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What should a well-groomed girl look like? Golden rules for a well-groomed woman of any age Why a woman should be beautiful and well-groomed

Being a well-groomed woman does not mean being overly wealthy. True self-care does not require a large investment, but it does require careful and sustained effort. Let's list the 5 main signs of a well-groomed woman.

A well-groomed woman first of all monitors the cleanliness of her body. This is the foundation thanks to which you will always look flawless. Clean hair and facial skin cleared of dead cells will give you a beautiful and well-groomed appearance. To keep your body clean, you don’t need to spend a lot of money, but only the usual means: shampoo, shower gel, soap.

Make sure to regularly remove dead cells from your face and body using a scrub. By getting rid of impurities, you give way to young cells, which will make your skin look fresh and younger.

Learn to be clean and you will always be well-groomed. This is the most important rule of female beauty, which cannot be neglected either in youth or in old age.

Renewed skin

An unscrupulous woman is revealed by dry elbows, rough heels, overgrown cuticles on the nails, peeling on the face, etc. These are all dead cells that require decisive removal. If you want to look well-groomed and beautiful, make sure that there are no areas of dry or dull skin on your body. To do this, you need a scrub (factory or homemade), a good washcloth or mitten with a massage effect and pumice.

While showering, massage your body with a scrub washcloth. This way you will renew the layer of cells on your body and saturate your skin with oxygen. And open and cleansed pores will be able to completely absorb all the nutrients from the cosmetic product.

Hair color

Your hair color should be flawless. Take a closer look at the women around you and you will notice that what gives a woman the most unkempt appearance is an inexpressive, dull or unkempt hair color. Most of all, a woman's unkempt appearance is revealed by overgrown hair roots and washed-out or faded paint colors.

If you are brown-haired, then your hair color should be bright and expressive. If you prefer blonde shades, make sure that your strands are not yellow or dry. Brunettes need to regularly renew their color, because rich shades wash out very quickly and lose their shine.

If your hair is unkempt, dull and expressionless, neither a luxurious dress nor high heels will save your image.

Clarity of lines

A well-groomed woman ensures the clarity of the lines in her image. This applies to hair, nails, eyebrows, arrows on the eyes and lipstick.

If you decide to get a stylish manicure, then remember that each nail should be evenly filed, and the polish should lie perfectly on the nail plate. Smeared or peeling varnish and an untidy manicure primarily produce a repulsive impression.

The haircut should always be updated, with perfect, crisp edges. As soon as the hair grows, the ends become brittle and split, the hairline breaks and looks sloppy.

Perfect clarity should be in your makeup, especially if you want to draw arrows on your eyes or line your lips with bright red lipstick. If you are not yet skilled enough in makeup, it is better to abandon graphic arrows and bright lipstick and make do with eye shadow and lip gloss.

Not a single extra hair

A well-groomed woman does not have excess hair on all open areas of her body. Now there are a huge number of ways to remove unwanted hair, so you can choose a method that is right for you in terms of convenience and price - from a regular shaving machine to an expensive laser hair removal procedure. When choosing your hair removal method, make sure that there is no irritation or ingrown hairs.

These are the main ones that make a woman magnetically attractive.

yes, basically everything. clean smooth hair. brows. By the way, I can only tint my eyebrows with an angled brush and eyebrow shadows and voila, I immediately have such a well-groomed look (well, that’s if I have my own eyebrows) and clean, well-groomed nails, not necessarily painted, but it’s better with at least a clear varnish. And clean skin. And teeth. If at least If one of these points is missing, the whole image changes

I’m 33, and recently I’ve heard several times from friends describing myself as “well-groomed.”
I have everything natural, I don’t dye my eyebrows at all (my eyebrows are beautifully shaped and dark). The hair is also natural (brown). For cosmetics I use eyeliner, mascara, powder and lipstick.
Always during manicure-pedicure. Perfect skin (pah-pah-pah). Always clean hair. Always clean clothes and shoes. Light perfume. Nothing else.
Well, I have an excellent figure (I always do sports - Pilates, running, swimming pool).

A well-groomed girl, in my opinion, is a girl with beautiful shiny hair (not split and dry like some mermaids who are proud of their long hair), a neat manicure (not with 3 cm of acrylic), clean skin without a thick layer of foundation, and a toned figure there was, and so that the butt didn’t flow down the sides of the chair when sitting)) hahaha
And naturalness of course. I agree about naturalness) That is, the golden mean in terms of makeup is not war paint like evening makeup, but just a little cosmetics to emphasize beauty.

filled eyebrows should be 100%

filled eyebrows should be 100%

Oh, actually... I was recently traveling in public transport. A girl came in with a large bumper covered in black leggings, an Abibis jacket, long black hair, an orange face and huge black eyebrows. Well, why? Meaning?

Everything is correct. Skin, hair, nails, teeth. Well-groomed and without makeup you can see. On the beach, for example, or in the pool (well, there the fit of the body and the degree of cellulite also play a role)

But you paid attention to her! But on other, ordinary ones - no.

Personally, I define a well-groomed girl/woman regardless of age, social status. status, natural data and material capabilities according to the following external parameters:
1) clean (sorry, but not for everyone, alas, a daily shower is an everyday norm, there’s no need to talk about the need for depilation)
1) hair (the main thing is always clean, without regrown roots, split ends, ponytails and braids, where not quite fresh hair is often removed)
2) skin (albeit not ideal (alas, not everyone has it), but smooth, with a healthy, even color, without shine, blackheads, obvious enlarged pores and other things, with skillfully hidden defects (if any)
3) teeth (not necessarily perfectly white and straight, but healthy)
4) manicure, pedicure
5) well-groomed body (i.e. familiar with sports and basic moisturizers)
6) light makeup (up to 30-35 you can do without it)
7) good perfume (well, this is my personal weakness; anyone who doesn’t like it can do without it))

For me, a well-groomed woman means thick hair with a healthy shine.
; clear skin (not only on the face); straight white teeth; healthy, strong manicured and pedicured nails, albeit without any coating (healthy nails do not require this); fit, slender figure and posture like a ballerina!

That's for sure. I've been remembering this unforgettable image for a week now.

I always thought that a woman is considered well-groomed if you can’t immediately tell whether she’s wearing makeup or not. I am surprised to notice that they are increasingly saying that a girl is well-groomed if the obvious unnaturalness of everything (eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.) makes her a beauty. For me, naturalness is better, especially before 25 years old.

Who needs all this, huh?? Your pseudo-harshness? If everything is one viper in life

grooming is, first of all, clean and styled hair, a clean body, manicure, neat clothes and makeup.

grooming is, first of all, clean and styled hair, a clean body,
- This is basic hygiene.
manicure, neat clothes and makeup.

Belaya koga, s makiyagem nevulgarnim, temnie, ili belie gustie volosi, belie, rovnie zub. Gelatelno visoki rost. Bez visokogo rosta trudno horosho viglyadet. A zachem bit uhogennoi, nado bit krasotkoi, like Salma Hayek. Growth to 158 vsego!

Are you all taken aback, or what, what are you saying: clean hair, a clean body, manicure, light makeup and healthy teeth - this is a neat appearance, but not at all well-groomed. Grooming from the word to look after, is a girl who systematically takes care of herself and spends normal money on personal care, this includes fitness and nutrition and a cosmetologist, decent cosmetics, salon procedures and skillfully selected clothes. Such a girl can be seen a mile away and she always stands out from the crowd of simply neat girls, although she does not necessarily have to be bright in appearance) but a manicure, clean hair, perfume are a given

That is, leaving a beauty salon in designer clothes selected by a stylist, I am well-groomed, but with a braided hair, without makeup, on a walk with the children, I automatically lose my grooming?
If you are really well-groomed, you won’t lose it, even if you are in a tracksuit, it will still be clear that you spend a lot of time and money on your appearance, this includes a beautiful toned body, a beautiful complexion, well-groomed hair, nails, teeth)) yes that’s it can be seen with the naked eye, some kind of train comes straight from such a girl) and by the way, I don’t believe in real grooming without investing normal money) you can only be neat and no worse than others, but not well-groomed) grooming is sleekness and not everyone can afford it , whatever one may say)

Well, or another option is a naturally very purebred appearance, then with a homemade manicure and cheap cream you can pass for a well-groomed one, but this is rare)

That is, leaving a beauty salon in designer clothes selected by a stylist, I am well-groomed, but with a braided hair, without makeup, on a walk with the children, I automatically lose my grooming? If you are really well-groomed, you won’t lose it, even if you are wearing sportswear suit, it will still be clear that you spend a lot of time and money on your appearance, this includes a beautiful toned body, beautiful complexion, well-groomed hair, nails, teeth)) but this is visible to the naked eye, some kind of train comes from such a girl) and by the way, I don’t believe in real grooming without investing normal money) you can only be neat and no worse than others, but not well-groomed) grooming is grooming and not everyone can afford it, no matter what you say)

That is, if I smeared myself with an inexpensive cream, then I simply used the cheap cream. But if it’s expensive, and in a salon, then am I taking care of myself? So? Sorry, I don't agree. Grooming from the word care. And you can take care of yourself with inexpensive means.

My deepest conviction is that grooming is PROFESSIONAL care. No matter how well you do everything yourself, it’s obvious that you’re your own director or you’re giving away money.

and in addition to the previous post, also cleanliness of the body in general. Otherwise, you can go to salons, and take a shower once a week and pick up dirt under your nails

Good, smooth, fresh skin is associated with well-groomed skin. When the effect is natural. Your eyebrows, your eyelashes, when everything is in moderation, but your face is very fresh and radiant. And the hair is shiny.
But I absolutely don’t like clown eyebrows, false eyelashes, pumped up brightly painted lips. But for some reason, girls aged 19-23 abuse this style a lot. Such a lazy face.

The most important difference among well-groomed people is their relaxed appearance.
T. these are definitely not those who have a 12-hour working day, metro, minibuses at rush hour and worry about their daily bread.
And a manicure is not for the saved 500 rubles once a month from neighbor Masha..

Author, what you wrote about, unnatural, too noticeable makeup, pumped lips, thickly painted eyelashes and eyebrows, this is of course not grooming, but VULGARITY AND BAD TASTE. This is rustic glamor)) But the cattle like it) and in Russia we probably have 90 percent of the population.

Vam ne nadoelo, kak popugai eto slovo povtoryat? Uhogennost? Net uhogennosti, est pravila prilichya.

I always thought that a woman is considered well-groomed if you can’t immediately tell whether she’s wearing makeup or not. I am surprised to notice that they are increasingly saying that a girl is well-groomed if the obvious unnaturalness of everything (eyebrows, eyelashes, etc.) makes her a beauty. For me, naturalness is better, especially before 25 years old.

I know a woman from the city of Dedovsk.. how she just praises herself. And her belly is wow and her head is glowing

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Marina Ignatieva

Reading time: 12 minutes


A person who looks presentable, successful and well-groomed always inspires favor and trust. The image of respectability contributes to the rapid establishment of contacts, the emergence of understanding, the location of the opposite sex, etc.

And to look like this, you don’t have to be the daughter of an oil tycoon - you just need to know a few secrets for creating your own expensive and stylish look.

12 lessons on creating an “expensive” look – style lessons for every day

Of course, when you have money, everything is easier. You can contact a stylist who will help you create an image, undergo a course of procedures in a beauty salon, choose expensive clothes in a fashion boutique, etc.

Alas, most of our citizens cannot afford such expenses.

But this is not a reason to give up, because there are many ways to look expensive without investing a lot of money.

The most important style lessons for your look:

  1. White and black. When choosing your outfit for the day, stick to one color of clothing – neutral. “All in white” or “all in black.” Playing with fabric textures will add sophistication. And, of course, take care of your hair - it should look like you just left the salon.
  2. Monochrome. An option for those who do not like monotony in their image. We choose a wardrobe in monochrome colors. We take one color as a basis, and then tastefully (!) “layer” other elements of clothing in shades of the chosen color. The emphasis is on the texture of the fabrics. For example, suede and knitwear, wool and leather, or silk and denim.
  3. Clothes to order. There is no need to go to the studio. A talented seamstress can be found in your city and outside the studio. We draw an exclusive sketch (to the best of our ability) ourselves, and then give it to the seamstress and wait for the masterpiece. This method will help to dilute your wardrobe not with the same type of “market” items, but with stylish and fashionable ones that no one else will have.
  4. Timeless style. It is not necessary to “run” behind seasonal trends; the best choice is the classics, which always remain timeless. This option allows you to look expensive and makes it easier to create your own fashionable look. For example, we put on dark branded jeans and a beautiful T-shirt with a “V” neckline. We add the right shoes and accessories to the look.
  5. The final accent. In this case we are talking about the details that complete the image. Just putting on a fashionable set of clothes is not enough; you must add, for example, a stylish hat, trench coat or raincoat. A small but important nuance, which, moreover, can be removed at any time.
  6. Gold. We are not keen on jewelry. The main secret of the jewelry part of the image is a little, but expensive. There is no need to hang a whole box of diamonds, chains and rings on yourself - one expensive bracelet or chain with a pendant is enough. In the absence of funds for gold, we choose high-quality branded jewelry (not market jewelry!). However, designer silver is always in trend! Cheaper, more accessible and also effective.
  7. "Geometric" bags. Any woman knows that one of the most important items in her look is a high-quality expensive bag, which must necessarily match your ensemble. Don’t skimp on bags – don’t take them from shops near your house, “where it’s cheaper.” If your salary does not allow it, it is better to take 1-2 handbags, but expensive and universal ones. That is, suitable for any image. It is better to choose models made of smooth leather, preferably with a geometric shape. And, of course, with a minimum of details.
  8. Light print. Not intrusive, bright and large-scale, but light, emphasizing your style. For example, vertical or horizontal stripes.
  9. Your individual style. No decorations? Don't have a closet packed tightly with a mountain of expensive items? No problem! We create a harmonious image from what we have. The main task is to create your own unique style by adding a few catchy details. For example, a fashionable hat, scarf, wide belt, gloves, etc.
  10. Updating your old wardrobe! Today there are a lot of ways to give old things a second life: make beautiful fashionable shorts out of old trousers, renew knocked-down shoe toes with rhinestones, decorate old worn jeans with embroidery, beads or other decor, sew a lot of fashionable pockets on worn shirts, etc. A little imagination, one “ a magical" basket with handicrafts - and voila! A new fashionable look is ready!
  11. Spectacular hairstyle. Even beautiful, but simply flowing hair is far from a sign of an “expensive” look. Your hair should look like you just jumped out of the beauty salon 5 minutes ago and ran on to business. Start every day with styling. Look online for hairstyles that suit you and that you can do yourself. Don't forget about hair care! A “dear” woman’s hair is always in great condition, shiny with a healthy shine, and beautifully styled.
  12. Cosmetics. One of the ways to emphasize the advantages and, as you know, hide the imperfections of the skin. You need to use cosmetics only in compliance with this rule and, of course, to a minimum, and not in “3 layers of plaster.”

And don't forget about perfume! Choose delicate and refined aromas - sophisticated, not cloying.

How to look expensive and well-groomed without special expenses?

Image, of course, does not “decide everything,” as they say. But a lot depends on the image. After all, at all times we are greeted “by our clothes” - from the business sphere to personal life.

It is important to always be on your toes and keep your finger on the pulse!

Here are a few more secrets for creating an image with “singing finances” in your wallet:

  • Have you bought a new inexpensive item? Add some shine to it with details. For example, expensive beautiful buttons. Today, in sewing stores you can find real button masterpieces.
  • If you are on the fashionable path of a dear woman, do not use knitwear in your look. At least in public. Also pass by suede.
  • Fashion trends come to the background! An elegant classic should be your beacon. Buy yourself a blazer, a pencil skirt, a cardigan and a few more classic pieces that you can work with further, depending on the look you are creating.
  • We choose bags, belts and shoes exclusively from genuine leather. You can’t spare money for this.
  • The polyester lining of the coat can be replaced with silk.
  • Particular attention to hairstyle, makeup, choice of perfume - and, of course, to your hands. The hands of a dear woman are always well-groomed, neat, and with a beautiful, fresh manicure.
  • We don't buy things at the market. Quit this bad habit and never go back to it. At sales in fashion stores (which happen twice a year), you can buy high-quality clothes at significant discounts.
  • Don't grab everything when you go shopping. Learn to deny yourself nonsense and unnecessary rubbish so that you have enough money for worthwhile things.
  • Don't buy cheap perfumes. Don't buy perfumes that are too sweet. Don't pour half a bottle of perfume on yourself at a time. The aroma should be light and refined.
  • Get rid of bad habits, gestures and words. A dear woman will never allow herself to smoke like a locomotive in public, spit, swear, or drink more than half a glass of wine in any company. A dear woman is always cultured, polite and is a “born” diplomat.
  • When purchasing things, carefully check their quality – seams, lining, all zippers and buttons.
  • No creases on tights, holes on socks, snags or pilling on clothes , old underwear and elongated knees on trousers or sweatpants. You should always look like a queen. Even if you spend the whole day at home alone, if you take out the trash or run out to buy bread.

Mistakes in the desire to look expensive and well-groomed - how to avoid bad taste and vulgarity?

Everyone is familiar with the word “vulgarity”. But, unfortunately, not everyone remembers him when choosing an image for the coming day.

This word became very popular among aristocrats after the revolution in France: this label was hung on representatives from the bourgeois class who had neither blue blood, nor knowledge and traditions, nor appropriate upbringing.

Nowadays, the “symptoms” of vulgarity have changed somewhat, but still the essence remains the same.

So, what not to do if you want to be an expensive woman - your potential mistakes in the image:

  • Too catchy, bright, inept makeup. We remind you once again - beauty should be natural! That is, we carefully and discreetly emphasize the advantages and no less carefully hide the shortcomings. And nothing more! Only high-quality, well-thought-out makeup can become your “weapon,” but not the war paint of a girl from the village who first got her hands on cosmetics.
  • Unnatural hair color. No green and purple, as well as red and blue “overflows”. This is “fashionable” for a girl of about 15, but not for an adult “dear” woman. Tired of monotony? There are many possibilities to change your hairstyle - cutting, perming, coloring and highlighting, etc.
  • Don't overdo your manicure. Yes, nails should be well-groomed and beautiful, but not extended with a lot of sparkles, pebbles, etc. The ideal option is a stylish classic French on oval or square shaped nails (not triangular, not pointed!).
  • Forget about eyelash extensions and creepy drawn-in (instead of plucked) eyebrows! Be closer to the image that Mother Nature gave you.
  • Too much nudity. A dress with an open back is a good option for going out with your gentleman. But not for a shopping trip. You should also forget about too deep necklines, too short shorts and skirts and other things that reveal to the public what should be hidden from view.
  • Bad taste is the main enemy. If you do not know how to walk in stilettos and high heels, choose other shoes. Thick platforms are for teenagers. The disheveled hippie look is for teenagers. Dress with sneakers - for teenagers. A translucent blouse with significant excess weight is tasteless. A tight dress with a too skinny figure is tasteless.
  • No rhinestones or sparkles on clothes if there are too many of them. The emphasis in the image should be on one thing! If you sparkle like a Christmas tree, talking about style is inappropriate. Are you wearing a bright scarf? Just stop there. No more bright details in the image. Decided to wear a sweater with a print? Choose everything else in one color, black or white.
  • Skin substitutes are a categorical taboo. Everything should be natural. Ruffles, bows, an abundance of lace - also “in the firebox”.
  • If you decide to slightly open any part of your body, adding seductiveness to your image, choose either your legs, your décolleté, or your shoulders. Opening everything at once is the height of vulgarity.
  • Be careful with red! Yes, it is winning, “expensive” and attention-grabbing. But only under certain conditions: you have an ideal figure, not too much red, the image is laconic, competent and complete.
  • Tights with large mesh , with “original patterns”, with seals in the form of “cats”, etc. are vulgar! Choose the classics!

When creating your new expensive image, make allowances for age, body type, color type, etc.

And find time for healthy sleep, sports, hairdressing, body care.

If you liked our article and have any thoughts on this matter, please share with us. It is very important for us to know your opinion!

While still very little girls We, as if under hypnosis, watched as our mothers got ready for work or a celebration. They style their hair, apply face cream, powder their nose, apply a drop of perfume to the neck and arms - real magic. 🙂 Years go forward, times change, and a woman’s well-groomed appearance still plays one of the main roles in her attractiveness. Correct facial features, figure, height - all this loses its meaning if a woman does not take care of herself. Let's talk about how to look beautiful and well-groomed, regardless of age and budget.

7 rules for a well-groomed and beautiful woman

  1. Healthy hair

Alas, not all women on planet Earth have gorgeous, thick hair - but, believe me, this is not a reason to be sad. What is much more important is not the amount of hair on the head, but its condition. A dirty, unkempt head with split ends has never given anyone an attractive, much less a well-groomed look. You may have read many sources that washing your hair every day is very harmful to your hair. But in reality this information is not so true. Especially if you use hair styling products, then by the evening you definitely need to wash off all these foams, gels and styling “potions”. Therefore, you need to wash your hair as it gets dirty or every day if you use styling products. In addition, most modern shampoos do not aggressively cleanse your head and are suitable for daily use. Well, about split ends, we think you understand everything yourself. Your hair may be the length you've dreamed of all your life, but believe me, split ends will ruin even the most beautiful hair. Therefore, if you want to look well-groomed, be sure to get rid of dry ends.

  1. Clear skin with light makeup

“Strobings”, “baking” and other fashion trends in makeup are certainly attractive, but they will not provide you with real health and beauty of your skin. Start focusing not on makeup, but on the health of your skin. If you have problem skin that is prone to breakouts, then you need to look for the cause of acne, and not skin masking products. This may take months or even years, but believe me, the result is worth it. Besides, three layers of foundation doesn't make anyone look attractive. And believe me, even the most expensive foundation applied in several layers will be noticeable to others, which has nothing to do with a woman’s grooming. Therefore, look in the mirror and adequately assess the condition of your skin, reconsider your care and lifestyle - then decorative cosmetics will not be that “lifeline” without which you cannot go outside. But you shouldn’t ignore makeup altogether. A light foundation or corrector for problem areas, a touch of blush, gloss or lipstick, a thin layer of mascara - all this will give your face freshness and highlight your advantages. 🙂

  1. Body odor

It is impossible to imagine a well-groomed woman with stale body odor. It’s probably not worth talking about hygiene, but I still want to remind you that a regular shower 2 times a day is something without which it is impossible to be a well-groomed and beautiful woman. Don't forget to moisturize your skin after taking a bath or shower, as the skin of our body needs nourishment and hydration no less than our face. This ritual should become daily, just like brushing your teeth. And of course, you shouldn’t overdo it with perfume. A drop of your favorite perfume on the neck, chest and arms will be quite enough - you should be fragrant, and not suffocate those around you with your aroma. 🙂

4. Well-groomed fingernails and toenails

Imagine for a second the following picture: You are standing at the checkout in a store, and in front of you is an obviously beautiful, stylish lady, who has a pleasant subtle aroma, well-groomed hair and a pleasant voice - everything is fine, and then you notice dirty nails with peeling varnish . Surely your whole impression will be ruined. This is not surprising, since nails are of great importance for a well-groomed woman. If you are too lazy to paint your nails or simply don’t have enough time or money for another manicure at the salon, then try to make them look neat at home. Trim your nails, making them the same length - albeit short, but even, file and push back the cuticle. Now there are a huge number of products in stores that will help deal with cuticles. Apply clear polish and don't forget about nail oil, which will make your nails beautiful and well-groomed in an instant. And, of course, don’t forget that not only your fingernails, but also your toenails require care, even if it’s winter. Since no well-groomed woman will allow herself to walk around with untidy nails on both her hands and feet.

  1. Cloth

We will not talk about style and trends in clothing, since this issue is purely a matter of your taste and preferences. But no matter what style you choose for yourself, your clothes should remain neat. Pills, holes and stains even on your favorite skirt will ruin your look to smithereens. Therefore, try to take care of your favorite things so that they last you as long as possible. Well, if nothing can help your favorite dress, say goodbye to it without unnecessary worries, after all, it’s just clothes.

  1. Underwear

Perhaps you have already experienced the sensations that appear when you are dressed in beautiful underwear. Of course, only you know what kind of underwear you are wearing today. And yet, it can help you feel truly attractive and sexy, even if you are wearing a simple white T-shirt and jeans. Ruthlessly get rid of underwear with holes, scuffs, or simply an uncomfortable style and replenish your wardrobe with a couple of high-quality sets of underwear.

  1. Lifestyle and bad habits

The banal point about lifestyle is no less important than all of the above. A healthy lifestyle includes your daily routine, healthy sleep, proper nutrition, sports, love for yourself, your loved ones, love for life and giving up bad habits. Can you tell me what this has to do with it? Is it really possible to imagine a well-groomed woman from whom, instead of the aromas of freshness and perfume, the smell of tobacco and alcohol clearly breaks through? Of course, we all go to parties and may have a couple of glasses of wine and other drinks. But, if a woman drinks alcohol and smokes every day, then it is unlikely that in this case she will be associated with that very attractive and charming person. There is only one verdict - and first of all, for the sake of your health!

Dear women, remember that being well-groomed is necessary not for others, not for men, but exclusively for yourself. Because your grooming is a reflection of your love for yourself and your life. Love yourself and always remain the most charming and attractive!

Video on the topic

Remember the joke about the husband who looks at his wife, who is wearing a gas mask, and tries to guess: “Did you pluck your eyebrows?” Representatives of the stronger sex do not like to take care of themselves and, it seems, do not notice changes in the appearance of their halves at all. Or does it just seem that way to us? Maybe they, too, immediately see all the flaws in the manicure, and the unsuccessful hair removal, and disheveled hair? Let's find out by asking men what they think a well-groomed woman looks like and what details they notice. And how important it is for them that a woman is well-groomed.

In addition, below you will find the golden rules that every well-groomed girl should know

“For some, a well-groomed woman is simply neat, but for others, depilation is mandatory, manicure and pedicure goes without saying, and so on down the list. And so that the hair is styled - hair to hair, and a French manicure, dear. And so that such a woman not only wears chic clothes, but also ensures that her underwear is pleasant to look at and touch. I personally feel exactly about such men: a woman should be a woman in everything. I would like to have a well-groomed companion next to you, whom you are not ashamed to show to your mother and friends.”
Evgeniy, 35 years old

“I think that a woman simply has to be well-groomed. The criteria for grooming are the same as the criteria for female beauty: clean skin, well-fitting clothes, well-groomed hands, hair, nails. Ungroomed nails are annoying: peeling varnish, crooked shape, poorly extended, if extended at all, hangnails. Clothes are unkempt or inappropriate. Hairy armpits, hairy legs. It's annoying to have facial hair. I don’t like it when the hair on my head is bad, for example, damaged by dye, yellow, or bright red, almost red, even when the ends are very split and individual hairs stick out in different directions. But this happens more often in women over 35 years old; for some reason they are too lazy to take care of themselves.
Alexander, 26 years old

“A priori, a woman should be well-groomed, she was created by a woman. She's the best thing in the world. But some are too well-groomed. Grooming should be mandatory, but in moderation.

From excessive care, they are annoying: heavily plucked eyebrows, when not eyebrows, but some hairs are left, bleached teeth, when their color is more reminiscent of porcelain, it looks unnatural, even children have a slight yellowness in the color of their teeth, hair extensions (nothing outwardly, but you run your hand through your hair, and it seems that your head is covered with scabs). I like it when well-groomed looks like naturalness. This is when you realize with your head that a girl is not naturally so well-groomed and beautiful, but it still seems that God created her so lovely.”
Andrey, 43 years old

“Men are pleased to deal with a well-groomed woman, it elevates them in their eyes - if such a woman is with me, then I deserve it. And for a woman, being well-groomed gives her self-confidence always and everywhere; she knows that she looks her best, is appropriately dressed, combed and made up, and may not immediately think about her appearance, leaving time to think about some more important things, depending on the situation.”
Alexey, 31 years old

“Of course, a well-groomed woman is very, very attractive! It can be tousled, ruffled, or made into something else; it’s a very interesting and enjoyable process.”
Ivan, 18 years old

“Grooming is smoothness and cleanliness of the skin, moderation and appropriateness of cosmetics, clean hair, hairstyle, gentle hands, nails in perfect condition. And the smell, the smell is also important. For me, being well-groomed is associated with being slim and fit. And - taste in clothes.”
Vladislav, 34 years old

“I like grooming, but when it is in moderation, I like it when a woman has a beautiful complexion, well-groomed skin, but I really don’t like it when they tan in solariums or apply self-tanner, or when there is a lot of foundation, powder, blush, and so on. Don’t these girls understand that such “grooming” is striking in its unnaturalness and is repulsive?”
Valery, 24 years old

“Grooming is beauty. When it’s nice to look at a woman, it means she’s well-groomed, and everything is in moderation, without excesses.”
Vladimir, 26 years old

“For me, a well-groomed woman means cleanliness in her clothes and a little chic in everything, in the little things: in a brooch, for example, or even cufflinks.

If the makeup is not putty, but attracts the male gaze. If it’s the smell of perfume, then it’s a barely perceptible, light charm in everything. Well, for example, a manicure: it’s better to have a good, simple and discreet one than an expensive one with pictures and rhinestones, but at the same time shabby. And there is no need to say that these are excessive or difficult to fulfill requirements.”
Sergey, 27 years old

“A real well-groomed woman unobtrusively catches the eye and remains in the memory for some time, forcing a comparative analysis with others.”
Andrey, 38 years old

“A well-groomed woman is well-rested and without quirks.”
Roman, 29 years old

“For me, the first criterion for a woman’s grooming is her hands. The first thing I pay attention to is my hands. The face may be from sleep and the lady may not be well, the clothes may be casual, say, fresh from barbecue, but the hands betray the hostess. Not only grooming is important, but also signs of taste in clothes, makeup, manicure and hair color.”
Sergey, 35 years old

“For me, grooming is something ephemeral and should correspond to my momentary mood. But in general terms, a well-groomed woman is clean, neat, athletic, elegant, something like that.”
Anton, 21 years old

“Groomed means neat, clean, tastefully dressed and touched up, but not made up. Grooming is needed for the woman herself, not for men! It's my opinion! When a woman realizes that she looks good, that she has a perfect manicure and pedicure, and a good hairstyle, she radiates confidence, which in turn attracts men so much. As they say, you may not be a beauty, but you must have a washed head.”
Valentin, 49 years old

“For me, grooming is first and foremost about appearance, figure. And the criteria are: clean hair, clean skin, clean nails, clean shoes, clean clothes. It's minimum.

In general, you look at a well-groomed woman, and even the question of grooming will not come to mind. She’s all sparkling and shining.”
Nikolay, 31 years old

“A well-groomed woman is dressed to the nines, all the elements of her clothing are chosen with taste and fit perfectly together, her hair is clean and styled, her makeup is discreet, but emphasizes her natural beauty, she smells pleasant - the smell is subtle, but sensitive - you want to get closer To her".
Gregory, 28 years old

“First of all, grooming is a figure, style, charm, haircut, manicure, makeup.”
Dmitry, 27 years old

“Well-groomed means she takes care of herself. And this: hairstyle, manicure, pedicure, well-groomed skin, good discreet makeup, stylish, neat clothes. But what is also important is that they look after those they love. If a woman is well-groomed, it means she loves herself very much, and she’s doing the right thing, because if you don’t love yourself, then others won’t love you.”
Timofey, 22 years old

24 main rules for well-groomed girls

  1. Belly fat is not burned when you work on your abdominal muscles. There will be abs, but under a layer of fat. So the stomach will even increase in volume. To burn belly fat, pull it in all the time and tense your muscles.
  2. The best thing to help with your hips is swinging, for your calves - stretching, and for your legs - walking.
  3. To ensure that your muscles sway beautifully and don’t build up like a jock’s, exercise 2-3 times a week and be sure to stretch after training.
  4. In the morning on an empty stomach, 2 glasses of water, maybe with lemon, after 10 minutes 2 tablespoons of olive or flaxseed oil (to have the necessary fat in the body, for the breasts and maintaining the menstrual cycle). You can also eat a green apple.
  5. In 10-15 minutes - breakfast. it should be dense and complete in order to signal the body that it is time to wake up, and also provide energy for the whole day.
  6. Do not wash down your food and do not drink anything for another 40 minutes after eating! This slows down digestion, leads to heaviness, and expands the walls of the stomach.
  7. Eat more often, but in small quantities. Ideally, to speed up your metabolism, you need to eat 5 times a day, every 3 hours and at the same time (so that the body gets used to it and works better).
  8. Baths and saunas do not burn fat; they only remove water from the body, which returns after 2 hours.
  9. Not eating after six is ​​a cliché. There is no need to eat 3-4 hours before bedtime.
  10. After 16 - only protein foods. Carbohydrates turn into fat in the afternoon.
  11. A contrast shower is a panacea for everything. Increases blood circulation, accordingly, metabolism accelerates, cellulite is smoothed, and complexion improves and willpower appears. forward to new habits!
  12. Chew your food thoroughly, slowly and thoughtfully. Again, to speed up your metabolism. Do you know why some people eat a lot and don’t get fat? Metabolism is good! This is also the secret of French women - they take their time while eating and never snack!
  13. The feeling of fullness comes 20 minutes after you have eaten enough. Imagine how much you can eat in 20 minutes! So take your time eating.
  14. Turn meals into torture. sit with a straight back, without TV/books, use all utensils, set the table according to all the rules! Imagine that a guy is sitting in front of you! and if you are really hardened, try eating naked in front of the mirror!
  15. Would you like to have a snack, but shouldn’t you? Do 20 squats, 50 jumps! Take a fragrant bath, go to the store and look at the clothes!
  16. Do exercises every 5 minutes. If you're sitting in front of the computer, go do some abdominal exercises. After 5 minutes, you can do squats.
  17. Sports don't make you want to eat for two reasons: physically - your organs will shake, you'll sweat, psychologically - you'll waste calories, you won't want to gain them.
  18. Drink a glass of water every hour (preferably in small sips - it’s healthier). Turn it into a fun process - add lemon, mint. Love the water.
  19. Coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, soda, fast food, chips, mayonnaise, sausage are your main enemies. Learn these words and associate them with cellulite and sides. hate them!
  20. Nuts and oil are useful, but in small quantities. These are super calorie foods. So a handful of nuts, which are so easy to get carried away with, can account for your entire day's estimated caloric intake! So don't get carried away with oil when dressing your salad. From this, out of 100 kcal it can already contain 200, 300, 500...8 nuts per day, no more is needed.
  21. Potatoes - just not fried. If you really want to, eat jacket potatoes or, at worst, mashed potatoes.
  22. Both white and gray bread have the same calories. So, without prejudice, get used to eating without bread or switch to rye bread.
  23. Don't drink tea, don't have that habit at all! Only if separately from food. And without sugar, why do you need empty carbohydrates? This is pure poison. replace it with honey.
  24. Green tea - 2 mugs per day. Soothes and promotes cleansing.

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