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How to kiss a classic kiss correctly. We learn to kiss, we study the ways and techniques of kissing. Let's involve other organs

Didn't you become a professional after your first kisses? Or maybe you haven't kissed at all? Then this article is for you.

It's time to put down the tomatoes and learn how to kiss properly!

Everything about kissing techniques, useful tips, types of kisses and the main mistakes of beginners.

A good kiss is worth another.
Marilyn Monroe

How to kiss on the lips correctly


Don't neglect this point. Otherwise, you risk alienating your partner.
  1. Lips should be tender and soft. Guys should pay attention to this too. For maximum softness, exfoliate your lips. You don't have to buy peeling products. Regular sugar is enough.
  2. Moisturize your lips.
  3. Remember to have fresh breath. Goodbye, spend a little time brushing your teeth. Bring fresh breath products with you.
And most importantly, try to relax. This is not easy to do if you don't know how to kiss. But the success of the business depends on relaxation.


Try to create a calm, romantic atmosphere. To relax your partner, touch him/her.


Believe me, everyone worries when they don't know how to kiss. Try to calm down. Too much tension can push your partner away.


Make eye contact. Look at the eyes, then at the lips, again at the eyes.

Important! Watch your partner's reaction. Ask yourself the question: “Does he/she like everything?”

Don't freeze in one position. Caress your loved one's cheek, run through their hair.

Relax your lips while kissing. Tightening your lips is the most common mistake beginners make.

Kiss slowly. There is no need to rush in the first kisses. Do it gently, take your time. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. During a kiss, you can stop, look at your lover, then continue the kiss.

Note! Eye contact is important. It provides trust and removes inhibitions.

What not to do while kissing:
  • do not open your eyes;
  • don't try to talk;
  • Don't open your mouth too wide.
In life, things may not turn out as romantic as in the film. Remember these little rules.

Often people don't talk if their partner does something unpleasant while kissing. They are afraid of offending their significant other. Should not be doing that. Relationships can be a nightmare.

The evolution of the word was interrupted by a kiss.
Mila Waltz

How to kiss a guy correctly

Now, guys, don't peep! Your point is the following.

You have a boyfriend, and soon it will come to kissing? Don't worry. Now you will know all about it.
It is generally accepted that the guy should initiate the kiss. However, girls can also take matters into their own hands. The main thing is not to be afraid.

First remember, you just need to imagine how it’s done. There is no point in memorizing special techniques. At that very moment everything will be forgotten. If you constantly think whether you are doing everything right, it will only get worse. It's better to relax and surrender to the moment.

Many girls are interested in whether they need to train? Laughter is laughter, and if no one sees, why not? The palm or forearm is perfect for this purpose.

Before kissing, you need to make sure that the guy doesn’t mind. Otherwise, you may find yourself in an awkward situation. Just look at his lips. Didn't he look away? Take action boldly.

Many guys love gentle kisses at first. They become interested in what's next. But during the kiss, watch his reaction. There's no guarantee he'll be one of those guys. Everything is individual. What one person is crazy about is unpleasant for another.

Now start kissing. Touch his lips with your lips. Capture his lips with your two. Suck it gently. But don't overdo it.

Then try kissing with tongue. Open your lips harder. Use your tongue to find your partner's language. If he reciprocates, you don’t have to worry anymore. Not everything will work out the first time. But a little practice and you're a pro.

Remember, not only lips are involved in a kiss. Lightly hug the guy, stroke his neck, shoulders, run your hand over his chest.

Try butterfly kiss. Move closer to the guy's cheek and blink your eyelashes. It will turn out very romantic.

If you see a guy's interest, give the initiative to him. When he looks at your lips, he definitely wants to kiss you.

A couple of important points:

  • Take care of your hair. It's better to collect them. There is hardly a guy who likes your hair in his mouth. You don't want to ruin the impression of your first kiss, do you?
  • It is not advisable to paint your lips with bright lipstick or gloss. A greasy mark on the lips will ruin everything.
Try to choose a place as deserted as possible. First of all, kissing in public is indecent. Secondly, you may become embarrassed and things will not go according to plan.

How to kiss a girl correctly

Girls, close your eyes.)
Girls may not want to kiss on the first date. Some will like the fast pace of events, others will not.

It is important to understand that the girl is not against a kiss. If you are close to each other, look into each other’s eyes, she does not turn away, does not move away - you can safely act.

If you accompany a girl home, and she is in no hurry to leave, then she is waiting for a kiss from you.

Golden Rule! It's normal to feel nervous. But try not to show too much anxiety. A man must show confidence.

Lightly touch your partner's lips and make sure she doesn't mind. Don't start the kiss passionately. Continue after stopping even hotter. In between kisses, watch her reaction.

Don't over-tighten. The duration should be short.

Remember to give compliments. It’s not for nothing that they say that girls love with their ears.

At the end, she might want to say something. Girls love to talk about their feelings after kissing. You shouldn't stop her.

  • Gradually increase your strength.
  • Constantly change the position of your head and hands.
  • Alternate passionate kisses with light ones.
  • A girl might like it if your tongue caresses her palate. If you don't like it, it's better to stop.
  • You can kiss the neck and ears: lightly suck the earlobes, bite the ears, kiss the neck and chin.
Constantly monitor her reaction. If she agrees, you can act more passionately.

How to kiss correctly for the first time

The most important thing to understand is that different people like different kisses. Everyone has their own tastes, priorities, and sensual zones. You won't be able to immediately understand your partner's preferences. You get to know them in the process of communication, kisses, touches. The main thing here is mutual understanding.

First of all, you need to know that the first kiss should be gentle. Don't rush to kiss with your tongue. Everything is in order.

We have already talked about the situation and preparation. Now the technique itself:

  1. Make eye contact.
  2. Tilt your head and slowly move towards your partner's lips. Don't worry about your nose. Before kissing, tilt your head back slightly.
  3. Open your mouth slightly and touch your lips to your partner.
  4. Kiss your partner's upper and lower lips alternately. The movements are soft, retracting.
  5. You can move the tip of your tongue over your lips, but no more.
  6. It is important to stop in time. You need to feel your partner.
After the kiss, say something warm. Don't forget about eye contact.

Remember, most failures occur due to extreme anxiety.
Don't be upset if you don't enjoy it. The first time this happens to few people. Once you learn, you will be able to feel how nice it is.

How to kiss with tongue correctly

The first kisses with the tongue should be calm.

If a kiss only with the lips requires a response from the partner, then the French one is even more so:

  1. To make sure that your partner is okay with French kissing, you need to lightly touch his/her lips with your tongue.
  2. If your partner responds in kind, you can continue using your tongue. Do this slowly and gently. Rudeness can ruin everything.
  3. Let the first time be short. Alternate kisses with and without tongue.
Then you can experiment.

A smile is a kiss to the soul.
Minna Antrim

Options for kissing with tongue:
  • circular movements;
  • back and forth movements;
  • tongue sucking;
  • lip biting;
  • movements to the sides;
  • light touch of tongues;
  • light pressure on the tongue;
  • light pressure on the lips with the tongue.
There are no strict rules. Use your imagination.

Try to understand what your partner likes. Maybe he likes rough and deep kisses. You can only find out in the process.

How to kiss a hickey correctly

When kissing a hickey, the lips are closed so tightly that you can only breathe through your nose.

The basic rules are the same as before: prepare, remember to be confident, don't kiss too passionately the first time.
1. Slightly tilt your head and touch your partner's lips with yours. Breathe evenly and calmly.
2. Start licking and sucking your partner's lips. You can bite them, squeeze them and grab them. Clench and unclench your lips. But stick to the rhythm so that the kiss does not become a set of chaotic movements. Try to act in sync.
3. Do not tense your lips, but do not completely relax them either.
4. Change your head position.
5. Try to feel your partner and set the pace of the kiss based on common desires.
Remember, don't suck your partner's lips too hard to avoid hurting him/her.

Find out if your partner likes kisses on other parts of the body, and which ones.

What "newbies" in this business usually overlook:
  • Don't hold your breath; at the most inopportune moment you may run out of air. Breathe through your nose.
  • Don't think about anything extraneous. Don't worry about doing the right thing. Extraneous thoughts can ruin a successful kiss.
  • Don't push your tongue into your partner's mouth if you don't know each other well.
  • Be natural. Don't act awkward or too loose.
  • Don't forget about your partner. You kiss for mutual pleasure. Constantly monitor the reaction.
  • And most importantly, don’t worry too much. You'll see, it's not so scary.
Don't forget about preparation, and especially fresh breath.

And finally...

Before you experience your first kiss, make sure you are ready and want it. Many are in a hurry for the following reasons: “their girlfriends are all with their boyfriends”; “They will laugh at me for not having kissed me yet”; “guy/girl wants.” Make sure you are prepared first. There is no need to follow fashion and force yourself.

What feelings did you experience during your first kiss?

It’s hard to imagine a couple in love without kissing, since love is accompanied by this, and sex begins with this. But when a kiss occurs for the first time, the question arises as to the correctness of this action. Let's analyze and discuss the manifestation of feelings in the classic performance of kissing. By the classic method we mean using lips and more.

No one is born skilled and with certain skills in a tender kiss. At the age of about 12 years, girls begin to look for a global approach to the issue, for which they bribe magazines, where they look for information on how to learn to kiss. For us guys, everything is a little simpler, if this is the first time, we rely more on nature and our own intuition.

Mastering the ability to use your lips correctly, and even more so when kissing with your tongue, does not mean learning to kiss well. This skill includes the correct use of hands during the action, gently hugging and touching the girl. A kiss hides a sexual game, where the setting, the general atmosphere and, most importantly, contact with the partner are also important. Anyone can learn to kiss, everyone comes to this through trial and personal error, everything is smoothed out naturally. We can only explain the kiss from the point of view of contact technique.

Let's discuss what a good and gentle kiss should be like, and first highlight the stages of the process. By the first stage we will interpret what happens before the kiss. And the second stage contains the most pleasant action, where kissing a girl takes place for the first time.

First preparatory stage

At this first stage, we prepare our chosen one, the environment and ourselves for the upcoming action. In order not to immediately disappoint the lady and not get upset yourself, we will look below at a few basic rules that we advise you to adhere to.

The lips are the main operating tool in the process under consideration, so they should be prepared. The lips should be pleasant to the touch and relaxed. Avoid chapping the skin; if necessary, moisturize it with special products. Even if you feel that your legs are giving way, your palms are sweating, and you are slightly dizzy, this should not prevent you from relaxing your face and, accordingly, your lips. Boys, this is just a manifestation of your love, and remember that girls look forward to their first kiss more than we do.

Let us remind you about hygiene, although everyone must remember this anyway. Both from the whole body and from the breath there should be no unpleasant odor other than natural. If you are not sure that your chosen one likes the smell of the eau de parfum that you use, refuse it - perfume, of course. Don't miss the moment to take a shower, otherwise you may not be kissed.

When meeting, do not think exclusively about the action in question, otherwise you will look stiff and tense. Exude friendliness, be open, and if you feel that your body is starting to tense, then take deep breaths several times in a row, it will let you go. In any situation, do not keep your arms and legs crossed when communicating with your companion, try to look her in the face, and control your own negative emotions on your face.

It's time to move on to maneuvers. First you need to go through a kind of contact barrier. This is necessary so that your touch does not cause any embarrassment to your partner and becomes more familiar to her. The barrier is passed gradually, at first unobtrusively and lightly touch her hand. Then or immediately after touching your hands, you can hug the girl, but do it with complete calmness, without focusing on it. You can think of your own methods that will help you overcome this barrier, use your imagination.

Second main stage

For a kiss to happen passionately, you need an emotional component, that is, a direct relationship and contact between you.

With established contact, the first kiss and subsequent ones will be perceived by you and your partner in a special way and somewhat more sensitive than manipulations based on pure physical attraction. It is important to start kissing correctly.

If the place and time are well chosen, go on the offensive. Take her hand, tilt your head slightly, bringing your mouth closer to hers, but don't lose eye contact. Look into your friend's eyes, then from her direct gaze, which she will not try to look away from you, you will immediately understand that she is completely ready for this. So, don't delay.

Now take your time, gently touch any of your lover’s lips with your mouth. This will be a short prelude and emotional preparation for the passionate finale. This gentle contact can last about four seconds, after which you lean back slightly, leaving a few centimeters of space between your lips and hers. Now you will definitely be able to read the reaction and readiness to continue on your companion’s face.

Of course, open your eyes, if you closed them before, and meet her eyes, they will tell you whether to move on or whether it’s better to pause. We define this very simply. If she is ready to continue the kiss, then a smile may light up her face, or a glance may appear that passes through you. And we advise you to stop if your lady doesn’t look happy or her face is grimaced.

If the previous step has been completed and the chosen one is ready to continue, then proceed to the kiss again. It’s nice if your lips are a bit moist, open your mouth slightly and kiss your lip, then the top, then the bottom, but leave the opportunity for her to kiss you. Watch the reaction, which will indicate the moment when you need to stop.

Let's involve other organs

If you enjoy kissing and can’t stop, use other senses. Lean slightly, look at her, lower your gaze from her eyes to her lips, touch the girl’s hair, neck and face with your hands, and touch her hand with your lips, which may end up on your face when kissing.

Kisses not only on the lips can be romantic; touching the mouth to the cheek, neck, eyebrows, forehead, ears and other places is also not punishable, but gives greater pleasure. In fact, it is often easier, before the first kiss, to touch your lips to the neck, ear, cheek, and then just move on to your partner’s mouth. After a long, dizzying romantic act, you can complete the process on the chin, neck, and so on.

Let's use the language

Not the whole basis of skill is kissing a hickey correctly. Many people consider kissing to be truly passionate if the tongue is involved in the process. To eliminate the possibility that the tongue connected to kissing will be perceived poorly, start using it when caressing other parts of the body.

Gently touch her forearm, neck or shoulder with your lips, press them to the skin and let your tongue lightly touch her body. Do not lick or make sudden movements with your tongue. It just needs to bring a little more warmth and moisture to the kiss. Feel your companion's reaction, which will help you understand that she is not at all against the presence of your tongue when kissing.

When you are going to use your tongue when kissing, open your lips a little, and lightly touching her lips with your tongue, press together. Such contact should not be “wet”, since many people complain about this effect. You can prevent increased salivation by slightly closing your mouth, which will help reduce the amount of moisture transferred.

In reality, there is nothing absolute in kissing, but by the end of the discussion we would like to advise what is not advisable to do during such contact. Of course, maybe millions of kissers do not experience any negative emotions or sensations, but for beginners it is still worth avoiding some things, at least during the first attempts. First, don't suck on the girl's lips, don't snore loudly, don't drool, and avoid sudden, sharp tongue movements.

A kiss is both romantic and exciting, especially if it is your first. Learning to kiss in such a way as to give pleasure is not at all difficult; the technique is within the power of every person. You just need to tune in to the appropriate mood, and then be guided by your feelings. But it’s still worth getting acquainted with the theory, which will protect you from annoying mistakes in practice.

If you have no experience of kissing at all, it is better to practice beforehand. Use tomato or something similar. Touch the equipment with your lips with different strengths, try movements that are different from each other. Focus on the sensations that you would like to get from your partner’s actions, and try to achieve a similar result. Before the real kiss, take care of your fresh breath. Relax, look into the eyes of a girl or guy, talk about pleasant things. Take the right moment and get close to the face. Run your palm over your partner's cheek or back, take his hand. This behavior clearly signals your intentions, so watch your partner’s reaction. He/she does not move away, does not look away, or, on the contrary, closes his eyes a little - this is a good sign, let’s move on. You can start with gentle short kisses. With a subtle movement of your lips, touch your partner’s cheek or lips. When the situation allows, do several similar movements. They will relax both of you as much as possible and encourage you to continue. It's time for the classic kiss that we practiced before our date. Ideally, it will become a logical continuation of a short kiss on the lips: each new touch will be accompanied by a slightly larger opening of the lips. As a result, you yourself will not notice how a slow, sensual “smack” turns into a real kiss. After enjoying the classics, try French kissing. The tongue is involved here - at first lightly, barely touching the partner's tongue, then deeper movements may follow. However, keep it in moderation; you will be zealous only when you have thoroughly studied the preferences of your other half. Any kiss should end slowly and tenderly. Separating your lips, linger in the embrace for a few moments, feel the whole gamut of emotions. Such a finale will leave a pleasant mark on the soul of each of you, and perhaps it will only be a start... Kisses, like all of our lives, require variety. A novelty comes from slightly biting or sucking the partner’s lips, if they have not been used before. Alternating leisurely and passionate moments of intimacy can bring an unexpected effect. Assess your practical skills and understand how well you kiss, perhaps by the reaction of a guy or girl. After the right actions, the partner will most likely smile, want to repeat the kiss and meet again.

The key to a proper kiss is always feelings. If they are not there, intimacy will be strained, and no amount of technique or training will turn mechanical movements into a real fairy tale.

Legends can be made about the importance of a kiss in the life of a couple. Thousands of films have captured on camera the tenderness of the moment when lovers touch their lips and dissolve in each other. A kiss is a consequence of warmth and tenderness; with its help, people show feelings and express sympathy. However, not everyone knows how to kiss; some experience enormous discomfort at the mere thought of it. Let's look at the types of kisses and find out which type will be appropriate specifically in your situation. Let's look at the main features in order and give recommendations.

How to learn to kiss: a classic of the genre

There is a certain technique that will fully teach you the classic version of showing tenderness. The technology includes 2 stages: the first is expressed in preparation, the second describes the kissing technique.

Stage No. 1. Preparing for a kiss

  1. Not a single kiss is complete without preparation, because well-groomed lips are the key to success. It is with the help of this body tool that a girl makes a guy want more. Take care of basic care, perform a scrubbing procedure, removing dead skin particles. Moisten your sponges with chapstick or balm. Avoid chapping and scales.
  2. It is important to prepare in advance for a possible kiss, we are talking about bad breath. Buy a compact air freshener or make it a habit to carry chewing gum in your purse. Don’t neglect going to the dentist, get your teeth treated on time. Ladies who smoke are advised to give up the bad habit or eliminate it while they are with their partner.
  3. Preparing for a kiss affects not only the lips, but also the body. Your body should be relaxed; under no circumstances should you tense or cross your arms over your chest. Pay attention to the gestures, it is important to perform them smoothly without fussing. Show your partner openness and kindness, smile more. If you hear something unpleasant, hide your emotions and smile. Get rid of negativity and possible complexes.
  4. The “fine” aspects of preparation include the touch barrier. The essence of the procedure is to create maximum comfort for the partner. Your companion should not feel awkward the moment you touch him. To do this, come from afar, start with unobtrusive tactile contact (arm, shoulder, fingertips, etc.). After this, hug your gentleman as a joke, forcing him to trust you. Try not to focus on your own body movements; actions should be carried out unobtrusively.

Stage No. 2. Kissing technique (common version)

  1. After careful preparation, we move on to the main stage - the kiss. Choose the right time and place, create a romantic atmosphere if possible. Make sure you won't be disturbed. Choose a calm topic for conversation, bring the dialogue to its logical conclusion (the atmosphere is closer to intimate).
  2. Begin to slowly lean towards your companion's face, closing your eyes. Look at his lips, then press yours to them. Stretch your lips, while trying to leave them relaxed, plump, thirsty. After contact, close your eyes completely and focus on the sensations you experience.
  3. Evaluate the taste of your chosen one. To do this, gently touch his lower lip with both lips and pull it into your mouth. Suck, lightly bite and show pleasure in all possible ways. Your companion must understand that you find it “delicious.” After about 10 seconds, slowly pull away, maintaining a 3cm gap between each other's lips.
  4. Slowly open your eyes, look up at your partner’s eyes and evaluate the effect produced. Carefully monitor the reaction, it will show whether you should stop or continue further. To understand your partner's reaction, watch your smile. Its presence will tell you that the gentleman liked everything.
  5. A young man satisfied with a kiss can look down and to the side (diagonally), thus expressing embarrassment. In cases where the guy grimaces a little or moves away from you as if from fire, you should stop what you started.
  6. If you are sure that the young man liked the kiss, continue the manipulations. Start kissing his upper and lower lips alternately, suck, bite, and make slightly perceptible moans.
  7. Pull back periodically and watch your partner's reaction. It's important to make sure everything goes according to plan. Don’t take the situation into your own hands, leave the young man room to maneuver. Allow them to kiss you back, and do not tense your lips under any circumstances.

It is known that depending on the type of kiss, the technique also varies. We've sorted out the light (classic) version, now it's time to move on to heavy artillery. There is a French (with tongue) and a gentle kiss, let's look at each of them in order.

Preparing for a kiss
Before any kiss, careful preparation is necessary. This applies not only to the oral cavity, but to the body as a whole.

  1. Exfoliate your lips. To do this, massage them with a scrub of cane sugar and honey mixed in equal proportions. Apply balm to your skin to prevent flaking. Try pulling your lips out like a tube, while keeping them relaxed.
  2. Learn to be seductive. Review your wardrobe and throw in the trash everything that doesn’t fit perfectly. Buy heels and lipstick with a shimmering effect (this move will help emphasize the lips). Practice smiling, shooting with your eyes, and feminine laughter.
  3. Watch for non-verbal gestures, this includes the young man’s body language. If he tries to stay close to you, the young man likes you. Proceed with plan “X”, casually touch your companion’s hand. You and he shouldn't feel awkward about this display of affection. Otherwise, the kiss will turn out ridiculous.
  4. Don't avoid eye contact, it is the basis of a successful kiss. At the same time, periodically lower your gaze to the young man’s lips, making it clear that you are interested in the further development of events. Don’t forget to smile sweetly, get your face as close to the guy’s face as he will allow.

Method number 1. tender kiss
This kiss option is one of the most sensual and pure, so it makes sense to consider it in more detail. We recommend getting closer to a young man using this technique.

  1. Make sure that the environment is favorable for the manipulation to begin. Close your eyes slightly, come close to the guy and open your mouth slightly. Touch the gentleman with your lips, extending them slightly forward. It is important to act casual and confident, otherwise your awkwardness will be passed on to the young man.
  2. Very gently move from the upper lip to the lower one, spending 5 seconds on each, no more. After the first contact, pull away, rest your forehead against the guy’s chest, wait a while, raise your eyes. Look at the young man, evaluate his reaction. Make a languid look, showing that you want more.
  3. Smile gently. If the guy smiles back, proceed to the next step. Now more persistently press your lips to your partner’s lips, pull one of them into your mouth. Bite, but not until it bleeds. Repeat the steps with the second lip, then let the young man do the same.
  4. If you can't grasp the meaning, practice on your index finger. Squeeze it with your lips, controlling the force of compression. You can use your middle and index fingers; their surface is close to the size of your lips. Suck, bite the pads, vary the strength of the muscles.

Method number 2. French Kiss
The French kiss is called loving, adult, passionate. The technique involves the use of a tongue that penetrates the partner’s oral cavity. As a result of a kiss, sensitive areas awaken, they help the guy and the girl feel each other better.

  1. In an appropriate environment, approach the guy’s face and touch the boy’s lips. Squeeze his upper lip and touch it with the tip of your tongue. This way you will send a signal to your companion that you are going to kiss him passionately. If the young man interrupts the kiss and moves away (does not understand the maneuver), postpone the action until next time.
  2. If the guy agrees to continue, slightly open his lips with your tongue and penetrate inside. Actions should be very gentle, smooth, do not strain your lips and tongue. Achieve the effect where the tips of your tongues touch and begin to intertwine.
  3. Alternate between tongue penetration and sucking on your partner’s lips. The general scheme looks like this: alternately squeeze your partner’s lips with your lips, create an interlocking of tongues, suck the lips of the young man. In this case, your tongue should not penetrate too deeply, 2-3 cm is enough.
  4. During the kiss, do not forget about hand movements. Gently touch your gentleman's cheeks, clasp his neck, and spare no attention to his shoulders and chest. Let out sighs, feel free to moan if it feels good. Periodically suck and bite your lips, creating a “sucker” effect.
  5. Your main goal is to show the guy that you experience true pleasure from kissing. Don't overact, act as naturally as possible. Finish the manipulations with a slower pace and gentle hugs. Thus, you will leave your companion partially insatiable, thirsty for new caresses.

  1. To fully enjoy a kiss, try to relax and get rid of embarrassment. Trembling hands, weak knees and sweaty palms indicate falling in love. Surely your partner is no less worried. Have fun, forget about complexes.
  2. If possible, prepare thoroughly for the kiss. Create a romantic atmosphere by using scented candles or dimming the lights slightly. Prepare a delicious dinner and turn on relaxing music.
  3. During the kiss, do not try to stick to one position, change your body position. Don't keep your hands down, explore your partner. Stroke his back, shoulders, cheeks, touch his neck. Bite your earlobe, don't be silent. Do not skimp on tender words, show your companion how good you are with him.
  4. Alternate gentle, classic and loving kisses, add variety. Do not tense your lips and tongue, otherwise your partner will think that you are unpleasant. Always keep your mouth clean, resort to gentle care only after brushing your teeth.

Many young ladies think about how to please a guy and let him know about his intentions. Kissing is considered an excellent show of tenderness, so this art must be learned. Consider the classic technique, kiss your partner passionately or add sensuality with the caresses of your lips.

Video: how to kiss deeply

Everyone kisses differently. There are people who kiss very well, others who kiss worse. Why does this depend? And what do those who know how to kiss do, how did they achieve this? From this article you will learn about how to learn to kiss correctly, you will get acquainted with the secret techniques of an unforgettable kiss, you will be able to find the answer to the question - how well can I kiss already?

I think some people have already received an answer to the question of how they kiss. But how honest was he? Important instructions already follow from the questions of the test “Can you kiss? " Improve yourself and ensure that, in the end, you score the maximum number of points when answering the questions of this test.

Test “Can you kiss?”

For each answer, 1 to 5 points are awarded.
No, not at all, never – 1 point.
Sometimes the average is 3 points.
Yes, very, always – 5 points.

1. Do you like to kiss?
2. Do you kiss often?
3. Do you close your eyes when kissing?
4. Do you open your mouth slightly before kissing?
5. Do you press your partner's lips softly and sensually?
6. Do you concentrate completely on the kiss, that is, do you really only think about the kiss?
7. Do you kiss harmoniously and calmly? (This doesn't mean slow and boring!)
8. Do you kiss with variety from time to time? (This means, for example, do you sometimes move your tongue and lips in a completely different way than you always do?)
9. Can you kiss differently depending on your feelings? (For example, very exciting: intense, fast, relatively large pressure with lips and tongue; loving: calm, harmonious, light pressure.)
10. Do you always have fresh breath when you kiss, or at least have you been drinking or eating the same thing as your partner?
11. Do you pay attention to the fact that in the end, when you kiss your partner, there is a harmonious game?
12.Is your mouth dry (or slightly damp) after a kiss? (As opposed to wet.)
13. Do you pay attention to not touching your teeth while kissing?
14. Do you and your partner always get enough air when kissing?
15.Are you careful not to push your tongue too deep into your partner's mouth?
16.Do you hug your partner when you kiss?
17.Do you extend your tongue so far out of your mouth that your partner and you can easily touch?
18. Do you stroke your partner when kissing?
19. Do you press closer to your partner when kissing?
20. Do you touch your partner in places where he especially likes to give the kiss even more intensity?
21. To give your partner a particularly erotic/intense/stimulating kiss, do you emphasize your desire with additional pelvic pressure or rubbing?
22. Do you purr or make any other sounds from time to time when kissing?

Only men answer the following question:
23. Do you shave before kissing?

Only women answer the following question:
24. Do you pay attention to the fact that your partner is not smeared with lipstick after a kiss?

Count up your points. Now you can find out how well you can kiss.

Test results.

Your score is between 23 and 53: You have great potential to become a good kisser. It is best to learn to kiss from “professionals.” I don't mean, of course, any corrupt ladies or gentlemen - we are talking about such women/men that you know that they can kiss really well (either you were told about it, or you saw it with your own eyes). If this someone does not have an established relationship with anyone, you should give it a try. Rely on him/her completely. Let me guide you. Think of an amazingly beautiful red rose that opens its petals to give and receive love. Relax and be absolutely guided by his/her kissing technique. Don't control, let your partner's tongue and lips lead.

Your score is between 54 and 84: You are in the semi-professional class. You're a good kisser, but you can't handle everyone. This means that you just have to be a little more focused on your kissing partner. Some of you are very good kissers.

The fact is that everyone has their own, “natural” kissing technique. And each such technique is as individual as fingerprints. With a completely different kissing technique, it will take you some time to get used to and orient yourself. Learn to kiss from others so that you can ascend as quickly as possible to the class of consummate kissers. Try new things.

Your score is between 85 and 115: Welcome to the master kiss class! Kissing you is just great! A kiss with you is dizzying, and it is impossible to get enough of it. If someone accidentally watches you while kissing, they will be unable to look away and end up being jealous of you.

  1. Kiss your partner with all your passion - just think about the kiss so that it is intense, passionate and very, very good. It is best to close your eyes, completely immerse yourself in the kiss and, most importantly, act with all your heart.
  2. Press your lips to your partner's lips softly and sensually.
  3. The tips of your tongues should touch each other in such a way that they play lovingly with each other, they should not be “idle.”
  4. When kissing, you need to obey your partner, only then can you kiss harmoniously and passionately.
  5. You need to kiss in a variety of ways. From time to time, take the lead and let your tongue explore the “surroundings” of your lover's mouth, while you breathe through your mouth. Everything will be great, it's a great feeling.
  6. You need to kiss as “dry” as possible, this means not touching the area around your partner’s mouth with your tongue and the inside of your lips. Chomping is prohibited!

Anyone who can kiss as well as you, with such devotion and love, can undoubtedly be great in bed. When you kiss, you merge with your partner into a single whole and lead him to other, new, erotic and passionate worlds.

How to kiss a girl correctly

Remember that a woman loves with her ears

First, kiss her ear very gently and softly. Then move away a few centimeters and blow warmly and gently into it. Then move closer again and slowly penetrate her ear with your wet tongue. Goose bumps are guaranteed for your lady.

After a while, you begin to bite the ear and lightly massage its edge and lobe with your teeth. Then your tongue will slide inside again, but now a little deeper.

If you did everything right, your lady will certainly have great pleasure and want more physical and intimate intimacy.

Sweet lips - the secret of a kiss

Treat your partner with good - very, very good - kisses. There is nothing more erotic and more beautiful than kissing an expert in this matter. (This applies to both men and women.) Therefore, do everything to become such an expert expert.

Important instructions already follow from the questions of the test “Can you kiss? " Improve yourself and ensure that, in the end, you score the maximum number of points when answering the questions of this test. Try different kissing techniques.

Have you noticed that you enjoy kissing some women less than others? This could mean the following: either the woman does not know how to kiss great, or you yourself are not yet a master, or you are simply not suitable for each other from the point of view of a kiss.

Have you ever had someone say to you, “Oh, she knows how to kiss. I’ve never had a woman who kissed so well”? Then you get to know this woman better and... kiss.

And after that kiss you think: “Yeah, that’s not that stunning...” The point of the story is that not everyone is harmonious with each other in terms of kissing . If you want to fix the situation, you have the following three options.

  1. Breake down.
  2. Learn further and become a mega master of kissing.
  3. You learn it if you yourself have already achieved perfection.

Now let's move on to the best kissing techniques.

Secret techniques for an unforgettable kiss

The first unforgettable kiss technique.

A sip of champagne

Imagine that you are sitting wonderfully and comfortably with a glass of champagne. Now you lean towards her to kiss her. In order to diversify your kiss, leave some magnificent champagne in your mouth. With your lips parted, pour the cool and fizzy champagne into her mouth. This is a good opportunity to relax in a somewhat tense situation and demonstrate your rich imagination by starting a game of seduction.

The second unforgettable kiss technique.

Enjoy strawberries

For your second romantic evening, you bought strawberries. (Of course, this could be other fruits, such as a bunch of grapes or finely chopped peaches.)

You sit right next to her and enjoy some gorgeous juicy strawberries. To again impress her with your imagination, look persistently and demandingly straight into her eyes, at the same time take a bite of the strawberry and slowly approach her mouth. Sensually press your lips to hers. Finally the strawberry slips into her mouth. Wait for her to swallow before kissing her further. This is a fruity intro.

Unforgettable kiss technique third.

Vacuum Kiss

Of course, you have a few more seduction techniques up your sleeve using kisses.

You kiss the woman of your dreams again, but this time you leave your tongue out of play. You should concentrate on “sucking the air” out of your partner’s mouth, trying to create a so-called Vacuum (while you exhale the air through your nose).

It may sound too complicated, but a vacuum kiss works real miracles. Women won't leave you alone anymore. They will be “narcotically” dependent on you, trying to experience something else unusual of the same kind. Be sure to try it, it works incredible!

Unforgettable kiss technique fourth.

Lip biting and sucking

You are once again truly romantic and enchanting with the following trick with her lips. While kissing, lightly bite her lips with your teeth. But please do it very, very carefully and sensitively.

Bite alternately your upper and lower lips. For a change, you gently suck on her lip from time to time.

However, there is no need to use these two methods in their “pure form” - they are good as a touch of variety when kissing. Changing techniques works best for your partner.

Unforgettable kiss technique fifth.

Licking honey

If you're hanging out in the kitchen together one evening and suddenly have a craving, this is a good excuse to use the contents of your refrigerator. In the love game, use all kinds of food supplies that you can get your hands on and your eyes on. Do exactly the opposite of what your parents told you: “They don’t play with food.” Oh, on the contrary, they play, and how...

Tell her to close her eyes, then take a jar of honey, for example, dip your finger in it and put some on her lips or tongue. Hmm, how delicious, erotic and tempting for more.

It's even better if you blindfold your friend. Then you could freely engage in voyeurism and enjoy her naked body to the fullest. The longer you drag out this game, the hotter your friend will get. She will show you intimate positions and places that you would never see otherwise. You will experience absolutely incredible things.

This game with honey is not only a delight for the taste, but also a delight for the eyes and the whole body. Don't limit yourself to just your friend's mouth: after a while (but don't wait too long!) drip some honey onto her breasts and voluptuously lick it off. To slightly diversify the game, you can alternate sweet and salty, sour and spicy, warm and cold, and use fruit.

This game is a fireworks display of feelings and desires. (But just in case, as a precaution, stock up on some alcohol-based tincture.) If you're still not horny enough, watch the movie 9 1/2 Weeks Starring Kim Basinger; there's a great scene that shows you how it's all done.

Caress her neck

If you do everything right, you can drive your singing friend to madness. Imagine you are at a party. It's a really well-organized, cool party, but you and your friend are so lusting after each other that you'd rather sneak off somewhere closer to the bed.

You dance, hugging each other tightly, and let your tongue slowly slide along her neck - from top to bottom. At the same time, you leave behind a wet strip that cools her skin when the breeze blows lightly. Blow gently. How nice it is in the heat!

If your feelings are on the verge of boiling, you can show your teeth. Gently and lightly bite her neck. I emphasize: neat and easy! Don't become a vampire!

By the way, what you should under no circumstances do and what is an absolute taboo are the “hickeys” that you can give by sucking your partner’s skin. This is more than a taboo!

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