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Recently, more and more women outside of India are wearing saris - solely because they like these stylish and beautiful clothes. Consider how to put on and wear a traditional saree

I must say that the sari makes every woman beautiful and graceful. But it is very important to drape the saree
in such a way that it emphasizes your dignity. A sari is more than just a rectangular piece of fabric - it is made from various types of fabric and the body of a sari is often lighter than its end piece, the so-called pallu.

The variety and uniqueness of saris give limitless expanse for fantasy.

So 10 ways to drape a sari.

Gujarati Style: This version of drapery is also used in Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and Bihar. The folds here open to the right, and not to the left, as with traditional drapery. The final part of the sari, the pallu, is thrown over the back over the right shoulder. Then the pallu closes the chest, and its left edge is attached to the back of the petticoat. Pear shaped women with large hips and belly should try the Gujarati style with minimal belly creases.

Maharashtra State Style: Instead of the usual five and a half meters, the sari in this version of the drape is eight meters long. A part of the sari is tucked between the legs, separating them. The sari here is worn without a petticoat, a type of drapery rarely seen in modern times except for use on national holidays. This type of drapery allows for greater freedom of movement. The pallu is worn over the shoulder or used to cover the head.

Tamil style: Like the Maharashtra style, the sari in this version is also eight meters long. After wrapping around the waist, the pleats are placed along the left leg. The rest of the sari goes over the left shoulder, wraps around the waist once more and tucks in on the left side. This version of the drape uses many intricate folds to make the saree as comfortable to wear as a pair of jeans, if worn correctly. The pallu is wrapped around the waist, this drape makes it easy for a woman to do housework.

bengali style: Here saris are worn without folds; it is wrapped around the waist, thrown back to the right side, and the pallu is thrown over the left shoulder. The pallu is then passed under the right arm and once again thrown over the left shoulder. Very often a decorative key tie is added to the hem of the sari to complete this very feminine and graceful drapery.

Kodagu Style: So saris are worn mainly by women from the Kodagu region of Karnataka, this style is distinguished by the folds that are on the back. Pallu is thrown over the right shoulder and secured in this place with a pin.

Nivi style (or Andhra style): The Nivi style was originally used by women in Andhra Pradesh; besides modern nivi, there is also kacha nivi (kaccha nivi), when the folds pass between the legs and are tucked behind the waist at the back. This provides freedom of movement and closes the legs.

Nordic style: In northern India, saris are worn in the traditional style with a pallu covering the chest. The folds are in front, and the pallu chastely covers the chest. This is a suitable drapery when you want to look more modest, for example in the company of older people or parents.

Double drape: If you love Mumtaj drape but are afraid to walk like that, then try this double drape. The lower part of the sari falls down, making the pallu longer. Roll a 3/4 pallu and drape around your waist, then make a second circle this time under your right arm and over your left shoulder. This drapery will give you a lot of slenderness, and it works especially well with a wide border saree. Thus, this drapery is very reminiscent of the Mumtaz style, but allows for free movement.

Mumtaz Style: Popularized by the beautiful movie star Mumtaz, this method consists of wrapping the sari quite tightly around the lower body several times, which gives a narrow, slender silhouette, and the long part of the sari is thrown over the shoulder. This style of draping exposes your belly and limits your freedom of movement.

Bollywood Style: Usually Bollywood has a big influence on fashion when it comes to the saree and its draping. Here the sari has very small folds. The pallu is very narrow and only covers part of the torso, running between the breasts and leaving most of the abdomen exposed. This drape is best if you have a toned body and an hourglass figure.

You can choose and buy a sari here.

Women's sari, which has won many fans around the world. What is the best way to dress and with what shoes and accessories to combine this ethnic clothing? Many ladies ask themselves the question: a sari? First of all, it is worth understanding what it is.

What is a sari

Before learning how to wear a sari, or more precisely, how to tie and drape it, you should understand what it is. After all, this is not just a dress, it is a kind of ancient cultural tradition for many Hindu or Pakistani women. But before putting on a sari, it must be taken into account that this is not just traditional women's clothing, but a special lifestyle. After all, they wear it for centuries and their every movement is filled with grace and plasticity. Do not rush and make sudden movements.

Sari is a long fabric cloth from 5 to 9 meters long, decorated with various ornaments, exquisite embroidery and rhinestones. Ordinary daily clothes are distinguished by calm colors. For holidays, silk or chiffon saris with embroidery or gems are suitable.

Equally important is the location of the pattern. For short women, it is better to prefer a vertical pattern that will visually stretch the figure. Ladies with forms can successfully combine a tight skirt and light fabric, which will add airiness and lightness.

Choice of skirt and choli

On the bottom they put on a knitted or cotton top with a short sleeve - a choli or a regular blouse. But at the same time, it is better that the cutout on it is not very deep. What is unacceptable, especially in India and Pakistan, is underwear peeking out from under clothes. The color of the blouse should be contrasting. If the sari is red, then the choli is better to choose green. Although for owners of magnificent forms, it is best to choose a tone-on-tone top with the main fabric.

A long skirt is worn under the sari, which will serve as the basis and is matched to the color of the fabric. It is better if it is on a soft elastic band and reaches the ankle, which will not restrict movement while walking.

With some skill, you can put on a sari in just a few minutes. Most importantly, take your time and practice putting it on. First you need to unfold the fabric in length and, holding the right edge, tuck it into the elastic band of the petticoat. For greater confidence, you can prick this place with a pin, and then wrap it counterclockwise around the hips. After the first layer, we start draping the sari. Folds are made in the amount of seven to ten pieces approximately the width of a palm. The folds are aligned and laid behind the belt in a straight line. To ensure the strength of the structure, it is best to pin the bends with pins.

After that, we wrap the fabric around the waist again and lift it towards the right chest, lowering the free edge to the left shoulder, which is also draped along the remaining length. To prevent the sari from falling off the shoulder, we fix the fabric with a pin. You can throw the free edge of the fabric over your hair, securing it with hairpins, making a kind of hood. Of course, it is best if the seller shows you how to wear a sari when buying, so that later at home there will be no problems. It is possible that you won’t be able to wrap it the first time on your own and you will have to practice. But there are no unsolvable problems.

Shoes and accessories, with what and how to wear a sari

It is best to combine the sari with exquisite copper or bone bracelets for hands and feet. They will give the image a finished look and can add a certain charm. For a sari, not only the color and pattern of the fabric are important, but also the right shoes. It is best to prefer light ballet flats or flat sandals. They will be successfully combined with a classic sari.

Sari is a traditional Indian clothing that has long gone beyond the borders of its homeland. Many women around the world succumb to the charm of this ancient outfit, which can turn you from an ordinary woman into a mysterious oriental beauty in a matter of minutes.

It seems to many that wearing a sari dress is something akin to an art accessible only to those born and raised in traditional Indian culture. In fact, everything is much simpler.

In this article, we will tell and show how to wear an Indian sari.

How to wear a sari correctly?

There is no single answer to the question of how to wear a sari. Depending on the region, the cut, materials, and ways of tying a sari differ markedly.

We will show you the most common way - "nivi". Many have seen saris tied this way in movies or theater.

How to tie a sari - instructions for use:

  1. To tie a sari in this way, in addition to the canvas, you will need a petticoat and a blouse (top). The petticoat should be matched to match the color of the sari, but the top may be different. An elasticated skirt is not very comfortable, as the elastic band stretches under the weight of the drapery. It is much more reliable to fasten the skirt at the waist with a tape. The top can be very different - short, long, with or without cutouts, with or without sleeves. Pick up underwear that will not show through under the petticoat and top, put them on.
  2. Take the right edge of the sari in your hand and begin to gradually lay it behind the ribbon on the skirt. Make a circle around your waist. See if the bottom of the canvas is even. Remember that the hem of the sari should touch the floor.
  3. Pick up the canvas again. Make 6-7 folds, each about 11-13 cm. Straighten the canvas so that all the folds are exactly the same. To keep them from falling apart, you can secure them with a pin.
  4. After that, all the folds at once need to be laid behind the skirt. At the same time, make sure that they are directed to the left side.
  5. Re-wrap the free edge of the canvas around you.
  6. throw the remaining free edge of the canvas over your shoulder. If the fabric is smooth and falls off the shoulder (or you just want to be sure it's secure), pin it to your blouse with a safety pin.

As you can see, nothing complicated. As a result, you get a feminine, original and very comfortable outfit, perfect for hot summer days.

Don't forget to choose beautiful jewelry and shoes that match the color and style of the saree.

In our gallery you can find some more examples of Indian sari dresses.

Cari- these are very comfortable clothes in which a woman feels comfortable in the hot climate of India. Practice shows that the desire of Russian women to purchase and wear a sari becomes one of the first desires in India.

This article will discuss how to wear a saree and look great in it.

1. Choose the perfect model for you

If you are short, pay attention to the sari with a border (pattern at the bottom), which visually lengthens the silhouette. In India, women say that the border creates a "vertical in relation to the earth."

If, on the contrary, you have the height of a model, you can wear a sari with a wide stripe along the hem, as in this case a “parallel to the ground” is created.

2. Find the right top

The top (or blouse) is very important as it sets the tone for the entire ensemble. The top should fit perfectly, be comfortable and at the same time fit the figure tightly enough; otherwise you will have to constantly correct it. Also, if you're going to wear a sari in India, people around you won't like it if your blouse slips off to reveal your bra straps.

3. Pick the right skirt

A long loose skirt is worn under the sari. It seems that it does not matter what the skirt should be if it is still not visible, but in fact the skirt is one of the most important elements of this costume, without which the sari cannot be imagined. Remember: the fit of a saree is entirely dependent on the skirt. It should not be too wide and loose, otherwise the sari will flutter when walking.

You need to choose a skirt that visually lengthens the silhouette. Its color should match (or at least approach) the color of the sari. The skirt should not be too long or too short. The ideal length is to the ankle.

4. Try on a sari

After choosing the right skirt and blouse, try on the sari by draping it. The sari should not be too tight to the body and hinder movement, otherwise you will not be able to walk normally, but it should also not hang and gather in unsightly folds. Folds should be only in the right places. The skirt and sari should not fall below the foot and drag on the ground.

If you step on the fabric and stumble, it will not only be embarrassing - in this case, you risk breaking the entire structure of the sari and losing it!

5. Experiment with accessories

When choosing accessories for a sari, pay attention to ethnic-style jewelry. This is unlimited space for experiments, so go for it!

6. Take care of nice shoes

It is best to choose comfortable shoes with low heels, ideally with an open toe, which will allow you to demonstrate a flawless pedicure. So, the ideal model is comfortable low-heeled sandals.

7. Pay attention to freedom of action

If you put on a sari for work or a solemn event; it is better to fix the pallu (the loose part of the sari) with a pin on the shoulder - this way it will be easier for you to write, type, and just shake hands with a colleague. On solemn occasions, the pallu is lowered; the pallu falls freely along the arm. This style of drapery does not allow you to gesticulate freely, so forget about the fuss and haste for a while.

8. Secure the saree

If you're worried that the sari might slip off, secure it with pins in the right places. Once you get used to wearing a sari, you will be able to do without this "reinforcement" and will feel natural in it - like thousands of women in India, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh and Nepal.

9. Be confident

This should be manifested in everything - in your clothes, gait and behavior. Remember that you are the most beautiful woman, you are wearing the most beautiful clothes, the most beautiful shoes and accessories. Everything in you is harmonious and beautiful. Keep this in mind and you will look like a real Indian in a sari.

Dressing up a sari- this is a great art, but with sufficient desire, any woman is able to master it.

Let's talk about the classic style of wearing a sari - "nivi".

To drape a sari, you need two elements - blouses And underskirt (petticoat). Blouse (old name "choli") should be rather narrow and short, with or without sleeves. Usually the color of the blouse is matched to the color of the border (border) of the sari or to the main color of the sari. The petticoat should fit snugly around the waist and fasten without the help of an elastic band, as the elastic band can pull back under the weight of the sari. It's best to use tape. The petticoat should match the main color of the sari as closely as possible.

Sari parts. They have different names in different regions of India. For example, Pallu (Hindi) - Achkhel (Bengali).

1. Put on a blouse and petticoat.

2. Take the edge of the sari and, starting from the right side, lay it along the edge behind the skirt. Thus, describe one circle around the waist. Make sure that the bottom end of the sari touches the floor.

3. Starting again on the right side, make 5-7 folds on the sari, each about 12 cm. Align them in length and width and gather them together. This is the most crucial moment in the drapery of the sari. For reliability, they can be secured with a pin.

4. Place the gathered pleats behind the skirt. The folds should look to the left.

5. Wrap the loose end of the sari around you again.

6. Throw the free edge of the sari (pallu) over your shoulder. To keep the edge from falling off, you can pin it to the blouse with a pin.

Be beautiful and happy!

The Indian sari is a bright, exotic, feminine and very sexy outfit. The history of this spectacular attire has more than a thousand years. Today, many Indian women still wear saris with pleasure, and not only in India - saris are popular all over the world and many lovers of oriental culture strive to have this delightful toilet in their wardrobe.

Indian sari: how to put on and how to wear?

How to wear a sari correctly is a question that worries every woman who encounters this outfit for the first time. In order to answer it, you first need to understand what, in fact, is a sari.

In fact, it's just a big piece of cloth; its width is up to 1.2 meters, length - from 4.5 to 9 or even 12 meters. Sari fabrics are used in a wide variety; at one time, the choice of fabric depended only on the wealth of the owner. Wealthy women, of course, preferred fine expensive silk, and those who did not have such an opportunity wore ordinary cotton saris.

Along the entire bottom edge of the sari, or along both edges, there is often a beautiful pattern - painted or embroidered. Sometimes it can be a sewn patterned ribbon.

Along with the sari, Indian women traditionally wear special petticoats and blouses. The skirt is called pavada or shaya; it is a straight-fitting skirt, a few centimeters shorter than the sari. In color, it usually matches him, as it should not be conspicuous. The same applies to blouses - choli. It is sewn according to special patterns and tightly fits the figure. In appearance, such a blouse resembles a modern T-shirt or top; most often, she has short sleeves and she herself is quite short.

According to many historians, earlier Indian women did not wear petticoats or choli, only draped in a sari that left the female body seductively half-open. And only with the arrival of the British colonialists, additional elements were introduced into this outfit so as not to embarrass the morality of the British.

Step by step guide

There are many ways to drape a sari, and different regions of India have their own techniques. Nivi - this is the name of one of the most common methods.

You should take one end of the sari and carefully tuck the fabric into the belt of the petticoat, starting from the right side. The direction of movement is from right to left.

  • When the sari fabric is tucked into the belt of the skirt around the entire circumference of the waist, lay a few folds in front (preferably not very small ones); the area with folds is also tucked into the belt of the petticoat, slightly shifting to the left side.
  • Next, continue to wrap yourself in the sari from right to left, constantly pulling the upper edge tightly with both hands - first the back is covered, then the fabric passes under the armpit and covers the chest, and then the free edge is thrown over the left shoulder (a few beautiful folds are also laid on it beforehand). This loose edge of the sari is called the pallu; it should be longer than the elbow, but shorter than the whole arm. The length of the pallu can be adjusted by changing the number or depth of pleats on the sari. The pallu won't fall off your shoulder once you've had some experience wearing a sari, but it can also be fastened to your choli with pretty decorative pins, as many in India do.

In other ways of draping a sari, the presence and location of folds, as well as the placement of the free edge, may differ - sometimes it is thrown from the back to the chest, over the right shoulder (Gujarati style), and sometimes it is passed forward between the legs and tucked into the belt (Maharashtra).

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