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How to improve your body odor: secrets of natural charm. How to make your scent more pleasant

To always be accompanied by a subtle trail of pleasant aroma, it is not enough to simply spray yourself with your favorite product before leaving the house. If even a daily shower and a battery of bottles on the dressing table do not give you confidence that your smell is pleasant to others, it is worth analyzing whether you are doing everything right. How can you scent yourself all day long so that the feeling of freshness after your morning shower doesn’t end until the evening?

The secret to feeling fresh throughout the day is the correct use of deodorants and aromatic products.

Soap and water

Sweating is a natural process. Sweat itself has virtually no odor; the unpleasant odor is caused by its decomposition under the influence of bacteria. That is why clean skin is the key to freshness, much more effective than deodorants. Body hygiene is especially important in hot weather or when playing sports. Those who shower regularly have much less need for additional protection against unpleasant odors and sweating. Particular attention should be paid to the armpits. They need to be washed with soap twice a day and then wiped dry. Instead of deodorant, the skin in these places can be wiped with the inside of a lemon peel.

Shaving the armpits

It is necessary to shave your armpits not only for aesthetic reasons - sweat is retained in the hairs, which creates a favorable environment for the growth of bacteria. Since shaving traumatizes the skin, it is better to carry out this procedure in the evening. Thus, by the morning the epidermis will have time to recover, and the deodorant will not cause irritation or allergies. To soothe your skin after shaving, it is recommended to use products that do not contain alcohol.

Deodorants and antiperspirants

Daily care products that help fight unpleasant odors are deodorants and antiperspirants.

The difference between them is that deodorants mask the smell of sweat, while the action of antiperspirants is aimed at reducing sweating. The choice of remedy depends on the person’s preferences. For more effective results, they should be applied to dry, cool skin. Therefore, if you are used to using these products after a shower, it is better to rinse your skin with cool water and wipe dry. The principle of operation of these funds is different.

Deodorants do not fight sweat, but fight odor.

They contain substances that prevent the growth of bacteria, most often triclosan or alcohol. Thus, sweating does not stop, but is not accompanied by unpleasant odors. The action of antiperspirants is aimed at reducing the work of the sweat glands. To do this, manufacturers include aluminum compounds in their composition that block sweat endings. This not only prevents unpleasant odors, but also keeps the skin dry. Manufacturers also produce products that combine the properties of deodorants and antiperspirants. Fans of natural preparations can add essential oils to the base to mask the odor.

How to extend the life of a fragrance?

Cosmetics odors are rarely long lasting. If you want to keep their scent on the skin for a long time, you can use several products, making the scent “multi-layered”. So, after taking a bath with aromatic foam or oil, you can use a body lotion with a pleasant smell, and then spray with your favorite perfume. Of course, the flavors must be combined with each other.

  • Aromatic bath. Oil, foam or other products create a light trail of pleasant scent around you. However, this aroma should be combined with a more persistent perfume - perfume or eau de toilette. If you are not sure that this will happen, it is better to give preference to unscented soap.
  • Perfumed lotions and creams. Using these products after a shower or bath allows you not only to care for your skin, but also to give it a pleasant aroma. To make the scent last better, apply them to slightly damp skin.
  • Toilet and refreshing water. Thanks to the small (up to 6%) content of aromatic oils, it creates a light, unobtrusive scent that lasts up to three hours.
  • Eau de parfum. Contains a more concentrated amount of aromatic oils compared to eau de toilette (up to 15%). The top and middle notes last for several hours, while the base notes last throughout the day.
  • Perfume. The most concentrated product, so a few drops are enough. The content of aromatic oils can reach 40%.

Is it possible to enhance the aromas?

Often you want your favorite scent to be felt longer, and to envelop, like a cloud, not only your skin, but also your clothes. To do this, you can resort to a few little tricks:

  • Solid perfume. This aromatic product based on wax or Vaseline is convenient to take with you. You can use it even in situations where the use of traditional perfume is difficult. They are produced in small jars or tubes, like hygienic lipstick. To apply them, just distribute the product over the skin.
  • Fragrances for clothes. Today the market offers a wide range of products that allow you to give clothes a pleasant aroma. It can be floral scents or just the aroma of freshness. Most often, scented laundry detergent or conditioner is used for this. But they also produce balls that can be added to the drum when drying, and aromatic sprays for ironing. If clothes have absorbed unpleasant odors, but there is no way to thoroughly clean them, you can sprinkle them with water with the addition of lavender essence and ventilate well.
  • Hair fragrances. It is known that hair, especially clean hair, absorbs odors well. Therefore, if you spray them with a scented spray after a shower, they will emit a pleasant, subtle aroma for a long time.
  • Fragrances for the closet. To get rid of odors that accumulate in the confined space of a closed closet, people have used scented sachets since ancient times. To do this, just lay them out on the shelves. For these purposes, you can also use scented pencils - paper tubes soaked in your favorite scent.

These simple steps will not require much effort, but will allow you not to worry about a possible unpleasant odor and always feel confident.

There are some people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. What do they do to achieve this effect? Rose petal bath? In fact, everything is much more trivial. A good smell, like good digestion, for example, has its own formula. How good you smell often depends not only on how often you shower and what exquisite products you apply to your body, but also on your lifestyle. Fortunately, there are a lot of tips for achieving natural beauty, and we have chosen the most effective ones for you.

1. Eat a proper diet

The phrase “you are what you eat” can finally be justified by facts. Indeed, everything that your body absorbs during the day is also released as odor, so you need to watch what you eat. Eating spicy food, onions, garlic and even red meat is, of course, pleasant and healthy, but not for the smell. Depending on the intensity of your daily activity, odor emissions from these products can last up to 48 hours.

By the way, foods that affect your natural aroma can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the release of the scent. Therefore, a diet of fresh produce, fruits, vegetables and clean proteins is the key to smelling good. The skin becomes cleaner and softer, and this is an excellent base for any fragrance. Alcohol also has a negative effect on the natural odor; during consumption, sugar is released from the pores, creating a cloying aroma that is completely far from pleasant. So, more natural juice.

2. Don't forget to hydrate

Water should become your best friend, and not only because it is basically good for your health. Water is natural hydration, and if you want your perfume to last longer, your skin needs to stay hydrated throughout the day. Dry skin absorbs the applied fragrance much faster, especially if it consists of natural ingredients rather than synthetic ones.

3. Use the right powder

This point seems too obvious, but there are some nuances that many are not aware of. It’s clear that your clothes should be clean, only then will your natural smell be fresh, but the most interesting thing is that what you wash your clothes with is much more important than perfume. The right powder and a good rinse can make all the difference in creating a scent that lasts all day. Choose products with additional fragrances, which will make your clothes smell fresh for much longer, and the aroma itself will be more pleasant and subtle than regular Tide.

4. Apply perfume correctly

The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, since all women know the main places that are most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. But in reality, there is a certain system to the way you spray perfume on yourself. The aroma applied to the body tends to unfold, and this process occurs from the bottom up, that is, it makes sense to apply perfume not only to the neck and hair (and the latter is generally not recommended unless you are preparing to conquer everyone on the dance floor by waving your hair) , but pay attention to the lower part of your body. As Coco Chanel said, apply perfume where you want to be kissed.

There is some truth in this, because your erogenous zones partially coincide with the areas of the skin where the smell is revealed to the maximum, and all because of the blood flow and the thinness of the skin in these special places. So, let's go from bottom to top. It is best to apply perfume to the following places: ankle, area under the knee, pubis, stomach, chest, areas under the lobes, back of the head, wrists and, of course, temples. These places are considered the “hottest” due to the constant circulation of blood, so every time your pulse changes, the smell will begin to spread. This amount of perfume on the body may seem excessive, so you can skip some places, while maintaining a “bottom-up” scheme, and most importantly, apply perfume half an hour before leaving the house.

5. Experiment with layers

You can get lost in the number of perfumes available today, but instead, use a variety of products to highlight your scent. When choosing a perfume, you can consider purchasing a body lotion, cream or spray with the same scent to make your scent layered and more long-lasting.

In order not to distort your natural scent, it is better to abandon perfumed products with preservatives or synthetic additives, and replace them with aromatic oils that perfectly complement the perfume you have chosen. A universal option is musk. It is great for any time of year, goes harmoniously with perfume, and also serves as an aphrodisiac, making your aroma deeper, lasting and sexy.

6. Reapply perfume

Our skin is a living organ that absorbs moisture and oils, so the fact that the smell disappears during the day is due to physiology. If you want the scent to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed water rather than eau de toilette, whose consistency is much stronger. Also, it is worth paying attention to such natural notes as sandalwood, tobacco and vanilla, which are more sugary than, say, citrus. This smell will last longer. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced. All you have to do is renew the scent throughout the day, three times will be more than enough to ensure that your scent lasts no matter the intensity of your life.

7. Spray more than just your body.

How you smell depends not only on whether you apply the perfume directly to your skin, but also on how the things your body comes into contact with during the day smell. Spraying a small amount of perfume on your clothes in cold weather can be a good idea to always maintain a pleasant scent, and you can also add aromatic notes to your decor: spritz a couple of drops on your linens while drying, get scented candles and scented sticks, all this will bear fruit.

The main thing to remember is that almost any perfume contains alcohol, which means you need to be careful when adding fragrance to objects around you. To avoid wasting your precious perfume into the wind, buy a fragrant spray and use it to create and maintain a scent in your apartment.

8. Make the right choice

Well, the main point in creating the perfect scent that can become your calling card is the right choice. You will have to spend some time to wisely choose a scent that is ideal for your body, combines with other cosmetic products that you use, and does not stand out from your image and style. Determine what exactly you like about your perfume. Before you buy new ones, carefully study the ingredients to see if they are repeated in all your perfumes, and don’t forget that each season has its own scent, but otherwise, don’t be afraid to experiment.

Of course, take a shower and not pour toilet water on yourself. Every Russian has known this from time immemorial. It’s not for nothing that in Rus' the Russians always had baths. It’s different from Europe, where even kings didn’t wash for centuries, covering up the smell of themselves with perfume... So we always wanted to be clean and smell delicious. As before, now every woman wants that after taking a shower she can go outside and simply smell fresh, and especially if she doesn’t like something about her smell before going to the bathroom. But, unfortunately, all modern hygiene products, although they smell during washing, but within a few minutes after removing the soap suds from the body, they do not leave even a trace of the pleasant aroma of lime or sakura. But what prevents even inexpensive products from remaining on the skin for a long time so as to envelop us in a pleasant cloud of unobtrusive scent? In order to achieve this effect, many pour a heavy dose of perfume on themselves, but this simply scares away representatives of both sexes, and causes the wearer of the scent a persistent feeling of dry mouth and other unpleasant symptoms. Therefore, next we will look at several options for hair care and, of course, body care, which will help add a pleasant and tasty aroma to it.

First of all, let's turn our attention to the everyday way of extracting a pleasant and delicate smell from our body. This is the process of taking a shower or bath. The most common way to achieve a delicious aroma is to use natural essential oils.

They should only be natural and can be used exclusively on clean skin and hair. In order for a pleasant body odor to be truly unobtrusive, the oil should be applied dropwise to three main points: in the umbilical cord, on the elbow of the right arm and behind the ear. In the last two places, the oil will not be quickly erased, and mixing with its own pheromones will give you a special individual aroma. But why the navel?

Sweat glands and fat deposits are located in such a way that the waist line begins to sweat first, especially in hot summer weather. The navel is a depression, so the smell there is not so erased, thanks to such a depression. No matter how funny it may seem, this method really works.

If you apply essential oil to your hair, it will not only add a pleasant aroma to your hair, but will also provide additional nourishment and smooth out split ends. You can only use it in a diluted state, as pure oil will add grease and an untidy appearance.

To add an interesting and pleasant aroma to your body and hair, use yogurt. A non-sweet, natural product without dyes or flavors will suit you. Add one lemon, chopped in a blender, to the yogurt mixture. It will act like the same essential oil. You can also use lime, orange, banana or melon pulp, etc. Apply the resulting product to your entire body and hair for an hour, then rinse gently. This product will have an irreplaceable nourishing and softening effect. In addition, your skin and hair will simply be saturated with a pleasant and unique aroma.

In order to saturate your hair with a pleasant and light aroma of chamomile, use the following recipe instead of conditioner. Take a couple of glasses of chamomile and soak it in one and a half glasses of regular cold water. Then place the mixture in a blender and grind for five minutes, shaking rhythmically. Add a little extra virgin olive oil (about a teaspoon) to the mixture and stir for another couple of minutes. This mixture will not only give your hair a subtle and pleasant smell of field chamomile, but will also moisturize it and saturate it with nutrients.

All kinds of body oils with a nourishing effect have an excellent effect not from natural substances. But in order for them to be absorbed into the skin as much as possible, they must be applied at least after a long bath, and best of all after a bath or sauna. But this procedure is not recommended for those who visit a solarium or want to maintain a beautiful tan obtained on vacation, since the steaming process helps to remove not only stubborn dirt, but also particles of the epidermis, which makes the skin lighter. You can apply sprays or masks to your hair that do not need to be washed off; they also add a pleasant aroma, and you can choose the product you like.

Studies have confirmed that well-starched clothes help retain aroma. It allows you to preserve the smell of shower gel for as long as six hours.

You can apply a wonderful nourishing mask to your hair, made from fresh kefir with the addition of freshly squeezed juice of various citrus fruits. The duration of this procedure is from half an hour to an hour. This mask has a wonderful nourishing effect and saturates the hair with a pleasant smell. It should be washed off with plain water, without adding detergents.

To make the scent of your favorite perfume last longer, apply it to dry skin immediately after a hot shower or bath. It is recommended to add sea salt to the water, as it further expands the pores and increases the absorption of aromatics.

You can also try taking a body wash with a neutral scent (creamy or creamy) and adding a natural seasoning stick to it - cloves, cinnamon or vanilla. Leave for three days in the refrigerator and two days at room temperature. Use every time you shower or bath.

So, in order to achieve a delicious aroma from your hair and body, you should properly care for them and treat them with certain hygiene products. Also, do not blow dry your hair, as it simply burns the aroma. Pat them dry with a towel and let them dry on their own.

It happens that if you take something from a person, it smells like his perfume. Perhaps there are perfumes with such a strong smell, or maybe they should be used in some other way?! 10 meters. people will run away from you in the hope of taking a sip of even freshly gassed air. But in general, you need to choose PERFUME with the inscription Parfum. And, by the way, this is why (due to the concentration of valuable ingredients) it is the most expensive. Indeed, this perfume is not very cheap. (from 4.000). and it obviously won’t be compote.

The question of how a girl can smell delicious is relevant for most ladies. Surely the first thing that came to your mind was perfume. But this is far from the only option.

How to make your body smell pleasant.

2007-07-03 11:59:00 (link) I am allergic to strong odors (including perfume), I do not announce this at every intersection, including to all sorts of nurses. 2007-07-03 14:16:00 (link) In that case, I would say! What is that smell? Some kind of melon-cucumber? 2007-07-03 20:40:00 (link) why not, if the smell of perfume gives you a headache, nausea, and so on?) I would very gently say “I’m sorry, but for some reason I have this feeling about your perfume reaction". Just don’t just say, Marivanna, I’m allergic to your perfume, but approach carefully for some time. They smell so bad under my nose that I pass out; those around me don’t feel them at all. For example, some oriental sweet and cloying stench is incredible for me, but for others it smells like passion... Or is there a dress code?

Of course, wash your hands often, not only because of the smell, but also for hygiene purposes. You can use diluted lemon juice for these purposes. You will find that the smell will be much less than if you use deodorants. Store clothes in places with free access to air to prevent clothes from smelling musty. Remember that foods high in sulfur (such as eggs and garlic) can cause body odor. Always have a pack of dry and wet wipes with you; they will help you remove excess sweat in time and refresh your hands and armpits. Absorbs sweat and, accordingly, odor. They do not leave marks on clothes, unlike many deodorants.

10 ways to make your home smell nice

1. The easiest way to give a room a pleasant aroma is to drop some perfume on the lamp. When you turn on the light, the apartment will be filled with your favorite smell. 3. You can prepare a pleasant smell for your home in advance. To do this, in the summer, collect petals of strong-smelling flowers whose scent you like (roses, jasmine, lilac). 4. Coffee not only has a pleasant smell, but also perfectly purifies the air. Fill the jar with water to the brim. In order for the mixture to begin to release its aroma, it must be constantly heated. 10. There is nothing better than the smell of fresh baked goods.

1. First, let’s pay attention to the everyday way of “extracting” a pleasant, delicate scent from a person. 2. The most common way to achieve a pleasant smell from the body and hair is natural essential oils. But they “work” only on clean body and hair. If you want your body to smell, you need to apply oil (literally a drop) in three places: behind the ear, in the crook of your right arm, and in the umbilical cord. 3. Another interesting way to care for your body and hair is yogurt! Half wore starched clothes, half did not. Four women said that after a shower, the smell of the shower gel lasts up to 6 hours, the rest did not observe this.

We remember very well how our loved ones smell, what the aroma was in the apartment where you celebrated the New Year as a child, what the smell of the pie that was cooked at home on weekends was like. This is what my niece says when we pass by our favorite pastry shop, near which the divine aroma of freshly baked cakes reigns within a radius of two meters. A loved one says the same thing, brushing the wet hair of a girl who has just come out of the shower. But this scent is perfect for a date! But in the summer you can get by with eau de toilette or perfumed talcum powder. Clean hair and natural fabrics - wool, leather - also retain the aroma well. If you change perfume but not clothing, be careful as this may result in an unwanted mixture of scents. By the way, not a single scent smells the same - for each of us it mixes with body odor and gives birth to a unique combination.

There are some people who are very difficult to forget because they smell absolutely wonderful. By the way, foods that affect your natural aroma can also affect the perfume you wear, changing its structure and distorting the release of the scent. The process of applying perfume to the body has become a routine, since all women know the main places that are most suitable for, roughly speaking, smelling. If you want the scent to last longer, then you should give your preference to perfumed water rather than eau de toilette, whose consistency is much stronger. But this does not mean that your favorite perfume will have to be replaced.

Feminine scent. Smell delicious as always: small but important nuances

The aroma emanating from a woman should be light, alluring, barely noticeable and in no way aggressive. It should attract, excite, dizzy, seduce, and not suffocate or knock down! So how to smell delicious in order to charm and captivate, and not repel? Take these tips to yourself so that you always leave behind a pleasant, fresh, tasty and subtle trail of aroma.

A woman's scent is a secret weapon of seduction

1. There is no need to pour a huge amount of perfume on yourself; there is nothing good if you smell all over the street. This is a sign of bad manners and bad taste. Always remember that even if you no longer smell your perfume, other people smell it very well.

2. It happens that some women do not smell of perfume, which can cause suffocation. But they smell of sweat, which is generally unacceptable. Be sure to maintain your hygiene by showering every day and using antiperspirants. This is banal advice, however, there are women who do not bother with such banalities.

3. You need to take care not only of hygiene, but also of your food and drinks. Everything we eat and drink gives our body either a pleasant aroma or an unpleasant one. Fatty, spicy and fried foods directly affect our body odor. From heavy food the smell becomes heavy. In addition, this negatively affects the figure. You need to watch not only what you eat, but also what you drink. It’s not even worth talking about alcoholic drinks, it’s clear that they don’t add an aroma of freshness and purity to a woman, but it’s worth talking about coffee. It is important to know that if you drink a lot of coffee, your breath will smell bad, which you may not even notice.

4. Before going out, especially if it’s a date or an important meeting, put one drop of perfume on your palm. This will give your hands a light aroma, and if you touch the hands of your interlocutor, this aroma will remain on his palms and will remind him of you. And if it is an exclusive perfume with pheromones, then your chosen one will not be able to resist you. Such perfumes should be purchased only from those manufacturers who have a certificate and the right to sell.

5. Spray a little eau de toilette onto your comb before combing your hair. You are guaranteed a pleasant and light scent all day long.

6. In your wardrobe, spray all the hangers with your perfume or eau de toilette.

7. Place a handkerchief or woven bag in a drawer or box with linen, sprinkling it with your perfume before doing so.

8. When taking a bath or shower, place a few drops of aromatic oil on the wall near the bathtub or on the shower floor. Soon the aroma will smoothly envelop your body thanks to the steam, and when you leave the bathroom, a pleasant and light aroma will emanate from you.

9. And, of course, don’t forget to apply perfume correctly. They should be applied to those places where the pulse is felt (temples, wrists, neck, elbow bends, area under the knees).

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