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New in the family. Scenario for celebrating the new year for adults (with jokes, games and toasts). How to spend the New Year at home with your family

Useful tips and New Year's entertainment: games, contests, skits, impromptu theater

most magical night in the year you always want to spend it so that the memories of her please the whole next year. New Year's Eve can also be celebrated at home, if space permits.

If you decide to have a New Year's party at home, be prepared for the fact that the bulk of the hassle of organizing the holiday will fall on your shoulders. How to organize perfect holiday? You need to take care of this in advance and think through everything to the smallest detail. We hope that our advice will help you with this.

Remember, the main thing is your positive attitude! Try to do everything easily, with joy, with thoughts that you will succeed. In addition, try to involve your friends to the maximum in preparing for the holiday, and you will have a pleasant reason to meet again. If you approach the organization of the evening creatively, the preparation process will surely give you no less pleasure than the holiday itself - this has been proven by experience!

So that the organization of the party does not turn into a stupid fuss at the last moment, initially we think through everything to the smallest detail:


How many?

First you need to decide on the number of guests that you are ready to receive and the space of your home. Keep in mind that according to statistics, somewhere around ¼ of the invitees are eventually eliminated, so you can safely invite people with a small "margin". Tip: ask the invitees to give you a clear answer at least a week before the party - this way you will avoid unpleasant surprises(disappointment) from a lack or, conversely, an overabundance of guests.


It is best to invite verified, pleasant friend friend and you guests. Think about who you would really like to see, with whom it is easy and simple for you. You should not invite people unpleasant to you "out of courtesy", because this is your holiday. It's okay if the guests don't know each other beforehand: your party will give them the opportunity to make new friends. However, you should not gather at one holiday people who are at odds with each other or who do not sympathize with each other, the atmosphere during the holiday can be tense.

Party type

What kind of party will you have - classic (traditional) or themed?

First, think about what style your holiday will be. Of course, each company has its own New Year's program, and it all depends on the place of celebration and on who you are going to invite. Age, gender, the presence of the second half - in this case this plays an important role.

Classic (traditional) party with entertainment

If you prefer given type parties, carefully consider the script (evening program) and prepare interesting entertainment so that the New Year does not turn into a boring feast with watching TV. Choose fun and original contests, games and sketches and offer them to your friends. Surely they will gladly take part in them. Take care of small souvenirs for contests and prizes for the funniest players - this will serve as an additional incentive for your guests to be active.

A little imagination, and you will get an excellent and unforgettable holiday meet the New Year! :)

Advice: if something does not go according to your scenario, do not get upset, worry and insist on your own. It happens that some kind of game in one company goes with a bang, while in another it does not arouse enthusiasm. Here you just need to quickly switch to something else interesting. Sometimes guests just want to talk or dance, without games and competitions. The main thing is fun, positive and good mood everyone present! In this case, you can safely say that your party was a success!

Entertainment program for the New Year 2019

What can be included in it? We offer big choice interesting New Year's entertainment that you will find on the links on our website:

Theme party

If you are not satisfied with a classic (traditional) party, even with a good entertainment program, and you want something original, then a theme party is for you! We offer you the following options.

You can ask everyone to dress in one color scheme, for example, throw a party in white. You can arrange a carnival in beautiful costumes and masks. And you can go even further and choose a specific theme: pirate, cowboy, gangster, retro or any other, within your imagination. Consult with friends, offer them your ideas - there should be no problems with the choice.
Whatever theme you choose, try to make sure that Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden are at the party. They don't have to be wearing traditional outfits, you can dress them up as you like - the main thing is that the symbols of the New Year are at your party.

If you have not yet decided which theme to choose for the New Year's holiday, we suggest that you read the articles and. You might like the ideas for doing them.


You can invite guests to a Japanese party in person, by phone, or with the help of social networks- it all depends on your relationship with those you invite. However, whichever way you choose to invite, remember:

  • Guests must be invited in person no need to transfer invitations through third parties.
  • Guests must be invited in advance.. If you invite a person at the last moment, there is a high probability of being refused: he probably has plans that he cannot change for you. In addition, having received an invitation the day before the holiday, he may think that they simply forgot about him (or someone refused, and he is invited "to replace").
  • Invite guests around the same time, otherwise potential guests who received the invitation last may be offended.

If you are hosting a masquerade or theme party, consider bright and unusually designed invitations, in which be sure to discuss the theme of the holiday, the time of its holding, as well as the dress code and appropriate accessories. The text of the invitation can be different in style: traditional, official, original or written in comic form- the choice is yours.

Festive table

Decide what you will have: a regular feast or a buffet. Perhaps a barbecue in the yard is supposed. Not only the menu of your holiday depends on this, but also the organization of space. If you are going to invite many guests and have a fun party at home active party Of course, a buffet is more suitable. By refusing to sit at the table, you will free up a lot of space, ladies will have the opportunity to demonstrate beautiful outfits, guests will become more mobile and will be able to communicate more actively. For a buffet table, organize a table with snacks somewhere in the corner of the room, and put clean plates and cutlery nearby. Don't be afraid to use disposable tableware(so you don't have to do unnecessary cleaning on the first of January). Just do not save money - buy not simple white cups and plates, but beautiful festive ones.


As a rule, when organizing such parties, the table is prepared in a clubbing, that is, each guest brings food with him. Distribute in advance among the guests who will bring what, so that it does not turn out that the entire table will be filled with salad bowls with Olivier. Take charge of preparing a hot meal.

Advice: distribute the main salads and dishes among those guests who will come for sure, and for those invited who can refuse at the last moment, offer to bring cold cuts, sweets, drinks, fruits and other products, without which the main table will not suffer :)

If you decide to have a themed party, don't put all your energy into preparing complex or unusual dishes. Choose 2-3 dishes that are most suitable for the chosen theme (for example, several types of rolls and rice dishes with seafood will be quite enough for a Japanese party), and the main menu may well consist of traditional snacks.

Room preparation

Try to free up as much space as possible in the rooms where the party will take place. provide free place in the hallway for outerwear and guest shoes. Also free up as much space as possible in the kitchen: first for cooking, and then for dirty dishes. If possible, remove all breakable things (vases, figurines, etc.) that guests may accidentally touch. If guests plan to stay with you until the morning, you need to prepare places for overnight stays.

Cleaning of the apartment

best arrange general cleaning apartments in advance, a week or two before the party, and on the eve of the holiday, simply remove unnecessary things from prominent places, wipe the dust and wash the floors. The main thing is to save as much as possible more strength for the party itself.

Room decoration

Much depends on the decoration of the room. A beautifully decorated room sets a certain mood and adjusts to the festive range. Perfect for traditional new Year decoration: tree, flashing garlands, fir branches, bells. Do not forget about snowflakes, which can be very beautiful to decorate the house. On the Internet, you can find many interesting ideas.

Don't forget to decorate the apartment with candles. They will add sophistication and magic to the atmosphere of the house. You can also use aroma oils so that the house is filled with the New Year's smell of pine needles and a festive atmosphere is created.

If you are planning a themed party, think about the appropriate setting. Decorate the apartment in accordance with the chosen theme.

Musical background

Prepare in advance music program, after all, after a dense feast, the guests will probably want to move and dance, and just the background music will not hurt. Focus not only on your taste, but also on the taste of your guests. You can make a playlist of various tracks with your friends and run them non-stop.

If the party is themed, be sure to select the appropriate musical compositions to create the right atmosphere.

Behavior rules

Be sure to think over the rules of behavior in your apartment and notify your guests about them in advance. This primarily concerns smoking: is it possible to smoke in the apartment or only in the kitchen, or in general, you can only smoke on the balcony or on the street. Also, such issues as the possibility of overnight stay in your house, the use of your computer (laptop) can be discussed. Discuss whether you will watch New Year's TV programs or forget about TV that night, otherwise some of the guests will “stick” to the screen and be lost to society.

Ask guests to bring a change of shoes with them. Slippers may not be enough for everyone, and in general, hygiene rules recommend not to wear someone else's shoes.

Of course, to be an organizer and hostess new year party quite difficult, but how nice it is to receive compliments at the end of the party. Remember that you are trying not only for guests, but also for yourself! You, too, will communicate, have fun and enjoy everything that happens. Good luck and good mood!

Aphorisms on the topic:

The guest must behave in such a way that the host feels at home.

Never confuse endurance with hospitality.

Even if my guests can't see the clock, they must read the departure time from my face.

If guests are treated like family members, they don't stay long :).

Throwing a party at home is dangerous: if it turns out to be boring, you are the only one who cannot leave.

Never throw a party where you're the most interesting person.

For a party, the main thing is not what is on the table, but what is on the chairs.

There is nothing more offensive than when you are not invited to a party that you would never go to.

It's always nice not to go where you're expected.

A party is only as boring as its guests are.

For such a holiday, it is important and necessary to acquire good scenario, with which you will not only cheer up, but also not let your friends get bored. The script is designed for small company adults, 10-12 people. If there are still children, you can add a few. A lot also depends on the size of the room in which the event will take place. If space permits, you can equip a small photo zone, which will definitely please your guests. You can also organize a costume party, but it all depends on the desire and imagination.

Characters: Leading (in the costume of the Snow Maiden).
As a leader for home holiday should act as the owner or mistress of the house.

Props: small gifts for participation in competitions, 2 sets of cards, bags, cards, a foil ball with riddles,

The guests are seated, the Snow Maiden appears.

Snow Maiden :
Good evening to you friends,
I'm glad to see you all
Let's celebrate the holiday
Celebrate the New Year now!
I've been a little late
It took a very long time to
Grandfather did not wait for me
And so one!
Well, don't worry, I'm here
I brought joy to everyone
Pour it quickly
Let's drink for the joy of days!
Let's drink for the departed
Over the past year,
He was good in his own way
But, we are moving forward!
Let's drink with you for moments
We will drink with you for everything
Takes away problems
Let everythnig will be alright!

(Everyone drinks for the outgoing year)

Snow Maiden :
Friends, I offer you one magical, and most importantly interesting game. All you have to do is draw a card...

Game "Magic Cards".
You will need to pre-prepare cards with questions and answers, put them in two different bags. The host asks the first question, naming the person to whom he addresses it. He, in turn, pulls the answer, reads, and then chooses a question, calls the next guest, and so on in order. It turns out quite funny and interesting. Shuffle all cards before playing.
Props: 2 sets of cards, bags.

Question Options.
Would you like...
1. ... to visit Paris for the New Year holidays?
2. ... get stuck in an elevator with Johnny Depp?
3. ... play the role of Santa Claus?
4. ... put on ball gown and walk around the city?
5. ... whole year do nothing, and then start working for a day?
6. ... to work as an Olivier cutter?
7. ... in the New Year one day to work as president?
8. ...spend the night with Shakira?
9. ... swap bodies with me for a day?
10. ... feel like Cinderella, constantly clean, wash, fulfill other people's whims?
11. ... in the New Year, start everything with clean slate and start working as a janitor?
12. ... in the New Year to go to Guadeloupe and find a mulatto there?
13. ... in the New Year to make a green mohawk?
14. ... in the New Year to go to work in pajamas?

Answer options:
1. Absolutely not, how could such a thing come to mind!
2. Fu, what a horror, as I imagine, it makes me shudder!
3. It's a dream!
4. Why not?
5. Yes, I will sell my soul for this!
6. And who will refuse?
7. No, I don’t even want to think about it!
8. If you will be with me, then yes!
9. Of course, the dream of a lifetime!
10. A good opportunity to learn new things.
11. I want, I strive, I will achieve!
12. Definitely yes!
13. Maybe yes, maybe not, it all depends on the mood.
14. This is a brilliant proposal!

Snow Maiden :
I suggest you drink friends for the New Year to fulfill your desires and give you new opportunities!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
It's time to say congratulations
Get ready friends
Remember poems and toasts,
It's time to remember!
Well, if everyone forgot,
Don't worry, don't worry
There is for this in stock,
I have a game for you!

Game "I compose on the go".
Everything is simple - the host calls the rhyme, and the guests continue it clockwise, and you get a cool New Year's greeting.

Variants of the first rhyme:
1. The New Year is rushing towards us, rushing;
2. Congratulations friends;
3. Here is a miracle on the threshold;
4. Happy New Year,
5. Here comes the New Year.

Snow Maiden :
And now I propose to drink for what has been said!

(Everyone raises their glasses)

Snow Maiden :
You are bored with something, and I propose to fix it urgently!

Competition "I can, I'll show".
For this competition, you need to prepare cards. Two participants are selected from the guests. The task is to depict what is written on the card without words. Whoever gets the most correct answers will win a prize. Each participant is given three cards, which they choose in turn. The time for each show is 30 seconds.
Props: cards.

Card examples:
1. Depict the performance of Leps;
2. A girl in a tight skirt and high heels;
3. Pregnant in the 9th month;
4. Drunk electrician;
5. Depict Baskov's performance;
6. Show snowman;
7. Draw a Snow Maiden;
8. Draw Santa Claus.
(Card options may be different, it all depends on the imagination.)

Snow Maiden :
Attention, listen friends,
It's time to pour champagne into glasses,
In five minutes a miracle will happen
We will celebrate the New Year!
Soon the chimes will strike
Soon happiness will come to the house
Make a wish,
New Year is already coming!

(The chimes strike, everyone exchanges congratulations, gifts and drinks for the New Year)

Snow Maiden :
Hurrah, comrades, hurrah!
Happy New Year to you friends
Congratulations on the new miracle
I wish you all the best!
Let there be prosperity in the house,
And comfort always reigns
Let it shine over you
Bright, magical star!

Snow Maiden :
I propose to start this year with wishes. How do you look at it?

Game "Wish".
From all the guests, two participants are selected. Each of them must name wishes for the letter that the host calls. If the word is repeated, the participant is eliminated. The one with the most words wins. At the end, a symbolic prize is awarded.

(Everyone raises their glasses to say)

Snow Maiden :
What is the New Year without magic? So I thought about it and prepared!

Game "Magic Ball".
Some preparation will be required. First you need to take a small prize and wrap it with foil, making the shape of a ball. A piece of paper with is glued to this ball. Next, a layer of foil is applied again, a piece of paper is glued. Ideally, apply 7-8 layers, which means you need to prepare the same number of puzzles. The last layer is a layer of foil. The ball is passed clockwise to the guests. The first guest removes the layer and reads the riddle, if he does not guess within 5 seconds, the guests begin to guess. The one who gives the correct answer gets the ball and removes the next layer. The guest who manages to get to the last layer will receive a prize. Riddles are better to stir from simple to complex.
Props: a ball of foil with riddles.

Snow Maiden :
Everyone knows what year has come, but which of you will be able to depict it?

Competition "Symbol of the Year".
Two participants are selected. Each in turn should depict the coming year. The difficulty is that the gestures denoting the animal must be different, it is impossible to repeat after the opponent. Whoever can show more will win a prize.

(After the competition, everyone raises their glasses for the symbol of the year)

Snow Maiden :
May this year be sweet
All the bad will recede in an instant,
We will fix the wish
Completing my mission!

Competition "Removal".
Two couples are selected (preferably family). Each couple is given a piece of candy. The task is to unwrap and eat the candy without the help of hands. Execution time 30 seconds. The winners will receive a prize.

Snow Maiden :
Congratulations were loud
And vodka flowed like a river,
We had fun, we laughed
How could they have fun!
But it's time, friends, I'm on my way,
We will say goodbye to you
We will often be with you
Let's gather together!

(Everyone raises a glass to all the good things and the evening ends)

If there is enough space, you can add a few dance breaks to the script and a couple more.

Nothing better than to spend new year holidays next to your family. But not just lie down on the sofa and watch TV, but celebrate this holiday noisily and cheerfully. Especially if you have small children. Therefore, you need to think in advance about how fun it is to meet New Year at home with family.

Prepare a festive atmosphere among the household

The holiday will be fun and relaxed only if all family members have good mood. And for this to be so, you need to set the right tone for him in advance. And collective preparation for the upcoming event will help in this. Involve everyone and give them assignments to the best of their ability:

  1. Together with the children, write a letter to Santa Claus, but do not do it for the child, let him create on his own, but under your clear guidance. Those who do not yet know how to write can express their wishes in the form of pictures.
  2. Buying gifts for relatives should also be done jointly, and what can be better hike By shopping malls in this period?
  3. For grandparents, make New Year's crafts - a garland, a Christmas tree toy or an angel.
  4. Home decoration should be festive and cheerful - a lot of garlands, big tree, a lot of themed toys, painting on the windows.
  5. Entrust the children to prepare some dish for the New Year's table.

Table setting is festive and solemn.

Perhaps you will introduce some kind of tradition that will be a joy from year to year, it may be a trip somewhere, or maybe you will collectively cook a New Year's cake according to the same recipe. By the way, the cake is also important in this festival, especially for children. Therefore, if you do not bake it together, take care to buy it in advance or bake it yourself. Next year - fiery rooster, so you can make a cake in the shape of this bird or decorate it with cockerel figurines. And be sure christmas decor- snowball, snowmen, etc.

Games and contests to celebrate the new year

If adults can hold festive table the whole holiday (and even then not always), then this is absolutely not suitable for children. After all, their active nature expects something more noisy and festive. Here's something to think about entertainment program evenings.

You can make the holiday themed - pirate, carnival or masquerade. Make sure you have enough on hand. New Year's tinsel- serpentine, sparklers, firecrackers and small gifts for awarding winners in competitions. By the way, about competitions and entertainment: If you have the financial ability and a free room, you can buy artificial snow and arrange a snow battle there or a collective snowman sculpting.

Collect the snowflake game

It will be no less interesting to play “Collect a Snowflake” - fix the snowflakes cut in advance on a thread under the ceiling at different heights and compete for a while in who cuts or breaks the snowflakes more.

Christmas tree decorating contest

"Decorate the tree." Here you need to prepare a couple of Christmas tree models and appliqués of toys on it, which are attached with double-sided tape. Blindfold the participants and for a while let them hang the toys as beautifully and quickly as possible. And you can not make toys in advance, but draw them for speed, developing on different teams. Or play for more painted Christmas balls.

fairytale game

"Continue the story." The host will begin to tell a fairy tale, and the participants must come up with a continuation of the story, but not like this in the book, but completely different. For example, so that in the "little red riding hood" the hat, and not the wolf, becomes a bad hero.

New Year's guessing game

"Guess what?". IN big box put some object, close it. Participants need to guess what is hidden there, with leading questions about the subject.

new year goal

"My goal". After the chimes have sounded, the whole family needs to draw two of their goals that everyone is going to achieve. On next holiday it will need to be obtained and checked if the participants have achieved their goals.

Competition with balls

"Race on the balls." Here to help you, big dense balls, a couple of obstacles in the form of chairs or stools, fun music and a big clock with a timer.


"Guess who?" Here you need to show facial expressions or gestures distinctive features behavior of someone from the family, or loved one cartoon character or other characters.


And, of course, fireworks. This will be the culmination of the holiday, after which the children will go to bed satisfied and happy. Do not save on this entertainment, because often cheap fireworks can turn out to be fake, and this is already dangerous. Do not forget about safety measures when launching fireworks.

Handing out New Year's gifts

Of course, you have already bought a gift "from Santa Claus", but this is only half the battle, because you need to give it beautifully. For kids, this will not be too difficult. You will need to discreetly put them under a fluffy Christmas tree or dress up dad in that same grandfather and present gifts to the child. But the older the kids, the faster they understand what's what. This is where professional help comes in handy. Order them to come to your house. Children especially like it when they are not only given a gift, but also laugh and have fun. It will cost you a little more than the usual arrival of Santa Claus, but don't your children's happy eyes deserve it!

Game - search for a gift

It will be very interesting to go in search of gifts, especially if you live in your home. Hide gifts in advance, and go looking for them with a flashlight. This trip itself will be joyful for the baby, and when at the end a treasured gift awaits him, even more so. And if you have several older children, draw a map for them and let them search for them using the clues that you leave in right places. Usually such searches are noisy and fun, giving joy to both kids and adults. But do not overdo it and think about the safety of such a trip so as not to end the holiday in the hospital.

New Year's contests

Game - Mandarin

After a new year spent in this way, your children will go to bed happy and contented. And you will be immensely happy for them, and for the fact that you managed to please your loved ones and relatives. With such a plan, you will no longer need to think about how to have fun in the new year at home with your family, but simply bring it to life.

What could be better than celebrating the New Year in family circle, together with loved ones and loved ones? How interesting it is to organize a family New Year's holiday, if the circle of the company gathers couples along with the kids? What games and contests for the New Year is better to choose? If you are puzzling over these questions - do not worry, we will show you a way out of how to have fun celebrating the family New Year and offer New Year's scenario for adults and children.



Let's think about how and which are better family New Year's contests And family games organize for the New Year. First, you need to take into account the number of participants in the holiday and their age, of course. Secondly, think over the menu of the festive New Year's table suitable for everyone. It’s good if the table setting is appropriate, for example, small children don’t have to watch how adults drink alcohol, so bottles and glasses for alcohol can be “disguised” with the same tinsel. The main thing is not to forget to do the same for children, making juices and compotes even more attractive for them than for adults. You will not have any problems with this at all if you decide to organize a family New Year's holiday in the form of theme party. For example, a New Year's scenario for adults and children based on the fairy tale "Alice in Wonderland" (everyone will drink from a tea set, and you yourself will figure out what to pour into the "teapot for adults") or "Treasure Island" (all pirates drink "rum"), etc.

The most important thing for the holiday is family games and competitions for the New Year. For a theme party, it’s easy to come up with them - based on the plot chosen for the script. And if your friendly company does not really like dressing up and reincarnation, then the New Year's scenario for adults and children can be arbitrary, the main thing is that everyone should have fun. It is better to start such entertainment, celebrating the New Year in the family circle, from about 21.00 in the evening in order to meet the New Year in an enthusiastic mood. By midnight, the kids will be tired enough to go to bed right after the chimes and let the grown-ups "have a blast"! And so, the New Year's scenario for adults and children.


To begin with, you can give everyone a piece of paper and a pen so that they describe the most significant event of the outgoing year and their cherished dream for the coming New Year. Little kids can draw this. All leaves are put into a box, which is beautifully decorated with pictures, snowflakes, tinsel, etc. by joint efforts. The box is sealed with tape and set aside until the next New Year to open it in the family circle, read it and fill it with new contents. Children will really like this activity, and it will be interesting for parents to look into it later, remember the family New Year and save children's scribbles for a long memory.

Imagine that there are a lot of guests and you need to organize a family New Year's holiday with games and competitions for everyone. If you are going to, for example, about twenty people, then in advance for the participants of the evening you need to prepare:

  • 1. 10 sticks,
  • 2. 10 brooms (mini-applications, similar to the emblem of the "broom"),
  • 3. 20 homemade envelopes;
  • 4. about a hundred snow balls, rolling them out of cotton wool yourself;
  • 5. tree-appliqués that play the role of a medal for each victory in the competition;
  • 6. air balloons, newspapers, confetti, ice cream, prizes for competitions, etc.

We put sticks and whisks into the prepared envelopes, and put the envelopes themselves into a hat. When the time comes to hold family New Year contests and family games for the New Year, we distribute envelopes to guests. Those who got the wand become members of the "Yolki-sticks" team, others - members of the "Yolki-broom" team (you can dream up names and attributes). Applications indicating belonging to a particular team can be attached to clothes with a pin.

Family competitions for the New Year: "Competition for the best New Year's costume."

Buy in advance in bulk toilet paper, masks, glasses, noses, jewelry, pick up old dresses, scarves, skirts, etc. Next, the teams draw lots for who to prepare which costume. For example, you can guess the costumes of the Snow Maiden, clown, Indian, pirate. Whoever did it better and funnier gets a prize Christmas tree.

Family competitions for the New Year: "Frost breath".

This competition will be more interesting for children. Laid out in a row on the table paper snowflakes. Participants must blow on them so that they fall from the table to the floor. When all the snowflakes fall, we surprise the contestants by saying that the contestant whose snowflake was the last to fall has won. That is, he has the most “frosty breath”, he froze a snowflake to the table.

Song family New Year's competitions: "Song from a hat."

Put small notes in the hat, on which only one word is written, for example: Santa Claus, icicle, frost, Christmas tree, etc. Each member of the teams takes turns taking notes out of the hat and performs a song or a fragment of a song in which the word written in the note occurs in the text - definitely winter or New Year's! Which team will give up first and will not be able to remember the right song - lost.

Family games for the New Year: "Snowball fight".

Hand out snowballs made from cotton wool to the teams. At the command of the leader, as soon as the cheerful music turns on, everyone starts throwing snowballs at each other. When the host turns off the music, the task of the participants is to collect as many snowballs as possible, both their own and their rivals. The team that collects the most snowballs wins a Christmas tree. Don't rush to turn off the music, let adults and children play a little - throwing snowballs is always fun, even if they are not real.

Competition for adults and children: "New Year's competitions - riddles."

The host makes riddles for the teams in turn or simply asks questions on topics related to the New Year. The team with the most correct answers is declared the winner. Riddles and questions can be anything, but preferably fun, and that they are suitable for adults and children, so that it would be interesting for both adults and children to guess them, that is, alternate their complexity and “adulthood”.
: 4 months pregnant, 5 months pregnant, 6 months pregnant

Examples of puzzles for the family New Year:

- white, soft thread sewn. First he walks, then he lies. And then it will flow, and disappear without a trace. What is this?
(ANSWER: snow)

- If in the New Year you shout for a very long time and very loudly with the whole honest company, then it will certainly come.
(ANSWER: police)

- We go to bed in the evening, and do not open our eyes until the morning, all in order to see these fabulous miracles.
(ANSWER: sleep)

- What is the name of Marina Petrovna's father?
(ANSWER: Petya)

- He has a frost inside, He can store a lot, He is spacious for pots and cans, But not for raincoats and suits.
(ANSWER: refrigerator)

What happens if you turn right three times?
(ANSWER: turn left)

- Geese fly across the sky: 2 behind and 1 in front, 2 in front and one behind, and one between two, and three in one row. How many geese are flying across the sky?
(ANSWER: 3 geese, one after the other)

What is male pattern baldness?
(ANSWER: Replacing combing with washing)

Can an ostrich call itself a bird?
(ANSWER: no, he can't speak).

Family games for the New Year: Competition "Chain".

All team members play, each becoming in their own chain, alternating "boy" - "girl". Each of the participants takes a match in their teeth. The first is put on a match ring. The meaning of the game is to pass the ring along the chain - one after another, from match to match, without helping with your hands! And so, until the last participant. Which team did it faster, that one won.

Merry family New Year's contests: "They put Grandfather."

Prepare two texts about the New Year and the adventures of Santa Claus in advance - at your discretion. In these texts, all adjectives should be omitted. Print them so that in place of adjectives remain empty seats. Do not show them to the participants and do not reveal the essence of the game. Let the players take turns calling any adjectives, the leader will enter them in the empty spaces in the text. Then the facilitator will read what happened. As a rule, it turns out to be a lot of fun, and whoever comes out with a funnier story is the winner.

Family New Year's entertainment: "Literary competition".

The essence of the game is to rhyme the most ridiculous continuation of the line on the theme of the New 2014 Year of the Horse. The teams are given the same sentences, written in advance on the sheets, and in 10 minutes they must come up with original endings for them. Sentences and endings can be different, for example, as follows:

  • 1. After New Year's Eve... - Vova doesn't want to get up in the morning.
  • 2. Here, they waited for the gifts ... - And they had a fight with my sister.
  • 3. Grandfather Frost has arrived ... - “Wait” will kiss someone.
  • 4. The chimes struck twelve ... - It's time for a hundred grams and ... to bed!
  • 5. We will decorate the Christmas tree together ... - Do we need to sleep somewhere in the morning?
  • 6. Here the year of the Horse has come ... - Let's ride, ... neigh ...

The answers are compared, and whoever has the most funniest and most original answers gets a prize Christmas tree.

Games for the New Year: "This was my ball !!!".

This competition is attended by one representative from the team. They are given one New Year's balloon, which is tied to the left leg of the participants. At the leader's command, they should try to crush the opponent's ball with their right foot. Recommended to play home shoes(Participants wearing stilettos or tarpaulin boots are not allowed to compete!). The winner is the one who "bursts" the opponent's ball faster with his foot. You can use everyone in turn, counting the victory points.

New Year's family games: "Who better to jump into the New Year."

We invite participants to jump into the New Year. To do this, teams are sorted into pairs, one from each, taking into account age and height. Participants stand in one line and jump. The winner is the one who jumps the farthest. It is not worth continuing the competition for a long time - the neighbors below may “not like” it.

Dance competitions for the New Year: "Competition for the best dancer."

The members of each fun team are divided into pairs. They have hard dances ahead of them. A newspaper is placed under the feet of each couple, and music is turned on. Participants need to dance in such a way that they do not step over the edge of the newspaper. Then the task becomes more complicated - the newspaper is folded in half and the couples need to dance already on these halves. Then we fold the newspaper again, and again ... until there is one pair left that can be held on a small piece of newspaper paper.

Further, the New Year's scenario for adults and children involves a dance disco, awarding the winners with symbolic prizes, and maybe a comic punishment for the losers - at your discretion. fun party New Year celebrations for adults and children continue! After the festive fatigue finally overtakes the kids, adults can continue!

And a little more about how unexpectedly funny the New Year's scenario of the holiday can be:

New Year is, first of all, a family holiday and it is traditionally celebrated in the circle of the closest relatives and friends. Those who do not plan to go to a corporate party this year and are not going to meet NG in a noisy and big company friends and acquaintances, probably want to spend the holidays with their families. What could be better than a cozy family celebration? Only a festivity with competitions for children and adults, as well as interesting scenario holiday.

Let's see what your action plan might be. new year's eve 2017-2018!

New Year's script for the family

  1. Prepare carnival masks / costumes in advance. Shortly before the New Year, invite all family members to draw lots, which will determine who he will be that evening.
  2. Together with the whole family we see off the old year.
  3. We welcome the New Year 2018.
  4. Competition for the most original wish"in character" - everyone comes up with wishes for family members on behalf of the character, pronounces a toast and congratulations.
  5. mental crossword
  6. Thinking it all up together comic horoscope for every member of the family.
  7. Competitions for the New Year 2018 for children and adults.

How can all these 7 points be organized?

Scenario for the New Year 2018: ideas with carnival masks and costumes

Naturally, each scenario of the holiday should carry a considerable charge of humor. So the idea of ​​masks and costumes, which are given to family members by lot, can bring to your family feast a lot of positive. for example, if men, by chance, get the costumes of the Snowflake or the Snow Maiden.

Don't forget that we have a new year yellow dog- among the masks and costumes you must have a dog!

2. Seeing off the old year

- toasts. Distribute cards with the first part of the toast, and you need to come up with the second part yourself (here are examples of toasts)

Let's drink to Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden: as long as I can remember, they don't get sick, they don't age, and there is always money for gifts! For us to be like that too!

The Jewish Santa Claus has arrived:
- Hello, kids ... Buy gifts

The New Year is a holiday of contrast: it’s frost, snow, dark outside, but at home it’s sunny, fun, warm, the Christmas tree is smart, the table is festive. We wish this contrast to be carried through the whole year, and no matter how the winds and snowstorms rage, no matter how uncomfortable it is around, it was always sunny and warm in the soul!

One man fell asleep on New Year's Eve and had a dream: next to him a beautiful woman. Woke up - no one. Let's drink to the fact that in the new year everything would come true good dreams!

New Year's quiz
(pre-prepared big poster, where the participants of competitions and quizzes will be entered (hare, snowflake, Baba Yaga, etc.) - for each correct answer or victory in the competition, a snowflake is drawn, at the end all snowflakes are summed up and the winner has the right to be the first to pick “jokes from the Christmas tree” from the tree, the second in the amount of snowflakes - the second, etc.)

1. In the New Year, it is customary to give not only gifts, but also postcards. But few people know that for the first time New Year card appeared in London. But in what year - you need to guess. A small clue is between 1800 and 1850. (Participants of the holiday name their answers. The one who named the correct answer - 1843 - gets the right to take part in the competitive program of the holiday).
2. As elsewhere, the New Year in Germany is celebrated in December, but here it is celebrated not for one day, like ours, but for much longer. Who can tell me what date the New Year holidays begin in this country? (And again, the participants say the words of the answers. The one who called the exact date- December 6 - next participant competitive program, which will be later).
3. No one will argue that christmas clock beat 12 times, thereby proclaiming the onset of the New Year. But there is one country where there are many more blows - this is Japan. And how many times the Japanese clocks hit - you have to guess. Hint - from 100 to 150. What are your answers? (The one who correctly named the number - 108 strokes - becomes the third player).
4. And tell me, please, in what year did Peter I issue a decree to celebrate the New Year on winter days? (And again, the one who gave the correct answer - 1700 - will come to you on the playground).

Song Contest
In a hat, notes are passed in a circle in which words are written in new year theme(winter, snow, Christmas tree, Christmas tree, needles, dog, Santa Claus, puppy, Snow Maiden), etc. The one who pulls out the note must sing a piece of the song in which the given word occurs.

3. Meeting the New Year 2018

- unwrapping gifts placed under the Christmas tree in advance

celebrating the year of the yellow dog

a. Remember dog terms (faithful dog, wag your tail)
b. Remember songs about dogs (A dog can bite).
c. Poems about dogs ().
d. Proverbs (sbaka is a man's friend).
e. In which movie / bookbacco is the acting character? (Mukhtar, Mu-mu).
(I understand that it’s not quite the same date, but anyway - let it be)

4. Arrange a competition for the most original "wish in the image", i.e. on behalf of your character, say an unusual congratulation / toast

5. Mental crossword

  • Name and surname of the man old age. He is a ladies man dressed in Winter 2018 fashion (8 letters). Answer: Santa Claus.
  • A dairy product that maintains the temperature in winter but is consumed in summer (9 letters). Answer: ice cream.
  • Fairy tale. It takes place in winter. The main characters are two girls. One of them is helped by the hero whose name the fairy tale is named. He gives her gifts and marries her (7 letters). Answer: Frost.
  • A tree whose absence of leaves speaks of its special purpose (4 letters). Answer: tree.
  • Fashion model with a blond braid, always participating in winter holidays. Appears always accompanied by an elderly sponsor (10 letters). Answer: Snow Maiden.
  • Location long-awaited joy for people who survived the winter. It has always been a symbol under a tree without leaves (5 letters). Answer: bag.
  • Fluid that is ingested great joy(10 letters). Answer: champagne.
  • An object artistic creativity Santa Claus (4 letters)? (Window)
  • Father Frost's snitch (5 letters). (Staff)

6. Horoscope

Come up with a comic horoscope for each family member.
We read a comic characterization of the sign and a comic forecast.

7. Competitions for the new year 2018 for children and adults for a family holiday

Well, competitions. They were selected taking into account our small and uneven-aged company.

Wind up soon
For this game, you need to prepare two spools and threads 3-5 m long. A mark is made in the middle of the thread - with paint or a knot. The players stand opposite each other, holding each spool in their hands so that the thread is taut. On command, they begin to quickly wind the thread on the spool, all the time approaching each other. The first person to reach the middle of the thread wins.

WITH eyes closed
Putting on thick mittens, you need to determine by touch what kind of object they gave you.

Frosty breath.
A snowflake cut out of paper is placed on the table in front of two participants. big size. The task is to blow off your snowflake so that it falls from the opposite edge of the table. It is held until everyone has blown away their snowflakes. After the last snowflake falls, announce: “The winner was not the one who first blew off his snowflake, but the one who was the last, because. he has such frosty breath that his snowflake "froze" to the table.

Competition "Take a Prize!"
A package with a prize is placed on the chair. Around the chair are the contestants. The host reads the poem "One, two, three!". Those who do not try to grab the prize in a timely manner are eliminated from the competition.
I will tell you a story
In half a dozen phrases.
I'll just say the word "three"
Get your prize now!
Once we caught a pike
Gutted, but inside
Small fish counted
And not one, but TWO.
Dreaming boy hardened
Become an Olympic champion
Look, do not be cunning at the start,
And wait for the command one, two, SEVEN.
When you want to remember poetry
They do not bison until late at night,
And repeat them to yourself
One, another, and better FIVE!
Newly train at the station
I had to wait THREE hours.
But why didn’t you take the prize, friends,
When was the opportunity to take?

Competition "Theatrical"

Wishing contestants are given cards with a task that they perform without preparation. You need to walk in front of the tables like:
1. woman with heavy bags;
2. girl in a tight skirt high heels;
3. sentry guarding the food warehouse;
4. an infant who has just learned to walk;
5. Alla Pugacheva during the performance of the song.

"Funny nonsense"
The host has two sets of strips of paper. Questions in the left hand, answers in the right. The host goes around the tables, the players alternately “blindly” pull out the question to the neighbor at the table and read aloud, the neighbor also pulls out the answer blindly and reads. It turns out to be a funny joke.
Sample questions:
Tell me, is your heart free?
Do you love making gifts?
Are you making mistakes in your life?
Tell me, are you jealous?
Do you love your husband (wife)?
Do you often travel to public transport without a ticket?
Do you often fall out of bed?
Do you like to read other people's letters?
Are you able alcohol intoxication?
Do you like to cook delicious lunches?
Would you like to get drunk today?
Do you like to dream in the moonlight?
Do you love gifts?
Do you get dizzy when you drink?
Are you often lazy?
Have you tried to seduce someone else's man (woman)?
Do you like swimming naked?
Do you like pickles on Mondays?
Do you play sports?
How do you feel about striptease?
Do you sometimes sleep at your workplace?
Do you snore in your sleep?
Are you afraid of the policeman?
Do you like visiting?
Are you putting on weight?
Do you hide your age?

Sample answers:
I can't imagine my life without it.
I don't answer political questions.
Only on pay day.
You can try it away from home.
I don't know myself, but others say yes.
This is my hobby.
Just not here.
Why not? With great pleasure!
Without witnesses, this case, of course, will go.
This opportunity should not be missed.
You can already try this.
I can for hours, especially in the dark.
Damn it! As you guessed.
Only on holidays.
Only for decent pay.
But something must be done!
This has been my passion since childhood.
This best minutes in my life.
This the main objective of my life.
I just can't stand it.
I will never turn down such an opportunity.
This often happens to me at a party.
In principle, yes, although it will be very difficult.
Only in desperation.
Well, this is, excuse me, a luxury!

"The most sensual"
Sweets (nuts) are placed on the chairs, they are covered with a newspaper on top. The player must sit on top and sensitive spot count how many nuts are under it (he does not see them in advance).

Christmas tree jokes
All participants take off "their" papers from the Christmas tree. Jokes can be taken as a prediction or as a joke.
1. Dear parents! Do you want grandchildren?
2. “Closer to the mother-in-law - the stomach is fuller, further from the mother-in-law - love for her is stronger ...”
3. There can only be 2 opinions in a family: one is for the wife, the other is wrong!
4. Best gift useful gifts. Wife to her husband - handkerchiefs, and he to her - mink coat.
5. A compliment doubles a woman's performance.
6. Take over a simple task
Family budget spend sparingly.
7. There are no secrets from me in cooking, I will cook both dinner and lunch!
8. Between worries, between deeds.
I will try my best to lie on the couch.
9. We all, sometimes, go somewhere,
We go, we swim, we fly like birds,
Where there is an unfamiliar shore ...
The road to the border awaits you.
10. And you will dedicate this month to art -
Go to the theatre, ballet and opera!
11. To be a beauty for you tomorrow morning, an asterisk, a berry, a kitty, a fish, but if you give beer, you will become a wife again.

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