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Menstruation during breastfeeding - after what time does the mother’s body fully recover? Is it possible to get pregnant during lactation? How to protect yourself while breastfeeding

In women's circles, opinions are divided as to whether it is possible to become pregnant while breastfeeding. This is caused by different experiences - some freely lived sexually, knowing about the safest time, when it is not necessary to use protection. Other mothers have children of the same age because of their carelessness. Women in labor who are preparing to enter the normal course of family life should have a clear understanding in which cases the period of breastfeeding will guarantee safe sex.

“Pros” and “cons” of contraception during breastfeeding

Today, not many women agree to full breastfeeding, mainly due to the fear of losing their slim figure. Other mothers with babies insist that this is very beneficial for children's health, and that the waist can be “sharpened” even after breastfeeding (breastfeeding). Another argument in favor of breastfeeding is the postulate that pregnancy is excluded during breastfeeding. However, when consulting with doctors, they learn that the possibility of conception still remains. But can the body work “on two fronts”?

If we touch on issues of female physiology, discussing whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding, it is important to understand that a nursing mother is not infertile. Yes, women are less fertile during this period; after childbirth, a powerful hormonal shift occurs in the body. The body is configured for lactation of the baby, and not for conception. At this time, you may not need to use protection if feeding occurs every 3 hours (or a little less). While the milk arrives by the hour, the reproductive function rests.

However, the ovaries, which have rested during pregnancy, are adjusted to the next phase of searching for the possibility of prolonging the birth. There is nothing you can do about it - the eggs exit into the fallopian tubes. And the woman learns about the first “sperm hunt” after her first period begins. This is immediately noticeable in the amount of breast milk; it gradually disappears. This disadvantage has its advantages - you don’t need to worry about properly weaning the baby from the breast when the mother is breastfeeding.

It is not so important what comes first - the functionality of the ovaries or the extinction of lactation, the main thing is that these processes interact. When there is not enough milk for full breastfeeding, the baby is transferred to artificial milk formula. It is in this situation that women do not feed at night and increase the pause between feedings. The ovaries receive a signal to restore productivity. It is now clear whether a nursing mother can become pregnant before cyclicity is restored.

Attention: This is the most dangerous time - the eggs are already formed, but there is no menstruation. Therefore, it is difficult to determine the time of the first ovulation, but it is easy to get pregnant. Postpartum eggs are already formed, but menstruation has not resumed!

Expert opinion - when breastfeeding, ovulation is blocked due to hormonal levels. No one will undertake to calculate the exact date when the “blockade” ends and when a gap appears. The lack of chance of getting pregnant during breastfeeding is a myth, although the postulate has grounds. So when you breastfeed, you can get pregnant.

Gynecologists recommend insuring yourself with other methods of contraception if similar children are not planned. Sometimes they do this on purpose, if they wanted twins - the babies will be born with a minimum interval. The older child will not have enough mother's milk, which will quickly dry up during another pregnancy. The firstborn will have to be content with artificial formula and complementary foods.

What is lactational amenorrhea?

Many nursing mothers know the term “lactation amenorrhea,” which refers to hormonal suppression of ovarian reproduction with delayed ovulation. This is the time before the onset of the first postpartum menstruation; you can count on it like contraceptives of natural origin.
Attention: No method of protection is 100% effective! Those who are interested in whether it is possible to become pregnant during breastfeeding should take into account the small possibility of unjustified hopes.

Gynecologists consider this method of protection to be the most reliable, with a guarantee of 97-99%. Its effectiveness depends on the frequency of lactation. But if women in labor are terrified of a second pregnancy, doctors suggest installing an IUD or using any other non-hormonal contraceptive - to be on the safe side. Such a safety net should reassure those who ask about the likelihood of becoming pregnant during breastfeeding.

The protection mechanism is triggered by the hormone prolactin, produced by the pituitary gland of nursing mothers. Its role is to ensure the synthesis of milk, and this process is initiated during labor or delivery of a live fetus through cesarean section.

The maturation processes of follicles are blocked during lactation, the egg is not released, so fertilization is impossible. The danger of becoming pregnant again while breastfeeding is that the restoration of postpartum reproductive function occurs gradually.

The period of lactational amenorrhea can be reduced or extended by your actions if:

  • eat well for the sake of incoming milk;
  • hold the baby in your arms more and longer;
  • his crib stands next to his sleeping mother;
  • feeding not only by the hour, but also on demand;
  • put the baby to the breast often (at least every 2-3 hours);
  • feed the baby at night;
  • give the opportunity to eat (a well-fed baby will release the nipple on his own);
  • do not rush to introduce complementary foods, supplementing with water and introducing infant formula before six months.
In medical practice, there are many examples of unexpected pregnancies in nursing mothers. Therefore, for those who are interested in “is it possible to get pregnant while you are breastfeeding?”, doctors answer: “YES!” The reason for conception is a lost biological rhythm of hourly feeding.

How to get pregnant with breastfeeding

Breastfeeding mothers have reduced fertility, but they are not infertile. To start the ovulation process and not deprive the baby, you need to influence the hormonal levels that restrain the reproductive function of the female body.

Breastfeeding mothers on forums ask: if you get pregnant, will your milk disappear during breastfeeding? Keep in mind that it will gradually dry up on its own. The period of lactational dysmenorrhea cannot continue until school years.

On women's forums they often ask: if a nursing mother becomes pregnant, what changes will happen? Among the characteristic signs that a nursing mother has become pregnant again, experts call:

  1. Absence of menstruation (they might never appear if the first egg “picked up” the sperm).
  2. Uncharacteristic contractions, rounding of the uterus and heaviness in the lower abdomen, accompanied by lower back pain.
  3. Drowsiness, nausea, frequent urge to urinate at night.
  4. If a nursing mother becomes pregnant, the milk becomes bitter and thick (a different taste and consistency appears).
  5. The baby notices changes and is capricious due to the composition of the milk and the decrease in food volume.
  6. The nipples harden, feeding becomes painful, the skin on the areolas cracks, the breasts feel as if they have enlarged, but there is less milk.
If there are these and other dubious signs, there is no need to guess; it is better to get tested for pregnancy. Changes may also be affected by taking certain medications that the woman took uncontrollably or out of habit before pregnancy. During lactation, be sure to consult a doctor, especially if it is hormonal medications.

Approximately 80% of women indicated that their periods “came” after the end of the breastfeeding period. Those who became pregnant during lactational dysmenorrhea confirmed that they did not have periods, but they did not use contraception.

In this case, we could advise:

  • vaginal caps and diaphragms;
  • spermicidal suppositories and ointments;
  • mini-pills (sparing tablets);
  • condoms.
If the family has a taste for it and immediately wants to have a second child, it is important to think about how to get pregnant if you are breastfeeding. Most likely, he will have to be switched to artificial feeding. When the kids have a small age difference, this is good - the “diaper period” will end faster in the family, and the children are more friendly.

Agree that it is rare for a woman to plan her next child immediately after giving birth or in the near future. The body is still “in shock”, mommy is tired of her stomach and is getting used to the changes in her life. It’s like working without a vacation, it’s like you’ve worked for a year and you’re like, “If only I could have another year without rest, then it’ll be great!”

But jokes are jokes, and after giving birth there will really be more worries. The body needs time to restore the resources it still spends on producing precious milk for the baby. And so that the female exhausted body does not say: “Sho, again!?” new pregnancy, as in that cartoon, a new mother should think about all the means of eliminating it.

And from our grandmothers and mothers you can often hear the cherished: “As long as you breastfeed, you won’t get pregnant!” well, or something in a similar vein, and, indeed, many women note the contraceptive properties of lactation. There are those who don’t notice, or rather, they hoped, but it didn’t work. So let's figure out whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding.

Biology lessons

In a popular scientific form, I propose to understand what causes such changes in a woman’s body.

Looking ahead, it should be said that our good friends – hormones – are to blame. You can endlessly wonder how these substances can control all sorts of processes in our body (without our knowledge!) and how much we depend on them. Tearful mood and cravings during menstruation - the hormone is to blame! I admired the photo of my little baby, and milk flowed, filling my entire jacket - it’s all a hormone!

The period when a woman’s ability to conceive a child (fertility) decreases during breastfeeding is called lactational amenorrhea (literally: absence of menstruation while breastfeeding). This is directly related to the processes of milk production, for which the hormones prolactin and oxytocin are responsible.

Prolactin stimulates special cells called lactocytes so that they can “make” milk, and oxytocin helps “expel” it when the breasts are irritated. Surely those who have had experience breastfeeding have experienced so-called “hot flashes” or “bloating” during feeding or immediately before it, from which the milk literally flowed like a fountain even without the baby sucking. Sound familiar? It's all oxytocin's fault.

So this very lactogenesis (the process of milk formation) suspends the functions of a woman’s reproductive system, in particular, regular ovulation. Nature is cunning, it slows down, minimizes the likelihood of a new life appearing while the born baby needs its mother so badly, otherwise all the resources, all the vitamins will go to the baby in the tummy.

There is even a method of contraception called LAM (lactation amenorrhea method), which is considered physiological and is said to even work 98%.

So is it possible or not?

Despite such impressive and even convincing figures, the MLA method is not effective enough to rely on. Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? CAN! And how! Despite the natural decline in fertility, special conditions must still be observed so that, as they say, “for sure”:

✓ feeding only on demand;

✓ presence of night feedings. The maximum interval between feedings is no more than 5 hours, the rest no more than 2 hours;

✓ mandatory night feedings (prolactin production is more intense at night);

✓ the child is no more than six months old;

✓ the woman does not menstruate.

If you can guarantee compliance with all these points, then in this case the MLA will work at the promised 98%, and if not, then sorry. Pregnancy during breastfeeding is quite possible. It's actually hard to guarantee hourly feedings and mandatory nighttime latching, and to be honest, it's difficult.

Separately, it is worth mentioning the absence of menstruation. Menstruation normally resumes in a nursing woman after a year of breastfeeding. Not even normal, but for most women. And what’s interesting: the spotting itself may appear in a month or two, when “the mechanism has already been launched.” Those. ovulation happened, but the woman didn’t even suspect it, and calmly practiced this so-called MLA, and then, bam, a gift. Is it possible to get pregnant during breastfeeding if you don’t have periods? Can! It is easier to use additional contraceptive measures than to rely on physiological mechanisms. By the way, about additional measures.


Contraceptives for nursing

For obvious reasons, the list will be incomplete, since the priorities are safety for the baby and the amount of milk. Briefly and to the list:

✓ barrier methods (pres...tives, etc.) - safe, works, accessible;

✓ spermicides (special ointments and suppositories that suppress sperm activity or kill them altogether) - simple, safe, relatively effective (about 80%);

✓ uterine devices (effective, long lasting, but have contraindications);

✓ oral contraceptives (mini-pills) - effective, but it is important to choose “your option” together with the gynecologist. The peculiarity is that this is not a combination drug containing several synthetic hormones, but a drug containing only progestin.

In any case, there are many options, and if you are breastfeeding, but are already introducing complementary foods or prefer to feed by the hour, then ignoring additional protection can be fraught.

New pregnancy or tandem feeding

Let's say there is such a brave woman in the world who, specifically or simply, does not mind giving birth to another baby. Then how to get pregnant while pregnant? The answer suggests itself: simply do not comply with feeding on demand, establish and not use additional contraception. Gradually, with the suppression of lactation, the possibility of conception improves, so new life in the tummy is not far off (if you try regularly).

Feeding at the same age or, as it is called, tandem feeding is also interesting - when the mother does not stop breastfeeding the first child, while giving birth to the second and also feeding him with her milk. Cool, unusual, selfless and very, very responsible. It’s a rare woman who can boast of enough milk to satisfy the needs of two children of different ages (and we know that the composition of milk changes as the baby grows). Moreover, this takes a toll on the resources of the mother’s body. Just imagine: you need twice as much milk. But what about it, with milk, the mother needs to bear a healthy child, while fully feeding the other one, until the youngest is born.

When deciding to take such a responsible step, consider your capabilities and consult with a good specialist. You can continue feeding if there is no threat to a new pregnancy, your nutrition will be complete, and there will be plenty of time for rest. Important: food should not increase in volume, you should not eat more than three people. Attention is drawn specifically to its quality: complete replenishment of the needs for microelements and acids.

If you really want a second baby in the near future, then be sure to consult with your loved ones, because they are the ones you will have to rely on in the near future. They should not only support you morally, but also physically if necessary, otherwise who will take on some of the responsibilities around the house, walks with the older child and other important matters?

It is also worth mentioning the duration of feeding. Many people know that oxytocin affects uterine contractility (by the way, this is the same substance that is responsible for contractions during childbirth; it is injected into women in labor if they are not intense enough), especially in the postpartum period. But from about 34 weeks of pregnancy, oxytocin, produced in response to the baby actively sucking at the breast, can trigger labor. Who wants to give birth at 34 weeks? Therefore, if there is a question about stopping breastfeeding, then it needs to be resolved before this moment, in consultation with a specialist.

Let's sum it up

What can I say, pregnancy while breastfeeding is not that rare. Of course, many years of research and the example of millions of women have proven the effectiveness of this method of contraception, but subject to certain rules. It is better to consider lactational amenorrhea as a pleasant bonus to the sacrament of breastfeeding, rather than to consider it as a reliable protection against pregnancy.

There is a strong opinion among people that during breastfeeding, a woman’s fertility is zero. That is, she cannot become pregnant throughout the entire lactation period, and while the baby is breastfed, there is no need to think about contraception.

However, in practice this theory often fails. Let's figure out whether you can get pregnant if you are breastfeeding.

Postpartum bleeding can last for quite a long time (up to 56 days), but this phenomenon has nothing to do with menstruation. During this period, the uterus is restored and returns to its previous size.

After the bleeding stops, the body is, in principle, ready for pregnancy again, although full recovery, of course, has not yet occurred. Many women who breastfeed do not have periods throughout the entire lactation period. Therefore, they believe that they are protected from another pregnancy.

Meanwhile, ovulation can occur before a woman’s cycle is restored. And during this period, conception may well occur.

Lactational amenorrhea

During breastfeeding, a woman produces not only milk, but also special hormones that reduce her fertility, even if she has already had her period. But these hormones only reduce the likelihood of pregnancy, but do not completely exclude it.

Therefore, the method of contraception, which is commonly called “lactation amenorrhea,” is extremely ineffective. Even if the menstrual cycle has not yet returned, the woman cannot notice the first ovulation, and it is at this time that she can become pregnant, although the probability of this event is low - about 10%.

Read also: How to breastfeed your baby correctly: choosing a position and rules of attachment

If the menstrual cycle is restored, and for some young mothers this happens a few weeks after the completion of postpartum bleeding, even when breastfeeding, then the probability of conception is 50%.

Studies have shown that the method of birth control through breastfeeding can be quite effective only if four conditions are met:

  • the cycle has not yet recovered after childbirth;
  • the mother feeds the baby only breast milk, and she puts the baby to the breast, and does not express milk to give to the baby from a bottle;
  • breaks between feedings do not exceed 3.5 hours, including at night;
  • no more than 6 months have passed since birth.

Provided that all (and not just some) four conditions are met, the effectiveness of this method of contraception will be 98%. That is, about 2% of women, even if all conditions are met, are at risk of becoming pregnant.

Signs of pregnancy during lactation

Surely, many women have heard stories from their friends that when pregnancy occurs during lactation, the woman does not realize her situation for a long time. Often pregnancy is detected at 4 months or even more, when the mother begins to feel the baby moving.

Let's look at what signs you need to pay attention to in order to detect pregnancy in time.

The onset of a new pregnancy almost always affects lactation. The fact is that the mother’s body directs all its resources to feeding the fetus, and it may simply “not have enough strength” to produce milk.

Sometimes the very first thing a mother “guess” about a new pregnancy is her baby, and this manifests itself by refusing to breastfeed. The fact is that the onset of pregnancy causes hormonal changes, which cannot but affect the taste and composition of breast milk. However, this sign cannot be considered very reliable; some babies continue to actively suck, not paying much attention to the changes.

Read also: Restoring health after giving birth

A more reliable sign of pregnancy may be changes in the mammary glands. Many women note their soreness and swelling. At the same time, continued breastfeeding can cause severe discomfort to the mother, prompting her to switch to feeding the baby with formula.

The most common signs of pregnancy should not be ignored, for example, morning sickness, frequent urination, nagging pain in the lower abdomen, etc.

Is it possible to continue breastfeeding if pregnancy occurs?

Only a gynecologist after an examination can answer the question of whether it is possible to continue feeding a baby with breast milk if a new pregnancy occurs. If the pregnancy proceeds without complications and the child does not refuse the breast, then there is no need to stop feeding.

However, you need to understand that during feeding the uterus contracts, and this can cause a miscarriage. In addition, a nursing mother during pregnancy must understand that her body’s resources are not endless. She will need to eat well and rest in order to maintain both pregnancy and lactation.

If the mother becomes pregnant when the older baby has already celebrated his first birthday, then it makes sense to gradually stop breastfeeding. At this age, the baby no longer needs mother's milk so badly, and the woman should take care of herself.

How to protect yourself from pregnancy during lactation?

Not all women dream of having babies with such a small age difference. And gynecologists do not welcome such frequent pregnancies, believing that a woman’s body is fully ready for a new pregnancy only two years after giving birth.

A woman should think about the issue of contraception in advance, especially since there are enough methods that can be used during lactation.

Breastfeeding on demand often prevents pregnancy in new mothers. Exceptions From this rule there are, but they are explained by the fact that not all women adhere to the rules that guarantee the protective effect of feeding.

Contraceptive effect of breastfeeding valid only if specific conditions are met.

A new pregnancy is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. Cases when this needs to be done are extremely rare.

If a woman prefers to continue feeding during pregnancy, and plans to do this at the same time with the birth of a new baby, she should be confident not only in her own abilities, but also count on the help of her family.

Why does breastfeeding interfere with conception?

The protection method, which is called " lactational amenorrhea"is that breastfeeding prevents new pregnancies. But in some cases, conceiving a baby is still possible.

After childbirth, a woman’s reproductive function is not immediately restored. For nursing mothers, this period is significantly longer than for those who use mixed or artificial feeding. Sometimes recovery lasts until the end of feeding. All this time, a woman may not have menstruation, but conception is still possible.

This fact has been confirmed by doctors and life. The fact is that a woman may not notice the onset of the first postpartum ovulation, and conception can occur during this period. Probability of pregnancy reaches 10%.

The “lactation amenorrhea” method: is it always relevant?

Of course, the possibility of getting pregnant is not very high. During breastfeeding, a woman's ability to conceive decreases significantly.

During the lactation period, the mother’s body intensively produces hormones that inhibit the ability to conceive. The list of these hormones includes prolactin, the high content of which prevents a woman from becoming a mother again when she is breastfeeding.

If several conditions are met, the reliability of the “lactation amenorrhea” method increases to 98-99%.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The effectiveness of the method is 98%;
  2. It can be used to prevent conception while breastfeeding immediately after resuming intimate life;
  3. Has no side effects;
  4. Absolutely free and does not require additional devices;
  5. Provides an opportunity to decide on a different method of protection;
  6. Encourages mother to breastfeed for a long time;
  7. Does not go against any religious beliefs.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. Can be used only until the baby is six months old or until the first menstruation after birth;
  2. It is necessary to feed the baby often, without skipping night feedings;
  3. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

When a woman menstruates again, it means that her body is ready for another conception. If she does not want another child, then she should worry about additional means of protection.

Such cases are not uncommon. Often, pregnancy occurs if some conditions are not met, the mother does not feed at night or supplements the baby with formula. You can continue breastfeeding during pregnancy - this will not harm the health of the children in any way.

If children a year apart are not at all in your plans, you should immediately think about additional protection. If every baby is a gift for you, and a new pregnancy won’t hurt you, then don’t worry in vain.

The effectiveness of the method is quite high, and the result is guaranteed if used correctly. In order to avoid pregnancy, take into account the cases when The reliability of the method may decrease:

Contraception for nursing mothers

Condoms and the vaginal diaphragm

As for condoms, their effectiveness as a means against pregnancy is quite high. You just need to choose their type correctly and, if necessary, use a special lubricant. Women after childbirth often suffer from increased vaginal dryness and discomfort during intimate contact, and lubricant helps solve this problem.

Vaginal diaphragm– a cap with a spring that closes the cervix and, in this way, prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The effectiveness of the product when used correctly is 90%. Its advantages are simplicity, convenience and reusability.

Spermicidal drugs

Women are well aware of creams, tablets and suppositories Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. The principle of their action is based on creating an environment in the vagina that inhibits sperm.

The effectiveness of these funds is more than 80%, which is quite enough for women whose reproductive system has not yet fully recovered after childbirth. They already know whether it is possible to conceive while breastfeeding, and therefore choose a reliable and harmless means of protection. The active substances of suppositories and creams do not enter the milk, so they do not harm the baby.

Intrauterine device

An excellent protective agent for women who have no contraindications to it. Put spiral possible soon after the baby is born.

The cervix at this time is still slightly dilated, so the doctor can easily install it without injuring the uterus with instruments. The spiral lasts for quite a long time - 5-7 years, but, if necessary, it can be removed at any time. , as a contraceptive - almost 100%.

Oral contraceptives

Undoubtedly, today there is no more effective method of protection than. Current birth control pills that do not contain ethinyl estradiol are called mini-pill, and you can start taking it a couple of months after giving birth, even before your period starts.

They do not affect the amount of milk, nor have they been found to have a negative effect on the baby’s body. But you cannot prescribe mini-pills on your own; you need to go to a doctor who will choose the necessary drug.

You also need to remember that taking pills "Charozetta", "Ecrolut" need to be done on time. Being late, even a couple of hours, significantly affects the effectiveness of the product.

After the baby is six months old, you can take standard combined oral contraceptives. These medications contain ethinyl estradiol, provide a high degree of protection against conception, and only slightly reduce milk supply. The last fact is not particularly important, because at six months the baby begins to receive complementary foods.

The number of protective equipment that a nursing mother can use is quite large, and choosing the right one is not problematic. It is important to take into account that the possibility of becoming pregnant while breastfeeding, although not great, is still there, so you should not rely only on natural protection.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

A not very common, but possible situation is the decision to become pregnant again during breastfeeding. It also happens that conception occurred by accident, but the woman wants to keep the child and does not know whether to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy. A gynecologist whom the woman trusts will help you make a decision.

During a normal pregnancy, feeding will not interfere. However, a woman should remember that nature has decreed a certain way in this regard.

This means that everything necessary from the female body will first be directed to the development of the future baby, then to feeding the existing child, and only then to the woman. Therefore, before pregnancy, a nursing mother needs to realistically assess her strength and health. Because a nursing woman, having conceived another child, needs to rest and eat three times better than before.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel discomfort when feeding, which quickly disappears without consequences for the developing fetus. Oxytocin, which is produced during feeding, does not affect the tone of the uterus, so there is no need to worry about premature pregnancy failure. If the need to stop breastfeeding nevertheless arises, this must be done in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

If the mother becomes pregnant at the moment when her child is about a year old, then it makes sense to stop breastfeeding. During this period, the baby receives less and less useful substances from mother’s milk, and other foods take up more and more space in his diet. Weaning off breast milk will happen naturally over time: under the influence of hormones, the amount of milk will gradually decrease, and its taste will become less pleasant, so the baby will refuse it on his own.

But the mother should not rely only on this: having decided to refuse feeding, she must act consistently, otherwise the baby will feel the mother’s insecurity and will begin to make it clear that she is dependent on the breast.

Those mothers who are going to feed two children at the same time after giving birth, stop feeding for the period of their stay in the hospital, and then resume it.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding interests many people. . But, despite the availability of medical literature, even today you can meet a young nursing mother for whom a new pregnancy came as a complete surprise.

Why is the risk of pregnancy reduced during lactation?

During breastfeeding, the female body produces hormones that suppress reproductive function. They prevent re-pregnancy in the short period after childbirth. The more often a woman breastfeeds, the more hormones are produced and the lower the risk of another pregnancy. Thus, breastfeeding prevents pregnancy. But there are exceptions (about 10% of the total number of breastfeeding women).

In order for lactation to become a 100% contraceptive, certain requirements must be met.

  1. The baby must be put to the breast at least 8 times a day, and the maximum break between feedings should not exceed 5 hours.
  2. You cannot introduce complementary foods or use a pacifier.

If at least one of the conditions is violated, you can and should use additional means of contraception, which does not exclude breastfeeding.

Find out how the first examination of a newborn goes, what the pediatrician should pay attention to. What to do if your baby has a stomach ache? Read about this in our article.

When does the risk of becoming pregnant increase during lactation?

Even with frequent breastfeeding, the contraceptive effect of lactation weakens when the child is 6-7 months old. At this age, complementary feeding is introduced, and the baby needs much less breast milk. The body is almost ready to conceive a new life.

The question of whether it is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding if you do not have periods should not arise. Be careful! Can. Sometimes ovulation occurs even in the absence of menstruation.

The restored menstrual cycle also indicates that the female body is ready for a new conception.

Contraception during pregnancy

Vaginal diaphragm. If you decide to use a vaginal diaphragm, first make sure it is the right size for you. Especially if you have lost weight or gained weight after giving birth.

  • Condom. This is the most common and ancient type of contraception. But, unfortunately, not all couples can use it, as it dulls the pleasure of sex for both men and women.
  • Interesting fact. The Bill Gates Foundation has approved a grant for the development of a new generation of condoms that will protect both men and women without reducing pleasure. The creator of Microsoft believes that the new generation of condoms will significantly reduce the number of abortions on the globe and reduce the growth of people with sexually transmitted diseases.
  • Intrauterine device. It is installed if the woman wishes, 6-8 weeks after the birth of the child. In a woman who has recently given birth, the cervix remains slightly open, which minimizes the risk of injury. Typically, the spiral is installed for 5-7 years. In the absence of contraindications, this is an excellent contraceptive.
  • Oral contraceptives. Contraceptives that do not contain ethinyl estradiol do not affect the amount of breast milk and the health of the baby. Therefore, they can be taken in the absence of menstrual bleeding already two months after childbirth. If you decide to use oral contraceptives, you should first consult your doctor.

Breastfeeding and new pregnancy

How should a young mother behave if, despite lactation, pregnancy occurs? If the pregnancy is progressing normally, there is no need to worry. Nature will protect the new life, and the baby in the mother’s belly will first receive all the substances necessary for development.

There are enough resources in the female body to feed an already born child. But a woman should monitor her own condition very carefully. The onset of a new pregnancy soon after childbirth requires a lot of strength and health.

How does a woman feel during lactation during a new pregnancy?

A nursing pregnant woman's breasts may become extremely sensitive, but the discomfort will go away after a couple of weeks without any consequences for the unborn baby.

Fears that nipple irritation can affect the tone of the uterus, which until 34 weeks of pregnancy does not react in any way to the presence of the hormone oxytocin in the body, produced during nipple irritation, are unjustified. By the way, it has not been proven in any way that after 34 weeks oxytocin affects the tone of the uterus.

If a new pregnancy occurs approximately a year after the previous birth, it is worth weaning the child from the breast. Moreover, in the middle of pregnancy the amount of milk will decrease and its taste will change. Some children themselves refuse breastfeeding in this situation.


  1. It is possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding. Fertility sometimes returns to a woman even 4 weeks after the birth of the child. Only strict adherence to certain rules will completely protect you from pregnancy during lactation.
  2. You should not interrupt breastfeeding with the onset of a new pregnancy without special indications.
  3. Feeding two children requires a lot of strength and special care from a woman.

The birth of children, of course, is happiness, but you must agree that it is better to play it safe than to heroically cope with the difficulties that arise. Paying attention to your own health will protect your body from new, unexpected challenges.

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