that we forget the words. We are grateful to you for your work, for your work. We may not be able to say something beautifully or choose the right words, but we can tell you that the best words for you and for us will be the success of our children and your pupils! You did everything and even more to make the lives of our children turn out well. So let's wait a little and enjoy their success in life!

Dear teachers! Today is a wonderful day – today is our children’s graduation. We are sincerely happy about this event, because we have been waiting for it for many years. At this exciting and solemn moment, I would like to thank you very much for your work. You didn’t just do your job, you did it with soul and desire. The best reward for all of us will be success in the lives of our children and your students. You gave a happy childhood to all our children, and now they will give you their achievements and successes in life. We want to say again - thank you! You work so hard and hear so little gratitude.

Touching words of gratitude to the kindergarten teacher at graduation from the children, video

Children spend most of the day in kindergarten, so it is important for parents to be sure that their child is in “safe” hands. Indeed, throughout the kindergarten day, children will have a rich program - morning exercises, drawing and handicraft classes, educational games, singing, dancing. In addition, the teacher tries to instill in the children a sense of beauty, a caring attitude towards nature, and also teach them reading, writing and counting skills. In short, in kindergarten teachers put a lot of effort into the comprehensive development of children - undoubtedly, such important work deserves appreciation and gratitude. The words of gratitude from children who at graduation read poems to their favorite teachers, sing beautiful songs and even stage themed skits are especially touching. On the eve of this wonderful holiday, we have collected the best options for thank-you texts in verse - you can get some ideas from the video recording the graduation party in kindergarten.

A selection of touching words of gratitude for a kindergarten teacher on graduation day - texts in verse:

Who taught us to eat with a spoon,

Cope with any fastener

Who read poems and fairy tales,

Plasticine also provided paints?!

THANK YOU to our first teachers,

For being attentive to the kids!!!

They taught me how to draw

And sculpt from plasticine,

Washed and fed

Didn't scold for no reason

They guarded our sleep like guards...

It was hard for them!

We will say thank you together

To your teachers!

Thanks to the teachers

For affection and warmth.

We were next to you

And on a gloomy day it is light.

You pitied us, you loved us,

You raised us like flowers.

It's a pity that we can't see you

Take it with you to first grade.

Words of gratitude in poetry and prose to a kindergarten teacher at graduation from parents

A graduation party in kindergarten is a great opportunity for parents to show attention and respect to their children’s teachers. So, every teacher will be pleased to hear sincere words of gratitude for the invaluable daily support and care, the warmth of affectionate hands, wonderful fairy tales and fun games. For graduation teachers, you can prepare festive performances with the participation of moms and dads - reading poetry and prose texts, original musical numbers. On such a wonderful spring day, the most beautiful and touching words of gratitude sound in poetry and prose - to you, dear educators!

The best examples of words of gratitude to teachers from parents - for graduation in kindergarten, poetry and prose:

Dear teachers! Thank you for being there for our children all these years. Thank you for all these years you have helped us raise our children, teach them about life and taught them to live. We thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your difficult, but so necessary work for millions of people. You make life easier for many, while sacrificing a lot in your life. We will never forget you, your efforts and your care for our children. Thank you for everything, it was so great to be with you all these years.

A teacher is not a profession,

Educator is a calling

Could it be more wonderful?

When children are drawn to you on their own.

Children's hearts trust you,

Clear eyes and funny grimaces,

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