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Is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding? Menstruation during breastfeeding - after what time the mother’s body is fully restored

Many young mothers are sure: while you are breastfeeding your newborn, a new pregnancy cannot occur by definition. However, there are thousands of cases of unwanted pregnancy occurring after childbirth, while lactation is still maintained. So is it possible to get pregnant while breastfeeding and how to prevent an unplanned pregnancy?

Breastfeeding is a physiological method of contraception

Already in the early postpartum period, as soon as the newborn is first attached to the mother’s breast, hormonal changes occur in the woman’s body. Hormones that support pregnancy and the birth process are replaced by hormones that trigger the process of milk formation in the mammary glands.

The sucking movements of the child's lips reflexively cause the release of large amounts of the hormone prolactin. Transient hyperprolactinemia causes physiological amenorrhea in a nursing mother, which is a reliable method of contraception.

Important! Pregnancy cannot occur after childbirth with full breastfeeding. High concentrations of prolactin in the blood suppress ovulation in the ovaries and other secretory processes inherent in a woman’s normal menstrual cycle. The state of physiological amenorrhea continues until the end of breastfeeding.

How to reduce the risk of pregnancy during lactation

However, it is possible to become pregnant during lactation. Complete suppression of ovulation and physiological amenorrhea in a nursing mother is possible only if she breastfeeds the baby correctly. Young women need to know and remember the conditions under which protection against unwanted pregnancy is most effective.

Important! In order not to become pregnant after childbirth, it is necessary to strictly follow all the principles of natural feeding of a newborn.

Proper feeding requires compliance with the following conditions:

  1. Breastfeed your baby on demand, not by the hour. The new fashionable system of feeding a newborn “on time” has a negative impact not only on the newborn itself, but also on the body of the young mother. Feeding a baby at the first cry develops a hungry reflex in the newborn, ensures sufficient milk production and supports the lactation process. Thus, constantly high titers of prolactin are maintained in the blood of a nursing mother, which completely suppresses ovulation and protects her from pregnancy after childbirth.
  2. Breastfeeding without supplementary feeding with formulas, breast milk substitutes and other dairy products. Thanks to this, the baby will suck a large volume of breast milk, and hormones that suppress ovulation will be constantly produced in high concentrations in the mother’s body.
  3. Breastfeeding in a continuous mode (attachment to the breast both at night and during the day). Even skipping one feeding can lead to a critical decrease in prolactin, which will trigger ovulation in a nursing mother.
  4. The child is 5-6 months old. From 5-6 months, complementary foods are introduced into the baby’s diet, which causes the extinction of lactation and a gradual decrease in the concentration of prolactin in the blood. After 6 months of continuous breastfeeding, a young mother should take care of contraception, since the start of ovulation and a new menstrual cycle can occur at any time.

Important! If all four conditions are met, the probability of pregnancy during breastfeeding does not exceed 1-2%, and the question “How not to get pregnant during lactation” disappears by itself.

It must be remembered that in a number of young mothers, due to individual characteristics, the menstrual cycle may begin already during the lactation period, which creates the preconditions for the onset of an unwanted pregnancy. In this case, taking contraceptives must be started immediately.

The most common signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding

It is not difficult for a woman to suspect a normal pregnancy. Characteristic symptoms of toxicosis (nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, fatigue), hardening of the mammary glands, taste distortions, lack of menstruation will tell her about changes in the body.

In a nursing mother, a new pregnancy occurs against the background of altered hormonal levels, so all these signs are either absent, or the woman does not find them of great importance. The following symptoms will indicate that a nursing mother is in an interesting position:

  • Decreased amount of breast milk: the mammary glands fill with milk less than usual, the newborn is not gaining weight well, and is capricious. Suppression of lactation occurs against the background of the production of high amounts of estrogen and progesterone by the pregnant uterus.
  • Increased sensitivity of the nipples, especially when the baby is attached to the breast. Unusual pain during breastfeeding is the first symptom that often forces women to consult a doctor.
  • Taste distortions, increased appetite. Nursing mothers need more high-calorie foods, and therefore their appetite is usually increased. However, if unusual food preferences appear against this background, it is worth taking a pregnancy test.
  • Disappearance of menstruation or menstrual-like bleeding even after its one-time appearance.

Doctors do not recommend planning to conceive a child for another three years after the previous birth, especially if the delivery was via cesarean section. The fact is that the body needs to restore its resources devoted to bearing the baby and feeding him.

Important! Carrying a child and giving birth after 1-2 years of breastfeeding often ends in miscarriage, abnormal course and adversely affects the health of the mother.

However, if a mother takes a responsible approach to planning and carrying a new pregnancy, all these consequences can be avoided. A woman should consult a gynecologist as early as possible to determine her individual contraindications and risks, the possibility of continuing breastfeeding, and also determine further tactics for managing a new pregnancy and childbirth.

The question of the possibility of conceiving a child while breastfeeding worries many women who are preparing for the birth of a baby and have plans to feed him with breast milk, as well as those whose children are breastfed.

Most new mothers are confident that lactation provides them with reliable protection against unwanted pregnancy. For this reason, there is no need to use any additional contraception. Is this really true?

Reasons why lactation prevents pregnancy

A natural method of birth control, called lactational amenorrhea, is based on the fact that breastfeeding is considered a barrier to another pregnancy. But sometimes it happens that conception does occur.

After the birth of a child, restoration of the female reproductive system does not occur immediately. For mothers who breastfeed their baby, this period usually lasts much longer than for those who supplement their baby with formula or even switch to formula feeding. In some cases, this process is fully restored only when breastfeeding is completed. Until this point, a woman may not have periods at all, but pregnancy can still occur.

This fact is confirmed by both doctors and people who have encountered this in their lives. For this reason, the question of whether conception is possible during lactation can only be answered positively. This happens, first of all, because the first ovulation, which occurs after the birth of a child before the menstrual cycle has normalized, may not be noticeable for a woman, and pregnancy will occur during this period. In such cases, conception occurs in approximately 10% of nursing mothers.

When does natural contraception work when breastfeeding?

Of course, the risk that a mother who is breastfeeding her baby will become pregnant is quite low. During breastfeeding, there is a significant decrease in fertility, that is, a woman’s ability to conceive.

During lactation, the female body intensively produces hormones that suppress fertility. Among them is prolactin, a large amount of which is a barrier to pregnancy when a woman is breastfeeding.

If you follow some important rules, you can ensure that the method of natural protection from unwanted pregnancy will become much more effective, as a result of which its degree of reliability will reach almost 99 percent.

First of all, feeding should be done at the request of the baby, and not at a set time. This also applies to the night hours; however, you cannot feed the baby with formula or offer him a pacifier or a bottle of water. This means that over the course of 24 hours the baby will have 10 short feedings, or 6 long ones. The interval between them will be a maximum of 5-6 hours.

In addition, the reliability of the method largely depends on the age of the child. After 6-7 months, it decreases significantly, since at this time the frequency of feedings can no longer be taken into account, since complementary foods begin to be actively introduced into the baby’s diet, and he no longer needs so much mother’s milk. During this period, you should no longer count on the fact that breastfeeding will provide protection against conception. It is recommended to start using contraceptives.

When a mother gets her period again, it will be a sign that her body is ready to carry a baby again. If a woman does not want to give birth again, then she should provide herself with reliable pregnancy protection.

For women who are breastfeeding, a gynecologist may recommend the following contraceptive methods:

  1. Oral contraceptives (pills). During breastfeeding, preference should be given not to combination drugs, but to drugs that contain only one hormone - progestin. A similar medicine is also called “mini drank”. It does not affect the quality and volume of breast milk, and does not pose a danger to either the mother or the baby. But you cannot use the product without consulting a doctor. The drug can be started 2 months after the birth of the child. If you take these pills correctly and regularly, their effectiveness will reach 98%. It is necessary to strictly follow the instructions and not violate the schedule and time of administration. Combination drugs during breastfeeding are allowed to be used 6 months after birth. They are more suitable for a woman’s body, but slightly reduce the production of breast milk. For this reason, the use of such tablets is not recommended in the first months after childbirth. The effectiveness of this product reaches almost 100%.
  2. Barrier methods of contraception (condoms). A simple and accessible method that does not affect lactation and the body of the mother and child. But the quality of the condom is important here, since the effectiveness of the method depends on it, which varies from 86 to 97%. In addition, if the product is not used correctly, it may break.
  3. Spermicidal agents (suppositories). The product does not pose a health hazard and is more than 90% effective if used correctly. In addition to suppositories, there are preparations of the same effect in the form of cream or ointment. The active components of this product cause destruction of the sperm cell membrane, which leads to impaired motility or death. The use of such products (as well as condoms) is allowed immediately after the birth of the child. Achieving the desired effect occurs instantly after use, it lasts about 6 hours.
  4. Intrauterine device. The introduction of this product is carried out only by a gynecologist. If the birth went well, without complications, the IUD can be placed after 1.5 months. The effect lasts for 6-7 years, depending on the type of product. However, if necessary, the doctor can remove it. The reliability of the product reaches almost 100%. Lactation is not a contraindication to its use. However, side effects are possible, which should be discussed with your doctor.

Pregnancy and lactation

If, despite the fact that the mother is breastfeeding, pregnancy still occurs, then another question arises - whether the child should be switched to artificial feeding. If the new pregnancy proceeds normally, it does not affect lactation. And the hormone produced in the mother’s body during lactation does not affect the uterus and does not lead to premature contractions. This means that you don’t have to worry and continue breastfeeding, especially if the baby is not yet a year old.

But one must take into account the fact that all vitamins and minerals pass to the child who feeds on breast milk, and not to the one who develops in the mother’s womb. For this reason, it is advisable to consult on this topic with the doctor who will manage the pregnancy.

How to understand that pregnancy has occurred while breastfeeding

The following may indicate that conception has occurred:

  1. The quality and quantity of milk has changed, as evidenced by the baby’s behavior.
  2. Milk production decreased sharply for no apparent reason.
  3. Painful sensations have appeared in the chest, but you should treat this extremely carefully, since pain may indicate the occurrence of lactostasis or even mastitis.
  4. Other signs of pregnancy appeared - delayed menstruation, morning sickness, etc.

If pregnancy is confirmed, you should contact a gynecologist. He will tell you what to do next - how to combine lactation and childbearing. But you should not forget that such a combination will take a lot of effort. Therefore, it is not recommended to plan a second baby so early. It is better that at least one or two years pass for the mother’s body to fully recover.

Video: is it possible to get pregnant with breastfeeding?

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Something has been bothering me lately. I really want to go to work, but my daughter is often sick (1 week in kindergarten, 2 weeks at home). We have been going for the first year, even only the first half of the year, in fact, has just ended, this adaptation, as they say, is normal. I'm an optimist, I believe that next year will be better. And then the thought crept into my head that while I still can’t go to work, maybe get some additional education?
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Now I have a strong desire to change my field of activity. Strongly. I want to work either as a defectologist or in medicine. Don't throw the slippers too hard. (
What do you advise?


Olga F

Hello! The situation is this: my husband and I have been together for 8 years, not a single unplanned pregnancy, and here comes the shock! My 6.5 year old son was taken to his grandmother and they hung out all night, then they “partyed” at home, the result: two stripes - shock, shock, shock. In general, they didn’t want the second one. We just breathed out, our son has grown up and will go to school in September. I gave birth so badly, 18 hours of hell. Then diapers, teeth, colic.... As I can imagine, it throws me into a fever. I immediately ran to the doctor, a medical abortion was scheduled for tomorrow. My husband said he would support me in any case, although in principle he’s not against the second one, since it worked out. We always took precautions. How? How did this happen? Damn, they came off. I never wanted a second one. I don’t want a baby doll((((I don’t want to give birth(((But I’ve been suffering for the second day now, I can’t sleep, maybe fate wills it this way? It’s not for nothing that it’s like that... But everything is so smooth with us, the three of us are comfortable.. .. Suddenly I regret that I didn’t have an abortion, suddenly I won’t be able to love a second one. Again, all over again.... I don’t know what to do, it’s time until Monday morning. If my husband and I hadn’t gotten drunk like two idiots, there would have been no pregnancy. ... p.s: we can handle it financially, I don’t work, I have the opportunity to be lazy at home. My own big house. A car. But I’m a lazy ass.


Signs of pregnancy during breastfeeding are quite difficult to detect, especially in the early stages. Most breastfeeding women have an unstable menstrual cycle, and some have no menstrual cycle at all. Sometimes the expectant mother learns about the new position only when the tummy grows and the baby begins to move. To avoid getting into trouble, you need to carefully monitor your well-being, and use proven means of protection to prevent an unplanned pregnancy.

It is believed that breastfeeding and a new pregnancy are mutually exclusive concepts. Therefore, many couples refuse contraceptives and use the lactational amenorrhea method. Any gynecologist will tell you that this method is not reliable, because you can get pregnant even with active breastfeeding.

Female physiology is designed in such a way that immediately after childbirth, a dramatic change in hormonal levels occurs. The hormone prolactin promotes the formation of breast milk. With elevated prolactin, the ovaries stop working, and the endometrium does not grow, which is accompanied by a lack of ovulation and menstruation.

We can conclude that pregnancy while breastfeeding is impossible, but this is not true. It is difficult to predict how the hormonal background will react to the new state of the body. Medicine knows of many cases where, during breastfeeding, the onset of ovulation led to conception. The gonads can be active within a month after birth or “sleep” until lactation stops.

The likelihood of pregnancy after childbirth increases under the following conditions:

  • feeding by the hour. In order for prolactin to be produced in sufficient quantities to suppress the ovaries, it is necessary to apply the newborn on demand;
  • baby sucks a pacifier. As a result, the child needs the mother's breast less;
  • The baby is fed from a bottle. This leads to a gradual decrease in milk production;
  • no night feedings. This period marks the peak release of hormones producing lactation;
  • the couple does not use modern methods of contraception. For breastfeeding women, there are several methods of birth control (condoms, IUD, mini-pill).

The first signs of pregnancy can be easily noticed if you listen to how you feel.

Signs of pregnancy while breastfeeding without periods

It is easy to suspect pregnancy with an established and regular menstrual cycle. If there is a delay, the woman begins to listen to herself and notice other symptoms of fertilization. However, it is irregular. Therefore, it will not be possible to recognize a new condition by a delay in the physiological absence of menstruation.

In the early stages, some women feel the new situation from the first days. And others identify changes in their body closer to the second trimester. If you are actively feeding and pregnancy cannot be determined by the delay, you should look for other obvious symptoms.

Sore nipples

As soon as a fertilized cell is implanted into the mucous layer of the uterus, hormonal changes begin. For this reason, the nipples become sensitive and even change their color. During pregnancy with breastfeeding, it is unpleasant for a woman to feed. If previously sucking a baby did not cause any discomfort, now every touch to the nipples causes pain.

With breastfeeding, pregnancy manifests itself in the form of breast growth. However, the amount of milk does not increase. You can suspect pregnancy during lactation only by this sign: sensitive breasts and painful sensations when sucking.


Pregnancy during lactation, like normal pregnancy, can be accompanied by toxicosis. While in some women it manifests itself as nausea and morning vomiting, in others it manifests itself as a feeling of hunger. Toxicosis in the expectant mother occurs due to the formation of toxic substances that form during the development of the embryo. In the early stages, this condition does not cause concern among doctors if it does not lead to depletion of the body.

Toxicosis during breastfeeding in many women is accompanied by a desire to eat something unusual. In the first months of lactation, a new mother should adhere to a special diet and exclude some foods from the diet so that the baby does not develop an allergic reaction or develop colic. If previously such restrictions were tolerated calmly, then after conception the craving for salty or sweet foods becomes irresistible. It is worth noting that not only pregnancy during breastfeeding is accompanied by hunger or, on the contrary, nausea. These symptoms may indicate other problems in the body.

Changes in lactation and child behavior

During breastfeeding, the volume of milk produced corresponds to the baby's needs. As the baby grows, the amount of natural food increases. If a new pregnancy occurs, a change in hormonal levels will inevitably occur. Prolactin levels will decrease and progesterone levels will increase. For this reason, your milk supply may decrease. The woman notes that her breasts are no longer full as they were before. The baby has to suck for a long time for the tide to begin. During pregnancy and breastfeeding, the mother may notice the baby's anxiety. The baby gets angry that he cannot get as much food as he wants, becomes whiny and puts himself to the breast more often.

It is believed that after conception the taste of breast milk changes. Because of this, some children refuse their usual diet. But the taste may change due to the mother’s diet. Therefore, this sign can also be considered indirect.

Other symptoms

A woman’s new conception is not similar to the previous one. Therefore, you should not look for all the symptoms that you had last time. They can become different.

  1. Changes in bowel function. Due to the production of progesterone by the corpus luteum in the ovary, the muscle tissues of the body relax. This leads to poor digestion and weakened motor skills. A woman experiences increased flatulence, especially in the evening, and sometimes suffers from constipation.
  2. Drawing pain in the abdomen. Sucking at the breast causes the uterus to contract. In a pregnant woman, this is accompanied by pain, and in medicine it is called “hypertonicity.” If discomfort appears periodically, you should definitely consult a doctor.
  3. Vaginal discharge. During the period of active lactation, the amount of cervical mucus decreases markedly. If discharge suddenly appears (mucous, white, milky), then these may be symptoms of pregnancy.
  4. Formation of a stripe on the abdomen. Pregnancy during feeding, as well as in its absence, is accompanied by the appearance of pigment along the abdomen. This sign is relevant for those women whose stripe has already disappeared after the last pregnancy.
  5. High basal temperature. A reliable sign of pregnancy during breastfeeding is an increase in BT. If a woman kept a chart, she will now be able to establish the fact of conception. The basal temperature in the early stages remains at 37 degrees.

Can the test be used while breastfeeding?

It is believed that there is no point in using a pregnancy test for breastfeeding. According to reviews from women, if prolactin levels are elevated, which is considered normal for lactation, the device will not show the correct result. Actually this is not true.

The test is designed in such a way that it reacts to a single hormone that is produced from the first days after implantation. Every day its level increases in the blood, and then in other biological fluids, including urine. If there is pregnancy and the amount of human chorionic gonadotropin is high, then the test will show two stripes. For a reliable answer, you should choose reliable devices with high sensitivity.

For women who do not use contraception during lactation, gynecologists recommend testing every month. This approach will allow you to determine pregnancy in time. Even if a woman is determined to give birth to similar children, it will be better if she finds out about the conception that has taken place before it becomes noticeable to others.

Taking a pregnancy test during lactation is not contraindicated; it will not harm. However, for a more reliable result, it is better to take a blood test for hCG.

Is pregnancy dangerous during breastfeeding?

Pregnancy after childbirth while breastfeeding is most often not considered a dangerous situation. Many women successfully bear and give birth to similar children. However, such a load is difficult for the body. When breastfeeding, the body spends a lot of energy producing it. Pregnancy is also a burden that requires increased work of organs and systems.

There is also an opinion that during pregnancy and lactation at the same time, the risk of miscarriage increases. Sucking movements stimulate the nipple, and this causes an increase in uterine tone. But not all doctors support this opinion.

Gynecologists recommend planning your next pregnancy no earlier than 1-2 years after the previous one. At the same time, it is advised to wean the baby from the breast in order to minimize the likelihood of problems and allow the body to regain strength.

If pregnancy occurs after a cesarean section during the first year, then a serious threat to the woman’s health arises. Doctors advise planning to conceive no earlier than 2-4 years after such an operation. It is important to take into account the condition of the scar. If fertilization occurs earlier, it may diverge, leading to massive internal bleeding and fetal death.

If signs of pregnancy appear while breastfeeding, you should consult a doctor. After the examination, the specialist will allow or inform you about the need for weaning. One of the options for successful and long-term breastfeeding is tandem.

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    Until the milk runs out 13%, 56 votes

Breastfeeding on demand often prevents pregnancy in new mothers. Exceptions From this rule there are, but they are explained by the fact that not all women adhere to the rules that guarantee the protective effect of feeding.

Contraceptive effect of breastfeeding valid only if specific conditions are met.

A new pregnancy is not a reason to stop breastfeeding. Cases when this needs to be done are extremely rare.

If a woman prefers to continue feeding during pregnancy, and plans to do this at the same time with the birth of a new baby, she should be confident not only in her own abilities, but also count on the help of her family.

Why does breastfeeding interfere with conception?

The protection method, which is called " lactational amenorrhea"is that breastfeeding prevents new pregnancies. But in some cases, conceiving a baby is still possible.

After childbirth, a woman’s reproductive function is not immediately restored. For nursing mothers, this period is significantly longer than for those who use mixed or artificial feeding. Sometimes recovery lasts until the end of feeding. All this time, a woman may not have menstruation, but conception is still possible.

This fact has been confirmed by doctors and life. The fact is that a woman may not notice the onset of the first postpartum ovulation, and conception can occur during this period. Probability of pregnancy reaches 10%.

The “lactation amenorrhea” method: is it always relevant?

Of course, the possibility of getting pregnant is not very high. During breastfeeding, a woman's ability to conceive decreases significantly.

During the lactation period, the mother’s body intensively produces hormones that inhibit the ability to conceive. The list of these hormones includes prolactin, the high content of which prevents a woman from becoming a mother again when she is breastfeeding.

If several conditions are met, the reliability of the “lactation amenorrhea” method increases to 98-99%.

Advantages of the method:

  1. The effectiveness of the method is 98%;
  2. It can be used to prevent conception while breastfeeding immediately after resuming intimate life;
  3. Has no side effects;
  4. Absolutely free and does not require additional devices;
  5. Provides an opportunity to decide on a different method of protection;
  6. Encourages mother to breastfeed for a long time;
  7. Does not go against any religious beliefs.

Disadvantages of the method:

  1. Can be used only until the baby is six months old or until the first menstruation after birth;
  2. It is necessary to feed the baby often, without skipping night feedings;
  3. Does not protect against sexually transmitted diseases.

When a woman menstruates again, it means that her body is ready for another conception. If she does not want another child, then she should worry about additional means of protection.

Such cases are not uncommon. Often, pregnancy occurs if some conditions are not met, the mother does not feed at night or supplements the baby with formula. You can continue breastfeeding during pregnancy - this will not harm the health of the children in any way.

If children a year apart are not at all in your plans, you should immediately think about additional protection. If every baby is a gift for you, and a new pregnancy won’t hurt you, then don’t worry in vain.

The effectiveness of the method is quite high, and the result is guaranteed if used correctly. In order to avoid pregnancy, take into account the cases when The reliability of the method may decrease:

Contraception for nursing mothers

Condoms and the vaginal diaphragm

As for condoms, their effectiveness as a means against pregnancy is quite high. You just need to choose their type correctly and, if necessary, use a special lubricant. Women after childbirth often suffer from increased vaginal dryness and discomfort during intimate contact, and lubricant helps solve this problem.

Vaginal diaphragm– a cap with a spring that closes the cervix and, in this way, prevents sperm from entering the uterus. The effectiveness of the product when used correctly is 90%. Its advantages are simplicity, convenience and reusability.

Spermicidal drugs

Women are well aware of creams, tablets and suppositories Pharmatex or Patentex Oval. The principle of their action is based on creating an environment in the vagina that inhibits sperm.

The effectiveness of these funds is more than 80%, which is quite enough for women whose reproductive system has not yet fully recovered after childbirth. They already know whether it is possible to conceive while breastfeeding, and therefore choose a reliable and harmless means of protection. The active substances of suppositories and creams do not enter the milk, so they do not harm the baby.

Intrauterine device

An excellent protective agent for women who have no contraindications to it. Put spiral possible soon after the baby is born.

The cervix at this time is still slightly dilated, so the doctor can easily install it without injuring the uterus with instruments. The spiral lasts for quite a long time - 5-7 years, but, if necessary, it can be removed at any time. , as a contraceptive - almost 100%.

Oral contraceptives

Undoubtedly, today there is no more effective method of protection than. Current birth control pills that do not contain ethinyl estradiol are called mini-pill, and you can start taking it a couple of months after giving birth, even before your period starts.

They do not affect the amount of milk, nor have they been found to have a negative effect on the baby’s body. But you cannot prescribe mini-pills on your own; you need to go to a doctor who will choose the necessary drug.

You also need to remember that taking pills "Charozetta", "Ecrolut" need to be done on time. Being late, even a couple of hours, significantly affects the effectiveness of the product.

After the baby is six months old, you can take standard combined oral contraceptives. These medications contain ethinyl estradiol, provide a high degree of protection against conception, and only slightly reduce milk supply. The last fact is not particularly important, because at six months the baby begins to receive complementary foods.

The number of protective equipment that a nursing mother can use is quite large, and choosing the right one is not problematic. It is important to take into account that the possibility of becoming pregnant while breastfeeding, although not great, is still there, so you should not rely only on natural protection.

Breastfeeding during pregnancy

A not very common, but possible situation is the decision to become pregnant again during breastfeeding. It also happens that conception occurred by accident, but the woman wants to keep the child and does not know whether to continue breastfeeding during pregnancy. A gynecologist whom the woman trusts will help you make a decision.

During a normal pregnancy, feeding will not interfere. However, a woman should remember that nature has decreed a certain way in this regard.

This means that everything necessary from the female body will first be directed to the development of the future baby, then to feeding the existing child, and only then to the woman. Therefore, before pregnancy, a nursing mother needs to realistically assess her strength and health. Because a nursing woman, having conceived another child, needs to rest and eat three times better than before.

In the first weeks of pregnancy, a woman may feel discomfort when feeding, which quickly disappears without consequences for the developing fetus. Oxytocin, which is produced during feeding, does not affect the tone of the uterus, so there is no need to worry about premature pregnancy failure. If the need to stop breastfeeding nevertheless arises, this must be done in accordance with the doctor’s instructions.

If the mother becomes pregnant at the moment when her child is about a year old, then it makes sense to stop breastfeeding. During this period, the baby receives less and less useful substances from mother’s milk, and other foods take up more and more space in his diet. Weaning off breast milk will happen naturally over time: under the influence of hormones, the amount of milk will gradually decrease, and its taste will become less pleasant, so the baby will refuse it on his own.

But the mother should not rely only on this: having decided to refuse feeding, she must act consistently, otherwise the baby will feel the mother’s insecurity and will begin to make it clear that she is dependent on the breast.

Those mothers who are going to feed two children at the same time after giving birth, stop feeding for the period of their stay in the hospital, and then resume it.

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