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What to give a girl for six months of a relationship. What to give a girl for six months of a relationship? Win-win options

Six months of a relationship is not a round date, but you shouldn’t ignore this wonderful day. Give small gifts to each other - great way remember this for a long time memorable event. Men often find it difficult to decide what to give. It is not necessary to give a girl a gift for six months of a relationship expensive gifts, it will be enough to show your imagination and surprise your chosen one with an original and romantic present.

Gift options for a girl

Most men experience great difficulty when choosing gifts for their beloved woman. Therefore, many of them prefer the proven option - giving flowers. But no matter how beautiful and expensive the bouquet is, sooner or later it will wither. So that the six months spent with your beloved man remain the girl's a pleasant memory for life, you should approach the choice of a gift with greater responsibility.

Flowers are not a gift, but just a sign of attention. Girls should always bring them, regardless of the occasion. A gift, in turn, is not just a thing. He must convince the woman of the seriousness of the donor’s feelings. Usually gifts are divided into three types, these are:

  • Standard.
  • Original.
  • Homemade.

Regardless of the type, a gift, if a lot of feelings are put into it, will always be a good reminder of romantic relationships. Therefore, it is better for a man to think in advance what to give to his chosen one. For this it is worth understand in more detail, which applies to each type of gift.

Standard holiday gifts

TO standard gifts you can include everything that can be bought in finished form. Many women prefer this kind of attention. You need to know the character of your chosen one. Ready-made gifts They prefer girls with a clear position in life. Usually they are given to businesslike and pragmatic representatives of the fairer sex. The most popular standard gifts include:

Original surprises for your beloved

If a man has imagination and thinks about what to give a girl for six months of a relationship, original gift - great option. It doesn't have to be some kind of tangible object. Flight imagination is limitless here. The main thing is that the chosen one remembers this day for the rest of her life. Therefore, you can give your girlfriend not only memorabilia as a present. The woman you love may like the original time spent together more than the actual time. expensive decoration. As a gift on this day, you can offer your beloved:

Handmade gifts

It is believed that the best gift is one made with your own hands. Whether to agree with such a statement or not is a personal matter for each person. If a man has some talents and skills, then homemade gift- this is not the worst option. The main thing is to present it in such a way that the woman does not think that the man is trying to save money with her gifts.

It is not recommended to give homemade items as gifts if a man simply does not know what to give. A girl who is 6 months into a relationship may not understand the meaning. homemade gift. The only exception can be a collage of joint photographs that were taken over the entire six-month period of the relationship.

But if a man is a professional in his field, for example, a jeweler, then a thing made with his own hands can become the best gift for the woman you love.

What not to give to a girl

There are many beliefs about what gift a man should not give to his girlfriend. Even if this is a very young man who is wondering what to give a girl for six months of friendship. He still has to know about this. The worst presents are...

For girls, celebrating the anniversary of the start of a relationship is a special occasion and significant holiday. Six months of a relationship for the fair half of humanity is an argument for considering them more than serious. If you want to please your beloved, you should give her an inexpensive, but original surprise.

A romance that lasted six months is a kind of anniversary on which fair half humanity awaits romance, tenderness, pleasant surprises and finally flowers. Undoubtedly, guys do not react so violently to such an intermediate period in a relationship, but if you want to continue it, it is better not to upset your beloved, but to give her the maximum positive and pay more attention.

Don’t even think about leaving your friend without a present, otherwise you will ensure the girl’s dissatisfaction and offended look for the whole evening. To please her, you don’t have to buy a very expensive present, choosing expensive Jewelry. it's enough to make it pleasant, little surprise, and your girl will blossom.

The most common presentation option is a good Eau de Toilette or, if possible, it is better to buy your favorite perfume. By now you should understand taste preferences, otherwise an error in the aroma may become an unpleasant surprise for the lady.

Following this choice, you can also choose decorative cosmetics, manicure accessories, or a subscription to a massage parlor.

Girls love handbags and choose the appropriate design and color for each new shoe. If you notice that some of your loved one’s sandals are left without a set, you can safely buy a small clutch suitable color, with which she can not only go for a walk, but also host a theater or exhibition.

For book lovers, choosing a gift is even easier. If your beloved always tries to take a volume of her favorite literature with her, then visit a bookstore and choose a book of your preferred genre. For those who keep up with the times and prefer to use digital gadgets as the present is suitable eBook. And for those who cannot live a day without music, it is better to give a player and wireless headphones.

When you have no gift ideas for a friend or relative, you can always give money. For the girl you are in a relationship with, such a gift is unacceptable. Money has no meaning and no hint of romance in a couple’s relationship, because you want them to put their soul into the gift and give a piece of themselves. So, you can take a closer look at gift certificates.

A visit to the spa, solarium, hairdresser, swimming pool, or manicure salon will be a great surprise. You can purchase a certificate for visiting a perfume store, equipment and accessories for face and hair care, a clothing boutique, haberdashery, and jewelry.

Flowers are a special sign of attention

In addition to a present or in the absence of the opportunity to buy something worthwhile, you can get by with a bouquet of flowers, especially since there are many options for its design. This could be a very small bouquet of field daisies, cornflowers and poppies, one tender and passionate rose, or a cactus if the girl is into exotic plants. IN winter time You can replace fresh flowers with original bouquet from sweets, tea or balloons.

Despite short period of time, not yet an anniversary, six months of a relationship is a symbolic date for both, if the girl is loved and you want to continue dating her. Do not skimp on compliments, poems, tenderness. These little things can complement or even replace the most extraordinary gift.

Well here it comes significant date your relationship with your beloved. No, this is, of course, not an anniversary, but six months is also quite a long time. You have already experienced a lot, learned each other’s tastes and habits, learned the names of friends and characters from her favorite TV series, remembered what she is allergic to and when the album of her favorite singer will be released. You - a real hero her novel. And, as befits a decent hero, you should please your partner for half a year of your relationship. Perhaps she won’t even remember this date (which is unlikely). In this case, you will be doubly lucky: you will be pleased with what you remember and appreciate, and you will be surprised with the gift you have prepared. So, for six months of relationship?

Take action, brother!

First, decide on the amount that you are willing to spend on “removing a star from the sky” and getting “that - I don’t know what.” All subsequent actions will depend on this. You shouldn’t skimp on a gift or buy unnecessary nonsense. The thousandth decorative figurine of a cute hamster or mug will certainly decorate the depths of the closet, but will not bring much joy. If a girl does not collect a collection of these mug hamsters, it is better not to purchase them. Think about it, would you like to receive from your loved one such a present that seems to be there, and seems to be not?

For a romantic person

If your beloved loves all sorts of things and actions in the spirit of melodrama, arrange a holiday for her in this vein.

The most banal manifestation of love will, of course, be a bouquet. Nowadays you can find great deals where they ask for little money for an armful of roses delivered to your door. All that remains is to ask to add a nice postcard to the bouquet and send the gift to your beloved one at work. At the same time, she will become the heroine of the day in the eyes of her colleagues, and you will become a prince on a white horse.

If you are looking for an original but romantic relationship for six months, you can perform a serenade under her window.

Just make sure it’s not three in the morning, and not only the neighbors living on the lower floors will hear you. You can choose a song from your favorite band or compose it yourself, if your abilities allow. The main thing is that it’s not some hard trash.

For a practical person

Is your loved one very skeptical and considers bouquets to be dust collectors? Well, please her with more necessary things.

If she likes to read, a great gift will become an e-reader with a good screen. If you try, you can, even with a small financial reserve, buy a wonderful a budget option. IN as a last resort buy a book by her favorite author or something in the same genre. This will also demonstrate that you remember her literary tastes.

Suitable for discs and video games (if she plays, of course). Just remember to pack your gift beautifully; do not give it in a store bag or without packaging.

If you don’t like these options, and the thought of what to give a girl for six months of a relationship doesn’t leave your head, give her perfume. Almost every girl uses eau de toilette and will be delighted with such a fragrant present. If you choose the perfume yourself, it will be an additional plus in your karma. Certificates are a good thing, but too impersonal.

Do it yourself

Sometimes it happens that due to inexplicable circumstances there is simply no money. And he’s already winking alarmingly and hinting that it’s time to do something. Do not despair! You can make a gift yourself, and you don’t need to be a member of the “Crazy Hands” club to do this. So, what to give a girl for six months of a relationship, made with your own hands?


The simplest option is a photo collage. All you need to do is print out memorable and iconic photos and stick them neatly onto a heart-shaped sheet. Plus come up with some touching and funny inscriptions.

If you don’t want to print and glue, then you can complicate the task a little and do the same in special photo or video programs.


This option is somewhat reminiscent of the previous one. All you need is one blank CD and free time. Make a playlist for her. Collect all her favorites, “your” songs and melodies that mean something to both of you. She will definitely appreciate such a gift.


This is a classic of the genre, which nevertheless works flawlessly even in the situation of “what to give a girl for six months of a relationship.” Conquer her with your culinary skills. Even if you are an expert only in making fried eggs, the Internet will come to the rescue.

Just don’t try to build something unimaginably complex if before this you only approached the stove once a year or big holidays. Choose a simple dish and, ideally, practice preparing it.

Create a suitable atmosphere that sets you in a romantic mood.

There are many options. Use your imagination. Even banal late-night movie tickets and chocolate can do a miracle if you present them correctly. After all, what to give a girl for six months of a relationship is not so important compared to your feelings.

Girls are gentle and very vulnerable creatures. Therefore, even if you think that you don’t need to give anything in honor of your six-month anniversary, choose a gift for your loved one. With its help, you will express to her your existing feelings, which cannot always be expressed in words. In the selection you will find gift options for a girl that will be appropriate gifts for the first six months of a relationship.

Gifts for beauty and tenderness

There are a number of gifts that do not lose their relevance. These include:

  • Decorations. There is no need to purchase products from precious stones and materials. A cute set of jewelry that matches the girl’s clothing style is enough. A flamboyant lady will love a choker or earrings original form. If you are in love with a romantic person, give her pearl jewelry.

Important: under no circumstances buy a girl jewelry in a box. She may think that you have decided to propose. And if this is not the case, then the holiday dedicated to an important date for you will be irrevocably ruined.

  • Flowers are a win-win option, but only if your loved one does not have allergies. We strongly advise you to give your beloved a lilac or a bouquet of wildflowers. A bouquet of red roses should be given only to those representatives of the fair sex who love them infinitely.

It is not necessary to give live plants. IN Lately a gift in the form of a bouquet of chocolates. And if your girlfriend is on a diet, then for 6 months of the relationship we recommend giving her indoor plant in an elegant flowerpot.

  • Representatives of the fairer sex desperately dream of being guardians hearth and home. That is why your loved one will like the gift option in the form of interior decorations. It is allowed to give a painting with a picturesque landscape, an elegant vase.
  • Even as they grow up, girls remain little girls at heart - fragile and vulnerable. Such a mademoiselle will love a gift in the form of a plush toy.
  • If your loved one is not allergic to wool, and her household will not mind, you can give the lady pet. Practice shows that girls love little kittens most of all. However, no one is stopping you from giving your beloved an aquarium with fish. By the way, if you decide on such a gift, be sure to buy goldfish. Let your girl feel like she is in a fairy tale.
  • For six months of a relationship, a guy is obliged to study the tastes of his beloved not only in films and music, but also in fragrances. We recommend giving your beloved a bottle of perfume that you have repeatedly seen in her room. By analogy, you can choose decorative or skincare cosmetics.
  • Fashionistas have a special love for all kinds of accessories. In addition to glasses that protect against ultraviolet radiation, you should pay attention to neckerchiefs and handbags. Girls especially love miniature handbags, which you can always take with you on a walk or to the theater. To choose suitable option, contact your sales consultant for help. Don't forget to tell him the girl's preferences in clothes and shoes.

Photo gift ideas

The presentation of photo albums has long since sunk into oblivion. In the age of technological development, you can present your beloved with a modern and unique gift. We offer several options:

  1. Photo newspaper. Contact your local print shop and ask if they can create memorable gift for your girlfriend. Usually such a newspaper publishes the story of the newlyweds’ meeting and love, but why not take the idea into account and give a similar gift in honor of the half-year of the relationship. It is also necessary to place in the newspaper joint photos. If a girl is endowed good feeling humor, then come up with funny captions for each photo. The photo newspaper combines two gifts at once - a newspaper and a collage. However, the collage is no longer considered relevant.

We recommend that you think about the process of giving a gift. Of course, you can present it to your loved one yourself. But we have a better idea. Ask your local postman to deliver a gift to your loved one's home, or you can deliver it yourself memorable gift to your beloved's mailbox.

  1. We recommend ordering a print of a joint photo or a cute inscription on paired T-shirts. Give a cute gift in advance, and then go for a walk around the city in matching T-shirts. Buy products only from natural materials so that the image pleases you for many years.
  2. Photo portrait. This gift will fit perfectly into any interior. Find the best to implement your idea joint photo and go to the special studio. We recommend ordering a photo print on canvas.

Attention: most girls love to be the center of attention. For a confident girl, we recommend ordering an artistic portrait from a photo. Think about what image she would like to try on. This could be the role of a young Amazon on a horse or an empress sitting on a throne.

Romantic gifts

In honor of the holiday, we advise you to give your loved one something unusual with a romantic overtone. Of course, you can get by with a box of chocolates and a bottle of your favorite wine, but we advise you not to settle for banal gifts and offer several options:

  • Ticket. If you met a girl at a concert of your favorite band or in line at the theater box office, then why not take her to the very establishment where you first met each other.
  • Romantic dinner. Nothing shows a man's relationship with a woman better than cooked food. with my own hands food. At the same time, it is not necessary to stand at the stove for half a day. It is enough to prepare a simple salad, sandwiches and some kind of side dish with sauce. To make the evening even more unexpected, arrange themed party for two. For example, you can cook spaghetti and dress up like gangsters, or make a light fruit salad and devote the remaining time to Hawaiian dancing in pairs.
  • A considerable number of girls like to hear pleasant words addressed to you and a declaration of love from the person you want. We advise you to write a poem to your beloved. If you doubt your abilities, we recommend giving your dear girl a volume of poetry. It would be appropriate if you read her your favorite poem from the cycle of love lyrics.
  • An unforgettable trip is a great opportunity forget about problems and devote free time to each other. Certainly, perfect option- fly to Singapore or to the country of the “gray” Alps, but not every guy can afford such a gift. Therefore, it will be enough to break out of the concrete shackles of the city and go outside the city for a picnic.

What to give if you have no ideas

Usually, if fantasy leaves a person, money comes to the rescue. However, a girl should not give banknotes- this is considered bad form. In this case, it will help you out gift Certificate for purchase in a cosmetic or bookstore, boutique underwear or branded clothing, accessories.

We hope that our selection will help you choose what to give your loved one for six months of the relationship. If you are in doubt about your choice, ask directly. However, do not forget that most of the fair sex love surprises. Therefore, surprise your favorite girls not only in honor round dates, March 8th and birthday, but also in honor of such symbolic anniversaries. After all, these are numbers that are not tied to the feelings of lovers.

For some, six months of a relationship is a significant date that they remember and try to surprise their loved ones with something. But for some it’s a trifle that’s not worth paying attention to. Well, to each his own. For those young people who are still not indifferent to this date, the question of choosing a gift for a girl for six months of a relationship will sooner or later become relevant. Let's prepare for the event in advance.

How can you please your beloved? You can give her gold or silver jewelry, the choice depends on what metal she prefers and whether she wears jewelry at all. A wonderful gift will be two tickets to a movie or theater, where you will remember your first evening and a kiss in the back rows.

Photography is a great niche for choosing a gift. Present your girl with a beautiful album in the form of family tree, where she can place photographs of relatives. Maybe there will be a place for you too.

If you are a skilled craftsman, make an original frame, insert your photo inside and put a declaration of love on top. Rest assured, such a gift will take the most prominent place on her table.

What else to give a girl for six months? You can give a gift with an emphasis on leisure, offering shared skiing, snowboarding, ice skating or dog sledding. Of course, this option is more suitable for the winter season. However, even in the summer, no one forbids you to go on a bike tour, horse ride or flight to hot-air balloon. Yes and arrange it romantic date skating in the summer is quite possible - you just need to find indoor skating rink, and feelings forgotten from winter, coupled with cold ice, will refresh your feelings and relationships.

Pay attention to the girl's hobbies. Is she interested in drawing? Give her a set good colors or a painting that she never ceases to admire. Draw a cartoon with your own hands, this will absolutely amuse her. In addition, there is a chance that you will discover your talent.

Girls who care about their appearance and figure can be given a subscription to the fitness center, Gym, for aerobics, shaping or yoga classes. Don’t forget about certificates for visiting beauty salons, cosmetic and perfume stores, as well as beautiful lingerie salons. Such a gift is always a success.

If your girlfriend is a real princess, loving romance and fairy tales, arrange a fabulous romantic date for her, rent a carriage and take her around the city. A car or a boat can act as a carriage. And let everyone envy your strong and mutual love!

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