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How to choose a ballpoint pen refill. Pen refills and their types. What to pay attention to

Despite general computerization, the transition to electronic document management, the development of Internet services for exchanging written messages and technological advances in the field of recording information, the good old pen does not give up its position. It is impossible to imagine the life and work of many people without this simple and common writing instrument. No matter how quickly technology develops, humanity will not give up “analog” writing for a very long time. And along with it there will be a need for pens.

By the way, when we say “pen,” we mean a fountain pen, that is, a device in which ink from a built-in reservoir is supplied to the writing unit. The traditional meaning of the word as a writing object that had to be dipped in ink is no longer used.

There are some interesting statistics. 92% of the world's inhabitants use pens. If we remember that recently the world’s population has exceeded 7 billion inhabitants, and each person buys 4-5 pens per year, then it is not difficult to calculate the annual market volume - more than 30 billion pens sold per year.

Pens in all their variety

There is a huge selection on the market today. Cheap options for those who just need to write, advanced designer pens, “demonstrators” of status and financial capabilities, collector's editions, products made from precious metals as works of art... All these pens are completely different in both design and functionality, but they are all can do one thing - leave marks on paper.

Let's look at how they differ.

Types of handles by design

Despite the fact that humanity is constantly striving to improve writing instruments, not so many types of pens have been invented. It is logical that fountain pens were the first. They began trying to attach a container of ink to a pen in the middle of the 19th century, but for the time being the experiments ended unsuccessfully. The pens turned out to be unreliable and either did not write at all or splashed out a lot of ink, leaving blots.

In 1884, the situation was corrected by insurance broker Lewis Edson Waterman. Having missed out on a lucrative contract due to a faulty pen (or so the legend goes), he set out to develop a more advanced writing instrument. Waterman was the first to realize that for an uninterrupted supply of ink, it was necessary to organize an air flow into the tank. To do this, he began to use two channels between the reservoir and the tip - the first carried ink in one direction, and the second carried air in the opposite direction. The Waterman pen was primitive by modern standards, but for its time it was a huge breakthrough. It was already really possible to use it. However, there were also plenty of shortcomings - the fountain pen only worked at normal atmospheric pressure, and, for example, at altitude it began to leak.

Modern fountain pen

Quite soon it was proposed to replace the pen in the tip with a ball. The idea was patented back in 1888 by John Loud, but it took a very long time to create a commercial mass model. The Hungarian journalist Laszlo Biro is considered the father of the modern ballpoint pen.

The operating principle of this type of pen is simple. The ink channel ends in a small metal ball. When writing, it rolls along the surface of the paper, wetting the back side with new ink. This simple scheme turned out to be the most reliable and efficient. Ballpoint pens wrote even in conditions where fountain pens would no longer work, and besides, they were cheap and very practical.

Ball pen

In 1953, en:Rotring specialists developed a capillary pen. It uses a special needle, which, when pressed on the paper, opens a channel for the supply of ink. You can use pressure to adjust the amount of ink. Capillary pens are rarely used for writing, but are indispensable in drawing. There are no thinner and more stable writing instruments.

Today, the vast majority of pens are ballpoint pens. Feathers are extremely rare, mainly as elite and expensive items. It is more difficult to write with them, and it requires some skill, in addition, such pens are more expensive to use. Capillary pens are generally disappearing as a class, primarily due to the fact that almost no one draws by hand now - in this area, computer technology was able to win.

Capillary pen

Classification by type of ink

Nobody has proposed new types of pens for a long time; all researchers have switched to developing inks. Experiments are mainly carried out with ballpoint pens, as they are the most common and popular.

Traditionally, ballpoint pens used (and still use) a special paste, which consists of resins, oils, dyes or pigments and some other components. The special feature of the paste is low fluidity so that the ink does not leave the core too quickly. Despite this, cheap and low-quality ballpoint pens are used with a bang, because the ink depends not only on the composition, but also on the quality of workmanship. The paste is very cheap and fades enough when writing; it is considered to have the weakest effect on the eyes, but at the same time it is very unstable and fades quickly.

After paste, oil ink was invented. They were due to the use of a narrow tip and a small ball. Traditional ink was not suitable for this design, so other, less viscous inks were invented. This ink provides softer, more accurate writing with virtually no pressure. They are much more practical - they do not blur under water, do not fade over time, and are economical. However, the production of such ink is more difficult, so pens with them are more expensive than with traditional ink.

Rollerball pen

Next came the so-called roller skates. These are ballpoint pens in which the ink composition is similar to that used in fountain pens. This ink is water-based and is very practical to use: it dries more slowly and writes more clearly - although, of course, it is not very cheap and is used up quickly.

Gel pens were the last to be invented and are considered the most promising. The special gel consistency of this ink allows for the least friction between the ball, ink and tip. This leads to the fact that the quality of writing improves, and the line left on the paper becomes softer and clearer. Gel ink is very practical: it is bright and noticeable, takes a long time to dry, but is resistant to light and water, in addition, this type of ink is very inexpensive. The only negative is the high consumption, which forces you to frequently change the refills and increases the cost of writing.

Gel pens

In addition to inks, active developments are underway in the field of tank design. Among the latest achievements, we can note systems called “ink-reservoir” and “free-ink”. The first feature is a fibrous storage device, similar in structure to that used in felt-tip pens. Thanks to it, ink is consumed more economically, however, the contrast of the letter also decreases. “Free-Ink”, on the contrary, is a direct supply system for ink that flows with virtually no obstacles. This makes the lines brighter and bolder, but the consumption increases. In both systems, there are special ink reservoirs near the ball, which allow you to write with the point up for some time. An ordinary ballpoint pen does not have this ability.

Prices and brands

The price range for pens is huge. A simple one can be bought for 1.5-2 rubles, and the cost of the most expensive ones skyrockets. Three price segments can be distinguished.

Cheap pens cost up to 10 rubles. These products can be found in any stationery store, newsstand, supermarket - they are sold everywhere. These are ballpoint pens without a spring with paste as ink. They write not very well, they flow with a bang, but they are economical. For those who have to write a lot, this is the best choice. The most popular products in this segment are 927 and Corvina handles. These are not brands, but specifically types of pens; they are produced in a lot of factories, most in China, but some in Russia and even Europe. These models are extremely popular, it is difficult to imagine a person who has never seen them. If you don’t recognize them by name, then look at the photo and immediately remember them. In the cheap segment there are also the simplest gel pens.

Handle type "927"

Corvina type handle

Mid-price pens cost from 10 to 30 rubles. There are already gel products from well-known manufacturers, as well as pens with springs that can hide the writing part and do without caps. The choice in this segment is the largest; there are a lot of manufacturers represented. We can mention Schneider, Pentel, Staedtler, Faber-Castel, Erich Krause and Proff. Trying to somehow classify pens in this price group is useless - there are so many of them. Manufacturers not only do not strive to reduce the number of models, but, on the contrary, deliberately introduce new ones, trying to play on the interest in the new product.

Expensive pens cost from 30 rubles. And this segment can be further divided into three parts: moderately expensive, simply expensive and very expensive.

The cost of moderately expensive ones does not exceed 100 rubles. They are bought for household use by people who are not indifferent to the quality of writing instruments. These include top-end pens from the brands mentioned above, as well as Rotring, Senator and Lecce Pen. Here you can find ballpoint pens, gel pens, and even ink pens. Affordable fountain pens are also found in this segment.

In the subsegment of simply expensive pens, Parker is the leader. Such pens often act as gifts, can be used on “status” occasions, and can also be used by fans for regular writing. The latter happens quite rarely; nevertheless, the cost of both the pen itself and the consumables for it bites.

Parker pen

Very expensive pens cost from 1000 rubles. This includes everything that was not included in the previous segments in terms of price - designer pens, collectible pens, made of precious metals. They write with such pens only in exceptional cases, because they are valuable or a piece of art.

Ballpoint pen refills

Manufacturers of pens (most likely deliberately and for completely mercantile reasons) make the refills of some pens completely different from others. Nowadays, dozens, if not hundreds of types of rods of various shapes and sizes are sold in stores. So, Parker refills will not fit Sheaffer pens, and Pilot refills will not fit either.

All rods are designed the same way: the ball rotates inside a metal groove, one side touches the paper, the other is immersed in a reservoir of ink. If you place the writing unit of the pen on the paper and start moving it, the ball will rotate and transfer ink from the reservoir to the paper. The ball and writing unit are made of corrosion-resistant metal (tungsten carbide), but more exotic materials are also found (for example, ceramic balls).

Types of rods

The rods are filled with ink of different properties.

The refills, which we call "regular ballpoint" refills, are filled with oil-based ink, they are very viscous and thick.

There are very liquid inks - such pens are called rollerballs; In them, the ink “shimmers” freely if you turn the pen or simply shake it.

Or ink that has a gel structure - gel pens.

The ink can become discolored when heated () or, conversely, be super-resistant, so it cannot be washed off with either water or solvent ().

The rods differ in the size of the ball (the size of the ball is usually indicated in the name of the model, for example,). The most popular sizes of balls are 0.5, 0.7, 1.0 mm. It is important to remember that a 0.5 mm ball leaves a line of about 0.3 mm on the paper, that is, the width of the line is always less than the diameter of the ball!

Despite such diversity, there are several types of rods for which there is a standard. Such rods are interchangeable, and it does not matter which factory made them. So, if your rod looks like this:

This means you are lucky, and you will not encounter any problems when selecting a rod.

These G2 refills have a distinctive shape and are often referred to simply as “Parker refills.” This is an international standard (ISO). G2 rods are made by: Parker, Kaweco, Schmidt, Schneider, Pelikan, and are also made in many unnamed Chinese and Indian factories.

What you need to know about pen refills:

1. There are dozens (and hundreds) of different types of refills, you need to know exactly which one fits your pen; choosing “at random” most likely will not work.

2. The most common refill formats (there is even an international standard) are G2 refills (or Parker refills), D1 refills (short (67 mm), thin refills for multifunctional and compact pens)

and G1 - rollerball rods.

3. Refills can vary greatly in ink volume: the most capacious record refills are: (writes 8000 m), (6500 m).

4. The markings F, M, B on the rod refer to the thickness of the line that this rod leaves on the paper: Fine - thin, Medium - medium, Broad - thick line.

5. Conventional refills supply ink under the influence of gravity, the working position of the pen is with the writing unit down. For weightlessness, writing upside down, on wet paper, you need a rod with excess pressure (for example, a rod,).

6. The thinnest lines start from 0.1 mm.

Updated: 09.19.2019 00:22:01

Expert: Boris Mendel

*Review of the best sites according to the editors. About the selection criteria. This material is subjective in nature, does not constitute advertising and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

Handwriting, despite the widespread use of computer technology, does not lose its relevance: we sign documents with our own hands, and from time to time we fill out questionnaires, receipts and statements. For these purposes you need a pen: gel, ballpoint or fountain pen. It can be either an item of daily use for a schoolchild or office worker, or an accessory that emphasizes the status of the owner. EXPERTOLOGY presents a ranking of the 11 best writing pens for different occasions.

A few points to make the right choice

Just a few years ago, on store shelves you could find standard handles with a relief for resting your fingers or simply in a smooth body. These were suitable for both right-handers and left-handers, but were not particularly comfortable. Today the situation is different, you can choose a handle according to individual requests:

  1. Automatic or with cap. The handles, the shaft of which extends by pressing a button, are convenient from the point of view of maneuverability - take it out, press it and start writing. The cap is often lost. On the other hand, regular pens without a button are useful for children with emerging discipline. Pens with caps are more often found in public organizations and pencil cases for junior schoolchildren.
  2. Universal or for right/left hand. If such a question did not arise before, today manufacturers take into account the anatomical features of a particular hand and place the thumb rest on the desired side.
  3. Gel or ink. A regular ballpoint pen lasts longer, but is unable to write on smooth, glossy or slightly greasy surfaces, unlike a gel pen.

Rating of the best pens for writing

Nomination place Name of product price
The best gel pens 1 550 ₽
2 166 RUR
3 159 RUR
The Best Ballpoint Pens for Everyday Writing 1 332 RUR
2 212 RUR
3 209 RUR
4 220 ₽
The best pens for business people 1 RUB 24,128
2 13,900 RUR
3 RUR 3,599
The best luxury fountain pens 1 RUB 52,510

The best gel pens

Pens with a refill filled with ink gel are in demand in a bureaucratic environment: they are used to fill out important documents and forms in banks, office supplies, and are indispensable for school Unified State Examinations. The need is due to several factors: firstly, such a pen writes on almost any surface, including smooth ones, and secondly, the printed icons and letters are thin, clear and easy to read for scanning technology.

The rating opens with a unique gel pen with an automatic opening mechanism, Stabilo Easy gel, created taking into account the anatomy of the teenage and adult hand - curves and stops for right-handed or left-handed people, comfortable grip, streamlined shape. The grip area is made of rubber, which prevents your fingers from slipping during long-term writing. The original Stabilo ink is of high quality, the nib is 0.5 mm, it dries quickly and does not smear on paper, but runs out quickly, especially when used by high school students and students when taking notes.

The Stabilo Easy gel pen can be purchased for the right (R) or left (L) hand in a yellow, blue or purple case for an average of 480 rubles.


    Ergonomic anatomical body shape;

    Option for right-handed or left-handed;

    High quality quick drying ink.


    High price for a pen;

    When learning to write, there is a risk of getting dirty with ink.

Pilot Frixion Ball with Erasable Ink

In second place in the rating is the Pilot Frixion Ball gel pen, the ink of which dries quickly after application, but if necessary, can be discolored by intense heat. The option is convenient for correcting documents and letters - no mark is left on the paper, and a special thermoplastic built into the pen body helps to make corrections accurately. The adjustment procedure can be repeated up to several times without harm to the surface. Please note: it is impossible to remove gel ink with an eraser. Any reasonable methods are suitable for heating (hair dryer, lighter from the bottom of the sheet, a heated spoon, etc.); to correct what is written, a temperature of +60 0 C is required. However, to prevent the initial blots from appearing again, documents should not be cooled below -18 0 WITH.

The Pilot Frixion Ball pen will be of interest to schoolchildren and students as a way to transmit notes and messages, as well as office workers for filling out important documents, representatives of various services for encryption, etc.

The shape of the pen body is universal with a round cross-section, available colors: blue, purple, green, red and black. The cost starts from 166 rubles.


    Thermal correction of the written text with the ability to restore the corrected text;

    Line thickness 0.5 mm;

    Available in 5 colors of gel in sticks;

    The ink dries quickly.


    The colors are not the most saturated, rather watercolor;

    The drawing on the body is erased quickly.

Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip pens provide a quick-drying line that won't wash away with water. Rods with black and blue gel are in demand among schoolchildren, students and office workers, and white ones are in demand among decorators and designers; they are ideal for painting on dark and colored paper.

The shape of the handle body is traditional, equipped with a rubber holder for a comfortable grip without slipping your fingers. The quality of the gel allows you to write easily without effort, achieving a fine line of 0.4 mm.

The cost of Pentel Hybrid Gel Grip handles is from 140 rubles.


    Fine writing;

    Indelible gel ink with dense color;

    Classic handle body with rubber grip pad.


  • Few flowers.

The Best Ballpoint Pens for Everyday Writing

For daily work with papers in the office and notes in educational institutions, ordinary ballpoint pens are more suitable. They got their name for the design feature of the rod: when you press on a sheet of paper, the ball moves away from the edge of the pen, opening the way for ink, which is applied to the sheet by this same ball. Unlike gel pens, ballpoint pens leave a printed mark on the surface, making adjustments to the written text is difficult, and the ink itself is quite durable.

A stylish automatic pen in blue, turquoise, black, lilac or white with an elegant metal clip-mount and a button for retracting the rod, the Faber-Castell Poly Ball XB is convenient for right-handers and left-handers - the grip area with a triangular cross-section reduces stress on the fingers during long writing. The bright ink doesn’t let you down either: it ensures smooth writing and you don’t need to press hard on the pen.

It is worth noting: despite the ease of use and impressive appearance, the line thickness is 0.8 mm - it will not be the most elegant letter, but the line is neat and not smeared.

You can buy Faber-Castell Poly Ball XB in a casing of different colors with a blue rod from 305 rubles.


    Convenient body;

    The line does not smear;

    Uniform ink output;

    Different body colors.


    High price;

    Thick line.

The thin and elegant handle in a metal case Berlingo Golden Luxe is equipped with a rotary mechanism with a separating ring of an interesting design, which is echoed by a golden clip. There are no special gaskets or threads in the holder area, but this does not significantly affect the writing quality thanks to the high-quality ink with a ballpoint pen, the result is a neat line with a line thickness of 0.7 mm, which is thinner than that of the leader in the rating.

On the pen in burgundy, blue or black, you can place a company logo or memorable symbols, then the product will be an excellent gift for partners or colleagues; the effect of the gift is enhanced by an individual plastic case.

The cost of the pen is about 212 rubles.


    Sleek design;

    Rotary opening/closing mechanism;

    A neat stroke without ink smudges.


  • There is no designated capture zone.

In third place in the rating is the Zebra F-301 ergonomic automatic ballpoint pen in a black or blue stainless steel case. There is a corrugated pad for the fingers in the gripping area, although it is plastic, but there is still a support. The handle will last a long time - the manufacturer relies on the absence of plastic elements of the main structure, and the steel clamp will not fall off even after years.

A special feature of the Zebra F-301 is a refill with an increased ink volume, which will last for a relatively long time. To buy a pen, you will have to shell out about 200 rubles.


    Housing – stainless steel;

    Individual case;

    Finger support at the gripping point.


  • It is difficult to find original replacement rods.

The rating in the ballpoint pen category is completed by the most budget option – Pilot Acroball. The retractable mechanism is automatic, reusable, and does not jam or wear out for a long time. The color of the plastic case corresponds to the shade of the ink - blue, black or gray. Acroball is one of the most comfortable pens, it is equipped with a rubberized structured finger rest, soft and easy writing is facilitated by high-quality viscous ink, uniformly supplied through the ball to the paper.

The cost of the Pilot Acroball pen is relatively affordable - about 140 rubles; original replacement ink is also not difficult to purchase.


    Comfortable design and finger rest;

    High viscosity ink with dense color;

    Relatively affordable price compared to previously reviewed models.


  • Ink may smear.

The best pens for business people

Pens for businessmen, politicians, senior managers and other important persons are not only a tool for putting signatures on important papers, they are an accessory that can emphasize the taste and status of the owner. As a rule, this is a metal body of noble design, excellent quality ink and a working refill. You have to pay a lot for a representative exterior and quality, but the investment works for the prospect of successful contracts and agreements. Pens are great as gifts for business partners and dignitaries.

The rating opens with the impressive Parker Sonnet Slim Sterling Silver CT ballpoint pen with a silver body covered with cross-engraving. The pen of medium thickness M writes perfectly evenly and will never smudge. Sonnet Slim Sterling comes with a stylish branded case suitable for gifting and storing the pen.

Buying a Parker Sonnet Slim Sterling Silver CT is not a cheap pleasure; the pen will cost 24,128 rubles or more.


    Silver case with engraving;

    Comes with a presentable case;

    Average line thickness.

    • Laconic design;

      Classic black case;

      Pleasant color of the gray noble resin body;

      Convenient ergonomics of the case.


    • Not defined.

    Parker IM Premium Black/Gold GT

    The status Parker IM Premium Black/Gold GT pen in the budget segment is available in three types: automatic, rollerball (with cap) and fountain pen. The body of each is made of anodized matte aluminum, the tip and clamp are gold-plated brass.

    The Parker IM Premium Black/Gold GT pen is both comfortable and stylish, perfect as an accessory to highlight your style, as a gift, or as a tool for signing important contracts and documents.

    The only representative of the category in the rating of fountain pens is the French Waterman “Elegance Black GT”, made of jewelry brass (nib), 23 carat gold plated with rhodium plating. The ring surrounding the body of the pen is decorated with an engraving of the Waterman brand, similar to jewelry.

    The writing pen is made of brass coated with black lacquer and is equipped with a De luxe piston convector with a two-channel ink supply system from a cartridge. The kit includes 8 replaceable cartridges, sealed with a polyethylene cap, as well as an international warranty card for 8 months, indicating the highest quality of the pen. Everything is packed in a branded case.

    The cost of a Waterman "Elegance Black GT" fountain pen is about 50,000 rubles.


      Jewelry execution of the case and its components;

      No ink leakage;

      8 replaceable cartridges;

      8 month warranty.


    • High price (determined by the cost of a gram of gold).

    Attention! This rating is subjective in nature, is not an advertisement and does not serve as a purchase guide. Before purchasing, consultation with a specialist is required.

First of all, you need to decide for whom you are choosing a gift, understand the status of this person, his preferences and sophistication of taste.

What should I do if the courier delivered the product and I didn’t like it? Can I return it to the courier immediately?

According to the Law of the Russian Federation “On the Protection of Consumer Rights”, Art. 497, clause 4, you can refuse the goods immediately after the courier arrives, paying only the delivery cost.

What warranty periods apply to the products?

All products of our online store are equipped with an official warranty card and a warranty period; servicing takes place in specialized service centers.

How to refill a pen and pencil?

Fountain pen with piston filler.

Unscrew the handle body counterclockwise.

Turn the clamp on the end of the ink reservoir inside until it stops.

Now turn the clamp on the end of the reservoir clockwise until it stops, thus refilling the ink into it.

Unscrew the clamp half a turn to release a drop of ink, thereby removing air from the reservoir.

Dry the pen with a cloth.

Screw the housing.

Fountain pen with converter.

Unscrew the handle body counterclockwise to gain access to the converter.

Immerse the pen nib completely into the ink container.

Turn the converter head clockwise to refill the ink reservoir.

Turn the converter head half a turn counterclockwise to drain a drop of ink, thereby removing air from the reservoir.

Dry the pen with a cloth.

Screw the housing.

Fountain pen with replaceable cartridge.

Unscrew the upper part of the housing counterclockwise.

Remove the empty cartridge, if there is one.

Insert a new cartridge.

Open the safety valve and let the ink flow.

Lightly press down on the cartridge to release a drop of ink, thereby removing any air.

Dry the pen with a cloth.

Screw the top housing back on.


Inside the rollerball there is a refill similar to the refill of a regular ballpoint pen, and it is replaced in the same way as a ballpoint pen. To do this, you need to unscrew the roller housing counterclockwise, remove the empty rod, insert a new one and tighten the housing. The roller is ready for use.

Mechanical pencil.

Unscrew the pencil body counterclockwise.

Remove the internal structure of the pencil.

Remove the nozzle.

Insert a lead of the appropriate caliber.

Reinsert the internal device.

Screw the housing.

Today, stationery stores offer the best pens from famous manufacturers and a huge range of writing instruments for mass use. Among them, it is easy to choose products for official gifts, calligraphy classes, daily notes, study, or completing an office set.

What types of pens are there?

Popular types of pens include: ballpoint, fountain, gel, rollerball, liner. In this article we will look at what their features and advantages are, what the principle of operation is.

Ballpoint pens

Ballpoint pens have become widespread due to their low cost, practicality, and smooth, thin line. There are 3 types of handles.

    Automatic models are equipped with a button or a rotary mechanism that “hides” the rod in the body, preventing the paste from spreading.

    Non-automatic models are equipped with a cap. When closed, the ink does not dry out, and the paste does not stain your bag or pencil case. Easy refill replacement and low cost contributed to the widespread adoption of non-automatic pens.

    School models. Writing instruments for students are ergonomic and suitable for left- and right-handed people. A school pen usually has a bright body, has decorative overlays and serves as an excellent training tool for a child who is just starting to learn penmanship.

Among the best pens there are models with several multi-colored rods, a comfortable rubberized body, and decorative elements. To please consumers, soft oil-based paste is poured into ballpoint pens, their thickness and tip shape are changed, and the pen bodies are given original shapes.

The practicality and convenience of the design makes it possible to purchase such writing instruments for government agencies, offices, and educational institutions. They are readily used by schoolchildren and students, as well as anyone who takes notes from time to time.

Gel pens

They have become popular due to their soft, even line, rich ink color, which does not smear or be washed away by water. Such refills do not need to be painted; the ink does not dry out when the cap is closed.

The best gel pens are available in sets and individually and are used by schoolchildren, office workers, and graphic artists. The variety of palette and even, clear strokes made them a sought-after visual material. Today even professional graphic artists use them.

Gel pens are divided into:

    for automatic ones and those equipped with a cap;

    disposable and with a replaceable rod;

    black, blue, metallic tones (golden, silver), etc. - according to the color of the ink;

    models with a standard or needle tip shape;

    products in plastic cases and with rubberized linings.

The gel paste is easy to apply and wash off, which has attracted the interest of tattoo and body art artists - many of them draw a preliminary sketch of the composition using only gel pens.

The products have become in demand in all decorative fields where pen and ink were previously used. The cheapness of the tool and the neatness of the lines help novice calligraphers master the basics of beautiful writing techniques.

The main area of ​​application remains stationery - for writing and filling out forms, gel pens are good because they do not scratch the paper and leave an even, clear stroke; ink does not bleed through the sheet.

Rollerball pens

They differ from gel line thicknesses - from 0.25 mm. Used in writing and drawing. The thin rod allows you to make small strokes, valuable in spontaneous sketches. For a roller, it makes no difference at what angle the plane on which you write lies—the stroke will be clear in any case. This is the advantage of the products over ball models.

Rollerball pens are a recent addition, but they are preferred for their practicality, versatility and elegant, fine line.

The design of the products is standard: there are disposable, reusable, and automatic models.


Thin, colorful liners serve writing and artistic purposes. A straight line, barely noticeable strokes, and different colors of paste allow you to create expressive images with the effect of engraving or ink drawing. For manga and comic book artists, liners are necessary because they allow them to work out small details: folds of skin and fabrics, eye expressions, conveying shades of the emotional states of characters. They are also used by designers and architects to create lines of a certain thickness (it is indicated on the body of the product).

Notes are taken using liners. Fans of calligraphy use them to create impressive, subtle strokes. The pens are refilled with water-based ink, similar to markers.

Types of liners are classified:

    line thickness - from 0.3 to 1 mm;

    color - black, blue, other tones of the spectrum;

    possibilities for restoring functionality - refillable and disposable.

They sell tools in sets and individually.

Professional designers prefer to work with good pens in black and brown shades. A black liner creates a dramatic outline, while a brown liner helps to draw facial features, skin and other details of realistic characters.


Special writing utensils for refilling with ink or liquid ink. Leave a thin, clear line on the paper. The thickness of the stroke is from 0.18 mm. Used in drawing and graphic works. A reusable rapidograph will be an appropriate gift for an architect, designer, or engineer. The professional tool is designed for many years of service.

Fountain pens

Just 40 years ago they were among the mandatory school supplies. Because it was believed that beautiful handwriting could only be developed with a pen. Today, fountain pens have remained the prerogative of conservative aesthetes from the scientific, business and cultural spheres of activity.

The bodies of elite writing instruments are made of steel, brass, and metal alloys. Engraving, embossing, and enamel inserts are used as decoration. The case design assumes noble tones: dark blue, dark green, gold, silver, palladium.

The feather is also made of steel, chrome-plated steel, and is often plated with gold (18 or 23 carats).

The best fountain pens are filled with ink or ink. Consumables are contained in special cartridges or poured through a converter. Manufacturers produce cartridges for specific models of handles, but there are also universal ones for different products.

Converters require refilling with liquid ink and replenishing the volume as needed.

Pens are sold in individual cases with the manufacturer's logo. The brand name is indicated on the body and front of the product. If the tool is charged with a converter, this device is placed separately in the package. The expensive model comes with a passport with instructions for refueling and use.

Advantages of feather products:

    aesthetics and classic design - serve as an indicator of status and good taste;

    unpolished metal body - it is comfortable to hold in your hand;

    smooth, soft line - allows you to write on inclined surfaces;

    ability to change ink color;

    unlimited service life.

Pens for business people

In business circles, it is not customary to sacrifice convenience and efficiency for the sake of status. This is reflected in writing instruments, which often become official gifts. For those who appreciate the beauty of design and high-quality materials, but do not want to fill converters with ink, luxury stationery manufacturers have developed stylish models of ballpoint and gel pens.

Characteristics of luxury class models:

    made in metal cases in the color of silver, bronze, brass;

    finished with chrome inserts, stainless steel, gilding, engraving, varnish;

    filled with black or blue paste;

    automatic, with clamp for fastening.

The pens use proprietary replaceable refills that write easily and softly. Line thickness is 0.3-0.8 mm.

Products are sold individually in cases with instructions and passport. They have a 1 or 2 year warranty from the manufacturer. They are also included in sets of elite writing instruments along with stands, watches, and business card holders.

Pen manufacturers

Among the large companies producing luxury writing instruments, Russian buyers know the following brands: Parker, Pilot, Pentel, Pierre Cardin, Schneider, Verdie, Waterman.

Every year new models appear in the company's catalog, but popular classics do not disappear from them.

Parker is a famous American brand whose products have been used by presidents. Today, the company has representative offices in 10 countries. They supply office supplies and consumables to the world market. Branded products are positioned as the best official and corporate gifts, as evidenced by the company’s advertising slogan: “It’s more than a gifts.” It’s Parker” (“This is more than just gifts. This is Parker”).

German company Schneider For 80 years, it has been producing writing instruments for all categories of users - from schoolchildren to ministers. The company's catalog includes ballpoint, gel, fountain pens, markers, mechanical pencils, as well as consumables - refills, liquid ink, cartridges and nibs.

Pierre Cardin. The corporation, operating under the name of the great fashion designer, the founder of the ready-to-wear trend, today produces accessories, wallets, as well as stylish ballpoint pens and stands for them.

Waterman is a French manufacturer of writing instruments with a 130-year history. The pens of this brand are distinguished by their elegant design and belong to high-style accessories.

Japanese company Pilot produces stationery and jewelry products of elite and mass lines. The catalog includes fountain pens, mechanical pencils, liners, markers, inks and everything you need for writing and graphics.

Among the companies producing office supplies for mass consumption: Attache, BIC, Unimax, Kores, Faber-Castell and many others. Their inexpensive, good pens are in constant demand among students, office workers, and government employees. Products are sold individually and in sets, with paste of the same or different colors.

Komus offers to purchase products from any of the above brands. In the online store you will find luxury products at special prices and consumer products. Stationery products are sold wholesale and retail.

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