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How to decorate shoes with your own hands? Fashion ideas. Exclusive decor of boots with your own hands How to glue rhinestones on shoes

Graduation is a special event for every girl. Everyone wants to be on top this evening. The only pity is that not everyone can afford to buy the dress and shoes of their dreams. But there are no hopeless situations, the main thing is ingenuity and imagination.

The girl we are going to tell you about today was found on the Internet prom shoes ball for her younger sister, but they cost almost $6,000. This was an unaffordable amount for the girl. So she decided to make them herself. And this is what came out of it.

How to decorate shoes with your own hands

These are original shoes that the girl found on the Internet.

She then found other shoes and bought them for just $25.

After that she painted them blue.

I separated the sole from the fabric with tape.

And I painted the sole with red polyurethane paint for shine.

Then she bought blue rhinestones of different diameters: 3.5 and 6 mm.

And she began to cover the shoes with rhinestones with a diameter of 3 mm, starting from the sole line.

Then she began gluing them at random.

This was the most labor-intensive stage.

Voila! The shoes are ready.


They are almost no different from those that cost $6,000, although they cost the girl only $40.

Even the dog tried them on.

The girl liked the result so much that she decided to decorate her ballet shoes too.

Master class for you! I love fashionable things, and am always on the same wavelength with the trends of the season. I have a terrible shopping addiction, I was born to be a shopaholic and a fashionista, but I no longer have a problem with it. When I'm in my dressing room, I become the happiest girl on the planet.

I like to travel and learn new things. I accept it and enjoy it. But often my views change categorically, and every day I have to buy at least one fashionable thing, and this is already a big problem. Oh, by the way, look at the article But, I found a solution, and I want to share it with you.

How can you decorate your favorite shoes yourself, at home, without asking for help anywhere? Very simple!

DIY fashion

To give your loafers a new fashionable look, you only need a few things. First: take inspiration with you. We will also need: scissors, pieces of leather, a glue gun, paint. That's it, now you can start working. Follow the instructions in the pictures.

Make your sneakers stylish with your own hands

In order to make your sneakers colored, you just need a little imagination and colored shoe markers.


A little romance

We will need fabric, scissors and glue. Get to work.

Stylish pumps

Take a colorful spray and start creating.

A little bit of rock

Everything is as simple as shelling pears here. We take the rivets and get to work.

Upgrade your Converse

Applying rivets will breathe new life into your Converse.

Applying glitter

How about covering your Converse with glitter everywhere? Look at them. They are fantastic!

Replacing laces


Use your imagination and creativity and color your sneakers using special clothing markers. This is very easy to do and your sneakers will look unique.

Comic shoes

Take your favorite comic, glue and create.

Some fabric

This beauty can be made with just fabric and glue.


Tutorial: Make your own flip flops

We take fabric and already prepared flip-flops.

Follow the instructions in the image.

We tie the ends tightly.

Trim off the excess.

Turn it over. Tie tightly at the top.

We make two additional holes and also tie them tightly.

Trim off the excess.

In order for our flip flops to serve us for a long time, we secure all the knots with glue.

And here is the result:

Decorate the heel with pebbles

We will need: pebbles, boots, glue, tweezers

Pour the glue into a convenient container and dip a pebble in it.

Attach to the heel.

As you can see for yourself: the result is amazing.

Sandals with petals from Louboutin

We need: Threads, scissors, fabric, needles.

We cut out petals of the same size from the fabric and attach them to the ribbon.

Attach the petals to the shoes.

And here is the result, it turned out no worse than in Louboutin.

High heels are not for everyone, but even if you don't like them, after reading this article, you may change your mind about them!

The most worn place on shoes is the heels. Every high heel lover has a pair of shoes whose heels are worn out. Either they have a lot of scratches or they just look old and ugly. But you just don’t dare throw them away.

These simple tips will help your old heels look brand new or even better.

1. If the toe of the shoe starts to wear out, simply paint it black.

2. If you're tired of shoes with plain and boring heels, add some lace for a more feminine look.

3. Sometimes, after wearing for a long time, the soles of our shoes start to look dull and too worn. If so, then you can paint it any color you want.

4. If your patent leather shoes are starting to look old and scratched, cover them with fabric for a whole new look.

5. Make simple shoes more sophisticated by adding ruffles.

6. Use Mod Podge and your favorite comic books to make unique shoes.

7. Add beads for the perfect summer shoe.

8. If your heels look really bad, cover them up with glitter. So easy!

9. Use rhinestones to make simple shoes look glamorous.

10. Add drops of colored paint and your shoes will shine with new colors.

11. Make two pairs of old, unremarkable shoes into one completely new and exclusive shoes.

12. Copper heels are always unexpected.

13. Apply glitter to the soles of your shoes for a fun and cute look.

14. Black tassels on shoes always look fun and gorgeous at the same time.

15. Add some cute beads to update the toes of your shoes.

16. Colorful tassels - perfect for summer shoes.

17. Turn simple shoes into cute heels.

18. Add small beads to the heels for a stunning effect.

We have already shown how to make old jeans new, how to decorate jeans with your own hands. Today you will learn how to give new life to old shoes. How to turn old comfortable shoes into new fashionable shoes. Fascinating video tutorials on decorating shoes await you.

There are still shoes in my wardrobe from previous seasons; they are so comfortable, but not very fashionable anymore. Of course, it’s a pity to throw it away, but you won’t be able to wear it anymore. You can wait 5-6 years, they will be in fashion again, or you can make them fashionable today. We'll tell you how to make new fashionable shoes out of old shoes, how to decorate shoes with your own hands.

New life for old favorite shoes

You can decorate old shoes with rhinestones, glue them to the top of the heel, decorate the toe of the shoes with rhinestones, draw cool designs or inscriptions on the shoes, paint old shoes, especially if the material is peeling somewhere.

You can attach a brooch, buckle or other decoration to the toe of old shoes. You can add a bow, ties or an extra strap to the ankle, which will also give new life to old shoes. These are not all the ways how to make shoes with your own hands.

If the shoe model has straps, then you can complement the shoes with various chains and fringes. You can decorate your shoes with your own hands using pins, which have remained popular for several seasons. You can also sprinkle glitter on your old shoes - this is also interesting, and most importantly an easy way to decorate your shoes with your own hands.

Another interesting option for decorating old shoes is to not only transform the main part of the shoe, but also decorate the sole of the shoe. Like with red soles, and you will have fashionable new old shoes with multi-colored soles.

Now let's watch some interesting video master classes on decorating and decorating old shoes with your own hands.

How to decorate shoes with rhinestones with your own hands video master class

How to remake old shoes into new fashionable shoes with your own hands - video master class

This video master class is not about decorating shoes, it’s a video about how to make tight shoes bigger.

Video master class on how to make shoes with glitter with your own hands

Video master class on how to paint sneakers with a galactic pattern

DIY decoration of old shoes and footwear - video master class

DIY shoe and shoe decoration video master class

Video master class on how to make sneakers with rhinestones with your own hands

Decorating shoes with your own hands - how to make old shoes new and fashionable, watch the video

Every fashionista understands how important it is to place a worthy emphasis on creating stylish shoes, emphasizing not only the sophistication of the shoes, but also the presence of her own sense of style. Currently, there are various ideas on how to decorate shoes with your own hands - we will provide photos of some of them below: take note!

There are a variety of ways to decorate shoes, each of which is fully justified. The possibility of using paint, rhinestones, and sparkles is guaranteed, as a result of which you can implement various worthy ideas.

A brief overview of techniques for decorating shoes with your own hands

1. Decorating with paint. This method is ideal for tennis shoes, regardless of their color. If desired, you can even decide to experiment with multi-colored models if there is a desire to implement any unusual ideas.

It is assumed that it is possible to use shoes with laces, which will further emphasize the originality of the use of paint. Everything depends only on your wishes, therefore any restrictions are successfully eliminated.

You can create any design using high-quality paints: a pattern with a background shade, two-color design, displaying an interesting detail, implementing a fun design.

Paint-based decor can truly delight if you step away from boundaries and decide to implement creative ideas.


2. Decorating shoes with sparkles and rhinestones. Among the advantages of the method is versatility: sparkles and rhinestones are ideal for decorating any shoes, so you don’t have to limit yourself to fabric models.

The success of such a DIY shoe decoration depends on how high-quality glue is used, because the gluing process should delight you with its simplicity, care and guaranteed preservation of sparkles and rhinestones on the shoes.

For decoration, you can use single-color or multi-colored sparkles, rhinestones, buttons and other materials available in hardware stores. Decoration based on sparkles and rhinestones is truly surprising.


3. Other ideas for decorating shoes. To transform shoes, you can use unusual methods: a permanent marker of the desired color, unique laces (multi-colored or with patterns), large details in the form of ribbons or buttons.

Video tutorials on decorating

Regardless of which decoration options turn out to be suitable, you can decide to implement the design idea and give shoes a second wind, at the same time showing your creative potential...

Photo ideas for decorating shoes with your own hands

Master class: one of the ideas...

Regardless of which shoe decoration option is most suitable, the master class will allow you to best realize your creative potential.

What materials are needed to decorate shoes?

  • Shoes are the most important attribute.
  • Round rhinestones (optimal size - 3 - 6 millimeters, recommended number - 30 - 40).
  • Tweezers.
  • Small pliers that allow you to remove the metal base from the rhinestones.
  • Toothpicks to facilitate the process of gluing rhinestones onto shoes.
  • Glue.

If you have all the necessary tools, you can count on a successful creative event.

You can glue rhinestones the way you want. Any restrictions should be left in the past, because the main task is to transform the shoes. Rhinestones can be glued over the entire surface of the shoe, under the heels or on the sides.

Decorating shoes with your own hands suggests the opportunity to successfully combine rhinestones based on existing wishes. By showing your inherent creativity and acting with the utmost care, you can understand how unusual shoe decoration can be.

Take advantage of your unique chance to become the owner of stylish shoes!

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