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Template for temporary tattoo for children. Aerotattoo – airbrush tattoo. How to quickly get a tattoo. Step by step guide. Making Henna Cones

A stencil is a special device that makes it possible to “translate” an image onto any surface. Since ancient times, leading artists, craftsmen and craftsmen have used stencils to decorate the finished product. The result is a full-color image of a bouquet of flowers, architectural ornaments, fruit and berry compositions, which can easily be used to decorate walls, vases, clay pots, copper utensils, and so on. This technique is also used to create sketches for future tattoos.

The art of stenciling has evolved over time, and in the past, a regular sheet of paper was used as a stencil, which was cut with sharp knives to form some kind of pattern. Then the stencil was applied to a metal, wooden or clay surface and each slot was decorated with paints. When the drawing was ready, the stencil was removed, leaving the pattern on the surface. This technique of drawing translation is still used today, for example, when decorating walls, when writing graffiti, when teaching children in school and kindergarten to write.

Features of a sketch for a tattoo

  • The stencil makes the picture correct with even right angles, identical patterns, lines of the same width and length. Thus, the stencil deprives the artist of the right to make mistakes and makes the work easier.
  • With a stencil, any designs and patterns become possible, even if the artist does not have “strength” in a particular style.
  • The stencil allows you to transfer complex patterns to any part of the body.
  • The time spent working with a stencil is reduced, since the artist works using ready-made templates.
  • To make a stencil you don’t need to spend a lot of effort - you can use film or paper. There are also denser plastic stencils, but they are often used by designers.
  • Stencil-style tattoos are characterized by single-color and multi-color compositions.
  • Black and white is still in fashion, so this is the most classic tattoo option. Multicolor compositions are chosen by those who consider themselves to be in the punk or hippie style.

Using a stencil, the artist often mixes techniques, adding some details himself, thereby, as it were, completing the drawing, individualizing it, making the work unlike all the others. So don't worry about spotting a "clone" walking around the city wearing the same tattoo as yours.

Often such sketches are created in various graphic programs, such as Photoshop, adding various details and creating fancy compositions from various objects. The sketch is transferred to the body in the traditional way using special transfer paper. The tattoo is also performed using traditional tattoo artist tools.

Mehndi (Hindi) मेहँदी , Urdu مہندی ) - body painting with henna. Unlike a tattoo, it is a temporary decoration of the body, but lasts much longer (up to three weeks) than paint or other methods of drawing on the body. Most common in Arab countries, India, North Africa and Indonesia.

Mehndi originated about 5,000 years ago. Even in Ancient Egypt, noble ladies decorated their bodies and nails with designs. In the 12th century, it gained a foothold in India, becoming more than just a decoration. For example, many Arab women believe that mehndi brings happiness and protects against bad luck. So, during the wedding, the bride is painted with a design, and the remaining henna is buried in the ground to protect the marriage and avoid the husband’s infidelity.

Traditional motifs vary greatly depending on the region:

  • North Africa. The drawing is highly stylized. Particular attention is paid to the application and clarity of the contours.
  • Middle East. Floral patterns characteristic of Arab culture. Everyday drawing is simple, complex patterns are made mainly for ceremonies. Bedouins living in the desert often simply dip their feet and palms in henna, without any decoration.
  • India. Mainly performed by temple dancers or for special ceremonies, mainly weddings. Quite complex and large (covering the area from palms to forearms and from feet to knees) lace designs. Mostly religious motifs and signs of fertility are depicted.
  • Indonesia. Floral Indian motifs are used. There are completely painted pads of the fingers, lateral parts of the palms and feet.

Most of those who are already familiar with henna designs have seen traditional designs. These are beautifully intricate designs used for marriage ceremonies and other rituals. They usually adorn the wearer's hands and feet and require many hours of paste application and then drying. Henna color is known to stick best to the hands and feet, which absorb and hold the color better, but henna can be applied anywhere. How well your skin accepts henna will depend on each person's skin properties.

Today, henna comes in many forms, including more modern variations. Some permanent tattoo artists do a henna design first to see if they like the tattoo before making a final decision. Some people only like a temporary tattoo option, when they know that the design will be washed off in a few weeks. However, it is a beautiful form of rich art in the culture.

You will need:

  • Henna for mehndi - ¼ cup,
  • Juice of one medium lemon
  • Freshly brewed tea (chifir) - ¼ cup,
  • A drop of vegetable oil.

If you have not found henna for mehndi, then it is possible, but not advisable, to use green henna to color your hair. Gently sift any henna through a silk cloth to get rid of coarse impurities in the henna.

Mix strong tea and the juice of half a lemon, mix well. Then gradually pour henna into this mixture, trying to stir quickly. As a result, you should get a mixture without lumps, quite thick and viscous.

For the henna to infuse, you need to leave it for 4 hours and only then start coloring.

Another way to prepare the mass

You will need:

  • 2 bags of instant coffee,
  • 2 tbsp. lemon juice,
  • 5 drops eucalyptus oil,
  • 5 drops of clove oil.

Sift the henna to get one full cup. Brew coffee in one and a half cups of water and let it boil until the volume reaches ¾ cup. Then thoroughly mix the resulting coffee with the sifted henna. Add juice and oils. The mass should not be liquid; if you think it is runny, then add a little henna powder. If, on the contrary, it seems to you that it is too dense, then add coffee or just water. The mass also needs to be allowed to brew, but less - only 2 hours.

Making Henna Cones

Henna paste can be applied in various ways. Some use a toothpick and carefully apply the design step by step. Others use small, soft bottles and use them to draw fairly smooth lines. The pre-mixed paste fills the tube and squeezes out easily. If you make henna paste at home, your choice depends only on what you are most comfortable working with. I personally prefer cones. Cones can also be purchased pre-made, but they are very easy and inexpensive to make at home. The cones are less dirty and are thrown away after use and therefore do not require any maintenance. Here's a very easy way to make your own cones at home:

What you will need:
Small freezer bags - each will make 2 cones Scissors

Step One: Cut the bag diagonally
You can choose the size of the cone you want, but don't make it too big, otherwise it will be difficult to work with. It also depends on the size of the bags you start with. I usually cut from 15 cm bags.

Step Two: Make a funnel from the cut square.
Easier said than done. The plastic is very slippery and this is not easy to do. At the same time, you should leave a small hole at the tip of the funnel, but large enough to squeeze out the paste without difficulty. This takes some practice and depends on the consistency of your henna paste.

Step Three: Secure the cone with tape
After you make the cone, you need to secure the overlapping edges of the plastic with tape. Do this carefully so that the edges do not move, otherwise you will have to start securing again. This can be done conveniently using several small pieces of tape. The tape should completely cover the overlap of the edges of the plastic, from the tip to the edge of the funnel.

Step Four: Filling the Cone
Now you need to place your prepared henna paste into the cone. Using a small spoon is the best way to do this. Carefully place the spoon with the paste into the cone and lightly press the cone opposite it (from the outside) with your finger while you pull the spoon out. Repeat until the cone is half full. Filling with more paste may make it more difficult to work with or break the cone. Note: Never use anything metallic with henna paste - use plastic or glass.

Step Five: Close the Cone
Those who already know how to use henna cones usually just twist the end of the cone and start working with the paste. This option can be very easy to mark for those who are just learning to paint with henna. For beginners, it will be better to tie a twisted funnel to avoid squeezing the paste in the wrong direction.

So! You will need a little practice. Making henna paste and cones is not expensive at all, and now you are ready to create beautiful henna designs.


The place where the pattern will be applied must be degreased. Then rub a couple of drops of eucalyptus, lemon or ordinary vegetable oil into the skin. This will make the pattern more durable and avoid irritation.

After application, the paint will dry within 6-8 hours. Then the paint must be carefully removed from the surface of the skin; you can use a cloth for this. Rub the pattern with a mixture of 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and a tablespoon of sugar. This will help the pattern last longer on your skin.

The pattern itself will appear after 24-48 hours and become dark brown in color. Until this moment, you must strictly not wet the area with the ornament with water. Also, this place should not be rubbed or soaped; you can only rinse it lightly with water.

Be careful before planning your drawing as you may have an allergic reaction. Henna itself is not an allergen, but to obtain the black color of the dye, paraphenylene amine (PPD) is added to it, which can cause an allergic reaction. To avoid unpleasant consequences, before drawing, apply a small amount of henna behind the ear and observe the reaction for 72 hours.

Use only natural henna, without chemical impurities! Eh, it would be better if I did a henna tattoo...

The tradition of decorating your body with drawings goes back to the distant past. Modern women also pay tribute to it, emphasizing the graceful curves and beauty of the figure. Even a small tattoo is a symbol of individuality. When choosing this or that tattoo for girls, it is important to find out everything about its meaning.

Even in pagan Rus', tattoos were used as a means of visually displaying the inner world. Strong men emphasized their belligerence and courage through drawings. For the fair sex, tattoos were a symbol of peace, comfort, and family.

With the adoption of Christianity, attitudes towards body images changed. They began to be considered a sign of paganism. Some noble women of the Victorian era decorated themselves with tattoos. It was the privilege of the rich and powerful.

Great interest in tattoos began to be shown at the end of the 18th - beginning of the 19th centuries. According to statistics, more than 20 million beauties around the world have decided to take such a step.

The reason was the appearance of Olivia Othman - the first white-skinned girl with a tattoo on her face. The drawing was made by the Indians who held the Englishwoman captive for 6 years.

In 1921, the first female body painter officially began working in London. During World War II, the excitement for tattoos died down somewhat.

What are the most popular tattoos?

Having decided to add some zest to their image, girls simply choose the design they like. However, it is worth considering that each sketch has a specific meaning.

Options for stylish tattoos:

Temporary henna tattoos

Many representatives of the fair sex do not dare to decorate themselves with “eternal” tattoos. An alternative solution for such girls is henna tattoos. The drawings are no less colorful, and last only a few weeks.

Benefits of henna images:

  • The composition is easily applied to the skin, the pattern does not get boring.
  • The natural substance remains on the body for 7 to 15 days. The mixture of the finished powder lasts for a couple of months.
  • If the tattoo becomes boring, it is easy to remove, eliminating the possibility of infection.
  • The procedure is cheap and you can apply the design at home.
  • Henna itself is beneficial for the skin: the tissues become fresher and more toned.
  • The tattooing process is absolutely safe and painless. Allergic reactions to henna are rare.

The natural dye gives the dermis a red-brown tone of varying intensity. Such tattoos look impressive on the foot, hand, and back of the hand. Mehendi is applied to the areas - openwork oriental patterns.

A girl can experience the role of an artist herself. First, you should try your hand at inconspicuous areas of the body. If the drawing turns out sloppy, it is better to call a specialist for help.

Tattoo at home: necessary tools

The first step is choosing the material.


There are many recipes for preparing compositions for mehendi:

  1. Dilute 20 g of dye in lemon juice (a glass). There should be no lumps. Place in a bag and wrap tightly. Keep warm for 12 hours. Add 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1-2 drops of eucalyptus oil. After 12 hours, the mixture is ready for use. Adding ground coffee with sugar or basma will make the composition darker.
  2. Boil 0.5 liters of water. Add henna (30–40 g), black tea (2 teaspoons), ground coffee (2 teaspoons). Cook for 1 hour. Strain, cool. The finished substance will be a beautiful red color. If you don't add tea, it's brown.

The main tools for henna tattooing are a stencil and an applicator. As the first
ready-made templates in traditional Indian or Arabic style are used. On the shelves of specialized stores you can find stencils with all kinds of stylish tattoos for girls. Nobody forbids you to be creative and create your own drawing.

A medical syringe without a needle, a plastic bottle with a small hole, brushes, and toothpicks are used as an applicator. Large elements are created with a wide flat stick.

It is convenient to use a henna cone made of polyethylene or foil:

  1. Cut a square with a side of 5 cm from the bag.
  2. Place 1 tablespoon of the mixture in the center of the figure.
  3. Fold the square to form a cone.
  4. Roll the tip between your thumb and forefinger. The diameter of the hole should be equal to the diameter of the sewing needle.
  5. The sides of the applicator are secured with tape. When it is squeezed, henna is released from the tip of the cone.

Step-by-step instruction:

To fix the image, the paste is covered with hairspray immediately after finishing the work. If you dry the mehendi in the sun or under an infrared lamp, the tone of the tattoo will be more intense.

When choosing a design, it is important to ensure that there are no problems with its meaning and appearance. The image that will remain on the body for life must be perfect.

The art of tattooing has accompanied humanity since ancient times. Some designs are ritual in nature, while others are used for body decoration and self-expression. However, a tattoo is forever! Therefore, before decorating yourself with one design or another, you should weigh everything carefully, and for people who often change their minds, you can use a temporary henna tattoo. Firstly, you will add some zest to your image, and secondly, decide whether you want to decorate your body with a tattoo.

What are tattoo stencils

Tattoo stencils are very popular among females. Therefore, you can find many beautiful designs that will ultimately highlight a woman's beauty. The stencils depict floral motifs, hieroglyphs, butterflies, inscriptions or animals. The design itself is a self-adhesive film that fits tightly to the skin. The adhesive layer is made of hypoallergenic adhesive based on polyacrylics. However, if you are prone to frequent allergies, then consult a specialist before using the stencil.

It is better to purchase stencils for tattoos in specialized salons, rather than in markets. It's all about quality: the higher it is, the lower the risk of allergic rashes and redness on the skin. If you have purchased a good stencil, then with careful application it can be used several times. The glue on cheap stencils dries quickly and loses its properties, so the picture runs the risk of peeling off during the process of applying henna or biological paint.

How to use tattoo stencils

Tattooing using a stencil is carried out according to the following algorithm:

  • First you need to degrease the skin. This can be done by thoroughly washing the skin with soap and then drying it. Do not rub vigorously with a towel, so as not to irritate the epidermis in advance;
  • Remove the adhesive layer from the stencil and press firmly to the skin, carefully straightening all parts of the future picture. Please note that the drawing must be applied correctly the first time, otherwise you risk ruining the stencil;
  • Carefully remove the top transparent film of the design;
  • Next, henna, biological paint or glitter glue is applied.

Henna tattoo stencils are especially popular due to their ancient history and aesthetics. Henna is applied in a thick layer to all parts of the design until completely dry. As a rule, you will need an hour, but the longer, the better the effect. Then carefully remove the stencil and the remaining henna from the skin, and wipe the design with oil.

A stencil is a unique thing that really helps us make beautiful things with as little effort as possible. There are many different stencils for different purposes, in this article we will try to understand them a little.

How to make a letter stencil?

A stencil for letters is used when creating inscriptions by hand. To make a stencil with your own hands we will need:

Printing the font and size we need;

Stationery knife;

Folder folder (more precisely, part of it).

1. On the printout we place the corner of the folder, which will serve as a stencil.

2. To secure the folder, use tape. It is advisable to use masking tape as it is easier to peel off.

3. Using a stationery knife, we draw the contours of the letters we need. We try to do it very carefully so that all the letters turn out even.

4. After we have traced all the text, we begin to remove the cut plastic.

5. Remove the tape and you can start drawing!

As we can see, making a stencil with your own hands is very simple, and you don’t need to have any special skills.

How to make a stencil for arrows or eyebrows?

Perfect, beautiful eyebrows - many girls dream of this, because everyone wants to be unsurpassed. Many stores already sell special eyebrow stencils, but we will tell you how to do it ten times cheaper.

What we need:

A thin plastic box or folder;

Printed shape of desired eyebrows;

Scissors or utility knife.

1. Using search engines on the Internet, find the eyebrow shape that interests you and adjust it to your size.

2. We print our form on a sheet of paper and attach the plate to the layout. If the plastic is transparent, you can immediately attach it to the monitor.

3. Using a marker, draw a shape on the plastic and carefully cut it out using a utility knife.

4. We trim off the excess plastic, and our stencil is ready! Align your eyebrows and be beautiful!

How to make nail stencils?

To make beautiful nails, you only need a few available tools that everyone has!

For the stencil we need:

Scissors (simple and curly if desired).

1. Cut strips from tape to give shape. Use your imagination, you can use even ones, teeth, semicircles. If you have curly scissors, this will be easier to do.

2. Stick it on your nail.

3. Paint over with varnish.

How to make a stencil for a tattoo?

A stencil for a henna tattoo will greatly help you speed up the process of applying a picture to your body. To make such a stencil, you simply need to print the picture on a sheet of paper (it is advisable to use paper as thick as possible) and cut out the picture with a utility knife. By attaching such a blank, you can make a good tattoo without any problems!

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