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Read statuses about your favorite dog. Why is a dog so devoted to a person and will never betray him? And Elchin Safarli also correctly noted

Why is a dog so devoted to a person and will never betray him?

    Dogs are often very loyal to their owner throughout their lives (most), but for this you need to love your friend as sincerely as he loves you. If the whole family does not pay attention to the pet and he cannot find exactly one owner from the whole family for a reason its uselessness, then the dog will treat all family members equally without excessive loyalty and devotion.... I grew up with my dog ​​from the age of 5, she passed away when I was 21 years old, the breed is a cross between a miniature pinscher and a toy terrier, in the withers are 25-30 cm, I’m already 26 years old, but great friend, more love, loyalty, protection and devotion I didn’t feel from anyone and I’m not sure what I will feel.... She could run after my bike for hours while I was riding as a child (now I’m very ashamed of this, but she never showed her dissatisfaction , so it seemed to me that she even liked to run), put her paws on my shoulders and licked away my tears, she was always there... When I was on vacation, I refused to eat until I arrived, for this reason my mother always forced her to eat together with the veterinarians, for my dog ​​my departure from home for more than one day was always a tragedy, how tearfully we always said goodbye to her! She died in my arms, these deep eyes I will never forget. By the way, she was a bitch, but she never took food from someone else’s hands, and if anyone raised their voice at me, she always began to growl and bark threateningly, which became scary even for me, and she never hid behind me or ran away. You have to love a dog with all your heart and be as devoted to it as it is to you, I’m not sure. that most people know this, most people think that you got a dog and a priori its soul belongs to you, this is not so

    A dog will always be devoted to the person who raised it, tamed it, the one who feeds it. Even if a person saves her, she will remain grateful to him and be faithful. This is instinct and intelligence two in one.

    It seems to me that a dog is devoted to a person, because it remembers how he raised him, how the person played with him, how he fed him. The dog is grateful to its owner and with its devotion it says thank you to its owner. Indeed, I was also sometimes a little surprised at the extent to which dogs can be loyal.

    Why did you decide that they are devoted to a person and will never betray him? A movie about Hachiko? And in real life Neither I nor any of my acquaintances have encountered anything even approximately similar. A couple of times there were dogs with an inflexible psyche, trying to return to where they saw the owner - if they were fed and caressed there - why shouldn’t they stay there? If they were driven out of there, they weren’t stopped, and we then moved them to a place convenient for them - they lived great!

    It’s a terrible thing for a person to want to be loved just like that, despite the filthiness, and dogs simply live next to us in the way that is convenient for them.

    From the point of view of the survival of the species, loyalty and devotion are harmful qualities and, accordingly, are not genetically fixed. If there are two dogs - one is faithful and the other is not and their owner dies - which one do you think has a better chance of leaving offspring and passing on its qualities to children?

    And also - WHY do you need loyalty and devotion? Do you really want your loved one to suffer and suffer? (no one is eternal and something can happen at any moment). Somehow completely inhuman...

    A dog is man's best friend, and if the owner of the animal is kind to the dog and truly cares for him, then the dog will never betray him and will be faithful until the end of his life. An excellent example would be the film adaptation real story friendship between dog and man film HATHIKO.

    All this depends solely on psychological characteristics varieties of animals.

    If we talk about dogs, then these are pack animals that practically cannot exist alone; there are many cases when dogs died of boredom, for example, if one family gave their pet or dog to another new family, new owners.

    People, members of a pack, as dogs consider. Yes, even two are already a pack, something like that. And you are either a leader or a subordinate, but still a member of your own pack.

    Any flock is always united - the flock always gets food, food always only together, jointly defends its territory, takes care of each other.

    Dogs, and most other types of domestic animals, honestly fulfill their duties that exist in any pack - they protect and guard, when we are sick, they seem to heal us.

    Just like everyone else, they are sad, cry, rejoice, play and are interested in various things. Let it be to the best of your animal abilities.

    Why is it quite complex issue, where too much is embedded. Sometimes just one devoted look is enough to understand the answer to this question.

    A dog is a creature that lives in a pack, not alone. There must be a leader in the pack, naturally promoted by life to this position. A bad leader won't last natural selection and sooner or later will die, giving way to an animal suitable for this position. In a dog's value system, a person takes the place of a leader. That is why the dog does not listen to every person, but to its owner. If the dog does not listen to his boss, it means that he was unable to convince him that he is in charge, so the animal seems to be waiting for him, the real one, to come and put the pack in order.

    It is only in human society that moral categories are possible. Animals do not live by them, so they have no concept of betrayal, nor fidelity. When there is a leader in the team, the dog obeys him, and if he wants to behave differently, he must first of all remove the leader and put himself in his place. The vast majority of four-legged animals agree with the role of leader assumed by humans.

    Dog loyalty is a myth. Very beautiful, but a myth. Dogs (males) always betray their owner. If a male dog is offered a female dog in heat, he chooses the female dog. At this time, the owner can be killed, robbed, or anything done to him. The dog will be completely absorbed in problems with the opposite sex. It would seem that bitches should be loyal, but this is not always the case. Bitches are often cowardly. And instead of protecting the owner, the dog tucks its tail and whines somewhere nearby, and the owner has to fight off the bullies alone, and at the same time protect his dog. But there are, of course, exceptions. It is these exceptions that make the myth and devotion of dogs so tenacious.

    Depends on the breed of dog, there have been cases when pit bulls bit their owners to death. The answer to your question must be sought in genes, dogs have lived next to humans for at least 2-3 thousand years and are accustomed to helping and protecting him, and this is the case with some breeds of dogs at the genetic and instinctive level.

    Because dogs, unlike people, are grateful and selfless. Well, of course, I’m talking about dogs, and not about mutants that were bred in some unknown way and with whom they were mixed. Those who constantly have mental disorders, etc. I agree with www, because there really are breeds that were bred not so long ago and for some reason they are very dangerous even for the owner. It’s not genes, but some kind of mutation!!!

    A dog is devoted to a person because he feeds it, and also because it has a developed pack instinct. Her ancestor is a wolf - and if you do not listen and obey the leader, you will die. So the dog is the most true friend and comrade.

    Loyalty is in a dog's genes; they can be grateful to their savior, the one who takes care of them, feeds them and trains them. The smell of this person is imprinted in the dog’s mind, and if it gets lost, it looks for this particular smell. But there are times when a dog gets used to new family. But in any case, the purpose of her life is to be devoted to someone. It is no coincidence that there are so many videos on YouTube about dog devotion, including a video of a dog crying at its owner’s grave.

The most devoted friends in life these are dogs and books... They protect and enrich... but their silence always means more than human words...

Not only a dog is a man’s friend, but sometimes a friend can turn out to be quite a bitch.

We love our dog and don’t want it to change for the better, and we want to change a lot about the people we love.

Do you want to be understood, looked into your eyes faithfully and not asked for anything in return?

No matter how people swear allegiance, no one knows about loyalty except a dog.

Not every dog ​​owner is worthy of its devotion.

Do you know the difference between a dog and a wife!? Even after several years, the dog is always happy to see you!

You don't have to be a dog to be friends with a person.

Cats never get as tired as dogs.

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person has dogs, fleas, and conscience.

I took the meat out of the freezer and thought about cooking something delicious!!! My Kitty, while I wasn’t looking, climbed in, ate as much as he could, and threw the rest to the dog!!! Partners, damn it))))

A dog is the only living creature that values ​​its owner's life more than its own.

I'll give it to kind hands seven puppies of a very smart, but slightly frivolous shepherd dog.

Anyone who gets up early walks the dog.

A dog will never betray you... And she doesn’t need your salary and other bullshit, she just wants to be your friend.

A dog is honor, loyalty and devotion...

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared by a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

A dog is a man's friend. Why not a friend?

I don't want to live like a cat and a dog. I want both the Wolf and the She-Wolf.

The dog is so loyal that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love.

When they tell you that you are doing the wrong thing, thinking the wrong way, living the wrong way, answer: “DOGS BARK, BUT THE CARAVAN MOVES!!!”

That's right: a person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like to be left alone.

Dogs are loved because they are not masters.

What difference does it make what title a dog has? The main thing is health and loving owner near!!!

For his dog, every man is Napoleon. Hence the constant popularity of dogs.

- My dog ​​is so smart, every morning he brings “Moskovsky Komsomolets”!
- Just think, many dogs do this.
- Yes, but I’m not writing him out.

If you don’t feed a dog for a day, it will howl no worse than a wolf... But at the same time it will remain a dog.

“I have a dog, which means I have a soul...”

After all, the body of a mongrel may be, but the heart is of the purest breed!

If you consider yourself a good man, look into the dog’s eyes and you will see an honest answer there...

I’m wondering WHERE are the brains of those... (I can’t find the term) who start dangerous fighting dogs and does not ensure the safety of surrounding people from these animals??? I am simply shocked by the episodes of “eating” people!!!((

Pug - perfect dog for children under one year old, the child will not eat enough fur and will not harm the dog, at the same time they grunt happily at each other...

The inscription "Caution" angry dog" - this is garbage compared to the human skulls on the stockade.

A hungry dog ​​believes only in meat.

Feed your dog for three days and it will be devoted to you for the rest of its life. But you can feed a cat for three years and it won't care.

He who goes to bed with dogs will wake up with fleas.


The dog is pining on the chain... But try and unhook...

THOUGHTS OF A DOG: A man loves me, feeds me, plays, takes care of me... Probably HE is God! THOUGHTS OF A CAT: A person loves me, feeds me, plays, takes care of me... Probably, I am God!

Carefully! The evil dog has disappeared!

The only thing worse than a dog is its owner.

The husband came out of the binge and the family sighed joyfully... but the dog became sad and was left without an interlocutor...

“You think dogs don’t go to heaven? I assure you: they will be there before any of us.”

He was always on the side of the dogs, because a person should always be on the side of justice.

The dog contains all the best that can be in a person.

My wife bought a dog clipper... Only her husband didn’t bite... She trained on it...

I am selling a dog. I don’t indicate the gender because I don’t want to say a single bad word about her.

She attacked the wrong one! - the boy in braces shouted to the bitten dog.

A border guard with a dog walks along the border. Rustle in the bushes. Border guard for a dog:
- Well, look what it is.
- Look yourself! I can bark from here too.

Two dogs approach a paid parking lot, and one says to the second: “How do you like it? Paid toilets!”

No person will greet you like a dog!

Have you noticed that even if you blow lightly in your dog’s face, he will get terribly angry, but when he is driving in a car, he will definitely stick his head out the window.

Don't mistake pleasure for happiness. How is that different breeds dogs.

Everything new is well forgotten old. Playing with a dog on a walk, with a phone in hand, is called “Spoiled Phone.”

The only difference between a person and a dog is that a DOG WILL NEVER BETRAY!

They say that dogs are smarter because they can be trained, but in fact cats are smarter and therefore cannot be trained.

Dogs are very loyal. The only pity is that their lives are shorter than human ones.

Unlike dogs, we growl more often at our own than at strangers.

The dog, a Doberman, has gone missing. To the finder - the kingdom of heaven.

Carefully! The dog is not evil, but principled.

Oh, I taught my dog ​​to give his paw at the command “manicure!”

Most say dogs better than cats. But why then is it considered an insult: bitch, son of a bitch and male, puppy? And the address cat, cat sounds completely different, almost like a compliment

You can't shout down a barking dog.

Dogs are the most sincere loving creatures on the ground. They don't care who you are, they care that you exist.

Gratitude is a dog disease that cannot be transmitted to humans...

The dog immediately responds to the owner's call. And a cat is like an answering machine: you leave a message and they call you back later

Saw it today. Stray dogs we stopped at a traffic light, waited until it turned green, and ran through the crossing. Are they getting wiser?

At Gerasim's new dog! Diver…)

I perceive my husband as he is... and if I wanted to start training, I would get a dog)

A dog is a proven friend over the years.

Dogs, like people, can be stupid and smart, but people are not like dogs - always and completely loyal.

Dogs have masters, cats have servants.

The dog was so rare breed that the owners guarded her day and night.

Free man walking on his way: neither teasing passing dogs, nor turning around at a random bark.

Because of the rain, a cunning guide dog led its owner around the apartment for two hours, skillfully imitating street sounds.

It is stupid to punish a dog that has taken a shit an hour later. And here I am being sent to hell for the sins of my youth.

Dog logic: “If it can’t be chewed or fucked, then you can pee on it.”

Statuses about dogs and dog loyalty

The popular saying “A dog is man’s best friend” exists for a reason. The dog will always be a faithful friend, he will not deceive or betray, any pampering is forgiven. It is not entirely clear why such relations developed between this animal and man. friendly relations, maybe because before, thanks to such a union, it was easier to live or it became less sad. These creatures are smart, incredibly kind, playful, always ready to help, and not much is required from us. Thanks to this, that a dog is a man's friend, quotes , words said by characters in popular films and stories began to be often used in everyday life.

About friendship

Wilfred P. Lempton said: " Anyone who says you can’t buy happiness has never bought a puppy.”, but will you agree that he is absolutely right? Now there are various shelters for dogs, as well as for other animals, where you can take home your four-legged friend completely free of charge. Imagine how much happiness you will not only gain yourself, but also how much joy you will give to the animal! But everyone will agree with the words of Luis Sabin: “ If a dog is all you have, you're still a rich man».

« A dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to it, life takes on a special meaning», skazad R. Karas. Become happy man much simpler than it might seem. A dog in the house is constant protection and positive emotions. Sometimes, of course, she likes to play around and can disturb her owner’s sleep, but all this is just an expression of love for him. The dog takes care home, maintains a friendly atmosphere in the home, and in return she needs to receive affection and attention.

Relationship between dog and person

The fact that a dog is man's best friend is said by many who have connected their lives with the most devoted creature on earth. As the French artist T. Charlet said: “ The best thing a person has is a dog", with which it is difficult to disagree. Of course, people managed to domesticate many species of animals, but best friend there will always be a dog. Let's remember the famous drama "Hachiko", in which a dog at a train station waits for the return of its owner, not giving up hope. This story reminds us once again that even after a long time, the dog misses its owner and waits for him until the last moment. It is difficult for them to come to terms with separation, they may refuse to eat and even die. Don’t leave your dog to the mercy of fate, because this is a friend who will never leave you, will support you at any moment.

J. Billings once said: “ A dog is the only creature on earth that loves you more than itself”, but it’s true, it’s hard not to notice because of how she meets the owner of the house. Their self-sacrifice is legendary. After all, the animal not only served good service as a security guard, but also saved people drowning or wounded on the battlefield.

“The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable», - said J. Buffon. It will be faithful to the owner, no matter what the situation happens.

Many words have been said about the fact that this animal is the most devoted creature on earth. Quotes about this have gone through the entire history of mankind. But no matter how sincere their feelings are, one must always remember the words of the Fox from “ Little Prince"A. de Saint-Exupéry: " We are responsible for those we have tamed».

The dog is holy. She is spontaneous and honest by nature. She feels when there is no time for her, and can lie motionless for hours while her idol is busy. When the owner is sad, she puts her head on his lap. “Has everyone abandoned you? Just think! Let’s go for a walk and everything will be forgotten!”

Excel Mant

Happiness is difficult for people. They withdraw into themselves and get into trouble. They themselves don’t know what they need, and they are sad, sad... Dogs don’t have such difficulties. They know that happiness comes from doing something for others. Dogs do everything in their power to please their two-legged friend, and are happy if they succeed.

John Richard Stevens

Dogs, God bless them, believe that man is a weak, defenseless creature that needs constant love and care. You accidentally lick your hand, rub your furry muzzle against your leg, and the poor owner knows: his friend will not leave him in trouble.

Mary McGrory

If you love me, love my dog. The bond between man and dog can only disappear with life...

E. Seton-Thompson

Reverence is a feeling experienced by a man towards God and by a dog towards man.

Ambrose Bierce

The dog is so loyal that you don’t even believe that a person deserves such love.

Ilya Ilf

The best thing a person has is a dog.

Toussaint Charlet

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

Eliane J. Finbert

A good person is ashamed even in front of a dog.

Anton Chekhov

The dog is the only animal whose loyalty is unshakable.

J. Buffon

If you pick up a yard dog on the street and feed it, it will never bite you. This is the difference between a dog and a person.

Mark Twain

Dogs have never bitten me. Only people.

Marilyn Monroe

"The only one, absolutely selfless friend For a person in this selfish world, a friend who will never leave him, who is never ungrateful and will not betray him, is the DOG.
A DOG will remain next to a person in wealth and poverty, in health and illness.
The DOG will sleep on cold ground, where cold winds blow and snow sweeps furiously, just to be close to the owner.
The DOG will kiss his hand, even if that hand cannot give him water; she will lick her wounds and scratches - the result of clashes with the cruelty of the surrounding world.
A DOG guards the sleep of his poor owner as jealously as if he were a prince.
When all other friends leave, this one remains.
When all the riches disappear and everything falls to pieces, the DOG is as constant in his love as the sun walking across the sky.”

Senator George West, 1870

A person has the opportunity to choose a relative only once in his life - when he gets a dog

Mark Segal

A dog is the only creature in the world who loves you more than himself.

Josh Billings

A dog contains all the best that a person can have!

Etienne Charlet

Anyone who says you can't buy happiness has never bought a puppy.

U.P. Lampton

A dog comforts you when you're sad partly because it never tries to find out why.


Not a single animal would think of surprising its relatives with something.
No dog would give a pig to a man.


A dog has one wonderful quality - it remembers goodness. She guards the house of her benefactors until her death.


In essence, dogs definitely have what we call a soul.

R. Amundsen

Gratitude? This is a disease of dogs that is not transmissible to humans.

Antoine Bernheim

If you don't like dogs, you don't like loyalty; you do not love those who are faithful to you, therefore you cannot be faithful.

Napoleon Bonaparte

By your attitude towards the dog, I will know what kind of person you are.

A. Bosse

If there is a heaven, then there must be pets. Their lives are so intertwined with ours that even the Archangel is unable to unravel this tangle.

Pam Brown

If you keep a dog on a leash, do not expect affection from it.

A. Wilmeter

God, make me what I appear to be to my dog...


Why do animal paw prints please us more than human footprints?


It is not surprising that dogs begin to resemble their owners. Both of them have a dog's life.

V. Domile

Buy a dog. This the only way buy love with money.

Yana Ipokhorskaya

Dogs laugh too, only they laugh with their tails.


If only people could love like dogs, the world would become a paradise.

J. Douglas

A dog is not the meaning of life, but thanks to it, life takes on a special meaning.

R. Karas

Waking up, the Man asked: “What is the Wild Dog doing here?!” And the Woman answered: “his name is no longer a wild dog, but the First Friend, and he will be our friend forever and ever.”

R. Kipling

A dog's life teaches you not only to snarl, but also to wag your tail.

T. Kleiman

The yawning animal has a human face.

K. Kraus

A dog is the most wonderful, perfect and useful of all acquisitions that a person has ever made.

J. Cuvier

Konrad C. Lorenz

If you think your dog can't count, put three cookies in his pocket and then give him only two of them.
A dog is the best comforter because it doesn’t ask why you’re feeling bad.
The dog is the only creature that has seen its God with its own eyes.
The dog considers the owner to be too tall and an abnormally smart dog.

W. P. Lampton

A bone thrown to a dog is not mercy; mercy is a bone shared by a dog when you are as hungry as he is.

J. London.

Dogs, God bless them, believe that man is a weak, defenseless creature that needs constant love and care. You accidentally lick your hand, rub your furry muzzle against your leg, and the poor owner knows: his friend will not leave him in trouble.

M. McGregory

If you don't have a dog, get a friend.
Dogs are loved because they do not want to become owners.

G. Malkin

If there were no dog, the person would feel lonely.
Her eyes are still closed, but she already trusts us, she has not yet been born, but is already devoted to us.

M. Maeterlinck, “My Dog”

Those who keep animals must recognize that they serve the animals rather than the animals serving them.

Michel Montaigne.

A dog is not only a man’s friend, to some it is also a mother.

D. Pasternak-Taranushenko

We do not yet have a word that could express at the same time dedication, courage and intelligence - all those magnificent qualities that a dog possesses.

K. G. Paustovsky

Only fleas bite the dog; and a bad person has dogs, fleas, and conscience.

R. Podlevsky

In the history of civilization there are many more examples of canine fidelity than human ones.

Alexander Pope

Only a person who has a dog feels like a human being.
Dog- clear example human ingratitude.
The numbers don't lie. Count how many people barked at you and how many dogs!
No ugly dogs- there are unloved ones.


Perhaps being called a dog is not such a big insult.
Happiness is difficult for people. They withdraw into themselves and get into trouble. They themselves don’t know what they need, and they are sad, sad... Dogs don’t have such difficulties. They know that happiness comes from doing something for others. Dogs do everything in their power to please their two-legged friend, and are happy if they succeed.

D. - Richard Stevens

Unlike people, dogs never pretend: they love their friends, but they bite their enemies.


If a dog is all you have, you are still a rich man.

L. Sabin

A dog is a creature that barks at an entering guest, while a person barks at a departing guest.

M. Impostor

The more I get to know people, the more I love dogs.

Mmm de Sevigne

The only true friend in Washington is a dog.

G. Truman

People are accepted into Paradise not on merit, but on patronage, otherwise you would remain outside the threshold and let your dog in.

Mark Twain

Don't live in a city where you can't hear dogs barking.


The life of dogs is too short, this is their only drawback.


A dog jumps on your lap because it loves you; cat - because it’s warmer for her.

Alfred Whitehead

There is no better psychiatrist in the world than a puppy who licks your face.

Burn Williams

Dogs have only one drawback - they trust people.

E.J. Finbert

A cat is full of mystery, like an animal; The dog is simple and naive, like a person.

K. Chapek

The dogs look up to us. Cats look down on us. The pigs look at us as equals.

W. Churchill

A chained dog remains faithful only to its kennel.


Money can buy any dog ​​- but not the wagging of its tail.

G.U. Show

Compassion for animals is so closely connected with kindness of character that we can confidently say: whoever is cruel to animals cannot be a kind person.

A. Schopenhauer.

Animals are very sweet friends - they don’t ask questions or criticize. J. Eliot

Doesn't matter. A person gets a dog so that there is no feeling of loneliness. The dog really doesn't like to be left alone.

A dog contains all the best that a person can have.

A dog's friend sounds proud.

If a dog starts playing with a cat, it means that the owners are both fed up

If he barks domestic dog, This is good. But when a stray dog ​​barks, it is bad and dangerous.

Just because a dog bites you doesn't mean you can do the same in return.

It is unknown who feels more important - a person or a dog, because a dog never gives his paw first

Not every home should have a dog, but every dog ​​should have its own home.

No person listens to another with such sincere interest and attention as a dog listens to you.

A dog can express more feelings with its tail in a few minutes than man - words in a few hours.

The phrase “I won’t be long” means nothing to a dog. All she knows is that the owner is GONE.

It's good when a dog is a friend, but it's bad when a friend is a dog...

Only faithful dog faithful to us to the end.

Konrad Z. Lorenz

Buy a puppy and you will buy the best devoted love in the world.

Rudyard Kipling

You are forever responsible for those you have tamed.

A. Saint-Exupery,
"A little prince"

There is nothing more touching than a sick animal:
it endures suffering with such quiet and sad resignation.

T. Gauthier

If you don't know the breed yourself, keep purebred dogs!

A dog needs a yard to feel like a human.

A.V. Ivanov

If you have a dog, then you return not to the House, but to the Home.

Pam Brown

In the fast flow of our lives modern man from time to time he wants to feel that he is still himself, and nothing gives him such pleasant confirmation of this as four legs mincing behind him.

Konrad Lorenz

For thousands of years, faithful, irreplaceable animals - dogs - have lived next to us. They became the first living creatures tamed by humans. These animals guard the house, protect their owners, help hunt and herd livestock.

Tandem of man and dog

Dogs are man's best friends, because thanks to their flair, endurance and special character, they organically entered our lives and are always nearby: at home, at work, on vacation. If someone has no children or relatives, then a dog will become the closest living creature.


More than 20 thousand years ago, primitive man brought a completely wild wolf into his home. It took thousands of years for the predator to unlearn its habits and become a domestic animal. Initially, they guarded the house and, sensing danger, gave a signal. These creatures have well-developed hearing and sense of smell, so they can hear and feel things that are beyond the control of humans. A dog is a naturally excellent hunter. She enjoyed hunting with her owner, tracking and driving game. When man tamed other animals, dogs also became responsible for guarding livestock.

Role in human history

Archaeologists have discovered dogs during excavations of ancient settlements, which indicates long-standing connections between people and these animals. Since then, it has been believed that dogs are man's best friend throughout history.

In Ancient Egypt there was a belief that the dog was a symbol of the kingdom of the dead. The Egyptians worshiped her and gave her the status of a deity. Ancient frescoes depict dogs sitting next to the pharaoh. They accompanied their leader to the world of the dead. Separate sarcophagi were built for the dogs and they were buried with honor.

IN Ancient Greece and Rome bred fighting dogs. Thus, in the army of Alexander the Great there was a detachment that consisted of more than 5 thousand animals. Four-legged warriors were shackled in armor and sent into battle. The dead animals were buried with honors, like glorious heroes.

In Rus', people most often took a dog with them on a hunt. Well-known hunting breeds, distinguished by speed, endurance, agility and courage, were bred especially for this activity. According to historical data, Tsar Peter I had a messenger dog that carried orders and letters.

Our smaller brothers used such abilities and passed by the enemy unnoticed and carried important messages. During the war, field hospitals had ambulance dogs. They searched for the wounded on the field, each with a bag of medicine strapped to her back. Many soldiers owe their lives to four-legged rescuers. Therefore, we can easily say that dogs are man's best friends.

In some countries there are four-legged postmen who deliver telegrams and letters high into the mountains to tourist centers.

Dogs are man's best friends, they will always come to his aid and will not leave him in Hard time. Thanks to this quality, these animals are used in the search for missing people. There are hundreds of cases where a dog pulled people out of the water, found those lost in the forest or in the mountains, and looked for victims in the rubble after earthquakes.

Dog devotion

What is a dog's loyalty? Is it measurable and definable? Maybe it’s just the attachment of a living creature to a person or gratitude for affection and care? It's very difficult to figure this out. Some scientists believe that at a certain period dogs develop a need for an owner, for the subordination of a stronger individual.

Others are convinced that these animals can have feelings close to human ones. The loyalty of dogs, like the friendship of people, must be treasured. After all, friendship and devotion are a priceless gift that is given only once, and these relationships are built on trust and love. Dogs are animals that subtly feel a connection with their owner. The behavior of the four-legged pet reflects the traits of its owner. Regardless, the dog was and remains the most loyal creature. Even after death, she does not leave her friend: she gives various signs, warning of danger or foreshadowing significant events in life. People have repeatedly reported visions at night or visits from ghost dogs that protected them from trouble and death.

Relationships between children and dogs

Many dogs become very attached to children. A four-legged pet will become not only a protector, but also a nanny for the baby. A devoted dog will never offend a child; it touchingly calms and plays, and rejoices uncontrollably at the sight of little friend, worries when he is sick. It is children's sincerity and purity that attracts animals. It is not surprising that children at school write the essay “A dog is man’s best friend.” After all, many examples of such friendship can be given, both well-known and from own life. Schoolchildren talk with delight about the dog Hachiko, who met her owner at the station every day and continued to faithfully wait even after his death. Children describe stories related to dog monuments known throughout the world, as well as stories that happened in their neighborhood in their hometown.

Get a dog - change yourself and your life

The dog will always be next to the person, ready to come to his aid at any time. extreme situation. For thousands of years it has faithfully served, fearlessly protected, saved from cold and loneliness. Scientists believe that four-legged friends help cure some psychological diseases. A person who makes such a friend changes his character radically, he becomes more sympathetic and kinder. There are people who believe that this is an exaggerated opinion. But, upon reflection, it is difficult to agree with this point of view. With the appearance of a dog in the house, a person is forced to become more responsible, take care of the pet, take into account its needs, which means that his selfishness decreases. While walking his four-legged friend, the owner fights laziness and begins to exercise active recreation or even sports.

Here are a few facts that answer the question of why a dog is man's best friend:

  • a dog helps you gain confidence in yourself;
  • the person becomes relaxed and sociable;
  • the feeling of loneliness goes away;
  • relationships with relatives, loved ones and friends become more harmonious;
  • confidence in achieving the goal is gained;
  • the dog becomes a companion, assistant and guard.

A dog is an animal rightfully considered man's best friend.

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