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How to invite a guy to meet and hint at a relationship without being rejected. How to ask a guy to meet so that he agrees Is it worth asking a guy to meet?

The outdated stereotype that a man should be the first to propose a relationship has long been discredited. By waiting for him to take the first step, you can simply waste precious time, and sometimes even miss the chance. Men, despite their masculinity and courage, are quite timid. If you really like the guy around you, take a risk. Perhaps he doesn’t dare to offer to meet him himself or simply hasn’t thought about it yet. Then you should take the initiative into your own hands.

Important! Today, taking care of yourself and having an attractive appearance at any age is very simple. How? Read the story carefully Marina Kozlova Read →

What to do before you act

First you need to weigh everything and assess the situation. The girl must clearly understand that this is the only one she needs and deserves attention. Since the lady will have to initiate the relationship and make some efforts, she should take into account that when she starts dating a guy, he may show qualities that she had not previously guessed about.

There is a chance to be disappointed in your chosen one, but you should not be afraid of this. If you do nothing, the man will remain unavailable, and the lady will remain with her dreams and fantasies. While her competitors will begin to act actively, because everyone will be able to propose a guy for a date. But not everyone will do this in such a way that the young man will appreciate the seriousness of his intentions and agree.

How to invite a guy out

How to hint to a guy so that he wants to date himself?

Regardless of the method a girl chooses to hint to a man about a relationship, she should always remain natural. Ideally, everything should look as if it was his own initiative, and he himself took a step forward. To do this, you need to pay attention to the following points:

What to pay attention toWhat to do
Your appearanceIt is worth taking care of your appearance and making an effort to look charming. A wonderful move - a pleasant-smelling perfume, delicate, possibly containing pheromones
Having common hobbiesIt is advisable to choose a guy with whom you have common interests. You need to make it clear that your heart is not occupied. And if the guy likes the lady, he himself will ask her to date
Nature of communicationYou should avoid communicating on the Internet. Dialogue must take place live. As a last resort, you can talk on the phone so that a man can hear a woman’s pleasant voice
Guy's moodA lady should not despair if a man answers with laconic, stingy phrases. Perhaps the girl simply fell under the hot hand or turned at the wrong moment.
Character of a young manWhen the necessary contact is established, you should continue normal friendly communication and take a closer look at your chosen one. At this stage, you can find out for yourself something new about the guy’s personality and avoid disappointment if it turns out that he is completely not the person you want to deal with

You should not use other people’s methods of winning the heart of the desired man in your own case. This may not work, and sometimes it may backfire. Relationships are a purely individual process between people of the opposite sex. What works well for one couple may have a negative impact on another.

A man wants to see a weak woman in front of him, whom he can protect and feel needed and strong next to her.

Therefore, to attract a guy’s attention, the following methods work great: “Oh, something’s broken with me... (some thing)” or “It’s not working for me.... Please fix it... Save, help out, it’s impossible without you...”

For him to propose dating, the girl must become the most defenseless creature for him.

In this way, you can play on the instinct of men, inherent in nature, to be a rescuer and protector of weak women. When girls show that they cope with everything wonderfully on their own, boys feel that they are not needed and withdraw into themselves. If a man tries to help a girl, but fails to cope with the task, you should not scold him, you should definitely praise him. Otherwise, he will have no desire to continue communicating with the girl.

How to tell a guy that I like him

How to avoid rejection?

When communicating with a young man, you should follow simple rules:

  • Be sincere. There is no need to play a role and put on someone else's mask. Bluff and falsehood are felt immediately. You should not predict the situation in advance and think about what he might say in response.
  • Give the right to personal space. Pursuing your chosen one is a bad idea, as the girl will only scare him away from her. It may seem to him that the lady has mental problems.
  • Don't impose. To prevent a man from refusing to develop a relationship, you should not put pressure on him, as the girl will face a wave of resistance. If a girl hears a refusal to her proposal, she should under no circumstances impose herself. It’s worth stepping aside so that the guy has a chance to understand that he’s missing something in the girl’s absence. Sometimes this behavior sparks interest and a desire to renew the friendship.

How to show a guy that you like him

How to speak openly about your intentions?

There are cases when a girl has tried everything, but the guy still doesn’t dare propose a relationship or simply doesn’t understand what she wants from him. You will have to act openly and start a conversation yourself.

It needs to start correctly, choosing the right words and phrases, taking into account the character and mood of the man, as well as the appropriate situation. You can use knowledge about the guy’s hobbies and plans for the near future or for life. The ideal setting to do this is to be alone. There is no need to use the hackneyed phrase: “I want to talk to you seriously.” This will only make him wary and frightened. You need to act more subtly, starting the conversation like this:

  • “What a wonderful evening it was. Thank you for having such a good time. Will we repeat our communication? Shall we go somewhere else? »
  • “I wanted to stay with you one-on-one for so long, but I still didn’t know how to do it. I hope that now I won't think about it? »
  • “If only I could always be with you. How great it would be to spend more time together.”
  • “I just now realized that I would like you to become my boyfriend.”

You can create a playful atmosphere and quote love poems at unexpected times.

Girls from a very young age want romantic relationships with guys. They dream of kisses, long walks and hugs from their loved one. It also becomes noticeable that guys can be a little shy and self-conscious. Then thoughts appear to take the very first step.

First you need to go through a few simple and effective steps on the path to victory:

  • Make sure your sympathy is mutual. Otherwise, the guy will refuse. Try to smile at him and talk. If he communicates with pleasure, tries to show signs of attention (opens the door for you, lets you forward), then you can be calm.
  • Make it clear that you are free. It is best to say this directly, because guys have a hard time understanding hints.
  • Invite him somewhere. You can just take a walk or sit in a cafe. It will immediately be clear from his behavior whether he wants to be with you. If you can clearly see this, but just realize that he is a little shy, then go for it.

Three simple steps have been completed, you understand that you are interested in him, you are perfect for each other, now it is time to propose to meet.

In this case, there are several successful and win-win options:

  1. This can be done at the end of the walk. The evening time is perfect, when it is less crowded and calm. This environment will help you relax before an important event. Collect your thoughts, take a deep and slow breath and say: “I’ve liked you for a long time. Let's meet".
  2. Ask the young man to help with something. There are a lot of options for help on his part: carry heavy bags, set up a computer, improve your studies. You can come up with something of your own. When he finishes helping you, take a moment and ask: “Are we dating yet?”
  3. If you have any offenders, then ask the young man to intercede. Say you're scared. He won’t be able to resist your helplessness and cute face. The guy will definitely want to appear brave and strong in front of you. Finally, when you thank him, kiss him on the cheek. At this time, the most appropriate moment will come to propose dating.

In a sense, your friends can serve as “instruments.” Find out if anyone knows this young man from your circle. Does his friend communicate with him personally? Amazing! Try to gently hint through your friend that you want to date him. If she does everything right, then this guy will take further steps himself. Mutual acquaintances can also help, through whom you can find yourself in his campaign. You will begin to communicate more and have the opportunity to talk about your feelings.

There are more tools on the Internet. You can send him a song that talks about love.

Only in the statuses of any posts that all people can read, the guy’s name specifically should not be there.

It is better to leave confessions in personal correspondence.

Invite him to meet by correspondence in VKontakte

It’s much easier to talk about your feelings when you don’t see a person in person, don’t look into their eyes. Therefore, it is very easy to suggest meeting on VK.

Start a conversation with the guy you like. But don’t write messages that you don’t need to respond to.

You should make an offer to meet if you see that the guy does not hold any grudges against you, that his mood was not spoiled during the day. This will help the boy make the right decision. For in a bad mood, he can give a negative answer in the heat of the moment, which he will regret for a long time.

Ask if he has a girlfriend. You won't ruin someone's relationship. When you are completely convinced that all the conditions are met and that very moment has come, write about your sympathy. Write immediately: "Let's meet". Do it quickly so as not to start involuntarily talking yourself out of it.

The most suitable moment is night or evening.

Just be sure to make sure that the young man is not asleep yet. Otherwise, he will only get angry with you. If you are a little afraid or worried, then make your offer quickly and without unnecessary words. Don’t let the conversation go on for an hour, otherwise you might forget why this is even necessary. Write to him right away that you want to meet. This is the most effective way. A little later, the answer will come. And you will see for yourself how easy it was.

Here you need to gain courage. At first, you can just chat about how your day went and ask questions. Casual conversation is a great option. Then slowly move on to the topic of relationships.

And they will appreciate praise addressed to them even more. Tell the young man that anyone would envy his athletic ability.

After all the eulogies, the time for frankness will come. Ask: "Do you like me?". Talk a little about your mutual sympathy, about how you would like to build a relationship with just such a person. And then invite him to meet. A shy guy will be indescribably happy about this turn.

To do this, you must have one hundred percent confidence that he wants this too. Nothing will work out differently. Ask if the guy is lonely. If he recently broke up with his girlfriend, it may be difficult for him to build a new relationship. After all, boys at a young age are very vulnerable and promiscuous when it comes to girls. Then support him with warm words. The guy must make sure for himself that a relationship with you will not be a mistake, like with the previous girl.

If you have already completely decided that you are ready to ask a guy to date, then choose a moment when you are both serious. Don't do this if the conversations are too funny. It's better to choose a time when no one is around. You can gently whisper your proposal into his ear. Consider all this, and he will definitely agree.

The most suitable phrases that will help you make your proposal relevant and correct are the following:

  • “I’ve liked you for a long time. I wanna be with you"
  • “You are so athletic. Let's meet, we can go to the gym together"
  • “Your arms are so strong. I want only these arms to hug me. We shall be together?"
  • “I'm so tired of being alone. I miss men's care. Let's become a couple"
  • “I'm going crazy from your eyes. I want to look at them forever. Let's meet"

Say these words at the right moment and the guy will become yours.

This is a very memorable way that speaks of a rich inner world. Any romantic will appreciate this offer. You can offer to meet in poetry both online and in person. Do you want to surprise your chosen one? Then focus on what you have in mind, find a convenient place and time to write poetry. Once you are comfortable, the rhymes will come to your mind. Write everything down on paper or on the computer. Then you need to re-read and edit everything. It is imperative to take into account correct grammar and punctuation. You need to compose your confession so that it turns out romantic and harmonious.

The guy will be happy and shocked in a good way from the proposal in poetic form. Give him a pleasant surprise with your confession. He will simply have to agree. Your work will evoke admiration and respect.

First, think about whether you are ready for a relationship. After all, youth is given for entertainment. In a relationship, you need to be faithful and honest. But if you realize that you are experiencing strong feelings, then you need to do something. Tell the guy directly what you want and what you dream about. He must immediately understand that he must make a serious decision. Offer to meet a young man not in a joking manner, but after thinking everything through carefully.

Talk to your friends about whether this guy is worth your time and effort. Suddenly someone has already communicated with him before you. Or ask your mom for advice if you have a trusting relationship. A loved one will always help with practical advice.

In this case, the main thing is unobtrusiveness. Give the guy time to think it over. After all, this decision is not easy. You shouldn’t call every hour and ask what he’s up to. If there is no news from the guy for a long time, then only in this case you should ask. Although, when a guy immediately gives an answer, then all the torment and questions about his favor disappear, because everything immediately falls into place.

Be polite and nice to your guy. Boys don't like rude people. Give him small but pleasant compliments. Young people love flattery. Smile more often and try to control your emotions. You shouldn't be offended over trifles. If all this is provided for, then the guy will see his ideal in you.

Common mistakes are the following:

  • Incorrect wording his proposal to meet. The guy might misunderstand. Use the phrases presented above.
  • Haste. You shouldn’t overwhelm a guy on the third day of dating. Wait a little, get to know each other better.
  • Chatting with other guys. You can’t go out with other boys if you’ve already asked to date someone. After all, if he sees this, he will think that it will always be like this, which is fraught with refusal.

Psychologists advise making such proposals in the evening, when it is already dark. It doesn’t matter where and how this happens: near the house or over the phone. In the evening or at night it is much easier to collect your thoughts, weigh everything and make the right decision. Evening time is the best time for revelations. But under no circumstances should such proposals be made under the influence of alcoholic intoxication. A guy may have a false impression of you. Suggest meeting with clear thoughts.

Believe me, you don't need a guy like that. You will spend a lot of effort to get him to leave his girlfriend. And in the end, over time, such a guy will be able to do the same towards you. And it’s always nice when a young man himself tries to conquer you, and not vice versa. But if you have already firmly decided, then show the guy your advantages so that he himself wants to leave his passion. Offer to meet so that later that same girl does not become your enemy. Do everything carefully so that she doesn’t guess anything.

In this situation, you need to be quite careful and careful so as not to ruin your relationship with the two guys. If you offend a friend and start dating another boy, it can end badly.

Therefore, in this situation, you should try to explain to your friend that you have already chosen a guy, and you can continue to communicate with him in a friendly way. The main thing here is not to spoil your relationship with both guys and maintain their friendship.

You just need to interest the young man. Be sure to find common topics and interests. If he goes swimming, then you go too. If you go to the gym or somewhere else, then if possible, try to visit these places. Common interests bring us very close. Don't forget about your appearance. You should always look rested and fresh. When you see that he is interested in you, start flirting and making advances.

You can also try to hint through your friends that you like him. If you are still going to wait for the first step on his part, then there is no point in doing anything else. The main thing is to show that you are also not indifferent to this guy. He must clearly understand this fact. Only in this case the guy will offer to meet first.

You already know about poetry. But what to do if there are problems with imagination and eloquence?

Another method is suitable during winter, when snow has already fallen. You can trample your proposal in the snow under the guy’s windows. Then write him an SMS with something like this: “Look out the window.” It's very romantic and beautiful. This can be done on asphalt too. But in this case you need to get paint. Yes, in case of refusal, it will be better if no traces remain. But it's hard to resist.

It does not matter. It's generally accepted that guys should say things like that. But now it won’t surprise anyone that the girl herself takes her first steps. If you don't want to miss the guy, then you better act first. Otherwise, suddenly there will be another girl who turns out to be more courageous. It’s better to propose first and get an answer, no matter what it turns out to be. But you will immediately find out whether it is worth waiting for his favor and some actions related to the proposal to meet.

There may be several reasons for this:

  1. He's too shy. In this case, you just need to wait. If you see signs of attention from a guy and accept them safely, then soon he will dare and the proposal will come.
  2. Thinks you already have a boyfriend. He may have seen you with other boys too. These could be friends, brothers, and classmates. There are a lot of options, but the guy could come up with something more. Make it clear that you are free.
  3. It seems to him that you are not suitable for each other. This is a more serious reason. If the guy decides so, then it will be difficult to convince him. But it's worth a try. Prove to the boy that you are a good girl.

That's all. At first it may seem that proposing to date is not so difficult and scary, but in fact you have to try to get consent. Have courage, focus and take the first step. Tune in for the best. After all, the subconscious also bears fruit if you program yourself in advance for a favorable outcome. Don’t give up and remember: if one guy refuses, then there will be millions of others in the world who will definitely like you.

In the age of emancipation and feminism, women are very often concerned with the question: is it possible to take a step towards a man first? Or is this bad manners and a woman should fold her hands on her knees and wait until the prince deigns to notice her? Perhaps you are languishing with desire and want to date a handsome man, but modesty does not allow you to say so. Let us tell you how you can hint to him about your sympathy.

1. Directly to the forehead

If you are brave, determined and used to taking everything you want from life, why not tell him directly: “I like you, I want to meet you.” Honestly, this method is completely not for me, but I know for sure that it often works. You just need to understand that in this case the man may turn out to be a follower, and you can get along if you are ready to always be ahead in everything.

2. Reply to a compliment

A man endlessly compliments you, but still hasn’t decided on something else? There are two options: either he is not interested in you enough to offer you more, or you have the appearance of a Snow Queen who is scary to approach. The next time he says something nice to you, throw him a hook: “I would listen to your compliments day and night.”

3. Ask for help

The most innocent and sophisticated way to make a man think that the initiative for the relationship comes from him. Your request for help should not be trivial, but very significant. For example, ask him to bring a bag of food for your dog from the pet store - 15 kilograms is too heavy for a fragile girl like you. A friend of mine once asked a man she was interested in to help... by donating blood for her sick dog. The man happily agreed - the blood, of course, was not his, but his Labrador. Now my friend is married to this man.

4. Smile at him

Such an old but effective way! Maybe you work in the same company or live in neighboring houses. Smile at him every time - every woman knows perfectly well how to send the encrypted sign “I like you” with her smile and eyes.

5. Hook him with an extraordinary phrase

Once I attended a master class on cognac blending. We were given cognacs of different vintages with different aromas and asked about our associations. The master class was conducted by a man of amazing charisma; he spoke so inspiredly about the art of creating cognac that, after tasting it, I said thoughtfully: “This cognac reminded me of the aroma of wild forest mushrooms, and this one reminded me of a man’s skin after the rain...” The man looked at me intently. Needless to say, this was one of my brightest novels!

6. Send an email

Do you remember Bridget Jones' correspondence with Daniel Cleaver? Write to your desired one something like this: “You won! You’re the most eligible bachelor in town, do you want to meet me?”

7. Like his photo on Facebook

Twitter, Odnoklassniki or VKontakte are also suitable for this. In addition to liking, you can write a nice comment.

8. Flirt

Only the most complete idiot (or already busy with another woman) will not understand outright flirting. Which method to choose - well, this is such a delicate matter that I won’t undertake to advise you, but, most importantly, in an effort to attract a man, do not overdo it. Showing the elastic of the stockings is not at all necessary, but verbal sparring with light hints is what is needed.

Gone are the days when we had to sit and wait for them to make the first move. In this day and age, we can ask the guys ourselves! Did you like these methods or do you stick to traditional views?

It is accepted in society that a guy should propose dating, not a girl. But is it worth living according to patterns and always doing what others expect from us? If you really like a young man, but he doesn’t have the courage to decide to take a serious action, take the first step yourself.

First of all, you must understand that no one offers to meet anyone just like that. If you have been communicating with a guy for a certain time and feel that mutual sympathy has arisen between you, then just start acting. If there are no romantic impulses from the young man, it is better not to rush into an offer to meet, otherwise you risk being rejected. When near the person you like, try to be natural and relaxed. You don't have to go out of your way to appear better than you really are. To begin with, establish a warm friendly relationship with your guy and try to make sure that you spend as much time together as possible. You don’t have to be alone; you can just be in the same company. The main thing is that you communicate more often and get to know each other better. If you have known a young man for quite some time and do not experience any discomfort being around him, you can safely move to the next level of relationship. There is no need to think over a special time and place for this - the more relaxed the atmosphere, the better for you. One fine day you may casually suggest: “Maybe we should become a couple?” The main thing is to be one hundred percent confident in yourself. Excessive determination and pressure can frighten off any young man, so there is no need to do everything according to a pre-prepared script, theatrically pronouncing every word. Let your words come from the heart, be touching and sweet, so that it doesn’t even occur to the guy to refuse you. Try to make it clear to your chosen one that after your relationship moves from friendly to romantic, essentially nothing will change, you will just become closer to each other. A man must understand that his freedom is not in danger, and that he is not losing a faithful friend in you. It’s best if the guy himself decides to ask you to date. More precisely, not himself, you will push him to this, only he will not know about it and will think that the situation is in his hands. To achieve what you want, you will have to make several unambiguous hints that you are not indifferent to the young man. Select him from a group of guys, laugh at his jokes, give him compliments, admire his masculinity, look into his eyes more often, and during a conversation touch his hand, as if by chance. All these hints will let the man know that he definitely has a chance to hope for reciprocity on your part.

As you can see, offering a guy a romantic relationship is not difficult, the main thing is to make sure that this person is really worthy of your efforts. Don’t be afraid to be misunderstood, don’t be afraid to take the first step, because your happiness depends only on you.

The question is how to ask a guy to date, worries many girls. Indeed, in our culture it is not customary for the fair sex to take the initiative in such matters. Traditionally it is believed that it is the young man who should invite the girl to date him.

However, the modern period has contributed to the significant emancipation of women, when they, on an equal basis with men, began to achieve high positions in everything: in professional self-determination, career, and, of course, in love relationships.

But like a girl, having overcome embarrassment, confess your crush to a young man and offer to get to know each other better. Are there special ways for this? Or is it enough to just tell the guy that you like him and ask about his feelings for you? Let's try to answer these questions.

“I’m writing to you, what more...”, or try to say everything honestly

As you know, the heroine of Pushkin’s work, Tatyana, was the first to confess her love to Onegin, which was incredible audacity for the morals of that time. The girl in love received a refusal and at the same time a serious life lesson. However, she acted directly and honestly, without deceiving herself with false hopes and illusions.

Therefore, a modern girl who likes a young man can directly approach him and ask if he likes her. If yes, then offer to meet. True, the young man’s answer may be different. But you also need to be prepared for this.

In addition, today you can use other ways of declaring your love, including e-mails. However, you need to be careful with this, since the young man may not respond to such a letter, taking it as a joke.

Don't involve your friends

Some girls, afraid to confess their love to a young man, sometimes ask their friends so that they talk to the young man and find out from them their attitude towards such a girl in love. However, this way to start dating your loved one is very questionable.

After all, you should never interfere with strangers in your love relationships (even if these people are your friends). Moreover, a friend, willingly or unwillingly, can change the opinion of the young man you like about you.

Hints can be used

If you are embarrassed to admit your desire to date the guy you like, then you can resort to such an ancient method as love hints. If a young man has sympathy for you, then he will definitely react to these hints, but if he is indifferent to you, then he will prefer not to notice them. Love hints can be any stories on the topic of relationships between women and men, loving glances, smiles, invitations to the cinema (when the reason for the invitation is an extra ticket that “accidentally” appeared in your possession), etc.

However, you also need to be careful with such hints, without going too far with them and without causing the young man to feel satiated by communicating with you.

You can encourage a guy to propose to you first

Smart girls, paying attention to the guy they like, are usually in no hurry to be the first to ask them to meet, but slowly and surely lead the young man to initiate such a proposal. Such tactics, of course, require maximum effort and resourcefulness, but it allows a man to feel like a leader, which is always important for him.

Thus, we see that there are many ways to ask a guy to date, but the choice of these methods remains primarily up to the charming girls themselves.

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