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What questions can you ask a friend in contact? What questions should you not ask girls? Possible questions

Many novice pick-up artists ask, what kind of dirty questions can you ask a girl? In general, vulgar questions are an important seduction tool, and sometimes without them it is difficult to overcome the friendly zone. But you need to ask a lady frank questions at the right time, and you should learn how to do this. In this article I will tell you what vulgar questions you can ask a girl, and what you shouldn’t ask in principle.

Frank questions for a friend: simple rules

There are at least three rules to follow if you want to use explicit questions to seduce:
  • First you need to achieve a certain trust between you and your new friend. Therefore, if you don’t know anything about her, first ask leading, vital questions. This will help you get to know her better, and she will trust you more. This is female psychology.
  • Leading questions will also help you determine which topics are taboo and which are okay to talk about. Plus, it will help you find out what topics turn her on. In general, you need to learn to calibrate all questions depending on her behavior and character. But only experience will help you with this.
  • However, if you immediately chose for yourself the so-called style of a sexual provocateur or the “scumbag” style, then you will have to skip the first two points. After all, vulgar questions for girlfriends with a trick for them are not just a tool of seduction, but also a manner of communication. But then you must be prepared for the fact that you will only be able to communicate successfully with a certain category of women. AND Only with experience this style will allow you to feel comfortable always and everywhere. and appeal to most representatives of the fairer sex.

Dirty questions: examples

Of course, you can ask the girl any other frank question you can think of.. Below I simply provide a list of those that I usually ask. And in general, when deciding what vulgar question to ask a girl, with little experience of such seduction, it is still worth starting with less vulgar ones. And then, when you see that your friend is reacting as she should, move on to more “heavy artillery” in order to consolidate your position.

So, what are some vulgar questions:

  • Craziest thing you've ever done?
  • What attracts you most in a man, and what do you pay attention to first?
  • Do you like men older than you or your age?
  • What is more important to you: money or love - wealth or relationships?
  • How long have you kissed?
  • Who's the celebrity you wouldn't mind sleeping with?
  • What is your breast size?
  • Ever kissed a girl?
  • How do you feel about sex for money? Are you ready to pay for it or would you prefer, on the contrary, to take money?
  • Do you like watching “adult films” (porn)?
  • Do you take nude selfies?

  • Do you like sleeping naked?
  • Size matters?
  • What are the most sensitive places on your body?
  • What's your favorite sex position?
  • What's the most unusual place you've had sex in?
  • What's the sexiest compliment you've ever received?
  • What part of your body are you most proud of?
  • What do you do best in bed?
  • In what position do you most often experience orgasm?
  • Do you have a sexual fantasy, and if so, what is it?
  • Do you prefer gentle and hard sex?
  • Never dated two guys at the same time?
  • Do you have beautiful sexy lingerie? What are you wearing now?
  • Do you want to kiss me?

What questions to ask a girl?

Vulgar questions and compliments - of course, communication with a girl is not limited to this. Not only does she first need to be “stirred up” for such conversations, but during further communication – after sex – she will have to talk about something. For this reason, it is very important to know what to say to a woman in bed!

But in general It’s better to immediately decide for yourself where you want your communication to lead. But since most often any normal guy wants to get a girl into bed, it’s rare that he can do without asking vulgar questions to his girlfriend. However, there is something that in this case you definitely shouldn’t ask, and sometimes such questions completely discourage any sympathy that has arisen for you.

I’m talking now about the most boring and banal phrases, such as “what do you do” and “where do you study”, “what do you want to become” or “what are you interested in”. Many people find them convenient because they provide an opportunity to develop a topic and get hooked on something. But in fact, they do more harm. And with each such question, she is less and less interested in you as a man, and you move into the category of possible friends with whom you can just chat.

Moreover, when meeting someone for the first time, try to ask fun questions that are a little frank. This will immediately make you stand out from the crowd. But, under no circumstances, do not ask them one after another, as if from a list. Try to develop the topic in each case, ask for her opinion. Show that you are interested in her as a person and as a sexual object. Almost always, before asking a vulgar question to a friend, you need to prepare the ground for this. And only interesting and funny questions are suitable for this. Examples of the first:

  • Are you interested in sports, if so, what kind?
  • If you were invited to act in a movie, what role would you choose?
  • What clothes - style, colors - do you prefer?
  • What touches you more when communicating with a man – a voice, a look or a touch?
  • Do you like it when men stare at you?
What's good is that cool questions can be on a variety of topics. And if in the case of interesting questions you need to seem a little serious, then here you can already joke. Examples of such questions:
  • If you turned into a man, what would you do?
  • Is there anything for you that it’s definitely better not to tell your parents?
  • What usually makes you blush?
  • Do you like to be in charge in relationships or do you prefer to be led?
  • What will you be when you grow up?


If you don't know what to talk about with a girl, you're unlikely to be able to seduce her. There are, of course, exceptions to this rule, for example, you are a muscular macho, and she is drunk and dreams of sex.

In most cases, you will have to not only maintain the conversation, but also seem interesting to her. But vulgar questions can help you get her into bed faster, and not stagnate in the friendship zone - if you ask them correctly and at the right time.
If you want to know even more secrets for seducing girls

Hello friends! When going on a first date, guys most often think about where to take a girl or her to impress and charm. However, they do not pay due attention to the conversation, do not think about what to ask their passion, what questions to ask the girl. But in vain. Thanks to interesting and original questions, you can not only get to know her character, worldview, and habits better, but also arouse the girl’s sympathy for you. Representatives of the fairer sex love it when men ask smart and original questions and listen carefully to the answers to them without interrupting. So, guys, take this effective secret to seducing girls. And don’t say that you don’t have imagination - here are tips on what questions you can ask a girl that are interesting, tricky, and possibly provocative, in order to get to know her better.

Interesting questions to ask a girl on a date

  • What do you like to do in your free time from study or work? Do you have a hobby?
  • What is your happiest memory from childhood?
  • Do you like to travel? What cities or countries have you already visited? What impressed you most?
  • Does true friendship exist? Do you have a best friend?
  • What flowers do you prefer?
  • What qualities do you like most in a man?
  • Would you like to parachute?
  • Are your parents happily married?
  • Do you like read? What is your favorite book?
  • What would you spend a million dollars on?
  • How do you feel about smoking?
  • Do you believe in ghosts, aliens or magic?
  • Do you have a tattoo?
  • What do you prefer to eat for breakfast?
  • What are your memories of school?
  • Do you have a goal in life?
  • What is more important - money or love?
  • How much time do you spend on social networks?
  • If you could give birth in any country, which one would you choose?
  • Do you prefer active recreation or spending your free time at home?
  • What three wishes would you make if you knew for sure that they would come true?
  • Have you ever been published in a newspaper?
  • Do you like visiting circuses and zoos?
  • Do you often go to the library?
  • What was your favorite toy as a child?
  • Would you like to live forever?
  • Would you like to fly into space?
  • Do you have any brothers or sisters? Do you enjoy spending time with them?
  • What three things would you take with you to a deserted island?
  • What's your favorite dish?
  • What did you want to become when you were little?
  • What was your most thoughtless action?
  • What would you like to change in your life?
  • What housework do you hate doing the most?
  • Would you like to travel around the world?
  • Has something mystical ever happened to you?
  • Feelings or reason - what will you choose?
  • What do you do best?
  • What are you completely unable to do?
  • Can you swim? Where do you like to swim more, in a lake or in a river?
  • Did you have a nickname growing up?
  • Would you like to know what will happen to you in 10 years?
  • What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in astrology?
  • Would you like to become popular?
  • What concerts have you attended?
  • What could you never forgive?
  • What is better - a cruel truth or a sweet lie?
  • Do you have a pet?
  • How do you feel about people with non-traditional sexual orientation?
  • What number brings you luck?
  • Do you have a talisman?
  • Are you afraid of heights?
  • What does it take to achieve success in life?
  • Do you like your name? What name would you like to change it to?
  • What is your life motto?
  • Do you have an idol?
  • Do you trust your intuition?
  • Have you ever taken an autograph from a celebrity?
  • Do you keep a diary?
  • Who is your favorite poet?
  • Do you do any sports? What sport do you like best?
  • What is most precious to you in life?
  • Would you like to act in a movie?
  • What was the most unexpected surprise in your life?
  • Do you like to do morning exercises?
  • What makes you happy?
  • Cats or dogs?
  • Tea or coffee?
  • Who should be older in a couple - the man or the woman?
  • Skirts or trousers?
  • Have you ever been arrested?
  • Do you love amusement parks?
  • Which celebrity would you like to meet?
  • Do you like to ride a bike?
  • Do you love holidays? What about preparation for them?
  • Do you like giving gifts to people?
  • What was your very first disappointment in life?
  • Are you ready for a serious relationship with a guy?
  • Do you follow fashion trends?
  • Do you believe in omens? What signs most often come true in your life?
  • Have you ever had to save a person's life?
  • How do you usually celebrate your birthday? How would you like to celebrate?
  • What are you most afraid of?
  • Do you like to look at the starry sky?
  • You're a sweet tooth?

Questions to ask a girl during correspondence that you can ask when communicating with her on the Internet

By asking these questions for a girl, communicating online while corresponding and receiving answers to them, you can not only decide where it is better to meet a girl on a first date, what flowers to give her, and what small gift to give her, but also understand a little about her character and preference.

  • What flowers do you like?
  • What are your plans for the future?
  • What do you like to do on the weekend?
  • What's your favorite place in the city?
  • Do you like to go out with your friends?
  • What are your hobbies?
  • Where do you study/work?
  • What kind of music do you prefer to listen to?
  • Do you have any favorite actors?
  • Do you like going to the movies?
  • Do you like to be in nature?
  • What do you prefer - mountains or sea?
  • Do you like going to the theater?
  • Are you an optimist or a pessimist?
  • You're a night owl or an early bird?
  • How often do you watch TV? What are your favorite TV shows?
  • Do you collect anything?
  • Can you skate? Do you often go to the skating rink?
  • Are you a conservative or do you like something new, unusual, interesting?
  • Do you like to dance?
  • Do you like visiting museums?
  • You often meet people on social media. networks?
  • Do you like extreme entertainment?
  • Do you like soft toys?
  • Where would you like to meet me?

Don't forget to listen carefully and read the answers to questions for girls. In the future, you will be able to form an objective opinion about the girl, her views, character traits, past, and decide whether you want a serious relationship with her or just remain acquaintances or friends on the Internet.

I wish you good luck and only pleasant dates!

An important stage of a romantic relationship is studying the partner, finding a common language with him. To avoid awkward pauses, prepare in advance. In this article you will find interesting questions.

100 questions that you can ask a girl in correspondence, on VK, when meeting, on the phone, in communication, on a first date: list

Guys get excited when they meet a striking girl. This is caused by inexperience and not knowing what to tell about yourself when meeting someone. A list with prepared questions will come to the rescue.

Be sure to listen to the answers to them:

  1. Do you have a strong emotional connection with your family?
  2. Can you call yourself a skilled cook?
  3. What type of vacation do you like: energetic or passive?
  4. What do you want to achieve on your life's journey?
  5. Are you a music lover?
  6. What musical artists do you like?
  7. Is family happiness or a successful career more important to you?
  8. How often have you been deceived in relationships with guys?
  9. What did you fantasize about at an early age?
  10. What brings you pleasure?
  11. What are your favorite leisure activities?
  12. what kind of weather do you like?
  13. Girl, can I become your friend?

What can you ask a girl to interest her?

Questions when getting to know each other:

  1. Are you capable of crazy things?
  2. If you have one last hour of life left, how will you spend it?
  3. What will make you forget about everything in the world?
  4. If you suddenly have a million dollars, what will you do with this amount?
  5. Would you like to get matching tattoos?
  6. Are you superstitious?
  7. Are you a skeptic by nature or do you believe in the paranormal?

How to find out the age of the girl you like?

Age is a sensitive topic for women, so you should learn about it carefully:

  1. You are so young and fresh that it is difficult to guess your age. Will you whisper in my ear?
  2. Sorry for the awkward question, but I want to know how long we can live together. How old are you?
  3. It's a tactless question, but how old are you?
  4. What is your date of birth? Just give me a hint, I will be glad to hear any word.
  5. Are you too old to accept intimate courtship?

How to ask a girl if she has a boyfriend?

Before you start flirting, make sure that the sweet lady is single and not in a relationship:

  1. Girl, could you leave your boyfriend and run away?
  2. I hope such a beauty’s heart is still free?
  3. Do you think I can win you away from your boyfriend?
  4. Does your boyfriend let one such beauty go for a walk?
  5. I liked you so much that I’m even ready to forget that you’re married.

How to ask a girl if she likes me?

If you already have feelings for a girl, it won't hurt to find out if they are mutual.

You should not ask the question directly, so as not to frighten her with pressure.

Possible questions:

  1. You live in your heart and thoughts. Don't you feel it?
  2. I'm crazy about you, can I expect sympathy?
  3. Do you know what I would like to hear now? That you like me.
  4. Have you ever experienced something like this: you constantly think about a person and want to spend all your time with him?

How to ask a girl for her phone number?

A great chance to start communication and make acquaintances is to ask the lady you like for her phone number.

To ensure everything goes well, some unobtrusive, sweet questions will help:

  1. Now if I had Aladdin's lamp and only one wish, I would wish for your phone number.
  2. I'm sure this is an extremely trivial question, may I know your phone number?
  3. If I can get your phone number, I will be absolutely happy!
  4. Girl, can I write down your phone number right away, “darling”?
  5. Today is my birthday. You have a gift - a phone number.

How to ask a girl how many boyfriends she's had?

At the initial stage of a relationship, it is rare that a girl will want to talk about the number of her exes. Therefore, ask about this only after building trust and intimacy between you.

Question options:

  1. Admit it, how many men have you broken the hearts of before me?
  2. I'm sure you were successful with men. Did you have a lot of them?
  3. I want to talk about a personal topic. How many men have you dated, and I’ll tell you about myself.
  4. I understand that you are not the only man. How many of them were there before me?
  5. I want to know how many men you have had? Don't worry, I won't be offended.

How to ask a girl in an original way “how are you”, “how are you living”?

Many guys start a conversation with the notorious “how are you?” Well-mannered ladies answer such questions, although this does not arouse their interest.

Intrigue the lady by making a banal question original:

  1. Tell me urgently, how are you?
  2. We haven’t seen each other for so long that I was always worried, how is my sweetie?
  3. What interesting things are going on with the mistress of my heart?
  4. I miss you and want to know how my princess is doing!
  5. Well, how is it?

What's a cool thing to ask a girl?

Girls love to flirt with funny guys.

Therefore, defuse the situation more often and ask her cool questions:

  1. Today I was told I would meet a beautiful stranger. Is this you by any chance?
  2. I think I've seen you somewhere. I remembered in my dream!
  3. Girl, aren't you looking for me here?
  4. I'm going to the stall here to buy flowers. Which ones do you like best?
  5. Aren't you missing me here, beauty?

What to ask a girl to get to know her better?

When relationships go far, young people strive to know as much information as possible about each other.

Correctly asked questions will help you get to know your partner better:

  1. What were you like as a teenager: a good girl or a badass?
  2. Are you more of a leader or a follower by nature?
  3. How many children would you like to have?
  4. Do you care about other people's opinions?
  5. What is the most exciting adventure of your life?
  6. Do you dream about the future before going to bed?
  7. What things turn you on?
  8. Do you recognize feelings at first sight?
  9. Do you like TV or books more?
  10. Did you often leave home all night?
  11. How do you see your old age?
  12. How do you see life after many years?
  13. Have you forgiven your loved ones for betrayal?
  14. Do you like order or creative chaos?
  15. Who is your ideal woman and man?
  16. What are you willing to do for big money?

Video on the topic:

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Everyone loves a laugh and a good conversation, so here are funny questions for girls that will make your conversation funny and fun. Of course, all people have a different sense of humor, but we are sure that you will be able to find funny questions for the girl you like, thanks to which you will have a good time.

These questions cover a variety of topics, so there's sure to be one that's perfect for you and the girl you're talking to. Many of the questions will lead to really funny and amusing answers, while others are just good for fun conversation.

Therefore, we recommend that you look through this list to see what unpredictable, funny questions you can ask girls, no matter in correspondence, VK or in a personal conversation? That being said, remember that the most important thing is not just asking all the fun questions, but having a great conversation with your crush.

Funny questions for a girl

  1. Is it better for a girl to be bald or bald?
  2. What type of transport is best to get to work: donkey or donkey?
  3. Which porridge will you choose: semolina with milk or milk with semolina?
  4. What is the difference between the frog princess and the toad princess?
  5. Which ear would listen better: triangular or square?
  6. If you were born three meters tall, what would you do?
  7. How does a two-meter woman kiss a midget man?
  8. What kind of children will a two-meter basketball player and a dwarf circus performer get?
  9. Is it best to give your director a three-wheeled convertible or a scooter?
  10. Which method of revenge is preferable to the offender: add pepper to tea; feed herring with milk or give lard and honey?
  11. Which test is the most difficult to endure: feeding cakes, black caviar or oranges?
  12. Why are girls so afraid of mice if they hurry to hide in a hole because of the frightened female appearance?
  13. Could you make the cartoon “Dunno in the Office”? Who would you make it about, and how would it turn out?
  14. Why do people, when angry, call a chicken a stupid bird and a pugnacious rooster an animal?
  15. Would you rather live in a fantasy world or a superhero world?
  16. Why the platypus and not the duckbill?
  17. How would you tease people if you were invisible?
  18. What would you do if you woke up as a monkey?

Funny questions for girls

  1. What would be the most fun sport with mandatory alcohol consumption?
  2. What's the funniest ad you've seen?
  3. Why do they say “man’s wife” to a married girl, but not “a woman’s husband” to a married guy?
  4. How will the phrase “Blue panties” sound if the emphasis in the last word is on the first syllable?
  5. Why is a person asked to smile when taking a driver's license photo? Does this somehow help get rid of the traffic police?
  6. If a screen star is gay, can he become Man of the Year?
  7. Which men's shorts do you prefer: daisy or tulip?
  8. Is it possible to drown a fish in water?
  9. What is the opposite of opposite?
  10. If animals can speak, then what kind of their speech can be called rude?
  11. Why is round pizza packed in a square box and cut into triangles? Does this help you understand geometry better?
  12. Can a kangaroo jump higher than the roof?
  13. Why isn't Greenland green if it means "Green Land"?
  14. What's the coolest face you can make?

Questions to ask a girl for fun communication

  1. If a girl gets a butterfly tattoo, what will this insect become on a plump female body in ten years?
  2. Can a bald man get lice?
  3. Why does triangular bread taste better than square bread?
  4. Can you name the funniest thing that happened to you?
  5. Is it true that lions don't eat clowns just because they're afraid of choking on laughter?
  6. If video compilations of human failures bring success and millions of views, then what is failure?
  7. Why are blueberries not blue, but blue?
  8. Why is it okay to look at girls in trousers, but not at guys in skirts?
  9. Why does Spider-Man always have pants under his suit?
  10. If you married a super hero, what would you be called: Batman, Spiderwoman, Marvel?
  11. Why is chocolate not a vegetable if it is made from cocoa beans?
  12. Can an army of chickens kill an elephant?
  13. What would you do with your offender if you became invisible for one day?
  14. If I suddenly become an animal, will you make me your pet?
  15. Do you consider yourself more mischievous or funny?

Funny questions for a girl with a trick

  1. When was the last time you peed in the pool?
  2. If you suddenly became a man for a day, how would you spend that day?
  3. If you have to work as a waitress, will you spit in the food of an impudent and rude client when he is not looking?
  4. What would you prefer: to wear clown costumes for the rest of your life or to have the appearance of a clown but still dress normally?
  5. Who would you watch with X-ray glasses?
  6. What's the funniest nickname you've ever had?
  7. What funny name would you like to call me? Why? (We recommend reading which you can call it.)
  8. What flavor of ice cream would you like to be?
  9. Would you chase a sparrow on your knees for a ruble? And for $1000?
  10. For a girl, is there a difference between a red or black Zhiguli convertible? Which one would you like better?
  11. If you look into the refrigerator dozens of times a day, will there be more food there? How many times do you look at it?
  12. What's the strangest smell you've smelled?
  13. What is the difference between a snowman and a snow woman?
  14. Which one would you prefer to be born into: a vegetable or a fruit? Why?
  15. Is it better for a girl to marry a dwarf or a midget?
  16. What looks cooler: sneakers under a three-piece suit or men's sandals under a tracksuit? Would you go on a date with a guy if he came to you looking like this?
  17. Do you prefer to drink a liter of ketchup or mustard?

Tricky questions for a girl

  1. What meaning does the phrase “drink beer with crayfish” take on if you say it quickly?
  2. Just be honest: ever been chased by an ice cream truck?
  3. What's the funniest pick-up joke you've ever encountered?
  4. Which is better: 100 duck-sized horses or one horse-sized duck?
  5. What funny options can you answer the question “what are you doing or what are you doing”?
  6. Will pizza taste better if you add honey or condensed milk to it?
  7. If all the states of the world were represented by food, what kind of food would each individual state represent?
  8. What is the name of a man's dance in front of the toilet?
  9. Can a grandmother become a grandfather?
  10. What is sweeter, horseradish or radish?
  11. What funny nicknames would you call your colleagues and boss?
  12. People always say that the future is unclear, then why do we take out insurance policies?
  13. What disease will ham cure?
  14. If someone owns a piece of land, does he own it all the way to the center of the earth?
  15. Why is it never talked about psychically winning the lottery?

Funny questions for a girl to chat on the Internet

  1. What color will the chameleon be in the mirror room?
  2. Why is it that when a deaf person goes to court they say the hearing has begun?
  3. Does a bald man have dandruff?
  4. Can a girl who loves spicy food be called a masochite?
  5. Why do obituaries write about a person as if he were alive?
  6. If one of the synchronized swimmers drowns, should everyone else drown too?
  7. How did ancient women shave their legs?
  8. Is it fair that carrots are oranger than oranges?
  9. Why are bagels made with holes?
  10. What's the funniest thing any teacher at your school has done?
  11. How much smaller will the ocean become if more sponges (algae) grow in it?
  12. Why is it called the internal affairs department when it is responsible for everything that happens on the surface?
  13. If dogs' noses are constantly wet, then why don't they develop condensation when the weather changes?
  14. Do woodpeckers get concussions from constantly chiseling trees?
  15. Can a broken escalator be called a staircase?
  16. Why is sour cream made with an expiration date?
  17. Why do simple packages never open easily?
  18. Is it better for Lipton tea company employees to have tea parties or coffee time?
  19. Milk, which cow is better: red, black or motley?
  20. Is it more fun to roller skate or banana peel?
  21. What's your funniest goal in life?


Every guy must have funny questions for a girl in his arsenal, because:

  1. According to numerous studies, girls are more likely to like a guy who can be funny and can speak with humor.
  2. Optimistic, cheerful conversation flows more freely and provides more opportunities for fun communication.

At the same time, almost any guy can learn light-hearted, funny banter in the form of questions. All it takes is a little preparation focused on fun questions to ask a girl.

Remember that these questions are just the beginning. It depends on you how the conversation will continue.

By the way, what is the funniest question to a girl you found on this list? Share your opinion in the comments below.

Every person has truly fallen in love at least once in their life - to the point of butterflies in the stomach and the desire to constantly be near. I want the first date to go perfectly and be remembered for a long time by both halves. The most difficult question for men is: what to ask a girl about, what topics can be touched on to maintain a conversation, and what is better to refrain from. Finding a contact is very important, but it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance.

Difficulties on the first date

Many people, when preparing to go on a date or just chat with their beloved, repeatedly replay in their heads possible scenes and dialogues of the upcoming meeting. What to answer, what to say first and how to look more confident - all this is very important, because the right remark does not always come to mind at the right moment.

It often happens that the dialogue ends quickly. An awkward pause occurs, which strains both partners, and the desire to meet again disappears on its own. To avoid such situations and not get into a stupid situation, you should prepare in advance and determine what questions you can ask the girl.

You need to approach this responsibly, especially if it’s your first date and you want to make a good impression.

A few simple tips:

What questions can you ask?

So, half the job is done, and the girl agreed to go on a date. The next step is to interest her so much that she has a desire to meet again, and this date will not be the last. It is worth remembering that women themselves are complex and contradictory natures. At first they may laugh at new jokes, and then suddenly suddenly withdraw into themselves and even cry. You need to be prepared for anything and learn to act quickly if the situation suddenly gets out of control and the conversation takes a turn in the wrong direction.

Questions for getting to know each other

First, it's worth getting to know each other. Get to know each other better - interests, hobbies, character traits. Perhaps the location of the next date will decide on its own.

Questions should be as abstract as possible, because their main goal when dating is to help partners relax and learn to trust each other. It is important to choose the right topic for conversation, and the dialogue will be built.

List of suitable questions:

  • Have you done things that you now regret?
  • What compliments do you like best?
  • Would you like to change anything in your past? And if so, what?
  • What age do you consider the most difficult?

What these questions have in common is that they are harmless and abstract, but at the same time have a strong psychological overtone. With their help, you can not only get a girl to talk and get detailed answers from her, but also learn something about her character and preferences.

After the answer is received, it is important to maintain a dialogue and create a calm atmosphere so that the friend feels more confident and understands that her answers are valuable and that she is being listened to.

It is not necessary to use these exact questions, the main thing is to understand their principle and main purpose. Over time, you can learn to quickly navigate and ask similar questions without thinking too much.

A girl's mood can change very often, depending on the topic of conversation and the external situation. You should listen to her words and try to understand how she feels at a particular moment. It is very important to catch the moment when the enthusiasm on the lady’s face gives way to ordinary indifference, and move the conversation to another topic, giving her the right to speak out herself.

The twenty-first century is the century of technology and electronic computing, and it is not surprising that many young people prefer online communication to real communication. It's easier, because when the other person is not around, nerves are not so naughty and emotions do not get out of control; It is possible to prepare for the dialogue in advance and, if something happens, write to your friends.

Dating on the Internet and in particular on the social network VKontakte is becoming increasingly popular. However, they are very different from face-to-face communication. First of all, there is no one-on-one contact; the answer can come either immediately or after two hours, and their main goal is not just to learn more about each other, but to get to know each other and inspire trust and interest. To begin with, it is better to read the girl’s profile, and only then send a friend request.

What can you ask a girl in online correspondence:

  • What is your favorite book?
  • What sport do you prefer to play?
  • Which country would you like to go to on vacation?
  • What are your life goals?
  • What do you dream about?
  • Where would you like to go on a first date?

Questions to a girl when corresponding should be as simple and short as possible. First of all, this is due to the fact that long sentences are simply inconvenient to write from a computer or phone, and seeing a constant writing pencil icon, a girl may get tired of waiting for the next line. In addition, the more complex the question, the longer the answer required, which is also problematic for social networks.

On the Internet you need to be careful: not to reveal any personal things or information that could harm the user and somehow compromise him. You should not touch upon issues that are dangerous for a girl - appearance, family, moral values. The conversation should be easy and relaxed. You can carefully make a compliment, praise some of the girl’s sporting or professional achievements, and ask her to tell you more about her hobbies.

If a lady feels that she is being listened to and that her opinion is important to someone, it is more likely that she will open up and actively join the conversation.

How to make your interlocutor talk

If the acquaintance was successful, and the young man learned about the hobbies of his chosen one, her dreams, character traits, you can move on to the next stage- conquest. This can be done not only with a chic bouquet of roses and a date in an expensive restaurant. The right questions will help you get into the right frame of mind and direct the conversation in the right direction.

What questions can you ask a girl to keep the conversation going:

These questions - an approximate list of, what you can talk about with a girl on a date or while walking. It is important to look interested yourself so that the mood is transferred to your companion.

If the conversation is not going well, and the general topics have ended, it is not necessarily a matter of inability to conduct a dialogue. Perhaps the guy and the girl are not suitable for each other and they do not have common interests that could unite them. This also happens, and there is nothing terrible or shameful about it.

Should I add a little vulgarity?

On the first date, you should definitely refrain from vulgar phrases and hints, but with their help you can stir up your interlocutor and add new colors to the conversation. Almost every girl finds it more pleasant to communicate with a young man who is not afraid to take risks and is ready to surprise her again and again than with an uptight good boy with glasses.

The main thing is not to overdo it, so that the girl does not get the impression that she is being treated as an object of sexual attraction and is trying to drag her into bed. It’s worth starting with something small, almost harmless. For example:

  • Do you walk around your apartment without clothes?
  • Have you already had sexual experience?
  • Have you ever watched adult films?

There is a possibility that the girl will not like this transition. It is important to catch the change in her mood and immediately change the topic. You should refrain from experiments.

However, if the lady not only did not try to end the conversation, but also entered into the conversation herself, you can try asking more tricky questions. For example:

  • Would you like to have sex in an unusual place?
  • How do you feel about extreme places for sex?
  • Are you engaged in self-pleasure?

And so on. Even if these conversations helped salvage the conversation and allowed partners to feel more open, it’s not worth focusing on sex alone. You can laugh, lightly tease your companion and return to more elevated topics of conversation.

The main task of vulgar questions is to defuse the situation and bring a smile to the girl’s face, and not to make her blush or greatly embarrass her. It is likely that the companion, having misunderstood the question, will go on the offensive, forcing the youngest man to defend himself.

What questions should you avoid?

When young people get to know each other well enough, they may get the impression that they have known each other all their lives and can talk about anything. This feeling can arise both on the first date and a year after meeting. It all depends on the level of trust between the partners, the similarity of their interests and interest in each other.

However, there are still some topics that are best avoided until communication moves to a new level and young people become close enough. These questions include:

Well, the main rule that you need to adhere to is to be yourself and not try to assert yourself in the eyes of a girl at someone else’s expense.

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