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Normal breast sizes - is there a norm? The problem of large mammary glands. Varieties of female breast shapes

Such an attitude towards the most delicate area of ​​the female body is unacceptable. After all, even painful tension in the chest before menstruation, small lumps and slight discharge from the nipples are a reason to consult a mammologist. By the way, problems with the thyroid gland, adrenal glands, stress, taking hormonal medications and contraceptives can also affect the condition of the bust. In a word, in order not to face such a serious diagnosis as breast cancer, start preventing this dangerous disease right now.

1. Protect your chest from injury

Even a small blow can lead to serious bust problems. Therefore, be sure to buckle up while driving and cover your chest with your hands if you are in a crowd. After all, a small bruise will go away in a week, but serious problems may appear much later. A compaction forms at the site of the impact, which easily degenerates into a malignant tumor.

2. Don't get carried away with tanning

Both solarium and sun can provoke the growth of cancerous tumors. Moreover, one or another breast pathology occurs in every fifth woman over 35 years of age. If the sight of Snow White depresses you and you are not ready to give up a light tan, cover your chest with your hands in the solarium, and go out into the sun before 12 or after 17 o'clock, using a protective cream 15 minutes before.

3. Pay attention to your diet

Healthy breasts require giving up not only cigarettes, but also an extra cup of coffee and alcohol. The most you can afford is a glass of red wine with lunch. The rest is unnecessary risk. Include foods rich in vitamin C in your diet - lemons, kiwi, bell peppers, cabbage. You should not give up carrots, tomatoes, dill and spinach, which contain vitamin A - it increases antitumor resistance. Vegetable oil and cereals, thanks to vitamin E, prevent or inhibit the appearance of tumors and slow down the aging process. The trace element selenium plays an important role in the prevention of breast cancer. It is able to selectively accumulate in tumor cells and prevent their destructive activity. Therefore, include seeds, garlic, shrimp and fish in your diet.

4. Give birth to a baby

Almost all mammologists say that the birth of a child and natural feeding have a beneficial effect on the health of the bust. According to the British Cancer Research Foundation, the risk of developing breast cancer decreases by 7% with the birth of a baby. Each year of natural feeding reduces the likelihood of the disease by another 4.3%. Therefore, do not put off your first pregnancy for too long.

5. Buy the right bra

When choosing the right bra, you need to adhere to several rules. First, the breasts should completely occupy the cup. Secondly, you should not overuse “push-up”. This, no doubt, looks impressive, but inevitably interferes with blood circulation. Lastly, avoid narrow straps that can cut into your shoulders and leave marks. Mammologists say that the wider the straps, the more evenly the weight of the mammary glands is distributed.

6. Do a self-examination

Try to find out if women in your family have had breast problems. If yes, urgently learn self-examination techniques. Periodically feel your breasts to identify the presence of lumps, nodules, roughness on the skin, and soreness. Self-examination should be carried out once a month (and on the same days!). If you find something unclear, consult a doctor immediately. You can perform a breast self-examination:

Lying down. Place a pillow under your right shoulder blade and raise your arm above your head. First, examine the right breast (with the fingers of your left hand) in a circular motion with light pressure, starting from the edges of the mammary gland towards the nipple.

In the shower. Raise your right hand. With the fingers of your left hand, feel all parts of the right mammary gland, paying attention to whether there are any swelling or lumps. The left breast is examined in the same way.

At the mirror. Examine the chest, first lowering your hands and then raising them. Pay attention to any enlargements, changes in skin color or shape. Gently squeeze both nipples at the base and make sure there is no colorless or bloody discharge.

7. Go to the doctor

If during a self-examination you find a lump or notice discharge from the nipple, contact a mammologist. The accuracy of diagnosis by an experienced specialist is 90-95%. When examining the mammary glands, the doctor usually uses a “diagnostic triangle”: examination, visualization of the condition (mammography and ultrasound) and, if necessary, a biopsy (a tiny piece of tissue is taken and examined under a microscope). If during the examination the mammologist finds discharge from the nipple, he can take a smear and send it to the laboratory for examination. The second stage of the preventive examination is ultrasound and mammography. By the way, the last method is much more effective. Mammography is an x-ray examination that can detect even a small formation that is not detectable upon examination and palpation.

Taking care of your breasts is important not only from a beauty point of view, but also from a health point of view. You should visit a mammologist once or twice a year, and the rest of the time you can conduct the examination yourself.

Watch carefully!

Self-examination is simply necessary, even if you visit a mammologist, because sometimes tumors develop in a matter of months. You can carry out the procedure every month from the 5th to the 12th day of the menstrual cycle. The main thing is to imagine what is a sign of normality and what is a reason to see a doctor. So…

Lumps were discovered in the chest

Everything is normal: healthy female breasts and should not be completely homogeneous to the touch. Inside the gland there are 15-20 “lobules”, consisting of glandular tissue, separated by connective septa and adipose tissue. They are what you feel under your fingers during self-examination.

You should consult a doctor if you feel something like a small lump or pronounced lump. And in this matter it is better to play it safe, since some neoplasms in the tissues of the mammary glands cannot be palpated. For example, tumors and cysts less than 1 cm in size and often microcalcifications (calcium deposits).

You shouldn’t delay going to the doctor, because the sooner treatment is started, the better and faster you will cope with the problem.

Breasts suspiciously ache. Everything is normal: for most women, once a month the breasts swell, ache (mastalgia) and become more sensitive than usual (mastodynia). Thus, every time before the start of menstruation, the body prepares for a possible pregnancy.

To minimize discomfort, you can reduce your salt intake a few days before the onset of PMS symptoms - this will reduce the likelihood of swelling. Gentle self-massage of the chest helps a lot, dispersing blood and fluid in the tissues.

You should consult a doctor: if pain appears around or under the nipples, severe chest pain occurs, and hardening of the nipples begins against the background of a high temperature. All these signs can be symptoms of mastitis - inflammation of the mammary glands.

Chest pain is constant

You should consult a doctor: such pain indicates possible mastopathy (one or more benign tumors). To alleviate the condition, avoid products that contain methylxanthines, such as tea, coffee, chocolate, and carbonated drinks. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs also reduce pain. Other medications - iodine preparations, diuretics and means to improve blood circulation - should be prescribed by a doctor.

Enlarged lymph nodes

You should consult a doctor: Enlarged lymph nodes in the axillary, subclavian and supraclavicular areas are especially alarming signs. Most often, malignant tumor (cancer) cells spread through the lymph nodes. If you notice thickening of the skin in the area of ​​the tumor or a change in the shape of the breast or nipple, you should know that in this case, visiting a mammologist as soon as possible becomes vital.

Milk appeared

Everything is normal: Even a completely healthy woman may experience whitish discharge on her nipples on the eve of menstruation.

You should consult a doctor if there is profuse discharge from the mammary glands and you are not pregnant or breastfeeding. This happens with hormonal changes. If the discharge has a yellowish or greenish tint and there is blood in it, immediately see a mammologist! Let us emphasize once again that any problems associated with the condition of the breast should be resolved as quickly as possible.

Women's breasts can change the destinies of their owners, not to mention their self-esteem and self-confidence. The dimensions of this organ are practically not subject to adjustment using conservative methods. Because of this, many young girls want to know to what age breasts grow, hoping that they will still increase to the desired size. However, breast growth factors are not as predictable as we would like.

What causes breasts to grow?

Female mammary glands consist of glandular and adipose tissue, so their growth directly depends on the dynamics of development and structure of these components. With a predominance of adipose tissue, breast parameters will strongly correlate with body weight, and with a large number of glandular structures, their volume will be strongly influenced by the level of estrogen.

Breast growth largely depends on:

  1. Genetic background.
  2. Hormonal background.
  3. Body mass index. An additional 7-10 kg of weight can increase your breast size by 1 size.
  4. Development of the blood supply system in the thoracic area.
  5. General restorative procedures that increase blood flow to the surface of the chest: contrast water procedures, breast masks, regular intimacy and others.

The volume and shape of the breasts are significantly influenced by pregnancy and breastfeeding. Moreover, the size of the mammary glands after pregnancy can become both smaller and larger than the original ones.

At what age do girls' breasts begin to grow?

The dynamics of breast growth in most girls are the same, but the timing of the beginning of this process can vary greatly.

Breasts can begin to grow at 9 years old and at 15, this does not affect their final shape. The onset of growth of undeveloped mammary glands is influenced by:

  1. The pituitary gland produces hormones that stimulate puberty.
  2. Body mass. Excess adipose tissue can secrete a certain amount of estrogens into the blood, stimulating breast growth.
  3. Genetic factor. In 46% of girls, the formation of mammary glands is initiated in a similar time frame as in mothers.
  4. Nationality. In southern races, puberty often begins earlier than in northern peoples.
  5. Nutrition. shifts the timing of puberty to a later period.

If the breasts have not begun to grow at the age of fifteen and there are no menstruation, then this is a reason to visit a gynecologist and endocrinologist.

Good afternoon Can you clarify at what age girls’ breasts begin to grow, and does losing virginity at 13 affect this? Anya, 15 years old.

Hello! Anya, girls’ breasts can begin to grow at the age of 10 or at 15. It all depends on the individual hormonal background and external factors. And losing virginity at such an early age does not affect the growth of the mammary glands.

How can you tell if your baby's breasts are growing?

Breast growth in girls is accompanied by a number of signs that parents should pay attention to. The mother’s task is to explain to the child the naturalness of these processes and remove fears associated with unusual sensations. Breast growth begins at the milk line, a thin strip located below the nipples. It also forms in boys, but in them the line completely disappears during puberty.

The first signs of the beginning growth of a girl’s breasts are:

  1. Slight redness around the areola.
  2. Swelling of the milk line below the nipple.
  3. Pain in the chest area, especially when pressed.
  4. Increased amount of fatty tissue around the nipples.

Harbingers of breast growth are also signs of additional doses of estrogen entering the blood: increased sweating under the arms, rashes on the face, increased oily skin. A girl's breasts may begin to grow unnoticed. In such cases, its increased size will be a surprise to everyone.

Good afternoon What should breasts look like at 15 years old? My breasts began to grow at the age of 12, and when I got my period at 13, my breasts practically stopped growing. Alina, 15 years old.

Hello, Alina! If your menstrual cycle is stable and you do not have any other problems associated with puberty, then stopping breast growth may be due to the individual characteristics of your body. By the age of 15, the breasts already take on an individual shape; there are no clear criteria for its size. If you are very worried, consult an endocrinologist.

Why do breasts grow slowly?

Rarely caused by diseases or factors that the girl can influence. The growth rate of glandular and adipose tissue depends mainly on the level of estradiol and progesterone in the blood. They determine the intensity of the formation of new mammary ducts and the proliferation of their cells.

Estrogen levels, in turn, can decrease due to the following factors:

  1. Improper functioning of the pituitary gland.
  2. Thyroid diseases.
  3. Poor nutrition.
  4. Stressful situations.
  5. Lack of physical activity.
  6. Inflammation of the ovaries.
  7. Hormonal disorders after abortion.
  8. Taking hormonal drugs.

With small breast volumes in mothers and grandmothers, you should not hope for a size 3 daughter with a normal weight, because genetics plays an important role in the development of secondary sexual characteristics. If your breasts are not growing, then you can ask what foods you should eat to stimulate their growth.

If slow breast development greatly worries a girl, then you can consult a doctor to rule out serious pathologies that may limit the development of breast tissue. Self-administration of hormonal drugs before the age of 18 to accelerate breast growth is unacceptable, as it can lead to permanent disorders of the endocrine system.

Hello! Please tell me what breasts should be like at 11 years old? My daughter will have almost no breasts when she grows up? Irina, 31 years old.

Hello Irina! The absence of pronounced breasts in an 11-year-old girl is a variant of the norm. Wait a little and it will definitely grow.

Reasons for rapid breast growth

Rapid breast enlargement is desirable only up to a certain threshold. The rapid growth of adipose and glandular tissue may not keep pace with the development of connective fibers and septa that support the beautiful shape of the breast. Large mammary glands at 14-15 years old can also lead to poor posture.

The following factors can contribute to rapid breast growth:

  1. Hormonal “storms” accompanied by unnaturally elevated levels of estradiol and progesterone in the blood.
  2. Diseases of the pituitary gland and hypothalamus.
  3. Unrecognized pregnancy.
  4. Ovarian cysts or tumors, germ cell tumors.

Breast enlargement is not always a natural process. Rapid breast growth is a reason to consult a doctor in the following cases:

  • breast tenderness is observed;
  • upon palpation, unevenly located compactions, including diffuse ones, are detected;
  • girls age less than 10 years;
  • regular breast swelling during the postmenstrual period.

Renewed breast growth after starting to take contraceptives is also considered abnormal. These drugs can disrupt hormonal levels and also lead to swelling, which simulates a real enlargement of the organ.

In case of any unpleasant sensations or discomfort during the growth of the mammary glands, it is better to consult a mammologist once again.

Good afternoon At the age of 18, I have size three breasts and they do not stop growing. Can my breasts hurt when they grow, because they are somewhat painful when I feel them? What should I do to prevent her from getting sick? Anna, 18 years old.

Hello! Breast pain in your case may be caused by mastopathy. A visit to a mammologist will help you find out the exact cause.

What size should breasts be at 12 years old?

At the age of 10-11, most girls begin the process of breast growth. By the age of 12, the mammary glands include underdeveloped glandular tissue, which is in the active growth phase. Due to the tightness of the skin in the chest area, the mammary glands remain elastic and compacted. Limited space leads to the formation of an equally convex organ shape in all adolescents.

In obese children, the mammary glands may acquire an elongated shape in the horizontal plane, which may initially form a connective tissue membrane of irregular configuration. Because of this, adult breasts may not form the shape that a woman would like to have.

Good afternoon Doctor, can you give me advice on how to grow breasts at 12 years old? I really want to have a beautiful bust! Christina, 12 years old.

Good afternoon, Christina! There are no natural ways to quickly enlarge the mammary glands. It is important to eat right, never start sexual activity early, and lead a physically active lifestyle.

What size should breasts be at 14 years old?

From 12 to 14 years of age, adolescents begin to actively increase breast mass, and the mammary glands acquire individual characteristics. The shape of the breasts becomes conical with the apex in the form of a compacted nipple. The areola color becomes darker.

After the appearance of menstruation and stabilization of the cycle, the breasts may increase sharply. With the rapid growth of gland tissue at this age, itching and discomfort on the skin may occur.

Good afternoon My daughter is very worried about her breast size lagging behind her peers. What can cause this and how to speed up breast growth in a teenager? Daughter is 14 years old. Inna

Hello, Inna! Breasts in teenage girls do not grow immediately; this process can last 5-8 years. This process can be accelerated only by proper nutrition and age-appropriate physical activity on the muscles of the thoracic region.

By the age of 14, the breasts become softer, and the amount of fatty tissue begins to increase in them. To maintain a beautiful shape during this period, it is necessary to monitor the correct selection of the bra and timely change in its size according to the enlarged breasts.

Hello, Doctor! Why isn't my daughter growing breasts at 14? Why could this be? The vegetation where needed grew six months ago. Valentina, 40 years old.

Hello, Valentina! In your case, you should contact an endocrinologist for an examination. Although if the growth of pubic and armpit hair has begun recently, then delayed breast growth may be caused by a late onset of puberty.

Until what age do girls develop breasts?

Puberty in girls usually lasts 5-8 years, so the age at which breasts grow depends on the time at which female sexual characteristics appear. For some, the mammary glands are fully formed at the age of 16, while for others they continue to grow until the age of 21.

The structure of breast tissue continues to change throughout life. The breasts undergo the most serious changes during pregnancy and lactation. After the birth of a child, both the volume of the breast and the structure of its tissue can change greatly.

Weight gain also has a significant impact on the mammary glands. With regular weight gain, the breasts also grow, but only due to fat deposits. As you lose weight, its parameters decrease, although the elasticity of the skin is unlikely to return to its previous levels. Hormonal changes during menopause can stimulate persistent breast enlargement, although this does not occur in all women.

Hello, Doctor! Why aren't my breasts growing at 17? I eat special foods, go to the gym, live in a civil marriage, but instead of breasts there are only small mounds. There are menstruation, but not regular. Svetlana, 17 years old.

Hello Svetlana! You definitely need to undergo a full examination of your reproductive system. I can’t give you any specific advice. Contact your gynecologist immediately.

Do not be upset if breast growth, for natural reasons, stops earlier than you would like. Small breasts have many positive aspects. The number of receptors on the breast does not depend on its size, so small mammary glands are more sensitive during intimacy. In addition, dense, compact breasts retain an attractive shape for a long time and are not prone to sagging after the birth of children. The main thing is to love yourself and be loved.

Hello! Can you tell me why my breasts are not growing after an abortion at 16? Sophia, 17 years old.

Good afternoon Sofia, during an abortion, the body experiences severe hormonal stress, so the cessation of breast growth may be associated with a decrease in estrogen production. After normalization of hormonal levels, growth can recover on its own; it is undesirable to stimulate this process.

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The article talks about what stages and phases the mammary gland goes through and how breasts grow in girls.

Puberty is believed to begin in girls who reach adolescence. But that's not true. Biological maturity occurs earlier. And it’s better for parents to find out in advance about the upcoming changes in their daughter’s body so that everything goes well.

At what age do girls' breasts begin to grow?

A schoolgirl may have her first crush. There is no erotic connotation here, but there is a sexual connotation - the girl begins to identify herself as a future woman.

Before this change affected mainly the psychological sphere, but now the little woman is already trying to master the role that she will have to play throughout her life. In boys, there is no such clear boundary before puberty.

A girl’s sexual development is associated not only with self-determination, but also with those psychological and physiological issues that she will have to resolve. For example, developing the necessary hygiene skills.

Mothers of girls often wonder when will their daughter start to grow breasts? Is it too late? Isn't this happening too early? Is it necessary to consult a doctor?

The emergence of such questions is not uncommon due to changes in the timing and pace of puberty in girls, as well as the likelihood of specific problems arising.

Many women, being teenagers themselves, did not focus on this, because everything went on as usual. But if we are talking about our own child, then it is important to promptly identify disorders associated with the achievement of biological maturity in order to begin treatment.

What changes occur in the body of a teenage girl? Puberty is preceded by a period of two years of active growth. The onset of the first menstrual cycle indicates the girl's puberty. However, this is not related to age.

Most girls enter puberty at age 11. A girl's first period begins only at the age of 13. But there are exceptions: a girl can reach biological maturity at 8-9 years old, or the process is delayed until the age of 13.

Girls reach biological maturity at 11-13 years old

Sometimes biological maturity occurs at 7 years of age or only at 15 years of age. Achieving puberty at an earlier or later age is not associated with dysfunction of the endocrine glands. They just have a different, individual “schedule” of work, which is inherited from their parents.

The girl begins to grow rapidly (up to 8-10 cm per year). Body weight also increases (from 5 to 9 kg), but the girl does not gain weight. A good appetite keeps pace with active growth.

A number of changes occur in the girl’s body

Other changes are associated with this period: the girl notices that her mammary glands have enlarged. At the first stage, you can visually detect a slight protrusion of the isola. After this, the mammary gland takes on the appropriate shape.

During the first year, the shape of the mammary gland is conical. But as menstruation approaches, breasts become more rounded. After the development of the mammary gland begins, the girl begins to develop hair in the genital area and in the armpits.

The process of formation of the mammary gland, or scientifically “thelarche,” lasts several years and is divided into stages. The size and shape of the breasts are determined by the genetic predisposition of the girl. But there are factors influencing the development of girl’s breasts:

  • girl's health level
  • nutritional pattern
  • heredity (the shape and size of the breasts mainly depends on the mother’s genes, the genetics of the father’s or mother’s relatives)
  • constitutional features (petite girls cannot have large breasts, large girls have larger breasts)
  • body weight (while gaining kilograms, a girl may notice that her breasts are increasing in size, and weight loss diets can negatively affect the normal formation of the mammary glands, since breast volume is directly related to the amount of fat deposits in the body)
  • An active lifestyle and regular exercise strengthen the fat ligaments, which tightens the adjacent muscles. The breasts are visually enlarged, which improves their shape. However, it is impossible to increase breast size by doing exercises, since there are no muscles in the mammary gland itself
  • level of hormones in the blood (hormonal levels can change at different periods of life. This process is influenced by puberty and the menstrual cycle). After taking hormonal drugs, breasts may begin to increase in size, but this effect is temporary. Stopping taking hormonal drugs will cause the breasts to return to their previous size and shape.

You cannot increase your breast size through exercise alone.

Poor health, lack of appetite, or, conversely, excess weight will contribute to the size and shape of the breast. Glandular tissue is not characterized by development, therefore, with excess weight, the breasts sag and lose their elasticity.

How girls' breasts grow: pictures

During puberty, significant changes occur in a girl’s body; under the influence of hormones, the breasts enter the stage of active growth.

At this time, the girl may notice that her mammary glands are swollen. The maturation and growth of the mammary gland depend on the girl’s age and are divided into several active periods:

  • 9-10 years – the phase of progression of mammary gland growth is caused, first of all, by the unexpressed flat shape of the gland, which is no different from the male one. Girls whose puberty begins early notice swelling of the nipples and redness of the skin around the areola

Puberty can occur very early, and this is not a deviation from the norm
  • 10-12 years - the beginning of growth and formation of the mammary gland upon entering the phase of puberty (breast enlargement is accompanied by painful or unpleasant sensations, and due to stretching of the skin, itching and burning appears): the nipples take on an oval round shape, and the breasts become elastic and soft . Girls with a later period of puberty are characterized by thickening of the mammary glands, and changes in the shape of the breast do not occur
  • the beginning of the first menstruation - pain is felt on the sides of the mammary glands, the nipples become larger, and their pigmentation increases. During this period, the girl’s hormonal background is formed, therefore the schedule for the onset of menstruation may be disrupted.

The mammary gland at this stage has a conical shape, which will gradually become round. The areola darkens, and the contour around the nipple may become covered with red spots. This is not a pathology, but a normal phenomenon, so there is no need to rush to the doctor

  • 14-15 years – the phase of active growth of the mammary gland and the percentage increase in connective tissue. Reproductive age is approaching, and the girl may be bothered by discomfort and a feeling of compression in the mammary glands. This occurs due to the rapid growth of ducts in the chest. A girl's bust can increase literally overnight, and the pain is felt more and more intensely
  • 14.5 – 15 years – peak growth of the mammary gland. Now the shape of the breast has finally formed: the girl’s mammary glands and areola are round, the nipple is not extended

Until what age do girls develop breasts?

It should be remembered that each girl develops individually, therefore the phases of breast growth may occur earlier or later, which does not affect health and reproductive functions. A girl should accept her characteristics as a fact, not have complexes and not look at stereotypes, but enjoy every stage of growing up.

It is impossible to unequivocally answer the question of how old breasts grow. One thing can only be stated: the mammary gland begins to grow in girls at the age of 9-10, and is finally formed only by the age of 20.

Heredity will help you navigate this issue: if the mother (grandmother, aunt) has a mammary gland formed by the age of 18, then the daughter’s growth phases will repeat in the same sequence.

A family survey will help determine the approximate timing, from which it will become clear what shape the mammary gland will be. Size may be affected by pregnancy and breastfeeding at the age of 18-20 years.

Other factors influencing the achievement of the final breast shape:

  • nationality
  • body structure
  • girl's health
  • location

This is interesting: Residents of the East and South are characterized by more active rates of growth and achievement of reproductive age. Girls who lack exercise in their lives may notice that their breasts grow too slowly.

physical exercise promotes normal breast development

The normal development of the female breast is also influenced by adequate nutrition, which is the basis for the formation of the general background and processes associated with the growth of the mammary gland.

Contrary to popular belief, frequent consumption of legumes and cabbage will not help a thin girl gain a full bust.

Video: to what age do breasts grow?

The very existence of breasts raised many questions among men. In 1300, the physician Henri de Mondeville wrote to the king about three reasons for placing the breast in this place:

  1. This is how you can see her best.
  2. Breasts warm the heart.
  3. Breast weight helps women maintain abdominal strength.

By 1840, knowledge about breasts was still very limited. Thus, the doctor Asti Cooper said that breasts help lower-class women withstand very strong blows in fights (beatings due to drunkenness).

Let's figure out what is now known about breasts and nipples and how to properly treat them.

Breast structure

The breast consists of adipose tissue, lobules, milk duct, and Cooper's ligaments. The lobules produce milk, the milk duct delivers it to the nipple, and Cooper's ligaments support the breast and give it its shape.

Many women have different breast sizes, and this is normal. Paired organs are not perfectly symmetrical.

Facts about breasts and nipples

1. Nipples may not always be the center of pleasure.

Dr. Debbie Herbenick, author of The Coregasm Workout, says the nipples may not be the most sensitive spot, even on the chest. For example, some people's upper and sides of the chest may be more sensitive, or even the most sensitive on the body.

Dr. Lowe has made a separate video on how to properly touch your breasts. Take a look to understand the scale of missed opportunities.

2. Orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible

Researchers Sex on the brain: What turns women on, mapped out. from Rutgers University used MRI to show that nipple stimulation activates the same nervous system as genital and clitoral stimulation. True, nothing compares to the effect of exposure. The nervous system is the same, but the force of influence is different.

So, theoretically, an orgasm from nipple stimulation is possible, but it is still rare.

3. Evolution has neglected male nipples

Women need nipples to remove milk and feed their offspring. But the purpose of male nipples has long been an object of scientific interest. The fact is that nipples are formed in the womb before the genitals, since men and women are created using the same genetic code.

At 6–7 weeks of pregnancy, a gene on the Y chromosome induces changes that lead to the development of the testes, the organs that produce and store sperm. After about 9 weeks of pregnancy, the testes begin to produce testosterone, changing the genetic activity of cells in the genitals and brain. But by this time the nipples are already formed. Therefore, they remain a rudimentary formation.

Scientists believe that over time, nipples in men did not disappear because it was not important for evolution.

4. Nipples come in different sizes, shapes and colors

Many women worry about the way their nipples look, but you shouldn't. Dark, upside down, big, small, brown, light - this is all the norm. Here is the whole variety of nipples in nature.

Areolas, the colored areas of skin around the nipples, are just as diverse. They can be darker or lighter, very small or large. And areola hair is normal. Throughout life, the amount of hair on them changes. And during pregnancy, nipples and areolas may become larger and darker.

The small bumps on the areola are called areolar glands, or Montgomery glands. They are named after the scientist William Montgomery, who first described them in 1837. They are also sometimes called “gummy bears.” The fact that they exist is normal, but their purpose is unknown.

Elisa Port, chief of breast surgery at Sinai Medical Center, says the areolar glands can secrete small amounts of fluid, but they have no special function. Another school of thought is that because of the texture of the glands, babies may use them to find their way to the nipple. But this is just a guess.

5. Three nipples are not that uncommon

Harry Styles and Mark Wahlberg live with three nipples. Statistics confirm that this anomaly, also called a supernatural nipple, is more common in men. Rates range from 0.22% to 5.6%.

In theory, extra nipples can appear along the milk lines, which start in the armpits on each side and end in the groin.

Usually this is still one extra nipple. But there is a man Seven nipples in a male: World’s second case report. with seven nipples and a man with a nipple on his foot Case report: ectopic nipple on the sole of the foot, an unexplained anomaly..

6. During menstruation, breasts become dense and nipples become hypersensitive.

Dr. Sherry Ros says this is due to an increase in the hormones estrogen and progesterone 1-2 weeks before.

If you are someone who suffers from PMS, your breasts will become firmer, heavier, and more sensitive during your period. The nipples may even be painful when touched by clothing. It's best to avoid caffeine and tobacco during your period, as they can increase these side effects.

7. Implants will not interfere with breastfeeding

The implants are inserted behind the breast or behind a muscle, so they will not affect breastfeeding.

But the pleasant sensations from touching will decrease - both in the nipples and in the chest. Even complete loss of sensitivity is possible. Research Nipple-Areola Complex Sensitivity after Primary Breast Augmentation: A Comparison of Periareolar and Inframammary Incision Approaches. They also showed a connection between the size of the implant and sensations: the larger it is, the lower the sensitivity.

Breast reduction can affect feeding, and it is almost impossible to predict - much depends on the operation. If the nipple is displaced during this procedure, the milk ducts will be cut out and breastfeeding will be impossible. However, more and more operations are being done so as not to damage the nerves under the nipple and ensure blood supply.

It is better to warn doctors in advance if you plan to breastfeed in the future. Ask if the operation can be done in a way that preserves the milk ducts.

8. Breastfeeding is harder than it seems

There is a myth about the naturalness and ease of breastfeeding. But in reality everything turns out differently. If you're having problems, don't be afraid to ask your doctors for help or see a lactation specialist.

In addition, breastfeeding has consequences in the form of cracked and bleeding nipples. It's not harmful to your health, but it can be incredibly painful, so you won't want to breastfeed anymore.

During this period, your nipples need to be looked after and moisturized. Consult your doctor and find out which ointment is best for you to use. If the ointment does not help, contact a specialist again. You may have a yeast infection. It is easy to cure, you just need to notice it in time.

Inverted nipples can also interfere with breastfeeding - it will be difficult for the baby to latch on to them. In this case, silicone nipple shields will help. They apply pressure to the areolas and nipples and break the small adhesions that hold the nipple in place.

9. Breast cancer doesn't care about gender

Yes, the ratio is different: every eighth woman and every thousandth man can get breast cancer, but this is not a reason to forget about the problem.

If you feel that your breasts have changed or you feel some kind of lump, be sure to consult a doctor. Watch your nipples. If they peel, become crusty, harden, secrete fluid, or have scratches, go to the hospital. These recommendations are important for both women and men.

Here you can see how to check your breasts:

And also - touch your breasts more often. Research has proven UC Berkeley and the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. that it is not only pleasant, but will also help in the fight against breast cancer.

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