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Gym workout for fast weight loss. Slimming exercises for men in the gym

Every man dreams of having a good figure - many even sign up for gyms, torturing themselves in the hope of getting rid of excess weight. But the success of the procedure depends primarily not on the diligence and not even on the hours on the simulators, but on the training program in gym and selection of suitable exercises.

Some people spend many months going to the gym 3-4 times a week, exhausting themselves to the point of exhaustion, but never make significant progress. In most cases, this happens precisely because of the wrong program or its complete absence. Yes, many people think that the main thing is to give heavy loads in order to lose weight. But experts know that if the training program in the gym for men is designed taking into account the peculiarities of physiology, success can be achieved.

Features of male weight loss

Lose weight for men correct solution. After all, a slender man has many advantages over those who have solid subcutaneous fat reserves:

  • attractiveness to the opposite sex;
  • reduced risk of disease diabetes, stroke, heart attack, hypertension;
  • high endurance, excellent health;
  • self confidence.

All this will be achieved by a suitable male training program in the gym.

It is easier for men to lose weight than women. Moreover, this is due to physiology, and not to the personal qualities of a person.

To begin with, in men, fat is primarily deposited in the abdomen, and not in the hips, as in women. At physical activity and moderate nutrition, it is this fat that is burned in the first place. In addition, even if a man quits the gym and returns to malnutrition weight gain is slower than that of the fair sex.

Photo 1. Healthy body looks attractive and provides many benefits.

Abdominal fat deposition (rounded belly) is a danger to the wearer. The stomach presses on the diaphragm, as a result of which the heart changes position and blood circulation is disturbed, endurance decreases, and the risk of a heart attack increases. For men with overweight the issue of losing weight is so important - they risk both their appearance and health.

The cons of obesity do not end there. Excess body fat leads to increased excretion estrogen - the female sex hormone. As a result, a man becomes overly emotional, irritable, his chest begins to grow and sag. In addition, an increase in estrogen in the blood leads to a decrease in sperm motility and their number. In some cases, this leads to male infertility.

But these problems are solvable. By making a training plan in the gym for men, reducing the amount and calorie content of food, you can get rid of the stomach. After that, it is not difficult to control your weight - in most cases it will help certain restrictions in the diet to keep a figure for many years.

Photo 2. Push-ups on fists shake muscles and burn extra pounds.

Gym workout for men

Gym training for men can achieve excellent results - from weight loss by burning excess fat to increasing stamina.

An effective gym training program for men is compiled by an experienced trainer. It takes into account the physiology specific person and will evaluate physical fitness in order to give recommendations and bring the body back to normal in a short time. But an experienced trainer is a luxury not available to all people who want to lose weight. Therefore, you can create a training program in the gym yourself.

First of all, give up exercises that allow you to pump up individual groups muscles, while not giving a load on the whole body. The training program in the gym for weight loss does not include work on biceps and triceps. But in training in the gym for men, there are definitely exercises for the maximum load on all muscle groups.

Photo 3. Working with a barbell with a lower grip helps build muscle mass.

The total duration of the exercises is at least an hour. All this time the person is moving. Let the load be small, but constant. Rushing to pain in the muscles for a minute, after which resting for 10-20 minutes, you will not achieve anything, even spending half a day on training. For weight loss, circuit training for men in the gym is good. What is circuit training? Many amateurs do not know this term, but this type of training is suitable for burning fat.

Circuit training is a complex of aerobic and strength exercises, in which the load is alternately given to different groups muscles with minimal rest between sets. You press the bar, after half a minute you do a leg press, pull on the block with a wide grip, bend your legs on the simulator, unbend your arms, working with a dumbbell from behind your head. After that, a short break (3-5 minutes) is given and the cycle is repeated two or three more times. It's only exemplary scheme workouts in the gym for men, but it allows you to understand general principle: the same muscle group is not involved twice in a row.

Table describing the cycle of circuit training exercises

The usual strength training in the gym for men involves three to four approaches. Performing a bench press 15 times, a person rests for three to five minutes, the muscles recover, he does two repetitions of 10-15 times. After that, he moves on to another exercise. A good strategy if the goal is to expend some energy while putting a high strain on the muscles. They will grow, become firm, embossed. If a man wants to lose weight in the gym, his body should not relax.

Photo 4. The circuit training cycle includes a leg press on the simulator.

With circuit training, some muscle group is working all the time. The time between sets is minimal - 30-60 seconds, after which another exercise begins. The body does not have time to relax. But there is no dangerous overload. Having trained the muscles of the chest, a person proceeds to exercises that involve the arms and legs. When the cycle of exercises is over, pectoral muscles rest, withstanding the next portion of the load without the danger of injury. To work according to this technique without getting tired at first - an hour, after a couple of months - longer. Constant exercise is good for fat burning. A month or two will pass, and looking in the mirror, you will not recognize yourself. But for this you need to choose correct exercises and trainers. If you work without a coach, the entire responsibility for efficiency falls on you.

Weight Loss Machines

Before proceeding with the execution basic exercises do an aerobic workout. For this, a treadmill, exercise bike or a regular jump rope is suitable. Despite the seeming ease of exercise, they give a long load. After all, a beginner athlete is not able to lift a barbell or dumbbells for 10-15 minutes, but he is able to spend the same time on an exercise bike, pedaling.

Start with a small load - ride, run, jump, you need to gradually increase the pace. This will allow you to disperse the blood, bring the body into tone, and prepare for the upcoming workout. Watch your breathing: if you knock it down during a warm-up, then the training will not be successful. If you are running on a treadmill, then start with a step. Increase your speed until you reach your comfortable maximum. The main criterion for the first classes is to enjoy the process.

Photo 5. Aerobic exercise on a seated exercise bike accelerates metabolism.

An effective exercise machine is the bench press. The training cycle can be started from there. The load goes to the biceps, shoulders, chest, back. Also, the bench is suitable for breeding dumbbells - when performing the exercise, different muscle groups also work.

A hyperextension machine is needed to train all back muscle groups. It also gives an excellent load on the whole body, allowing you to burn extra pounds.

For training the muscles of the back, buttocks and abs, specialized hyperextension simulators are ideal. Outwardly, they are an inclined bench with a leg lock. Adjusting the angle and height of the lift allows you to use different muscle groups, due to the isolation of movement, complete safety and convenience are achieved. The higher the buttocks are located above the upper border of the roller, the stronger the load.

Having hung the horizontal bar at home, you can perform any exercises on it and in any quantity. Classes on it allow you to strain all the muscles of the abdomen - the upper, lower press and side.

Roman chair - reliable remedy to strengthen the muscles of the back and abdomen and burn calories. Twisting on it is suitable for beginners, since the load on the lower back in this case is lower - only the upper body comes off the bench. It is important for people with low level training - more often they come to the gyms to get rid of excess weight. After spending a month or two crunching, the novice athlete will strengthen the muscles of the pelvis and back to move on to confident lifts. With them, the load on the muscles is greater, but the efficiency also increases.

Photo 6. Exercises on the simulator "Roman chair" help develop the muscles of the press

Don't forget the leg curl machine. Working on it, you can work out a significant part of the leg muscles - lower legs, calves, front and back of the thigh. Exercises on it are suitable for a beginner. Legs that can stand big weight and at least a short walk, they will be able to withstand the load from the exercise. If muscle relief or weight loss is important to you, put this machine on your list.

Leg extension machines direct the force to the quadriceps - the muscles of the front surface of the thighs. Stabilizer muscles are not included in the work, since in the sitting position it is not necessary to make efforts to maintain balance. Support of the spine on the simulator eliminates the possibility of back injury.

If you really want to get rid of excess weight, work with old, proven generations of athletes simulators. You can lose weight without doing anything, only with serious illnesses. The loads of the first lesson will seem excessive, and fatigue after training will become yours constant companion. But believe me - the result will justify the fatigue.

Features of men's training

Despite the popularity of the slogan about the equality of men and women, physiologically, representatives of different sexes differ. There are no exercises that are called exclusively female or male. But the program is made taking into account gender.

On male hips or shins pay attention not many women. At the same time, powerful forearms, broad shoulders, convex chest and flat, toned belly each will note. The female standard of beauty provides thin hands, long toned legs, strong rounded buttocks. Men have a massive top body, and women - lower. Men have great strength, and women - endurance.

Photo 7. Muscle building occurs differently in men and women

Even if your goal is not to build muscle, but to get rid of excess weight, you should by no means ignore the difference in physiology.

If a man wants to be fit, a set of exercises is suitable for him, in which there are workouts for upper part body. The load of the muscles of the press and chest on them contributes to the speedy burning of excess fat. This does not mean forgetting about the jump rope, exercise bike, treadmill or lunges with weights - you also need to swing your legs. Moreover, both for beauty and for all muscle groups to work - in this case, it will turn out to lose weight faster.

Weight and number of approaches. Men have greater strength and less endurance. Their bones and tendons are stronger. For these reasons, they do fewer sets, but still take heavy load. During strength training, men are advised to take a lot of weight, while doing 6-12 repetitions. Women will not be able to take a similar weight - thin bones and weak muscles will not withstand. But, taking a suitable load, they can easily do 12-15 repetitions, which would terrify a man.

Given these features, you will create a training program that is right for you.

Photo 8. A man's workout necessarily includes a dumbbell bench press.

Sample program for men

Experienced athletes know how many subtleties and nuances are fraught with drawing up a program for losing weight for men, which allows you to achieve desired result in short timeframes. You can pre-compile sample program for intensive fat burning.

The first day:

  1. work on an inclined bench - twisting - 4 sets of 20 times;
  2. squats with a barbell - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. hyperextension - 4 sets of 20 times;
  4. traction behind the head with the upper block - 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. bench press from the chest in a standing or sitting position - 4 sets of 20 times;
  6. push-ups from the bench standing behind - 4 sets of 20 times;
  7. bending the legs on the simulator - 4 sets of 20 times;
  8. broach with a narrow grip - 4 sets of 20 times;

Second day:

  1. lifting legs from the stop - 4 sets of 20 times;
  2. lunges with dumbbells - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. deadlift when working with dumbbells - 4 sets of 20 times;
  4. thrust with a horizontal block - 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. rod thrust from behind the head in a standing position - 4 sets of 20 times;
  6. push-ups from the floor with a wide grip - 4 sets of 20 times;
  7. leg extension on the simulator - 4 sets of 20 times;
  8. bending the arms with a barbell - 4 sets of 20 times;

Photo 9. Bench press on an incline bench in the gym

Day three:

  1. twisting on the floor - 4 sets of 15 times;
  2. leg press on the simulator - 4 sets of 15 times;
  3. hyperextension - 4 sets of 15 times;
  4. bench press - 4 sets of 15 times;
  5. pull with a narrow grip with the upper block - 4 sets of 15 times;
  6. stepping onto a bench with a load - 4 sets of 15 times;
  7. tilts with a barbell on the shoulders - 4 sets of 15 times;
  8. dumbbell divorces in the prone position - 4 sets of 15 times;

This program is designed for classic work, providing several approaches. But if you have chosen circuit training, there is no difficulty in working on it. Exercises are performed in one approach, with minimal rest breaks between exercises - 1 minute. Cycles should separate breaks of 2-5 minutes. Repeat the cycle 4 times. After studying the program, you will make sure that the exercises for the same muscle groups do not go one after another - work on the press, hips, back, chest, calves and more. By the time you finish one cycle and are ready to start a new one, the muscles will have time to rest. Circuit training allows you to achieve excellent results if your goal is to get rid of excess weight. Spending an hour and a half on training, the athlete rests for 20-30 minutes. In classical training, more time is spent before reloading the muscles.

Photo 10. The pull of the upper block behind the head with a wide grip is performed in several approaches

It is not necessary to work with huge loads - it is more important to train non-stop. This guarantees rapid fat burning.

The program should also include a warm-up. Before starting the first exercise, spend 10-15 minutes on an exercise bike or working with a skipping rope.

A warm-up is a complex preparation of the body for the upcoming physical activity. Do a short warm-up before strength training is one of the key components effective training, which results in accelerating the process of muscle growth and reducing the risk of injury. At the same time, it is important not to go to extremes, not to abandon the warm-up at all, but also not to turn it into a full-fledged workout.

Three training days in Week - suitable option. Some novice athletes, in a hurry to taste healthy lifestyle life, overexerted 5-6 days a week. But one night is not enough to recover and give out again maximum result. Because of this, the next workout is not as successful and productive as the previous one. Instead of improving his performance, the athlete finds out that he is not able to perform yesterday's exercises. Giving the body a rest for two days, performing exercises in compliance with correct technique and without missing a single workout, you will achieve the desired result.

Workout example table

Any sane person understands that training is part of success. And to get rid of excess weight, you need to take care of yourself outside of training.

Photo 11. Muscles that are included in the work during the dumbbell bench press

First of all - healthy sleep. Without sleep, you can not count on good results workouts. To restore strength during the night, you need to get enough sleep. Staying up late and getting up early for work, people come to training, for which they do not have enough strength. One person needs six hours of sleep, and another - nine. Listen to yourself to find out this indicator for yourself.

At the same time, if work week turned out to be harsh, do not skip the workout. Don't have much time or energy left? Try to work out according to the scheme, completing one approach or cycle, instead of full program. The muscles will be in good shape, you will not lose shape, and in subsequent workouts you will not have to catch up with everything from scratch.

High demands are placed on nutrition for weight loss. Make your specific meal plan. Don't read books from successful bodybuilders. Your task is not to gain weight, but to throw it off, and nutrition, suitable for people, who want to acquire mountains of muscle, is not suitable for you.

Photo 12. Good sleep is an important component of a healthy lifestyle

Eliminate from your diet:

  • fried and fatty foods;
  • flour products (leave bran and black bread, but in reasonable amounts);
  • sweets of all kinds;
  • fast food;
  • habitual side dishes (pasta, peas, mashed potatoes) - replace them with low-calorie stewed or steamed vegetables;

During training, do not drink any alcohol - including non-alcoholic beer.

Photo 13. One-handed dumbbell row exercise for men.

Permanent Foods:

  • fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • low-fat cheese, cottage cheese;
  • seafood;
  • red lean meat;
  • oatmeal, buckwheat;
  • nuts.

Photo 14. Athletes take strength from proteins and fiber, which is abundant in vegetables

Avoid snacking before workouts. But drinking more green tea to normalize metabolism is permissible.

After training, the appetite wakes up, but do not immediately go to lunch. If experiencing hunger is hard for you, refresh yourself with something low-calorie and not very sweet - an apple or a guest of nuts.

If your the main objective- To lose weight, then do not eat anything high-calorie for at least a couple of hours. You have finished training, but the fat continues to be burned for several hours after.

Photo 15. Beautiful body and the minimum amount of fat is the invariable result of competent training.


As you can see, getting rid of excess weight is not easy, but complex actions- proper nutrition, deep sleep and work on the simulator - allow you to achieve the desired result. You may have to spend many months watching the number on the scale decrease. By fulfilling the requirements, you will lose 4-6 kilograms per month - after a maximum of six months, you will bring yourself into great shape, increasing endurance, pumping strong muscles.

A beautiful athletic figure guarantees external beauty And excellent health, many years of happy, comfortable life.

Video: Exercises for male weight loss


Gym workouts for weight loss, along with shaping exercises athletic, are standard programs of strength training on sports simulators. When carried out regularly under the supervision of experienced professionals, to achieve positive results will not present much difficulty. Of course, training in the gym for weight loss for girls is most in demand, but this does not mean that men are not puzzled by this problem either. Universal programs are designed for people of both sexes, so anyone who has set a goal to lose weight can safely head to the gym.

Features of training weight loss

Excessive body weight in a person occurs due to the formation of subcutaneous fat layers, which not only do not improve health, but, on the contrary, are prone to provoking various pathologies. Most probable causes extra pounds: lifestyle hypotension and diseases that cause metabolic disorders.

Important! Workouts in the gym for weight loss will only help those who are in the wrong way life got such a problem.

If pathology is to blame for excess weight, then the disease must first be cured, and only then think about simulators. The power method of losing weight is also suitable for endoforms, people with a slow course of metabolic processes, as a result of which a spherical figure is formed: big belly, wide rib cage, small stature and thick layer subcutaneous fat. In such people, muscle mass is gained quickly enough, but weight loss is very difficult.

Workouts in the gym for weight loss alone will not provide desired result. Success depends on integrated approach, which includes the following stages: optimal nutrition, strength exercises on simulators and aerobic training. At the same time, the practice of using the considered methodology shows that up to 60% of the problem is solved due to the protein diet and the correct distribution of incoming calories. At the same time, one diet also does not give the desired result, since the power part ensures the burning of accumulated unnecessary fats. In turn, the aerobic stage allows you to consolidate the results obtained, restoring the human body after power loads.

The whole complex for weight loss, incl. workouts in the gym for weight loss, are developed taking into account individual characteristics body, and such a task is best left to professionals. Only a specialist will choose the right one the right exercises from the universal program, load parameters, frequency and duration of classes. When developing individual program the following characteristics are taken into account:

  1. Age: persons under the age of 16 summer age, are not allowed to deadlift with a large weight.
  2. State of health: in case of exacerbation of chronic diseases, classes are not performed, and in general, strength exercises should be started after consulting a doctor.
  3. Daily routine: the approach to scheduling should take into account the nature of the person's working day - sedentary work or work associated with lifting loads requires different loads during training.
  4. Gender: training in the gym for weight loss for girls in terms of loads differs significantly from the training of men.

How to arrange food

It is very simple to “ruin” all the torment during strength training - you ate a bar of chocolate after training, and all the calories burned quickly return to their place. This is exactly what will happen if you do not provide an important condition - optimal nutrition during the period of a specialized weight loss program.

When scheduling workouts, consider important nuance: the first 20-30 minutes of training eats up the calories received in the last hours before the lesson, and only then does the burning of accumulated fats begin. Thus, there is natural condition: food intake should be stopped 1.5-2 hours before the start of training.

In general, when implementing a weight loss program, sweets should be completely abandoned; give preference to vegetable side dishes and steamed dishes, with the exception of frying; in the second half of the day, the menu is made up exclusively of protein foods (you should especially pay attention to kefir and low-fat cottage cheese).

You can offer such an example of a menu for one day of food:

  • breakfast: oatmeal on the water or skimmed milk, tea without sugar;
  • lunch: fresh fruit;
  • lunch: lean chicken broth, steamed fish with a vegetable side dish;
  • afternoon snack: boiled chicken or turkey with a vegetable side dish;
  • dinner: low-fat cottage cheese, kefir.

Important! In addition to streamlining nutrition, it is necessary to ensure an active daily routine.

If the desire to lose weight is serious, then you need to radically change your lifestyle. Of course, rest and sleep should be complete, but sedentary pastime should be excluded. Very helpful for long walks. fresh air. Even shopping is better than sitting in front of the TV for hours.

Principles of organizing classes

Important! Training in the gym for weight loss should be carried out at least 3 times a week.

The training program includes power loads and loads on cardio simulators. The latter include options such as a treadmill, stepper, elliptical trainer and some others. The usual training regimen includes the following order: warm-up on a cardio machine for 5-7 minutes; strength part lasting 40-60 minutes and calming cardio loads for 20-30 minutes. Average duration training for weight loss is about 90-100 minutes.

The training program in the gym for weight loss is especially carefully prepared in terms of power loads. They are the basic mechanism for burning excess fat, but at the same time they should not be excessive for a person, especially for female body. The largest number energy is spent on the development of large muscles (back, chest, lower limbs), and, therefore, it is on them that the emphasis is placed in compiling the complex.

Each exercise has its own specific parameters, but, as a rule, it is performed in 3-4 sets with 15-22 repetitions. Training will be effective if an intense rhythm is provided. To maintain it, it is recommended not to take a break between individual approaches for more than 1-1.5 minutes.

Experienced people or beginners can come to the gym. For those who see real simulators for the first time, introductory training sessions are held, preferably under the guidance of an experienced trainer. The first classes should begin with light weights and proper rest between exercises. The load should be increased gradually, as the person is drawn into the rhythm of classes. It is important that loads do not cause pain in internal organs, and breathing was normal without shortness of breath, pulse is monitored during exercise.

Universal approach to classes

When planning a training program for weight loss, you can use a universal algorithm for compiling it. For example, the following training program is very popular:

  1. First day: loads are directed to the muscles of the arms and chest. Such a complex is recommended: dumbbell bench press from a prone position on an inclined surface (3 sets of 10-13 repetitions); push-ups on the uneven bars (3 sets of 11-12 repetitions); crossover on the upper blocks (3 times 14-16 repetitions); dumbbell press for biceps (3 sets of 14-16 times); treadmill (22-26 minutes); twisting (3 sets to the maximum).
  2. Second day: unloading. Aerobics is carried out in the form of swimming, light running or team games.
  3. Third day: loads on the spinal muscles and abs. Exercises included: squat with a barbell; leg press; deadlift on straightened legs; dumbbell press sitting position(all exercises have 3 sets of 11-13 repetitions); lifting legs in a state of hanging (2 times to the maximum).
  4. Fourth day: unloading aerobics.
  5. Fifth day: the press and back are loaded. The following exercises are recommended: deadlift and barbell row in an inclined position (3 sets of 11-13 repetitions of each exercise); shrugs using dumbbells (3 times 14-16 repetitions); pull-ups on uneven bars and twisting (3 sets each with a maximum load); treadmill (18-25 minutes); exercise "bike" (2 approaches to the maximum).

Features of women's training

The program of female training for weight loss can be lightweight. So you can offer such complexes of power loads, which should be carried out every other day, alternating with unloading aerobics:

  1. First day: twisting, carried out on the floor or on a bench; leg extension; chest thrust of the upper block; "bike" in the supine position; reduction of legs on the simulator; chest thrust of the lower block; bending arms with dumbbells in a standing position.
  2. Third day: side twist; bench press in a lying position on an inclined surface; exercise "butterfly"; deadlift; alternate bending of one leg in a standing position; leg lift on the simulator.
  3. Fifth day: twisting; push-ups from the floor or bench; extension of the arms when working on the upper block; body lunges with a load; squat type "sumo" with a load (dumbbells); push-ups from a horizontal surface; leg extension on the simulator.

Workouts in the gym for weight loss have gained well-deserved popularity. They are quite effective for both women and men of any age, but they should be combined with the optimization of nutrition for the period of training. Training is best done under the guidance of an experienced trainer who will help you choose the right training program, duration and magnitude of power loads.

Obesity is serious problem requiring the quickest possible resolution. One of the most common ways to lose weight is to go to the gym regularly. But in order for the classes to have a result, you must create a special program.

Remember, there are no magic pills and drinks! The first thing you need to do is activate fat burning. How to do it, . And then you can already begin to deal with the issues of improving your body more seriously. All weight loss is based on proper nutrition and physical activity, the rest is fantasy and nonsense.

In this article we will try to figure out how to lose weight in the gym for a man. As already mentioned, weight loss requires a special individual program, fundamentally different, for example, from a program to gain mass or increase strength.

Weight loss exercises for men in the gym are formed in such a way that the exercising person expends as much energy as possible. Read also -. In this case, you need not only to lose weight, but still gain a certain minimum amount of muscle mass.

We will give an example of such a program that answers all of the above, and will answer the question of how to lose weight in the gym for a man. But first, let's look at a few introductory questions.

Why the gym

Some prefer to work out at home, while others are completely limited to simple diets. Nobody disputes that this is also great ways lose weight, but the obvious thing is that weight loss in the gym for men is much more effective if you have a program that you are willing to follow relentlessly.

Special simulators will allow you to train really effectively, which is simply impossible at home due to the lack of opportunities to perform certain exercises.

It is in order to help you create a weight loss program that this article is written. We offer a variant of the program, which includes the main energy-consuming exercises. Let's go to them.

Training program

The main principle will be based on the so-called. supersets - dual exercises that develop different muscle groups. Superset means that each set will include two different exercises. Let's say you do one set of crunches - then immediately move on to a hyperextension set. And only then do you take a break for a few minutes. Then you do not move on to other exercises, but repeat the same two, three or even four more times - depending on the exercises and, of course, your condition.

The program is designed in such a way that different muscle groups and body are involved. By doing it, you can remove fat from the hips, buttocks, abdomen and other problem areas. IN different days you will do different exercises. So the program.

The first day

  • You do incline crunches fifteen times, and then immediately move on to hyperextension, performed ten times. Repeat this part three or four times.
  • Squat with a barbell on your shoulders fifteen times, then move on to pulling the head from the upper god, performed ten times. Repeat this algorithm three or four times.
  • Press the barbell while standing from the chest fifteen times, after which you train bending the legs in the prone position twenty times. Repeat everything in two sets.
  • Push up from the bench behind fifteen times, after which you do a broach with a barbell while standing the same number of times. Repeat the algorithm in three or four sets.

Second day

  • Raise your legs with an emphasis fifteen times, then immediately go to the deadlift with dumbbells and do it ten times. Do four sets.
  • Move on to lunges with dumbbells, do them fifteen times. Then do the horizontal thrust row fifteen times. Perform in 2 two approaches.
  • Do the bench press from behind your head while standing ten times. Then do leg extension in the simulator twelve times. Do 3 sets.
  • Push up from the floor with a wide grip twenty times. Then move on to standing barbell curls. Repeat the algorithm 2 times.

The third day

  • Do the floor crunch fifteen times. Then move on to hyperextension, which you perform ten times. Repeat four times.
  • Do the leg press in the simulator fifteen times, then the classic barbell bench press in a horizontal position the same number of times. Do two approaches.
  • Perform close-grip rows ten times. Then go to the slopes with a barbell on your shoulders, perform them twelve times. Repeat the algorithm three times.
  • Step onto the bench with dumbbells ten times. Then, in a supine position, make divorces twenty times. Repeat three times.

After the third day, you return to the first again. You can change the schedule of the days, but not the composition of the exercises. If the program presented here is too much for you, it is recommended to reduce the number of exercises and increase the number of approaches. In the same case, if even then you cannot complete the program, simply reduce the number of exercises. Over time, you will become more and more trained and even then you can increase them to the numbers given here.


Although aerobic exercise is not required for weight loss in men, it is still recommended. Use the appropriate simulators or at least a simple jump rope. There are two ways to include aerobics in the program: either do it for about fifteen minutes after your workout, or for four minutes after each set. These exercises significantly affect weight loss, which is obviously extremely beneficial in our case.

Mandatory Precautions

Watch your heart rate carefully as it elevated values especially characteristic of people with overweight. If you feel you are going over 160 beats per minute, stop exercising and take a break.

If you have any specific diagnoses, then check with your doctor about whether you can work out in the gym. For example, even a minor spinal injury completely eliminates the possibility of this. In addition, with some diseases, specific exercises for weight loss for men in the gym may be prohibited.

Do not start doing exercises right away if you have not previously had to work out in the gym; consult with someone who is able to provide you with qualified assistance regarding all aspects of conducting each of the exercises. Otherwise, there is a possibility of watering the injury.


The above weight loss program in the gym for men was compiled based on the analysis of the main existing systems for weight loss; this technique takes as its goal the maximum effectiveness in terms of weight loss. Experience shows that the first results, if you do everything right, will appear after a week.

Working out in the gym gives you a huge number of benefits. For example, they allow you to lose weight, get rid of problem areas, form muscles, and raise the tone of the body.

Masters of various fitness centers have developed whole sets of classes aimed at certain problem areas. All of them differ in the level of load: a set of exercises for men in the gym can be chosen for advanced and beginners.

First you need to think about your problem, in addition, set real tasks that need to be solved in order to find a beautiful and slim figure. To do this, you need to choose a fitness club to your liking. Different institutions give the opportunity to go to a trial first lesson for free. There they will measure you, weigh you, determine the areas that need to be worked out, and also select a set of exercises in the gym for men (including those over 40 years old) to bring your body into shape. The trainer will tell you how to correctly distribute the load. This is important, since your muscles will work to their full potential, and more calories will be burned only if proper nutrition and approach.

How many workouts per week should be for men to lose weight?

In the presented set of exercises for weight loss for men optimal frequency Classes will be in 1 day. Your muscles need to recover, do not forget about the diet, it is she who is the key to losing weight. On the other hand, if you are already on a low-carb diet, then you may simply run out of strength, overtraining and apathy will set in. In between workouts, smooth cardio, not interval cardio, is perfect. Smooth cardio will further boost your fat burning and metabolism, stick to a minimum duration of 45 minutes.

Information for men

Number of repetitions and exercises for men

In order for men to have an effect from working in the gym, you need to clearly understand how a set of exercises for weight loss is built.

The first element of training is cardio. You should start with 5-10 minutes, without much overclocking. If it is an ellipsoid or an exercise bike, you can work even more in the first workouts. If the treadmill - it is necessary to dose the load.

In the presence of excess weight, classes on the treadmill should begin with walking brisk pace. Then it all depends on the condition. of cardio-vascular system and joints. If walking is easy for you and you don’t experience any discomfort either during or after training, increase your speed a little. Gradually bring to an easy run. There is no need for fast running. Be sure to wear thick-soled sneakers, as the strain on the knee joints will be significant.

After cardio comes the main part of the workout, consisting of strength exercises. Here your task is to spend as much energy as possible.

To burn fat, you need to do 15-20 repetitions in each exercise. You need to do it at medium speed, without jerking, but also without stopping at extreme points.

The task is to get rid of fat over the muscles and tone them. Muscle mass grow on this stage will not be. You will deal with it after, when you lose weight. Of course, the program will be different.

As for the weight loss program given in this article, even some exercises should not be excluded. Try to use everything: both the base and the secondary elements to strengthen the muscles. All this will ensure the active burning of calories and reduce your weight.

If you are using another program, remember that the base is the most energy-intensive among the exercises, so it is better that they are included in your complex. Even with a light weight, they will make you sweat well. All that remains is to ensure that the coach controls you so that you do not hurt yourself by doing something wrong.

The basis of weight loss for men - correct mode food

The vast majority of beginners are convinced that only the right ones are enough for weight loss. exercise. However, the question of burning subcutaneous fat depends, first of all, on how well you eat. Yes, intense bulk work in the gym can lead to the fact that kilograms of fat mass will go away, however, if your diet is wrong and includes a lot of excess, the lost kilograms will return very quickly.

How to eat right to lose weight for a man?

Let me remind you briefly:

Limit to a minimum the consumption of fast carbohydrates (flour, sweet) - they can be consumed in minimum quantity only in the morning.

Eat strictly at certain periods of time (breakfast, lunch, dinner) - exclude snacks and other extra meals.

Reduce portions of carbohydrates (by 10-15%) and increase the amount of protein food consumed.

Monitor your weight and thickness of subcutaneous fat every month - if the result is not visible, reduce the daily calorie intake even more (primarily due to carbohydrates).

Thus, giving necessary attention the issue of proper nutrition, we significantly increase the effectiveness of our fat-burning workouts, as well as accelerate the process of losing weight. At the same time, we fix results achieved and we don’t gain the lost kilograms, even if we stop going to the gym for a while.

Carbohydrate window after training for weight loss for men

Weight loss training is based on strength exercises, if you had a lesson during the day or you can eat until 20.00, then you need to refresh yourself with slow carbohydrates and protein, this will restore strength, especially for beginner men. If you have completed a set of exercises for weight loss in the evening, then all that remains for you is not fatty protein, chicken breast and salad, low-fat cottage cheese. Immediately after training for weight loss, you can drink a protein shake with whey protein, and drink casein at night.

Gym training program for men (for beginners)

Training for beginners is the study of all muscle groups in each workout. Often, trainers offer to do split exercises right away (one workout - one muscle group), but we recommend doing exercises for the whole body (or 2 muscle groups) every time for the first time.

Click on the name of the exercise or on the picture and you will see detailed description exercises.

1 Pull-ups

Max reps * 3 sets

*if you can't pull up yet, use the gravitron or ask your trainer/partner to push you with their hands. You can also put a chair down and do negative pull-ups (quickly push your feet up from the chair and slowly lower).

2 Barbell deadlift

10-12 reps * 3 sets

3 Leg Press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

4 Dumbbell bench press

12-15 reps * 3 sets

5 Twisting on the press

15-20 reps * 3 sets

Program for men entry level:

  • workout duration - 40 minutes + warm-up
  • since you are a beginner, we will work out the whole body in one workout (that is, we do the same thing every workout)


No. 1. Warm up - 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 3 * 20

No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 3 * 20

No. 4. Pull-ups on the horizontal bar with a wide grip to the chest - 4 * 15

No. 5. Bench press lying on a horizontal bench with a wide grip - 4 * 20

No. 6. Hanging leg raises on the horizontal bar - 3 * maximum

No. 7. Orbitrek - 10 minutes

The first few months (while you are a beginner), male and women's schemes almost identical. These schemes have two goals: burning fat and preparing the body for heavy loads. According to these schemes, you can train for about 2 months (you can train for 3 months, but not less than 2). After that, your body will get stronger and it will be possible to start more difficult workouts.

Intermediate program for men:

  • number of workouts per week - 3 times
  • workout duration - 60 minutes + warm-up
  • rest between sets in exercises - 60 seconds
  • the body is divided into three parts, and each part is worked out on a separate day, once a week
  • it is forbidden to shuffle the exercises (do everything in strict order, as written)
  • you need to train not every day, but every other day (Monday, Wednesday, Friday or Tuesday, Thursday, Saturday)
  • train at the same time

Monday (or Tuesday):

No. 1. Warm up - 5 minutes

No. 2. Bench press lying on a bench with an upward slope (30 degree slope) - 1 * 20 / 1 * 15 / 5 * 10

No. 3. Wiring dumbbells lying on a horizontal bench - 5 * 12

No. 4. Rod pull to the chin with a wide grip - 1 * 20 / 1 * 15 / 5 * 10

No. 5. Push-ups on uneven bars - 1*20/5*12

No. 6. Orbitrek - 20 minutes

Wednesday or Thursday):

No. 1. Warm up - 5 minutes

No. 2. Squats with a barbell on the shoulders - 1 * 20 / 1 * 15 / 5 * 12

No. 3. Deadlift on straight legs with a barbell - 1*20/1*15/5*12

No. 4. Lunges with dumbbells - 2 * 15

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