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If the elbows are dark reasons. How to get rid of black elbows at home. Why does the skin on my elbows dry and peel?

There are diseases that are difficult to classify as diseases. Rather, these are just symptoms that indicate that not everything is okay with the body. And one of these symptoms is black and dry elbows.

Of course, the problem of black elbows can be dealt with quite simply - by applying moisturizer to them more often. But there are situations when this does not help. And it would also be useful to understand the reason for the appearance of this unpleasant phenomenon.

The first suspicion should fall on hypothyroidism, that is, a lack of thyroid hormones in the body. In order to accurately confirm or refute the diagnosis, you need to visit an endocrinologist and donate blood for the appropriate hormones.

If a visit to the doctor and a laboratory test of hormones showed that everything is normal, then the body most likely has a lack of such important vitamins as A and E. If there are no deviations from the norm, then there is only one thing left - improper care of the elbows .

Although there is another disease that appears if you do not follow some rules. This disease is called hyperkeratosis of the elbows, that is, the skin in places of strong friction begins to thicken quite noticeably.

This can occur when there is constant pressure on the elbow area, such as when sitting at a desk. In this case, the elbows constantly rest against the table top. And if the reason is just hyperkeratosis, then baths will help cure this disease.

First you need to steam your elbows in hot water. You should add soda or iodized salt to this water - 1 teaspoon per glass of water. You need to keep your elbows in this water for 10 – 15 minutes. Then you need to wait until they dry slightly, but not completely, and then begin to massage them very actively. Then you need to apply a small slice of lemon to your elbow, wrap it in cling film and wrap it, for example, in a scarf. Lemon should be kept for about 15 minutes. Then rinse the skin with cool water and lubricate with a thick layer of rich cream. It is best to use a cream that contains shea butter.

There are several folk recipes that will help get rid of dry and black elbows. The simplest of them is a compress made from olive oil. A small napkin should be moistened generously with oil, applied to the elbow and wrapped in cling film. The compress must be kept for an hour.

You can prepare an elbow mask from mashed potatoes, olive oil and honey. After mixing all the ingredients, the resulting mixture should be applied to the elbow area, wrapped in cling film and kept for 30 minutes. Then you need to remove the mask, rinse your elbows and lubricate them with baby cream.


Check with an endocrinologist"Dirty Syndrome" elbows» may be a sign of adrenal or thyroid insufficiency. In this case, no cosmetic procedures will help you - treatment is necessary. In some cases, the color of the skin of the elbows is negatively affected by a lack of vitamins A and E. Doctors will also help you establish this fact.

Remove rough skin. You can use a homemade body scrub to do this. Mix a couple of tablespoons of sour cream with the same amount of medium-ground salt. Rub this mixture into problem areas while showering. Another method of eliminating darkened skin is also effective. Grate 1 onion on a fine grater, apply the resulting paste to your elbows, secure with a bandage or adhesive plaster. After half an hour, remove the compress and remove the softened skin with a body brush or pumice stone. After the cleansing procedure, it is recommended to apply a nourishing cream to your elbows.

Whiten your elbows Cut the lemon into thin slices, secure them on your elbows with a bandage for half an hour. If you don’t have time for a compress, just wipe the darkened areas with lemon slices. You can also improve the condition of the skin on your elbows using compresses made from grated raw potatoes. Or prepare a bleaching bath: add 1 teaspoon of ammonia and the same amount of liquid soap to a liter of warm water. Pour the mixture into a wide bowl and soak your elbows in it for 20 minutes.

Nourish your skin The skin on your elbows is prone to dryness and flaking. After water treatments, rub creams containing jojoba and shea butter into it. Instead of cream, you can take flaxseed or olive oil.

Helpful advice

Try to lean less on your elbows - this habit makes them dark and rough. If you are healthy, but cosmetic procedures do not help you, then “black elbows” are your individual feature. In this case, all that remains is to come to terms with it.


  • clean your elbows

The skin on the elbows often becomes dry and rough, changing color to brownish. With proper care, the problem can be avoided or its manifestations can be minimized. Both folk and cosmetic products are suitable for elbow care.


Every day, lubricate the skin on your elbows with a nourishing cream enriched with vitamins A and E. Any child's cream is optimal, but keep in mind that if it is too oily, the procedure should be carried out in the evening. Otherwise, marks may remain on clothing. In fact, pharmacies and stores offer a wide range of products designed specifically for the care of elbows, heels and knees - they have a balanced composition and saturate the skin with nutrients.

If you notice that your skin has become dry, then it’s time to take a bath. Pour water into a wide basin, add a teaspoon of sea salt, a tablespoon of olive or sunflower oil, a vitamin A capsule and the same amount of E. Immerse your elbows in the water and hold for 15 minutes, then use a scrub. If you don’t have any products containing abrasive particles, regular soda mixed with liquid soap will do. Apply the composition to the skin with massaging movements. Afterwards, wash it off.

Use lemon juice if your skin begins to darken. To do this, squeeze the juice from one fruit, soak small napkins in it and apply to your elbows steamed in hot water. Leave for 10 minutes, rinse skin with water. Dip with a towel and brush with olive oil, wait until it is completely absorbed. In just a few procedures, your elbows will take on a fresh look and become soft. Instead of squeezing the lemon juice, you can cut the fruit into slices. They need to be applied to problem areas.

Once a week, make a mask of banana with sour cream - mix the ingredients using a blender until smooth, then add a little lemon juice. Apply to cleansed elbows for 15 minutes. Afterwards, use any moisturizing cream. Using a scrub before applying a mask is mandatory if the skin on your elbows is peeling.

Professional elbow care is the best choice. If you have free time and money, visit beauty salons. Paraffin therapy is a great help if you need to restore your skin to its original appearance. The peelings and masks that the master has at his disposal also cannot be compared with those that you can buy or prepare yourself.


If your elbows are dry, and the procedures carried out do not help or bring only temporary results, you should contact an endocrinologist and dermatologist, and also get tested. Sometimes the problem is related to health problems. By eliminating the cause, the manifestations will also disappear.

Folk methods - baths and masks - are good for dry, rough elbows. Additional recommendations for elbow care and the use of nourishing creams will not be superfluous.

Elbow baths

There are two effective baths. One of them is based on soap and soda, the other on starch. In order to prepare the first recipe, you need to take soapy water and fifty grams of baking soda. The elbows should be immersed in the resulting solution for ten minutes, then removed and treated with pumice. Then you need to lubricate them with cream. Next, you need to dip your elbows in the same solution again and lubricate them with cream. This procedure can be done once a week.

A starch bath is prepared using a glass of water and a teaspoon of starch. After the starch has dissolved in a given volume of water, you need to dilute the resulting composition with another liter of liquid. To keep your elbows from itching and your skin to become soft, you should keep your elbows in this mixture for five to ten minutes, then rinse them with water and lubricate them well with a nourishing fatty cream.

Elbow masks

To prevent the skin from being dry, it is important to soften it properly. For this you can use orange juice mixed with vegetable oil. The ratio of these parts is taken one to one. This compress should be applied to the skin for half an hour; for this it is best to use a cotton pad.

A mask based on the use of warm boiled potatoes and honey will help make the skin of your elbows softer. It is enough to mix these ingredients and apply the mask to the skin for twenty minutes.

For dry and rough skin, onion porridge is effective. Making such a mask is very simple: apply onion porridge to your elbow and secure with a band-aid. The duration of the compress is twenty minutes, after which you should remove rough skin with a pumice stone and apply vegetable oil or rich cream.

To get rid of peeling and cracks, you can make compresses from sour cream or vegetable oil. It is necessary to lubricate the elbow with one of these ingredients and cover everything with gauze. After fifteen minutes, the mask can be washed off with water.

In addition to using traditional methods, it is important to follow some simple recommendations. For example, you should stop leaning on your elbows or do it as little as possible. You should also wash with glycerin soap and try not to wear synthetic clothing. During the shower, you can use a body scrub and use it to remove dead cells on the elbows; after the forehead, it is advisable to lubricate this area with a nourishing cream.

Dry skin on the elbows does not cause any particular problems for its owner, but it looks unattractive, especially in the summer, when it is impossible to disguise this defect with long sleeves. Over time, painful and deep cracks may appear in the roughened areas, reminiscent of themselves when moving awkwardly. Give your elbows tenderness and softness with simple methods.

You will need

  • - coltsfoot, linden, chamomile or calendula;
  • - olive oil;
  • - kefir, citrus juice or rice broth;
  • - fine salt;
  • - cream;
  • - hydrogen peroxide;
  • - lemon juice.


People who have already encountered a similar problem in their lives know firsthand that you can get rid of keratinized skin with the help of ordinary pumice. But this method is the shortest way to the appearance of cracks. Therefore, you need to approach solving the problem comprehensively, remembering that mechanical methods of removing keratinized particles of the epidermis can only aggravate the situation.

It is advisable to use plant-based products that contain the necessary complex of microelements to combat dry skin on the elbows. It is possible that rough skin is caused by a lack of vitamins C and A in the body. Therefore, at the initial stage it is necessary to use baths of herbal decoctions. Coltsfoot, linden flowers, chamomile, nettle and calendula are perfect for this. Pour four tablespoons of one of the listed herbs with two liters of water, put on fire and bring to a boil. Then strain the broth and divide into two parts. Lower your elbows, the liquid should cover the problem areas. Steaming time is twenty minutes.

Prepare a moisturizing and nourishing mask at home that will get rid of rough skin on your elbows. Take one teaspoon of fine salt and mix with the same amount of high-fat cream (can be replaced with sour cream). Add one teaspoon each of hydrogen peroxide and freshly squeezed lemon juice. Mix all the components of the mask thoroughly and apply to steamed and exfoliated elbow skin. Wrap in cling film and leave for thirty minutes. Then wash your elbows, wipe dry and lubricate with nourishing cream. It is recommended to use this mask every other day. Soon your elbows will become soft and tender again.

Video on the topic

When a person discovers that he has rough elbows, signs of the disease should be looked for in dysfunction of the internal secretion organs.

They are responsible for the condition of the entire body, and any pathological condition is associated with a malfunction in their work. Disruption of metabolic processes leads to an increase in the keratinized layer of the epidermis, which does not have time to exfoliate naturally. If increased dryness of the skin is observed in certain areas of the body, then this phenomenon is called keratosis. If metabolic disorders are observed throughout the body, then this condition is called hyperkeratosis, which should be treated in a dermatology clinic.

To change the condition of the skin, treatment for rough elbows is aimed at improving the biochemical processes that make the skin softer and more elastic. The problem can only be solved with comprehensive treatment. Then the condition of the layers of the epidermis will improve, and the elbows will take on their normal appearance. If your elbows are rough, then the reasons for this and the necessary treatment should be found out from your doctor.

Why does the skin begin to get rough?

In healthy people, the cause of rough skin may be mechanical friction, which the skin of the hands experiences for a long time. Elbows that are rough and dark occur in those people who lean on them for a long time while working at the table.

The epidermis is a multi-layered structure that has many functions. Through its layers, chemical and biological pathogenic substances are removed. In the upper layers covering the muscles there are some components belonging to the immune system. If their functions weaken, various skin diseases develop.

The surface of the skin is represented by a stratum corneum formed by dead scales tightly stuck together. The thickness of this layer in any part of the body depends on how much load will be placed on this area.

Knowing this feature of the stratum corneum, we can answer the question why the elbows are dry and rough. The greater the load on the elbows, the more stratum corneum they will have, and this leads to the formation of dark, rough spots that cannot be removed with a one-time treatment with hand cream.

Many people, having discovered that their elbows have become black and rough, begin to take extra care of them, lubricating them with fatty creams. They periodically cleanse dead cells using peeling and after a while they get a positive result.

  • Hands;
  • feet;
  • décolleté area;
  • elbows.

These areas require tender and regular care. Only then will the skin constantly become thinner, soften, and there will be no peeling. If, with timely care, the elbows remain rough and dark, the reasons should be sought in disturbances in the functioning of the internal secretion organs.

Why are natural processes in the layers of the epidermis disrupted?

Disruption of the processes of desquamation and replenishment occurs not only due to mechanical compression, but also due to various diseases. Keratosis is a symptom that accompanies many diseases associated with metabolic disorders. The growth of the stratum corneum of the epidermis in these diseases can reach enormous sizes. Elbows can become rough for several reasons. A person can get keratosis:

  • by inheritance;
  • due to exposure to an aggressive environment;
  • with vitamin deficiency;
  • for fungal infections;
  • due to the development of diabetes mellitus;
  • for liver diseases;
  • due to thyroid disease;
  • with Sezary syndrome;
  • if the epidermis is damaged, we deprive it.

Periodically, dry, rough elbows are noted due to hypervitaminosis. A deficiency of ascorbic acid and retinol in the body can cause increased keratinization of the skin. Lack of vitamin E and zinc leads to flaking of the skin. At the end of winter and at the beginning of spring, vitamin deficiency is often the reason why rough skin appears on the elbows.

A decrease in the functions of the epidermis is observed after childbirth and during menopause. During this period, women's overall levels of all hormones change, and this begins to affect metabolic processes. The first to suffer are hair, nails and skin, which are made of keratin.

Then a rough spot on the elbow becomes not the only symptom. Women with hormonal disorders experience:

  • drowsiness;
  • increased sweating;
  • decreased performance;
  • state of chronic fatigue;
  • general weakness.

All these symptoms go away after the causes that cause them disappear. Nursing mothers after the end of lactation restore the beauty of their skin within a year with normal nutrition.

After menopause, a complete restructuring of the body occurs, which permanently closes reproductive function. Instead of some hormones, increased production of other biochemical substances is triggered, and they compensate for the deficiency that caused the increase in the stratum corneum. Women after menopause should take intensive care of areas of the body that are prone to increased dryness.

How to get rid of dry skin

Why your elbows have become rough for no apparent reason, you need to ask an endocrinologist or dermatologist. These two specialists can find the cause of the pathological skin condition.

The endocrinologist will recommend tests for thyroid hormones, and the dermatologist will take scrapings from the affected skin for analysis to determine the causes of peeling. Having found out the reason that caused the pathology of the epidermis, the doctor will explain why the elbows became rough and what to do in this case.

The following may be prescribed for treatment:

  • hormonal drugs;
  • antifungal agents;
  • vitamin therapy;
  • zinc ointment;
  • emollient creams;
  • exfoliating cosmetics.

To quickly get the effect, it is recommended to review your diet and add herbs, garlic, and cold-pressed vegetable oil to your daily menu. All this will help make rough elbows smooth, and dark spots will disappear, because the reasons that caused them will disappear during treatment.

If these doctors do not detect any pathologies, then manifestations of keratosis are treated in beauty salons. A cosmetologist can use different types of peeling to remove a dark, dry spot from the skin of your hands. He will give detailed recommendations on how to care for your elbows to prevent the growth of the stratum corneum.

Timely and constant care is important not only for the face. Other parts of the body also need it. Unfortunately, elbows are often forgotten. They are remembered only when dark skin appears on the elbows, itching, various cracks, and peeling. And only then do they begin to wonder why this happened and what to do to soften and brighten the elbows.

The main thing is not only to remove peeling and dry skin in the elbow area. It is very important to find out the reason why she became like this.

Vitamins A, D, E - provide skin health. They are often called beauty vitamins. If any of these vitamins are lacking in the body, then dehydration occurs. Our skin immediately gives a signal in the form of dryness. Elbows are one of the first to begin to peel and darken. In addition, the skin becomes less elastic, which also causes discomfort.

Another reason may be improper, untimely care for the skin of the elbows. This happens because people simply forget to take care of the skin on their elbows. This is not necessary, since the elbows often experience heavy loads, which have a great impact on the skin.

Another reason why dark skin appears on the elbows is a disruption in the functioning of the endocrine system. Only a specialist should deal with such problems. If the skin of your elbows is taken care of in a timely manner, your elbows are constantly moisturized, but the skin still remains dark and dry, this is a reason to consult a doctor. He will advise you to do many tests. But this is the only way to identify problems that have arisen in the body.

Sometimes the body's secretion of thyroid-stimulating hormone decreases. This decrease provokes a slowdown in metabolism, which leads to peeling and darkening of the skin on the elbows, since the epidermis is not renewed in a timely manner.

It happens that darkening of the elbows can be associated with poorly functioning adrenal glands. Most often this problem occurs in women. If the cause of the unsatisfactory condition of the skin of the elbows is difficult to determine, you should visit a doctor.

The skin of the elbows may also darken due to the fact that at work a person often leans on his elbows.

Every person must ensure that vitamins such as A, D, E are present in their diet. They are considered beauty vitamins that monitor the condition of the skin. This is especially important during the period of vitamin deficiency, in the spring, when a person does not receive enough vitamins from foods.

But what to do if the skin on your elbows is darkened, flaky and itchy. There are many ways shown on television on how to take care of different parts of the body. But there is no mention of the skin of the elbows. This problem is easy to fix. After all, there are many ways to whiten your elbows and make your skin soft.

First you need to make sure that the dark color of your elbows is not the cause of any serious illness. If there are none, this deficiency can be eliminated with the help of cosmetics.

It is necessary to take baths for your elbows regularly. They will cleanse and soften the skin. How to make such a bath. Pour warm water into the container. There you need to add a small amount of baking soda. Apply a little cream to the skin of your elbows, and then immerse your elbows in water. After they have been in a container of water for a while, the skin should be lightly massaged with a hard washcloth or pumice stone. After the peeling and softening procedure, the elbows must be lubricated with cream.

It is worth using a scrub that you can prepare yourself. To do this, you need to take homemade sour cream, which has a high fat content, and mix it with coarse salt. This mixture should be spread on the skin of the elbows and then massaged for several minutes. After the procedure is completed, you need to apply a rich cream to your elbows.

Great-grandmothers correctly believed that under no circumstances should elbows rest on the table. And they were right. After all, if your elbows are under stress, their skin will peel and darken. Every person should watch how he sits at the computer and how he watches TV. The position of the elbows must be constantly monitored.

Not only scrubs can soften the skin of your elbows. You can apply avocado or almond oil to your skin. If you do this every evening, the skin on your elbows will become white and soft.

If you need to go to an event soon, and the skin on your elbows is dark in color, this problem can be solved with the help of lemon. The lemon must be cut into thin slices, which are then applied to the elbows. Place cotton pads and pieces of polyethylene on top of the slices.

All this should be wrapped with an elastic bandage. It can be made simpler. Cut the lemon into two parts, and then dip your elbows into the halves. After doing such procedures for a couple of weeks, the elbows will acquire a lighter color.

It happens that lemon may not be suitable, or simply not to your liking. In this case, you need to use apple cider vinegar. To do this, you need to prepare a solution consisting of two tablespoons of water and three of the same tablespoons of apple cider vinegar. The resulting solution is moistened with cotton wool discs and then applied to the elbows. The discs need to be secured with an elastic bandage and walked around for about half an hour.

In order to soften the skin of the elbows, starch will also help. To do this, you need to dissolve two teaspoons of starch in water. You need to soak your elbows in the resulting solution for about 20 minutes.

You can also make the skin of your elbows lighter using raw potatoes. To do this, the root vegetable needs to be grated on a fine grater. Rub the gruel on your elbows, apply polyethylene and wrap with an elastic bandage. This procedure is best done at night. In the morning, elbows are washed with warm water and then lubricated with cream.

Ammonia will also help lighten your elbows. To do this, add a teaspoon of alcohol and liquid soap to one liter of water. You need to keep your elbows in this bath for about 20 minutes.

Along with carrying out procedures to soften and lighten the skin of the elbows, it is recommended to follow a diet. You need to get used to starting your morning with oatmeal. The fact is that oatmeal cleanses the intestines very well. Thanks to this, other beneficial substances will be well absorbed in the body. For lunch, you can definitely eat broths and soups made from a decoction of bones. You should eat legumes and vegetable salads.

The question of why dark elbows peel may arise not only in the spring, when depression occurs. In the summer, when everyone wears revealing outfits, dry skin can significantly detract from your overall appearance. To avoid this problem, you should first be examined by a doctor.

If it does not reveal any problems, then you need to use traditional methods of lightening the skin of your elbows. It is very important to add foods that contain beauty vitamins - A, D, E. By fulfilling these simple requirements, your elbows will always look great!

Darkened areas of skin on the elbows. This phenomenon is not uncommon. It mainly occurs in women, causing the fair half of humanity discomfort and additional problems. After all, the skin in the affected areas not only changes color, but also peels off. If in winter the problem areas are covered by clothes, then in the summer it is difficult to choose an outfit that would hide them. Finding themselves in a similar situation, ladies are trying to figure out how to whiten their elbows with maximum efficiency.

Of course, there are many simple and very effective techniques that can correct the current situation. Who would rush to address this problem to a beauty salon? In this case, you can do it on your own. There are many folk methods known. By resorting to them, you can restore smoothness and natural color to the skin on your elbows in a short time.

But, before choosing the most effective option, you should find out what causes the skin to darken and change its properties. It is very important.

Where does the problem start?

It is worth immediately noticing that the skin becomes dry and looks darker than other areas, not only in the elbow area. Such changes are also typical for the knees. Most often this happens due to improper care, constant rubbing of sensitive areas of the skin with clothing, and the habit of leaning on your elbows while sitting at the table. The reasons mentioned are so harmless that finding an effective way to whiten your elbows is not difficult.

It's a different matter when it comes to serious pathologies. Darkening of the skin is often one of the manifestations of such ailments as:

  • thyroid dysfunction;
  • diabetes;
  • lack of vitamins in the human body: A, E and group B;
  • scaly lichen, better known as psoriasis;
  • using antibiotics for a long time can also cause unpleasant spots to appear;
  • Often, decreased estrogen levels during menopause in women cause darkened areas to appear on the skin.

From the list above it follows that the described problem should not be taken lightly. And before you whiten your elbows at home, you should undergo an in-depth examination at a medical institution.

Home pharmacy to help

If the cause is found that caused dryness and discoloration of the skin on the outside of the elbow, you can begin to solve the problem. It's always better to start with the usual products that are at hand.

Not just hydrogen peroxide

Probably in every home, in the cabinet where medications are stored, there is a bottle of hydrogen peroxide. This product is gentle on the skin. It helps to carefully remove the top flaky layer. As a result of the wellness procedure, which is recommended to be performed with a cotton pad (three times during the day), problem areas become noticeably lighter.

Whitening paste

The paste has an excellent effect. You can prepare it yourself. The bleaching composition includes soda (25 g) and the same hydrogen peroxide, which must be taken so much that when mixed with the powder, a thick, mushy mass is obtained. The product is rubbed into problem areas for several minutes. Then leave until completely dry. At the end of the procedure, the remaining soda should be washed off under running water. And apply any product that has an intense moisturizing effect to the surface of the skin.

The power of lemon

Reviews from many women confirm the fact that to achieve the desired result, you do not need to look for expensive drugs at the pharmacy. It makes more sense to turn to proven folk recipes, which practically do not require spending money on. How much does a regular lemon cost in the store? That's right, pennies. But what unique power does this exotic fruit have! Making a lemon-based whitening mask will not take much time, and the result will surprise even skeptics who do not believe in the possibilities of traditional medicine.

But let’s move on directly to the whitening procedure: cut the lemon into small pieces and secure it to problem areas using cling film. The compress is removed after 1-2 hours. The surface of the skin on the elbows is lubricated with moisturizing cream. It is recommended to repeat useful manipulations many times until the natural color of the skin is completely restored.

Elbow masks

A mask that includes the following components will help achieve excellent results:

  • chopped oatmeal;
  • milk;
  • lemon juice.

The composition is prepared before use. All components are taken in equal quantities and mixed thoroughly.

The resulting mass is rubbed into the affected areas and left for 15 minutes. After removing the mask, apply any hand cream to your skin.

Glycerin mask

How to quickly whiten your elbows or knees while maintaining the softness and elasticity of these sensitive areas? We offer you another mask recipe. To obtain the medicinal composition, you will need to take 5 ml of lemon juice, glycerin and vitamin E solution. Add 20 ml of warm milk to the existing ingredients.

Mix everything until a homogeneous consistency is obtained. The composition is applied to problem areas for 20 minutes. Then it is washed off with running water.

Potato doctor

How to whiten your elbows? Few people know that ordinary potatoes do an excellent job of restoring skin color. The product can be consumed raw or boiled. The popular root vegetable often serves as the basis for medicinal masks. The recipe for use is simple: the potatoes are first finely grated, and the resulting paste is applied evenly to problem areas. Next, the compress is secured using available means and left overnight.

There is another option for use: rub fresh potato juice into rough skin throughout the day.

Boiled potatoes can be mashed with a little milk and honey. Then fix this unusual mass on the elbows using a bandage or polyethylene. Milk can be replaced with vegetable oil.

Water treatments

Anyone who wants to learn how to whiten their elbows at home quickly should not forget about the incredible benefits of water procedures that can be easily organized at home. Any available means are suitable for this. Hot water will steam and soften the skin, and useful additives will whiten and moisturize the skin.

The following composition is effective:

  • ammonia alcohol - 5 ml;
  • liquid soap - 10 ml.

To make the procedure easier, it is better to take a small bath. In it, these components are dissolved in a liter of warm water. Then the elbows are immersed in the container. The duration of the session is approximately 20 minutes. After which the skin is dried with a towel. Then a small amount of rich cream is applied to them. It is recommended to carry out such spa treatments for elbows systematically until the skin acquires a healthy tone and smoothness. Baths can be done every week and for preventive purposes.

For healing purposes, a soda solution (25 g per 1.5 liters of water) is suitable. To avoid drying out the skin, it is advisable to perform water therapy sessions every other day.

Home prevention

Our grandmothers knew very well, on their elbows in a short period of time. But, as they say, it is always better to prevent than to waste time and money to fix the problem. First of all, try to get rid of the habit of using your elbows as support.

The second and very important reminder is that the elbow bends, like the rest of the body, need constant care. We must not forget about this. Try to regularly do peeling and moisturizing masks. The stratum corneum is easily removed by wiping the skin with bread crumb dipped in warm milk. Oatmeal, apple cider vinegar and coffee grounds, familiar from childhood, have excellent whitening properties.


There are many excellent ways to solve this problem. They can both whiten elbows and restore an attractive appearance to the skin. Just before proceeding to action, you need to remember that the desired effect will be achieved with strict adherence to the method recipe and systematic application.

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