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What duties does the groom's witness perform at a wedding? Witness and witness: how are they chosen and what are their responsibilities? Honorary Witness

Advisor signatures

At a press conference last Thursday, acting governor of the Ryazan region Nikolai Lyubimov, as in March, announced that he intended to appoint his predecessor Oleg Kovalev as a member of the Federation Council. Thus, Kovalev’s resignation can still be called an “honorable resignation,” albeit with deferred honor.

At the moment, the ex-governor is an adviser to the acting governor on a voluntary basis. However, he also has another official status - a witness in the trial, which is ongoing in the Sovetsky District Court. And unlike many other witnesses, Kovalev should be asked not only what Andreev drove. At least twice, the signatures of former governor Oleg Kovalev appeared as the subject of bribes that Andreev was charged with. That is, it turns out that Kovalev provided the service, and Andreev took the bribes. It was the former governor who signed a petition to Sberbank for the businessman who gave Andreev an apartment. It was the future senator who exempted the state-owned Ryazan Pig Farm from paying dividends, which Andreev forced to buy a car for himself.

Vidsboku editor-in-chief and Novaya Gazeta columnist Konstantin Smirnov asked Nikolai Lyubimov to comment on this information:

– Oleg Ivanovich himself is involved in the case as a witness, no charges have been brought against him, but from a managerial point of view, it would seem that this information deserves evaluation. Due to the fact that he was appointed as your adviser, and now, as you said, if you win, you will nominate him for appointment to the Federation Council, how do you assess these events from his work history?

“I haven’t received the inspection materials yet and I can’t evaluate any of Oleg Ivanovich’s actions,” answered Nikolai Lyubimov.

When asked if he could request information from the Investigative Committee and the Prosecutor's Office, especially since they were submitted to the court, and therefore are available in ready-made form, Lyubimov said that he would do so and provide a comment after reading the materials.

Damage or not?

In addition, Lyubimov was asked to comment on the Minister of Finance of the Ryazan Region, Marina Naumova, who in the court in the Andreev case stated that she did not consider the enterprise’s exemption from dividends as causing damage to the budget. “I would not say that the budget of the Ryazan region has been damaged, because we are talking about additional income that could arise,” said Marina Aleksandrovna.

It should be noted that, in fact, Naumova is not responsible for this question in any way, she can only provide information and express her attitude. The administrator of income from state-owned enterprises, as she noted in court, is the Ministry of Property; in fact, the issue was resolved, as follows from the case materials (wiretaps), by the Ministry of Agriculture and Andreev. “When forming the budget, we included revenues in the amount of one million mandatory payments. And these incomes were used to balance the budget. Everything that was received from above was within the framework of official decisions. That is, there was no damage to the budget,” Naumova explained her position.

It turns out that the government is deliberately lowering the income forecast so that, if anything happens, they are not responsible for this money?

Nikolai Lyubimov responded as follows:

I will answer with a completely typical example. When I defended the first program for organizing technology parks in the Kaluga region, I defended this program in front of deputies in this way and said that the profit that we expect, the money that does not yet exist, cannot, in principle, be included in the socio-economic forecast development of the Kaluga region, because we haven’t even signed an agreement with this investor yet. We know that this profit will be and we expect from these investors a profit in the amount that we can talk about, because everything needs to be defended in detail before the deputies. Probably, Marina Aleksandrovna did the same in this regard, she simply said that we expect this profit hypothetically.

Smirnov explained that, according to the same Naumova, the difference between the amount pledged and the amount received from year to year is colossal: one million in dividend income is declared, they received more than 15 million rubles in 2015, and more than 21 million in 2016.

Lyubimov asked to include this information in the request and also promised to comment on these facts.

Let us also note that in the Ryazan case we are not talking about new projects, but about long-running enterprises, the profits of which cannot but be predicted quite accurately.

We will wait for answers.


Witnessplays an important role before, during and after weddings. At all times witness was the guest of honor at wedding. By tradition, she is the first adviser in wedding preparations, since it is believed that she has bride similar tastes. Previously it was believed that witness protects bride from evil spirits. It doesn't matter whether you believe in demons or not, but you must realize that it is an honor to be bridesmaid.

Role witnesses may change over time and your obligations will depend on preferences groom And brides. Gone are the days when witness there should have been unmarried, but you still have to perform some traditional duties bridesmaids.

Traditional duties of a witness

Overall, be bridesmaid fun from start to finish, but be prepared to take on some tasks that will come your way.

· If bride introduced a dress code for wedding, then you should accept it and not complain if you don’t like the style, accessories or stilettos.

· Know wedding script And registration rules to know where at what moment you should be and what to do.

· Accompany bride and groom when entering the registration hall and sign in the book guest of honor.

· Keep an eye on your appearance brides to erase lipstick from kisses at the right moment guests or spread out wedding dress train For photos.

· Help plan and organize hen-party

· Provide emotional support bride throughout the preparation for wedding and, of course, on the day itself.

Other responsibilities

In addition to traditional duties bridesmaids Some more tasks may fall to your lot.

· Help to the groom And bride find the necessary goods and services

· Give a small gift bride(write a poem, do guest book, send newlyweds a bottle of champagne to your hotel room, etc.)

· Send out Wedding invitations

· Help with seating arrangements And production of place cards

· After weddings collect photographs from guests and prepare them for their return newlyweds on honeymoon

You may be asked to play a role very often witnesses, maybe on the contrary, this is your first time in this role. In any case, you must remember two things: first - bride always right, and second - have fun and enjoy!

Friend of the Groom/Best Man

It's an honor and privilege to be witness and if you are lucky enough to be invited to this position, then you need to know about the responsibilities and duties that await you. You will need to perform some traditional duties, and you may also be asked for additional help. You must be focused and supportive from start to finish and always be there if to the groom need your help. Depending on your wishes bride and groom, you can be involved in booking orders and accompanying preparations, as well as coordinating the photographer on the wedding day. Whatever the witness's duties, it is important that he fulfills them with pleasure.

Traditional duties of a witness

· Organization of a bachelor party (including leisure and venue).

· Participation in wedding preparation

· Accompany groom for the ransom and ceremony (it is especially important to keep track of the time so as not to be late, and also to have a backup plan in case of the driver’s dishonesty).

· Accompany newlyweds V registration hall and put a painting in guest of honor book.

· Watch closely wedding rings so that you don’t forget to take them with you.

Other responsibilities

· Always be the right hand groom in any situation - calm him down, help him get dressed (make sure you know how to tie a tie, plastron and neckerchief!).

· Help to the groom in choise wedding details.

· One day before weddings To connect with bride and groom and make sure they have everything ready.

· You must have complete information about the schedule of the big day: where are the parking spaces, entrances and exits, smoking areas, telephone numbers of the driver, photographer, and other services.

· Decorate the car newlyweds, if they so wish.

· Collect gifts, flowers and, if necessary, pay for services if groom gave you money and the corresponding instructions.

If you are invited to the role witness and you have read about your responsibilities, then don’t be afraid! Don't take this as a test. Perhaps this is the only chance to be groom's friend at the wedding and you may regret turning down the offer now. Why not agree, because you will succeed!

So, you've already made (or accepted) the most important offer of your life. Next up are the first, timid steps in planning a future wedding. It is quite natural that even those things that at first glance seem very simple turn into pleasant, but complex and demanding chores. And this is not to mention the issues that directly affect the impression of the wedding among guests and newlyweds, such as choosing a restaurant, organizing a banquet, drawing up a guest list, and so on, and so on.

Against this background, many people forget or do not pay enough attention to another important task - the choice of a witness. This decision is left until the last minute or, as often happens, the person who seems like the most obvious candidate (usually a long-time boyfriend or girlfriend) is chosen for the honorary role. And, perhaps, even before the wedding it is clear that he/she is not very suitable for this role, but everyone (including the future witnesses themselves) expects just such a choice from the bride and groom. “I don’t care, but the person is pleased!” - many of us think in such a situation and... are mistaken.

Practice shows just the opposite: there shouldn’t be a “all the same”, because a lot depends on the witness at a wedding. And that is why you should weigh in advance all the pros and cons of each candidate and choose the person who, with his presence, behavior and, finally, appearance, will only decorate the celebration, and also save the young from a number of problems and worries.

In order for each of you to make the only right decision, we’ll talk about who can claim to be a witness at a wedding, consider the history of the issue, find out what tasks fall on the shoulders of witnesses and, finally, give some useful recommendations regarding the nuances of their choice .

History of tradition

The custom of inviting a friend of the groom to a wedding as a so-called “buddy” existed in Rus' many centuries ago. Like other wedding roles traditional for weddings of the time, the groomsman had a number of set responsibilities. First of all, he had to lead the matchmaking, the bride ransom ceremony, as well as the festive feast. This required a person to have excellent organizational skills and deep knowledge of all traditions. Over time, the role of the bridesmaid appeared at weddings in Russia. It is interesting that later it was she who began to be called “friend”, and the witness on the groom’s side - “boyar”.

For many hundreds of years, there has been an analogue of the friend/boyar in the West. In European culture, this role is called “best man” and involves approximately the same set of responsibilities as in Rus'. At the beginning of the 20th century, and then at the end, after the collapse of the USSR, the word “best man” began to be actively used in our country, like many other imported concepts and traditions. However, the most widely used definition is that which appeared in the Soviet era and was rooted in folk tradition - “witness” and “witness”.

It is not surprising that this concept has become the most widely used and understandable to everyone, because the presence of two witnesses at a wedding in the registry office (on the part of the bride and groom) was mandatory: this was required by law. Even if the newlyweds did not plan a ceremony, they simply could not get married without the presence of two more obligatory participants. It is interesting that in cases where marriages were concluded without preparation, the role of witnesses was sometimes played by complete strangers or, for example, the bride and groom waiting for their registration.

Few people know that in our time, legislation no longer requires the presence of witnesses at a wedding ceremony in the registry office. Their participation in painting is a tribute to tradition and has no legal basis. Moreover, in some registry offices, witnesses are still asked to put their signatures after the newlyweds on... a white sheet. The further fate of this “document” is unenviable, but Mendelssohn’s march continues to play, the solemnity of the moment is observed and the relatives have another minute or two to feel the significance of the event and shed a tear of tenderness.

Who can act as a witness and witness?

As we have already found out, the roles of the witness and the witness are not regulated in any way by law, which means that there are no official requirements or standards in this regard. In fact, anyone can play this role.

Wedding traditions set more stringent conditions for selecting witnesses. In accordance with them, the bride invites a young unmarried girl in this capacity, and the groom, accordingly, an unmarried guy.

Finally, the most stringent requirements are not set by tradition or rules, but by ordinary practicality and foresight. Unfortunately, this is precisely what many newlyweds forget about, choosing witnesses, as they say, “by their clothes,” or appointing old friends to this role, who are simply inconvenient not to make such an offer. Of course, there is nothing reprehensible in the bride’s desire to have a beautiful friend nearby - another noticeable decoration of the entire wedding. The motives of the groom, who offers to become a witness to a good friend with whom so many episodes of a stormy, pre-wedding life are connected, are also clear. But against this background, we should not forget about the responsibilities that the witnesses will perform: it is very important to think in advance about how well the proposed candidates for this role will cope with the assigned tasks.

To make it easier for you to assess the real capabilities of the future boyar and boyfriend, let's talk about what they will have to do before and during the wedding, what their main functions and privileges are.

Responsibilities of witnesses before marriage

Few people know that the participation of witnesses can and should begin long before the wedding ceremony itself. After all, who, if not a close friend or friend, can better help prepare for the most important event in life so that the result exceeds the expectations of even the newlyweds themselves. So, let's look at the approximate duties of witnesses, which future newlyweds can count on fulfilling even before the wedding.


Preparation and distribution of invitations;
. assistance in choosing a dress, accessories and jewelry for the bride;
. organizing a pre-wedding party or, more simply, a bachelorette party;
. assistance in drawing up a celebration script, planning rituals and ceremonies;
. participation in decorating the hall where the wedding banquet will take place.


Organization and holding of a bachelor party on the eve of the wedding;
. preparation of the bride ransom ceremony;
. planning a route around the city after registration at the registry office, thinking through the procedure for the guests and main participants in the wedding.

As is easy to see, even before the wedding, the witnesses will have to show their subtle taste, resourcefulness, attentiveness and extraordinary organizational skills. Already at this stage, you can think about whether the role is up to the selected candidates. However, the real test of the witnesses' abilities awaits them ahead - on the wedding day.

Responsibilities of a witness on a wedding day

On a wedding day, a witness is not only a friend of the bride, but also her main assistant, capable of easing many difficult worries and preventing a number of unforeseen situations. It is also important that, unlike parents, friends and organizers, she “helps and warns” from the very early morning until the young people leave the restaurant - where her participation is certainly not required.

It all starts with the appearance of a witness in the bride's house. Ideally, she can spend the night there, but if this is impossible or inconvenient, then she should be the first to be at the forefront of preparation for the event, without discounts for lack of sleep after the bachelorette party and traffic jams. It is important to note that the bridesmaid should get dressed, do her hair and makeup before the main hero of the occasion does this. Already at this stage, unforeseen delays and small difficulties often arise, which can force the witness, who ignored our recommendation, to get ready in a hurry, pulling on stockings and shoes to the signals of the approaching motorcade with the groom.

Such a rush cannot be allowed also because it is the witness who usually meets this same motorcade in front of the house. In the event that the bride is still not ready for the designated moment or the groom’s impatience has brought him to the meeting place before the appointed time, it is the groom who can “cause the fire on himself.” At these moments, you can once again pay attention to the decoration of the car or simply build up the exciting anticipation of young people with enthusiastic reviews of the bride’s dress. Without going into details, of course.

During the ransom ceremony, the witness is inseparably with the bride, participating in the process as an active spectator to the extent possible and willing. After the successful completion of the transaction (and it cannot be otherwise!) it is worth making sure that no one is left out during the short reception at the bride’s parental home. Maintaining constant business contact with mothers, aunts, and grandmothers, our heroine makes sure that everyone has a glass of champagne in their hands and that no one is forgotten somewhere in the hallway.

We have already touched upon the duties of a witness during a wedding ceremony at the registry office. She is always in the front row, signs her autograph on papers and tries her best not to step on the bride’s train. It is interesting that, for example, in Ukraine, the duties of witnesses additionally include the beautiful ritual of unrolling the “rushnik” (a towel embroidered in the national style), which the newlyweds step on when registering their marriage.

After the official part of the event is over and the tension has subsided a little, the witness helps the bride accept countless bouquets from the hands of those present. In order for the snow-white dress not to be damaged, and for the guests to be able to see the newlyweds in the heap of flowers, the witnesses need to take on the role of a stand for bouquets. It wouldn’t hurt to think in advance about where to put them afterwards, without the risk of spoiling the delicate beauty of fresh flowers or simply forgetting the bouquets in someone’s car.

While walking around the city and taking photographs, the witness must simultaneously pose in the frame for the necessary photographs and make sure that none of her friends gets bored. During long photo shoots of the newlyweds, it will be appropriate if the groomsmen offer the guests treats and champagne.

Despite the fact that at wedding banquets, seats are usually assigned to guests in advance, some confusion may arise upon entering the restaurant, which may also involve the witness. Ideally theoretically savvy (and we hope this is exactly the case), she knows exactly the seating plan for guests and can help those around them to sit comfortably before the banquet begins.

The witness should understand that during this very banquet she will often have to take the lead, demonstrating all her charm, resourcefulness and sociability. The host of the celebration will certainly make every effort to achieve this. For this reason, a girl should not only be mentally prepared to be in the spotlight, but also think through her wedding outfit so that it can withstand the test of mobility. We all understand the desire of some bridesmaids to make themselves a complex, multi-level hairstyle, wear a long dress with a train or, for example, a corset that has to be constantly adjusted. But, unfortunately, such a desire is somewhat at odds with the requirements of practicality and threatens with annoying oddities.

Finally, at every moment of this wonderful day, the witness is an urgent aid to the bride in any unforeseen situation. In her friend’s purse there is a spare pair of stockings, a needle with white thread, a band-aid, citramone, and other “emergency” supplies, with which she is always ready to help if the hero of the occasion has any difficulties with her outfit or the bride experiences an unwell condition, which is quite natural for such an exciting day. The excellent preparation of the witness and her maximum attention are the guarantee that such troubles will go unnoticed by the guests and will not prevent the newlyweds from enjoying the celebration in their honor.

Responsibilities of a witness on a wedding day

Be that as it may, the groom at the wedding needs help to a much lesser extent than the bride. The outfit is more practical, there are fewer problems with hairstyle and there are no questions at all about makeup, jewelry and accessories. And men’s needs, as a rule, are noticeably more modest: from a wedding a man expects solemnity, a fun time, high ratings from all the guests, and even more often, its completion. On the contrary, the desire to shine with your appearance and bask in the rays of admiration from others is not the most characteristic thing for a groom. All this somewhat simplifies the tasks of the witness.

In general, its functions mainly boil down to helping the witness in everything she would do, even if there are no requests for this very help from her. It is very important to carefully monitor everything that happens around you in order to react in a timely manner and direct the holiday in the right, pre-planned direction.

To a large extent, the role of the witness is revealed during the bride ransom ritual. He should understand in advance what is expected of him and prepare the props. Impromptu, of course, decorate the ransom (like any other rites), but only if these impromptu are not caused by a lack of something or ignorance of traditions.

When traveling around the city, the witness must ensure that the walk not only leaves behind beautiful memorable photographs, but also brings maximum pleasure to all participants. To do this, you should stock up on the necessary products for buffets at stopping points: champagne, snacks, sweets and juice. With every pause that occurs during the next photo shoot, the witness knows where everything is and effectively uses it to entertain the guests. However, it is important not to overdo it here. Excessive zeal can lead to the fact that someone already drinks the daily allowance of alcohol during the buffet tables, after which a real banquet in a restaurant will turn out to be superfluous.

It would seem that during the celebration at the festive table the witness can already relax. But no. In most cases, it is at this moment that the fun begins for him. In addition to the fact that the boyar is obliged to vigilantly monitor the spilling of alcohol to the young people and their parents, the young man certainly becomes the object of increased attention for the host of the banquet. He participates in almost every competition, is the first to get up to dance, and generally sets an example for the other guests in many ways. Here the witness will have maximum opportunities to show his resourcefulness and ingenuity, sense of humor and charm.

The duties of the witness are completed only at the end of the banquet, when the newlyweds have already left the restaurant and the invitees begin to leave. Along with his parents, the young man sees off guests and, as necessary, calls a taxi for those who need it.

How to choose a witness and witness? Useful tips

So, we found out what responsibilities are assigned to the witness and the witness. Now is the time to decide who will show himself better: a personable and collected workmate, an old joker friend or a trusted childhood friend? A long-time student friend, an economically unmarried relative or an enterprising, energetic colleague? To make the right choice easier, here are a few simple but practice-tested recommendations:

As you might guess after reading the impressive list of responsibilities of witnesses, serious organization and self-discipline are required of them. The newlyweds' closest friends must realize the importance of their mission and be prepared for this role, theoretically and practically. It is the boyar who simply must remember to take passports and rings to the registry office, and the friend knows exactly where everything necessary for buffets during a walk is. And this is just a particular example, of which there will be many.

Self-discipline will not be enough if the witnesses do not have enough time to prepare before the wedding. Unlike other guests, it is not enough for them to simply show up at the set time on the right day. You need to prepare for the wedding, and already at the stage of selecting witnesses you need to understand whether they will have the time and desire for this.

It is important that witnesses know well and have a keen sense of their “wards”, providing the necessary assistance even before they ask for it. So, for example, it is a friend who is the first to notice a problem with the bride’s hair, makeup or dress and helps to cope with the problem so that it goes unnoticed by everyone around her.

To ensure guests have the best possible wedding experience, witnesses will need good communication skills, a sense of humor, and tact. This is not surprising, because they are the ones who entertain and get bored guests dancing, show all their intelligence in numerous competitions and even set the tone of the celebration together with the toastmaster.

Is it worth mentioning that the witness, like the groom, is simply contraindicated to indulge in alcoholic beverages at the banquet and before it? There is nothing sadder than a boyar who fell asleep with his face in a salad somewhere in the middle of the celebration. And if there is even the slightest probability of such a development of events, it is worth choosing another person for this honorable role.

It is always wise to discuss your choice of candidate with your future spouse. An outside view may be more objective than your own judgments dictated by many years of friendship.

It is quite natural that the first reaction to all of the above may be the thought: “But my witness is not suitable for this role at all! What should I do?!” But do not rush to panic, because the most important criterion is spiritual closeness and trust between the witness and the groom/bride. Even if a friend does not have a sparkling sense of humor and stunning charm, it will be comfortable to feel his support and feel confident that his friend or girlfriend will not let you down at an important moment. And this is the most important thing. Perhaps you should just approach the issue with increased attention and devote another evening in the company of witnesses to thinking through and planning everything that they will have to do on the long-awaited wedding day. This will help avoid annoying surprises and make the celebration truly bright and memorable.

A wedding is an amazing holiday, filled with an incredible amount of thematic paraphernalia, dictated by customs, rituals and signs. So ribbons for witnesses are an ingrained element of the wedding production, a kind of insignia of the honorary retinue of the newlyweds. And no matter how many original options for replacing these solemn “tags” modernity comes up with, wedding ribbons continue to decorate witnesses at a wedding and live as a respected wedding tradition.

There are different ribbons: blue, white, red

Witness tapes are specially treated strips of fabric with inscriptions printed on them. As a rule, satin is used as a material for distinctive ribbons due to its elegant, festive look. The tradition involves the use of red ribbons, as a symbol of change and passionate emotions of the holiday, with golden plating of the inscriptions: “Honorary Witness” or “Witness at the Wedding.” Usually, near the inscriptions there are the same golden decorations - patterns, doves, hearts or rings.

The modern wedding services market offers witness ribbons in a wide variety of colors: from pink and blue to completely golden with a contrasting inscription. Particularly extravagant friends of the newlyweds use ribbons symbolizing the national flag. There are many companies that, at the request of the customer, will put any inscription and image on wedding ribbons. If you don’t know where to look for such services, but have an original idea for creating exclusive tapes, contact the Svadbaholik.Ru website for information - and your fantasies will become reality.

Ordinary tapes: easy to maintain and reliable in operation

Witness ribbons are selected and purchased by young people in the process of preparing for the wedding. However, their sacred duty is the need to consult on this matter directly with the friends chosen for the role of witnesses, because they need to take into account the color and style of the bridesmaid’s dress and the features of the “boyfriend” suit, so that the ribbons do not become an “eyesore”, but organically fit into the image of the witnesses . When the ribbons are worn, it signifies to the witnesses that they are beginning to assume the duties of chief assistants at the wedding. The best man and maid of honor ribbons are worn by the bride and groom respectively when they visit their homes on the wedding day. The ribbon is thrown over the shoulder so that the inscription is in front, and secured on the opposite side just below the hip: pinned or tied in a bow. Wedding ribbons are removed at the end of the celebration or after the official part, if there is any inconvenience due to their presence, and are left as a souvenir for the witnesses.

“Wearing cannot be replaced” - place the signs yourself

Someone may consider the use of wedding ribbons old-fashioned, someone will complain that they cover up all the beauty of the witnesses, and for others they completely interfere with having fun and being active at a noisy wedding celebration. What then? Leaving witnesses as faceless, untitled persons? Of course not - it’s easy to find a worthy functional replacement for witness tapes. Elegant wedding boutonnieres or special decorations, for example, an elegant bow or a delicate heart made of ribbon, which you can make yourself, will come to the rescue. Or you can look in wedding salons for special stylish badges or even orders with the inscription “Witness” - it will be funny, original and very creative!

If you think red ribbons are old-fashioned and it's time to relegate them to the background, we suggest you make your own wedding witness badges. This is a practical and convenient accessory. Before you start creating, you need to familiarize yourself with a couple of rules:

  • icons are selected to match the outfits or in contrast;
  • The accessory for the witness must be made in the same color and style as her other half at the celebration.

Master class on making badges for witnesses

Wedding badges are a very interesting and bright detail. In order for guests to wear it with pleasure and want to keep it as a souvenir, it is worth taking a responsible approach to its production. After all, this is not just a badge of honor, but also an accessory that you will add to the image of witnesses. It should fit harmoniously into it and become a continuation of the overall style. We offer you a step-by-step description of how to make your own badges in orange and white colors.

Necessary materials

To make the accessory you will need the following:

  • long satin ribbons of two colors;
  • cardboard;
  • needle, thread, scissors;
  • hot glue;
  • safety pin;
  • circles of paper with the inscriptions “Witness” and “Witness”;
  • thin satin ribbon.

Stages of creation

Decor ideas for wedding witness badges

Wedding badges for witnesses have replaced standard and boring ribbons. These accessories are very beautiful and comfortable to wear. Thanks to the originality of handmade badges, witnesses at your wedding will never get lost. You can decorate this accessory at your discretion, taking into account the details of the guests' attire. A variety of finishes allows you to adapt the badge to your image as much as possible.

Badges decorated with ribbons and flowers

Badges decorated with ribbons of various colors look classic and strict, so they are suitable for both women's and men's attire. But the decor with flowers appeals more to the witness. This accessory is very cute and funny. Badges with decor will certainly delight your friends, add solemnity and help you feel your important role in the wedding ceremony.

Decorated with lace

Another option for decorating a wedding accessory is all kinds of lace of different shades and patterns. Depending on the color palette of the outfit used, jewelry can be made in delicate tones of gold, pink, and white. This option is considered standard and most suitable. If there are bright accents in the image, then the lace can have rich colors.

Made in the shape of a heart

Made accessories in the shape of a heart will look very honorable on the costumes of witnesses. A beautiful, bright, original detail will add a feeling of celebration and the importance of what is happening. Thanks to such a romantic shape that suits the occasion, guests will want to keep the badge for a long time. The heart can be made in traditional red or in more muted shades, for example, pink, cream, sand.

Video tutorial on making badges for witnesses

Wedding witness badges are very easy to make with your own hands. The technique itself is simple. To add uniqueness to an accessory, you should think about its decor. To do this, turn on your imagination and create boldly. You will see clear instructions for action in the video below. With such a detailed master class, even a child can make this detail, and the cute decor with artificial flower buds and bows will add originality to the badge.

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