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Fine highlights on light brown, dark, light brown hair. Photo, coloring instructions. Step-by-step instructions and photos of highlighting on brown hair

Recently, natural hair shades have come into fashion. That is why now you can meet many women with light brown curls. But natural color is not only fashionable. Now you don't need to constantly paint them, which means they won't be exposed to harmful effects on a regular basis. And this is without a doubt a big plus. But still the same image gets boring. And not only to you, but also to those around you. But sometimes you really want to stand out at some event and remind yourself of yourself as an individual, and not as a mediocre person. If this is the case, then you can do light brown highlights. Thanks to this, your hairstyle will look new, but you won’t lose your natural color either. Let's find out how it can be done.

Types of light brown highlights

In order to do light brown highlights, there are many options. Namely:

French highlighting

This type of light brown highlighting does not radically change the image, but only refreshes it a little. In this case, the curls are only slightly lightened, so it feels like you didn’t dye them, but they were slightly faded in the sun. This is especially true in the summer. At this time of year, the sun is sometimes so hot that your hair can actually burn out. But after light brown highlights, the hairstyle looks beautiful and elegant. After all, a specialist, unlike the sun, will make the color even.

This type of coloring is most suitable for owners of light brown hair. To make it, they usually use a milky or light coffee shade of paint.

easy transition from one shade to another sun-bleached hair effect

California highlighting

In this case, to make light brown highlights, wax is used. This means that the curls can be given many shades. For example, coffee, nuts, honey, cognac.

This type of highlighting is done without the use of foil or any other means. The paint is simply applied to the strands in a chaotic manner. After this, the dyed curls are mixed with the rest of the hair. This is necessary in order to achieve smooth transitions from one color to another.

Such light brown highlights will stay on the hair for a long time, since the roots do not have to be tinted. This is achieved due to the fact that the entire hairstyle looks uneven. And the regrown roots do not spoil it at all. And if you cut off your split ends, it may look like you recently dyed your hair.

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Brazilian highlighting

This is a special type of light brown highlighting, since it can be done not from the very roots of the hair. This way you won't have to dye your roots after they grow out. In this case, individual strands are first lightened and then dyed in different colors. After this, the dyed curls are mixed with undyed ones, and multi-colored highlights are obtained. But it must be said that it does not look vulgar or pretentious.

using two contrasting colors ombre effect

Classic highlights for light brown hair

In this case, light brown highlighting is carried out outdoors. This is the uniqueness of this coloring. Due to this, the hair is not damaged. In addition, this light brown highlighting makes the hair more voluminous.

on light brown hair on blond hair

Classic highlights for dark brown hair

This light brown highlighting can be done in different ways. The first option implies a sharp difference between your hair and dyed hair, and the second option is a smooth transition and not such a contrasting shade, namely: cognac, walnut, and so on.

It should be noted that these are not all types of light brown highlights. There are many others, but all the others are more or less similar to those listed above. If you go to a salon, a specialist will tell you which light brown highlighting will suit you best.

Natalie Portman on brown hair

Hair care after highlighting

After you have done light brown highlights, your hair will require special care. Otherwise, the color will fade and the hairstyle will no longer look so great. To prevent this from happening you need to:

  • Use special hair care products. You can purchase them in every store or pharmacy with a mark on the label “For colored hair.”
  • Once a week it is recommended to make moisturizing masks. This needs to be done regularly, since the hair has lost some of its moisture during the dyeing process and now needs to be replenished.
  • After washing, you need to rinse your hair with herbal decoctions. This will restore their health and add extra shine.
  • For the first week after the procedure, avoid using a hair dryer. It is best to use a towel for drying. If you cannot do this for some reason, then do not use the hair dryer at the maximum temperature. It is better to choose the middle, more gentle mode.
  • Eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. Then you will very quickly restore the health of your hair.

Light brown hair color is the shade that people most often want to change. In this case, it is important to choose the right tone so that the curls do not differ from the color of the skin and body as a whole. For example, the artificial image of a brunette often makes people look old. When lightening, you need to ensure that the strands do not lose their quality and are healthy and well-groomed. Highlighting on light brown hair allows you to make the image brighter, while maintaining the quality of the hair as much as possible.

Features of coloring

The basis of the procedure is to give a different shade to individual strands or just the ends, and not to the entire hairstyle as a whole. Owners of light brown color can create a fairly expressive and unique style. Highlighting allows you to preserve your natural shade, diluting it slightly with other colors, creating a bright shimmer and complex tone.

By combining different palettes, the hairstyle can have more shine or some strands can stand out more from others. The bravest ones dye only the ends or just the bangs. This way the most attractive features of appearance are emphasized.

Advantages and disadvantages

The most important advantage of highlighting on light brown hair is that the procedure has a gentle effect. This means that only part of the curls will be exposed to chemical effects, while at the same time the bulk of the hair will be in its natural color.

In modern beauty salons, the procedure uses paint that contains exclusively natural ingredients. They strengthen hair and make it healthier.

Having done highlighting once, you can forget about coloring procedures for more than a year. The hair will gradually grow back, and the dyed hair will not lose its well-groomed appearance.

Another plus is that the hair looks more voluminous. As it grows out, there is a feeling that the hairstyle is still well-groomed.

The disadvantages of this procedure usually include:

  • Few people have the opportunity to spend it at home. Coloring requires special skills; it is better if an experienced specialist takes care of changing the image.
  • If you have recently dyed or permed, highlighting can be done no earlier than after a few months. After these procedures, the structure of the hairs is damaged and additional exposure to the bleaching composition can severely damage them.
  • If there is a hair disease or obvious contraindications, then experts advise postponing the procedure. The same applies to the presence of unhealed scars and damage to the surface of the head.

Please note that if you used henna or basma to color your strands, highlighting is contraindicated. The color may not turn out as expected.

The last disadvantages include the long duration of the procedure; you will have to spend at least twice as much time in the salon chair than with a regular image change. After highlighting, you must use products to soften and strengthen your hair every day.

Classic frequent highlighting

This type of highlighting involves lightening the curls from roots to ends. The effect may be ideal if your natural shade is light brown. In the classical technique, the master uses several shades at once, their number can reach four.


French highlighting is suitable for those who have light brown and wheatish undertones. Ideally, you should get the effect that the curls themselves seem to have burned out under the strong rays of the sun. For work, the master uses a dye with a high oxide, without using lightening powder. This coloring is gentle. The dye base does not contain strong chemicals that could cause harm.

Additional visual volume is obtained due to the fact that one color smoothly transitions into another. French dyeing gives your hair a well-groomed, natural look. This style will look especially harmonious on medium and long strands.

California highlighting

The California highlighting technique is similar to ombre dyeing. The only significant difference is the absence of a clear boundary between the transition from one shade to another. Experts advise owners of light brown hair to resort to California coloring.

The palette of shades used in coloring is close to natural, so the image always turns out natural. Transitions between tones should be smooth.

Reverse highlighting

Reverse highlighting is used to return to your natural shade. This procedure is most often used by women who have previously lightened their naturally dark hair. The curls grow back, the roots acquire their own dark tone, and reverse highlighting allows you to soften this transition.

To make the hairstyle look harmonious, the hairdresser often adds several dark strands to the overall volume of hair.


Venetian coloring is great for dark brown hair. The technique is similar to California dyeing. A large palette of colors is mixed - from chocolate to purple.


Ombre involves coloring the strands not along the entire length, but only along a horizontal line. The hairstyle is conventionally divided into two parts. Coloring occurs approximately from the middle of the curls to the very ends. Sometimes dyeing is done only at the ends of the hair. Experts advise choosing a tone that is no more than 2-3 tones different from the natural shade of your hair. Ombre is suitable for both brunettes and those with light brown hair.


The color of half the length of the curls changes as much as possible. An important condition is to create a smooth transition from one lighter to another darker and vice versa. Representatives of the fashion and beauty industry pay special attention to coloring the strands of the face.


In the balayage technique, a specialist applies paint in strokes to the ends. The hair appears to be completely bleached. The border between shades, unlike shatush, is more pronounced. The difference between hair roots and ends can be up to 6-8 tones.


When coloring, the master can use at least two shades. The maximum number of undertones is not limited, and depends only on the wishes of the client and the professional capabilities of the specialist who performs the coloring. All colors are selected close to each other in tone; when creating a hairstyle, one color should smoothly transition into another.

How to do highlights on brown hair at home

Highlighting on light brown hair can be done independently at home without the help of a specialist. This is an economical way to quickly change your appearance.

  1. Before highlighting begins, the foil is cut into small pieces, the width of each of which should be 15-20 centimeters. Please note that it is important to make the foil pieces at least twice as long as the curls themselves.
  2. According to the instructions, all ingredients for coloring are mixed. If necessary, an additional test for an allergic reaction is performed. Afterwards, the curls are combed and roughly divided into three parts. Two parts should be lateral, and one should be occipital. Don't forget that bangs are a separate segment. To secure parts that are not yet in use, hairpins are used.
  3. Next, take a comb with a sharp long tip. In the working area, it is used to horizontally separate continuous thin strands. In a checkerboard pattern, some of the curls should remain on the foil, and some should go into the work area. Afterwards paint is carefully applied along the entire length and the foil is closed. The remaining curls are processed using the same algorithm. This is how the whole hairstyle is colored.
  4. How long you need to keep the dye on your hair depends solely on the wishes of the future owner of the highlighting. The longer the paint stays on, the more saturated the color will be.

Products (lightener and its %, dye, tools - everything you need for highlighting) for home highlighting

Before choosing a lightener, you need to generally assess the condition of your hair, tone and desired effect. If there is such a possibility, it is advisable to consult a specialist from a beauty salon.

For dark curls, it is recommended to choose a 9-12% lightener. For fair-haired girls, a lightener of 6-8% is better. For weak and thin hair, you should not choose an oxidizing agent greater than 3%, as there is a risk of damage to the hair structure.

When carrying out the procedure, it is important to have a special brush that will be used for painting, a special container for stirring the paint, two combs (one should be a regular massage comb, the other should have an acute angle).

With a cap

Highlighting with a cap at home is one of the simplest procedures. Its implementation is suitable for those who themselves cannot evenly divide the hair into zones and then apply the dye themselves. This highlighting cap has a number of special holes. Strands are passed through them, and they will need to be dyed. This option is ideal for girls who have short or medium-length hair.

Hair care after highlighting

Caring for curls after the highlighting procedure is similar to care after regular coloring. It is important to constantly maintain a healthy hair appearance and prevent it from looking lifeless and dry. It is for this reason that experts recommend using various moisturizing cosmetics after washing your hair.

It is important not to expose your curls to chemicals for several months, as this can seriously damage their structure. Re-staining can be done after at least 3-6 months, in some cases it is recommended to wait up to a year.

Hair highlighting is an excellent solution for girls who want to change their image without radically changing their hair color. Most stylists say that a good haircut and coloring can even out facial features and make hair thicker. If the procedure is performed correctly, the image will become well-groomed.

It is worth remembering that doing highlighting yourself at home is not so easy. Therefore, if you do not have special knowledge and experience, you should contact a specialist.

The result depends on the correctly selected shade of dye that is applied to the strands and on compliance with the chosen technique. More and more stylists are saying that The first coloring should be done at the hairdresser. This will make it easier to understand how the procedure is carried out and you will be able to get a lot of valuable advice.

Before starting the procedure, be sure to familiarize yourself with a number of available contraindications. If you do not follow them, this will lead to unpleasant consequences:

  • It does not need to be performed by those who dyed their hair with natural dyes shortly before the procedure. This includes basma and henna.
  • The procedure is also contraindicated for those who have recently dyed their hair, gone out of color abruptly, or have had their hair permed.
  • It is better for pregnant women not to conduct such experiments.
  • The result may be unexpected for those who have suffered a debilitating illness.


Currently, a huge number of girls are asking the question of how to carry out California highlighting. This new trend came to our country from California. In women of this region, you can see bleached strands in their hair due to the strong influence of the sun. They not only increase volume, but also add lightness.

California highlighting is carried out to create the effect of burnt curls. The main task is to preserve the natural appearance. Naturalness is achieved through neat transitions from one shade to another.

California highlighting has a lot of positive aspects.

  1. The main feature is that the transition from regrown roots is not visible for a long time. Natural colors can be used for pigmentation.
  2. This painting method is the most gentle and harmless. The dye contains beeswax, which neutralizes the effects of harmful substances.

The result will be ideal on light brown hair. Dark strands need to be lightened at the roots, and light strands should be darkened. California coloring can be done along the entire length of the hair or partially. As a result, you can emphasize a feminine image.

Watch a video on the topic:


Ash highlighting can be done in different ways. Often the strands are made small if silver shades are used. The result is a shade of the base color and the elimination of gray hair.

Contrast plays an important role in this coloring.

Since silver tones are cool, it is important to be careful. You should not paint individual areas. Silver tones should be no more than 40%.

The best solution would be to create an ombre, but it is important to choose the shades very carefully.

In addition to the advantages, ash blonde also has disadvantages.

  1. It doesn't suit all women. If you choose the wrong shade, it can age you or indicate facial imperfections. Also, such coloring can add sloppiness and sloppiness to the appearance.
  2. Not everyone can do highlighting. This option will make it possible to eliminate gray hair. However, after performing such a procedure, no one thinks about the possible consequences, since adult women will look even older.

Double dyeing

This highlighting is carried out using two shades. It is in demand due to the following advantages:

  • Regrown roots are not visible against the general background.
  • Highlighting is a gentle coloring method.
  • This is a good cost savings.
  • Modern coloring compositions contain components that lead to healthier hair.
  • It fights gray hair well.
  • Makes hair voluminous.

This coloring method is suitable for girls with medium-length brown hair.

Light or dark strands

It is carried out using different techniques. If you need to make light strands on dark hair, you first need to bleach them.

You should not choose too great contrasts, as they often make the hairstyle vulgar. The presence of thick strands when mixing such colors will also not be the best solution.

Frequent and rare

Rare coloring involves highlighting several strands over the entire surface of the hair. These strands are noticeable, and each woman sets their width personally for herself. This method is perfect for those who choose shades a little lighter than their hair. Wide strands look more creative.

This type is used on light and dark hair. If you decide to place color accents, then you should not dye the curls along the entire length. Rare has its positive sides:

  • It is made using paints of different colors.
  • It hides gray hair.
  • It refreshes and adds elegance to the haircut.

If you are unsure about which technique to choose, pay attention to what is rarely done on thick hair. As for the frequent one, it is worth choosing for women with thin hair.

Large and small

The size of the strands directly depends on your goals. Large highlights look great in contrast. It looks extravagant, so it is worth choosing if you need to highlight individual strands. Fine highlights are a typical choice that suits everyone. This coloring will make the image more vibrant.


Brown hair always looks well-groomed and beautiful. But there are also cases when you need to make your hairstyle more original. In this case, color highlighting is exactly what you need.

Nowadays, stars are especially active in deciding on such transformations. They are not afraid to show their imagination and stand out from others. Color highlighting is:

  • Combination of incompatible colors. Strands of blue and green colors look very impressive on light brown hair.
  • Use of different shades. This method of painting will be appreciated only by the most daring.
  • A good solution for hiding gray hair. When selecting shades, the specialist will relieve you of gray hair.

It is worth noting that pink, purple and blue locks are suitable for young girls with medium and long hair. They will make the image more vivid and memorable.

On short hair, it is necessary to highlight only certain areas - this way the hairstyle will look neat. The colors are not limited in any way - green, blue, red.

Note: Women over 40 should not get carried away with too bright locks. They will look ridiculous. This coloring is best suited for teenagers.

Other types

Types of highlighting can be divided into several groups, which can be represented as follows:

  • Zonal(paint only the top part).
  • Classic(lightening individual strands).

Depending on the color, there are the following varieties:

  1. Traditional(strands are first dyed and then tinted).
  2. Reverse(restoration of the effect of highlighted strands).

Depending on the intensity of the impact on the curls, there are the following types:

  • Normal(coloring a given number of strands in a light shade).
  • Gentle(the procedure is carried out using ammonia-free dyes).

Photos before and after

Below you will see photos of highlighting before and after coloring.

Does it look impressive on light brown hair?

The most advantageous shades are those that echo light brown hair. It is worth giving preference to light, honey, nut, mustard, and chocolate tones.

Choosing a haircut

For short hair, mazhimesh, diagonal highlighting, and majicontrast techniques are suitable. For medium length, the best options would be Californian or American highlighting or balayage. For long hair, the best solution would be to dye it in two colors, ash dyeing, as well as the other techniques listed above.

Features of the procedure

It differs in that dyed hair must first be prepared for the procedure.

If brown hair has previously been dyed, then the strands need to be bleached, otherwise the dye will not take and the desired effect will not be achieved.

Lightening curls at home

If you decide to do highlighting at home, then the best method is using foil. For this you will need:

  • Powder and oxidizing agent.
  • Paint brush.
  • 2 combs.
  • Foil.
  • Bowl for paint.
  • Gloves.
  • Towel and protective cover for clothing.

Follow the step by step instructions:

  1. You must wear protective clothing and place a towel over your shoulders.
  2. The foil is cut into long strips.
  3. Prepare the dye according to the instructions.
  4. All hair is divided into zones and secured with a hairpin.
  5. Use a comb to separate a strand and place it on foil.
  6. Paint the strand, then fold the foil in half and secure along the edges.
  7. Back off 2 cm and paint the next strand.
  8. Time 30 minutes when you have done this with all the strands.
  9. Remove the paper and rinse your hair with shampoo, then apply conditioner to your hair.
  10. Rinse off the conditioner well and dry your hair.

Note! When choosing an oxidizer, pay attention to hair color and texture. For fair-haired people, it is worth choosing an oxidizing agent whose concentration is 6-9%. It will allow you to achieve the desired result.

What to do if it doesn't work?

If highlighting at home does not live up to your expectations, you can always find a way out. The best solution would be to dye your hair one color. However, you should be aware that in this case the strands will still look lighter than the rest of the hair.

If you want to fix everything, you can go to a salon, where the bleached strands will be dyed in dark tones, and then the entire mass of hair will be dyed. This will even out the shade and remove all traces of an unsuccessful procedure.


As you can see, You can create highlights for an attractive and unusual look. But you need to know many nuances in order for such a procedure to meet your expectations and make you confident. In any case, contacting an experienced hairdresser will allow you not only to learn the technique, but also to get a lot of pleasure after the work done.

Highlighting on dark hair is a great way to liven up your hair color, add zest to your look, and without ruining your hair.

SEE ALSO: Let's figure out what highlighting dark hair is, what techniques and types there are, and also analyze the mistakes when choosing highlighting for dark hair. Highlighting on dark hair- This is a method of dyeing individual strands to give the color versatility and depth. The shades are selected in such a way as to highlight the natural hair color and at the same time add volume and liveliness to the hairstyle.

The highlighting procedure appeared more than 10 years ago, but only recently has it become available to brunettes. This became possible thanks to the advent of innovative dyeing techniques and pigments that make it possible to give dark hair beautiful shades.

Shades that are ideal for highlighting on dark hair:

- cognac;
- copper;
- chocolate;
- coffee;
- caramel;
- nuts;
- honey.

The shade of the strands should be chosen depending on the original hair color. In order to get the effect of a beautiful expensive hair color, the strands should not be contrasting and stand out from the main mass of the hair. Differences of 1-2 tones are enough to make the hair look uniform, but at the same time new shades create depth of color.

Classic highlights for dark hair

Uniform coloring of strands along the entire length from roots to ends is called classic highlighting; this technique does not lose popularity from year to year and is a top procedure in a good salon.

For dark-haired girls, there are some nuances of highlighting using the classical technique:

1. The hair strands taken are very small (2-5 mm) so as not to get too contrasting a result.
2. After highlighting, you often have to resort to a tinting procedure to give the bleached strands a fashionable shade.
3. It is better to tint strands in muted shades as close as possible to the natural hair color.

Zonal highlighting on dark hair - a gentle coloring technique

When conducting zonal highlighting Only the top part of the hair is dyed, the rest of the hair remains untouched.

This coloring technology is suitable for girls with thin, not thick hair or for girls who doubt whether highlighting is suitable for them.

Advantages of zonal highlighting for dark hair:

The hair is practically not damaged, since the upper zone is dyed (for example, when carrying out classic highlighting, approximately 50% of the hair is dyed).
- you can get the effect of sun-bleached hair;
- if highlighting is not to your liking or does not suit you, it will be easier to return your original color;
If you wish, you can just lighten the strands framing your face a little, this will undoubtedly refresh the image.

Of the minuses It can be noted that you will have to part your hair in one place so that the bleached strands are visible.

Bronzing for dark hair

This technique is also called multi-color highlighting. When dyeing, several shades close to the main hair color are selected, usually these are nut, honey, caramel, chocolate, and coffee shades.

Thanks to BRONDE coloring the effect of soft iridescence of the hair is created; if the bronding procedure for dark hair is performed correctly, then you will get your own unique shade.

The peculiarity is that it does not have clear boundaries, the color is shaded as much as possible and selected within 2-3 related tones.

At first glance, you may not notice that your hair has been dyed in several tones, but at the same time the image will become more impressive, the hair color will be more expensive, and your face will be more expressive.

Ombre for dark hair

A hit of the 2015-2016 season, of course. There are different techniques and types of ombre, you can choose the one that suits you.
Ombre is an excellent option for those who want to keep their hair healthy; it can be done only at the ends, and the coloring can be renewed much less frequently than, for example, classic highlighting.

This may be a slightly perceptible shift of color towards the tips or, on the contrary, a contrasting transition from dark to light shade. The classic version of ombre is two-tone hair coloring with a smooth transition of color from dark to light. There is also a similar dyeing technique, thanks to which the effect of sun-bleached hair is achieved.

If you do not want drastic changes in appearance, then choose a shade as close as possible to your color, the transition will be soft, but this change will certainly refresh your hairstyle.

Ombre looks very impressive on dark hair with light ends, but be prepared that this is a rather aggressive hair procedure.

For extraordinary and brave girls, bright Ombre is suitable; they look great on dark hair. red, ginger, eggplant shades for ombre.

Coloring for dark hair

Coloring is the dyeing of individual strands of hair in different shades (usually 2-3 shades are selected, but some stylists do it chic with a large number of colors.

The difference between coloring and highlighting is that when coloring, individual strands are lightened and then dyed to the desired shade, while when highlighting, the strands simply acquire a lighter shade.

Coloring for dark hair has a wide range of shades and colors, they can be either natural (chestnut, cognac, honey, dark chocolate) or bright (red, red, purple, etc.).

Highlighting on black hair

When highlighting black hair, you need to be very careful, because you can not only ruin your hair, but also make the image vulgar.

Highlighting black hair should be done by an experienced colorist; shades should be chosen in a cold range; bronze and currant colors, coffee, copper, and dark brown shades are suitable.

On black hair, you can perform a bronzing procedure, thanks to this you can create an interesting shade of hair with different tints of color.

Blonding - or how to use highlighting to turn from a brunette to a blonde

The purpose of bleaching is a gradual transition from dark to light hair color, while the hair has a beautiful uneven shade, in contrast to complete lightening of the hair.

You need to be prepared for the fact that bleaching dark hair is a long and complex process; the desired effect can be obtained only after several lightening and toning procedures. The advantage of this procedure is that you can choose any shade in the light range (wheat, beige, golden, platinum , and etc.)

The downside is that it’s a lot of stress for your hair, it can suffer significantly, and your hair may become brittle and dry.

California highlighting

Another gentle technique for coloring dark hair is. This method of highlighting does not involve use, so it is ideal for dark hair.

The peculiarity of Californian (Venetian) highlighting is that the hair at the roots remains dark, and along the length there is a soft transition of color to a lighter one.

Partial highlights on dark hair

The name speaks for itself; with partial highlighting, only individual strands or ends of the hair can be colored to create the effect of flames.

Partial highlighting is suitable for girls who want to refresh their hair without radical changes; contrasting strands can add zest to the look. Partial highlighting is also done on the strands framing the face, especially for dark-haired girls this option looks impressive.

Salt and pepper - a fashion trend in coloring

This technique is controversial for many, but in 2016 stylists paid special attention to it. It requires special professionalism from the colorist, because the main thing is not to get the effect of gray hair.

If you have ashy dark brown hair, then this type of highlighting may be suitable for you.

Very relevant in 2019. The most fashionable include all shades of light brown color, as well as highlights on it. Therefore, colorists recommend that those who decide to change their appearance try one of the strands for any length of hair - short, medium and long.

Important! It is recommended to do highlighting on light brown hair only in a beauty salon with a trusted hairdresser, so that the result meets expectations and does not create new problems: exhaustion, dryness and brittle hair.

Highlighting on brown hair - fashion trends

Natural light brown color has always been popular among women, and in the coming year it will become trendy. It will look especially interesting in combination with one of the types of highlighting.

Among the current types of highlighting proposed by hair stylists are the following techniques:

Classic highlighting

The simplest and most common technique is the classical one. It has been used for several years and involves uniform coloring of thin strands from roots to ends. The thickness of the strands can vary from the thinnest to the widest, depending on the intended result.

California highlighting

This highlighting is perfect for light brown hair. The effect of natural hair with slightly sun-bleached strands from the outside looks very natural, gentle and feminine. In addition, this coloring of strands is considered gentle and is suitable for all hair types.

Refinishing or tinting

Another option for highlighting light brown hair is re-highlighting. It involves tinting the strands to match the base shade of the hair, several shades lighter or darker.

Highlighting on dark brown hair

Unlike light brown shades, dark tones require different highlighting techniques. The most common of them were:

Venetian highlighting

This type of hair coloring is reminiscent of the Californian highlighting technique, the only difference being the shades offered by the hair coloring palette.

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