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How to apply makeup for large eyes. Makeup for round eyes. Japanese makeup for big eyes

At a time when many women make incredible efforts to visually enlarge their eyes and give them the desired expressiveness and brightness, ladies with naturally large eyes are trying to find the right makeup for large eyes.

Large eyes are not always ideal in shape; they are quite common:

  • too prominent eye sockets;
  • widely seated;
  • very close set;
  • large round eyes.

Knowing the subtleties and little secrets of proper makeup, large eyes can be effectively emphasized with the help of makeup and visually give them an almond-shaped oriental shape. When choosing a palette of eyeshadow colors, you need to remember that light tones visually bring you closer and focus attention, while dark tones visually reduce the volume.

Makeup for bulging eyes

The first step in applying makeup for large, protruding eyes is to apply a foundation using neutral shades of eyeshadow over the entire eyelid. For cold-type women, you can use a light pink shade; for warm-type women, you can use a light gray tone. Using the same shadows, draw a line under the eyebrow. Using an indigo colored contour pencil, draw an arrow along the eyelash line not until the end of the eyelid. The arrow is carefully shaded with shadows of the same color, its tail is pulled up. Gray shadows are used to paint the lower eyelid along the lash line.

The tip of the lower arrow does not connect to the upper arrow, which creates the impression of an open eye. Eye shadows and pencils with glitter or mother-of-pearl are not suitable for make-up of bulging eyes - they focus on the already bulging eye sockets.

Makeup for wide-set eyes

To balance the proportions with wide-set large eyes, it is necessary to accentuate the inner corners of the eyes by painting them with dark shadows or the same pencil. Then makeup can be applied using conventional techniques, keeping the use of light shades of cosmetics to a minimum.

Makeup for close-set large eyes

If the eyes are placed at a short distance from each other, this defect can be visually eliminated with the help of correction.

The inner corner of the eye must be shaded with light shades or a milky white pencil and shaded thoroughly. The moving eyelid on the outside of the eye is covered with dark shadows, shading them towards the temple. Raise the thin arrow up and blend. Apply mascara to the eyelashes from the center of the eye to the outer corner. Do not paint on the inner corner of the eyelashes.

Makeup for big round eyes

The primary task of makeup for large round eyes is to visually “stretch” them, giving them a classic almond shape. This problem is solved with the help of eyeliner, which is used to draw an arrow that widens towards the outer corner of the eye. The arrow should protrude slightly beyond the contours of the eyeball. Dark-colored shadows are applied to the entire moving eyelid and shaded towards the temple.

If there is no need to adjust the shape of your eyes, then you can experiment a little with a makeup color palette. It is necessary to choose a color that can highlight the beauty of the eyes and add depth and expressiveness to the look. To match the color of the iris, you can choose shadows that match or contrast in color:

  • Brown eyes;
  • eyes are green;
  • Blue eyes.

Let's try to understand this issue more precisely.

Makeup for big brown eyes

This makeup option for large brown eyes is suitable for women of different color types.

First you need to prepare the skin with a foundation and lighten the eye area. To do this, apply pastel-colored shadows to the entire eyelid and gently blend them. Use a black pencil or eyeliner to draw thick arrows.

Apply shadows of chocolate, purple or dark blue along the arrow line. We carefully shade the shadows, tinting the eyelashes a little with mascara.

Makeup for big green eyes

Chic evening makeup will highlight the dazzling beauty of large green eyes with the correct use of cosmetics:

Even out the skin of the eye area by applying beige eye shadow or natural powder

Cover the surface of the upper eyelid up to the eyebrow with golden or honey-colored shadows. We apply light chocolate shadows to the moving eyelid, and draw the fold between the eyelid and the brow area with chocolate or black color.

A thick arrow is applied with brown eyeliner or a pencil, and all color transitions are carefully shaded.

The eyebrows are slightly emphasized and the eyelashes are colored. Brilliant evening makeup is ready!

Makeup for big blue eyes

Makeup for large blue eyes should be approached more carefully so as not to create a doll-like effect.

Pink or peach shadows are applied to tinted upper and lower eyelids with an even skin tone. The moving eyelid is painted with gray shadows and carefully shaded.

A thin arrow is drawn along the eyelash growth line. The middle of the eyelid is painted with blue shadows and rubbed to create an ombre effect. Eyelashes are painted with mascara in one, maximum two layers.

A selection of videos will help you learn the rules of applying makeup for large eyes.

Quite a lot of girls don't like the shape of their eyes. But don’t think that you can fix it only by going to an appointment with a plastic surgeon. You can make your eyes look perfect using regular cosmetics. But! In this case, you need to know what to focus on, and what makeup touches only highlight flaws. That is why today we will learn how to do makeup for round eyes.

How to turn round eyes into almond eyes

First of all, it is worth noting the fact that people consider this eye shape to be attractive and it looks quite beautiful even without correction with cosmetics.

But you and I are striving for the ideal, so we need to explore ways to make our eyes even more expressive.

And here's the first rule you need to remember: always focus on the outer corner of your eye.

This way you will visually draw out round eyes. As for shadows, light shades should be applied to the inner corner of the eye, and dark shades to the outer corner. Also, in order to emphasize the shape of your eyes, you should not use too bright shades. The best choice would be pastel colors.

To make your large round eyes look more elongated, you will need to use eye shadow, eyeliner, pencil and mascara.

Once you have taken out all the necessary tools from your makeup bag to create the perfect look, let's look at the transformation process step by step:

  • Apply light shadow to the entire upper eyelid. This way we will have a basis for further makeup;
  • Now take the shadows of a darker shade. With them you should focus on the outer corner. At the same time, you should not make the transition between light and dark colors too obvious. It’s better to take a small brush and blend the transition. This way you will get a soft replacement of a light shade with a darker one;
  • Apply the same dark shadows to the lower eyelid. Attention! Make sure that the strip is very thin, since we don’t need to make the eye too small. To get a similar result, either purchase a special thin brush for applying eye shadow, or simply wipe off the excess with a cotton swab dipped in makeup remover;
  • Now you need to carefully draw the arrows. The best option would be a slightly thickened arrow at the tip for round eyes. By the way, if you still can’t make straight arrows, then at first you can use a pencil. However, in this case you need to remember the need to periodically touch up your makeup.

And one more little secret: don’t be afraid to carefully paint over each eyelash. Despite the fact that many online makeup publications claim that carefully painted eyelashes make the eyes look even bigger, this opinion is wrong.

The fact is that by painting the lower and upper eyelashes, you create a kind of shadow around the eyes, which can visually reduce them a little. So if an almond-shaped eye shape is your dream, then mascara will be your first assistant in achieving it.

Makeup for small round eyes

If your eyes are round but small, then our task becomes more complicated. We need to visually enlarge the eyes and then make them more elongated.

First of all, remember what you should never do:

  • Do not use eyeliner or dark shadows, as this will make your eyes even smaller in size and their color will become inexpressive;
  • Don't make your eyebrows too high. The ideal option would be if they clearly follow the brow arch of the skull.

Now, as for the makeup itself. First of all, you need to draw special arrows for round eyes, but not with thick black eyeliner, as we have already said, but use a brown pencil.

At the same time, try to draw the arrow line beyond the outer corner. Thus, the shape will become more elongated.

You should use mostly light shadows, as this will prevent them from placing too much emphasis on the small size of your eyes. All of the above is quite enough for daytime makeup. If your makeup is evening, then you can apply a little light pearlescent shadow to the outer corner of your eye.

And now that we have figured out how to give an almond shape, let's look at the rules of makeup for a round face depending on the color of the eyes.

Makeup rules for a round face

The basic rule of applying makeup is proper contouring. To do this, you need to highlight the area around the forehead, under the eyes and chin with a lighter tone.

Attention! You should not make too strong an emphasis; all lines on the face should be smooth.

Now let's look at the makeup option for a round face with blue eyes. In this case, you need not only to make the oval of the face more elongated, but also to emphasize the color of the eyes. To do this, you should use silver, pink or purple shades. Bright blue cosmetics will also look good.

A makeup option for a round face with green eyes may also be interesting. Here, in addition to emphasizing the chin and forehead, eye makeup should use purple and green colors. A brown tint is also suitable. At the same time, do not forget to extend the line of the outer corner a little so that the eyes appear a little narrower.

Features of makeup for a round face with brown eyes.

Here it is best to use beige, pink or golden shadows. This way you will not only highlight the interesting color of your eyes, but also draw attention to their stunning color.

The most ideal eye shape is considered to be round, like Aishwarya Rai's, which makes it easy to create beautiful makeup for large eyes.

Look how amazing her eyes look in the photo, which they made into the shape of an tonsil using a black pencil! This eye makeup is suitable only for this type of eyes. If you are the owner of such eyes, then I really envy you)) It should be noted that the eyes of a standard European face are considered small, and on the contrary, they should be enlarged using various make-up techniques.

But even round eyes are not always perfect; they can be excessively large and even bulging. Therefore, it is important to find your own technique for applying shadows and other means of decorating the eyes, and choose the right color scheme, so that all this together helps hide imperfections, emphasizing the beauty of the natural form.

One common misconception is that For large eyes, only dark tones are shown, which is taboo for narrow eyes, but light shades with a pronounced convexity, on the contrary, are not recommended. All this can easily be ignored, since the main thing in eye makeup is the technique of application, the drawing of shadows and the awareness of one’s pros and cons. It must be said that for large eyes you can safely draw dark arrows, stretching the eyes, but you should not enlarge them with Use a contour pencil or liquid eyeliner to create your own contour, as this will make your eyes look unrealistically huge.

When doing makeup for large eyes, you should remember that using shades of the same color as the iris makes the latter duller than it actually is.

Contrasting shades, on the contrary, enhance the original color and make the eyes brighter and more expressive. It follows from this that to achieve accentuated eye color, you need to use contrasting colors. On green eyes, emphasis is created using red shades, copper, plum, pink and brown; The beauty of brown eyes can best be emphasized with a turquoise or lavender shade; The depth of blue eyes will be highlighted by orange, copper, plum, pink, peach, gray. But, of course, makeup should not be determined by eye color alone; everything here is much more individual, and skin and hair shade and other nuances must be taken into account.

Let's watch a video on how to correctly correct the shape of bulging eyes.

The shape of the eyes itself is also important in choosing the appropriate type of makeup. To make makeup for large round eyes look perfect, you need to follow some important recommendations from makeup artists:

  • You can lengthen your eyes a little by applying eyeliner along the lash line, starting from the inner corner and gradually expanding the contour to the outer corner. After the shadows are applied to the eyelids, they need to be shaded towards the temporal part;
  • With an almond-shaped neckline, absolutely any type of makeup is suitable, the main thing is to successfully choose a color palette that can best emphasize the depth and expressiveness of the look;
  • Makeup for large bulging eyes is done using dark shades of eye shadow on those parts of the eyelids that protrude. Dark strokes need to be extended slightly upward, in the direction of the eyebrows. Should be used as shadows matte shades, for example, blues, grays, purples and dark blues;
  • If the eyes are at a clear distance from each other, that is, widely spaced, then this feature in appearance can be visually made less noticeable with the help of dark shadows, if you apply them to the inner corners of the eyes, and then shade them well towards the direction of the eyebrows. Eyeliner on the inner corners of the eye will help partially hide the problem.

It is much more difficult to do makeup for bulging eyes, but anyone with this feature in appearance can cope with this task, you just need to know the basic principles of working with paints. The most suitable option in this case is when the work begins with tones of medium intensity, turning into more saturated and dark ones closer to the outer corners of the eyes. If your eyes are bulging, you should avoid pearlescent shades, which enhance the effect of bulging eyes. You can make the shape more almond-shaped using a contour pencil and shadow, extending the line along the lower eyelid beyond the eye, towards the temple.

Large eyes look beautiful and bewitching even without makeup, but well-executed makeup for large eyes will give them additional charm and color, correct them and make them appropriate for the occasion. If you apply makeup carelessly or show excessive imagination, your eye makeup will come out too theatrical. Everything you need for this makeup:

  • Liquid eyeliner or contour pencil;
  • Shadows of the desired shades;
  • Mascara.

Makeup for large eyes: choosing the right color!

Another useful tutorial for daytime makeup for big eyes.

There is no need to be shy about using the opportunities that modern decorative cosmetics provide and using the advice given by professional cosmetologists. Correctly and beautifully done makeup for large eyes will allow you to be irresistible in any situation, no one will pay attention to the cosmetics, everyone will see only flawless eyes.

What is the main charm of large eyes - they do not require enlargement, it is enough just to gracefully frame them and give depth. To do this, only the thinnest, smoothest contour lines are used, which can be perfectly done with liquid eyeliner, which can be replaced by a soft, sharpened eyeliner. When drawing a contour, you need to avoid widening your eyes even more and draw a line along the inner side of the eyelash growth, and not along the outer one. You can express the bottomless depth of your eyes with the help of dark shades of eye shadow: beige and gray tones look ideal in daytime makeup, and brighter and more saturated shades in evening makeup. The central part of the eyelid is covered with shadows, then shading occurs in both directions, crossing the border of the eyelid by half a centimeter.

Makeup for large eyes looks bold and even rough if it uses voluminous mascara. Such eyes do not need to greatly increase the eyelashes, neither in length nor in volume, so you should paint them only in one neat layer, and preferably only on the upper eyelid. Black mascara suits dark girls perfectly, and brown mascara suits fair girls. Also, for a harmonious makeup, you need to pay attention to the eyebrows: they should not be narrowed, since a wide cut neat eyebrow line is good for large eyes. But there are no special rules regarding the shape of the eyebrows; you can give them an arched or straight line, as long as it matches the image as a whole.

And finally, one more video!

Large, expressive eyes are a generous gift from nature to a girl and an object of dreams for those ladies who are deprived of such a gift. However, illiterate makeup can ruin this advantage or even turn it into a disadvantage. Makeup is an art that helps highlight natural beauty and correct minor defects. It is not difficult to master if you have the desire and regular practice. It is also important to know a few basic rules and familiarize yourself with the recommendations of makeup experts.

Large eyes themselves are quite impressive, but they can have their own characteristics, for example, being bulging or too round, close-set or located far from the bridge of the nose. Every flaw can be mitigated by the skillful use of decorative cosmetics.

What is the peculiarity of makeup for large eyes? Much depends on the initial data: the cut, the size of the eyelids, the distance between the eyes. Also in the process of makeup, clarity of lines, correct technique of applying shadows, and a suitable color scheme are important.

It would be a mistake to use techniques for visual enlargement that will make the look too doll-like.

Important: Before applying makeup for large eyes, you need to pay attention to the shape of your eyebrows. Thin “threads” don’t go well with expressive eyes. The arch of the eyebrows should be graceful, and the width should be as close to natural as possible. It is also recommended to leave the color natural or slightly adjust it with cosmetic pencils.

Video: How to do makeup for big eyes

Stages of eye makeup, their features

The art of makeup involves certain rules, the observance of which ensures the desired result. Eye cosmetics are usually applied in the following sequence:

  1. Base.
  2. Eyeliner.
  3. Shadows.
  4. Mascara.

First, using camouflage products (foundation, powder), you need to achieve an even and natural complexion. And applying a base under the shadows will ensure durability and an attractive appearance of makeup for a long time. A high-quality concealer will help disguise minor skin imperfections, facial wrinkles and bags under the eyes.


Drawing the contour emphasizes the shape of the eyes, makes them more expressive, and gives volume to the eyelashes. Arrows can vary in length, thickness and color intensity.

Traditionally, makeup for large eyes uses a black pencil (soft and sharpened) or liquid eyeliner with a brush. The first line is drawn with thin, neat strokes, on top of which a second, brighter layer is then applied.

Shadows: method of application depending on the shape of the eyes

It’s not for nothing that makeup is compared to fine art. With the help of cosmetic “paints” it is easy to achieve the desired transformation: those areas of the eyes that should be visually reduced should be darkened, and those that need to be emphasized should be lightened.

Typically, shadows are applied to the entire area of ​​the moving and fixed eyelid; they can also be used to highlight the growth line of the lower and upper eyelashes instead of eyeliner. In makeup for large eyes, it is better to give preference to matte shades, as pearlescent shades add additional volume.

Combinations of shadows depend on the shape and location of the eyes, the shape of the eyelids:

  1. Almond-shaped is the ideal shape for large eyes that does not need adjustment. For such eyes, you can use a minimum of makeup to highlight their charm and natural beauty. They will also suit different types of eyeliner and makeup schemes. The most impressive are almond-shaped eyes, decorated using the “smoky eye” technique, which highlights their cut and makes the look even more expressive.
  2. Eyes that are too round can be “stretched out” by applying light shadows to the eyelid and darker shadows under the eyebrow. Outlining the contour with arrows on the inside of the lower and upper eyelids (under the eyelashes) visually stretches the eye, bringing the round shape closer to the almond shape.
  3. For bulging eyes, it is enough to smooth out the central part of the eyelid with dark shadows, blending them upward.
  4. Closely spaced eyes can be visually distanced from the bridge of the nose by applying light shadows to the inner corners and darkening the outer corner. The arrow must be drawn starting from the middle of the century. It is also important to correct the shape of the eyebrows at the bridge of the nose, making them shorter and narrower.
  5. With wide-set eyes, dark colors are shaded from the inner zone outward, while the sub-brow area is captured.

Using at least 3 tones will make makeup for large eyes voluminous and impressive. Careful shading will help create interesting shimmers, especially when using contrasting colors. At the same time, lightening the subeyebrow area “pushes” the eyes forward, making them more noticeable, so this technique must be used carefully so as not to get a “doll” look.

Eyeshadow color palette

The palette of colors for makeup for large eyes is determined depending on the color of the iris. Shades can be related (for a natural look) or contrasting (for a spectacular option). The designer circle of color combinations will help you make a choice. You can also use the tips from the table.

Eye color

White, gray for classic makeup. Lavender and turquoise will add special expressiveness to the look.

Brown and gold will provide a spectacular contrast. Lilac, copper, violet - an interesting combination. Wine, orange, plum, turquoise.

Peach, brown, copper will enhance the natural shade of the iris. Orange, yellow, lilac are suitable for bright evening makeup. Plum, lilac, pink, gray, black and silver colors harmonize well.

The most attractive combinations are with metallic and dark blue shades. You can use beige, cream, lilac tones.

Video: How to choose eye shadow to match your eye color

How to dye eyelashes

Makeup for large eyes is completed by applying mascara. In this case, it is better to use an extension agent, carefully painting the eyelashes with it, avoiding lumps and sticking. In this case, the inner and central part of the eye is painted by moving the brush up and down, and it is better to comb the side eyelashes to the side, so they will acquire a seductive bend.

Eye makeup schemes

There are many ways to design your eyes using eye shadow, eyeliner and mascara. For large eyes, you can use the “birdie”, “banana”, and “smoky eye” techniques.


This scheme is ideal for round and close-set eyes: in this case, the emphasis is on the outer corner, which is drawn with dark shadows, as if reproducing the outline of a bird's wing.

Algorithm of actions:

  • first, a light shade is applied to the inside of the moving eyelid;
  • the central area is painted a little darker;
  • the outer corner of the eye is highlighted with the most saturated shadows, which are carefully shaded towards the temple;
  • The upper and lower eyelids are connected along the outer edge with a “tick” using a black pencil.

Closed and open banana

The “closed banana” technique is used for wide-set eyes, the “open banana” technique for close-set eyes. These schemes use at least 3 different tones of shadows. A line is drawn in the crease of the eyelid, repeating the outline of the eye, as a result of which it really becomes similar in shape to specified fruit.

In the “closed banana” technique, the color intensity is distributed downwards with a brush or applicator, in the “open banana” technique - upwards. A medium tone is applied to the outer corner of the eye, the inner corner is highlighted with the lightest tones, as well as the sub-eyebrow area.

Smoky eyes (smoky ice)

A distinctive feature of “smoky eye” makeup is the creation of a seductive haze around the eyes using a pencil and rich shadows (black and brown for the evening version, light ones for the daytime). In this case, at least 2 similar shades are used, which are applied in a generous layer and shaded towards the eyebrows and temples. Eyelashes are painted with voluminous mascara several times.

Video: Do-it-yourself makeup using the smokey eye technique

The basic rule of makeup artists is to highlight one part of the face when applying makeup. Large and expressive eyes should be the main part of the image, so you should not use additional bright blush and lipstick.

The color of decorative cosmetics should be combined with the tone of the skin and hair, match the type of appearance (autumn, winter, spring, summer), and be in harmony with clothing or accessories.

And most importantly: do not forget that accuracy and moderation are always important, especially in such a sacrament as “showing up” beauty. Large eyes are very attractive in themselves, and the task of makeup is to emphasize their charm.

Makeup for large blue eyes has a large selection of techniques and shades. Of course, who doesn't want to have big blue eyes? It’s not so simple, because not everyone is naturally given the ideal almond-shaped eye shape; some girls suffer from the fact that their eyes, although large, are very round, close-set, or slightly bulging. The right make-up will help emphasize the depth and expressiveness of large blue eyes, and hide minor imperfections!

If you want to make your make-up more expressive and bright, use dark blue shadows, and if deep, use orange or hot pink. There is no need to enlarge large eyes, so avoid very light and pearlescent shadows that add volume to the eyes. You are very lucky; your big, and even blue, eyes really love dark colors. While other girls need to be careful with dark eyeliner and shadows, you can safely use it all. And everyone’s favorite shooters? For you, this is simply a win-win option!

How to apply?


The first rule is the placement of accents. You need to know which areas of the face should be given special attention and which areas should be left alone. In any case, big blue eyes look impressive even without makeup, you just need to complement the image with a minimum of makeup.


Cat arrows will help draw out round-shaped eyes. Don't be afraid to use liquid eyeliner, after a little practice you will learn how to use it, there is nothing complicated about it. The arrows can be either bold or thin, the main thing is that they lengthen the eye.


Shift the emphasis from the eyes to the lips, or, say, cheekbones. Correctly selected blush will force you to pay attention to facial features that can be successfully emphasized with them. In this case, you should only lightly line your eyes with a dark pencil and a minimum of shadows. An emphasis on the lips would also be an excellent option - first of all, all attention will be focused on the juicy and bright lips, and large blue eyes will only add tenderness and depth to the image. Of course, even without paying attention to the eyes, it is necessary to highlight them somehow - with a pencil, eyeliner, a small amount of shadow. Pay attention to your eyebrows. Ungroomed eyebrows will further indicate an imperfect eye shape, if such is the case.


By the way, the makeup technique for large eyes is also slightly different from the traditional one. In this case, it is necessary to apply dark shadows to the outer corners of the eyes, and shade them in this direction, starting from the inner corner. This make-up will ideally hide the bulge of the eye.


The main thing - remember, under no circumstances should you use pearlescent shadows, sparkles and shiny liners when making up large eyes. Your already large eyes will become simply huge and out of place.

By the way, despite the fact that many girls are trying to somehow correct the shape of their eyes, to make them smaller, larger, more expressive - some have gone very far. In the wake of the popularity of Japanese anime, many girls fell in love with shocking doll makeup, making just saucer eyes on their faces. Their eye makeup starts much lower than the lash line on the lower eyelid, and the empty space is carefully filled in with white flowers, thus making the eyes so unnaturally large that it becomes a little scary. But, as they say, the markers are different in taste and color.

Makeup example

We will now tell you the main points that are worth paying attention to, but you will find a step-by-step photo below.


It's best to start our makeup for big-eyed beauties with the eyebrows - the frames of the eyes. They need to be given the correct shape, depending on the characteristics of your face. By the way, by visiting a beauty salon just once, you can find out from the professionals which shape will suit you best! Choose the color of the pencil regardless of the color of your eyes; here you should pay more attention to the color of your hair. Agree, a blonde with black eyebrows looks very bad.

The basis

Use concealer to hide the circles under your eyes and eliminate minor skin imperfections. Then apply a foundation of a suitable color and an eyeshadow base. We want to get long-lasting makeup!

Eyeliner and shadows

Eyeliner is a must-have for girls with big eyes. Arrows can be drawn on both the upper and lower eyelids. Why not? The line of the arrow should expand from the inside of the eye to the outside. If you do decide to use shadows, choose dark shades. They are applied both to the inner and outer corner of the eye - to the entire moving eyelid. In the middle of the eyelid, you can add shadows several tones lighter. Carefully blend everything that appears on your eyelid. The lower eyelid should also be tinted with dark shadows. By the way, don't forget about eyelashes! Touch them up with black mascara.


Lip makeup will help complete the look. Draw their borders with a pencil to match the natural color, and then apply matte lipstick in delicate shades. You can top them off with lip gloss, this will add sexiness and attractiveness.

The main thing is not to consider all advice mandatory! Each girl has her own special appearance, so try, try and try again! You are sure to find the blue eye makeup that suits you!


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