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What can you teach a child at 7 months. Seven months - library - doctor Komarovsky

Every day you notice changes in your baby. This is no longer the tiny lump that you brought from the hospital. The baby has grown noticeably and is now showing himself as a full member of the family. At 7 months, the child communicates more, moves more, and eats and sleeps no longer like in the first half of the year.

What's new in physical development?

During the seventh month, the child grows by 2 cm and gains about 600 g; by the end of the month, the weight of the babies is 7.5 - 8.5 kg (± 1 kg), and their height is 66 - 70 cm (± 3 kg).

What a 7 month old baby can do:

  1. Some children can already sit without support and learn to sit on their own.
  2. Some are already crawling at seven months. While it is difficult for the baby to lift his body completely, so he...
  3. Lying on his stomach, he can lean on one arm and reach out with the other and grab a toy.
  4. Actively turns over in different directions. The baby’s physical development is now entirely aimed at increasing his activity, so this is the time when bruises and injuries begin. The baby's motor activity has increased, but the movements are still uncoordinated and awkward, while parents still tend to underestimate the baby's capabilities, leaving him alone in the middle of the sofa or bed. Children can roll from one end of the sofa to the other in a matter of seconds, so do not leave them alone.
  5. A 7-month-old child can hold a bottle himself and pick it up if it falls.
  6. In the crib he can stand up on his knees or fully on his legs, holding onto the railing.
  7. With support from the armpits, he walks.
  8. A 7-month-old child uses his hands more and more confidently: he transfers a toy from one hand to another, turns it in his hands.
  9. Picks up and throws the toy again. He hits it on the table, pulls it into his mouth, and examines it.
  10. Can put small ones into large objects.
  11. Hearing and vision are already fully formed. The child reacts by turning his head even to quiet sounds. But do not teach your baby to sleep in complete silence, allow a small sound background (TV or radio), otherwise in the future the child will begin to wake up from minor sounds.
  12. Many children already have their first teeth at seven months, but if they don’t, don’t worry, calmly wait until they appear until they are a year old. Heredity plays a big role in the timing of teething; if the parents got teeth at 9 months, then the child will most likely have the same. Some children grow several teeth at once.

All babies react differently to teething. For some, it may pass without any problems, but the mother will know that a tooth is breaking through only by the white edge on the gum. But most children still exhibit signs that precede the appearance of a tooth:

  • Salivation;
  • Redness and swelling of the gums;
  • The baby bites everything: toys, your fingers and his own, puts his fist into his mouth;
  • The baby rubs its cheek on the pillow, pinches its face and ears;
  • Some children may have a low-grade fever (37).

What's new in mental development?

  1. Now the child understands the meaning of many words and can point his finger at familiar objects. Continues to communicate in babble.
  2. He knows his name and reacts to it.
  3. The baby distinguishes all relatives. A feeling of deep affection has already been formed in him. Of course, the baby is most emotionally attached to his mother and in her absence may now burst into tears, but this will not be associated with hunger, but with a loss of a sense of security and anxiety. Some children at this age may even experience separation anxiety, which indicates a big step in the child’s mental development.
  4. The baby can already guess by facial expressions and gestures about the feelings you are experiencing. He distinguishes intonations in the voice: gentle or strict, kind or evil. And when a child is scolded, he is already trying to understand his guilt.
  5. The baby learns to show his feelings: he grabs you by the face, by the hair, presses you, or, on the contrary, turns away.
  6. The baby's babbling becomes more and more complex. Gradually it becomes meaningful. The baby turns his head towards the object, which the mother named several times before (dad, kitty, woman), and can repeat the first syllable himself. Tries to attract attention with certain syllables.
  7. To the question “where?” can find with a glance what is being asked about.
  8. The kid understands that hidden things do not disappear completely, but they are simply not visible.
  9. The child is now ready to make friends with anyone, but he himself does not show initiative, but waits for it from the object.
  10. During this period, the right hemisphere (left side of the body) develops more intensively than the left (right side of the body), so you may notice that the baby uses his left hand more than his right. This is a temporary phenomenon and does not at all mean that the child is left-handed. ()
  11. At this age, babies may begin to be afraid of sharp or loud noises (vacuum cleaner, hair dryer, fan). Try to keep these devices away from your child. ( We read: )

Baby development test 7 months

  • A baby at 7 months should be able to roll over in different directions, sit with a straight back with support, roll over onto his side for a rattle from a supine position;
  • Sit with your child on your lap at the table. The baby will firmly grab the edge of the table, begin to rearrange the objects lying on it, and slam his hands on the table;
  • Deliberately ignore your child. The baby will begin to seek your gaze or even whine;
  • A child at 7 months shows interest in strangers, fear of strangers gradually disappears;
  • When the baby is lying on his back, cover his face with a diaper, the child should be able to free himself from it;
  • Give the baby a toy in both hands, and then offer another one. At first the baby will be puzzled, and then let go of one toy to take another.

What should you be wary of?

  • The baby does not try to roll over and sit up;
  • Doesn't knock the cube on the table;
  • Does not react to sounds, does not show emotions, tenderness towards mother, does not attract attention;
  • Cannot bring objects to mouth;
  • Cannot support its own weight in an upright position;
  • Doesn't follow a moving object with his eyes, doesn't babble.

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VIDEO 1: baby development at 7 months

How to feed a baby at 7 months

At this age, the child should already be able to drink from a cup on his own - ?

If you introduced complementary foods at 6 months, and your baby is breastfed, then by seven months one breastfeeding has already been replaced with porridge and vegetable puree.

The porridges are still gluten-free (buckwheat, rice, corn) and one-ingredient. You can give ready-made industrially produced porridges, they already contain milk powder and butter.

If you cook it yourself, then the porridge should first be 5%: for 5 g of cereal - 100 g of water, then - 10%: for 10 g of cereal - 100 g of liquid. Start adding vegetable oil to vegetable purees (preferably extra virgin olive oil), first 1 drop at a time and gradually increasing to 1 teaspoon. In porridge - butter (82%), first 1 g, and then up to 4 g per serving of porridge.

If you have successfully introduced vegetable purees, then start giving fruit purees (apple, pear, prune, plum, peach) and continue to introduce other vegetables in turn (carrots, pumpkin, spinach, potatoes). It should be noted that spinach and potatoes are somewhat heavy for a child’s stomach, so it is better to give them together with zucchini or cauliflower, so introduce them at the end of the 7th month, when the child is ready for multi-component food. From the beginning of the introduction of complementary foods, it is better to feed only one-ingredient purees and cereals for two months.

At the end of the month, you can introduce the yolk, starting with 1/4 (and then 1/2 yolk), twice a week.

If your baby has teeth or started to grow, buy him special baby cookies that quickly dissolve in his mouth. Thus, at the full 7 months, a breastfed baby has approximately the following diet:

Note to moms!

Hello girls) I didn’t think that the problem of stretch marks would affect me too, and I’ll also write about it))) But there’s nowhere to go, so I’m writing here: How did I get rid of stretch marks after childbirth? I will be very glad if my method helps you too...

  • 7 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 11 hours - porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 -50 g, juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 - 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), cookies (crackers), juice (compote, water or breast milk) 25 – 30 g.
  • 19 hours – breast milk 200 g.
  • 22 - 23 hours - breast milk 200 g. At night, continue to breastfeed as required.

If complementary feeding was introduced from 4 to 5 months, then at 7 months the child can begin to be given boiled meat (turkey, veal, rabbit, chicken), after having rubbed it in a blender to a homogeneous consistency.

It is better to give meat with vegetable complementary foods, with the addition of vegetable oil or milk formula. You need to start with 1/2 teaspoon, increasing to 25 - 30 g. For a bottle-fed baby, the diet at 7 months will look like this:

  • 7 hours – mixture 200 g.
  • 11 hours – porridge 150 g, butter 4 g, fruit puree 30 – 50 g, juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 – 30 g.
  • 15 hours – vegetable puree 150 g, meat puree 20 -30 g, vegetable oil 5 g, half an yolk (2 times a week), juice (water, compote or mixture) 20 - 30 g.
  • 19 hours – mixture 200 g, cookies (crackers).
  • 22 – 23 hours – mixture 200 g.

Mode - sleep and wakefulness

Night sleep will become more restful and deeper, and its duration will be approximately 10-11 hours. Daytime sleep lasts 1.5-2 hours, 2-3 times a day, while the duration and time of sleep may depend on the nature of the child, the situation, and the regime created in your family. It is especially useful for a baby to sleep in the fresh air. If you stick to a daily routine, your baby will wake up at approximately the same time.

How to help your baby develop

Continue the same activities with your child that you started in previous months, making the games a little more difficult and prolonging them. Do everything so that your baby develops speech and his babbling gradually turns into words.

  • Draw your baby's attention to the things you are talking about. Take walks not only during sleep, let the baby explore the world around him outside the apartment. Repeat the words until the child understands them. Use Doman cards (thematic pictures with words), with them children remember words faster. Look at and read children's books more often, let your baby learn to turn the pages himself.
  • Develop your child's fine motor skills.
  • Ask your child to do something (throw or pick up a ball, pick up a cube). Of course, the child must be able to do what you asked. After completing the task, be sure to praise your child.
  • Teach your baby to point his finger at an object, clap his hands, and wave his hand.
  • Surely you made friends during your walks. Go visit each other sometimes. Kids are already interested in watching other children play.
  • 6 – 7 months is the best age to nurture a child: “Ladushki”, “Magpie”, “Horned Goat” and play games with fingers:

This finger is the grandfather (we bend the thumb, and then everything in turn),

This finger is grandma

This finger is daddy

This finger is mommy

This one is my baby (bend the little finger).

That's my whole family (we hold our fist).

  • Don't ignore your child's fear of strangers. Don't leave your child alone with them. The baby does not yet understand whether they are good or bad; for him, everything unfamiliar is dangerous. Try to take the baby in your arms in front of strangers and keep a distance in communication until you notice that the child himself is interested in or reaches out to a new person.
  • Teach your child to crawl - this is a necessary and very important stage that precedes upright walking. At first, the way all children move is different: some crawl on their bellies, some crawl with their butts forward, some crawl like a caterpillar. Only later will the baby learn the technique of “cross” crawling, when the leg and arm on opposite sides move simultaneously. The most difficult thing for a baby is to lift his tummy off the floor and synchronize his movements. Therefore, create conditions for learning for your child: comfortable clothes, free space, exercise and achievable goals in the form of toys.
  • A complete calendar of child development in one article “development up to one year by month” - >>>

    Note to moms!

    Hello girls! Today I will tell you how I managed to get in shape, lose 20 kilograms, and finally get rid of the terrible complexes of fat people. I hope you find the information useful!

When your baby reaches 7 months, time seems to fly by at lightning speed. Days fly by, and each of them is filled with new discoveries for your baby and, of course, you. Babbling, gradually turning into the formation of confident sounds, full communication with parents and an endless search for everything interesting within reach: the skills of a child at 7 months bring a lot of joy, but also require high attention from those close to him.

Physiological development of the baby

The baby has already grown so much that it requires active action! Having previously made his first attempts to crawl, he begins to move more confidently on the floor, going after what interests him. Right now you need to carefully inspect your apartment (not just the children's room!) for possible dangers. Anything sharp, cutting or piercing should not be located below within the reach of children's hands. Also keep in mind that when leaning on a sofa or table, the baby can already stand on his feet and stand for some time. Therefore, send everything dangerous higher.

Many adults believe that the development of a 7-month-old child should include a mandatory understanding of the word “no.” Of course, he should pay attention. But there should be as few “no” words in your vocabulary as possible, preferably no more than three. If you begin to heart-rendingly shout “don’t touch” or “you can’t” about your baby touching any object, the meaning of the prohibition will be lost, and the child will find an opportunity to explore the danger without your presence.

A child's sleep at 7 months is also divided into periods. At night the baby rests for 9-11 hours, but during the day it becomes more and more difficult to put him to bed. If your baby doesn't want to sleep like before, 3 times a day, don't force him. The absence of whims and a good mood indicate that it is enough for the baby to sleep twice a day for 1.5-2 hours. Night rest is often interfered with by teething. If your child is 7 months old and has no teeth, there is no need to worry. The normal period for the appearance of the first lower incisor is between the ages of 6 and 10 years.

The weight of a child at 7 months depends on the introduction of complementary foods, which provide more calories, and, accordingly, energy to the baby. What should be the weight, head circumference and height of a child at 7 months, see this table.

Basic Skills

What should a 7 month old baby be able to do? The list of main skills is long.

  • Sits and begins to crawl, stands confidently at the support and moves, holding on with his hands. However, it happens that a child at 7 months does not crawl, which causes fear and bewilderment among parents. There is no need to worry if there are no other reasons. Some babies, having skipped the crawling period, begin to walk immediately. But it is necessary to stimulate crawling, as it is important for the proper development of the muscular system. It also happens that the baby is 7 months old, but he does not sit. Such a signal is already alarming and may indicate disturbances in the development of the nervous system. Be sure to consult a doctor who will prescribe you massage and physiological procedures. Their effectiveness at this age is very high.
  • Understands the meaning of words. Children with whom their parents actively communicate know the names of surrounding objects. When you ask “where is the watch” or “where is the sofa”, you will receive an answer: the baby will point to the object.
  • Attached to mom. The emotional development of a 7-8 month old baby demonstrates high attachment to his mother or caregiver. When parting, the baby experiences fear, worries, is capricious and cries.
  • He drinks from a cup and eats from a spoon, which becomes the basis of complementary feeding. If you don't want to stop breastfeeding, never feed your baby porridge from a bottle. Form a food culture from the first days, tell your baby about neatness. Soon he himself will express dissatisfaction if he finds himself in soiled clothes.

Educational games and activities

Among the skills that a child of 7 months can do, the ability to put small objects into large ones stands out. Support and develop it, for which a variety of pyramids, nesting dolls, boxes and insert games are suitable. It's time to create a safe children's corner by placing a box of toys there, in which the baby will be happy to rummage. Include cubes in the list of games, which are ideal for solving the question of how to keep a seven-month-old baby occupied. Let them be of different sizes and colors, and you will teach them how to build towers from them. It’s good when the baby takes the blocks in both hands and knocks them - this stimulates the development of connections between the hemispheres of the brain.

The simplest educational games for 7-month-old children are “Ladushki”, “Soroka-Soroka”. Teach your baby to name parts of the body: “Where are our hands?”, “Where is our nose?”

But the most effective activities with a 7-month-old child is communication with parents: talk to him, change intonation, speak either quietly or loudly. This way you will not only form a large vocabulary and the basics of correct speech for your baby, but also create conditions for confidential communication with you in the future.

I will briefly describe the situation. I have a cousin. He may not be a bad person (he has both good and bad, probably like everyone else), but he is very unstable. Now he is almost 45 and has been tossed around all his life, then everything is fine with him: work, good salary. and all the attributes of a good life, then everything is completely bad: no work, lives at the expense of relatives, constantly looking for something. These periods vary in length, but the periodicity is the same and, most importantly, extreme. There is no average.
Married for the second time. There is a BZ. I have a daughter from my first marriage, she is now 17 years old. In the second marriage there are 2 daughters (7 and 5 years old).
At first, after the divorce, he paid alimony for his eldest daughter irregularly or not at all. Motivating this by the fact that during the divorce (and it was stormy and dramatic), he left money in the amount of 200,000 rubles, and he had no income. BZ is a fighting woman, she insisted on paying alimony, he went into hiding, traveled around the Russian Federation, tried to make money (I’m not justifying him, I’m just describing the situation as it is), and as a result he moved to live in another region. Got married there. They tried to settle mutual passions and claims with the BZ after a few years and came to an agreement that he would pay 7,000 rubles a month in alimony. This was 7 years ago. He paid this money regularly as alimony. Sometimes this amount was more than 25% of his income, sometimes less. Sometimes, as I wrote above, there was no income at all and my grandmother paid alimony from her pension (please don’t comment on this at all; I don’t think anyone thinks this is normal, but alas, it is).
2017 - 2018 went very well for him. There was a small business that brought in a good income. At the beginning of the school year in September, he promised his eldest daughter to fully pay for her graduation from school. The amount was discussed from 50,000 to 70,000 rubles. At that time, finances allowed, and he promised. At the end of the year, something went wrong, as a result of debts to suppliers, the business went bankrupt. Now he works as a taxi driver, his income is no more than 20,000 rubles, which only covers the mortgage payment. The grandmother again pays alimony from her pension. Now the eldest daughter is asking for the first money for her graduation.
Now here's a question. Do you think he should pay for graduation since there is no money and there is nowhere to get it from yet? They don’t give a loan because of a bad credit history and the courts. He asked me to lend him money, but I refused. The first and most important reason is that we don’t have money ourselves. We pay off the loans ourselves and it’s hard to find money. If we try hard, we can, of course, take out this loan for him, but I understand perfectly well that we will repay it and they will return it to us (if they do not return it soon). Now he goes to relatives and asks them to give at least 5,000 rubles (like a thread from the world and a bare shirt). But relatives refuse, citing, among other reasons, that parents should pay only those expenses that they can. Since he can’t pay for graduation, he should tell his daughter so.
To be honest, I'm in thought. I’m inclined to give 5000, realizing that they won’t return it, but for us this is a feasible amount and I’m ready to give it for graduation just like that. But while we are the only ones, others simply have a different financial situation, and not everyone can spare even 5,000.


Olga F

Hello! The situation is this: my husband and I have been together for 8 years, not a single unplanned pregnancy, and here comes the shock! They took my 6.5-year-old son to his grandmother and hung out all night, then “partyed” at home, the result: two stripes - shock, shock, shock. In general, they didn’t want the second one. We just breathed out, our son has grown up and will go to school in September. I gave birth so badly, 18 hours of hell. Then diapers, teeth, colic.... As I can imagine, it throws me into a fever. I immediately ran to the doctor, a medical abortion was scheduled for tomorrow. My husband said he would support me in any case, although in principle he’s not against the second one, since it worked out. We always took precautions. How? How did this happen? Damn, they came off. I never wanted a second one. I don’t want a baby doll((((I don’t want to give birth(((But I’ve been suffering for the second day now, I can’t sleep, maybe fate wills it this way? It’s not for nothing that it’s like that... But everything is so smooth with us, the three of us are comfortable.. .. Suddenly I regret that I didn’t have an abortion, suddenly I won’t be able to love a second one. Again, all over again.... I don’t know what to do, it’s time until Monday morning. If my husband and I hadn’t gotten drunk like two idiots, there would have been no pregnancy. ... p.s: we can handle it financially, I don’t work, I have the opportunity to be lazy at home. My own big house. A car. But I’m a lazy ass.



A fifth-grader from Bolshoy Kamen (Primorsky Territory), who had previously been lynched by adults, was accused of bullying the townspeople.

The parents of the boy's classmates claimed that he beat other children and extorted money from them. Even complaints to the police allegedly could not stop him. On February 20, parents came to school, took the boy to the toilet and plunged his head into the toilet. They called their actions punishment for beating a girl who was hospitalized.

The mother of one of the students said that after the incident the boy was “allegedly beaten, on sick leave”, did not go to school, but still walked around the city.
“People wrote to me who saw him throwing bombs at passers-by; he even throws them into the bags of pensioners,” she said.
According to her, the teachers sided with the boy. The woman noted that the school called certificates of injuries allegedly inflicted on other children fakes, and repeated complaints from parents were ignored.

If you don’t try to somehow normalize the situation, then in the end, from his own impunity, that boy, having matured a little, will definitely kill someone.

But there is such a moment. There is simply nothing to influence such people. Therefore, I am in favor of organizing boarding schools in the country similar to Makarenko’s educational colonies, where they will send such comrades who, from an early age, cause nothing but trouble for others. The work of psychologists and behavior correction specialists can at least somehow change the situation. I understand that this is a utopia, there is no money for this, no one will organize such institutions. After all, it’s much easier to wait until such a boy kills someone for real, then he can just be imprisoned and that’s it. When he turns 14, not before.



Yesterday I came across an article about the relationship between psychiatrist and psychotherapist Mikhail Litvak. so here it is at point 10. There should be three children:
There must be children in the family. You must understand that it is impossible to live forever; you will have to die sooner or later. You can save your life only in children. Half of the child consists of me, the other half of my wife. But one child is a genetic dead end. So, I gave my half to my child, he then gets married and gives half of my wife to his child, and that’s it, I’m gone. Two children is already better.

In general, it is believed that three children is the minimum that is necessary to save one’s life forever. That oligarch who married a young hairdresser has practically sunk into oblivion, because he gave birth to only one child, and it is unknown whether this girl will carry him through or not: they have nothing to live on now.

In general, my friend also remembered that she had heard somewhere that the third child is a spare one if something happens to the first two......
What do you think about this?
if you are interested, I will publish the remaining points in another topic



Now my husband has 12-hour shifts, either from morning to evening, or night shifts. Works every second weekend and holidays almost always, vacation is only 24 days a year. It’s a very long drive, 2 hours before the start.... Naturally, he always arrives late... but the salary is good. There is an option to change jobs, full-time, 8-hour days, weekends at home, holidays at home and very close to home. But the salary is noticeably less. We both doubt it, because of course the money is not extra, I’m still on maternity leave until the end of the year. But on the other hand, the working conditions are much more humane... and they seem to promise to increase the salary over time.
Of course, it’s up to us to decide, but on the forum there are often smart thoughts and advice given 109

The first half of your baby's life is behind us. I hope that with the help of our selections of developmental activities you regularly and variedly engage with your treasure and are happy to celebrate his first successes.

Today's selection of games is dedicated to...

Every month the games become more and more interesting, but I once again urge you not to forget about the activities that you started doing in previous months.

You have probably noticed that the child is in many ways a real conservative. He may refuse to eat from a new plate, get upset because you suddenly decided to put him to bed with a new lullaby or hung a toy on the stroller on the wrong side from which he is used to seeing it. Therefore, regular repetition of familiar games and activities and the songs and nursery rhymes your baby loves is the key to his good mood and favorable attitude towards the new activities that you offer him this month.

Such different kids

To begin with, I would like to say a few words about the difference in the pace of development of seven-month-old babies. Some children at 7 months are already sitting confidently and even try to stand up, holding onto a support. Others don’t even attempt to sit. Don’t worry, because in many ways this is determined not by the speed of development or even the level of physical “training” of the baby, but rather by his temperament. Mobile, active, inquisitive babies begin to roll over from back to stomach and back, crawl, sit down, stand up and walk earlier than their calmer and more self-sufficient peers.

So if your seven-month-old baby is still not sitting, despite your regular gymnastics and massage, just be patient and continue the classes. I am sure that by 8 months the child will definitely sit up on his own. If you are very worried, consult a neurologist about this issue.

You especially shouldn’t rush the process of your baby getting up on his own. It is much more useful for those who are still too weak to maintain upright posture of the spine and back muscles to stimulate crawling - as much as possible and for as long as possible. Even for a one-year-old who has already taken his first steps, crawling on all fours is an extremely useful exercise aimed at strengthening almost all muscle groups.

After this small digression, let's get back to the topic, how to develop a baby at 7 months. I would like to remind you that when your baby began to crawl, he began to try to overcome obstacles in his path in the form of your legs and small sofa cushions. This month this exercise can be complicated and varied.


Get down on the floor with your seven-month-old baby and have a crawling race. Crawl towards a toy across the room, crawl towards each other, encourage your baby to crawl after you, or crawl behind him to gently tickle his heels. There are a lot of options, but the goal, in general, is one - to have a lot of fun and make crawling, which is useful in all respects, also interesting for the child.

Crawling up the hill

The Obstacle Course exercise, which you started last month, can be supplemented in the seventh month by crawling up an inclined surface. A wide shelf covered with a blanket or an ironing board is ideal for this purpose. Place it on a small elevation (for example, a sofa cushion) so that the angle of inclination is about 30 degrees.

At the top of your makeshift mountain, place a cube or other toy that can interest the child. Be there to protect your little climber. Crawling down an incline is still challenging for a seven-month-old baby, so be prepared to catch him at the top so he can continue down the obstacle course.

You can find other active games for your baby in the article ““.

Let's crawl and... massage our hands

Now that your baby spends more and more time moving around the floor, a massage track will become a useful item in your home. You can buy it in specialized orthopedic stores or sew it yourself. You can read more about how to sew a massage track. In short, this is a textile track on which materials of various textures are sewn - bags of cereals, wooden sticks and rings, elastic, soft and rough sponges, buttons of different sizes, plastic grilles, cords, etc.

When the baby learns to walk, this path will be useful for the prevention of flat feet, but in the meantime he will crawl along it, grab and touch various elements of the path and develop tactile perception and fine motor skills.

Where is the fruit?

Has your baby already tried his first complementary foods? It's time to play this fun game. It will be most convenient to do this right after eating, while the baby is sitting in her high chair. Take a piece of banana, peach or other soft fruit that is safe for the baby (you can also use a piece of boiled zucchini, cauliflower or broccoli) and cover it with a plastic cup in front of the child. Then place 2 more plastic cups upside down on the table and move them around.

Invite your child to find a fruit or vegetable. Express surprise when there is no prey under the glass and rejoice with the baby when his search is finally crowned with success. You can play by the same principle by hiding a small toy under a glass. This game stimulates attention and logic.

Find the music!

Hide a musical toy or a phone with a pleasant melody on in the baby's field of view in the room. Make sure your child can hear music. Ask him: “Where is the music?” Together, crawl around the room looking for the source of the sound. The game stimulates crawling, promotes the development of auditory concentration, visual-auditory coordination and crumbs.

Have you recently become a mother of a baby?

Shall we drum?

At the age of 7 months, children love to knock different objects against each other. Is it time to cook lunch? Great. Spread a blanket on the floor and sit your child down. Give him 5-6 different bowls or pans and a large wooden spoon to act as a drumstick. Let the baby rattle to his heart's content.

The game promotes the development of a sense of rhythm, differentiation of auditory perception, logic (I knock - I hear a sound), the formation of ideas about the properties of various materials (the child hears the different sounds of metal, wood, plastic “drums”).


I don’t know if you use a glove puppet (“bibabo”) in your games? If not, it’s time to get one - buy, knit or sew. There are a great many options for using bibabo dolls in activities with a child. A doll can help feed a baby, calm him down, give him a light massage and stroking before bed, tell a fairy tale, play and even become a hero in a puppet theater.

Cube with a secret

Here is another useful and easy-to-make toy that helps develop coordination of hand movements. You will need a cube or a small box with an edge length of approximately 8-10 cm. Glue or draw a bright picture, such as a duck, on one of the faces.

Give your child the opportunity to look at the picture, and then turn the cube to the other side (without the picture). You will be surprised: “Where is the duck?” Show your child how to look for a picture by turning the cube in his hands. If this action is still too difficult for the baby, invite him to look for the picture by placing the cube in front of him and turning it from side to side. Experiment by gluing the picture onto a cylindrical box (for example, a yogurt bottle).


If you have a light box or other container with a hinged lid at home, you can play like this. Place some interesting object (spoon, keys, small toy) in the box in advance and rattle it in front of the baby. Ask him: “What is that rattling inside?” Give your little one some time to find a way to open the box himself.

You can also put various items in and out of the box. For a seven-month-old baby, this is still a very interesting activity. And if you take care to give him objects to fold that are different to the touch and difficult to grasp, then this activity will also become educational.

Here are some ideas:

  • thread pompoms;
  • cotton balls;
  • plastic bottle caps;
  • champagne corks;
  • coins (washed with soap and boiled);
  • raisin;
  • seeds;
  • canned corn or peas;
  • screws and nuts;
  • beads;
  • chopped;
  • curly pasta (raw or cooked).

Don't forget about safety precautions and stay close to your baby while playing with small objects!

We have collected a lot for you in a separate article.

Speech development

To conclude our conversation about how to develop a baby at 7 months, I want to say that despite the fact that the baby will not soon say his first meaningful word, his vocal apparatus and brain are already in the process of active preparation for mastering speech. Therefore, it is very important to talk a lot with your child, give him the opportunity to see (and even feel) your mouth while pronouncing words, speak to the child in clear, short phrases, name everything that comes into his field of vision and attracts his attention.

Already at this age, you can begin to use various onomatopoeias in speech, which will later become your baby’s first words. For example, when you play with a toy duck, dog, pussy, or look at their pictures in books, do not forget to repeat many times, as these animals say: “The duck quacks: “Quack-quack.” The dog barks: “Woof-woof,” etc.”

Use onomatopoeia not only for animals, but also for other objects around the child. For example, the telephone is ringing “ding-ding”, the clock is ticking “tick-tock”, the pipe is playing “doo-doo”, the bear is going “top-to-top”, the cube has fallen “thump”, etc. The more and more often your child hears such onomatopoeia, the sooner he will delight you with his first words.

And now I invite you to watch this two-minute video about the development of a child at 7 months.

This is the answer to the question: how to develop a baby at 7 months. I’m sure you can’t wait to play new games with your baby, because next time you’ll have another portion of educational activities - this time for... See you!

Read other articles about child development by month:

Looking at a 7-month-old baby, it is already difficult for parents to remember that just six months ago he was a completely helpless creature, whose desires and emotions were very difficult to understand. Now, every day the baby becomes more independent and self-confident, he acquires new skills, and the world around him begins to seem more and more interesting and exciting to him.

Baby development at 7 months, his height, weight, skills and abilities - all this depends on many factors and is very individual. But there are certain standards that parents who have children and want to ensure that their child grows and develops fully and correctly should be guided by.

Physical development at 7 months

By 7 months, almost all children can sit quite confidently without support, but sometimes, due to fatigue or simply lack of confidence, they can still tip back or fall on their side. Lying on his stomach, the child may try to kneel and crawl, but usually at this age children try to crawl simply lying down, but this requires a stimulus - the desire to get something interesting located in front.

From a sitting position, many babies at this age try to get up, using some kind of support. It is especially good to stand with the support of an adult. Many, with the help of adults, are already trying to walk.

Perhaps it is in this month that the baby will have his first teeth - usually the lower incisors. And for those children who have already “acquired” these teeth, by the end of the seventh month their upper incisors may begin to grow.

Because the physical development of a child at 7 months happens at a fairly active pace and the child literally learns something new every day, parents must take especially careful care of the baby’s safety. It is at this age that many children are injured by falling out of bed or hitting the edges of furniture; they can open cabinets and drawers with contents dangerous to their health.

Indicators of a child aged 7 months

By the end of the seventh month of life, the average weight of the child should be about 8 kg, and height 65-66 cm. During this month, the baby gained about 400-600 grams and grew by 2 cm. These data are average and most often doctors consider the child’s growth and an increase in his body weight from the indicators with which he was born. So, from the beginning of his life, a 7-month-old baby should have gained about 5 kg and grown 17 cm.

There are two more important indicators by which doctors assess the health and growth of a child - head circumference and chest circumference. By 7 months, the chest circumference should be approximately 45.5 cm and the head circumference 43.5 cm.

The growth and development of each child occurs according to his personal individual program, so any deviations from the norm of weight gain and height are not always a cause for concern, but may be a reason to consult a pediatrician who can correctly interpret the data on height and weight.

Skills and abilities at 7 months

A seven-month-old baby can already do a lot and cope with many tasks without the help of an adult. If earlier he only picked up what adults offered him or was nearby, now he can choose something himself, reach out to objects that interest him, strive to get something located within his reach. He will taste everything that is in the child’s hands, and also try to knock it on the floor, bed or other objects, thereby producing various sounds.

The child learns to transfer toys from one hand to another, he likes to carefully examine objects and feel them. For many, throwing toys on the floor becomes a favorite pastime.

Every day the baby’s actions become more conscious and non-random. Now he remembers many things and objects, recognizes his clothes, toys and food. He can bring the bottle to his mouth, take it and bite off the cookie.

The child distinguishes the intonation and mood of speech, is frightened by strict phrases, and begins to understand the prohibition. Funny songs, sounds and laughter make him laugh a lot and he wants to hear them as often as possible, so various sound toys become his favorites.

To attract the attention of the mother, the baby uses not only sounds, but also facial expressions and gestures, and begins to pronounce the first syllables, still unconsciously.

How to play with a 7 month old baby

For the development of a baby who is already 7 months old, you can use many games - useful and exciting. For games it is necessary to equip a separate place and it should not be a bed. It is also undesirable to use a playpen. It's much better to just spread a large blanket on the floor.

Hide and seek

Show your child how to hide a toy under a piece of fabric. At first he may not understand where she went, but over time this game will become clear to him and very interesting. You can also hide your face by covering it with a cloth or just with your hands - the baby will be happy to look for his mother, laughing merrily at the same time.

Dirty games

So-called “dirty” games will be useful for the child’s development, for which you can use either special products offered in stores or simply any edible products. Pour some kefir on the table and let your baby clap his hands on it, let him play with the boiled pasta, which he will crush, tear, and maybe even taste. Such activities are very useful for the development of a child’s motor skills and tactile sensations.


At this age, the list of toys that are interesting to the baby begins to expand. He still enjoys playing with rattles and other objects that make different sounds. Now is the time to show your child cubes and balls, show him how to assemble pyramids and roll round objects. The child will be interested in various developmental complexes recommended for this age.

You can already buy books for your child with cardboard or other thick pages and bright, large pictures.

What can you teach a 7 month old baby?

7 months is more than a fertile age for learning. And even if at first it seems that the baby does not understand well what exactly they want from him, over time the result will certainly manifest itself. It is not at all necessary to teach a child something specifically. At this stage of development, it will be enough to simply constantly comment on your actions, name objects, body parts, colors, shapes. The main task now is to teach the baby to understand speech and remember names. When communicating with a child, you need to speak clearly and pronounce all words correctly.

Already now the baby must learn to make decisions. Give him a toy in each hand, and then offer to take another one. At first it will be difficult for him to figure out how to do this, but he will soon understand that he just has to put one toy in its place.

At this age, many children learn the simplest gestures - waving their palm “Bye-Bye”, indicating “Give” with their palm. Babies also learn to express their love by hugging their mother.

Mental development

The main stage in a baby’s mental development at 7 months of age is when he develops long-term memory - his favorite toys and clothes appear. He begins to memorize some games, remember what caused him discomfort and was unpleasant.

Now the child gets to know his loved ones well and may begin to be afraid of strangers or unfamiliar people.

He reacts to speech and its intonation, may laugh in response to something funny and be frightened by loud speech or sounds.

When the baby is comfortable and the baby feels confident, he begins to “babble”, chanting the sounds “ma-ma-ma”, “dya-dya-dya”, “ba-ba-ba”. This is not speech yet, but only preparation for it and the child’s desire to communicate, which at this stage is of great importance for him.

Baby's nutrition at 7 months

By the age of seven months, the baby’s diet becomes more varied, new foods and dishes appear in it. If possible, you should not give up breastfeeding just yet, which plays an important role for the baby, helping him not only grow healthier, but also making the bond between mother and child stronger.

By 7 months, almost all babies have already mastered vegetable and fruit purees, cereals, and drink juices in small quantities. After 6.5 months, many begin to gradually receive meat broth, and by 7 months you can try giving the child meat, as well as egg yolk.

It is recommended to start complementary meat feeding with lean chicken or veal. If eating these types of meat does not cause negative reactions, then you can gradually include lean pork in your diet, as well as such a valuable product as liver.

Many modern mothers prefer to buy special baby food, but if you want, you can cook for your baby yourself. The first option is simpler, but the second is more budget-friendly and allows the mother to take maximum care of her child.

Your pediatrician will help you create a specific diet for your baby, taking into account the child’s development and growth characteristics, as well as how complementary foods were previously introduced.

An approximate diet for a 7-month-old baby who continues to receive breast milk might look like this:

  • 6-00 - 7-00 - breast milk;
  • 10-00 - 11-00 - vegetable soup prepared with the addition of meat broth - 20 grams, vegetable puree with ½ yolk - 150 grams, meat puree - 20-30 grams;
  • 14-00 - 15-00 - breast milk;
  • 18-00 - 19-00 - milk porridge - 150 grams, cottage cheese - 20 grams, fruit puree - 50 grams;
  • Before bed - breast milk.

For bottle-fed babies, the diet is offered a little different. It will differ from what was proposed above in that it is proposed to move the intake of milk porridge with cottage cheese and fruit puree to 10-11 a.m., at 2-3 p.m. the child should be offered vegetables, meat and soup, at 6-7 p.m. - milk formula or kefir . In the morning after waking up and in the evening before going to bed, the child should receive formula milk.

The regime and diet may differ slightly and depend on the individual characteristics, health status and needs of the baby.

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