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How to celebrate the New Year at home with your family. How to celebrate the New Year with your family

A real miracle happened in your life - a baby was born? This is incredible happiness. Or maybe the baby is already 3 years old, and there is an opportunity to sleep at night and enjoy the first achievements of the baby? It's so exciting to look at ridiculous drawings and help a child to explore the world.

Are you already 5 or 7 years old? And yet another year flew by unnoticed? The New Year is knocking on the window. How to celebrate it so that both parents have fun and the baby remembers the holiday. Here are some interesting ideas for you, with a small child.

For loving and fulfilled parents, small and big secrets of the original New Year's holiday with children of different ages from newborns to 6 years old will come in handy.

You are madly in love with your little miracle, which has become the center of the Universe, around which all events, emotions, and all life revolve.

But with the approach of the New Year holidays, longing, a feeling of deprivation, appears in the soul. After all, the best friend was going to spend the holidays at a ski resort.

And the wife's friend gathers a huge company to organize a noisy gangster-style party on New Year's Eve. And a carnival show will be held on the neighboring square. And you don't have that kind of fun.

Has the holiday been hopelessly ruined? And will you have to give up interesting options for celebrating the New Year?

No. You just don't know yet where to celebrate the New Year with small children and how cool it is to organize an unforgettable holiday.

But before you start sketching out a script and choosing options where you can celebrate the New Year with a child, get acquainted with the features of holding children's parties, especially on New Year's Eve. First of all, find out the prohibitions related to the safety and health of the baby, which cannot be ignored.

Immediately discard the ideas of parties in a noisy company with loud music.

A large crowd of people, loud sounds will inevitably have a negative impact on the mental state of the child. And the sharp sounds of exploding firecrackers, fireworks can even scare.

Never leave your baby unattended, even when he is sleeping, especially in unfamiliar places. Do not trust the baby to unfamiliar and unreliable people.

Think carefully about how to dress up your child for the New Year. A snowflake or musketeer costume is wonderful. But if he embarrasses the child, crushes, causes discomfort or moral rejection, the holiday will be ruined.

If you plan to spend part of the holiday with the child on the street, consider options for clothing in which the baby can be changed, both for a walk and after it.

Your Snow Maiden in a light suit will look great on a holiday and a photo, but will not cause delight at all when she goes to bed with a high temperature the next day after the holiday.

An important moment in the preparation of the holiday is food. Even if you don’t prepare a children’s table separately, provide dishes in that will meet the requirements for baby food.

The same applies to the nutrition of nursing mothers. Do not forget that salty, fried, spicy dishes and with mayonnaise, alcohol are contraindicated for you.

Any holiday is a momentary pleasure. And the troubles, illnesses, frustrations provoked by a careless attitude to safety will remain for a long time. Therefore, do not ignore simple rules that will help you avoid problems.

Where to celebrate the New Year with newborn children?

Definitely, when the child is not yet 6 months old, he absolutely does not care how the holiday goes.

Whether the parents will have fun at night or go to bed without waiting for the chiming clock is absolutely not interesting to a tiny lump. For him, the most important thing now is sleep and feeding.

Therefore, in many ways, how to spend the New Year with newborn children depends on the desire of the mother.

After all, she will have to not only have fun, but devote time to the child in order to feed, rock her. If mom is ready for such a test, feels the strength to arrange a holiday, feel free to choose not too eventful celebration options.

If you have to do it through force, it is better to refuse the party. Remember, irritation, fatigue will inevitably affect both mood and lactation. And a "fun night" is guaranteed to you.

As for the celebration with children from 6 months to a year, interesting options can already be considered here.

The kid will definitely be interested in a multi-colored, flashing Christmas tree. Therefore, it is important to think about how to safely install and decorate the New Year's beauty.

The child will be happy to touch toys and prickly needles, if brought to the Christmas tree. It will not be superfluous to dance with the baby to cheerful music.

And be sure to take a photo session. It is necessary to capture the first New Year in the life of the crumbs.

By the way, you can spend a family holiday not at midnight, but adjusting to the child's regimen. If you are still planning a night program, let the assistants take care of the preparations. Were they not found? Get by with the minimum program. A quiet light family dinner in beautiful dresses and suits, candles, flashing garlands and lots of photos.

For those who are ready to organize a holiday for themselves, we offer some non-banal ideas on how and where to celebrate the New Year with children up to a year old.

Early New Year's Eve Dinner

Be that as it may, but a newborn child makes certain adjustments to the relationship of young parents. There is no time and energy left for romantic moments. And the New Year is a great opportunity to devote time to each other and arrange a romantic dinner.

Ask a family member, friend, or parent to be with the child. No, not on New Year's Eve, but in the evening or even during the day. And go to a restaurant or cafe yourself. Feel the atmosphere of the holiday and stay together. Choose an institution that offers not night, but evening or daytime programs.

The festive pre-New Year atmosphere will give strength and charge to a married couple. Even 2-3 hours spent together will be unforgettable and inspiring.

It is here that you can congratulate each other on the holiday, present prepared gifts.

No one to leave the baby with? Dont be upset. Choose a restaurant where it is not very crowded and noisy, where you can take a small child with you. Even a couple of hours during a lunchtime nap will be enough for the crumbs to enjoy an unusual family New Year.

Walk in the afternoon

Who said that New Year's Eve should be celebrated at night. There are no less interesting options where to spend the New Year with children under 1 year old in the afternoon.

Head to the nearest park and have a little outdoor picnic. Hot mulled wine for dad, herbal tea in a thermos and light fruit tartlets for mom - a great menu for such a holiday.

Visit your parents, close friends, congratulate them on the holiday.

Do not linger for a long time and distract relatives from preparing for the night holiday. It will be enough to give gifts, say words of congratulations.

Sit in a small cozy coffee shop. Hot chocolate and holiday pastries will cheer you up.

Walking on a holiday will appeal to everyone. Mom and dad can enjoy talking to each other while the baby sleeps sweetly in the fresh air.

You might even be able to ride the slides and play snowballs. Do not forget to take family photos among the furry snow-covered Christmas trees.

Home bachelorette party

Devote a night to chatting with your best friends. How, many young mothers will ask. Easy. Invite them to a pajama party. Let the festive night pass in a quiet, pleasant atmosphere.

You can indulge in memories or arrange an evening of fortune telling. This mystical night will be full of emotions and impressions.

No need to waste time preparing a magnificent feast. Ask guests to bring along. You can simply order sushi or pizza or take advantage of the gala dinner delivery service.

Do not select special ones.

The bachelorette party will turn out especially cozy if the girlfriends agree to spend it in pajamas.

But the logical question arises, where did the pope go. After all, the option of holding a bachelorette party for the New Year will appeal not only to single mothers. And the presence of a husband at such a party would be simply inappropriate. Girlfriends will complex, and the hostess of the house will not be able to talk on "forbidden" topics.

Therefore, you will have to decide in advance the issue with your beloved man. He might like the idea too. And the husband will want to spend a festive night with his parents or also arrange gatherings with his friends.

Keep in mind that this version of the celebration provides for complete trust between the spouses so that there are no ambiguous questions afterwards.

Where can I celebrate the New Year with children from 1 to 3 years old?

Children aged from one to three years require special attention, especially during the preparation and holding of the holiday.

Their curiosity and indefatigable energy is simply amazing. But at the same time, they still cannot evaluate their actions and distinguish between safe and harmful.

Therefore, when attracting the baby to decorate the Christmas tree and at home, make sure that the toys are not breakable.

Make sure that there is no access for the baby to the place of connection of garlands, illumination. It is not necessary to refuse the participation of the child in the preparation for the holiday. This is a great opportunity to make the most of your time. You can tell the child about the shape, color of objects. Yes, and serving toys is so exciting.

A child at this age will already be able to feel the mood of adults and even evaluate his costume. Watch your son or daughter enjoy posing in front of the camera or looking at their reflection in the mirror.

But children of 2 years old cannot yet catch the connection between the holiday and gifts. This does not mean that you do not need to give them New Year's presents. Let the child enjoy the new toy, and the understanding of the significance of the holiday will come later.

The task of parents is to begin to acquaint the baby with family traditions, which include the New Year.

Give up the idea of ​​​​inviting Santa Claus to visit or dress up dad in a fairy-tale grandfather. At this age, a child can easily be frightened of a stranger who has appeared in the house.

Moreover, this fear can remain for many years. It is better to start acquaintance with Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden in public places, at a matinee.

Children from 1 to 3 are happy to take part in age-appropriate holiday programs. Therefore, you can safely select options where to celebrate the New Year with children. Keep in mind that long trips will be tiring - it is better not to consider the idea of ​​going abroad, to the sea, to another city.

Family celebration

Arrange a holiday "only for your own." Gather brothers, sisters, parents in your house. Or go to visit someone from your relatives, where only the closest will gather. Let the child feel the warm atmosphere of home comfort. Here, mom can take a break from daily worries, change the situation. Yes, and the baby will be given increased attention.

Among grandmothers, aunts, grandfathers there are many who want to entertain the child, and if necessary, feed and put to sleep. The kid will instinctively feel that he has become the center of attention, and will be happy to make contact.

Do not resist such leisure, do not be afraid that relatives with their outdated views will spoil the baby or bring down the regime.

Everyone will enjoy this holiday. Warm atmosphere, favorite dishes on the table, heartfelt conversations and fun family contests.

By the way, you can take the preparation.

Home New Year with a small child - "paradise in a hut"

Still undecided where to celebrate the New Year with the children? Have a home party. But let it be permeated with a childish mood, so that it would be interesting not only for parents, but also for the baby.

We are building a real hut in the form of a tent right in the house from bedspreads, so that the whole family can freely fit in it. We throw pillows in it and have a real picnic.

You can watch home videos or interesting children's films about the New Year. Complete the evening by viewing photo albums. It's so interesting to tell your baby about your life and look at wedding photos, pictures of a child. Agree, such a holiday will be interesting for the baby, and for parents the rest is unusual and new.

Would you like to set a more festive table? Make cheese fondue, bake delicious. Replace champagne with freshly squeezed juice. And, of course, tangerines, nuts and sweets.

Hide gifts under the Christmas tree and at the appointed hour dive under the New Year's fluffy beauty with your child. It is so interesting to find and unfold numerous boxes. Play with your child immediately with new toys.

Party with kids

Usually, the circle of acquaintances of a young mother includes the same happy parents. Moreover, the age of the babies is approximately the same.

Nothing that your children are only 1 - 3 years old. This is not a reason to refuse an interesting holiday. Invite all your friends to your home with the children. It is better to arrange such a joint party during the day or not too late in the evening, when the children are cheerful.

Moms will be able to relax a bit, escape from constant control. Believe me, the kids will be happy to play and communicate.

Set up a separate table for the little robbers. Use colorful disposable tableware and decorations made of tinsel and paper. It is better to treat children with regular dishes, such as mashed potatoes, chicken steam cutlets and vegetable salad or pasta with sauce. The main thing is to give the treats an unusual look, to decorate them in a fun way. Don't focus on sweets.

Remember, not only sweets, but even a large amount of citrus or exotic fruits can cause children's diathesis.

But do not turn the original holiday into a banal gathering. Be sure to prepare an interesting scenario. Focus on children's games and joint competitions. Why not arrange a race on all fours or eating porridge for a while.

The result of the holiday may be a competition for the fastest falling asleep. And while tired kids will sleep, mothers will be able to talk heartily.

How to celebrate the New Year with children from 4 to 6 years old?

The age from 4 to 6 years is the age of "why". The child is interested in everything that surrounds him and what happens around him. Why is the tree green and snow white? Where does Ded Moroz and Snegurochka live? Any event attracts the attention of the baby and causes a sea of ​​emotions.

Therefore, do not deprive yourself or your child of the pleasure of joint preparation of the holiday. You can not only decorate a Christmas tree together, but also make snowflakes that are so interesting to stick on windows, or cut out garlands to hang around the house.

Help your child draw postcards or make applications to congratulate grandma, grandpa, dad, mom. You can start making various crafts for the New Year, which will become both a good decoration for a Christmas tree or a table, and a gift for relatives.

Children at this age are already familiar with Santa Claus, they know that this wizard grants wishes and gives gifts. Tell your daughter or son how to write a letter to Santa Claus. Of course, not everyone knows how to write, but every kid can draw a magic letter.

You can safely invite Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden to the house, dress up in the costumes of fairy-tale characters by yourself.

The child will be happy to brag about his successes, tell rhymes, sing songs.

You can choose places where to celebrate the New Year with children inexpensively outside the home. Children 4 - 6 years old calmly endure short journeys. Therefore, a family trip to a camp site, out of town, to festive events in the city is quite appropriate.

New Year with children in the country

The best place to spend the New Year with children inexpensively is a country cottage. It can be either your own country house or rented accommodation. A suburban camp site is also suitable. Holidays with the whole family are a great way to spend interesting time. A change of scenery, solitude away from the bustle of the city, outdoor games - all these are the components of a good cozy holiday.

You can decorate a Christmas tree right on the street, have a picnic in the frosty air, set off fireworks, go sledding, play snowballs, build a snowman. The child will be happy to take part in winter fun. And even at night he can have fun with his parents.

Just do not forget that in this case a long daytime sleep is required.

If you are not afraid to break the regime, it is better to put the child to bed on December 31 in the afternoon 2 to 3 hours later than usual. It's good to go for a walk before bed. A well-slept child will not be capricious on New Year's Eve and will have fun from the heart.

The next day can be devoted to walking in the forest, sledding, skiing. And be sure to arrange a photo shoot in the winter forest. Such a New Year with a child will be remembered for a long time.

Holiday in a restaurant, near the city Christmas tree

Do not be afraid to visit crowded places with a child of 4-6 years old. Beautiful restaurants are waiting for you where you can relax with children on New Year's Eve. Family and children's programs are prepared here.

Believe me, not all establishments focus exclusively on noisy banquets or youth parties. There are specialized cafes where families with children are waiting for the holidays. There are conditions and rooms where the baby can be changed, calmed if necessary.

You and your child will enjoy the work of animators, a carefully crafted children's menu.

Believe me, it won't be boring. In addition, at such events you can meet interesting people, make new friends and acquaintances.

And after a gala dinner, you can go to the main Christmas tree of the city. Let there be a large crowd of people here. Don't worry about the little one. The child will like both colorful fireworks and endless round dances. Such a holiday will become an unforgettable page in the family annals.

Holiday with friends

If you previously denied yourself the pleasure of spending a festive night with friends and chose more relaxed options, like celebrating the New Year with children, now you can safely organize a friendly party.

Your friends who have also recently become parents are probably also puzzled over where to spend the New Year. Take the organization of a fun holiday into your own hands. Feel free to invite close friends and children to visit for the whole night. Become not only an initiator, but also a screenwriter. Believe me, you will save a few more couples from a boring New Year who will be grateful to you for the idea.

We'll have to work out all the details, and perhaps even enlist the help of those invited.

You can set the table together or distribute the preparation, as well as between all members of the company. Take care of preparing the children's table yourself. Here you will have to carefully work out the menu, taking into account not only the tastes and preferences of children, but also the characteristics of individual nutrition, the presence of possible contraindications. Therefore, you will have to coordinate the children's menu with all mothers.

So that the children can take a direct part in the New Year's Eve and raise their glasses to the chimes, prepare delicious milkshakes. Provide an alternative option in the form of freshly squeezed juices, fruit drinks, compotes.

You should not treat kids to children's champagne, which is prepared according to the principle of sweet, not very healthy drinks, highly saturated with carbon dioxide.

Make an entertainment program with games and competitions. Provide a place where children can safely play. Prepare for this not only rugs, tables, but also cubes, a designer, coloring books, pencils, board games. While the kids are addicted to games, parents will have time to socialize and have fun.

Warn friends to take clothes for the children to change. You should not watch all night so that the baby does not stain the most beautiful outfit or rented suit. It can be safely removed immediately after the solemn meeting of the New Year and a photo shoot.

You will need pajamas, perhaps sleeping bags. The organizers of the holiday need to think in advance and prepare rooms where it will be possible to put tired children to bed.

Alternatively, you can invite animators to the holiday, who will entertain children for several hours. Or call a nanny, hire a professional educator at the agency who will look after the children while the parents are resting.

But this option requires additional costs and is not suitable for those who are looking for ideas on how to celebrate the New Year with children on a budget. Although these costs can be shared between all parents.

There are many great ideas where to celebrate the New Year with young children. The main thing is not to be afraid to fantasize, experiment and choose options that are safe for the baby. And the holiday will definitely become the most unforgettable and fun.

Video: beautiful New Year's greetings for children

Happy New Year kids. For the little ones, our congratulations in the video:

New Year is not just another holiday, it is an amazing, mysterious state of mind. On this holiday, everyone wants to smile and have a good time, regardless of family troubles and everyday problems. At this time, I really want to give my loved ones a beautiful holiday for the soul, especially when it comes to kids.

But getting somewhere to visit for the whole night with small children is problematic, so it's better to arrange a new year 2017 at home with children. This does not mean that the holiday will be boring, everything will depend on how you organize it. After all, the New Year is a family holiday, and the tradition of celebrating it with the family dates back to the distant past.

New Year 2017 with children at home - getting ready for the holiday

Before celebrating the New Year, decorate your apartment. Put up an artificial Christmas tree decorated with toys, tinsel and sweets. The kids will love this. And a special joy and anticipation of the new year will give a joint decoration of the apartment and the Christmas tree. Children can become real helpers in this matter. At New Year's Eve, beautifully arrange holiday treats on the table and dress in something new so that you always have new things in the New Year.

In addition to traditional gifts, arrange a fun adventure for the kids. To do this, you can arrange a small detectives. Put them on hats like Sherlock Holmes and hand them cardboard magnifiers. Give them a fun challenge to find presents! To help small children (2-4 years old), for example, you can lay out paper traces in the direction of which gifts lie. For older children, instead of traces, you can lay out notes with clues.

When all the gifts are found and considered, proceed to the gala dinner.

Games for children for the New Year:

Felt boots:

Place large boots in front of the Christmas tree. This game can be played by either two children or a child with a parent. At a signal from one of the parents, the participants run to the Christmas tree from the opposite side of the room and try to have time to put on felt boots. The first one won. For kids, you can put two pairs of boots so that there are no quarrels.

Making a snowman's nose:

Two large sheets depicting snowmen are mounted on a wall or other surface. There are two people in the game. The participants are blindfolded, and on a signal, the participants must reach the snowmen from the opposite side and glue their nose (cut out of self-adhesive paper) to them. The presenter and participants help with the words: to the right, to the left, below ...

Catch us:

For this game, one of the parents should pretend to be a snowman or Santa Claus. Children run away a little from the snowman (Santa Claus) and clapping their hands, they say: “One, two, three! Hurry up and catch us!" and after that the snowman (Santa Claus) catches up with the runaway children.

Collect potatoes:

Potatoes are laid out on the floor around the room, and small participants are given a basket or a bucket each. The task is to collect as many cards as possible in the basket. Older children can be blindfolded.

Robin Hood

Option 1. A skittle or a hundred something else is placed on a stool. A participant with a ball from a distance must knock it down. You can make two teams and put two stools with pins.

Option 2. From a distance, the participants must hit the ball into the bucket.

Option 3. The stool turns upside down. participants must throw the ring on the leg of the stool.


Each small participant is given a snowflake (a piece of cotton wool). At the signal of the leader, the children loosen the cotton wool, launch it into the air and do not let it fall as long as possible. To do this, they blow on it.

Surprise Chest:

For this game, you will need a lock attached to a cabinet, a box, or it can simply be held by the host. Players-participants are given a bunch of keys. Their task is to find the right key and open the lock. Under the castle lies the coveted prize.

It is not necessary to spend the entire holiday program at home., you can go outside and play snowballs, go sledding. So the children will work up a good sleep and pleasant moments from joint festivities will remain in their memory.

Toward evening, children can be put to bed, if it doesn’t work out, don’t insist, meet the chiming clock together. Then exchange a kiss with your husband and kiss the children. Now you can play some quiet games or watch a New Year's show, and then put the children to bed.

And for mom and dad, the holiday continues. Left alone, you can discuss how the old year went, what you managed to do, what you haven’t managed to implement yet, and make plans for the new 2017. It is better to support all these plans in writing, so that it is easier to implement :).

You can also start your own family tradition. For example, write out wish cards for each other, which need to be performed once a month in the new year. Husband and wife write 12 cards with desires, then either stick them in a tube or in an envelope so that the opposite side does not know what the card says.

Then the cards are exchanged, the wife gives her husband her 12 cards, and the husband gives his cards to his wife. Once a month on a certain day, the spouses must reveal one card each and grant a wish. The main thing is that all written desires must be real and feasible. Thus, a set of amenities is provided for the whole year.

And this night can be turned into the most romantic one, with dancing to calm music, playful kisses and ... In general, enjoy your holiday, which is not too much time left!

The New Year, as you know, happens only once a year, but this does not mean at all that the celebration ends in the early, early morning of the first of January. Usually it continues on the second, third, fourth... But as a rule, adults become participants in the most fabulous holiday. Children, at best, go to Christmas trees or accept congratulations from custom-made Santa Claus, at worst, they are left without their own - children's - holiday. Where's the justice?

In fact, there is nothing difficult in arranging such a holiday at home. Invite your child's friends along with their parents (by the way, a great opportunity to finally get to know them!) and together organize a great New Year's party for the children.


  1. Preparation.
  2. Solemn meeting of guests.
  3. Feast.
  4. Games, competitions, concert.
  5. Continuation of the feast.
  6. Outdoor games.
  7. Solemn farewell to the guests.

If the parents agreed to this option - great! Distribute responsibilities between them: someone buys gifts for children, someone brings goodies, someone decorates the apartment. It is also possible to make the role of an entertainer in shifts: while the tired "animator" is resting in the next room in the company of adults, he is replaced by another.

If you have not taken care of all the preparations and holding the holiday, this is perhaps even better - joint preparation for the reception of guests brings the family together, teaches the child hospitality! Therefore, the participation of a little man in pre-holiday chores should only be welcomed. He wants to make origami from napkins for guests - great! Hanging a tinsel on a curtain is wonderful! Making snowflakes is great! Explain the rules of etiquette to your child in advance: he must meet his guests, help them undress, show the apartment, in general, behave like a real host or hostess.

Meeting with guests. The mood of the holiday is created from the threshold. The easiest way to give your home a festive look is to hang balloons on the walls or just lay them on the floor. Fun and beautiful!

Are you going to have a company that you have met before? Guests will be pleased if they see their photos inserted by you into a comic wall newspaper with funny inscriptions. By the way, the production of this wall newspaper can be entrusted to a child (inflating balloons, too).

At the table. Let your little guests take their places at the table according to the little notes placed near the appliances. You can make a feast "a la McDonald's" (children, as a rule, love this place very much), treating guests with buns with cutlets, Coca-Cola, and fried potatoes. At the same time, of course, other dishes should also be on the table: salads, snacks. And you can arrange a feast "in oriental style", dressed in bathrobes, bloomers, turban and veil. And address each other only as “Oh, venerable Petya! Would you like some salad?" You will see, the children will be delighted.

Dishes can be decorated with funny figures: carrot stars, green bushes, fly agaric (from a boiled egg and half a tomato, decorated with mayonnaise dots).


"Gift on a string" Buy small souvenirs: key chains, pencil sets, mini-puzzles, erasers, soft toys, sweets, masks, etc. Before the holiday, wrap a few gifts (according to the number of guests, and just in case, a little more) in wrapping or corrugated paper so to make "bags". Then prepare a long rope and tie small pieces of rope (about half a meter each) to it so that they are at a sufficient distance from each other. And already attach the "bags" to them. Fasten the rope with all the "wealth" across the room (it must be taut). Then blindfold the guest, twist around his own axis three times, give the scissors and direct him to the rope. Naturally, an adult should be nearby all the time so that the child does not go to the other end of the room and cut off a piece of curtain or bedspread instead of a gift. That, in fact, is all: everyone gets their own “bag” with a gift. And there are no complaints that "Masha has a toy, and I have pencils." He chose the gift himself!

Similar game - "hot-cold" when gifts are hidden in the apartment in advance, and then the guests look for them, following the instructions of the owners “hot - cold”.

"Give the snowman a nose." A great aiming competition that is suitable even for the little ones. Prepare a large picture of a snowman ahead of time (have your child help). Instead of a nose, leave a drawn circle or even cut it out. Then secure the snowman (eg, glue it to a closet door) so that his head is approximately level with the heads of your guests. The player is blindfolded, given a carrot in his hand and pushed towards the snowman. When he tries to put his nose to his stomach, a broom, his head, or even to the closet, those around him express stormy delight! The winner - the one who placed the carrot with the greatest accuracy - must be awarded.

"Apple on a rope". A very fun competition: each participant is blindfolded in turn and offered to bite an apple hanging on a rope without touching it with his hand.

"Ringbros". If there are plastic rings in the house, you can turn over a stool or chair and arrange a competition for accuracy.

"Fantas". The good old game, when everyone who draws a phantom must sing, tell a rhyme.

"Cinema". You can also arrange an impromptu film screening: make a small cinema, offer the children - like in the movies - Coca-Cola, popcorn or chips, turn off the lights. Since it is difficult for children, especially when there are a lot of them, to sit in one place for a long time, it will be great if suddenly in the middle of the show the door opens and Santa Claus (a neighbor or your volunteer husband) appears with gifts. After that, you can continue to show the movie or cartoon.

"Dancing". Divide the children into pairs and give each pair a balloon. The point is to dance while holding the ball between each other, for example, forehead, knees, back.

"Mobile games in the fresh air." If the weather permits, it is worth going down with the children to the yard to make a snowman or build a snow castle. And how much joy there will be if the kids discover “accidentally” a bag with gifts left by Santa Claus!

A game that not only children, but also adults play with great pleasure, and adults can play it for hours - "Associations" (it is also called "Crocodile"). The players are divided into two teams and write notes with the names of films, songs or quotes (this is discussed in advance). Then each player reads the note in turn and tries to explain to his team what it is about only by mimic means.

If you are holding several competitions, draw a table on a large sheet of paper and write the names of the guests in the left column, and the names of the games on top. As the contests are held, record all the results in the table (also enter intermediate results, otherwise you will forget!). When rewarding the winner, do not forget to encourage the others. Let it be less significant prizes, but the children will still be very pleased! Use a color printer to make diplomas for the winners. Don't forget the medals too. You can make them yourself: from foil, plasticine, wood, even cut from raw potatoes! And you can buy ready-made, for example, sweet, chocolate. Your little guests will surely love them!

  • If the guests are still very young, please be patient - you will have to take on the responsibility of hosting the children's holiday for the whole evening. They won't make it without your help!
  • Be sure to give the children the opportunity to practice before the competition.
  • Arrange breaks between games, for example, tea, cartoons, so that the children do not "outplay", do not get tired and start to seriously compete.
  • Watch the reaction of children: it is quite possible that some kind of game will not arouse their interest or get bored quickly. In this case, you should have a fallback ready. But, in no case do not impose a game on children if they do not like it. They have the right to decide for themselves what is interesting to them and what is not.
  • Avoid lengthy explanations of the rules of the game. Otherwise, by the end of your monologue, the children will have time to lose interest in it.
  • Do not break the children's company into groups (especially if they are all the same age), when some are dancing, the second is playing, and the third is watching a movie. Children should not be torn between different points of the program, but together participate in all the activities that you have planned in advance.
  • When rewarding children, take your time - let them feel the solemnity of the moment. Then your holiday will be remembered for a long time!

Ksenia Dmitrieva

Surely, we all understand perfectly well that with the advent of the first child, life changes dramatically. Moreover, the changes inevitably affect all spheres of life and activity, this number includes the celebration of some event. Almost all couples who have small children hold ceremonial events at home, this also applies to the celebration of the New Year. However, the New Year at home with children can turn from an annual ordinary holiday into something magical and bright.

In order for your holiday to become a bright event in the life of a child and to please all adults, it is necessary to conduct pre-holiday preparations.

No one knows your child and the people who will visit your home on a festive night better than you, however, there are necessary actions, subject to which, the event will be held at the highest level.

  • The very first and fundamental step is to write a script or plan for the celebration in advance, it is better to do this with the whole family, or at least after consulting. Moreover, the opinion of the child should be taken into account on an equal basis with adults.
  • Make a list of invitees, it’s good if there are many children in addition to adults at the celebration.
  • Create a holiday menu. Speak in advance with the parents of the children invited to you and find out about the preferences and prohibitions for certain products.
  • Be sure to include in the holiday script: pre-holiday pastime and directly playing with children, contests and skits that can be played equally with children and adults.
  • Save up holiday surprises for participating in competitions. This is a necessary condition, children should be rewarded for being active during the holiday.
  • Discuss with your child his outfit for the holiday.
  • Remember, if you decide to spend the New Year at home and invite friends with children to you, it is necessary that the main paraphernalia of the holiday - the Christmas tree - be in an open space. This is extremely important, as the children will definitely want to dance around her.

If you are going to spend a holiday at home, with your family and close circle, try to create a pre-holiday mood for everyone present, and even more so for children.

  • To do this, write a letter to Santa Claus together, if the child still does not know how to write, let him try to draw or just help him.
  • Together, decorate the room where the main action will take place - hang garlands, decorate the Christmas tree.
  • Create handmade cards with your child, and maybe even gifts for guests.
  • Serve a festive table with the children. You can make small figurines of fairy-tale characters from napkins or paper; you can cut fruits in a similar form. A great option if the dishes themselves served to children are unusually decorated.

New Year's entertainment ideas

A variety of games and competitions with children are a necessary condition for a festive evening, and therefore think in advance how best to involve all the children present.

"Santa's Little Helpers"

For this competition, you need to prepare in advance - pull a strong thread at such a height that even the smallest one can easily stretch. Tie threads to the thread, at the ends of which attach stars, snowflakes or small snowballs made of cotton wool. On command, the guys must cut or carefully cut them off, whoever collects the most wins. Then, together with the children, pack it in a beautiful box and send it to Santa Claus.

"The most beautiful tree"

Cut out Christmas trees from clean, white paper according to the number of invited guests. During the festive feast, distribute molds and pencils or felt-tip pens to everyone present so that everyone decorates the Christmas tree on their own. Whoever does it better is the winner. Both children and adults can participate.


The children are given newsprint or any other soft paper. After the leader’s command, all the children begin to crush the leaves in such a way as to make a snowball. The competition is held for a while, after the leader's command, everyone finishes sculpting. The biggest and roundest lump is the winner.

"We decorate the Christmas tree"

A wonderful team game in which adults and children take part. We divide all the children into teams so that the number is approximately the same. We add one adult to each children's team, he will play the role of spruce. At the command of the leader, each team tries to decorate the “holiday tree” as soon as possible and more beautifully. It is better to choose toys from unbreakable materials, and you can fasten them with stationery or simple clothespins. The team that decorates the spruce faster and more beautifully wins.

As an option to continue, you can ask each team to dance around the newly-made beauty. Whose round dance will sing louder and more melodious, he will win.

"New Fairy Tale"

The host offers to come up with a new ending to well-known fairy tales. The brightest or most unexpected end of the old tales will win.

Alternatively, you can divide the children into teams and ask each group to interpret the old fairy tale in a new way, each team member should complement what was said by the previous one.

"Black box"

Let's say in advance, the box does not have to be black at all, it is even better if it becomes bright colors. We take any box, preferably a larger one, glue it or pre-paint it and put a surprise inside. The children must guess what lies inside, and the host or one of the adults must ask questions that will push the children to the correct answer. This competition can be held throughout the event, occasionally bringing in a box and asking questions to the guys who have not yet won.

"Predictions for the New Year"

The guys take turns pulling out tickets from a festive box or a magic headdress, in which predictions for the coming year are written, all the most important and pleasant events that will happen to them.

It can also be adapted to children's taste.

"The most important dream in the coming year"

Hang a large, clean white poster on the wall. As close to midnight as possible, have each invitee write or draw an object they dream about in the coming year or an event they would like to happen.

"Most Attentive"

This competition can be held both among teams and individually. The participant or the whole team must approach the New Year tree, remember as many decorations hanging on it as possible in a certain time. After that, the guys are blindfolded or simply taken to another room, and the leader removes some of the decorations or adds new ones. After that, the children are untied or led into a room and asked to guess which toys are missing or which are added. Who guesses more is the winner.

"New Year's Concert"

This is probably the most creative competition of all. Children can be divided into groups, or you can be asked to perform individually, after which the leader asks to perform the child’s favorite composition. Parents' help is welcome, for example, if they perform as a duet or as backup dancers.

Costumed New Year

Thematic or costumed celebration of the New Year is a separate issue, but let's say right away that, once visiting such an event, your baby will regularly ask to repeat such entertainment.

It can take a long time to prepare a holiday in this style, but is it really important when the joyful emotions of children overwhelm the house. It is worth preparing costumes in advance for yourself, as well as invited guests, if you have not agreed in advance. A room, or maybe not one, but everything will have to be decorated in the theme that you have chosen.

Skits, competitions, as well as surprises should correspond to the theme. It's great if you even decorate the festive table and menu accordingly.

The theme can be chosen completely different, it all depends on the desire of your children, as well as your capabilities.

Quest for children

Any quest is built according to a specific plan:

  1. Get the first task, solving which, you can find the following.
  2. It is necessary to correctly solve all the puzzles, as well as cope with all the tasks.
  3. The final part is to find hidden surprises or receive a gift.

The theme for the quest can be completely different, it all depends on your imagination and the size of the room. Throughout the game, adults, dressed in themed costumes, can tell the children the direction in which to move or help solve the riddle.

As a rule, the quest consists of 5-6 levels, but for children it can be reduced to 3-4. The place where you decide to hide the next task should be familiar to the children.

Friends, only you can spend the New Year holidays with your family in a fun and original way. The main condition is a creative approach to preparation, as well as your desire to make a pleasant surprise for your loved ones.

The first cold days are coming, and everyone begins to think and dream about how to spend their favorite holiday - the New Year. But how fun to celebrate the New Year at home with children? This question is asked by almost all parents who plan to spend a holiday at home in the family circle. advises you not to postpone New Year's preparations for the event on the back burner and figure out in advance how best to celebrate the New Year with your child.

Everyone subconsciously believes that it is on New Year's Eve that all hardships leave our lives, and the most wonderful events magically replace boring and gray everyday life. To be sure of this completely, start preparing for the New Year with your child in advance. Better yet, do it all together! A creative approach to the preparation of the New Year's holiday, a little imagination and fiction - and your child will definitely appreciate parental efforts, happy to help you create a New Year's miracle with your own hands!

Preparations for a fun New Year with children: recommendations

“As you celebrate the New Year, so you will spend it!” says: “As you prepare the celebration of the New Year, so you will meet the New Year!” Therefore, start preparing for the New Year holidays with children in advance, having carefully thought through everything.

Why buy greeting cards and gifts when you can make them with your kids! Start preparing in advance - and there will be plenty of time to accurately complete all the tasks. And it will be possible to redo something, if suddenly it does not work out. Especially on this occasion, has prepared for you.

Make a list of guests, be sure to discuss with your child whether you will arrange a children's party at home. If the child already goes to kindergarten, then there will definitely be a matinee. But if the child has friends outside of kindergarten, then the New Year is a great opportunity for you to meet the parents of your child's friends and arrange a grand event together!

Invite the child's friends to your place, discuss in detail with the mothers the time of the event, costumes for the action, the culinary preferences of the children and the solution to unforeseen situations, such as food allergies or a small abrasion during the New Year's round dance.

Compose the text of the invitations to the holiday, and let your child prepare fun invitation cards with you, decorated, for example, with snowmen and snowflakes.

Together, think over the menu for the children's table: funny sandwiches and funny ones can be prepared together - let even the smallest ones show their imagination! Children's table should be light, simple and elegant at the same time. Beautifully decorated with a tablecloth and napkins, it should please the whole company!

Choose the most diverse costumes for the carnival - stargazers, court jesters, robbers, and princesses are waiting for a fun New Year's holiday for children! The most important condition for the carnival is the presence of a mask that the child can make on their own, but under your strict guidance. The mask can be decorated with sequins, lace, feathers - just like in the paintings of the great Italian masters!

Treats for carnival participants can be prepared in the most ordinary way. But if you include one or two Italian dishes in the menu, it will be just wonderful! One of these dishes can be a small portioned pizza and.

Children's New Year with an oriental accent
Decorate your living room in an oriental style. To do this, prepare red paper lanterns and bells with the children. Hang all this in the room where the holiday is supposed to be held. You can also attach Chinese fans to the walls, hieroglyphs cut out of colored paper and a snake from some oriental cartoon - funny and bright.

Costumes for the Chinese holiday, of course, are best prepared from silk. Girls will be happy to put on their mother's festive silk robes, and boys will look like real warriors and will be able to try themselves in a wooden sword competition or in a martial arts tournament.

The menu for the Eastern holiday is not limited in the choice of dishes. But the advice from is as follows: cut several dishes into cubes (for example, muffins) and prepare sticks for each little “Chinese”. Let the children try to eat in such an exotic way - they will love it! And if there is an opportunity to dip delicious pieces in a special "Chinese" sauce - in fact, it can be syrup or ordinary condensed milk - then there will be no limit to delight!

If there are teenagers among the guests, you can order sweet sushi or noodles with chicken or seafood.

Jack Sparrow and company
Decorate a room in pirate or nautical style, but don't use a Jolly Roger on every corner - get creative!

Stretch a few thick strings over the ceiling, reminiscent of sea ropes, put an old pirate chest in the corner (any decorated old suitcase or box from the dacha will do), and hang pictures of old barometers, spyglasses on the walls and look for a globe. Prepare dishes and table decorations in the same marine style - white and blue, napkins with the image of waves or anchors and, of course, a delicious hot fish dish.

Every boy dreams of becoming a pirate, and a girl - his lady. Therefore, prepare an appropriate costume with your child. For boys - vests or striped T-shirts, mesh capes, bandanas with "skulls". Use toy swords, binoculars, fake mustaches and beards as accessories. For girls, pick up denim vests, fluffy skirts, striped knee-highs or tights, wigs and hats with feathers.

What to treat little pirates? You can cook pilaf in a common pot, kebabs laid out on a large dish and decorated with greens. As desserts, prepare milkshakes and come up with “pirate” names for them: “Barracuda” or, for example, “Thunderstorm of the South Seas”.

You can come up with a very interesting entertainment if you arrange a “pirate” holiday in the style of the Treasure Hunt game. Hide in advance somewhere in a secret place a treasure - a bag of sweets, chocolates, a box with gifts. To find it, you need to go through several tests-competitions and solve a number of riddles. You do not hold back your imagination when preparing the New Year's holiday - let the children have fun!

New Year's fireworks

Favorite entertainment for all children is fireworks. Do not forget the rules that must be observed when launching fireworks: in any case, do not put them in the hands of children, follow the instructions on the package, make sure that the distance from residential buildings is at least that indicated on the package of pyrotechnics as safe. All spectators must keep a sufficient distance downwind of the fireworks.

By following these rules, you will not only save yourself, but also get the most out of the show, which will be the best end to any New Year's holiday for children!

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