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What to do if you have a fever during pregnancy. Reasons for increasing and decreasing temperature during pregnancy

When a woman becomes pregnant, the body signals these drastic changes in many ways. One of them is an increase in temperature to approximately 37 degrees. This is exactly how some women find out about their “interesting situation” - they go to the clinic about an elevated temperature, and leave the doctor with unexpected news and already in the status of a future mother.

There may be several reasons why the temperature rises during pregnancy, but not all of them are a cause for concern. And the very concept of “norm” for women in this situation changes somewhat. So let's look at everything in order.

The main causes of elevated temperature in pregnant women

Against the backdrop of colossal hormonal changes throughout the body, which are caused by pregnancy, the body’s heat transfer slows down. Often this is the reason for a slight increase in temperature. The second reason is the increased production of the main hormone, which is necessary for the normal course of pregnancy. This hormone is called progesterone, and it can also raise your temperature. If in the first weeks of pregnancy you feel the same as usual, and the thermometer shows 37–37.1, this is the absolute norm.

Among external factors, the cause of an increase in temperature can be prolonged exposure to the sun or even simply in a stuffy room. Yes, before your body didn’t pay attention to such little things, but now it reacts immediately. But this reaction is absolutely natural and natural.

The temperature rose to 37.5. What to do?

Unfortunately, this is already a symptom at which you need to sound the alarm. It is very possible that you were not careful and caught some kind of infection. And in the first months of pregnancy, even the slightest infection can be extremely dangerous for you and your baby. Firstly, due to general viral intoxication of the body, disruptions in the functioning of the cardiovascular system may occur. Secondly, during this period all the vital organs of the child are formed, and if these processes take place during illness and against the background of elevated temperature, irreversible pathologies in the development of the fetus may occur. Alas, at the beginning of pregnancy this can threaten spontaneous abortion (miscarriage), and in the later stages - placental abruption and, as a consequence, premature birth. Monitor and check the condition of your body - normal temperature during pregnancy is 37–37.1, but no more!

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

If your temperature has risen slightly, try grandma's methods. Start with plenty of warm drinks. In the first trimester, you may not be able to control the volume of fluid you consume, but then it is advisable to be more careful - you don’t need severe swelling. Drink everything that has helped you before - tea with lemon, raspberries, linden, milk with honey. If the temperature rises above 38, start taking antipyretic decoctions of several herbs: for example, coltsfoot + plantain + raspberry or linden + chamomile + willow bark.

If the temperature does not subside during pregnancy, add health procedures to warm drinks: rubbing with cold water, cool compresses on the forehead. Try to cool your body - do not cover yourself with a blanket or wrap yourself up. It often happens that such simple procedures from the arsenal of traditional medicine are enough to normalize the temperature. But there are situations when you simply do not have the right to waste precious time on teas and rubdowns and you urgently need to take active action.

This is the case if the temperature during pregnancy remains above 38 degrees and does not subside for a long time. This is a signal that it is time to turn to medications. The first thing you need to know is that aspirin is contraindicated for you (especially in the first and third trimesters). One such habitual and seemingly innocent tablet of acetylsalicylic acid can threaten fetal developmental defects and termination of pregnancy in the early stages, as well as bleeding and difficult childbirth in later stages. You can take paracetamol-based drugs - these are Panadol, Efferalgan, paracet, Tylenol and others. You can try indomethacin-based tablets - vramed, methindol. Start with half a tablet and do not increase the dose without consulting your doctor.


To summarize, we can give general advice to expectant mothers - monitor the temperature level daily, from the first to the last day of pregnancy. Make it a rule to start the day by taking your temperature in the morning without getting out of bed, as is done during hospital treatment. Carefully record the data of each day in the diary of the expectant mother. Report even the slightest increase in temperature to your doctor. And, of course, remembering your responsibility for the life of a small, unborn person, beware of drafts, hypothermia and infections.

The good health of the mother during the period of bearing a child is important, since the course of pregnancy and the condition of the child depend on this. During the first trimester, some women experience both an increase in body temperature and a decrease in body temperature, both of these conditions are a reason to consult a doctor.

Causes of fever in a pregnant woman

■ Sometimes an increase in temperature occurs due to hormonal changes, so you should not worry ahead of time. In the early stages of pregnancy, women produce the hormone progesterone, which keeps your baby alive in the first months of life. Basically, at the beginning of pregnancy, the temperature can remain around 37.2-37.4 degrees Celsius. This is normal body temperature during pregnancy, but still any changes in the health of a pregnant woman require mandatory consultation with a gynecologist.

■ The reason may simply be your body’s reaction to the child, because this is a new condition for him. Therefore, immunity decreases, so as not to fight the child as a foreign body, but to accept it. During this period, women feel well, there is no body aches, cough, or runny nose.

■ The temperature may also be due to overheating, especially in hot weather. Be sure to wear a hat and use sunscreen if you are exposed to the sun for long periods of time.

■ If the temperature reaches 38.0, you should definitely call a doctor at home, as there may be a cold or other viral infection, or it could be diseases of the genitourinary system, gastrointestinal tract or diseases of the internal organs that require drug treatment or surgical intervention. In addition to temperature, other symptoms indicating illness will be observed.

Important! You should not take any measures without a doctor's examination, because some medications can harm both you and your unborn baby. Fever during pregnancy, if its cause is not found out and is not brought down, can lead to negative consequences.

Possible complications from fever in a pregnant woman

Complications can arise not only from the increase in body temperature itself, but also from the disease that caused it.

First and second trimester of pregnancy

An increase in temperature in the first weeks after ovulation (1-3 weeks of pregnancy) can lead to spontaneous miscarriage or missed abortion, as well as disruption in the formation of embryonic systems.

Diseases with increased body temperature in the 1st and 2nd trimester of pregnancy can cause malformations and underdevelopment of some parts of the body in the fetus.

Getting a cold at 12-14 weeks of pregnancy is less dangerous for the fetus, since the fully formed placenta will protect the baby. But there is still a possibility of miscarriage or changes in the endocrine system. Read more about colds during pregnancy on our website.

At 16-17 weeks, bone tissue is formed; a prolonged increase in temperature can cause pathology in its development.

If you have a girl, and you caught a cold at 19-20 weeks, then she may have a disorder in the formation of the reproductive system, which leads to infertility.

In the last trimester of pregnancy

Premature birth is possible in any week of the 3rd trimester.

In recent weeks, the placenta becomes thinner and more permeable. A prolonged increase in temperature can cause premature placental abruption.

At week 33, the baby’s immunity is not developed, so viruses can penetrate it, and if you get sick, for example, rubella, then the baby will also get it in utero.

At week 34, ARVI can disrupt hormonal levels and cause the production of colostrum.

35 weeks, there is a high risk of having a baby prematurely and being complicated by late gestosis.

At week 36, a cold with fever can cause rupture of amniotic fluid.

At 37 weeks, the virus can enter the baby through the amniotic fluid.

At 40 weeks, the baby may get a cold, which can complicate childbirth.

What to do if you have a high temperature during pregnancy

Important! First of all, you need to establish the cause of the rise in temperature, and only then can you proceed to treatment.

If the cause is diseases of the genitourinary system, then mandatory drug treatment and collection of appropriate tests are required. In pregnant women, a common occurrence is an exacerbation of chronic diseases such as cystitis and pyelonephritis. With these diseases, a woman may feel pain in the lower back, body aches, pain radiating to the thigh, painful urination, or the presence of blood in the urine. Due to reduced immunity, pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic microflora of the vagina can begin to actively multiply, which, in addition to a rise in temperature, will lead to pathological discharge from the genital tract, irritation and itching in the perineum.

Poisoning and gastrointestinal diseases can cause a rise in temperature; treatment may require antacids and absorbents. Treatment should be prescribed by a doctor after questioning and examination.

Appendicitis can cause fever and abdominal pain, vomiting and diarrhea. Urgent hospitalization is required to clarify the diagnosis. In the hospital, if the diagnosis is confirmed, drug and/or surgical treatment is carried out.

But most often the cause of fever during pregnancy is ARVI or influenza. Almost every pregnant woman has caught a cold at least once during her entire pregnancy.

If the cause is a cold, then you cannot lower the temperature below 37.5 degrees Celsius. A woman's immunity during pregnancy decreases significantly, so the possibility of contracting various infections and diseases increases. This is dangerous because intoxication of the entire body occurs, which can lead to diseases of the cardiovascular system, changes in protein synthesis, developmental disorders and premature birth. The influenza virus can cross the placenta, which can cause miscarriage or infection of the fetus in late pregnancy. Let's talk about treatment in more detail.

Treatment of fever

It is possible to be treated with traditional methods if the temperature is low and lasts throughout the day. It is important to drink plenty of fluids, but make sure that it does not cause swelling. In the first months, you should not limit yourself to fluids, the main thing is that you can control yourself in the second and third trimester. Under no circumstances should you carry a cold on your feet; a pregnant woman with a fever needs rest for about 2-5 days.

It is strictly forbidden to take medications: aspirin, analgin, Nurofen, Theraflu, Coldrex. The safest is paracetamol (Panadol). Paracetamol has virtually no effect on the fetus, but it is not necessary to take it without consulting a doctor. You should take 1 tablet no more than 4 times a day. Also, the break between tablets when taking paracetamol should be at least 4 hours. If you overdo it, you may experience bleeding or develop anemia.

You can do wiping with water at room temperature, you should wipe all natural folds and wrists, and you can also put a wet cloth on your forehead. There is no need to wrap yourself in ten blankets at this time! You don't need overheating.

If you have a fever, monitor it every 30 minutes, and if after taking antipyretics within an hour you have not been able to bring down the high temperature (more than 38 degrees Celsius), then you should call a doctor at home or emergency care.

When the temperature is high, cranberry juice helps very well. You can also drink tea: with lemon, raspberry, chamomile, linden. Milk with honey will also help a lot. It is important that the liquid you drink is warm. Hot drinking is contraindicated!

Cough. Honey will help us get rid of it. With its help you need to do inhalation (dissolve 3 tablespoons of honey in 5 cups of boiling water), the water should be at least 49 degrees Celsius. The steam must be inhaled one at a time, first into one nostril, then into the other). Gargling with dry coughs with herbs will help: sage, eucalyptus, calendula. You can even inhale with soda; it helps with dry cough very quickly. If you have an inhaler at home, then do the procedure 3 times a day with saline solution.

For nasal congestion You can use naphthyzin, halozolin, nazivin, vibrocil no more than 2 times a day, and only as a last resort and do not overdo the dose - 1-2 drops in each nostril. Because nasal drops can penetrate the placenta. You can also instill “Aquamaris” or “Aqualor” drops; they are in saline solution and are not contraindicated for pregnant women. Herbal-based ointment “Doctor Mom” is effective. This ointment is applied to the area around the nostrils, which makes breathing easier. If you are not allergic to the ointment, you can take it several times a day.

If your throat hurts You can rinse it with chlorhexidine solution for about 30 seconds. Antiseptics should not be overused! If the sore throat is not severe, you can gargle with a solution of chamomile, salt, soda, and calendula.

You should not take antibiotics on your own under any circumstances, because, firstly, there is no need for them, since they are prescribed when a secondary bacterial infection occurs, because influenza and ARVI are caused by viruses, and secondly, antibiotics can cause serious defects in the fetus.

Horseradish is considered the best and safest immunomodulator. It has been used in folk medicine for a very long time. Horseradish needs to be finely grated and mixed with sugar and left for 24 hours so that it produces juice. The next day, strain and take one tablespoon every hour. And also black radish, which you need to grate and add a little honey, take a teaspoon 3 times a day.

Grippferon, Interferon and Viferon are antiviral agents that can only be used after consultation with a doctor.

In folk medicine, there are many more recipes for colds. For example, brew two tablespoons of raspberry jam, four tablespoons of coltsfoot, and three tablespoons of plantain. This medicine is limited in intake, only 1 teaspoon 4 times a day.

Important! Some traditional methods can harm the child even more than the medicine, so be careful and consult a doctor before taking it.

Reduced temperature during pregnancy

Hypothermia is a condition in which the core body temperature drops below 35°C. In pregnant women, a decrease in body temperature below 36.0 degrees Celsius is a reason to consult a doctor. A decrease in temperature in pregnant women for a long time can lead to dizziness and fainting.

Causes of temperature drop in pregnant women

■ If your temperature drops during pregnancy and makes you shiver, this may be the cause of endocrinological problems, so you should consult a therapist or endocrinologist. For example, hypothyroidism is a disease of the thyroid gland that causes chills, weakness, and sleepiness.

■ It is also possible for the temperature to drop with severe toxicosis, since during this period the woman eats very poorly and often vomits.

■ Decreased immunity and lack of vitamins in the body can cause a drop in temperature.

■ Anemia – decreased hemoglobin, which can lead to low body temperature.

■ Possible fatigue, both physical and mental.

■ Lack of sleep and stress can also cause body temperature to deviate from normal.

■ Vascular pathology.

■ Hypoglycemia - low blood sugar. Symptoms: dizziness, nausea, weakness, drowsiness. These manifestations may be symptoms of diabetes.

How to treat low temperature

If a decrease in body temperature is not associated with any disease, then first of all the pregnant woman should follow a daily routine. You need to get enough sleep, walk in the fresh air, sign up for a swimming pool and fitness class for pregnant women. Meals should be balanced and fractional. Strongly brewed hot tea with sugar or jam can raise body temperature.

How to protect yourself and your baby?

Naturally, as my mother taught: “wash your hands when you come from the street and when you sit down at the table.” This is the first rule, the second is to eat right, the third is to avoid crowds of large numbers of people, especially during an epidemic. But being outdoors is a must!

Rinse your nose. Or before going outside, smear your nose with oxolinic ointment. Or you can also drip aloe into your nose.

Strict no coffee! Coffee is very harmful for pregnant women; it is better to replace it with green tea.

Take vitamins (as agreed with your doctor).

You can eat garlic, but if you don’t want to, you can cut it and put it in different corners of the house in the rooms, there will be no smell, then it will begin to release phytoncides into the air (almost the same as eating garlic).

Dress appropriately for the weather.

Ventilate the room 2-3 times a day.

Naturally, a healthy lifestyle. Drink rose hip tea, as rose hips contain a huge amount of vitamins.

Products that contain vitamin C are sauerkraut, peppers, cranberries, lemon.

Avoid stress.

Drink juices constantly, only fresh and natural ones, as they contain phytocytes, this will strengthen your immunity.

Do exercises as this leads to good blood circulation.

You can wear a special pendant around your neck, into which you can add aromatic oils against colds.

By following all of these rules, you will not get sick during all three trimesters! Be healthy!

More materials - temperature during pregnancy

A woman who is in an interesting situation, upon receiving good news, begins to be especially attentive to her health.

Many representatives of the fair sex notice that they have a temperature of 37. During pregnancy, this phenomenon can be called the rule rather than the exception.

Of course, you should consult a doctor and dispel your doubts. But if you decide to become a mother, then it will not be superfluous to know what will happen in the body over the long 9 months and how this will affect changes in body temperature.

The reasons why the temperature remains at 37.3 during pregnancy for a long time can be both natural changes occurring in the body of the expectant mother and various diseases.

You should not turn a blind eye to this condition. It often causes unnecessary worries and doubts.

Negative emotions are not very good for a child, so you should consult a doctor and dispel your fears.

Practice shows that in 8 cases out of 10, a slight increase in temperature throughout the entire period becomes normal. But a lot depends on the duration of pregnancy.

First trimester changes

If the temperature drops, this indicates a threat of interruption. Most often, the cause of this pathology is insufficiency of the corpus luteum and, as a consequence, the release of a small amount of progesterone.

A temperature of 37 during early pregnancy is the body’s physiological reaction to a new condition. In order for the embryo to develop correctly and the body not to perceive it as a foreign body, a decrease in immune defense occurs.

This process is inherent in nature and does not require the help of people or the use of any means. A natural decrease in immunity cannot but be reflected in temperature values. Many women feel unwell during this period: headache, drowsiness, increased fatigue.

The risk of colds also increases. But if there are no additional symptoms of the disease, then there is no need to worry. In the coming weeks, your condition will improve, and your pregnancy will move to a new stage - the second trimester.

A temperature of 37 during pregnancy (in the first trimester) often appears due to the release of progesterone. This hormone is designed to support pregnancy. It is produced by the adrenal glands and the corpus luteum, formed in the ovary after ovulation.

Progesterone is necessary to relax muscle muscles, so often in the early stages of pregnancy, women experience problems with bowel movements and urination (the urge becomes more frequent).

Progesterone affects thermoregulation and the functioning of the pituitary gland. It is not surprising that it causes fluctuations in temperature values.

It is most noticeable in the evening. By measuring your body temperature after a day of work, you can see values ​​reaching up to 37.5 degrees, which are not a cause for concern.

Separately, it should be mentioned that a basal temperature of 37 during pregnancy is good.

Not all women are faced with the need to control these values. But for those who have had problems conceiving or difficulties in the early stages, this becomes a necessity.

Please note that the temperature may also increase during an ectopic pregnancy. This pathology can only be reliably established using ultrasound.

Changes that occur in the second trimester

It is important that high thermometer readings determined in the second trimester are much more likely to indicate pathology than readings at the beginning of pregnancy.

With the beginning of the second third of pregnancy, a woman’s placenta forms. But she cannot immediately take on all the tasks, so the corpus luteum will function for another 1-3 weeks. As is already known, it secretes progesterone, which provokes slight increases in body temperature.

Very soon the placenta will take over the tasks of the ovaries and secrete the pregnancy hormone on its own. From this moment on, the expectant mother may notice an improvement in her well-being: mood swings occur less frequently, toxicosis and drowsiness disappear.

But a body temperature of 37 during pregnancy in the second trimester can still persist for natural reasons.

The second third of pregnancy requires rapid growth of the embryo.

If in the early stages only its formation and the appearance of organs and the formation of systems occur, then now all this will grow at an incredible speed.

This additional load especially affects the cardiovascular and excretory systems.

If a woman has any chronic diseases (for example, venous insufficiency or pyelonephritis), then an increase in temperature may occur precisely for these reasons.

Therefore, if you detect any extraneous symptoms, you should definitely consult a doctor for advice.

Third trimester

A temperature of 37.1-37.3 during pregnancy in the third trimester is usually no longer normal.

Sometimes this condition, in the early stages, is physiological and does not indicate abnormalities.

Also, women with pituitary gland dysfunction can remain in a similar temperature regime constantly.

But statistics show that the third part of pregnancy usually occurs with normal thermometer readings. What does a slight increase in temperature indicate?

Acute period of illness

The immune system makes the body of the expectant mother especially vulnerable in the early stages, in the first trimester. But even before childbirth he cannot be called strong.

Therefore, very often a woman catches a viral infection:

  • flu,
  • cold,
  • intestinal diseases.

In this case, the expectant mother has a fever for 3-5 days. If it does not reach critical levels, but stays within 37.2-37.6, then nothing needs to be done.

The organization of appropriate conditions, peace and positive emotions will quickly return the pregnant woman to normal life.

Under no circumstances should you carry the disease on your feet, since you are responsible not only for yourself, but also for your baby.

Recurrent chronic pathologies

A temperature of 37-37.5 in a pregnant woman can be diagnosed with chronic diseases or indolent pathologies.

Usually their exacerbation occurs with increasing load on the body. Thus, over time, blood volume increases, and obstructed urine flow can affect the functioning of the kidneys and bladder.

Chronic rhinitis and tonsillitis often worsen in expectant mothers. There is also the concept of " asymptomatic bacteriuria", which often develops in the last trimester.

In this case, the expectant mother may not observe any signs of illness, except for a slight increase in temperature. Only a specialist can make the correct diagnosis.

External influence of factors

An increase in the thermometer to 37.5 degrees or higher can occur due to overheating. This happens more often in hot weather. This is not the best condition for the expectant mother and her baby. Therefore, when going on vacation, do not forget about a hat and sunscreen.

Slight fluctuations in temperature in pregnant women can result from eating hot or spicy foods.

Physical exercise (swimming, cycling or house cleaning) also provokes a slight rise. The value of 37.4 on the thermometer can also be seen after sexual intercourse.

The influence of external factors can very easily be distinguished from a pathological process.

If the expectant mother unexpectedly discovers that she has an elevated temperature in the early stages of pregnancy, then it is worth taking a second measurement after some time.

If hyperthermia disappears within 24 hours, then it can be said with high probability that it arose under the influence of external provocateurs.

In what cases does a woman need treatment?

If you have a temperature of 37 in the early stages, then you should not immediately panic and grab medications. First, visit a doctor and find out the causes of this condition.

If the body has a natural reaction to external stimuli or physiological causes of hyperthermia, usually no action needs to be taken.

Remember that taking any medications can now negatively affect the formation and development of the fetus. When a doctor detects a pathology, women are recommended to undergo certain treatment regimens that are safe for their condition.

  • For viral infections, approved immunomodulators and homeopathy (Ocillococcinum, Grippferon, Viburkol) are often used. The woman is shown peace and comfortable conditions.
  • Treatment of bacterial diseases requires the use of antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. This is a very serious decision that the doctor makes after weighing all the pros and cons. Expectant mothers are usually prescribed penicillin drugs and only from the second third of pregnancy. Treatment involves subsequent restoration of microflora and vitamin therapy.
  • The need for treatment of chronic diseases is determined by the doctor. Some situations do not require emergency treatment and may well be eliminated after delivery.

Don't forget about symptomatic treatment. Expectant mothers should try to lower their body temperature when it exceeds 37.5 degrees. Otherwise, this condition can be dangerous for the baby and negatively affect the functioning of the placenta.

The use of folk remedies

To reduce a high temperature, the expectant mother needs to drink plenty of fluids: fruit drinks, compotes, milk, still water and everything a woman likes.

Hot drinks should not be consumed. Their temperature should be as comfortable as possible. You can use decoctions of chamomile, linden,...

But you should be careful with herbal drinks, as they can trigger allergies. Rubbing with water will help reduce body temperature by 0.5 degrees.

It is strictly forbidden to add vinegar or alcohol to water. If within an hour the thermometer values ​​have not decreased or they continue to increase, then you will have to resort to medicinal methods of treating hyperthermia.

A necessary condition for the normal functioning of the body is a constant body temperature maintained at an optimal level. A temperature of 36.6°C is considered to be the norm, but one must remember that this value is individual for each person, so the limits of normal body temperature are values ​​from 35.8 to 37.0°C.

The constancy of temperature is due to the balance between the processes of heat formation in the body - heat production and the removal of excess heat - heat transfer, in which the main role is played by the kidneys, lungs and skin. Ensuring a stable body temperature is “managed” by the thermoregulation center located in the brain - in the hypothalamus. When unfavorable conditions develop, special biologically active substances called pyrogens either enter the body from the outside or begin to be produced by the body itself. By influencing the thermoregulation center, they cause an increase in body temperature - hyperthermia.

Considering that hyperthermia is a response not only to the introduction of pyrogens that have entered the body from the outside, i.e., bacteria and viruses, but also to the production of pyrogens by the body itself, the reasons for the increase in body temperature may be:

  • infections and associated inflammatory processes;
  • endocrine diseases, such as thyroid pathology;
  • hormonal imbalances;
  • blood diseases, including anemia - pathological conditions manifested by a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood - a protein that delivers oxygen to tissues;
  • neurological pathology, contributing to the activation of the thermoregulation center, psycho-emotional stress;
  • autoimmune diseases, in which the immune system begins to work against its own tissues, leading to their damage;
  • allergic reactions.

However, in the vast majority of cases temperature increase is an effective protective mechanism in the fight against infection, since with hyperthermia there is an increase in the rate of metabolic processes and biochemical reactions, vasodilation, which results in accelerated elimination of harmful agents due to active sweating, increased blood circulation, and increased urine output. An important factor is that hyperthermia creates conditions for the death of microbial bodies.

Temperature increase- a physiological protective reaction of the body, but during pregnancy, especially in the 1st trimester, when organogenesis is underway - a complex process of laying the organs and tissues of the fetus, hyperthermia can have an adverse effect on the unborn child. The degree of damaging effects of elevated temperature is determined by three factors: the degree of temperature increase, i.e., the numbers to which it increased, the duration of hyperthermia, and the period of pregnancy at which the temperature increase was noted.

It must be said that temperatures of 38°C and above have a damaging effect on fetal development. Adverse consequences can develop if the period of increased body temperature is sufficiently long - more than 3 days.

Concerning temperature during pregnancy and the period during which hyperthermia can have an adverse effect, the most critical period in this regard is considered to be the period from 4 to 14 weeks. When body temperature rises in the earliest stages (up to 4–5 weeks), the body acts on the “all or nothing” principle. This means that if damage to the fetus occurs due to the influence of any damaging factors, which include hyperthermia, then the death of the embryo and early spontaneous miscarriage occurs. A woman may not be aware of this due to the very short period of pregnancy, mistaking bleeding during a miscarriage for normal menstruation. If no damaging effect on the embryo occurs, then the growth and development of the fetus continues completely normally.

High has a teratogenic effect - the ability to provoke fetal malformations, the cause of which is a violation of protein synthesis. Under the influence of hyperthermia, defects can form:

  • central nervous system,
  • anterior abdominal wall,
  • of cardio-vascular system,
  • limbs,
  • in the formation of the facial skeleton (cleft palate and upper lip, jaw malformation - micrognathia),
  • microphthalmia – underdevelopment of the eyeballs.

High temperature during pregnancy provokes the formation of blood clots; blockage of the blood vessels of the placental area by them can cause intrauterine death of the embryo, non-developing pregnancy, and spontaneous miscarriage. The predisposition to miscarriage also increases because hyperthermia increases the contractility of the myometrium - the muscle of the uterus.

Damaging effect elevated temperature the body after 14 weeks, fortunately, is not so dramatic, because the formation of organs and tissues of the fetus has already ended. Since high temperature impairs blood circulation and oxygen delivery to tissues, this is dangerous for the unborn baby in terms of the development of intrauterine hypoxia and premature termination of pregnancy.

Causes of temperature during pregnancy

Unfortunately, during pregnancy there is an increased likelihood of getting infections that are accompanied by an increase in body temperature. This circumstance is due to a decrease in immunity, which occurs even during an absolutely normal pregnancy. Suppression of the activity of the immune system is necessary for successful gestation of the fertilized egg, since genetically it is only 50% “native” for the expectant mother, and 50% contains foreign genetic information inherited from the father.

Let's look at the most common diseases that can cause a rise in body temperature to high values.

Flu and acute respiratory infections during pregnancy

Unfortunately, due to the described features of the immune system, pregnant women have a fairly high chance of catching the flu or acute respiratory disease (ARI), especially during seasonal exacerbations.

Clinical manifestations of influenza in pregnant women have a classic picture: an acute onset of the disease is characteristic, when there is a sharp rise in body temperature to 39–40°C, accompanied by symptoms of intoxication - general weakness, apathy, muscle aches, drowsiness, headaches, pale skin. As a rule, the symptoms of intoxication fade into the background on the 2nd–3rd day of illness, and then a runny nose, sore throat, and dry cough appear.

Considering the physiological decrease in immunity, pregnant women with influenza or acute respiratory infections have an increased risk of developing complications in the form of secondary bacterial infections:

  • pneumonia- pneumonia;
  • otitis– inflammation of the middle ear;
  • sinusitis– inflammation of the paranasal sinuses: sinusitis, frontal sinusitis;
  • laryngotracheitis– inflammation of the larynx and trachea.

This significantly aggravates the condition of the expectant mother, delays the recovery period, and necessitates the use of antibacterial therapy. In addition, a viral infection, especially if it occurred in the 1st trimester of pregnancy - up to 12 weeks, can adversely affect the development and intrauterine condition of the fetus. It is possible for the virus to penetrate the placenta - intrauterine infection; development of hypoxia - oxygen starvation of the fetus; formation of developmental defects; miscarriage.

When increasing temperature during pregnancy, regardless of the severity of hyperthermia, and the appearance of catarrhal symptoms - cough, runny nose, sore throat - the expectant mother needs to call a general practitioner at home. You should not go to a clinic or antenatal clinic yourself due to the risk of infecting other patients, which will contribute to the spread of the epidemic. In addition, if your body temperature rises, it is better to lie down - leaving the house in this state is not only undesirable, but also dangerous, since there is a risk of a sudden deterioration in health, fainting, etc.

The patient poses a danger to others in terms of transmission of viral infection by airborne droplets from the moment the first symptoms appear (fever) until the catarrhal symptoms subside, that is, within 5–7 days from the onset of the disease.

Acute pyelonephritis during pregnancy

Another common cause of hyperthermia is pyelonephritis, an infectious and inflammatory kidney disease. During pregnancy, this disease often manifests itself for the first time, and if the expectant mother has previously suffered from this disease, it often worsens. This is due to the predisposing conditions that pregnancy creates. These include difficulty in the outflow of urine due to compression of the ureters by the pregnant uterus, as well as due to the relaxing effect of the pregnancy hormone progesterone on the urinary tract, which also slows down the passage of urine.

Clinical manifestations acute pyelonephritis are a sharp increase in body temperature to 39°C and above, which may be accompanied by chills and a disturbance in the general condition. This is due to intoxication - general weakness, headache.

Against the background of general symptoms, pain in the lumbar region appears somewhat later, which can radiate to the thigh, groin area, upper abdomen, and frequent painful urination; the urine becomes cloudy due to a large number of leukocytes or is stained with blood.

The development of an inflammatory process in the kidneys can adversely affect the course of pregnancy, since this pathology is the background for the development of the threat of miscarriage or late gestosis - a complication of the second half of pregnancy, manifested by edema, increased blood pressure, and the appearance of protein in the urine. Preeclampsia can lead to conditions dangerous for the mother and fetus.

As a result of pyelonephritis, the fetus may develop:

  • intrauterine infection, since exacerbation of this disease during pregnancy is a factor in the increased risk of bacterial infection;
  • placental insufficiency is a complication in which the placenta does not fully perform one or more of its functions - respiratory, protective, immunological, nutritional, etc.;
  • chronic hypoxia - a violation of the respiratory function of the placenta, in which insufficient oxygen flows from mother to fetus;
  • fetal growth retardation.

In the postpartum period, this disease creates an increased risk of purulent-septic pathology.

It must be remembered that with pronounced general symptoms of intoxication, local symptoms, i.e., kidney disorders, in pregnant women may be blurred or completely absent, which complicates the diagnosis of pyelonephritis, but indicates the need for a thorough comprehensive examination when body temperature rises.

Pregnancy hormone

A peculiar reaction of the body to pregnancy is an increase in body temperature to 37–37.4°C. This circumstance is due to the fact that the pregnancy hormone progesterone is an internal pyrogen and, when exposed to the thermoregulation center in the hypothalamus, causes a similar effect. The effect of progesterone is determined by the periodic appearance of “hot flashes” in expectant mothers in the form of a feeling of heat, redness of the face and upper body, and increased sweating. The physiological increase in body temperature caused by progesterone influence has distinctive features:

  • the temperature does not rise above 37.5°C;
  • the increase in temperature is not accompanied by other signs of infectious and inflammatory diseases - cough, runny nose, pain when urinating, etc.;
  • against the background of an increase in temperature, the general condition does not suffer - there is no weakness, malaise;
  • temperature rise occurs only in I trimester of pregnancy, in the second and third trimesters the temperature normalizes and does not exceed 37°C.

How to reduce fever during pregnancy

Before you start lowering your body temperature, you need to clearly understand a few simple rules:

  • If the temperature does not reach high values ​​(no higher than 37°C) and your general health does not suffer, you should not actively begin treatment, much less the use of medications. Do not forget that hyperthermia is a protective mechanism in the body’s fight against infection. A situation when the body temperature reaches 38°C or higher is subject to active treatment.
  • Considering that any medicine will penetrate to the fetus, first it is worth trying to reduce the temperature with non-drug means, especially in the first trimester of pregnancy. If there are no contraindications, for example, kidney pathology, gestosis, it is necessary to drink more liquid, warm or hot, to relieve intoxication of the body.
  • Hot drinks, having a diaphoretic effect, help lower body temperature: teas with mint and/or lemon, warm milk with honey, tea with raspberries (its seeds contain a substance similar in action to aspirin), linden blossom infusion, warm chicken broth. The second quite popular and effective method of reducing fever without tablets is wiping with a cloth moistened with water at room temperature or 1.5% vinegar. The evaporation of moisture from the surface of the body increases heat transfer, which helps reduce temperature.
  • An important point is to identify the cause of the elevated temperature, since hyperthermia is always a consequence of some pathological process. Under no circumstances should you self-medicate, as this can lead to a significant worsening of the condition and complicate treatment. It is necessary to call an ambulance if there is a sharp rise in body temperature with chills, if after a certain period of elevated temperature there is a decrease in temperature (a decrease below 36°C is especially unfavorable), which is accompanied by weakness, apathy, rapid breathing and increased heart rate. It is also necessary to call an ambulance if the increase in temperature is accompanied by sharp pain in the right or left lateral abdomen up to the development of nausea and vomiting. Within 24 hours, you should consult a gynecologist or therapist if you notice an increase in body temperature to any level, accompanied by aching pain in the lumbar region and urinary problems - frequent urges, cramps, urination in small portions.
  • If your body temperature is above 38°C, your general well-being suffers: severe weakness, muscle aches, etc. appear, and non-drug methods have no effect, then you cannot do without the use of antipyretics. For pregnant women, the safest drug is PARACETAMOL. Although this medicine is allowed during pregnancy, with long-term frequent use of PARACETAMOL, there may be cases of adverse side effects from the kidneys and liver, a decrease in the level of hemoglobin in the blood, which leads to the development of anemia, and platelets - white blood platelets involved in the formation of a blood clot. A decreased platelet count increases the risk of pathological blood loss. Taking into account the above, the expectant mother can take PARACETAMOL one tablet no more than 4 times a day with intervals between doses of at least 4 hours.
  • Under no circumstances should you self-medicate or take antibacterial or antiviral agents yourself. Firstly, in order to prescribe the correct treatment, it is necessary to establish the factor that provoked the increase in temperature. Secondly, many antibiotics and antiviral drugs are contraindicated during pregnancy, and in some cases can harm the health of the unborn child.
  • ASPIRIN, often used as an antipyretic, is contraindicated in pregnant women, especially in the 1st trimester, when all organs and tissues are developing, as it can provoke fetal development abnormalities and increase the risk of spontaneous miscarriage.

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