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How to become a mistress for your husband. The moral side of relationships. Why do you need to be perfect?

For what qualities and merits in bed do men give women an “A”? How to become the best lover and get the highest grade from a man - even those young ladies who only got “C” grades at school dream about this. In general, do men know who a real lover is? Do they have such a concept in their minds? Maybe the guys are also glad that their partner doesn’t call him by a different name and doesn’t fall asleep ahead of time? There are a lot of nuances that make up the best lover. Here are six rules girls should understand.

Rule #1 – sex with enthusiasm

How to become a better lover - actively work your hips in bed. The reason for the activity is completely unimportant for guys (be it passion or the desire to burn calories eaten at night), the main thing is to work with enthusiasm. An extra groan or rolling your eyes to the sky won’t hurt. If men have learned to put up with simulators, then they are unlikely to want to deal with hacks. Guys find it boring to make love without the participation of a partner; after all, sex is a team game. If you portray a riot, a surge of sexual activity, you’ll see that your libido will wake up. You need to give yourself to a man with a sparkle in your eyes and passion.

Rule No. 2 – willingness to experiment

If you listen to men on how to become a better lover, your bedroom will turn into a science laboratory. The gentlemen are convinced that if they come up with something like this, then the experiment will go into the hands of the girlfriends, and the partner will be the happiest in the world. Men get innovative because they want to leave a mark. The goal of most experiments is not to prolong the orgasm or get a new one. The experiment itself is the goal. Men love to experiment and try something new. The best mistress will not lament that her husband has completely gone crazy, but will give the man the opportunity to express himself. Don't be afraid to admit after the experiment that it was fantastic.

Rule #3 - say yes

Intimate life would be greatly simplified if partners gave each other specific instructions on how and what to do before going to bed. But this is not the way to become a better lover. But there is a way to correct your partner’s actions without explaining where the clitoris is. You just need to say “yes”, adding to this word “more gentle”, “lower” or “higher”. This way the man will not despair, and the young lady will direct his caresses to the right place. Men consider a woman who is willing to talk about her body to be a real gift.

Rule #4 - say no

A woman would rather sacrifice her orgasm than point a man in the wrong direction. Men believe that the best lover should be able to refuse, or, more precisely, resist. If a girl is always ready (and for anything), then it’s simply not interesting. When rejecting a man's idea, don't forget to offer your own scenario. Instead of reproaching your spouse for anal sex, it is better to refuse him. Guys sometimes simply wonder why their partner didn’t stop them in time.

Rule No. 5 - show yourself

Men love to stare - watch porn, visit strip bars - they are complete visualists. Woman on top The eyes are their main erogenous zone, which needs to be pleased. But women have a thousand reasons to hide under the covers - extra pounds, hairs, pimples, stretch marks, cellulite and many other arguments against. In fact, the gentleman does not consider his beloved, assessing how perfect she is and finding fault with every little thing. Men are interested in looking where the most important performance is taking place. Why have a complex if a man will still imagine some Angelina Jolie in his fantasies?!

Rule #6 – more sex

Most men understand that women prefer scented candles and silk bed linen to the most skillful caresses. But men are rough and hairy by nature and they want spontaneity, more sexual impulses from their partner. So sometimes you need to give them the opportunity to deviate from the civilized approach and engage in real brutal sex.

31.03.2015 11:25:12

Every young woman dreams of a pleasant and easy relationship with a wealthy man. Such a relationship does not require her to completely surrender to her partner. The girl will be able to play sports or devote time to her favorite hobby. Any beauty is interested how to become a better lover, able to interest and retain a man.

A relationship with a married person has many advantages. A confident, wealthy man is pleasant to talk to. With him, the girl will be able to visit various exhibitions and events, and take short trips. The appearance of a new partner in life is an excellent incentive for self-development and improvement.

What does a man expect from a relationship with his mistress?

Men are looking for young and beautiful lovers to escape from everyday life. Long-term cohabitation cools relationships in married couples. To become a better lover, you need to distract your partner from everyday problems, turning every meeting into a memorable romantic holiday. Men are in search of fresh emotions. Years spent in marriage cause a lack of new feelings. The mistress of a married man should be a mystery to her companion and bring zest and piquancy to his life.

To keep a rich person close to you and constantly benefit from his material support, you must under no circumstances show your interest in his money. A girl should be natural and give a man positive emotions. If her lover likes her, he will never spare money on luxurious surprises.

In order to choose the right course of action with a married lover, a beauty needs to know the main reasons why men are interested in relationships outside of marriage:

  • Very often a mature man wants to feel young again. To do this, he starts an affair with a sweet young girl who is ready to brighten up his life.
  • A man gets tired of constant relationships, he lacks fresh emotions. He gets tired of constantly seeing the same woman whom he has studied for a long time.
  • Intimate problems. Often, intimate relationships in the family often fade away or become boring. Therefore, a man strives to find a girl on the side.
  • Revenge. A man who suspects his own wife of cheating does not always decide to divorce. Most often, he simply takes a mistress to increase his self-esteem.

The girl who wants become a good lover, must give her chosen one what he lacks in the family. You also need to know that a man rarely cheats in order to subsequently leave his wife. The main rule of behavior for a rich man’s mistress is not to wait for the continuation and development of the relationship, very often. A girl should not hope that a man will always be with her over time.

Rules for a successful mistress

Below are useful tips to help girls avoid mistakes:

  • There is no need to try to tie a man with cute gifts or surprises. His wife should buy lighters, new ties and other small items. The best gift for a lover is an attractive and well-groomed girl who knows how to surprise.
  • Under no circumstances should you be overly interested in your lover’s personal life. It is better for a girl not to ask questions regarding her partner’s family, because they are rarely answered with the truth. Very often, men tell their mistresses that they live with their wife out of habit, have long cooled off towards each other and have an almost neighborly relationship. Before become the mistress of a rich man, you need to realize that his legal wife will remain in first place for him. Their feelings may have faded, but many years of marriage and the presence of common children continue to be a strong bond. Only a small percentage of men will sacrifice their usual living conditions for the sake of a love affair.
  • There is no need to try to become a second wife. Even if a woman falls in love with her partner, there is no need to try to get him by ironing his shirts or surprising him with culinary masterpieces, because in this case, interest in his mistress will quickly fade away, because there will be no intrigue or mystery left.
  • There is no need to introduce a man to people in your circle. A proposal for such a meeting will certainly repel the lover and give him a reason to think that the girl already has certain designs on him.
  • Another answer to the question: “ How to become a good lover? - do not dedicate a man to your personal life and do not complain to him about problems.
  • A girl who expects expensive gifts from her chosen one should behave like a real lady. It is important to teach a man to come to visit with a present and always remain desirable and weak for him.
  • Frank conversations are extremely important. A woman should not be afraid to directly point out what does not suit her in a relationship.
  • A representative of the fair sex who can interest a rich man must be constantly busy with some kind of business. In addition to work, she should have an interesting hobby. Mistresses of rich men go to language courses, theaters or exhibitions. A busy schedule not only helps to diversify life, but also makes relationships more interesting, because in this case the partner will have to constantly find time for dates.
  • A girl should use a variety of methods to attract a man. The main thing is that he is completely confident that everything is happening on his initiative. A lover should think that he is seeking the woman's attention, and not vice versa.
  • Woman, who wants to know how to become a good lover for a married man, must understand that it is important not to make scandals for your partner. It’s better to pretend that the meeting he missed didn’t mean anything. Otherwise, the relationship will fizzle out very quickly.
  • You need to convince a man that he can completely trust his partner. She must be an attentive listener and an interesting conversationalist. All secrets and problems of a partner must be kept secret. Also, you should not refuse your lover support and help.
  • Spiritual enrichment is also important. Wealthy people pay attention to girls who can carry on any conversation.

The ideal mistress should be a simple and flexible woman with whom a man will not have conflicts or disagreements.

A man brings his wife to work for a corporate party and introduces him to the ladies:

“This is our boss’s mistress, this is the deputy director’s mistress, and this is my mistress!”


Jokes aside, but it’s true, every mistress of a married man strives to become ideal and perfect in the hope that he will someday rush from his wife to her. But not everyone understands that this must be approached with the caution of a panther. Any rustle and her eagle will fly away. So how to become a good lover?

Be the opposite of his wife

I would like to note right away that being a mistress is sinful and not at all prestigious. One should not confuse those relationships where everything is “expensive and rich”, and the moneybag is held on the arm of a dazzlingly beautiful lady, showered with donated diamonds, with those relationships that happen in real life.

In fact, being a mistress is sheer torture. And the consequences are dire if adultery is exposed. You can read about this in the article.

But if you can’t order your heart in any way, then let’s conduct a little educational program about the rules of an ideal mistress for a married man.

Initially, you need to understand: what prompted the man to take a left step? What did he miss in his family life? Most often these are banal things:

  • lack of sex in the marital bed;
  • there is no mutual understanding with his own wife;
  • the wife stopped taking care of her appearance;
  • the marriage is bursting at the seams due to scandals;
  • the wife is authoritarian, the man feels like a nonentity with her;
  • The wife has excessive financial demands.

So, in order to become an unforgettable lover, all this must be excluded. A married man, taking a mistress, expects from her the complete opposite of his wife, who should be better in her qualities. Read to understand their intentions.

Impeccable appearance and sex

A mistress does not have to be a perfect beauty. The main thing is to always make yourself look like you with makeup, clothes and hair styling. The advantage of mistresses over legal wives is that a man sees how slowly and for a long time his own wife turns into a beauty from the morning lahudra with the help of cosmetics. And on his mistress he always sees the final result of transformation.

In addition, burrowing into the very depths of everyday life, the legal wife sometimes does not notice the little things that internally irritate her husband:

    He constantly sees her either in a robe stained from cooking, or in shapeless home clothes, or in thick knitted socks pulled over brushed underpants, because it is so warm and comfortable.

    She does shameless things in front of him: she picks her nose, she burps with hiccups, she walks away quietly without closing the door behind her. There is no need to indiscriminately blame husbands for this - wives can be good at this too.

    She kneads rolls with tea in the evenings in bed. She doesn’t care that her thighs are already shaking from cellulite, and a double chin is emerging. She waves her hand, saying, I’ll work it out in the gym later.

It seems like the spouse is a dear person - he will understand everything. But these little things add up to general irritation, which leads to the left path. Only later, when meeting another woman, does a man see a fairy in her - well-groomed and smelling of perfume, and not borscht from her robe.

Little tips:

    A man should not see his mistress casually pale and disheveled.

    All those gray sweaters and skirts go a long way - you need to dress stylishly and tastefully. Especially if the lover is a colleague and sees his passion every day.

    Even if meetings take place on the side of the woman who is cooking, then you need to meet your lover in an evening dress, and not in a robe.

Watch the video from “Office Romance”, the very beginning, how Kalugina meets Novoseltsev, and his reaction at the same time. Delight! By the way, we will return to this episode in the article.

The moral side of relationships

This is the most important aspect. Sometimes people are surprised when a man leaves his beautiful wife for a gray mouse: what did he find in this scarecrow? What is her secret? But there is nothing surprising - apparently, the relationships in the family have deteriorated so morally due to scandals and misunderstandings that they are simply rotten from the inside.

What a man looks for on the side:

  • attention,
  • understanding,
  • praise
  • humility,
  • tenderness.

The ideal lover gives her man a break from family worries and work hassles. Usually these two things collide like clouds during a thunderstorm, causing thunder and lightning.

Well, here's an example for you:

The husband complains to his wife, saying that the boss, Ivan Ivanovich, drove him crazy, and then he could not stand it and told this tyrant everything that he thought about him. Wife's reaction:

What are you, a goat? You understand that if you are not fired, then you will not get a good position! And they will also deprive you of the bonus! Why, couldn’t you shut your filthy mouth and tolerate Ivan Ivanovich’s fair remarks? My mother told me correctly - that you have no brains.

The wife’s reaction is understandable - she is worried about the financial state of the family, but at the same time she trampled on her husband’s pride and honor by taking the side of Ivan Ivanovich. Not what he expected. But the ideal lover will look at this situation from the other side:

Well done! I have always noticed in you the makings of a leader and a fair person. There are so many brainless people in the world like this Ivan Ivanovich, they need to be put in their place. You will see - thanks to this incident, you will be respected, noticed, and you will advance in your position.

But a lover is “a ray of sunshine during a thunderstorm.” Look what she did with one phrase:

  • praised his character qualities;
  • calmed his nerves by humiliating the tyrant;
  • gave me the opportunity to believe in myself.

Moreover, she judged everything wisely and calmly and said exactly what he wanted to hear. Well, how can you not awaken your love for this woman, pleasant in every sense?

Now let's get back to that four-minute clip from Office Romance. Yes, this is not a film about married lovers, but there is one subtle nuance in this fragment. Kalugina, although Novoseltsev’s formidable boss, trembles during the meeting with a trembling voice.

It seems understandable - he’s worried. But in a relationship between a married man and his mistress, such trepidation is very important. Men adore such reverence for their special one, although if you don’t overdo it, servility can also be cloying and nauseating.

In an ideal lover, a man wants to see a woman admiring him precisely in those moments when he does something: gives her flowers, invites her to a restaurant, or protects her from a bully. Taking such offerings and actions for granted can greatly offend a man.

And further. There is such a “loner syndrome” when it is not possible to express all your thoughts. It most often affects bachelors. But some married men also suffer from this disease, if he has the last word in the family. Therefore, in his mistress he also wants to see a grateful listener.

No requirements

If we talk about the absolute ideal of a man, then such a woman should not set him the following conditions:

  • divorce your wife
  • to marry her,
  • provide financially.

Or at least not to rush things until he himself matures. The demands will cross out all those good feelings that were there before the tension, and the tandem of partners in secret love will fall apart. Therefore, many men prefer a relationship with a married mistress.


All these tips are only suitable for being an ideal lover, nothing more. Well, like a geisha: through the eyes of a married man, such an exemplary woman is perfection itself.

But if your goal is to, then soon you too can break into everyday life - put on a robe, knitted socks and become everyday. And you will wake up crumpled and shaggy. Yes, it's everyday life, baby, so different from dating on the side.

By the way, one can understand the indignation of the wives who read this article. But! She also wrote for them, so that they would have the opportunity to reconsider their mistakes, draw conclusions and become a mistress for their own husband, even in family life.

1. You cannot make love on a full stomach, weighed down by a hearty dinner, otherwise the man will be lethargic and sleepy, and the blood will rush to the stomach, and not where it is needed.

2. Aphrodisiac products are best suited for “eating” and drinking before sex:

  • seafood;
  • oysters (by the way, Casanova adored them);
  • milkshake with fresh fruit;
  • fried eggs;
  • sandwiches with caviar;
  • a glass of aniseed vodka;
  • chops with garlic and other “garlic” dishes (be sure to eat together!);
  • chocolate;
  • pine and any other nuts;
  • sour cream and fresh herbs;
  • spicy, but not very high-calorie dishes;
  • vegetable and fruit salads, as well as fresh fruits and vegetables;
  • spicy dishes (I think you’ve heard about the temperament of Caucasians more than once);
  • mulled wine (in large doses causes drowsiness);
  • cruchon (in large doses causes impaired coordination of movements);
  • a glass of cognac;
  • glass of wine;
  • a cup of cocoa, strong tea or coffee.

3. A good lover always knows what her man wants. She guesses or feels it, calculates it using the selection method, and with enough experience even applies the theory of probability. Sex ends in bed, but begins with thoughts and conversations, trust and shared experiences. Men make love with their brains, not in “one place,” and only fuck with women who don’t understand this.

4. You should not think, but give a man what he wants, shower him with caresses, fulfill his whims, but not be intrusive in personal relationships (for example, “torture” him with calls, demanding attention to yourself).
The strongest networks are invisible. It is with them that a skilled seductress entwines the body, soul and brain of a man.

5. Geishas also knew the right way to cast a love spell - copying a man’s gestures, words, and facial expressions. Psychologists say that the easiest way to gain the favor of a new acquaintance is by copying him. Probably, establishing contact occurs subconsciously, based on ancient instincts that can still be observed in animals. The interlocutor takes you for a member of his pack, as if you are performing some kind of ritual dance together. Contact also has feedback. You begin to understand your interlocutor better, which means you better meet his expectations.

6. A top-class mistress does not allow herself to become a “thing-maniac” who buys clothes on her own whim or according to her own, not very good taste. To correspond without even seeing your chosen one is a preliminary adjustment to the man of your dreams. You have to approach the issue of clothing from a completely different angle, from the side of a man who is looking at you for the first time. And he looks not at clothes at all, but at you as a whole. And he doesn't care about the cost of your outfit. The maximum that the average man can figure out is that a woman is dressed from a Chinese market or from an expensive store. People often pay attention to clothes when they “don’t fit.”

7. The main thing in a relationship with a man is to first give everything you have, without thinking about yourself, without selfishness and miscalculations of what will happen next, without fear of spoiling, and then get triple for it.

8. You shouldn’t look a man in the eyes after the first night spent together with the question: “When will you come next time?” It is very important for a man to feel like a master. By calling him at home and at work, you put him in an awkward position in front of his colleagues, and maybe another woman, with whom he will not part until he is convinced that you are better.

Why spoil everything from the very beginning? So, a good lover will never allow herself to be intrusive.

9. Men like nothing less than when they are presented with a tough choice. The man gets lost, becomes embittered and... does completely illogical things, which he later repents of for a long time. Why test his feelings for strength if the same forces can be used to make them stronger?

10. Complaining to a man is the last thing. As a rule, our problems seem insignificant and funny to them, and complaints seem like feminine whims. They, men, have REAL problems, you can talk about them for hours.

So, when it comes to life's difficulties, rely on yourself, forget that you have a loved one, or turn to him only in extreme and really serious cases.

11. By and large, men don’t really care, at least at first, whether you experience pleasure in bed. Only very few men can recognize a pretender pretending to be passionate. It is not a woman’s passion, but her desire that flatters men’s pride. Many homely and stupid women won the hearts of smart, handsome and wealthy men only because they clearly understood this rule. Only after you have achieved love can you demand caresses that will take you to the heights of pleasure.

12. There is a misconception that men don’t like smart people. Not smart ones, but those who excessively demonstrate their intelligence, pointing out to a man the gaps in his knowledge. An intelligent woman never shows that she is smarter or emphasizes her superiority in anything.

13. The ability to make a home beautiful and cozy has never harmed anyone. Any man is pleased to come to a house that is tidy and smells good (in everyday life, order and smell are almost synonymous).

14. A top-class mistress knows that falling in love is much less important for men than for women. You shouldn’t torture a man by forcing him to tell you “how much you love me.” This behavior encourages men to think that women have only all sorts of romantic nonsense on their minds, and therefore, they are stupid as geese.

15. Even if a man has been on a spree, you shouldn’t “torment him with suspicion,” he still won’t confess. Being on the other side of the barricade, that is, being a lover, you also shouldn’t “put marks”: stain his things with lipstick and smell of perfume, scratch his back in a fit of passion. He is not your property.

16. The next rule: never teach a man how to live.
We have all disliked moral teachings since we were in school, and many do not like their parents precisely because of moral teachings. You don't want to be like them, do you?

17. The ability to forgive is also the ability not to be reminded of past mistakes. To forgive means to forget... or to pretend that you have forgotten.

18. A top-class mistress knows: all men are obsessed with the idea that they want to use them, rob them and send them around the world. Nothing scares you away more in the first days and months of dating than commercialism.

19. Coquetry is our weapon, if used appropriately and wisely. The task of a sexual woman is to make it clear that although she is a female, she is by no means a cheap whore.

20. A top-class mistress knows that jumping up after the first (and subsequent) nights and running to put on makeup and wash is stupid. Most men like to “have mercy” in the morning; they like women without “war paint”. And if you are shy, buy waterproof mascara or get a light tattoo.

21. It’s stupid to think that a man with serious intentions will pause and not call for several weeks. A man who liked you will most likely call within three days, the rest is probably an attempt to use you “for nothing.” It makes no sense to either wait or be fooled by offers that arrive a few weeks or even months later.

22. A top-class mistress never has a complex about her appearance, knowing that most men run away from those who are uptight and notorious, and not from plump and non-standard ones. And even more so, they don’t run away from their partners just because of their breast size.

23. If you want EVERYTHING to end quickly:

  • squeeze the vaginal muscles;
    change the position so that it becomes “tighter” inside, and the head of the penis is stimulated by the cervix with each friction;
  • pay attention to positions that speed up the approach of ejaculation:
    *knee-elbow in any variations;
    *woman on her back, with her legs tightly compressed (there won’t be much difference whether they are extended or *raised and bent at chest level);
    *in hussar style - the legs of a woman lying on her back are thrown over her partner’s shoulders;
    *fish - a woman on her stomach with straightened and strongly contracted legs, a man on top;
  • take an active position and control the insertion of the penis so that it turns out: once - to the very end, and twice - only a shallow insertion, stimulating the head;
  • active oral stimulation is an excellent completion of sexual intercourse;
  • if there is not enough lubrication, use gel lubricant, this will speed things up;
  • whisper a few dirty words to him, maybe it will turn you on too;
  • if your position allows, grab the base of your penis with two fingers and further stimulate it;
  • caress yourself, your arousal is a powerful incentive for a man;
  • ask to rest, and after about thirty minutes resume caresses;
  • make movements towards him, deeply “sticking” on the penis;
  • kiss his ears, neck, scratch his back, squeeze his buttocks with your hands or gently massage his testicles;
  • play the victim as a joke, try to push him away slightly and struggle, just don’t overdo it;
  • don't let him lose his rhythm;
  • cheer up your loved one with loud moans.

24. For a free and self-confident woman, there are no rules about when and where to give herself to a man for the first and subsequent times. If a woman agrees to intimacy on the very first evening, it does not follow that the man will consider her a person of easy virtue. According to statistics, only thirty percent of men are supporters of the gradual development of relationships and courtship.

25. A top-class mistress will never be shy about discussing contraceptive issues with a man.
What's shameful about this? Yes, to a large extent, protection is your problem, but forcing a man to wear two condoms is also not an option. If a woman does not agree to have sex without a condom (of course, not at the first meeting, but when the relationship has already lasted for some time), a man may have the opinion that she is sick with some kind of sexually transmitted disease or suspects that maybe he himself is sick.

Both are not very pleasant to realize. If you don’t have money for birth control pills, feel free to ask your man to help buy them. There is nothing shameful in such a request, and the purchase of hormonal contraceptives solves two problems at once: preventing pregnancy and obtaining complete satisfaction from intimacy without a nasty condom.

26. Don’t get carried away with reading manuals on sexual techniques. Most of them are not very successful “rehash” of “Kama Sutra” with comments from a concerned author. Advice from foreigners does not suit us at all. What will your husband, tired after work, say to you if you meet him at the door in latex panties? The effect of the sexual revolution may be the opposite - a man will run away to a “traditionalist” who is not interested in sex.

27. If you want to prolong the pleasure:

  • don't let it move too fast;
  • relax the vaginal muscles;
  • ask him to stop the friction for a while;
  • change your position;
  • pay attention to positions that prolong sexual intercourse: a woman on top, a woman lying on her back, with her legs raised and widely spread, “spoons” on her side (woman with her back to her partner’s face), sitting facing each other;
  • at the very height, remove the penis from the vagina and kiss it, only very gently, otherwise everything will end even faster;
  • ask him to breathe deeply;
  • tell us about the delights of tantric or Taoist sex. Special (by the way, not too complicated) exercises will help you control ejaculation for as long as you like.

28. Rule for choosing underwear: buy only what your beloved man likes. Beautiful underwear and bed linen are the key to a strong and long-lasting relationship and self-confidence.

29. The best smell is the smell of your body, plus a drop of good perfume. Men are more often put off by excessive perfume and the smell of sweat (a nightmare instilled by advertising!) than by the absence of the smell of perfume.

30. Men love sex, they love women who love sex, so is it worth being shy and repeating after bad mistresses and simply not very smart women: “that’s all they need...”. After all, we know for sure that this is not so!

Love once and for life is rather a beautiful exception to the harsh rules of polygamy in this life. And a lifelong marriage often comes with painful periods of quarrels, jealousy, betrayal and often on the verge of divorce.

It often happens that a man, having taken a mistress, after a while leaves the family for her, gets married and lives happily for the rest of his life with a bunch of children. But this only happens in cases where a woman has enough wisdom to understand how to tie a married man to her. And in most cases, playing on basic instincts is extremely important. After all, not all girls are able to properly satisfy a guy physically.

From this article you will learn how to become a good lover for a married man so that he will never leave you again.

Before you figure out how you need to act, it’s worth understanding what the representative of the stronger sex himself wants and why he walks to the left of his wife.

The main reasons that cheating occurs are:

  • Problems in the family - lack of sex, lack of comfort, inability to talk about anything with your life partner. In such a situation, any sexual desire, love and the desire to return home after work disappear.
  • Polygamy of a member of the opposite sex. Simply put, a tendency to cheat. It either exists or it doesn't. The point is the presence of a gene that is responsible for the risk, as well as how pronounced it is in a person.
  • An ugly wife who does not evoke physical desire. In this case, even if everything is fine in the family, there are no quarrels, misunderstandings, etc., the husband will still go looking for affection from another, because his own is simply old and fat.
  • Boredom. It seems good: the wife is not hysterical, her cooking is delicious, and she is a goddess in bed, but something is missing. In this case, dating a married man is very unpleasant for a girl - he is with her only for a change of scenery, some kind of entertainment and risk. If you see that the situation is like this, just don’t get involved or leave immediately when you understand, because your nerves are more valuable.

When you understand what is throwing your lover into your arms, it’s time to decide how to act to become the ideal lover for him. It’s clear that a representative of the stronger sex needs great sex, but what else can you give him? Depends on the situation.

How to become the best

In a situation where a person is polygamous or is looking for entertainment, the best way would be to have fun with him for a week and be the first to quit, or even completely abandon such dubious joy. If you understand that a person is coming to you because he feels bad at home and is not welcome there, then the task of how to drive such a person crazy is very simple for an intelligent and competent girl.

Moral aspect

The first thing you need to do is to give him pleasure, not physical, but moral, that is, arrange it so that it is pleasant for him to come to your house.

To do this you need:

  1. Keep the place where you meet clean and warm. It doesn’t matter if it’s your apartment or a temporary one you’re renting. Come half an hour before the meeting, place candles, cover the bed with a beautiful blanket, clean the bathroom and put on shower gel with a delicious smell. It seems like little things, but they work great, creating comfort and a feeling that you are pleasant and good. If you have your own apartment, there is nothing easier than keeping it fairly clean, spraying your perfume and thereby, on a subconscious level, causing a strong association that where you are is good and cozy.
  2. Get ready. Even if a guy can afford dinner every day at an expensive restaurant, there is nothing better than a pie or pasta prepared by your own hands. The way to a man's heart is through his stomach, and whoever feeds the tastiest food will come out ahead. You don't want him praising your chef's cooking or, worse, his wife's cooking. Therefore, even if you are not that good at cooking, look on the Internet for some simple recipe for soup or a hearty salad, practice before cooking for your loved one - and your heart will be at your feet.
  3. Be beautiful. Even if you are no longer 20 and your figure is no longer so slim, cellulite and wrinkles can either be corrected, covered up, or presented very beautifully. If your lover trains in the gym, and you are overweight, ask him to go with him and teach you how to exercise correctly in order to become slim. Such an offer is very flattering to a man’s pride, and besides, you will see each other more often. And if there are no special problems with your figure, then no one has yet canceled masks, beautiful makeup, chic dresses and high-heeled shoes - he should want to show you to the world.
  4. No hysterics. Scandals over trifles, self-deprecation, irritation, refusal of sex - these are common mistakes of wives that forever discourage the stronger sex. Mistresses of a married man should not behave this way. In order to understand how to communicate and date a married man, watch speeches by psychologists on the Internet. Especially if the doctor is a representative of the stronger sex, he will clearly and clearly tell you what line of behavior should be avoided in order to be ideal in such a relationship.
  5. Share hobbies or at least just listen to conversations. It is very important that when a person comes to you, he receives not only physical, but also psychological attention. So the level of comfort, and therefore affection, will be many times higher.

Now that you have understood the principles of psychological comfort for your partner, have figured out how to communicate with your lover on a human level, it is worth thinking about how to be with him in bed correctly, in other words, how to drive him crazy with your body so that he forgets everyone except you.

Sexual aspect

To find out what qualities your significant other prefers in an ideal lover, just ask. Yes, most sexual problems in couples happen due to misunderstandings, understatement and lack of communication and conversations on intimate topics.

Psychologists say that at a more conscious age it is more difficult to start sexual relations.

Everyone has already formed habits and preferences in bed; in addition, people after 30 are less inclined to experiment and they may have unresolved fears, complexes, and conflicts with themselves. But this can be turned into a positive if you just talk about who wants what, who doesn’t like what, or is categorically unpleasant. After this, it is worth discussing the possibility of a compromise and trying something that neither of you has done before.

But if for some reason you postponed the conversation or it went smoothly and you didn’t learn anything new for yourself - no special wishes or taboos, then here are some universal tips on how to satisfy your lover and make him want intimacy with you again and again.

  • No refusals. Only comic and only in order to awaken an even greater desire and better light the fire. At the beginning of a relationship, a mistress is needed not because of conversations or borscht, but because of passion, sex, pleasure. Therefore, never refuse. During sex, endorphins are released, which relieve pain. If there is no desire, make him arouse you. Petting, oral sex or even a simple massage is a game that is pleasant to play for both your partner and you.
  • Be relaxed and agree to experiments if they are not strictly taboo for you. Believe me, no one has ever died from oral sex or striptease, and seeing the happy eyes of your loved one is priceless.
  • Don't turn intimacy into a commodity. A phrase like “Buy a fur coat, you’ll get a blowjob” completely kills all desire, romance and passion. You are not a prostitute - give yourself for something. Only if you both feel good together, if you equally want physical and moral union, the relationship will be wonderful and the sex will be divine. If a man does not satisfy you or you simply find it unpleasant to be in bed with him, don’t suffer and leave him.

We hope these tips on how to become a good lover will help you. And remember: patience and work will grind everything down.

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